tv News RT September 15, 2022 10:00am-10:31am EDT
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for a k thing for a multi pose a world know based on someone's cousin rules, that's how apply them it to, to describe the stones of these from time between moscow and they didn't get a permit with chinese leader and a whole have been slammed also telling people to send, send bills to moscow, europeans struggle with storing energy prices. you have reached a point where we are unable to pay the electricity bill. we are asked to earn up to 2 salaries to pay energy for the international red cross plains, the global hunger issue emerged long before the ukraine conflict by the west trying
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to pin the blame on russia a very well welcome to you. it's 5 pm here in the russian capital, and you're watching all t international. it's good to happy with us this. our russian president vladimir putin is met with the leaders of china. iran on pakistan on the sidelines of a summit of the multinational shine called cooperation organization. the gathering in the central asian republic authors, becky don has focused on promoting a more multi pony weld or policy tandem of moscow. and beijing plays a key role in ensuring global and regional stability. together we advocate for the formation of a just democratic and multi polar ruled order based on international law with the un in the central role. it is not based on some rules that someone has come up with and is trying to impose upon others attempts to create our unipolar world. have
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recently turned ugly and are absolutely unacceptable for the vast majority of countries. ginger beer should the face of on close to that at colossal changes on the global scale, we are ready with our russian colleagues to show an example of responsible world power staff and play a leading role to put the rapidly developing world on the part of attainable and positive development, the tentative between the leaders of china and russia has been among the most anticipated during the seo summit. foresee it is the 1st in person meeting in a very long time. the to has discussed, regional matters bilateral relations of course. but what is maybe even more important global issues a lot has been sad, as you just heard about a new reality, a new war, old order, if you wish, in which the west is a constant losing its influence and trust. and also about the growing role of non
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western centric organizations like the as seo blood marie with novel so sad that moscow respects a lot me jeans, balanced and mature position on russia's special military operation in ukraine. this summit continues here. we expect more meetings and more strong words on friday as well. this is the biggest gathering of the sean high corporation organization. hain, it's more than 20 year history. out of 14 world leaders are attending and apart from china, wideman put in has already, mat, he's on to parts from kingston's to plenty. stone and pakistan. its prime minister is sad that is lamar buds relations with moscow are very exclusive and solid. let's take a lesson. it is on its own. it doesn't need any of the support. it is conducive . and it is not going to cost of any other country. and we want to
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excellent to build our relations with yogurt country with full commitment and full good occasion. because you are a super bowl and pakistan stand to gain from this mutual cooperation. mutual understanding, so wide more potent is also expected to see with the iranian leader. he is forthcoming meeting with mr. more days, also grabbing a lot of media attention. now, teheran is getting ready to become a member of state of the seo and he's meeting with what may important be iranian leaders sad that, ironically, the fact that both russia and iran happened to be under american sanctions plays a very important and a very positive role. haines, strengthening relations, and friendship and corporation. between moscow and teheran,
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just to remind you of russia today, is the world's most sanctioned country. let's take a listen to what the iranian leader has to say. morrow italian americans think that if sanctions were imposed against one country, they can stop its will in its development. but they are wrong. the fact that both russia and iran are under us sanctions can actually help strengthen our ties and simplify the implementation of our agreements. the whole world knows that the u. s . is incapable of negotiating. it violates all its obligations. every one is convinced that the e u has taken a passive position and is also unable to fulfill its promises. the summit star is at the time of yet another escalation in the relations between back who end here yvonne and of course it is expected that during his meeting with the as it by johnny leader like reporting is going to discuss the situation at the border between as it by john hand armenia, where recently there have been deb lic washers with more than 50 people killed.
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they armenian prime minister, was also expected here, but in the last moment mister pershing and said that he is not attending the summit due to this situation at the border also bought turkey. mister aragon is already here in whose back houston and we expect that with one more point they will discuss the supplies of russian guys and of course, global issues. again, a lot has been said about a growing role of organizations like the as ceo, and we heard earlier on thursday, a breast secretary of wide more potent misery, prescott saying that there is no aim to make the asio an alternative to military organization. this is friendship in the name of something and not against someone. and i will add that this is the friendship between 20 countries with a combined population of 3000000000 people, literally a superpower, lions, that with iran now becoming a member state is expanding to
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a political analyst and also don mclean. gail says that iran is a very significant stated many terms, including for the global economy and energy security. iran is a significantly important and regional power in west asia because not only of its pivot location but also because of its significance in terms of g o. 2 nomics and energy security. now, while there have been critics that have been labeling the inclusion as a form that is, you know, anti west in nature and all these things. but we have to understand that the f e o represents the reality of the present and future of international politics. and that you're inching closer towards multi polarity and as a material balance of power, fully shifting from the west to the east. you know, the narratives towards important geo political issues around the world will not be solely continued and contain, based on western understanding,
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but reading will in compassion varying degrees of understanding of a number of regional powers and major powers in the east. the cost of natural gas, as john, after a meeting of the european commission to discuss its plans to tackle the energy crisis. rising by quarter to 2 1500 euro per 1000 cubic meters. hundreds of bakery work in germany have gone outside the town hall in the central city of hanover, to protest against driving costs. demonstrated to face that electric bills and the mon, the financial aid thing, the business is mine soon before they close. demonstrations have a rapid, also in the greek capital, athens with hundreds of tre duty to sounds local residents gathering outside and electricity company headquarters that protest against, on the who bills demanding cheap energy for everyone. some of the protesters say that household electricity bills cost as much as twice that monthly salary. we have
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reached a point where we are unable to pay the electricity bill. we talked back on supermarket supplies and other essentials to pay the electricity bill. the situation this year is dramatic. we are asked to earn up to 2 salaries to pay energy bills. this is what the workers have to fight against. it is not possible for us to die for the profits of the few women who are, but i am on the phone. we're here to send the message that we're not going to leave any work or out in the cold because they don't have enough to pay the energy bills . as you will know, we are experiencing more and more energy price increases. we are struggling to survive. we can't make ends meet and we live only to work. less close lives to paris now and discuss the issue with auto contributes a rachel mazda and wait till nice to see you. now clearly the situation is dia for many people across europe. tell us more. yeah, i mean these people clearly don't know what to do. the average citizen in europe
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has a very concrete thing that they have to deal with at the end of every month after pay their energy bill and every month that just keeps accumulating and accumulating . and they have no way to pay, so they don't know what else to do and in your, her annual address. yesterday you commission president ursula vander lane said that, quote, russia keeps on manipulating our energy market. and that quote, there is a war on our energy. but the only evidence of energy market manipulation is coming from the you itself, with this new suggestion from the commission to confiscate a 3rd of oil gas and coal companies, quote, excessive profits as a so called solidarity contribution, light climate change funds. it's hard to know where these cash graphs go and whether they do any good at all to tackle the actual problem. now these are go global companies that don't just get their revenues in the u, but rather from all around the globe and brussels is going to just act like they're there to serve and find the use misguided ideological benders. now imagine if every other country around the world in which these companies operate, started doing that,
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as for what average citizens are supposed to do personally to pay their ever increasing energy bills, which they can't afford. vonner lion ignored the issue in her speech and well, she's still brushing it off now. so far, we shouldn't allow indignation to become blind seeking internal blame for external attacks. accountability must be returned to the one who caused it to mister putin, or what did send those bills to moscow. that's where they belong to. that's where the source of all, that's billy's and those bills to moscow. public reaction to the statement went over about as well. as you might expect to wait scandalous reaction from the president of the commission, whom i confronted with citizen energy bills, tell them to send them to put in millions of struggling people will appreciate it. free surprises, miss pond
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a line rather than dodging your responsibility. a well dressed genius presides over the you, let them eat cake and send the bills to moscow. not gonna pay any bills, cause it van de leon just told to send him over to moscow. bundle line seems to think that europe's energy companies are rolling in profits, but in europe, france nationalized like it. actually, she did a false which also sells gas by the way, and energy experts told the french process today that it's unlikely that the nuclear power plants that were shut down due to plan decommissioning. and corrosion are unlikely to be fired back up by the end of the year as the french government wanted and was planning on to help compensate for this cost exclusion of energy and energy crunch. and berlin is now reportedly considering nationalizing uniform, which is the country's top gas importer. and that's to prevent the energy system from collapsing. so it looks like bonder line may just why go straight to paris and berlin and asked them to cut a check for those. so called excessive profits of what she painted as these raring
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these regionally successful energy companies. you know, as margaret thatcher, one side of the problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money. so meanwhile, italians are apparently trying to figure out how to cook pasta with the gas turned off after the government authorities said to turn down the gas once the water started boiling. you know, maybe they can just bring the, i'm cook passa, into the shower with them, or better yet. draw about boiling water, cook the past in it, then wash the dishes to avoid having to use the dishwasher, then maybe do the laundry in it. instead of using washing machine and then maybe hop in there yourself for your bath, if you can still see the bottom of your bathtub that way, europeans can ensure maximum virtue and minimum energy prices and helping to save ukraine. well, as i've it doesn't come to that, but thank you for those details. i'll take contributor rachel most and many thanks for those details. let's take you back now to our top story there. so i think keeping a close eye on it, the shanghai cooperation organization summit,
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which is still ongoing, is going to focus on the input from the chinese leadership in pink. let's discuss that further now and cross to the center for china and globalization, vice president vick, the ga many thanks for joining us on the program. it's always nice to see you now, of course, the chinese presidents trip to the san chi corporation organization summit is that one of his 1st since the pandemic. so just how important, how significant is this summit for china? well, the sci some it's, which is ongoing, as we speak, is a very important job. political, you bet. it started 20 years ago as a forum to coordinate the actions of all member states against terrorism, radicalization, extremism. by a more recent years, as you have no new assignment, for example, promoting stability, promoting economic give up really promoting connectivity. after all, this part of the world during around afghanistan,
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which has ravaged by the 20 year old war, the united states and nato. as long as we all want to have developed, we want we want to make sure that the speech is not so stop from the interference intervention. my fault is beyond our board that because they do not see i will be part of the influence on the people in this region. therefore, y'all is becoming more and more important. and the fact that there are more countries which become new members is an indication that this policy has really a big issue to achieve. and i believe it will become important factor going forward, not only for member states, but all countries around s t o and eventually will be a major factor on the global seat. i was paying, you know, course a close, the cooperation between the,
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the member states off the shanghai cooperation organization. and of course the break. so it does seem like right now eastern lead block on the rise. why is that? well, if you look around the world, the emerging markets, including the bricks, member states, for example, are really increasing waiting in the international economic activities. china, for example, is already the largest manufacturing country in the world. china's production of i and steel is larger than the next 10 producers combined together. so you're talking about emerging markets into the russia. saudi arabia, you name it, all these important emerging markets. each play a different role. in contrast, the relative weight of the i, the g 7, all we always do as a whole. is that really finding this in the more the worlds they used to versus
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them? and as far as, as you're concerned, remember stage one comparable, he's and the development and stability rather than not, act like you like me, which is more aggressive. the kid is always thinking about wal for example, rather than promoting piece development as stability. we know that the chinese leader has already held talks with aflac. my person at the summit. do you expect to be further discussions between the 2 pumps behind closed doors? absolutely. i think the sum medium between president, she can be of china. i'm present president, put in all russia on the sideline of the seal summit meetings will be a very important thing. history will mark this meeting after that media on february the 4th in b. g is
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a very important step in cementing the friendship and good neighborhood with china and russia. and this is approved to the world that whatever happens anywhere else in the world, will watchers all through a wedge, the friendship and corporation between china and russia. these 2 countries have their own luggage at the rhythm and will also be in developing trans ages and friendship and committed to make sure that friendship will serve the chinese people and the record people. and it will. so people in the world, and i think this is, we can vote for many countries in the west because i know russia will not suffer the vicissitudes of the international jill other takes the other part of the world because they have their own reason to be friends. with each other,
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despite of whatever that was on the part of well, many thanks for joining us on the program today. really appreciate your time to speak into victor gal center for china and globalization, vice president. thank you. thank you very much. my baby. bye bye. oh, no, we go to the latest news from ukraine where 2 children and their parents were killed when calves forth, his shout a residential area in the ne, in city of cause song. that's according to moscow box officials who are in control than a warning for you. the following images are disturbing. the family had been crossing the road when they were hit by the attack, they thought instantly get this a far to say the ukrainian forces use the u. s. supplied high miles rocket to conduct the strike. but debt peasy, head of the castorena region administration say the city now has its own alley of angels, of reference to the don't. yes, memorial to children killed in the conflict. i don't know who the nazis were,
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shooting it, but people died. anyway. what this proves, again, that in care song, as many have noticed today, we now have our own alley of angels. we absolutely believe that all shots fired from american weapons are fired directly by the us. we say again that they do not care about ukrainians. russians or bell routine, well, they are interested in one single goal, any method of terror, destruction and murder. at the same time, the gas paypal's republican authorities, their high school and the city of paris vows was struck by ukrainian shelling one child was killed and sick students of the teacher wounded in the attack. the neighboring don. yes, peoples republic, ukrainian force his shout a kindergarten in a city of duck, a chain of ask, one woman was wounded in bombardments. these are unverified images from eye witnesses. alone with the shelling increasing numbers of civilians have been injured by so called a pencil mines, which are intended not to kill, but to cripple people in seconds. ortiz were mon concert reports on the deadly
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weapons. civilian casualties continued to mount here, hinden as the people's republic. however, artillery is not the only danger. facing the people here ukrainian army have also been using so called petal mines, all butterfly mines against the civilians here in de nest. this is what they look like. completely and noticeable to the naked eye. more than 60 people have been maimed for life by stepping on to a small petal. mine like this. according to local authorities, there are still thousands of these anti personnel mines around the nest people's republic that have not yet been discovered. right now there warning all of the population. to be very, very cautious right now, mentoring the hospital here in done ask the trauma center where they treat most of
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these patients who to contact you will so good. people get very serious injuries when they come into contact with these objects. often their feet get are not fair, which in this mind is dangerous because during the explosion of the me in the 2nd or damage in element is assholes or soil. these elements, in fact, the skin and sub thermal muscles in should never picked them up. you should immediately call the emergency services. at least mine is designed to creep on people's not to kill them. good and this is much more frightening. ukrainian nationalists continue shelling of the city of the next. not only will heavy artillery buds with these so called battle mines as well. the weather here is that changing right now as well. that means we're about to get a lot of fer mud, a lot of snow. that means that these are tiny mines will be completely unnoticeable. and that also means that doctors at this, from
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a sensor will have a lot more work from on call for of r t done as people's republic me. while russian at lead forces have advanced in dumbass, taking control of a key strategic points near the city a lot, your last is the latest images from the area. he can see an abandoned bunk bed that was previously used by ukrainian forces. the entire area is located on a hill overlooking the surrounding locality me, while the video is going viral on ukrainian social media, showing 2 children speaking to a ukrainian soldier who brags about killing russians. i, yesterday, we blew up a truck full of mines. we put gasoline on it, attached to grenade, said it on fire and it exploded. we also killed the russians. they began to bother us and we threw a grenade at that. all thought probably,
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that's how you fight for you, craig. well don't a number of ukrainian organizations have been accused of indoctrinating children into various neo nazi ideologies. western media have highlighted the existence of summer camps, led by old twin nationalists, militant groups in the country, operating with the support of both local officials on foreign rights political parties. earlier we spoke with a survivor of people runs in genocide, who said that such indoctrination can leave children deeply traumatized for the rest of their life. rich found the video extremely disturbing and actually discussing to the adults applauding children taken part in a war. and it also brought a bunch of a lot of p p s d, for me personally, being somebody who experienced the war at a young age. you know, in this case these children may not have actually done what they're saying. they've done still being exposed to such extreme violence is very damaging to children's
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brain and they grow into traumatized. adult children are usually very impressionable and it's easy to indoctrinate them with a certain ideology, especially when the idea is popular. so way that is not the whether it's any other hate groups. the targeting of children actually makes it easy because it's quite a round. it's in the ground to, to, to plant the seeds of head and extremism. and, and they grow up with that idea. ology, current, the global hunger problems emerge long before the ukraine conflicts bounce according to the president of the international committee of the red cross. if we talk about hunger today, it's not because of the ukraine ward. we have seen the indicators of a food security crisis,
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emerges in africa for much longer than the escalation that we have seen in the ukranian war. it has been as a complicating factor. it has exacerbated some of the problems that we have seen before. but the 1st thing the caters i had more than a year ago when from our hospitals, into the hell when comparing notes with doctors without borders and their impressive network of hospitals in africa. we started to look at the way to figure self entries into hospitals to find the west, trying to put the whole blame on russia. moscow has long advocated for humanitarian helped countries in need and even find to deal with kids to ship great into african countries. however, the majority of the serial is going to wealthy countries instead of us as the west continues to allocate billions of dollars in aid for ukraine. but you, one has sounded the alarm over famine like conditions in northeast in africa. we're
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up to 22000000 people are at risk of starvation and more than 7000000 have been forced to migrate. that's according to the u. when's world food program? the scarcity is an extreme risk in the horn of africa region with around 10000000 children under the age of 5 suffering from malnutrition. we spoke to a don garbo who was running for the night, jerry and presidency until june. he says that climate change has been more of a problem affecting global food supplies than the conflicts in ukraine. the problem has been ongoing for a long time. and it has a lot of things that has to do with the destruction of resources that we have from the wisdom colonial powers that hub or mam, occupied a short time make sure that we get food from or doctors where they come here. we'll give course like russia as agreed, and so i've gotten a claim on what you can ship grins to some part of africa district wanting again,
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ensure that we attempt issue of insecurity in there just so that farmers can over top under thought, is that the european powers. 1 department because they have met on 26th regarding the climate change. let don't feel just the lose them about $100000000000.00 africa so that we can be able to beat it. but climate change, the problem was on shots. and what do i want to share with in africa? if you judge on well, buy a new one above the one. yeah. you know, he's africa and in the central african republic, like i'm in charge of, i don't get off from what i wanted. are willing to offer 20 years on what was wrong, brought them simply because you had usually georgia, you decide that denial. i'm opportunity for us to work, you know, to so by the weaknesses is not only causing problems in africa where grain is
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simply not being supplied, but also in europe itself. and bulgaria, angry farmers have taken to the streets, but it shows a large number of tractors on roads in the southeast region of the blue joe as police officers stand by. so often agreement was reached on the exports of grain from ukraine. it poured into europe, sending purchase prices down, all the cost of fertilizers climbs higher. this is absolute lawlessness. we have never seen such a thing before. smuggling with the participation of the state or bulgaria as part of the external border of the e. u. for me, it is unacceptable that it violates the european customs regime in this way. we insist on finding a tool in mechanism. bulgarian money or funds from the e. u, with which we can be compensated for our high cost fertilizers preparations and fuel. so i will just say that fertilizers went up 500 percent. we want the entire e u to comply with imports from ukraine, which destroy not only european agriculture, but also bulgarian agriculture in the dover region. has
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a long battle related to the exploration and extraction of shale gas. we are firmly against it. we have always stated it and we will defend this position 0 phil eval for the entire european union, tolerates ukraine. and for our production, we have to fulfill thousands of requirements and you get all the domini has once again promised to increase arms deliveries to kia the country's economy minister, robert ha. beck made the announcements during the latest meeting of g 7 countries. other german politicians have also quote for increasing weapon supplies to ukraine . in this new phase of the war, ukraine needs weapons that will enable it to liberate territories occupied by russia and keep them permanently under its control. the west, in particular, the u. s. germany, france and poland should quickly coordinate closely here and adapt its deliveries to the new situation. germany must immediately play its part in ukraine successes and supply protected vehicle.
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