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tv   News  RT  September 16, 2022 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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ah ah ah, lot of your potent or just countries to stop using sanctions and protectionism and criticizes e policy at the shanghai cooperation some. the center of our song has been heavily shelled by at least 5 highmark rockets, causing death and injury to local civilians. and an air strike kills at least 10 people in ethiopia, tiger region. the territory has long faced unrest with little response from the international community, which remained focused on ukraine with
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just afternoon here in the russian capital and you're watching are international. i'm your host donald quarter. welcome to the program. now the shanghai cooperation organization summit starts with serious declarations from the world's top leaders, including russian president vladimir putin, who has said that the e u has lifted sanctions on russian fertilizers, exports only to ignore the needs of developing countries. let us do she community. we are willing to work against the growing issue, such as energy problem, foot problem, your system or the decision to exempt brush and fertilizers from sanctioned by the european commission. we know how far july, how important these fertilizers are. yes, we welcome this decision to make an exemption for the fertilizers. but as you per clarification of the european commission of september, the 10th, it turns out that these exemptions are, in effect only with regard to the european union countries,
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only they can acquire our fertilizers. and what about the poorest countries? what about the developing countries globally? while the get more details on the meeting, we're going across live to r t 's. maria for national, who's in the was back capital right now. so maria, what was said at the session? yeah, hi dylan. another busy day here in summer con friday is the 2nd and the main day of the seo summit, the biggest and 20 year is that the president was becky stung that toss this year as a van to already called a historic 1. 14 world leaders have gathered together at the congress center, the t can see behind me to exchange their opinions and approaches on global security issues. including counting, terry's mappers, climate change food, an energy crisis, almost every participant to die mentioned as series,
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shortage worldwide of both japan and also her modern challenges. the countries over the seo are currently facing and they mutual efforts to deal with it to provide better future. they shot high corporation, i have to say, and this is what ag spurs actually say as well. he's a unique platform that unites and promotes dialogue between all the states including dies that usually have tensions. and india and china are very good example of it. i want you to now listen to mr. moore did mr. c. speaking here at the summit and you will see they sound rather united in the face of mutual goals and aids. india is in favor of expanding co operation and building confidence among the shanghai co operation organization member states. the past pandemic in the crisis in ukraine have caused serious disruptions in serious global supply chains. and the whole world is thus facing an energy and food crisis of unprecedented proportions. therefore,
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the shanghai cooperation organization needs to make efforts to develop reliable and diverse supply chains. in our region, the world is in a state of turbulence. and in the face of these challenges, we need to strengthen our unity regard. it is necessary to strengthen mutual support jointly strengthen and develop efforts to ensure security and jointly resist attempts by external forces to interfere in the internal affairs of the shanghai cooperate an organization member states. the shot high corporation organization today unites 20 countries with a combined population of 3 and a half 1000000000 people, which is half of the world. literally, it is a superpower that just can not be ignored. and early on friday was announced that the process started to include 5 more states seem to be as seo under the status of a dialogue partners. and at 1st actually say a had the current summit is a lot to about showed in the, to the outside world. that the countries all the as he or are standing together
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following hard years of the been dam make and are ready to work closely to achieve their mutual goals. well, maria, it certainly seems like the 1st day of the summit was very productive. but what do you think we can expect on the 2nd one? we expect us off after the summer to discussion wagner put in is going to continue . he's tessa tad's. he's forthcoming meeting with the indian leader. mr. boyd is very much anticipated here. i'm reporting these also going to me to mr. ad of about the turkish leader to discuss global security issue added g crisis in particular, russian gas supplies. and also, as you know, the summit comes at the time of yes, another blighted by john, and that a mean there were clashes there recently and we hear that at least 100 people were killed from both sides. and of course, and he's meeting with mr. r. lee of the leader always did by john wadman put in, is definitely going to discuss this situation. by the way,
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the armenian prime minister was also expected here at the summit. within the last moment mister pasha, young said that he's not going to attend due to tensions at the board of us. we know that russia's defense minister had a phone conversation with him and that the o is c group is currently in harry vaughn to monitor their situation. so it seems to be under the control all world leader is right now. so we'll keep you updated on how, how tessa tad's will go to die. brazil ortiz maria financial reporting live from was pakistan. thanks for joining us. and bringing us those details ah, center of her song has been heavily shelled by at least 5 high marsh rockets, with many understood to have been killed or wounded. rockets struck the central part of her san city hitting the administration building. while a meeting between local administrations and districts was taking place. the head of the local labour department head is understood to have been wounded while her
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driver was killed. the number of victims remains unclear. earlier ukraine has shelves, the russian border town of valery key in the bel good region, killing one civilian. 2 more people were wounded in the attack. according to the local authorities. power was partially cut off in the town as a local substation was damaged. the showing targeted residential areas for 3 cars and 8 houses were hit. the regions governor says and emergency services are at the scene with power also. now having been restored comes after more attacks on russia's belgrade region. over the last 24 hours. a border checkpoint was hit in next year, also in the area causing a fire at a customs facility. in other news,
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at least 18 service men on the kurdistan border had been wounded in escalating cross border classes with neighboring to stand. the 1st reports of fighting emerged on wednesday, according to her des, border control. tragic forces occupied firing positions at a disputed part of the border, reaching earlier agreements and after both sides traded fire, the clashes stopped but resumed today. moscow has expressed its willingness to help solve the issue, and this is a developing story. so we'll keep you updated on the details. i know some people have taken to the streets across haiti after the government raised fuel prices, leaving many haitians in fear of an already dire economic situation. worsening patient authorities announced on wednesday that gas prices would more than double to raise funds for the government. the new sparks riots across the country, which is already in the grip of gang related violence. 2 journalists have been killed,
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shot dead in the unrest with their bodies being burned. the killings bring the death toll to at least 10 people. as haiti struggles with a 30 percent inflation rate. lucky with the situation here. now we want the government to leave the country. we are buying gasoline and donna $18.00. 11 haitians do not recognize ariel henry. we did not vote for ariel henry. he doesn't have a mandate, nor legitimacy to be where he is. ariel henry became haiti's, acting president after his predecessor was assassinated. his political rivals have accused him of participating in the murder and of being an american puppet after he agreed to take back haitian migrants deported from the u. s. henry himself as appealed for international support and pledge to hold elections earlier, we spoke with the leader of the alternative socialist party and haiti, who thinks haiti needs new elections. we are having the very serious, a very strong public proposal to solve the transition. he made that with the so
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called montana agreement, the montana agreement, it was an agreement built by the civil society by most of the political parties at this, the most relevant, relevant. we did a serious agreement and we did inside that agreement, we had an election, a very fair democratic and consensual election. and they are trying to ignore re, you know, why, because it is haitian because it is from did inside do they would lag ladder to web solution coming back in the pocket of a b b head from the international community. the so could call group and say, and that is impossible. malnutrition and hunger have risen by almost a 3rd in africa in 2 years, according to the latest report from the international monetary fund. according to the i, m. f in 2022, about 123000000 people will suffer from malnutrition. another warning comes from
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the international committee of the red cross, which has emphasized that hunger problems long predate the ukraine conflict. moscow was long advocated for humanitarian aid for countries in need and even signed a deal with key f to ship grain to african countries. over the majority of a serial has gone to wealthy western countries instead and says, the west continues to allocate and billions of dollars in aid with ukraine. smithson, b 222000000 people already as an extreme risk in the horn of africa region with around 10000000, chattering, yusef, who is the i see, sions for africa. thanks for joining us on the progress of the impact of the food, secure cells and the worst cells in africa. it's increasingly worrying to see trends that become quite reversible in places that i've seen. no rain or varies very strong deficit in range like in somalia. more like in areas like the horn of africa, different democratic republic of congo,
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but also the sa head when wars and violence are truly the major reasons of this increasing alarming food insecurity. so the ice or sheet together with its partners of the red cross and red crescent national societies that work indeed in their countries. i've increased our we've increased our food assistance cash support for areas with functioning margins. when we also work to strengthen people's resilience name, the farmers on hers providing them with every culture of support and others. but i think what we also are trying to do, and with results, is to work with states with the african union and internal international financial institutions like the african development bank or the world bank to strengthen food systems and agriculture systems. for these systems to be strengthened before the next credit bill, the next man i've tracy's, and that the stein but also needs investment from all these actors in
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a concerted effort or to regions of africa would you say, have been, had, have been hit hardest by the food crisis and why so under the business of the different criteria that international actors, including states as well, have looked into the sa hill and the horn of africa, maybe somalia, curiosity, don, retreat up as being the hardest hit by this crisis when we shouldn't forget countries like the democratic republic of congo that i mentioned earlier, can yeah, north of kenya, which indeed politically is stable but, and it's ne, is people are people are living in atrocity because of the good crisis. and because of the difficulty to cope with such magnitude of a problem. well, according to the i, c, r. c, president warnings about this looming food crisis and african countries had been issued law think that the situation is still deteriorate. to suffix advised malia if european sudan or in my little book, you know, from
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a report on food security for 2022. this shows 39000000 people were pushed into attitude food insecurity. that adds 40000000 to the statistics that we've seen in 2022. and i think the combined impact of on conflict. economic issues like the in ramping inflation across sub saharan africa, but also the political environment as well as the climatic sharks are unfortunately showing a perfect storm that needs indeed an international effort, but also a local effort to integrate locals resources and solving local problems. and that requires indeed african solutions to african problems with the help of the international community. and what parts of specifically the ukraine crisis do you think have contributed to this worsening food insecurity in africa? you know, the international war and ukraine is driving, indeed a spike in global foot and fuel prices due to a combination of
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a viable loss available transport routes for the harvest. the but also an uncertainty about future harvest, the fries and effect of sanctions. secondary impact, the financial markets, and the business, among other reasons. and this came indeed at a time and just mentioned the statistics from the global foot report that the cost of living everywhere had already increased. um, i think increased price is globally even mean means a decrease and remittances from abroad to those economies that really rely on them . and this deals with demands a true tailored response. targeting goes at most wrist. i think the latest from, from ukraine, the ship that as dr. injury booty, that indeed will hopefully feed the needs in, if your can in g booty is indeed commendable, but truly not efficient. not enough because of the magnitude of the issues that we
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face in africa was saying on the subject of ukraine. i mean, much was heralded about the ukraine grain deal when it was brokered and how it would help ease the food crisis in africa. but we're seeing a lot of ships going elsewhere. why is that? do you think? i think the needs are everywhere. again, man, we keep putting food on people's plates is not the solution for today. this will certainly save people's lives. but what if we are truly and reasonably serious about finding short and long term solution is by investing heavily in the agricultural sector in the food production sector in the seed multiplication facilities. it's indeed by joining hands with the private sector development actors international financial institutions and state themselves to find these solutions. and we are indeed engaged with the african development bank with the as off process,
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the development, the world bank, and so many other development edgy agencies who indeed understand today that we need to maximize that impact, namely in areas affected by on conflicts. which as a reminder, your audiences are the most affected by the food prices. so being serious requires concerted efforts. more people around the table, including those beneficiaries of the services to help us detect what kind of plans are necessary to tackle today's food problem. or what other humanitarian challenges is the car or is the continent facing right now, and how do they tie into that food crisis that we've been discussing? well indeed, if you look at statistics over 25 countries today are bleeding, are in context of on conflicts of violence, of continued internal displacement. you know, when people in this space, internally they become, they don't become agents of change,
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they don't become an agent of positive change. that's why the icbc and its partners from the national societies of red cross and the red crescent movement on working at the community level to see, to listen 1st and to devise the responses that they require either mit my freakonomics initiatives, either bigger projects that think system strengthening, like on the health and water sector will now to day focused on the food food crisis . but around it, there is a multitude of other programs of social services that lead people to require a need today in order to overcome that fragility, that they're li, big as we speak. what russia for its part says it's ready to have it ready and willing to help african countries, but the sanctions, western impose sanctions against russia are preventing it from doing that. so how valuable do you think that help that russia wants to render could be for africa you know,
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sent sanctions are to regularly employed by states in order to add pressure on a particular government or certain individuals. the imposition of sanctions is a political decision, but one that can also have serious you any getting consequences which must be taken into account. so an as an independent, an impartial, neutral organization. we always have concerns over the humanitarian consequences of sanctions, as they may adversely affect the humanitarian situations. states indeed we decide to in both sanctions, must consider humanitarian. the you only did in results of these sanctions and the consequences of populations. so considerations of humanity must be prioritized and states must indeed take steps such as humanitarian exemptions to mitigate any negative impact for the delivery of impartial, mutual humanitarian action in the future. all right, patrick, use f r i. c r. c's, director of operations for africa. thanks joining us in the program. thank you very
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much for having me. at least 10 people have been killed in ethiopia, northern tie, gray region and to air strikes on wednesday morning as violence has resumed after a 5 month lull. the drone attack hit a residential area in the regional capital of mckelly. at least 13 people were also injured. armed conflict between the federal government and the ty, gray people's liberation front began in 2020 the ty gray and rebels, accused soldiers from neighboring, a retreat of joining ethiopian government forces in a coordinated defensive. the recent attack follows an air strike that had a kindergarten in late august, which killed several children. samuel get at you was a journalist and an independent analyst who says that residential areas are coming under attack. the chopin government is husband insisting from the gate or that it's fighting a terrorist entity into gray. they're trying to root out a terrorist organization that they say is and will be destroying ethiopia,
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if not content. and the t p a left has been saying that the yorba government is trying to eliminate their leadership, st. open government as i choosing them was trying to come back. you have to know that you can never was in government for, for many years or for 27 years, including a government, a coalition government that was led by them. they cope and government has been saying they're taking actions against the t p. a left interest. because they think some of the weapons, some of the trainings are happening in this neighborhood, but the t p left is saying that's not true. that's not happening in this neighborhoods. up to half a 1000000 people have died from war and famine in ethiopia, tiger region. over the past 16 months, the united nation says that 5200000 people need emergency food assistance in the countries northern regions. nearly 2600000 people have been displaced with some
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forced into neighboring countries. the humanitarian catastrophe has received little international attention as the world focuses on the ukraine conflict. this is alarmed a number of international groups, including the world health organization. the woodland can do this, it has the means or is as the will it came together to weeks ago and did a very good job in helping ukraine to export its grains. okay, that's a good job. but why can't we also push as a global community? so that the 6000000 people can get put to it. medicines to be treated in telecom, talked to their people bank to access their money and media so that they can speak, and then the wooded can know about they're,
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they're problems. samuel get at you again says the conflict will have long lasting consequences and may drag the entire region into chaos. you know, this conflict once again, i can't a highlighted enough hallmark. it has truly of faith that if you're not just in the to gray region, but i'm car enough far and far beyond, there are no minutes of people not and even the u. n. has been saying they don't have the resources to really help us. if you're a goes back to me or of, you know, conflicts, famine, if you don't stop, well, if you don't slow down this conflict in ethiopia, it's truly change the region. because utopia has a population of at least 115000000 people in what happens in the tilbury truly affects its neighboring nation. the hybrid regime of electoral autocracy. that's how you, law makers have described budapest,
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constitutional and electoral systems. hungarian foreign minister didn't pull any punches, a lamentable fees at that case. i think the well paid members of the european parliament would do much better to deal with the real problems in europe. for example, they could spend their salaries on helping the people of europe and its economy after energy prices in europe tripled or quadrupled as a result of the sanctions regime. not only that, they should rather be concerned with how to get europe out of recession, how to get euro out of high inflation, how to get europe out of high energy prices. when the whole policy of sanctions was started in brussels with a strong support and inspiration of the european parliament, the promise was that it will bring us closer to a solution. in contrast, the war has been going on for more than half a year, and the people of europe are finding themselves in an increasingly difficult situation because of high energy prices and inflation. so it would be good if the european parliament were to address this issue and not repeat all kinds of
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unfounded accusations against hungary on the europe in unions, budget commission is considering stripping hungry of 70 percent of its funding over transparency concerns. the country is anti migrant and conservative policies have caused displeasure with the block for some time along with its position on the ukraine conflict. 433. you legislators now claim that the country has violated democratic principles since 2018 years. once again, the country's foreign minister, my dear emerick, the hungarian people have now clearly decided in for parliamentary elections in a row. what kind of future there warrant for the country? and we resend that some people and stroudsburg and brussels think that the hungarian people are not mature enough to decide their own future. and where is said that they are interfering in trying garam people's decisions. it is the democratic, constitutional right of the hungarian people to decide on the future of the country and hungarian people have clearly done so,
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and we reject any slandering mildness democrats. earlier we spoke with political analyst nicholas markovich, who said that the e use attempts to dictate rules are undemocratic in themselves. any state which stairs has a specific use, whether they be for religious cultural, historical reasons is out of line compared with brussels today. brussels is an authoritarian regime. this is, was hypocritical in and then the current situation is that brussels is having the attitude of an authoritarian regime, telling countries what, how they, mr. that they're there, they're judges what type of lands they're allowed to, to farm or not, or what the positions must be concerning. russia and other countries. so the, what marriage is supposed to be. so the european union is dictating to the different member states, what they should think, what they should do. and then the european union is telling the people who have been quoted for by the people that they are not democracies. this is this, this is
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a conundrum which is actually very scary because if an a 3rd turn state is starting to decide what the democracy is than all democracies are in danger, especially those in the european union. of course, that's the news for this. our stick around for more in just about 30 minutes. ah, ah.
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official, kevin, it's media trolls have made much of the recent counter offensive. however, they're gleeful backing of ukraine has demonstrated beyond a doubt. this is a nato war on russian. the stakes could not be higher. one side will lose and badly . with awe, unit 731,
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did everything from exploding bombs laced with anthrax next to prisoners who were tied to steaks in a field. mm. we have evidence that they gave disease infected chocolates to children. i plead guilty to having exercise to direct guidance of preparations for conducting biological warfare, chiefly against the soviet union. biological bombs were to be dropped on vladivostok, but a shill of about of jetta and blood go. visions, tribunal transcript, general yamato otto commander in chief japanese quantum army. ceramic bombs containing typhoid and cholera and anthrax. what will so shuttle you seize,
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brainchild me today. you will then level russia no nothing to do.


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