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tv   Documentary  RT  September 18, 2022 8:30am-9:01am EDT

8:30 am
hi, mike, this is donna reporting from armenia ot see thanks for watching. bi weekly on rti international will be back with more news in just about 30 minutes, so stay to back . in 2014, citing the military danger the ukrainian authorities ordered the evacuation of old children who had lost their parents in don bass. this is denise them got no shaggy timber label quiet on that i. e una. what if girl or boy's sicilian? you middle militia dogma, d t in america. not bad. do you, lee? another inca children's ombudsman in the new guns people's republic is investigating cases of missing children. so she responded, okay, well,
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i was in there is to seem to shall draw a blanca. should i get it yesterday for pitching out a dash, cooling them up and just get them on it? don't worry, don't put the label on your little guns, and other than that is public. you did g dahlia, a from liam. i have a shell is will guns collateral net is pul accountonline school bush? peter, go wouldn't let. i wish to leave a note with schwartz him. you should give the witty show you by the gate nissan. yes, no. she wouldn't have a girl named probably. emma was nij gotcha, stylishly breaking the kid union off, which actually annual 2022. so repeat with children. once again, being evacuated from territories controlled by cave. grain up. those heard slow political. no. did you thought here? if not, since you got out of here, i your love what i believe will even up with control. now crania dungeon. it was
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paula girl. is nash coolant or not? there is pasadena of the was that you will get, it is a plea. you'll m you thought a little glass been level that is probably one of them got you got of course the carpets, ghoulish notated 4050 way. we have the official sales that says me here was mostly premier colleges. the o'clock works with children. hundreds of orphans from the internet's peoples republic were evacuated in the se, manette, but it's anyone's guess how to find children who have essentially been abducted from dumbass. the most favourable outcome would be an option. but there's a question mark on that diagnosis. molina a friend? yes. as a corner north. come through the pressure. why? yeah. did he was the no, i am a senior. i bizarre gillian teaching new york lit, but the more the organ about it, but the teachers thought diagnosed in the earlier. yeah. will ed set it up? what you mean by me? anthony. ukraine ignores all international legislative norms and refuses to say
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anything about the fate of children. it is taken means already, i think for a much bigger, but almost there isn't. you're the guy with cbre under the keeper, scott la, oregon children. i had thrush blunt. that's a hulu, usually reaction to teach things past the red cross seems to be suppressing information regarding the missing children from don bass. oh, and the doctors without borders, organization allegedly involved in human organ trafficking, and crossover, appeared just as the children were being taken away with her. he abolla don't mind me and that was a ditty ivy medea i stepped out of his up to a chair. it's really weird,
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only for the business telling a garage the num gets his people out of disappoint, you know, fiddle come goodness to let them of their nation with guns cannot miss macarthur statements of ukrainian figures such as doctor chin of reinforce concern about the fate of the children evacuated from don bass dubbed the korean dr. manga she enough openly calls her, doing away with don bass, his children saying those in the 3rd row, in fact, are to be killed. lows in the 2nd row in a year or 2, they'll move to the 3rd row. apparently many ukrainians hummed with anti russian propaganda support his statements. 2 2 ah, is them out which seem to them when you thought it since our last year together to
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puzzle anya ziegler. great. the national yet come good with the sky in your little was going good out for those to push the digital at a lot on this now there was a while will yes this what then will text them you know, grain a piece of i to the right not sure did did door come down. you was researchers the hoarded selected it, did it, but control no grain. the colquitt county, modern mileage. richard scott, machine field commander rahman, or merchant, go as witnessed, numerous crimes committed by ukrainian, neo nazis, and don bass numbers to fuel. no, well, no credit. kudos are good not showing. and then a little bit a buzz here. i thought of the glamour shooting metal torch, cool. nipple stories it took was signals to get your old at yahoo glucose. once you log into chunk or i'll put on pull steves barajo. if sure. ah,
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a similar video foolishly, i trust them all. shadows, if you're stuck at dora nicely, she mailed you had to re evaluate linda to me. at doria lucila will you value jean sion malady dear? which glass proper dollar a square stevenson the deuce media no honesty lean. yeah. ah shush. my children remain children with me. they always need a sense of wonder and joy boss of the logan's pabo this. what kind of academic russian drama theater gala,
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michel york, felipe of her never forgets this love from jesse or to non disc expert buckling. it said i shouldn't like the deep subsidies through. it's just reaching out those are i did it in the theater also cares for children who have lost their parents actually have to watch and work by like your mom. so slippers now can we just have to let them cameras gets can bowman mogley perhaps? i mean my gets caught gloria. my master, can we print quality? tim school j as dallas is mom with bob at kistin, a short chat opinion gets kid on delia and sally. she dynasty, he is a dad. she tiara stone, she slipping in my chest. however, she is not in the spit. i need you to alexander fernando. what it is nashua it's yard around because getting used to chosen,
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which is just relying on us just a buggy. she sat there with national data for 8 years. they've been killing people in don't best every day. ah, this includes children and they kill with weapons supplied by nato. ah, all essentially testing wrong. we are interested in testing one of those systems in the fight against the enemy and we are by the arms manufacturer is put dead new products here. ah it isn't 1st, but you will need to quin yang the quote with a o greens care lesson, greenland, naval prostate. she didn't know if i treated them. yes,
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those are about the when you genius, blue, red hill, nero snake against people's republics ambassador to russia has been at the forefront to the inflammation war since 2014 and in that one, the children pacific submit them were final daughters. i mean, you, him, window, others the, what you said room than those low from the lights are that will be visited with what was in it. it will just to let limb cortisol village deliveries for the way she meets. every sport is a way to please sure those and yet most just to get them cut gullow on. you know that he is nick of yet. mark resilience. people who changed. they said it's the vicente mccullin's, not that night that you did yesterday about how to shop a garage door, which we viewed shalaka will be what she thinks india. what schweitzer in his owen that such. i suggested you can shout mcmullin who, greens of moore's note. judy 0, it's even worse not i should. that's us. we have to cross my bullish ah, it's me at the one that begins with the motion for i do the loosely steve though,
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each it it grain and yet on on the which was and beat on him sustained by them was socialist book winnipeg lot. the way to school, she'll get it because each e jewelers and women blemishes to her teacher was all for he's the some of the deal . who submitted council sessions marquilla to beatrice with not to to do. graham is buddhism theater. there is about there's been done with you, the lavinia, of shoe, lisa lisa is not old enough when the permission to come. but also because i don't want to with my, if i'm, are you to transfer. so what we're doing with them is with them. we're just, we're here, but all this is that about the with you have to sort of, would you these, you to one that would you wish that you through that there was session, you will more than you will sit on that on the season. yup. when you look at your bill, many shows no variance or 20. so from that you more your boucher of top of your favorite unusual you put your his outside. if that a little from there grab it, was wanting make a month will suit your minute. thumbs. i to the radio to chat with
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us till after 1 o'clock, she picks up with a great patriotic war. symmetry stands on the other side of the road. translated from ukrainian. it's labeled on forgotten unforgiven, about 3000 jewish children and civilians killed by the nazis buried here. now with a israel does not condemn ukrainian neo nazis. hm. is there any other shad? no, not susan carter. i also wanted to do crane new cards to vicki. the police disco petitioner and we did that. the surcharge again still means that i'm not so should look up to that, but did, is it the grain we have when you are not season now? good. another thing, then you put it out in the, in your room, good for gardening shows that going. you were similarly same isn't exactly the same as that
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oil has their own affinity senior. can i say to tip what it was up with new to put them up with that is perhaps if you cry, even though it's not me mediately but, but that's a means q and, well say new homeless. the, let's look at the means could means minsk agreement. this is important. local elections on the special status of the don bath. hardly implemented the tool. why not? this was a read by france, germany, russia and ukraine. blue form of british diplomats and russia. william melanson is well acquainted with the history of the min skakel its withdrawal, a foreign arm groups, weapons, and mercenaries not implemented. we have america doing what it can, sending soldiers bombs, weapons to keep things boiling under the surface. the u. s. wishes to provoke as much as it can moscow into taking,
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defend more and more defensive measures in order to justify continuing the sanctions. ah, ah ah mm.
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with the implementation of the minced agreements, assume the peaceful restoration of don bass is part of ukraine or mm. but apparently, washington needs a newborn, you wouldn't get also in the liberal forcing me a jesus, i'm sure to play the muscles and that just when you wasn't whitest miguel is he didn't, i did speak to you, but the political leadership of ukraine and it's overseas managers apparently think otherwise, i was calling when you touch or hook you up with
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. yes, these children did cower in basements, yet even though they continue to study to draw on to dream. i am, i'm in a bar pledge. don't like the i love i would surely a left but like what y'all are still w for the past off the road bus was a much less some of a lie. if there was like his likes, there won't be yes. he offered money of all that and what i mean? yeah. if the law some children read poetry like lilith's
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color slung with many shill, i guess guess me now sarah lacrosse, always go to school completely. when she takes her signing rush, i tried to log off the creation of really mileage hanging. um it was roasting long. yes. carol, car as the us. mm hm. stop. i mean by you the bracelet for. she has school on delila. how crazy is july? we've gone to city school number 7 was gone by ukrainian neo nazis in 2014. we're among the 7 victims was a child with marsh corks was really new,
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new different national water to put our poster balance by wednesday stream for state of florida to pick your school to south care coordinator for the project. arguably, you might encourage you to move ah ah ah ah, with
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good their readers to was not going to just go your summer using it. will these i believe that freaky he grad last. which of the meeting is dialogue about a fair. yeah. yeah. if i to the way the way in the budget like the what national rate or i can break it, i want to do so my junk, blue frame but the parts, but i need you to know which loser would move from the way in the history of the one that of what though of nation wide open. it comes up artic. oh oh yes. and then i'm newly jason's can you buy sure. in the bedroom or more that you want to use? i think was almost completely up when you were to justify joe russell scope and even school he don't show up on you don't want to re duties just the payroll.
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ah, it's i to chunk the continuation. yeah. already she and i wish them with the didn't have all my tim for this is not just each out of formula eve, fortune or hostile on any of them. all. yes, with these are the children of ukraine whose adults are teaching them to hate and prepare for war. i must collapse when i hit oh, school. nyqold percentage to portraits attack. i think the retina is the abstract
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in primo cook cook the most of which it is mostly bianca m. a sweet fair is held in the school in the city of nikolai, of the caucasian names here in oscars brain. there are blue and yellow stars on the kremlin. i did drink cold, the blood of russian babies ah, all prepared by children with for approval, from teachers and parents. that there is no physical cheese domain, but the more study bureau or was learned say move, la shy startles kids were rock, still wolf of civil war. would be the editor in chief of your guns. t. v. the a nods via the schools witnessed how the history of ukraine was gradually rewritten, and how its values were substituted for something else. vigil kirk is harbor club in the d t, but thought is due at crane. so unless you know,
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garage store will skew grounds for thought. absolutely. i rosemay lou depaulo to warn you what i g assume where did belong to with you. and when you go to will be your crimes. a follow up? no more thing up with them. does anyone wish no, or what you said no one which is part of his newest yearbook eunice at the thought you employed them was a this mute was some live. and he, russian propaganda has a long history in ukraine. children's books comics and even text books in which russians have depicted his murderers and monstrous oaks. these publications have sponsors in america and the ukrainian desperate in canada own oprah coordinate codeine and usually canada newer grants can. jasper, which on is use of the present, were creeped. you could sort of unpredictable when of course, when you come saluted from their chickens. dear cousin toaster, tom. papa mckeathan beautiful smiles. her name at the ma mom was give, commutes clement use the mom with papa butte, mccook coastal roy's mother, the mother. but you can be worth mckelly. thomson must believe is due out sonata
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will green's camaro. them still go. i did die if they're 30 skolnik of what have been throwing out is what the kid is talking was baton is the core european can so options form, mira william was pretty much another minor, but the most thought anesha no problem in the shit ready choke. you project rosky history repeats itself. this is how children were once brought up in nazi germany. childrens camps in ukraine resemble the hitler youth comes i. the soviet union was the country that food german naziism to the end, and defeated it now
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ukrainian new naziism once again, collectively nurtured by the west, finds itself opposed by russia. even obama saw mom deal it for she scribbles award that's will. gosh, what is a saw my jello gear? there's a saw my new issue or news many was yes. did you sooner rocker border park or state? would that the more not says come on luscious to marcia rules kasanya ceiling one more. that is when you to this mute, when was it from his side to response to kaltura? what did the music, even though to get you to swim in thoroughness, the scene nipped to corn nip, i believe. one massage to chance, nevada. what to put it into the copper i got the which there is either music it could be said that russian troops are dealing with a large terrorist army that holds entire cities hostage.
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a force that is supplied and overseen by experienced us and european military intelligence. in western politics, the lives of ukrainian soldiers are expendable a monk of certain kinds. and if, when you might, stony summers is an important reward will develope medic. nor do they care for the russian people, including its women and children. good to go with rules came with the new brought the south, knew more than it up was would no such as number to ward. so i will cut off corners . right. and does will do. mm. dumbasses been through hell during its 8 year war with ukraine, a factories, villages, and cities were completely destroyed, ah,
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over 14000 done by citizens were killed. and so there are questions for those responsible to back of the scholars up on them political but not the please to what's going on with my model would be what i did on. so what i'm, what are the bride they go on the flow, right. i don't, well i didn't, i even go somewhere near near boiling jim on purchased a new west 1000000 lights asleep. a young mm rights in charleston. i mean that shame what their neil is. 9 years old. and you wouldn't use a live, but you were, but that was done. you didn't really at the how much it is really and was they impact thought came you've called nampa violated? don't call you the interstate, but up still let me let you blink. i did, but vital was he just but i do. it already met. i knew by him. woodcock number love was similar gives you look in your 1st and last national jelly on your coin. are
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them? yes. can mr. phil asked william leah, you speak of mr. for william live at the missouri identity, so on us also fidelis on your sleeve. so. so i, for when your bill is ill, ill sleep claim. good on sam, regular my images eat in the, to the cupboard. little mask on your snack that i see. but that was, but i see a bit slow him up by nearly will look william boley some suggest simila ah, areas liberated from the ukranian neo nazis, russian soldiers and the people's militia of don bass are greeted as long awaited saviours. ah, but if you get a little steel, i thought you said the c e o in your book a car, you more he back again, you put you the new place. if there was that nobody did come filing can get comfort on static. i'm at the rallies that somebody give orders does a previously free with a bullock dock of them. me says thing, if you said the only about the what the funny my share with at law,
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not very likely see what you guys there as if it was it, vicky them different. i you're feeling community where briefly meet the teacher members this year. i don't know clear, but was orchard mother border got up, put her carol still in the middle. mom to medicine, bowman. miss a bus 1st initial when you mean by beer does ally by the deal that brought by this bad. it does more alarm. mm. every year on june, the 1st on children's day residence join a commemorative rally at the alley of angels and done it and shows park in ganske me on this day. white balloons are launched in
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honor of the lost children. mm. i go bush, can you? ah sure on the snow, but he blinked. digit my letter. sure, but he did. you wish to cut the ref? we'll, if i was in the issues that money you're a from what he what us as a me checking the new year. mm. may they have a new choice update. mm hm. mm mm. ah, a
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mobile is this the best of both? not sure. but for the mobile one, annual g d. p per capita is about $4000.00 euros. a was a primary cost is still with social for mobile, i'm to come out with the thought of unemployment is off the child's. moldova territorial integrity in sovereignty. we respect a country which enjoys financial support from the u. s. and the you is constantly
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roth, by political and corruption scandals. oh, but all that didn't stop mo, google obtaining you candidate status in 2022. ah ah. well correspondent get caught in ukraine. shilling don't yet for at least 4 people have reported killed in the late attacks like he had a breakdown of democracy that the european parliament assessment of hungary in the country can no longer be considered a folder more quickly than condemns the west saying it has been cultivating the idea at this point in russia a decade and it's using ukraine as a porn.


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