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tv   News  RT  September 23, 2022 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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ah, i'm with to live, so this is our future. and the most important thing is the future of my grand daughter's, though she has all of the heart. my mother is russian. my father is russian. well, i am russian to hear it out. so you were continuing us special coverage as to don bass. republics and true ukrainian regents have been voting all day today on whether or not to join that the russian federation the chief threatening to take action against rome. if indeed the election there this weekend to result in the government taken the country and quote, a difficult direction,
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pensions wretched up between canada and india off the ottawa refuses to stop. canadian seeks conducting a referendum for separative seek homeland in the western indian state of couldn't job with the 8 be i'm now here at moscow, we appreciate you joining us here in a few international special coverage. today's referendums on whether or not to join russia, the voting has been getting underway, old day to day in dawn bass, and in the regions beyond. as we understand, at this very moment, the polling stations are closing. ah
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no right with a map i can show you the referendum is being held in for regions 1st and foremost, that done yet and against people's republics, right there. now basically they had already declared themselves independent back in 2014. that was after the government in keith was overthrown. but also though people have been casting their ballots in the upper orgy region and the heart of san region as well. now the voting comes off the days of intensified shelling of residential areas by ukrainian forces. this is all confirmed that the russian back local authorities claim keith was trying to scare people ahead of the vote. meanwhile, moscow says it will support the people's will and decision and for now all seems quiet. we're hearing no reports of any shelling at this moment. will bring you a pictures here from polling stations in a don bass region,
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people and both on ask and guns republics claim they've been waiting for this moment ever since the government was overthrown the country 8 years ago. parties from on culture ref now looks at how the war torn to an extra public is hoping this referendum vote might finally bring about some piece for safety reasons. the 1st 4 days of the vote will take place on the streets right next to people's homes and especially designated areas where people can come and vote right now we joined especially for referendum commission, who are walking around the street here in done that scanned. people are coming over to them, get registers and add to cast their vote in this referendum to join or not to join russia. now i spoke with the member of the commission on us this year, and she is shared with me how the people have been taking everything that's been going on today with her teachers of our job is to get around the residence,
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find out their opinions on the ref random people have been waiting for this for a very long time. were walking along with the referendum committee along the streets of the nest walking into people's houses, asking them if they want to cast their ballots. whether they want to nets, people's republic to become a part of russia or not. once again, ringing another doorbell here. let's see if anyone's home uses you with my father is from the curse region. i was born here. my grandfather is from russia. all my adult life i have been under the soviet rule. i studied their work there. i'm very glad. honestly, my heart sings in fact, you're in ukraine after all. no one cares. every thing is for the rich. but after all, i do hope everything will be good dollars. so much done. we've been waiting for this
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for a long time. i will be happy to vote for the reunion. russia is a great country. i'm a ukranian myself and living in ukraine under soviet rule. i was glad that i lived in such a country and now why do not accept the current ukraine? i can't accept it, considering what they're doing. i'm very happy that others that is sort of the least joy. this is the only thing i feel. finally, we waited now the referendum will be held, it will become easier than if we were patient nervous, afraid, and let's hope that everything will get better. and this is a very significant event for all the people have done, boss. many didn't fully believe and probably will want precisely because all the stuff i would try to believe and hope. you see that a huge number of people, grandmothers and young people come to vote for unification. it seems to me this is the same impulse of the united people that says that will want to be together with russia in 2014. i was also here. it was a single impulse of all the people is huge. impulse referendum will be held over
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a period of 5 days. this was done for safety reasons because ukrainian nationalists forces continue bombing residential areas of done as for the 1st 4 days. ah, the referendum will be held at people's homes. there will be stations just like this one where residents are able to come in and vote. they provide their documents, their passports, i get set registers and cast their vote, which leads cert letter against put it into this box. and it will be counted at a later date. now, once again, the voting is done in this fashion in order to prevent further tragedies of the past 24 hours. at least 7 people had been killed right in this sensor homes. and as kansas scores had been wounded all over the next people's republic,
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out bowling stations will open on the 27th of september. this will be the final day . and of course, a local residents are holding the outcome will be positive and they will be able to join russia. rahman calls for have already done as the republican. of course, another region that has been voting on whether or not to join russia has been that of zappa orgy. and the following footage shows queues at polling stations and heart of san unbelievable military and the police are ensuring security. all voting stations were swept for explosives before they opened, despite the potential threats. people have been keen to cast their votes, and as i said earlier, as we understand, it's all been quiet down there along the contact line. there's been no major violence to report all, and now it's about 7 minutes past 8 in the evening down there. so with the polling stations are closing, you have the, shall, is the revolution. i believe that only with russia will be able to revive our region, raise the economy, medicine education,
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revive the industries that her son region was famous for in soviet times and give a new impetus to our economy. i cast my vote for joining russia. megan? yes, i'm a mr. finally, we're together. finally, we are home. the mood is excellent. i wanted for russia from my home, from my motherland. actually young, i want to come back home. i just want to come back home to the little one of them is on. it's always been a russian city. they said it for a person. the native language is the one in which his mother read fairy tales for him in childhood. they read to me in russian, where now had one of the voting stations here, instead of song. these have been set up all over the city. long with these members of the electoral commission are going flat to flat house to house collecting people's votes. because despite the fact that already thousands of people and care san city in the province itself have voted, there's been a lot of intimidation. there been threats acts of terror. and there is ceases,
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of course, what boardman of your song with, with missiles, with rockets by the ukrainian military, the ukranian side nationalists of also threatened people. they have told them to stay away from voting stations for. busy their own safety taken at face value. it is believed that they want to target these voting stations to keep people away away from the referendum wave from expressing themselves nevertheless. so far things have been. com. security has of course been beefed up. there is a lot of tension, but as i mentioned, thousands have already voted in more and more of voting with every hour. so today, several events were held across russia to support the referendums. and don bass, for example, right here, the city of camera over that is in central russia. and then as come to the center of moscow, here's the russian capital. thousands of people gathered here that is red square, raving, waving their banners of course. and then all the way took girls near the capital of
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a chechen republic of southern rusher as well. and all of these events are being attended by representatives of public associations, political parties as well as civil activists. no other in the program. i spoke with a professor at the institute of european studies in belgrade, 7 guy it, he believed the safety and well being of don bass residence is of more importance than western reaction to the referendum. i don't see what kind of other sanctions are going to be imposed. i mean, west is fully involved in a proxy war. it is arming one of the sides heavily and i think that there will be increased protest similar to what we've seen in 2014 with the premium case. but i don't really see any kind of escalation that we haven't seen so far. of course,
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the west will be very disappointed and there will be a lot of a lot of, i would say, a vein barking by the politicians that are already discredited within their own societies. but i don't believe that russia and especially people who live in these areas, should be particularly worried about the western reaction. i think that they should be concentrated on the future. i had them and rebuilding our lives and of course of the infrastructure that was shattered. and of course the rebuilding of a functioning society. often the trauma that started out with the euro. my done, if not even with the break up of the soviet union in 1991, we will of course hear it out to keep you updated the very latest news. this is a 5 day referendum, ultimately deciding the fate of several 1000000 people. ah,
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well, portly is in the sides of brussels as the chief of angela and has warned italy of consequences should it via or away from liberal democratic principle ahead of the elections this weekend where right wing candidates are expected to win the outcome of the elections. we have just elections in sweden to if things go in a difficult direction. i've spoken about hungary and poland. we have tools there, she saying basically hey, if they want to be wise guys, we have tools you commission, president ursula vander line, spends a few hours at princeton university there in new jersey and starts talking like tony soprano like some kind of mob boss. what kind of tools should or could she be talking about? well, we seen how the
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e u has used financial blackmail against member states by threatening to withhold funds and harassment by branding them as authoritarian pariahs when they don't adequately adhere to the agenda, dictated by the unelected bureaucrats and brussels for italian vice prime minister mateo sal vini part of the conservative coalition that's favored to win in the election this weekend was outraged. 5 underlines remarks. what is this a threat? shameful arrogance. respect the free democratic and sovereign vote of the italian people, a couple of euro deputies from sylvania league a party have also now demanded that the european commission clarify what vander line was, meaning when she was making those remarks. we've already seen how the u. the self styled arbiter of all things democratic treats its members states that don't fall in line with what it considers to be acceptable. just last week the you moved to cut hungary is funding under the pretext that it was no longer a quote full democracy. well, ukraine isn't either, and vander lang,
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keep saying how badly she wants it in the you and how keith is fighting for european values like democracy, and that european business cash adjust freely flow in wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that ukraine has on board with the use anti russian agenda. we're as hungry as ignored the blocks anti russian sections so called undemocratic hungry is actually set to pull its own citizens to gauge how they feel about sanctions. that's obviously more than can be said for are you countries who have had no qualms in downloading the increased costs of sanctions, policies cooked up in brussels on to their own citizens and warning them of looming energy rationing blackouts and de industrialization and then giving them absolutely no say in the matter, which is why we're seeing an increased number of protests across the block from france to germany, degrees to the czech republic. they have no democratic outlet to express themselves on this issue. remember what german foreign minister and the lena bear box said,
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added democracy, conference of all things in prague earlier this month. have a listen. we sent a wis ukraine, as long as they need us, no matter what my german vote a thing, but i want to deliver to the people of ukraine. and this means every measure i'm taking. i have to be clear that this holds on as long as ukraine meets me. me, me, me, i, i am democracy. that's the kind of lingo he get constantly from taught. you officials from bare bach to vander lane. sometimes the truth just comes out and judging by the remarks democracy in the minds of e. leaders is apparently something that only exists within the narrow confines of what they allow the little people to do. or to have diplomatic relations between canada and india had become more tense. the canadian government allows, seeks living there to conduct a referendum for a separate seek homeland and the western indian state of putting job is our
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correspondence. runjun shock on the 19th of this month, 7 men from the sea community in ontario and canada boss updated in a referendum. what was this referenda? it was essentially seek group saw and wanted for whether or not the indian job should be a separate county. canadian citizens, not india, is trying to decide what should or shouldn't be done in india, either one issue over a separate state for the c community. you all call a son is concerned that talk the difference in how that india and how the canadian seeks view. it, i thought it sanitize concern, it's more from a political it positioning. now in india, the issue is some one day. the main question is, why shouldn't be kept alive in canada? the indian government has taken all objection to it and expressed the canadian
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government for action, so called, call a stand referendum as a farcical exercise. the farcical exercise was held by the extremists and radical elements supporting the so called call as dan referendum in canada and elsewhere. we find it deeply objectionable that politically motivated exercises by extremist elements are allowed to take place in a friendly country. remember, canada was a hotbed or call a funny separatism in the 1988 also led to one of the dentist. sarah dice, in canada, 1985. the issue all the de mom has called us on who was the know, so someone it comes in waves, it comes off, it goes down, he comes up again. and if he has taught us anything, when it comes off, he takes a toll lithia tax. people use their lives, especially in the community. now, despite india expressing its concern, bank clearly to canada, this is what the canadian government replied. canadian nationals have every freedom to express their views in every manner possible as long as it follows the canadian
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laws on right to freedom of expression and right to free each assembly nano denny is observing what's happening in sounded very closely as long as carlos on the separatist exists in the fall sense of canada by lab guys between the 2 countries will naturally supple report commissioned by facebook's parent company matter has been released in which it admits to violating the free speech of palestinian uses. the probe was cold following widespread complaints about facebook and instagram monitoring of content during a flare up of violence. this was between israel and gaza in may of last year met his actions in may 2021 appear to have had an adverse human rights impact on the rights of palestinian users to freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, political participation and non discrimination. and therefore, on the ability of post indians to share information and insights about their
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experiences as they occurred while the classroom is ultimately triggered by israel, a big thing, families from a neighborhood in east jerusalem. so $256.00 been killed including apparently more than 60 children. and as israel launched as strikes and the palestinians took the social media to raise awareness of what was going on, but they found the post to deleted and pro palestinian hash tags, repressed medic claims. there was no intention of the bias but admits a great deal of work still needs to be done. the israeli police commission. and meanwhile, once a more radical re thing, this is already will. the social media networks were the ones that drove people out . i'm talking about a broad shut down of the networks, puts out com, everything down when the situation is come open back up. we are a democratic country, but there is a limit. earlier i spoke to mono tire, a palestinian digital rights defender, who says it's very important for methods to implement all of the suggested
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recommendations. but there is like something a little bit so surprising about this said report, which as they said like there is a bias like meta as having a bias against palestinians. but this is an unintentional bias. however, we have been calling on meta cooling and method attention to a that this proportion duty and he gets the impact of its content migration policies on that is 10 years for years now. and they've never lie paid. that was, it took a strict measures order the needed measures to and this digital discrimination against palestinians. therefore, even as best buy is started as unintentional as bias. i think now after years of asking them and try to grab their attention to this a kind of a bias, then it would be intentional one. so that's another thing because the other thing
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behind or is it with causes of a of this over with ation on the palestinian content. and under motivation of the is really content that was mentioned in this report. as there are like pressure ad died exhausted from the israeli cyber. you, in it's on facebook where they are escalating hundreds of thousands or tens of thousands of cases, requests to so to the social media companies annually. and social media companies unfortunately are complying with most of those. some report said they are complying with 90 percent of the sequence. they are cooling and made that to implement all those recommendations because it's crucial to end of the discrimination against that is he in bankers in britain are set to be rolling in the cash all over again. it's off of the government decided to scrap the cap on their bonuses. and so part of a far reaching plan to deregulate london's financial industry. now,
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the new british finance minister quasi quatrain claims the move will enhance the cities competitiveness are among other global financial centers. we need global buys to create jobs here, invest here and pay taxes in power. if not in frankfort. i know in new york, all the bonus did was the push up the basic salaries of bankers or dr. activity outside europe. we're going to get rid of it. yeah. so the cap was introduced in 2014 all across the european union when the u. k. was still a member. it limited the banker bonuses to 100 percent basic salary or even 200 percent if approved by shareholders. this measure was part of an effort to curb unjustified risk taking after that of the shock of the 2008 economic crisis which ended out with well, you know,
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the story tax payers bailing out the failed banks. although lifting the cap is designed to attract the best bankers to london, slow down the rise of their basic salaries and stimulate financial activities in london. some of accused the government of being out of touch and rewarding those who are already too rich. so that said, who are the winners from this budget? bankers, city fat cats, fossil fuel giants, be extremely wealthy, who are the lose as every one else at a time when ordinary families are having to choose between heating and eating. this government's focus on giveaways to bankers and corporations is totally the wrong priority. funny. i really thought we'd reached the bottom of the barrel with boris johnson. i was wrong. i'm not sure i have any blood left to boil. the last one more and take his father and get the aspect now with crossing live to professor from the center for research and accountability governance sustainability at the deform one month for. excuse me, university richard. one, i do apologize. a bit of
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a bug in my system today. it's been a pretty long day here on our t international. appreciate you joining us. what do you think you think about the impact here? this decision is going to scrap the cap on u. k. banking business. i mean, is it going to help achieve the goal? they're saying of increasing london's attractiveness as a global financial center. well, in general, i'm not really a proponent on price caps and government interventions in market pricing. but of course, since 2020, that's becoming very, very popular. so it is a bit of a count to movement because otherwise, you know, there's various restrictions on, for example, impulse of oil from countries that deliver cheap oil and gas. so it's all the rage to have these government caps. but now in the u. k, the lifting the existing cap that's been in place since 2014 on bank because bonus. now the reason why they put this in place is because when the and of course
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you have to remember in the u. k, that's basically 5 big banks dominating the economy. 90 percent of all of these 5 big banks is very concentrated banking system. and in 2008, most of the big banks when trouble some needed serious rescue. otherwise they would have completely closed down. and so they received a lot of tax payers money to get bailed out. and then people are saying, well, how they get our tax money. i mean, you know, most people, you know, have to work really hard on this tax money and the bank is get this so that they can keep their jobs and they're paying themselves 1000000 pounds bonuses to w3w, whatever. so that was considered somewhat obscene. and a cap was set on this. now you sort of jump and you thought it was, consider somewhat obscene, i mean, but look at the situation, the u. k. it's in nowadays, it's only going to get worse with inflation of the currency. it's a bit of a crisis. what about the energy issues as well?
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and we look at the restrict, i think, i mean, i mean the restriction is being sort of get one go on. yes. so precisely, it, you know, at a time when, clearly, the economic situation has turned again very much for the worse. is this really the time to, you know, way encourage the bank has to pay these excessive bonuses again? well, yes, so this, you know, this is not really a good time and it would be ridiculous to assume that by, by taking away the cap and therefore having higher bankers pay that in any shape or form. this is going to be a solution. all is going to be helpful. actually, you cannot expect that at all. and what is the main problem? why is the u. k been a trouble in fact, you can even go back. why do you pay in the past 100 years, perform so much worse and then for than other european economies say the german economy for activity continues to be very low. why is that?
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and the reason is that is something that's due with bankers that there aren't enough small banks that lend to small firms, medium sized enterprises. if you've got 5 big banks lending, then they only lend to big companies, the big bonuses for, from lending to hedge funds. private equity funds, and that's what's going to pick up again. it doesn't help the economy. so what you need to do is create many small, local banks, community banks. and it turns out in germany that has the largest number of such banks, 80 percent of all banks, of germany are community banks. and germany is the largest number of banks in the whole europe. mostly these community bank. the bank is don't get a bonus, they get a salary which is extremely modest by u. k. standards. so you see that is also possible and the economy thrives when you have small banks that lend to small firms. so that's what's missing the u. k. therefore, they're just rearranging pictures on the titanic. interesting way of putting it
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there, professor richard want to thank you very much for your time and your insight. we're grateful. thank you. thanks very much for. thank you. all right, freedom and dignity. according to syria and officials. so the u. s. takes a large portion of syria and oil every single day. the average oil production rate during the 1st half of 2022 was around $80300.00 barrels per day. while the us forces their and their mercenary stole up to $66000.00 barrels every single day in that time period, basically absconding with 82 percent of serious total oil production. in the meantime, syrian citizens have had to queue up in lines the gas stations, in more than 14000000 people are in need of various types of humanitarian aid. we got feedback from a senior fellow at the pan gold institution. you will wonder. ready if it's not in the u. s, it's another country in particular, it's a rival country, the us always targeting at. and you, you will be sure of
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a theme of the sweeping car ready to walk, walk how rage of how this country the getting all your from a country where you have a forward rate of 90 percent 90 percent of the people live under poverty live. this by this dire situation, the u. s. doesn't care much about the people in that country to act to, to steal the oil and also grain from the country. if you look at to the. ready region, with example occupied by the us of several, i would say there is similarity to this as mentioned to colonial practice or like a colony. this, for example, the military, this is in the throbbing area now under the control of the united states, despite the fact that as a beam syrian territory, the ar and the control of washington. thanks for joining us. your program returns
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at the top of the one who's in the news the the me the the people i think is 70 percent of.


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