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tv   News  RT  September 16, 2022 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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a with russian president vladimir putin condemned the wife saying it's cultivated the idea of destroying russia for decades. he also said the west is using ukraine is a poem to achieve this goal with on city center has been shown by at least 5 us applied high miles, while kids killing and injuring civilians. we spoke to a local official. he was in an administration building struck by the attack. unfortunately, we have an injured dead, and we are now sorting through the administration building is damaged. frankly, we consider this a terrorist attack. the well being of people should be a priority when it comes to economic sanctions south, according to the africa director for the international red cross in comments made to our team,
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we always have concerns are really getting consequences of sanctions as they may adversely affect with very well, commissions turn date, pm here in the russian campus when you're watching all t international with the latest world news update, about putin se ukraine is being manipulated by western powers to fight against russia. he says keith has refused to negotiate to resolve the conflict and is instead seeking to end the war on the battlefield. and if there's any new city for decades in the west, they have been cultivating this idea of destroying the soviet union, russia, seeing how they deal with this matter. it is dealing damage to themselves using this tools that they have. but the fact but, but you were always wanting to see our country, this integrated dance brochure and oper some point. they started using ukraine to
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achieve these goals for the sake of preventing these developments, we have launched special military operation. but that something bad new for some western countries led by the us wanted to do to create the entire russian and play and to threaten brush up from there. because the special military operation is not just some kind of mild wording. it is special, military operation, upper all, but we see this attempts to launch some terrorist attacks to deal some damage to our civilian infrastructure. that's true. we are reacting in restrained manner until a certain point. i think we've got a lot a corresponding maria international joins me live from is back is down now where president putin made those comments. of course, during a press conference at the combination of the se. oh some it's maria. so talk us
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through the, the main topics of putin. comments to reporters earlier today. yeah . hi. and he, he, yes, at the end of a very be his 2nd day of the i c o summit here in summer condo after a number of face to face meetings. with world leaders of wide report and indeed came out to russian journalists and spent 45 minutes answering our questions. first of all, the russian liter praised the work within the i. c o. schon, hi, corporation organization is saying that it can on the development teaser very high priority for every state. and this is what the asio countries are really good at developing fast, very fast themselves, and also creating perfect conditions for economic rise for each other. but still, there are many global challenges that the seo countries are also facing. food crisis, a's him and them almost every participant of her. the summit here in summer,
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conte mentioned series shortage of food globally nowadays due to disrupt her, the supplying chains. and in this regard, waterman put mentioned turkey and you and broke her grain deal that allowed boats with crops to leave her unblocked ukrainian ports. the sheeps were destined for poorest countries in africa, all those the need in fact. but as we know, just a couple of shapes went actually to those in need. well, most of it was sent to the u. y report and reminded about it today, colon it absolutely unacceptable. with $121.00 sheep's lab, the ukrainian ports, and out of these $120.00 ships, only 3 went to the poorest countries. according to the food program. under the un ages, some 35 percent of grain. we export it from ukraine. when to the european
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countries, the same goes for our fertilizer is expert, because this is unprecedented, this ugly decision. i would describe it the subject would by your commission. it's a crying shame to leave the restriction on buying our fertilizers only for their countries only for the you nations. but what about the poorest countries of the world? what about this rhetoric? that all our average should be aimed at preventing famine? and these poorest countries was worthy just blood bluffing to resolve. there is se goals. there are little problems that were created by them in the 1st place with their own hands, some food crisis, their energy crisis in europe and america wideman put in rita rated his position that the west fell actually victim to its own sanctions against russia. and is actually unfairly blame in russia for anna j crises. and i have to say that it
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seems to go a little bit wrong. a little bit crazy recently, as we heard, for example, the president of the european commission and a number of other high ranken european politicians, calling on ordinary europeans to send the huge energy bills per selective wideman potent. i had a chance to day to ask why my potent what he thinks about it. let's take his answer sheet in there. but this is another attempt to shift a headache from a sick person to a healthy one. the energy crisis in europe did not start with the beginning of the special military operation in ukraine, but much earlier with the green agenda, mitchell populous statements that someone is to blame or only to secure protection against the outraged citizens of their own countries. that of the gas prom does not provide gas or you people at all normal. if it's so urgent, if everything is so difficult, then remove all the sanctions from nor trim to ha. there were several questions
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from russian journalists about moscow's special military ration in ukraine. speaking about that wire, martin said that it is go a known right now according to the plan at its own pace. warning though, that if key of dozens top it's terry's behavior, this is how potent call did her attack cane, russian territory and keeling all those people are loyal to moscow. and those who are ready to work with the military authorities from moscow up. but actually russia will have to respond accordingly and a stronger. he also mentioned that moscow never refused to see 10 mate with wide mors zalinski. but 1st turn key of changes. it's opinion very fast and very often, and also library put and sad that talking seating negotiation is not what key of is actually interested in while they are only aim east to destroy russian weimer.
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putting also said that one of the aims of moscow special mil to reparation ukraine is, in fact our attempt to protect russia from ukraine's africa and actually to global efforts to destroy russia and to another conflict. as you know, the summit here in summer con comes at the time of yet another escalation, blood escalation between armenia and as it by john, there were clashes there at the border recently and we hear that more than 100 people have been killed from both sides and vladimir putin here in summer, khan met his mother by johnny, a head count to part. and of course, he discussed this situation there, and we journalists ask him about the outcome all these conversation. and he said that the situation at the border between yet of on and back who is now be normalized. it is under the control. as you know,
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the prime minister of armenia was also expected here. but in the last moment, mister prussian young said that he's not coming due to tensions at the border. so white report and said that the situation is under control and he hopes that it will be come back to normal, very, very soon back to you. thanks for that. i thought he corresponded maria for notion of breaking down the week for us. thank you. that's close to india based foreign policy expert. dr. super come out due to now to discuss some issues further. thank you so much for joining us on the program. now at the end of the shanghai cooperation organization summit that russian president vladimir putin, he said, most of the grain transported from ukraine and russia is being held in europe. any code on the u. n. to step in? do you think the un will steppin? well, i think this conflict has to be solved to amicably and it should be solved in
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a peaceful way. so back to, you know, like i'm and no one feels constant on no one fatal blacklisted dog one created. let me as for security and food crisis, is that very important issue? it is a very confounding issue not to be rushed off. are you or are you paying issue which concerns the whole was honorable crime and is to be raised. the issue of, you know, of the problem in relation to supply chain in relation to food security s thoughts and in relation to full means of solving the problem. and i think all the international organizations, rather it is shanghai corporation by the united nation, or for that matter, or whether it's, you know, like the nato, anyone who's that's been fargo calling on make we, as the indian people from india,
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we will be very happy to have negotiated settlement in relation to the crisis. non hon prime minister park. we had mentioned about all you had gone for january over and he had to run again reef, ram. he met on the recipe in 5 lines that time in this conflict should be false. he's fully non at plaster. james also mentioned to be honorable prime minister of india, that russia understand that comes up in the very valid and the con songs highly appreciate it, and things you do to be to russia and in the element the baby in relation to be an increased risk and that sort of correspondence also need from the b one we have been being that the it has to be thought that able and on the go has to come in. that's walked over all in the would, would be asked to play, you know,
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because we have strong bonds refresh. yeah, it goes on the gate such we have very good relationship with nato also as well as united states of america and also review brain. so i believe we are, can be used make or invest, you know, and if all the parties they want to be good office of the hon prime, this sort of india to come to an amicable settlement reaches hell, be for everyone in the i would very much welcome, yes indeed. it's been a busy few days for the members of the i. c o. dozens of agreements has been signed between the participating countries. do you think the timing, excuse me, contributed to the success of the of the summit? yes, absolutely. at least timing was very vital. it was very important that we should understand that the timing of the plumber is taking place in the watershed of a recent family in c on. and also prior to that the g 20 summit as such. and of
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course, i'll be, you know, ration your current crisis chance to be on verizon, other on the crisis which is taking place between armenia and by john and we and the we are very concerned about that because we do not want any part of the lead up in that part of the world they're not, you know, so i think timing was very, very important in relation to the whole thing of this confidence in was just, you know, in some of the, some high shanghai competition. india has been very important and people to man, but all fish on high propagation the we are picking up the president speak for shanghai propagation on a rotating basis format. you know, the media is going to be found good. we can from it message here in new yes stop. so therefore, the role of in the exam for the most important part and the to soft cost of watershed mart, refund on finance, which is just loaded and some are gone best such and several of the agreements have
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been fined between countries. we have had sent us the bilateral pipeline. we think we'd be army and counterpart, of course, with lindsay, the honorable president of russia, also the bill, hon. pressure desktop will be found in other countries and i think all of them have been very or less. so therefore we see are very logical and conclusive guy. you know, go ahead from the conference in future and i think, you know, all the important piece together should learn in the role in solving all on solving on fox and issues and specially issues in relation to l. l in relation to g also be in relation to and in relation to the s thought. and i think that comes from solving the i was ready rail and was appreciated by all the countries. and we understand the conference of rush y'all fully in relation to b flat up in your brain with that phone. and at the same time,
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we all sort of comes on the same bus. and i think it's time to find the now amicable function as what you make of the, the so called russia, india, china, strategic triangle. and then what we can expect from this alliance following this summer in the coming years. then fortunately, if you ask me, i have all this spoken about this trice car between india, china and russia. i have been speaking on base from read it back in 1990 watch. and i have always said that this would be a very, very strong alliance. but if you want and we have our bodily issues with china, we have our data read, which have been managed by china, not show gene that spots. and therefore we would wanting the solution in relation to the tension in relation to the front. if it gently the leadership offering. yeah, i have had several round of thoughts, basically arm a little bit better shape and also their political leadership has spoken on slide
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life. and i think that's really things falling in line that we have actually had if it can be re met agreements in relation to mentoring that are going the line of actual time. so i get off the phone with not offering i come from your thoughts, reach china and i think in future course of time, those son phones also would be false and watch because i personally, i believe that time i'll talk about that one on like 3 p for doesn't want it's diana. and any major countries and sensible countries will never want that conflict . and there is always the way out through the school mechanism to dialogue box. and if this dry car, if it happens as you have asked me, this would be very, very important game changer in relation to your 2nd relationship. but for that to happen, often far,
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most of the foundation of the ball on flip between india and china has to be ball has to return back the next week. it had illegal the next 962 indian categories. and that has to be called the box process and then apply can be broken. now. does that come out due to india based foreign policy expired? many thanks for your time. ah, i care sonya city center has been shells by at least 5 us supplied high mars rockets with local russian back to authority saying a number of people have been killed or wounded. this are verified footage purportedly says people running from the blast and the video shows was reported to be the aftermath of the ukrainian strikes. local officials say that 3 people have been killed and 13 others. wounded rockets struck an administration building in the center of care on city, while a meeting between local officials was taking place. the head of the local labor
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department is understood to have been wounded while her driver was killed. the blasts reached residential buildings within the vicinity of the castle, administration, breaking windows, and damaging balconies. we spoke to cornell storm move saw he is the deputy head of the car thorn at regional military administration. who says the strike was conducted using a us supplied high mars rocket and left number of people that an injured sooner like, you know, today the administration building of the city of kirsten was hit by missile strike, most likely from the u. s. high mas system. and specifically by the americans, the strike was delivered during the weekly meeting of all representatives of districts, municipal associations and organisations of the course on military civilian administration. unfortunately, we have injured and dead and we are now sorting through the rubble did ministration, building is damaged. frankly, we consider this a terrorist attack finished on a less janish pet clone, and who's currently in no ganske saith countries as supply weapons to ukraine are
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responsible for the death of civilians. these are pro location in the highest scale . and though they're using these western provided weapons to do it. and as we know from the, from the sidelines that all these attacks which are made with high mar systems, they are directly don corporation with the western followers and their military structures. so, so certainly there is no mistakes and hassan, a brutal attack to the administration building that is in the line of the state terrorism done by the gradient government for years to come here in don't of these high murder when they came here to dorm bus. and, and we saw them here, place, they immediately started to attack we m 77, how we church and climber systems directly to the civilian population. and it
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certainly the responsibility are in the hands of those who are giving these weapons for these really talk groups. and explosion is also been reported in le ganske targeting the prosecutor general's office. according to local officials, the prosecutor daniel and his deputy, were killed and applause. now, as a casualties have been reported as a viet, russian investigators have opened a criminal case into the incident against people with malaysia officer andre mirage reports on the details. and beneath that, a year seems there were 2 people in the office with the explosion occurred. sir gay, gorenca, and you katerina stay glencoe they had been keeping track of the crimes ukraine, committed against the people of the taunt bass. that is why they were the terrors. number one target ukraine's intelligence agencies have failed to spread panic among our citizens. as they have been living under such conditions for the past 8 years, our people have only been growing more outraged against key f and those who have masterminded it's brutal actions. we all know where kia is controlled from the
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result panic here. every one has come together and is working for one important goal. victory over the fascism that has spread over ukraine. john mark dig in a foamy us marine hand geopolitical analysts say, the tactics being used by ukraine cannot be left unchecked. this is an act of terrorism, the prosecutor general, and i've been there and i've helped with some of the investigations in terms of books that were found in schools there indoctrinating children for hatred towards the russians speaking citizens of the dumbass. ah, the point for this could very possibly be to destroy evidence to destroy their investigation because they don't want to answer to the world from the very beginning. we've seen them holding civilians as hostages. ok,
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i have spoken to people, people who have seen with their own eyes, ukrainians murdering civilians trying to evacuate from their buildings that they are setting on fire. and they are using these individuals as shields. ok. these tactics are the tactics of barbarians and terrorists. and these are the tactics that cannot be left unchecked. acute small nutrition in africa has risen by almost a 3rd in the past 2 years, according to the latest report by the international monetary fund. and while the west tries to pin the blame on russia, the international committee of the red cross phase, the hunger crisis emerge long before the ukraine conflict. if we talk about hunger today, it's not because of the ukraine war and we have seen the indicators of
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a food security crisis emerges in africa for much longer than the escalation that we have seen in the ukranian war. it has been as a complicating factor, it has exacerbated some of the problems that we have seen before. but the 1st indicators i had more than a year ago when from our hospitals into sa, hello. when comparing notes with doctors without borders and their impressive network of hospitals in africa, we started to look at the weight figures of entries into hospitals. we spoke to the i c r c, director of operations for africa. patrick, you said he said the consequences of economic sanctions for africa may be a reversible i think increased traces globally even mean means a decrease and remittances from abroad to those economies that really rely on them
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. and this deals with demand should tailor response targeting those at most with i think the latest from, from ukraine, the ship that as dr. injury booty indeed will hopefully feed the needs in if your can in g booty is indeed commendable, but truly not efficient. not enough because of the magnitude of the issues that we face in africa. the imposition of sanctions is a political decision. but one that can also have serious humanitarian consequences, which must be taken into account. so an as an independent and impartial, neutral organization. we always have concerns over the humanitarian consequences of sanctions, as they may adversely affect the might again situations. so considerations of humanity must be prioritized. some states must indeed take steps such as humanitarian exemptions to mitigate any negative impact for the delivery of
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impartial, neutral humanitarian action. in the fields, the un has also sounded the alarm ever found in like conditions in northeast, in africa, where up to 20000000 people face severe problems. and more than 7000000 have been forced to my great, that's according to the world food program. around 10000000 children under the age of 5 are suffering from malnutrition, across the peninsula. i. c. c, director of operations for africa patrick use if against these the issue is much deeper than just food shortages. well 1st i think it's the magnitude, you know, we've never seen as much catastrophic for environmental shots that we've seen like in somalia. if you can see don or in my, you know, fossil and i think the combined impact of on conflict. economic issues like the in ramping insulation across sub saharan africa. but also the political environment as well as the climatic shocks are unfortunately showing the perfect storm that needs
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indeed an international effort, but also the local effort to integrate locals resources and solving local problems . and that requires indeed african solutions to african problems with the help of the international community. again, keep putting food on people's plates is not the solution for today. this will certainly save people's lives. but what if we are truly and reasonably serious about finding short and long term solution is by investing heavily in the agricultural sector and the food production sector in the seed multiplication facilities is indeed by joining hands with the private sector development actors, international financial institutions. and state themselves to find the solutions ah, the, by that administration has decided to withhold about a 10th of the $1000000000.00 in military aid that it usually sends to egypt each
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year until human rights concerns that are dressed. but washington has nevertheless, given the green line to further funding under the auspices of assistant counter terrorism efforts. this step recognizes the significant efforts underway through the presidential part and committee and the national political dialogue, even against a backdrop, a very significant concerns about fundamental freedoms in egypt. while washington has 5, it's in progress on strengthening security in egypt, us officials say the relationship with cairo is complex, the most populous our country, the vital ally of washington. and the us is that it remains committed to supporting egypt defense needs. but while america has pumped up egypt military with billy and in billions and 8 in recent years, elsewhere in northern africa, malnutrition has been on the rise, particularly in nearby ethiopia, when more than 8000000 people lack sufficient food supplies. we spoke to our
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commitment staff, a director of the age of census, a, studies and translation. he says that washington's work in the region is mostly concentrated on advancing its own interests and those of its most important allies, which are always using these cards. or if you are not the friend with america, if you are not compounding with the polls and the bat american probably policy, you will be hit by the stick, the full. they prefer the people who are friendly with their probably policies. what so ever they can give you the military it but in just in case a different issue, because egypt to, according to can david a coach coach that was let me egypt and the son is entity which israel are supposed to share in military 8 each year. the full egypt take such
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a military aid just for equality with as well because each of already one and had a big, biggest trillion on 970 me the fall it to stop. let me just make it a little bit you know, retarded. a new nation and then you are technicalities and things like that and making sure you're with people as well because as what you just called for me, how to present with the american interested even in the region. how many, thanks to keeping his company here. and i'll see international will be back at the top now with the very latest news updates with official kevin intermediate trolls have made much of the recent calendar offensive . however, there are gleeful backing up ukraine has demonstrated beyond a doubt. this is a nato war on russia. the stakes could not be higher,
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one side will lose and badly with or they only live with young for the young woman was in a sort of in a bundle with was of it. when are you with so glad a shift love to get a thought to some film that with everything that i see especially that. ok. so what is the best time to do that? if you don't, can become a vehicle or somebody at the community that the call.


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