tv News RT September 20, 2022 10:00am-10:31am EDT
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is absolutely key in the sense that when taking care of the environment, we do not overlook people. the amazon region is home to more than 20000000 people, including indigenous people and riverside dwellers, horse livelihood depends on some form of economic use of the forest. we have made or we have brought internet connectivity to more than 100000 rural schools and more than 500 indigenous communities. luckily, brazil began its energy transition almost half a century ago in response to the aisle crises of that of that time. to day, we have a modern and sustainable bio fuel industry. an industry that currently contributes positively contributes to the cleanest imaging mix of a long are you 20 countries? yes, about 84 percent of our electricity or image. it makes us currently renewable. and this is a goal that many developed countries hope the one of us out to achieve only after 20 to 40 or you go to 50, go beyond that. last year, brazil was chosen
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a more about declared by the united nation is as o e global transition for it one energy transition life. we didn't have the potential to become a major global export of clean energy. we have a surplus already being built up, which can reach more than 100 gigawatts between bio mass onshore wind projects in solar projects. in addition to the untenable opportunity of $700.00 gigawatts offshore, when pharmacy was brought up with one of the whoa, whoa, production cost in the world. the sources will produce green hydrogen for exploit. oh, part of this 100 percent clean energy will not opens the possibility for us to become suppliers of highly competitive industrial projects, especially in the brazilian northeast. there people who miss with one of the smallest carbon footprint in the world with that i've,
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the sustainable development agenda is impacted in many ways by threats to international peace and security. we all built the united nations from the ruins of the 2nd world war in the last century. what motivated us back then was the determination to avoid a repetition of the cycle of destruction that marked the 1st half of the 20th century to certain extent. in hindsight, we can say that we were successful grant funding, but time today, the conflict in ukraine serves as a warning would have a reform of the when system is essential for us to find world peace. in the specific case of this security council, after 25 years of debate, it is clear that we must look government for innovative solutions. brazil addresses this topic based on an experience that goes way back and dates back to the very beginnings of the united nations. it is now the 11th time that we hold a non permanent seat at the u. s. security council. we have sought to offer our
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very best to achieve peaceful and negotiated solutions to international conflicts are always guided by the un charter and international law with our world. brazil also has an extensive history of o participation in the un peacekeeping operations from swain risk to angola from haiti to lebanon. we have always supported peacekeeping. we have also contributed to peace by opening up our borders to those seeking a chance to restart their lives. in our country since the 2018 i over 6000000 venezuelan brothers have been forced to leave their country with many of them came to brazil. it is our response to that this challenge was operational, welcome to know which has become an international benchmark reference. in more than 350000 venezuelan nationals have found in brazilian territory, emergency assistance for protection documentation and the possibility of
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a fresh start. all of them have had access to the labor market through public services and the social benefit. here in the recent month are gradually a round. why $600000.00 as well as have arrived in brazil every day on foot. the vast majority of which are women and children, wayne, on average 15 kilo's less than before, thought and running away from violence and hunger. if you go to the brazilian humanitarian reception policy goes beyond. been as well as that. we have also welcomed the no haitians, syrians, africans, and ukrainian. mister president, mother, the conflict in ukraine has been going on for 7 months already, and that is a source of grand, great concern at all europe, but throughout the world. first of all, i would like to re, to reiterate brazil's gratitude to the country that helped with the evacuation of brazil, a nationals who were in ukraine when the 1st or when the conflict 1st got started,
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especially a so vacuum hungry poland, romania and the czech republic i thank you very much years until the evacuation operation was successful. we left no one behind, not even there pelts basie fault are the field today regarding the conflict in itself that own brazil has been guided by the principles of international law and the un charge to the principles that are also enshrined in our national constitution. we advocate an immediate cease fire, the protection of civilians and non combat the preservation of critical infrastructure to assist the population and the maintenance of all channels of dialogue between 2 parties at conflict with these are the 1st step towards achieving a solution that will be long lasting for an sustainable and we have been working in that direction at the united nations and also elsewhere. we have tried to avoid hampering the channels of dialogue as
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a result of tolerate zation around the conflict. accordingly, we are against diplomatic and economic isolation. yours. the effect of the conflict can already be felt in the world, prices of foodstuffs, thought the fuel and other raw materials that have all of this impact that drives us all away from the sustainable development goals. countries that was presented themselves as the leaders of de la cobb and economy have now turned to dirty sources of energy. this one is a serious setback for the environment. we support all efforts to reduce the economic impacts of this crisis. but we do not believe that the best way is to adopt from one sided or unilateral and selected from sanctions that are inconsistent with international law. all of these managers have hard appropriate economic recovered and have threatened the human rights of vulnerable populations, including a 1000000 european countries job the solution to the conflict. ukraine were only be
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achieved through negotiation and la, la cock, i make an apply to the parties as well. as to the entire international committee, let us not miss any opportunity to end the conflict and ensure peace. the stability, more security and prosperity of humankind are at serious risk. if the conflict continuous alissa president ill was the other, i have been about an unconditional supporter of freedom of speech. moreover, under my administration, brazil has made an effort to bring the right to freedom of religion to the very core of the international human race agenda. it is essential to ensure that everyone has the right to freely worship and practice their religious orientation without any discrimination whatsoever. i would like to inform here that brazil is ready, stands ready to welcome the catholic priests and nuns, who have suffered prosecution rather house persecution by the dictatorial regime in
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nicaragua, i presume, repudiate religious persecution wherever it may occur in the world. no other fears of the have you done other fundamental values for brazilian society with implications to the human rights agenda include the defense of family values, the right to life's house conception the right to self defense and the repudiation of gender ideology. i would also like to underscore the priority we have attached to women's rights and protection of our effort to sanction over 70 legal norms on the subject. since the very beginning of my administration in 2019 is thorough evidence of this commitment and we fight violence against women very strictly. it is part and parcel of our brother pro rated to ensure public, our security and safety. for all brazilians, the results are visible in our government figures for a 7.7 percent drop in the number of murders, ignoble of women, and the air decreases in the general number of death. by mode being 2017,
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there were 30 there, spar 100000 inhabitants. and now there are only 17 that violence in rural areas has also plummeted at the same time as land and you why the most in need has increased under my administration. we have to live at 400000 rural with the property land title, the 80 percent of our given to women. in brazil, we were to sure that we had a strong, independent women so that they can get wherever they wish 1st to lay. the michelle bo scenario has all sorts out here. given not a new meaning to volunteer work has 2019 with special addition to people with disabilities. in the rare diseases list to president, mister secretary general has of state down government. ladies and gentlemen, i will not listen to september 7th, new york, brazil celebrated 200 years of history as an independent. what is the millions of
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brazilians took to the street so called upon by their government for wearing the colors of their flag, our flag. it was the largest pacific demonstration in the history of our country to a people that believes in god, the homeland families and freedom. thank you all very much. it will be helpful to assembly. i wish to thank the president of they've had the republic on behalf of the assembly. i wish to thank the president of the federal republic of brazil for the statement just made. and i work as a political to escort his excellency. the assembly will hear the address by his excellency, mikey saw president of the republic of synagogue. i request the political to escort his excellency on behalf of general assembly. i have the honor to welcome his excellency my castle, president of the republic of senegal,
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and invite him to address this the assembly. not seabrook who? thank you very much. mister president of the general assembly. your colleagues, secretary general. ladies and gentlemen or no distinguished jelly, get this done. mister president, on behalf of the african union will know who i would like to express my thanks to your predecessor and wish you every success with a discharge of your duties. not, i reiterate avow support to the secretary general antonia good terrorist as he carries out his delicate mission in this service of member states. since our last session, the world has become more dangerous and more on
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a certain limit. under the combined grip or global warming, security and health perils with london and of the war and ukraine. with the theme of this session. little reflects the urge and need to act together to ease tensions of lives in a go to do, to heal our planet. not reduce persistent fold north south inequalities look, wanted and reinstate the importance of multilateralism. the security council is called upon to address this company, 1st and foremost, to make sure that all threads to international peace and security, including in africa, are handled in the same way. who terrorism, which is gaining ground on the continent, is not just an african matter. it is
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a global threat that falls under the primary responsibility of the council. as it is, the guarantor, all the collective security mechanism under the charter of our organization, one doesn't cover me. we therefore urge the counselor to engage more with us in the fight against terrorism in africa. and to do this with more appropriate mandates and more substantial resources or the more the african union. so once again, calls for the lifting of a foreign sanctions against is embalmed with these harsh measures continue to fuel a sense of injustice against against an entire people. and to aggravate there is suffering in these times of
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a deep crisis. in the middle east. we reiterate the right of the palestinian people to a viable state, living side by side in peace with the state of israel, each within secure and internationally recognized borders allowed. we call for 8 d escalation and a cessation of hostilities in ukraine as well as for a negotiated solution to avoid one go the catastrophic risk level of a potentially global conflict. toner mill vall, mcdonald's was on the, one of the apologize for champion right. there were the 77, the annual general assembly in new york. we got across live right now to the russian president vladimir putin. he's making an unshakable address perhaps regarding the don yet don bass republics and the decision to hold
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a referendum. i believe with the ceremonial meeting, your devoted to 220 years, which was very pretty since the foundation of the minister of justice. but would you like to congratulate you with this significant historical nature? liquor, what i, what i mean is just to review this and i'm a part of the day windows, oregon to you. but you work. got a believer in the ministry here and all the subordinate agencies and organizations name. mm hm. really company bureau, i mean the ministry was founded by alexander the 1st 2 years ago and it has become yours, important part. so but yet of the justice system was bethania and a guarantor or out of justice and respect for law and society when you can i since the very beginning that it was tasked with very important you look on the projects to improve national legislation and to ensure that the courts and prosecutor's office will work for you. are you the countries benefit fia, eventually it to cop?
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certainly if it's notarial affairs, you get them for stella. other kinds, of course, what i will while you and all in all it was, it became a tool where you see a full of russia. so it justice policy act you in the thirty's and it stood up to the mock. the girl had actively promoted a key reforms. you get it played a leading role insist demising and revenue codifying. now. present legislation in a group ensured consistency of judicial practice that is across the vast territories of russia. you're as if you've got us contributing, but i'll to you with strength of failure. well, if you, it helped establish the legal system that was deemed one of the most human oriented and well and most progressive of the time that it aimed to protect the rights of people to protect them from the only arbitrary decisions show up. but he said that he's my just number and the work in the work full genia of the ministry and those
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subordinate to it. let me do a great example. i always will like of consistency and professionalism, gibberish booklet, and of the russian legal tradition. what's up and yet you developed by him and youth, successive generations, city sort of the russian lawyers just narrow them. we books and a legal offices with that stuck somewhere they shared have even got the trials and tribulations of our country. what we were during the 2nd world war, unlike they continuously that worked on begin, you are the improvement of russian law user and on introducing important principles and norms was they really came into the legal system. why small in 1948, when after the victory? sabrina. if war of pieces you do this with a new collections of laws were published in a port add in 1957. it was at the initiative of the united legos. you how you go over of the soviet union, but he threw a ministry of justice,
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but nature of that's at the presumption of innocence was introduced that through did him into the law. but even with glut with junior senior members of the ministry made a great contribution to come to the strengthening home damien thelon of state power for 30 workers with us. and they put in support for the foundation. so woollen lushly, that of the single legal of a field of the russian federation with fossil and the guarantees hush $1081.00 way of the rights of citizens. even the more large scale reforms straightened and the promotion you might get of a law based and democratic state. they were all in you on the part of the ministry it with the, with the day to day that we see group the more than the 20 is a main look of areas. so you subordinate to the ministry, it could be including the penitentiary system, while mortgage is 85th and the young other traditional brushes when you're the kind of give linear, a constant improvement of the law. you must strengthening the foundations of
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statehood electric and increasing the legal protection of citizens. the senior are key focuses on the ministry and maintaining consistency of law yolanda, but it is an important little example of that with a lot has been done. another it through harmonize. regional legislation with federal laws iep bus and this systemic work needs to be continued when you have that issue in your and december last year, a decision was made you to with their vote to port system, which is actually to make the ministry organ listed. the chief body to coordinate the harmonization of legal action. all levels are resourceful and to create a unified digital resource. is that the liberty for giving an overview of those that are wicker, you can you over the countries law authority that he gets more productive corporation? you registered by that you were at the ministry of justice. i be certain that needs to be conducted all productive actors and society needs receive your support. the
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clover angie yos have already received a useful tools from them. they have a digital reporting systems which when you then your brains, what good of, if you put at the same time, openness and transparency of foreign cios needs to be improved. so you and more structuring their corporate governance needs have introduced to work with you. a system of free legal aid is being developed got out of the grip on which are covered through them are state tron legal offices are providing such services to people that you wish to puzzled me in 32 regions of russia am yes, go to them. so i expect that such entity will be crated in all our rejects. it is key to make sure that these services are of high quality ma'am. and the ministry of justice that among others will see to that review to them. but if you, through to, people need to have the possibility to turn to if it was the certified and the legal professionals. norma z my the via digital it means kirk morton. it is
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a very modern and mutual your only trusted, just kind of state service and we meet suit with the with if you develop that lady notary services have been developed, but in your over recent years was worth my secret string. and that, that he ended county for electron the fort possibility to carry out notarial operations in digital form. if you're on a remote bases have been introduced of than your normal experts activities, you will have been improved. wonderful when you act. but labord trees have been established in the regions simpson will be to improve the quality of forensic issues ref interior. so garage them, you assessments from groups with you and improve with the legal protection of the political and the legal entities. so now that we were introduced processes, bonacre's, the federal penitentiary service, as a close collaborator of the ministry human machine, which is you are the reason a general plan for the location of telegraph of penitentiary institutions. that
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particular is being elaborated. and so as to bring such institution that fluid europe outside the borders, lack of, of other cities and other settlements, this work units to be conducted jointly with the, for the you might have a civil society organizations sorted that matter. when you're asked to working with the a source of the business community, it's also an important area. would you publish it with, with our people in the penitentiary institution. some need to have a share, an opportunity here of what is possible to compensate for the hon. they have caused misty by working at approved organizations, the better exist english and bringing value to society. this was all part of the liberalization of been our laws so far away. it was far my faithfulness. william, the digital transformation with encompasses the depth. your film is below the whole spectrum of willow prostration is able to see of the enforcement of interstitial
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adults. but if you blend yet yet, you are the women was it's provide smith tools for a court bailiffs. and when he yesterday said it gets baldwin to bring judicial decisions, that was all it got to reality youth with bullet. or if we implemented this system more widely hearing from us on it, we can ensure, well what you're a broader coverage and greater efficiency there. whether the minister of justice has joined him, great authority, excuse me, and, and how full legal experts in it and a human resource potential for mac. all of that needs to be realised. i'm sure much that you have a good idea of the challenges before you run your credit, and that she will do everything in your power issue in which and make sure that those challenges so many thoroughly are mets at the highest level possible. lucas littler submitted a member of the digestive system needs to be a good professional sharina to be a here,
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which is an example of personal integrity. it is necessary with hipaa for it, for people to respect your profession, probably the food from that. so once again, i'd like to congratulate you with glove and a thank you for the veterans of the minister of justice. we need to give that you the chin white for that service. so the part of florida and to all, all of you who work to day under the ministry for your work, i wish you success. thank you. order. we're jumping at one more time here for the live coverage on our t international. i'm rural re sushi. thanks for your patience so far today. of course that was the russian president vladimir speak putin, that he was talking to the a 220th anniversary of that of the russian judiciary system. it was all basically domestic and she's talking about, i don't know, security penitentiaries, legal entities, legal institutions and processes in general. he did also say that the basically that we need to do a drumming up and the strengthening of the national justice system. it has to show
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integrity in order to earn the trust of the people we were hoping that he might make a comment on what is our top story i'm breaking use here on our team a national on this tuesday afternoon. i thought is, well, that, that done yet, i knew guns for publics as well as 2 regions as we understand now in ukraine have announced they will be holding referendums on whether or not to become a part of russia, a voting of the to don bass. republics on the how to so nuns f o g regions will be held september the 23rd to the 27th. and we spoke with the head of the apology region, who said the authorities will do everything to insure safety for those who want to express their will lead india, he's rewarded. literally a years. roxanne looked up a sheet because i'm sure that i see donations will drive around sup, hiroshi region, and the vast majority of residence cult hold a referendum as soon as possible as they want to join russia. we don't want to be some grey's own. we don't want to become ukraine again. we want to become
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a part of russia, as we historically always have been. it was decided to hold a referendum in such a way as to avoid a mass gathering of people. that's why the referendum process will last several days. everyone will have the opportunity to devote if necessary. we can collect votes from citizens at home. this is necessary so that zelinski lead saboteurs won't be able to fire on and shed the blood of citizens who just want to express that will to be part of the russian unity. everything possible will be done to ensure security. deposit of an ottawa, senior correspondent who's standing by an a harrison with the very latest on this. his arts. he's murdad gas d f. well anyway, you look at it. this is going to be a momentous week in history. certainly it will be studied in years and decades perhaps to come. but yes, indeed, 3 regents holding referendums on joining russia and 23rd 27th of september. presumably over the course of several days to avoid
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massive cues or a rush. because in, in all of these regions, ukrainian shelling is ceaseless, these endless, and it is blind. yesterday alone, 13 people killed in a single attack at the market. so presumably, authorities are taking the security situation very seriously, but they must also take other factors into consideration. why this, this rush, there's a lot that will have to be done aside from the referendum itself. the laws of russia, of la guns and the diets can have shawna a very, very different economic lose. a very, very different that all of that is going to be, i still have to be mesh together for it to, to work. but she will be these republics they choose to join. russia will, will accept russian federal law with all that that entails. and there is little doubt that these republics will vote to join russia than he is and luggage. after 8
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years of civil war and shelling, endless peace efforts which we either denied by you craig, amidst agreements. they've had enough. they want finally to be accepted as russian citizens rather than 2nd grade citizens with, with russian passports but left to their own devices. many of them she this as the only solution to a peaceful, prosperous future for them here and here, san region, those that have left the province, the city, or ukraine's a territory is held by the key of regime. they will be unable to vote in these referenda, but as i say there is, there is a lot rising on this and much will change. there is very little doubt about that. authorities in russia, we've heard already the, the speaker of the pol about the duma say that if they choose to join brush of the
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state duma, the russian parliament lou, how's the parliament will support them? will vote to, to allow them to join russia. we've heard the lead of the communist party in russia also say that this is something he has worked through achieve for years of public officials, also expressing support for the gods that he has could have sought ah, joining the rush of adoration, zappa. georgia will also stage the referendum and these exact dates from the 23rd to the 27th of september. i that the wrapping the program only for this moment here were naughty international. really appreciate you joining us. it's about half past 5 now. late afternoon here at moscow. we are covering, i do the live coverage that is of the 77th un general assembly in new york. and we have also to various world leaders, a, going to the podium make the statements. we just had brazil's our giant ball sonata . it's saying that among many other things that brazil is against the economic and isolation of russia. we just had mackie soul, the president of senegal. he said,
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we called for a station of hostilities in ukraine. the world must act together and in just a few moments from now, the turkish president will be taken the podium and our life coverage will continue . when that happens. oh, a with mm ah co welcome to well, the part here is journey. one of the most recurrent mythological themes of human history invariably brings the protagonist back to where the old began.
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