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tv   News  RT  September 20, 2022 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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ah, ah ah, breaking news this hours that don nath can look on republics as well as ukraine's her song as zap roshi regions. i now so hold referendums on joining russia in the next few days. we get reactions from low goals, getting the ability to move on, voted favor of it. all these events have shown that we have one path, the sooner the better. without russia, we have no future resources must reach african countries that are most in need. that's a major topic raised by the president of the democratic republic of congo as world
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leaders at the un general assembly focused on creating a more more type polar world economic racism. that's what you've gone to. and politicians call a new resolution forcing the country to stop building gas pipelines for the sake of environmental goals that size the country verges on energy, poverty, a mosque out to the world. this is our t international. i'm rachel blevins. and here are the top stories. this our both the don asking the guns for public size, well as 2 regions in ukraine have announced they will be holding referendums on whether to become part of russia voting and the to don bass republics and new cranes her song and zap or she regions will be held on september 23rd to the 27th.
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we spoke to locals in all of the regions. many say this could help achieve peace. this is in the ballistic and then i'll vote in favor of it. i have an extremely positive view of this is exactly what we'd been waiting for since 2014. our people have suffered a lot for the idea of joining russia. all these events have shown that we have one path. it should be done as soon as possible, so we hope that no one will attack russian territory. it will, i will, won't, which in favor, because it's time to become part of russia who have been wait impatiently for e t is. we're tired of the whole situation. this region must return to its home. the time has come, so the decision must be made. i will vote yes so that there will be no more shelling and everything will work out so that we live as we did before. we've been heading to worse this for a long time, 8 years. it should have been done a long time ago,
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and very happy about this. i think life will become more stable. there will be protection. maybe the war will and sooner i'll vote in favor of it. we've wanted to return home for a long time since 2014, the sooner the better. without russia, we have no future. we spoke with the head of this opera, she region who said the authorities will do everything to ensure safety for those who want to express their will. usually you usually look up a sheet because i'm sure that i see donations will drive around sup, hiroshi region and the vast majority of races colt hold a referendum as soon as possible as they want to join russia. you don't want to be some grace and we don't want to become ukraine again. we want to become a part of russia, as we historically always have been. it was decided to hold a referendum in such a way as to avoid a mass gathering of people. that's why the referendum process will last several days. everyone will have the opportunity to devote if necessary. we can collect votes from citizens at home. this is necessary so that zalinski lead saboteurs
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won't be able to fire on and shed the blood of citizens who just want to express that will to be part of the russian unity. everything possible will be done to ensure security. what was, what was jupiter, tika, ukrainian authorities have warned locals that any such referendum is forbidden, as they say, organizers would face up to a decade in jail. and anyone who participates would be in prison for 5 years. my colleague research yet spoke with a panel of gas, who said residents in those regions won't be deterred from voting because of such threats. guns, absolutely absolute. my jury is certainly standing for what we have fighting for for 8 years here. to get full recognized from the russian federation and, and to get back home. that is the mood what has been here for years and it has been defended against a brutal attacks of the kill forces course. a lot of people were awaiting that for
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8 years. so people are really impatient to be able to voice their choice. and but of course people are a bit afraid about the security because we have the massacre which are cured in, in the center of the net, just due to a shooting from the ukranian army. so there are a lot of questions about that from people, but people are really willing to, to voice their choice. i think this will take place correctly and legally because it was the desire of the people off the don't back to have what you really mentors hearing this is ceo, shy cooperation organization if the funds are on there. greg of nice if, if the breach countries will recognize that and so that we can get to the movie. ready world ukraine says the referendums will change. nothing. is that really the
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mood and no, no, i see him from the information we have from ukrainian telegram channels to. there is a mood of fan, aching, the president to cabinets in bunkerville because of course i understand that the front line isn't after the russian territory. they mean that russia, i can officially declare war against ukraine for them. you mean the last 6 months would have be in the like a nice pass in heaven compared to what weighed them? what is it gonna take the people in the to don bass republics in these 2 regions? for example, how to saw it ends up at all me. what's it gonna take for them to be recognized by western professional partners? these people to be recognized as legitimate residents of their own republics or potentially that of russian territory. i think that the recognizing starts from each of us from ourselves. and i think that from their starts to real healing,
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recognizing yourself as a true russian is a very big step forward. if somebody doesn't want to recognize these people's real and and determination, which has been shown through the world a 2 years, that's their problem. i think they have a whole different unity just to be with the hong cantonese, according to their own desire and their own agreement. to wash, i think it will be really many people, all the points for the people him come back of the peace, come back of route economical conditions for, for people and for the business. several western leaders have said in response that they will not recognize the referendums. french president micron has slammed the plan votes as a quote parity of democracy, while german chancellor scholes has said the international community will not
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acknowledge the results. serbian american journalist no boys mallet told me earlier that the west has no right to criticize this self determination of the people of the don mass. nobody in you has any moral right to call out anybody's democracy, given that their whole process of unifying the government to expand its authority was defeated in referenda in france, among other things, other places. and ireland had to vote twice until they got it right. and then nobody was given a choice at all. so you know, the, you giving anybody lectures in democracy when they're basically a non democratic superstate is, is a parody of democracy right there. but secondly, it's interesting to me that these people obviously don't recognize democracy. and dawn back because they don't recognize the people they are human because i remember very distinctly in 2020, 13 early 2014. the west was very strict about the government and you have,
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you know, don't use force don't, don't, you know, violently suppressed them. i don your respect, human rights and as soon as victoria newland got to a point the new government and all of a sudden all of those calls ended. it absolutely did not matter what kind of force a new government used against it. so it suddenly became perfectly fine to burn people alive and odessa, sent tanks upon absolutely peaceful protesters in harkell and elsewhere. and then or declare war on dawn back. do you think that this whole situation is reminiscent of what happened in yugoslavia and serbia? what parallels or differences do you see between what happened in the 2 different conflicts or so luckily, i mean, the west has been using the u. s. love model to break up versus soviet union and then, you know, try to, you know, it's talking about breaking up russia and it's also selective standard. you know, it's, it's fine for this arbitrary political unit to succeed, but it's not fine for ethnic groups who declare their own units the seed unless
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they're the units that we like. like the albanians and coast of oak, though it's one of those. it doesn't matter what, like it doesn't matter your category, you could be a republic or a self proclaimed autonomy. the only thing that matters is the west on your side or not. again, the whole point of this entire year has been dead. the west is no longer the sole interpreter and creative rules on the planet. that is the message. that's not my message. that's the message. moscow has been trying to send. and jurors met with a whole bunch of other leaders in summer khan. and they seem to be on board with the program. germany's a f. d political party has lashed out that ukraine's ambassador to berlin after he said that german parliament members who visit the don bath on a plan. fact finding mission should be thrown in jail. a f d m piece, or visit moscow occupied eastern ukraine next week in support of the war of
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extermination. this is a criminal offense. the amateur lawyer, bon dera, fan and ex ambassador melnik spreads fake news. in view of the distorted in partisan reporting on the ukraine conflict, we want to get our own picture of the situation and assess the humanitarian situation. archie correspondent, maria the notion that has more on this story. but the germans have double down asking, was criminal about searching for fats. they say the 1st casualty of war is the truth. so what is it so criminal about trying to verify to ask questions. but ukraine doesn't seem all that in favor and not for the 1st time. back in april, when the news started coming out of alleged the russian crimes and booter president, zalinski gave an interview to german is billed and expressed his anger that someone within they you had dared to ask for evidence that civil and visiting was schultz. but it was the nastiest request,
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one of the you politicians asked to show some evidence that it was true not to set up. he asked to show the evidence, i can't say exactly who threw it at walter, chief of some european government. i know, yes, appointment not shows those who have dare than the past to draw attention to the aspects that key of do not like as smeared case in point. world renowned and respected amnesty international, which published their report on what they rode on the ground research had revealed all but confirm and kiev had committed war crimes. ukrainian forces have put civilians in harms way by establishing bases and operating weapon systems in populated residential areas, including in schools and hospitals. what followed next? did anyone risk fact amnesty as long history of good work? no, amnesty was targeted donations dropped and please quit. the angio had to come out and apologize for the discomfort their report caused. stressing, though that's his conclusion, remain the same. overnight, amnesty became
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a pariah. a russian propaganda tow. it is also support this organization. as it now stands has to cease to exist because it causes an incredible damage to the concepts of human rights and frieda dewitt. this organization is protecting authoritarian and totalitarian regimes ethics. i'm just like you, i'm outraged by amnesty and i no, i think it is unfair. local budgets or wouldn't we saw today a completely different report from amnesty international which unfortunately tries to amnesty the terrorist state and shift the responsibility from the aggressor to the victim. done cancelled and discredited for committing the ultimate scene of challenging the prevailing narrative, like the u. official regarding butcher amnesty, international, ukrainian armed forces and possibly the german m. p. 's. now in don bus, it seems that there is just one working formula for kia and its allies. just trust us or you are the enemy was cross live now to
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earle rasmussen, executive vice president of the eurasia center. earl, it's great to have you on the program today. now why would key consider visiting the don bass on a fact finding mission as a criminal offense, especially if it's national parliament members from germany, one of the closest allies. how do we make sense of this? well look back is the ukraine has and we've seen it all about i you have to complete propaganda. you never know what's actually coming out of there. and they do not want to have someone actually see on the ground see for themselves the situation. they want to everyone to believe, trust us just like butcher no evidence trust. and that's the situation and, and i think the, it doesn't really matter if it's a,
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if it doesn't matter of someone else. another politician from, from the west went on a fact finding basis and that's exactly what it is and primarily look at the humanitarian situation there. i that they definitely do not want to see the truth come out because i think there's definitely work crime that i think it'll come out to show what has actually happened over the last 8 years. well, you know, they often say that the 1st casualty of war is true. and yet, it seems as though there are so many people who are willing to believe ukraine's official narrative about the conflict just on face value without wanting to push for those all 2 important fact finding mission. why do you think that is and why do you think that there's suddenly such push back even when it's germany that is wanting to do otherwise?
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well, we know that mister mel his viewpoint of germany, it's called the the chancellor liver worst. and we know the tensions there that the between germany and, and ukraine and especially the altar national, which mr. melnick definitely seems the same like one. but this is a, this is a whole controlling the narrative. i'm sure other countries are behind this as well and support this look. you've already got certain german newspapers kind of you know, and, and the lansing institute coming up with some finding, trying to shape it, that this is all propaganda and they're embedded with rushes by. it's, i mean it's, it's controlling the narrative essentially. it's fascinating to see a fact finding mission get so much push back. but now i guess the question becomes
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could key of really press criminal charges against those german national parliament members if they move forward with this mission? absolutely not. the already the, the agency that looked at these types of things is already investigated. they, if the one and 2017 found that there was no connection whatsoever between russia and, and the of the party. they may investigate again. but these are honest people concerned their popularity is increasing as well within germany. so i think there's, there's no connection here, not russian spies. mister melick can do all the name calling he wants to. but i do not see how this less. there's some external pressure that we're unaware of. i do not see any type of criminal charges being being brought to them.
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i mean an extra to you would one representatives to go and actually see for themselves what the situation is. i mean, i would, you would want that it just makes sense. but we're in a, we're in a very unusual situation right now that we are, and ukraine has really made it clear that they don't want that they don't want those representatives on the ground. now why do you think that ukraine's leadership is become so outrage when someone asked for evidence to prove its narratives as villain ski did when we had germany's news outlets asking for proof of alleged russian war crimes and the town of boucher? well, they're trying to one, i think they're panicking and they're trying to get it more as much support as they can. they want backing on the web. and i think there's some,
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some questions starting to occur in the, on, in different governments. the western government says, well, there's, you know, and there's, i'm sure there's internal discussions going, what's really going on over there. so obviously, one of the ways is just to throw mud and to show your frustration. oh, almost like throwing tantrums. i mean, that's what it is, it's, it's just absurd, the, an unprofessional, the way the politicians, ukrainian, lot of the ukrainian politicians are acting in this manner. it just is an unbelievable, similar to, to being complaining that they're not getting enough weapons for free but, but this is the same thing, believe us trust us. and they have a whole propaganda office that probably comes up with these scenarios as well. so it's just the way of controlling people and trying to,
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to get the other governments on their side. well, it certainly will be interesting to see who is listening, in this case, earl rap music, executive vice president of the eurasia center. thank you so much for your time and insight. thank you, rick. the world hunger crisis has been in the spotlight at the un general assembly. i secretary general antonio group terrace has drawn the world's attention to the fertilizer supply problem, saying these products can not be sanctioned. now my surgeon to address the global fertilizer market crunch vizier, do all, there's enough foods. the problem is distribution. but if the fertilizer market is not stabilized next year, the problem might be food supply itself. it is essential to continue removing all remaining obstacles to the export of russian fertilizers and that ingredients
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including ammonia. these products are not subject to sanctions. let's go live now to our t correspondent, caleb mob been in new york. caleb, it's good to see you. now. what are some of the main issues being released? being res, rather at the un general assembly. well, it's the 1st day of the annual un general assembly where we hear from various heads of state. and while a number of country, the lines of the united states have been critical of russia. one underlying reality that various speakers have been unable to avoid is the global consequences of the. 6 us sanctions against russia, as you just heard, the general secretary reflected on the concern regarding global fertilizer exports and their impact on the global food supply. and there are very serious concerns being raised now we heard from a number of african country,
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members of the african union that addressed the general assembly today when they spoke guy on tuesday. and one thing that we did hear repeatedly was concerned about the need for development from a number of leading western financial institutions and, and prominent voices in the web. we're hearing about the call for d growth in the name of climate change. but it seems that a number of african countries are determined to see their people rise up out of poverty. and they welcome investment from russia in china. here's what we heard from the leader of the democratic republic of congo. 7 so lead donnelly sharp on the economic fronts. what needs to be done is to help economies recover the economies of countries that have been weakened by the collateral effect of climate change and the current of virus to promote violence, to global economic growth, and to hold the exacerbation of poverty in developing countries. we cannot overcome this challenge without internal good governance efforts of the national level,
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nor productive investments of capital, nor without real and sufficient transfer as a financial resources to those who need them. now, one thing that we heard from the leader of the democratic republic of congo, as well as other figures from the african union and developing countries was the concern about multi polarity. and there's a feeling of the way the un security council is set up with certain countries having details. power is not really fair too much of the developing world. there was a call to restructure the united nations to give more representation to african countries . countries in south america, countries in asia, etc. this is some of what we heard on that theme of multi polarity and possible restructuring of the un. democratic to go continued the democratic republic of congo continues to think that it is essential that we better structure
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multilateralism and enrichment with equal treatment for all of the parties involved in order to create spaces for dialogue and cooperation. which is something that we need in order to ensure international peace and security that is the united nations that we want to do this. we need to fact urgently to reform the un, which seems to be lagging somewhat at the moment. i love is formed alone. now this year's un general assembly is a little bit out of the ordinary because usually on the 1st day of the proceedings we hear from the us head of state. however, we understand joe biden is scheduled to speak on the following day. joe biden will be taking the podium on wednesday the 2nd day of the proceeding. then many are wondering what exactly the us head of state is going to say. this point, the united states seems determined to escalate tension, not just with russia, but with china. with that as well, with iran and
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a number of other countries. so many are anticipating how joe biden will justify the actions of the united states when he takes the floor. so he will also be giving remarks that are and that a domestic audience as well is speech will be broadcast on american television. so people are anticipating the remarks in the u. s. leader. we heard from a number of key countries to the floor on tuesday as the proceedings began. the un general assembly taking place every year and late september as well underway, r t corresponding caleb month. and thank you for that update and active economic races. that's how you gone by has slammed a new resolution that's trying to walk and oil pipeline building project, citing alleged environmental and human rights abuses. uganda parliament's deputy speaker branded the move as a step against the country sovereignty. the resolution is based on misinformation
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and represents the highest level on neo colonialism and imperialism against the sovereignty of uganda and tanzania. also seeks to deny ugandans and east africans, the benefits and opportunities from the oil and gas sector. this represents the highest form of economic racism against developing countries who has the right to explore and developed from their own natural resources and under what conditions. that's the knob of the fight between uganda, tanzania, and the e mail. on friday, the e u. parliament issued a statement saying they advise all companies as stakeholders linked to the east african crude oil pipeline project, to abandon all activities and to seize any production. now the worries for the u parliament, as cited in the petition, ah, environmental, and linked to human rights abuses. they say detractors of the project have been arbitrarily jailed, and that an oil spill or a leak from this underground project could in face among the many rivers connected
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to the great lakes region. and could be a detriment to millions of people who live in that area. hits little from the you, the european parliament calls for the you and the international community to exert maximum pressure on ugandan intensity and authorities as well as the project promoters and stakeholders to protect the environment. and to put an end to the extractive activities in protected and sensitive ecosystems, including the shores of lake albert and commit to using the best available means to preserve the culture, health and future of the communities affected. what the petitions will not tell you . however, in the energy poverty of the east african region as a whole, and then many of the east african countries can not afford to go green. it is estimated that 66 percent of ugandans, a multi destination, and the energy poor and the 33 percent of them have always suffered from acc, shoot energy, poverty. uganda is one of the countries that could greatly benefit from this
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pipeline. it's estimated that uganda has some 1400000000 barrels of oil and is ground. and that the 1400 kilometer pipeline plan between it and tanzania could lift millions out of poverty. and according to the president of uganda, he had a warning on twitter for total energy, which is one of the companies linked to the pipeline project. he says that should they follow in the footsteps of the wanting from the parliament, uganda and tells amy, stand ready to take their fate into their own hands and todd, of course, for their own destiny. and that if taught tao pools out, they will be ready to find another partner we heard from an international policy consultant who believes it's wrong for the you to interfere and uganda's domestic economic affairs. a,
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you know, i mean union work on getting task. and i was expected to be in by the 600 kilometers to bring natural gas because it's not benefit you guys with a noise and they're trying to condemn another sovereign state, pursuing a mission. it's about 2 to 4 percent of the whole world and mission, and account for about 17 percent of the global population and a half of the economy. people a right to do what they expect other people in the country and people and it's not for your patient coming to that's all for now. be sure jack out
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r t dot com for all of the latest breaking news and updates was the right back here . at the top of the hour. mm hm. and women choice when that equipment for the mobile blog post. that to make sure i'm gonna keep a twinge, quit my job to buy the modem. but eventually when you want to push, what did you like to replace? good, the definition of radius love, it will much do. i don't want that to my default that which will to present course not put them in that i feel gamma will push the village because we are what i was more than just notice. good fun bunch. come grow or you have to have a hoarder in the pursuit where a fatal shooting booster, who just go to the groger insurance guard. we've got to go. what is governor in here to go into the home more.


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