tv News RT September 22, 2022 7:00am-7:31am EDT
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a with a a 6 peak? well, i think with the referendum on joining russia on the way in for disputed region, the tactics have been intensifying shortcut. how should i just you're with the right to change the 55. so just returned to russia while ukrainian service been handed over by most going to the members of the i'll go for tally and also we miss the president. treat all conflict across the globe with equal
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indignation. south africa uses it, turn at the human general assembly to accuse the west of double standards that the u. s. quick aside, is russia violating un principles? a hello and welcome it has 10 t p. i'm here in the russian capital and this is our t international with the latest world news. that date is good to happy with us. now we thought this on with some breaking news that the latest shelling by ukrainian forces have done yet. city has left and he's 6 people dead and 6 the injured that's according to local officials. a warning for you, the falling for the following footage contains some graphic images. residential areas have been coming under attack since the early hours of the morning and are continuing. a bus was hit, leaving bodies scattered in the streets. another shell hit the roof of an indoor
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market. michelin comes to the day before a referendum to join. russia is to be held in public. good. okay. let's cross lines to our correspondence more. i don't see it on the ground. no more. it's good to see you. could you bring it up to speed on the latest place? ah, well of course the, the worst of it was in that yet square 6 people were killed for a 14 year old girl. among them, when ukrainian child struck a covered market as well as i landed, one of the shells landed right next to a public transport boss, which is also packed with people. many, many injured, 6 people dead in just one instance there. and this is becoming the norm, and then yet, every 2nd day we hear about another incident of mass casualties officer, ukrainian shelves, which are being fired blindly at this point that have been so for, for months now. oh, landing in, in a shop or in a, in a, in
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a courtyard. that said that, you know, that surrounded by high rise, apartment buildings and 80, it'll continue. this will continue until ukrainian bombardment of than yet another city seizes it in multiple another city example or ship. that was a bomb plotted inside a shop. 6 people injured in that bombing as well, which has been classified and investigated as an active, adaptive terror in crimea. 3 ukrainian, you way these unmanned aerial vehicles. drones were, were shot down by authorities there by the military. well, while they were trying to fly into the crimean peninsula, also here in the sun, the situation is, is tense. yesterday there was a series of loud blasts all over the city. one of the missiles impacted an american . i must miss hall impacted viewing, crossing river,
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crossing that connect your soul to, to, to add to the eastern side of the near port river, which is where civilians are, which is the uni crossing that civilians used to transport goods, their families to and fro from this side, if you have saud. so all this, the, these, these bombardments and shelling are systematic. it seems that ukraine has decided on terrifying the local population, especially with the referendum now so close perhaps in order to dissuade people from boucher in this referendum to join russia. more as when he thinks there's these house, dancer ortiz, my dance, you have reported to his life from care song. now we will have a special coverage on the referendums in these regions, which we'll get on to where on friday, as locals vote on whether they want to become a part of russia. they can read more about this on our website and stay tuned to
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our t international for the latest. ah . elsewhere a prisoner what has taken place between moscow and kiev, the russian defense ministry say 55 russian military service men have arrived home from ukrainian captivity and are now receiving medical care. little brother flores, not as a result of a complex exchange negotiation process. 55 servicemen of the armed forces of the
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russian federation. don. yes, can luc ganske republics who were in mortal danger and captivity were returned from the territory of ukraine controlled by the kiev regime tonight, all military personnel have been transported by military transport aircraft to the territory of the russian federation, and currently in medical institutions of the russian defense ministry, the return service men have been given the opportunity to contact their relatives and a being provided with all necessary psychological and medical assistance. washing trip planning when say ethan military, airport and in most members of the notorious, now not the hours of battalion captured during the siege of mario po, were among those exchange for the russian serviceman. several weapon fighters including 5 british and a moroccan national, who had previously been sentenced to death by don't yet court also released many of the western soldiers freed were quick to contact family members on their return. so i just, everything is fine. what your tears,
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everything is okay. sure. what i see is everything is fine. i just pretend to russia, allies one addressing the un general assembly south africa is lashed out that the west saying double standards are not to be accepted when tackling regional conflicts. wishes not ignore, longstanding conflicts such as that of the people of palestine. israel must be held accountable for its destructive actions that of significantly impaired the possibility of a 2 state solution. similarly, we cannot ignore the decadence long struggle for so determination of the people of western sahara. we must, mister president, treat all conflicts across the globe with equal indignation, no matter what color creed of the people affected it. that was the leader of south
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africa speaking before the united nations pointing to some of the ha ha chrissy around western leaders that continue to highlight the situation in ukraine while ignoring the suffering going on in other conflicts and the violation of territorial integrity taking place in many countries now representative of serbia pointed to a situation regarding his country where the united states and western leaders are really revealing their hypocrisy. this is the serbian president. we ask for a clear answer to the question. i've been asking my interlocutors leaders of many countries for years. what is the difference between the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine and sovereignty and territorial integrity of serbia, which was grossly violated and for virtue provided international recognition and legitimacy, at least some a few miss shed light on the hip hop caressing of biden at the un hammering home this belief that what is taking place is all simply
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a matter of russia violating the territorial integrity of the ukraine. russia has shamelessly violated the court. tenants of the united nations charter. no more important than the clear prohibition against countries taking the territory of their neighbor by force. no one threatened russia and no one other than russia sought conflict. currently, these regions are preparing for referenda and which they will vote on the question of whether or not they join with the russian federation. so the way binding presented it and his speech today at the united nations general assembly, the way he presented, it isn't matching reality. it simply isn't the way things are taking place. this is a typical oversimplification of a very complicated international situation to serve the narrative, backing u. s. foreign policy and civil rights attorney, robert patello believe the 2 tier system providing different sets of rules is wrong
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. think as we have to take as an international community is an understanding, we need to have the same standards across the board. are there cannot be a one set of rules where the united states and great britain, i am the nato allies in a 2nd cetera. and the 2nd set of rule for the all the other countries of the earth . and the only way for these international organizations to have legitimacy is of, if they are truly neutral, they are truly fair minded us. we cannot continue to have a 2 tier system. and international law, international organizations. otherwise we'll continue to see our smaller nations and non nato nations defect from these organizations really do not feel they'll get fair treatment. he heard person bite into they talk about the idea of allowing the african nations caribbean nations to have representatives on the permanent security council will veto power. but as of right now, most of those small nations have no voice at all the people. a pals dance that have the ability to simply vote on statehood and have it recognized by the international community and that be the end of it. if we're talking about international democracy
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in real rules based order right now, is all about making sure that the money interest stay in power to make short at the nation. are basically one world war 2 or continue to have, has more power over the world. and think that as a disquieting situation where the majority of nations are trying to move from, quote, unquote, developing and to be into self sufficiency, dressed as accusation fly at russia. the west itself has been less than loyal to the un charged that it keep signing the invasion of iraq in the occupation of syria . only a couple of examples where the u. s. fell to follow, the very rose that it at once. others t. r. t 's maria phenomena has no news about 4 regions and ukraine getting ready to hold referendums on join in. russia came in thick and fast. what also quickly followed was the reaction from the west. these referenda or in the front to the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity that underpin the international system and let fly at the heart of the united nations charter. thank sullivan's
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claims of carrying about sovereignty would probably be more convincing if he didn't stand behind a lectern where numerous american officials have undermined the suffering tea of numerous nations. how many times have we heard them warning or urge in other southern states to follow along with washington's policy? if a country decides to engage in with russia where there are sanctions, then they are break, breaking those sanctions. they're breaking our sanctions. and in some cases they're breaking un sanctions. yes. there are consequences to countries that actively attempt to circumvent or back fill the sanctions threatening illegal and unilateral sanctions against, as sovereign nation for conducting their own independent policy. is that not 10 up front to the principles of sovereignty for sullivan? and is he not concerned about washington being accused of stealing? an estimated 80 percent of series daily oil output. the sovereignty not apply to
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syria and its natural resources, but all that goes unnoticed, while every russian step is condemned. celia, russia's invasion of ukraine is a conduct that tramples the philosophy. and principles of the un charter. yet should never be tolerated. the un charter, the sacred foundation of the international organization that the west, as a former un secretary general himself, one stated, has repeatedly trampled on. i have indicated it us led war in iraq was not in conformity with the un charter. from our point of view. and from the charger point of view, it was illegal. they all provoked an illegal invasion of rock is just one example of how the u. s. has been less than loyal to the charter. it now claims to be crucial to world order. you asked lead bombings of yugoslavia and libya. it's a tax and continued presence in syria. it's murdering of iranian commander. silly money, all in violation of the un charter leaving devastation behind in iraq alone. it's
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estimated that around $200000.00 civilians were killed or hays the un charter only there to be conveniently called upon when your strategic enemies on to bite and buy it. and when it comes to the upcoming referendums, there is one aspect of the chart to the west certainly seems to have forgotten. that's the right to self determination. the purposes of the united nations are to develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self determination of people. the international community supports they saw tickle of the un charter so much that $20.00 costs of a seceded from serbia. it was supported by the u. s. and over 100 other nations. and this policy continues with washington and its western allies insisting on ty, one's right to determine its own future. why shouldn't those in the don boss and had a song ends up at osha, have their say after 8 long years?
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is it because they're hoping to join a country? the u. s. has publicly stated it wants to see we can, can the west really not see it's pick and choose approach when it comes to respecting sovereignty, self determination or international law. there is a popular saying rules for thee and not for me. if only the west itself respected the rules, they want others to follow. one would be more willing to believe in the sincerity of their reaction. now the dea shows kind of like the bible, those who are was support a certain procedure when it's convenient for the amanda wanting, their actions contradicted, well, then they ignore that passage. i would say the u. s. has violated the crop, the charter if the charter means allowing people self determination, which it does on numerous occasions when it's suited centrist to do so. and that's what empires do. and the u. s. is no different than the british empire,
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and then the french and others before it and it's behaving empirically. and it is increasingly aggressive. the nat regarding a south african president is branded the biggest, the military ext on the continent as an exceptional opportunity for his country. hundreds of companies from around the world to taking part the african aerospace and defense the expo ones until sunday, south africa defense ministers, that is a great chance the global companies to work together not is corroborated tightly reports, africa, aerospace and defense sector is the most important defense marketing event in south africa, generals and security decision makers from around the world meets here every other year in the capital city of south africa, to show case their military hardway, underscoring why is sub saharan africa is a growth region for military and defense sector. africa are currently expanding and
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bolstering their military and policing capabilities. but the military budgets of african countries have traditionally taken a backseat to developmental concerns. and the impact of coven 19 has eroded their capacity to buy arms as security hardware. even further consistency deposit of the defense force has been cut in south africa. it is at its lowest. that is what our problem is. even if the economy, cruise loan, if you keep to the promise that we made to ourselves, that would never go beyond 2 percent of the g d p. for the defense, we will defy. that's only looking for 2 percent of the g d p. that will enable us to recruit the young people that we need to be to could be italian, they were less to resuscitate our defense industry. that will enable us to fix
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all of our prem equipment that we need to fix. but it will also enable us to do everything and to play a role better in the region and in the continent. the russians. the conglomerate is also among the exhibitors here they are also looking to expand their presence in africa with a showcase at this. yes. export, even though they didn't have a spokesperson available on the day. russia has a friend in many african countries, especially in the south african defense, minnesota. we're loyal to our relationship with bricks because we're looking at bricks as a developmental partner. but to put excite this deal with russia, if you go into any part of africa, the african from c to you will ask you
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a question. who did they ever corner nice? did they give us financial aid and take possession of our country? now? south africa relationship with russia. spence from miss hood is mindy, by the way, i'm alive because they sent foot to the e and submitted to camps this expo attract over a 100000 people. busy in it's 5 day period and both that impressive actual there are many of line meetings happening here between decision makers that will hopefully turn the hand shakes into deals and business. i'm gonna pull it out for our tea in pretoria. okay, that's what i now say, one of our top stories are going to discuss the developments and the train crisis with our guest, lieutenant general talent masoud, who is a retired 3 star rank army general and
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a political commentator in pakistan. many thanks for joining us on the program. it's nice to see finally. and so let's talk about this ukranian selling, which is intensifying in the past 24 hours or so ahead of referendums on joining russia. what are they trying to achieve by intensifying the shelly? well, i think they don't want them to take place. they think that during this war it is not said they could have sent them. and that's why they are trying to sort of just sit up because they think it would be according to them. and the cars and you will have the results which will not be internationally validated. so i think that's what they are saying that this is no time for any validation. it is time to come to negotiations and also settle the matter, you know,
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politically the other then to women cover into big pieces. they're breaking news in the past 24 to 48 hours. there's the news on the referendums which came about was flooding. the patients announcement on the mobilize ation. do you see a connection between the 2? well i think there is definitely a connection and i would say that they are definitely not interested that you should have lender because they think i'm unique piece and you need negotiations. and you also need a ceasefire. so i think their conditions are very different to yours and that is the whole problem. and that is why there's so many lives are being lost and the war continues. and obviously the president, putin has decided to escalate. and i think that of course will intensify. the
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conflict, and maybe it goes in favor of the russia as part of the mil, 3 point of view. but i do not know whether politically it would be sound to sort of step up the thing because there will be casualties on both sides. and that's too much of that blood, which would have serious consequences not only in the present, but also in the future. well, let's say the referendums turn out like the people that become part of the russian federation. how will this impacts the situation on the ground in the conflict? well, obviously it will have an impact because you will have a certain, tatiana, your control. and you've been saying that it has been legally or so they have to be a part of russia. but i think that the other party you pain and the west not accept . so i think the conflict will continue. and there will be great to sort of
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a misunderstanding intentions between the 2 sites. so i don't see the conflict and being by just occupying certain areas, you know, or considering them to be a focus and even with the liberalization of russian trip, said the number of ukrainian chips who still out number russian forces. do you see anything changing on the battlefield in the near future? yes, certainly, i think, you know, the increase, the number of russian folks is definitely have an impact. but i'm also told that, you know, most of them are preserved and they are all used. this is what the press to say that they're not all is not so good that not very much inclined to be a part of the conflict. they think that would be at peace negotiations. and so it would all depend, what is that, what all, what is that you know,
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the ability to fight and what sort of a position to really use the equipment which is being handed over to them. so that all many questions that need to be answered new for anybody can save it. conviction that the addition of groups would really help russia or make things more complicated because there will be a movement with that. you could also feel that, you know, the water is going to be meaningless in the sense that if the people are not with you, how will you can this more? thank you so much for joining us on the program. so really appreciate your thoughts and you're in fine since the speaking to political analysts, lieutenant general taluk message. thank you. now it to africa again, a bit to tackle the current concerns of electronic waste, like old laptops and phones,
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the 1st of the waste management companies. i found in donna often recycling solutions with respect to this campaign are launched. they seeks to extend education and the benefits of recycling to our communities. our community recycling beans will be placed at selected, empty, and service centers across the country by reducing waste, lowering greenhouse gas emissions, and saving energy at home at work and on the road. we saved the environment at our continent. they may have comes, has gone or is known as one of the was dumping grounds when it comes to a waste. something that comes with huge risks to people's health ah done. if i were to pick something, where does with a chest know what he did,
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it can be trying generational transfer. i can pass it to my child and my daughter can most of it i re re did before you my pleasure of improving saturdays in the country and making a crowd the pre, the city in the, in africa the managing director of the african environmental sanitation, consulting group believes attitudes about psychology need to change at brighton. you should see it by saying since, well, since 2017 the gripe initiative has been introduced to god. it's brought in different dimensions of the eco system of the green echo system, which i am, frankly, in my opinion, was lacking before they came in and became very active in the past. it's been
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a little bit of a discussion or a rift between the producers. the consumer will take responsibility for the end of use and don't use products which are in the space of plastic they've been able to you through. and it's not only government, but also the power which development has to go in that kind of space. last is in the plastic minutes i'll call it is not only gonna problem, it's actually a development developing countries problem. and this is that, you know, i think it's been a creeping problem. we find that plastics alone when you trace it back to all of the other challenges that is cause and then we realize that we are in big trouble and that has also enabled the government to be aware of this and everybody is talking about it. and with this one, i think that in the long term, and i like the fact that it's not only given the platform for discussions,
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but he's going out of it is out of a school. it's also educating the public because the problem, the plastic, plastic waste problem in gonna have a lot also to do with education and attitude, no change that might happen for policy to be effective. thanks for joining us, our nazi international. as always, plenty more news updates to be found on our website all t dot com, but will be back in 30 minutes with the latest ah, to what we got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy, even foundation, let it be an arms race is on often very dramatic development. only really i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful. very difficult time time to sit down and talk.
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