tv Documentary RT September 26, 2022 4:30am-5:01am EDT
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okay, let's take you back now and remind you of the breaking news that story we're covering base our 6 people have died and 20 have been injured in a school shooting in the city of asia. skin central russia does, according to local security services. while he can see for children hiding in their classroom during the shooting, i should warn you. you might find this postage, obsessing the children with then quickly evacuated from the school and taken to safety by police officers. we understand that this point that the suspect has reportedly shorts himself, police say the body of the suspect has been spotted. emergency services are also at the scene of students and teachers are continuing to be evacuated. can say this video now where you can see children and teachers running away from the school. some were using the work to escape some of those even jumping from the rooftop that reported to be amongst the wounded. yeah, we go, we have someone verified footage as well, which appears to show
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a wounded person being carried away on a school desk from the scene. it's reported to be one of the school students. this is a very upsetting story and we're going to keep across all the latest on what's happening in central, in the central russian school and in what is obviously a tragedy. stay with us for the latest something else we're covering today. we're continuing with our say special coverage on the referendum in don't bass and to other regions because it's the full day of boasting bad local to deciding on whether they want to become a part of russia. ah
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turn out in the referendums currently underway in the la guns can done yes. republics as well as in these apples, your region half past the crucial a 50 percent milestone. that means that moscow will now recognize the outcome of voting that as valid. officials say that turn out on the 3rd day of polling in the la ganske people's republic was 76 percent with over a 1000000 residents, costing their votes. and as long as we're public over 77 percent voted on their future, while over half of all eligible voters said yes to russia. and as apple osha, region, western countries have already said they will refuse to recognize the results. international observers who visited a number of polling stations over the 3 days shared their assessments. what i have seen, it says pretty good is going. all right. you know, in western media,
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they say all the time we and soldiers are, they're trying to of forced to people to felt well, it didn't see that good. okay. honestly, i expected to see a different situation that people panicking, being scared to vote, but i see voters calmly coming to express their well being confident in their decision. i have visited about 2 stations so far and my impression with those stations is that there's quite a free and fair process that is going on. there is no meddling with the process and that is actually explanations that have been bad for those who do not understand how the process is to unfold. so i think so further from what i have observed in both the stations, the addresses is quite transparent. i did in america zillow, i like that there are multiple pulling stations at the referendum, so people can vote at any convenient location and don't have to go a long way. i see that people can choose freely. it's clear to me that people have been waiting for this for a long time, and that the button vital column lou, to polling stations in the loo, ganske republic. i'm wanting maria poetry,
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that in my view, don't fully comply with international standards. that's because they allocated outside and the ability to vote confidentially wasn't provided since there were no booths in mario po, government serves is explained to us is for security purposes. but still that's the only violation i've noticed so far. will i see donald caught a dig deeper into why don't boss people may vote in favor of joining russia like the people's republic send on boss her song and hark of are mostly inhabited by russian speakers. harker even declared its own independence in 2014. but that was crushed by the ukrainian intelligence services and now and it's recently retaken territory. ukraine is once again in repression mode to ensure that such descent does not happen again, nothing matters for the ukrainian nationalists. they will eradicate all citizens who lived under the russian administration. they will call them traitors, ukraine's intelligent services promised reckoning after its troops returned pro
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kiev authorities are calling its filtration. but at the end of the day, it's all just text book terror. residents can no longer leave their passports are being confiscated in mass. and report suggests that thousands of people could all ready be an extra judicial detention. as for what the word trade or even means for ukraine, could be anyone who accepted humanitarian aid from russian forces or just communicated with them. we know that from the many pro key channels set up on the telegram messaging app aimed at hunting down potential collaborators. and you category of those for support, and so the enemy hesitates now register in addition to the traitors, those individuals who violated their oath and went to so the enemy and collaborators, those individuals who went to work for the occupying authorities. we add the category of assistance of the occupies alexander and his girlfriend. fanatics of the russian world, from the city of lucy, chanced upon liberation. we need to save this child from these parents. the people
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of dunbar had nearly a decade to become acquainted with the key of regimes iron fist following the 2014 year old, my don qu, day top, according to russia's investigative committee, over 22000 civilians became victims one way or another of ukraine's military activities. primarily its indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas. russian forces discovered a prison operated by the neo nazi barrier battalion tornado. it was used as a dungeon for rape, torture and murder. the detainees were beaten on their legs, but expires and genitals. the men were torched with a stun. gun those detained in the basement was stripped naked, placed them to a concrete floor and towers with water. then, with wires attached to various parts of their bodies, they were administered electric shocks. even the united nations and amnesty international have widely reported the crime. so these ukrainian,
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neo nazis members of ukrainian forces and paramilitaries, also subject to detainees, to torture and other ill treatment, and use detain civilians as ponds for prisoner exchanges between the warring sides . credible allegations emerged of torture and other agree just abuses by ukraine, so called volunteer battalions. i dar and does off as the wes unconditional support for these arms, neo nazis shows no sign of letting up its main foreign policy principle is becoming increasingly clear. they might be a bad group of guys, but they're the west bad group of guys as voting in a referendum centers before they will keep you updated on how those decide on the future of those regions. ah, okay, let's take you back in our covering breaking news. this. our 6 people have died and
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20 have been entered in a school shooting in the city of egypt in central russia, as according to local security service services. we have this on verified video which appears to show children hiding inside the school amidst the gunshots. let's take a look. the terrifying . i think you'll agree. we have some very fine footage of children hiding in the classrooms with the teachers during the shooting goals. so police officers enter the school and quickly evacuated, the children from the building. now we understand that the suspect had shot himself dead. a police say the body of the suspect has been found. emergency services are still at the scene of students and teachers continue to be evacuated. now we have another video to show you can see children and teachers running away from the
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school and some way even trying to use the roof to escape. we understand some jumped from the roof, tall and reportedly among those when wounded this on verify fatigue appears to show a wounded person being carried away on a school desk from the scene is reported to be one of the school students. well, let's get the latest from our correspondent to johnson in the studio. now marina cause of many thanks to coming in. marina horrific story of pool is these innocent children, and it's a developing story because we still don't know the exact number of those who have been killed the exact number of those wounded. and of course, we don't know the motive of the shoot to who the shoot you as well. what's exactly going on here? what do we know exactly? the only thing that's been confirmed is that there are 6 people dead. 20 people injured the shoots or salt himself. we don't know anything about his motives yet. one of the new information that came in is that he was carrying 2 pistols that were
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altered. he had a bullets to transform them so that they're deadly weapons. that's the only new information that's come in right now. in the last couple of minutes. emergency services are their work and taken away. the wounded have been killed, of course. and i'm sure that right now they're looking through the classrooms because when this happened, a lot of the children started hiding. so for somewhere in auditoriums, so right now, as parents are arriving there's, there's a lot of panic, as you can imagine, as a parents yourself. so because the initial reports that are coming out on for social media telegram channels before i got to media. so as parents for arrive an ambulance services, the police officers of course. so now they're looking at the school, making sure that there is no one who still hide. and perhaps that doesn't know that the shoots are shots or something. because initially this man came interest all in black. he shops of the security guard 1st from what we understand. then he went
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into classroom, started shooting there, and after he left from one classroom, there were reports that they were still shots fired, so the students were hiding. the didn't know what to do. so maybe someone got away and it's still hiding somewhere else from shaw component because the students that were talking about they're very, very young, they're only their only children. so right now they're working out the scene and of course we'll see there's like logical help that will be needed. but at least we know is that, thankfully, if i can say like that, the sheets are shots from self, so we will not hear about any more casualties. hopefully it will just stick to the 6 that we know now 20 wounded. right now we don't have any more new information coming out of this happening. of course, in the just hours after the children started the school day, so many parents who would drop their children off at school will be rushing back to the school. now to check that that, that children are ok. terrible story. every parents was nightmare. i think you will
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agree. we're going to be keeping across the story and say keeping us updated on the latest that thanks for coming in with that marina cause rhythm. ok, well let's move on to now as washington brace itself and made some congressional elections in november. a wells most of poll show show the the american voters will muller over before filling out the ballots. and also line with the government's priorities. issues like energy policy, inflation has violent crime and illegal immigration or at the forefront and vote his minds ahead of the war in ukraine without says, nbc trucks, price hikes in the country, showing inflation is at its highest level. and over 40 years with us consumers struggling with the costs of energy, housing, and groceries, the white house that appears not to share many of those concerns. as i stand here today, and lot of you know me, well, i am more optimistic than ever been in my entire life about america's future.
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progress does come in as common. now if you look at our job market, consumer spending business investment, we see signs of economic progress. we're not recession. my view, my hope is we go from this rapid growth to steady growth and we'll see some coming down. we're going to god willing washington is fell to prioritize us both his main concerns would be rasmussen, report showing just one in 5 americans considered the ukraine crisis to be a very important issue. despite media attention. while the stinson think tank estimates the value with military assistance ukraine in 2022 with the same as that in the us government. same as that. the u. s. government provided to us can install as well and b g combined in 2020 on thursday. the bytes of administration, we sent another $600000000.00 of military a to ukraine. civil rights attorney robert priscilla say the buys and
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administration is using the conflict and ukraine to deflect from domestic issues. i think the kitchen table is always going to be at the forefront of the american people's concern, and we're looking at inflation, gas prices, et cetera. foreign policy often ends up fairly down on the live body ministrations as been able to use the ukranian war. it's kind of a stop back stop gap, one size fits all explanation for everything as inflation. ukraine war, gas prices, ukraine war, lack of g d, p growth, ukraine wars become the basically the end all be all excuse for every problem that says this is actually been effective if you look at biden's poll numbers in the summer while china and india cool for peaceful talks to resolve the ukranian conflict, the head of the end of the 77th, un general assembly session in new york. some western lead discontinue the anti russian rhetoric and all of the blame for the global food crisis on russia. he's
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caleb morphine has more at the un general assembly, you would think everyone expects to hear the same normal rhetoric about bringing peace to the world and stabilizing global hot spots. but instead we had western leaders using the platform for something very different war, chosen by one man to be very blunt, permanent member of the united nations security council invaded its neighbor. russia has shamelessly violated the court tenants. on the united nations charter president boatner's made over nuclear threats against europe. russia, aggression has severely ex, is escalate to defeat food security, energy and finance and crisis because of the actions of one country. more than one and a half 1000000000 people in more than half of the u. member states, find himself at great risk of poetry, starvation and independence. don't exactly match calls for peace. now does it now some countries from the non western block seem to have not been very impressed with
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the western narrative. they use the platform to emphasize that they feel the priority should be dialogue. no household. we don't do. we must seek cooperation and oppose confrontation as we face a host of global challenges. we should jointly oppose group politics and block confrontation, long india is on the side of peace and will remain firmly that we are on the side that respects to you and charter and his funding principles. we are on the side that calls for dialogue and diplomacy as the only way out. well, western leaders didn't stop there. they've called for russia to be isolated or more precisely claiming that russia is already isolated in the international arena. well, does this look much like isolation to you with?
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well, only if you mean by international arena, the western powers, which is what they usually mean when they say that anyway, this time, those who don't go along with the western narrative brought up some recurring themes. grain exports, fertilizers, and other essential items being blocked by u. s. and you sanctions with a global food crisis on the horizon lab or are pointed out that this fits a pattern of us behavior threatening countries and imposing sanctions to get its own way. human nato has declared our country an immediate threat on the way to total u. s. dominance and has identified china as a long term strategic challenge. at the same time, the collective west led by washington, sends a frightening signal to all other countries without exception, which anyone who dares to disobey can be next. lab. rob emphasized that russia is willing to talk at his press conference. he said it is always better to talk than not to. however, western leaders just proceeded onward, but they are anti russian allegations and podium,
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pounding. an unbiased observer can clearly see who is bringing instability to the world. and who is it? most people in the world want peace and an end to the conflict, but based on what we saw at the un general assembly, it seems pretty clear that not everyone wants that caleb martin r t united nations new york a right wing alliance is claiming victory in the italian parliamentary elections which could see the leader of the brothers of italy, party, georgia, maloney become the 1st female prime minister in the country's history. the results indicate the coalition government that some say could see the most right. leading leadership in italy since the days of fascist dictator, benito, mussolini, and alliance of the brothers of italy. mateo solving these li, silvio. berlusconi forwards italia and us moderates parties is one of a 40 percent of the votes with the full results expected. later on monday, we spoke to independent journalists look where they who say the results shows that italians won't change. think says worsened in italy over the last years. and
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italian south fed up with having governments that last for one year maximum fed up with illegal immigration coming from africa and from the middle east that is non desired in italy. and they are really shocked by the declaration of the last few days of mrs. fog land, the president of the european commission when she threatened italy, if the italians voted badly, in other words, for mrs. maloney and her friends to have the instruments to constrain the dalliance into following european policies dictated by brussels. how could the president of european commission that he's not even elected? threatened victor, or been threatened to polish prime minister, who have been elected with absolute majority is the threats of mrs. founder. len will turn back like a boomerang on the you crux in bras. what will be the answer?
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this is melanie. we don't know yet, of course, but it will certainly be strong. this woman is not afraid of brussels. she will certainly make inroads into the brussels crowd and make sure that the voice of italy and the voice of the other groups of sovereignty within the european consort will be heard more and more hoping in you breaking news at this hour. we now understand that 9 people have been killed, including 5 children, and 20 more injured in a school shooting in the city of shared skin, central russia, as, according to russia, is investigative. can they say? now we can show you one verified video 30, which appears to show children hiding in the school and mid the gunshots. we should warn our view as the video could be distressing. the me
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when he can see on verified strategic children hiding in the classroom with the teachers during the shooting police offices, entered the school and quickly evacuated, the children from the building. we understand that the suspect, the suspect shorts, himself, dead police, the body of the suspect that has been found emergency services are at the scene as students and teachers continue to be evacuated. now in this video, you can see children and teachers running away from the school. some were using the roof to escape, and some of those jumping from the room tell, reportedly among those wounded. we also have this unverified procedure hearing to show a wounded person being carried away on a school desk from the state is reported to be one of the school students. let's get the latest now from a correspondent in the studio. marina cause the reverse. thank you for coming and marina. so when we learned about the story about an hour ago and beginning of the school day,
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it's still any $1151.00 here in moscow. so this happens as the school day was beginning, really, as, as parents to, for their kids off as school. what do we know? and we see that some of the parents now are still arriving because the initial reports are coming out through telegram channels for social media. and of course there was a lot of panic. so as the emergency services were arriving to police officers at the scene, parents are seen russian there. and as the parents were arrive and they could already see that some of the children were being taken out, even clutching on their desks because they were injured. of course and truly horrific curse at the footage and just to take it back a little bit, the way it all unfolded apparently is that there was a man dressed all in black who came into the school. he apparently 1st shot to the security guard and then proceeded on to the classroom and just started firing randomly. and then then the he left the exit said the one of the classrooms,
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so the students remain some of them. so hiding under their desks that could still hear shots being fired. apparently, some were, some of the children started jumping out of the windows, jumping from the roof top to try to escape. i couldn't imagine how scared they were and didn't know what to do. they are, there are over $900.00 children at that school and around 80 teachers. so it's quite a big score. i think you can imagine how many children were there and the panic that's happening as the other children could hear what was going on and didn't know what to do with their shoots or would come to them next or what was happening. but thankfully, as we know now, it has been confirmed that the sheets for shot himself dead. so hopefully we will not hear of an increased number of casualties or those. but like we said, the desk told it now stands not really quite rapidly in the past hour, which exactly because some are either still hiding. they don't know or maybe there
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are more casualties. but there are places that we don't know that the shooter has been at this time because again, the reports are still coming out. they're still check in the scene checking where the children could be still hiding, or what the mass, the shoots are left behind because we don't exactly know his roots at the moment and where he went 1st, 2nd or 3rd, we just, we know what we not at the time it's journalists, we cover some horrific stories that happened around the world. but when it's a school shooting anything involving children, it's something very, very what every parents were not married. every journalist was not meant to think about an innocent children being afraid, innocent children being harmed in this way as ashley russia. because let's not forget about the best long school age which took place 18 years ago. now the 1st of september, 2004. so the same month, ok. and when the reports 1st started coming out straight away, anyone who lives in russia,
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the 1st thing that they think about is the bas law school siege. and that it doesn't turn into that because there was a hostage crisis that took place that was 3 days. and there were over a 1000 people that were held hostage, 700 children. and it was truly, truly horrific. and the scenes that we're seeing here with the parents sleeping children hide, and under that, you're really similar. but thankfully, didn't turn into that. thankfully, the shoes for shots himself, the police officers have evacuated most most people. and again, the death toll as is not as bad as it was, that it's so tragic, of course, but it's not what we saw unfolding and this one. okay, good. thank you for coming in with that information we've been speaking through our correspondent marina, closer with the latest on they says school shooting, which took place around an hour or so ago in central russia. thank you for coming with those details. okay, well let,
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we're going to end there for a few minutes. we'll be back at the top of the hour with all the latest on best, of course, on breaking news story and everything else. so do join is if you can i bullying into a studio? no cranium, tv, toys, actually idea. she ship a doctor, lean report of control. you put your boss so you should feel free to give them a wadell by lake. is that really premium? that did not sing the vice president of lucy lee? yeah, we can do a chance actually, jim's out a dish, but i live a lot of the my subway, but just dory,
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you still not. i live ship a least get us but we ship it with a gift or still take you know what of them? i need a transcript for that for a while. i'm on the beach that or where you actually we did a bunch of good global. i'm saying years about how she took on a job. he's a brought the enough room for a few quick to take a picture of. i'll go double play dough so that i'm not ah
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oh, well, never be a victory for russia. wait, we shall see what you are still waiting for. you a new modem, but you look at a meal. crane war is a proxy war. this is a war between russia and the united states. milan are made, it comes to not shoot kit, then in carbon dioxide. america forces are in, you're not in your gauge in conflict of russian forces. the american forces are here to defend nato allies. with nato escalates even more than the special military operations become a war when you but does have some rules that dealership and that doesn't as much as
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i see it. i see you us thinking casias got earlier with so i use 3 issue a unique and you stuff to with almost them. let's see where you live at home and you're still foolish there in your sewage. there you go. the go with industry. i'm only stuck and just look up some of natalie and muscle around noon. she kitty doesn't being in the green show on a nurse to me as possible. mama cook gas gosh stiff. get somebody to look at that for his ashley of a dc. wanted with no fees, but of course position admitted to you but not, not,
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but the key for the chino grants to know for phones or something like that. and then we got that with grain. lisa have that ah, breaking news this our 9 people have been killed including 5 children in a deadly school shooting in the city of egypt in central russia. at least 20 more. i reported the wounded school students and the school are being evacuated from the seen by emergency services at some using the roof to escape day for the vote. thing in the dorm bath, laportia and test on regions is on the way now. special coverage, international observers shared their assessments of the referendum.
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