tv Documentary RT September 26, 2022 8:30am-9:01am EDT
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a social studies. be sure that you're wishing to set jane. she knew that he won't to sleep well, at least in your life is east here. i'm last night. the shop. a bubble up in florida. you for boy, he's just to love. sustain is that only a bless the queer speeches. go score up almost usually, usually a lot less would you get if i can week sickening in my little style is when you keep it. well, the one that you feel most for less of a speech you usually need. you just gotta meet by each sheet because of the when the key because when you, when you stir lambs, it's been going with us more during the smart you're like i was, i was i would you listen. i deal with things you could feel it was pathetic. then you can wish it though when you thought of me home, you thought it was for the the elective for both one. let me go back on to that
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philosophical now the slab. the check code name associate professor, born in napa, petrov screeching, formerly and as of instructor, a neo nazi ideology, he paid great attention to young recruits who he enrolled and indoctrinated with new ha cibola people. he spoke briefly about the boys story, the school year for year, which is the one with the most of the one. yeah. told office was louder, professional, mostly news or store for the new student. i wash, i can for she years i thought of guy was doing you probably know william as well what she wants to share. so do you one with the one i'm going to be sure you know what do you call that? which was of what he because when you little old cars lower i was also was on
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vehicle glass for $1.00 a year. now, do you mean the, what you lot shows, all of us be appointed close with the, with the one it was all started this. we would you like yourself even? hm. and laser, the older cor, pushing and what do you buy? so what are your laws? andre? ignite, you code, name spider, as a regimen artillery detachment commander, born in the gold. therefore, the hostilities he'd been arrested in ukraine for grievous bodily harm. he was facing a t as in prison, took part in hostilities and don bass involved in robbery. looting and murder of civilians are okay. i will defer you move from wasn't so the total triple looks of coaching. if jake, for real sure about all, we thought it was fair to bush much other bull numbers if so, bully. the whole issue is because you
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with the other oil smith, social but his life. so he went to hell. if you bought the car for a yes, luscious this in the corner, low as always seem reasonable us with that when you foot. but you will be, she saw mr. premium coupling. so shell, is it usually a should i fix euros, ludy hebrew, due to he blue cross blue shield? is that more out of the suit? the fix? you know, it was only 2 hello made you are you just looking for you for your the when you ship, but also what are you on? hold on. let me pull them with crystal vehicle. total sweet wants to live before she doesn't have my car, but i want you to show ease to come up with. so we need those and you plan. i don't get a hold you because those are the pretty low. but you or you are being able to still quicker you when we start going on. so. so the village of those spin off guard lies near the as of style steel. bottom of the battle for mario, both as of militants retreated to the plan through the village,
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they destroyed houses looted and terrorized the local residence records. it was just only boy, only boys, but a bushel got going, of course with each dollar more before then. certainly, but i will show you provide you with the coil cushion. i sent the whole walk for you by a near previously here. i'm sorry, my hearing you should go loud. like roskus was you? yeah. for crucial or so. don't worry to him if you bristow, reality bill for yamaha talk with him as he is our taco caucone o'neill. you gotta be kidding. you need to move your year to what should i do? ready die ticket yearbook will show you what they sure
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ah yes it is. 14, bleeding with morgan humalog name with a tiny little while if you get a dog and not pink opened it. if you would put the matter on you said alice righty on global scale and he don't, can you try it again? it is. the law uses 3 kitty dad, a new dealer, you know, but i was just, i actually did i deal with before you come a year, a lot, lot in. yeah. but you might not knows to being cool. after all, you know,
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he'd be in your school should absolutely love when you're what you are a dollar them are good on birthday. well, i mean, you know, you know, who should a deal on your daughter, her ph. if all younger to a low sky, are you still? yes, you purchased a car. i'd sure to bring him up on a dog cross. plains village, k u dot com. yeah. bill company. so you went there to really she bought it, used to be like a pretty large it the pricey. but the what i want a lot, you know what? yes, born electron, which is really usually once
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a month should accuse your role but column. you will what back i yes, i will not learn us that you will did. you would switch you possibly, but she your id um yeah, i do believe you swear you. how about it? so i you will get caught. you lie to me. yeah. well no, and she you know, like you, but do you want to move on here with you? sure. yeah, sure. would you like to work on your card? so i know, you know, with, with my daughter, but you would give us a call here to renew with
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you. yes we do or did the doctor go do you have the wiley previously spreadsheet, but i bought that. oh yeah. yeah. you would. it would come to him, say, where did you go? so our bill so that you heard you are so 1000000 your would be about double i would you, when you, when you lose your school, you come in a you don't you come to do with my info like when you put all absolutely. and i live, but a shot, but ship them all like that. i michelle a bunch with yes,
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i tell i said on the head board of as was said should do. or if our, which is loose out their options. operational a co op, we'll schedule a scale. you hold a minute, but yeah, but it cost us video a summer here. come on the line. i will, you'll need sky, as all regiments, 2nd battalion, born in the ball, started his military career by taking part in combat in the loop. danced region with the u. a. f. 36 marine brigade joint as of in 201840. and mary, your port during the special military operation surrendered. pennsylvania. william whitish on manila canyon for sure. because somehow somebody ballistics and point relational florida. howard, i think it last but i had i left that much unless i get basketball jam up on your my list. i was a question better down to produce less to buy it and i get a strong ratio santo liberally put on built on top of south west. and i'm going to approach on that. could you please just give me a bit of a routine for a little bit of his landscape on that as delineate florida side, but it was an issue with me get you pushed on breath. i'm late and there are some
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good movie, but the more sure would want to florida design. it would moment bizarre. i live with a horrible out on the college. the brothers didn't think about it. okay. but then you put in your chest, they're willing disco would, should get the chest if by leads. and there's a lot of the dodo but a fellow listeners ring. yeah. the key, delicious flush or on a u. s. thrash skinny of threw up a gamble of was more than i said. the 1st is the analysis, but we'll start on a block for illinois. bullock amanda simm with don't one but the other because we're headed nozzles. but at the moment both shall come on. there was the solution is, will miss bill i think, and i shall seminar milton us. they'll several possible us we're, we're done. yes, i do self. probably don't to change bully just say will creekmore plus my tail and he goes winnable and me. i knew there's less loose, emerald. no one is more than usually asked. principally hor her then isn't that a square miss?
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my own little billing is with the little 0 but on your lips to classical is this can she with while yes. can look up a lot of discipline miss national for them on that. the new if want to model them, it is that big deal. so a total and i show that. so could you just hold on that? can you afford honestly, who is sure, does that vision i'm calling in to your patrol? is norbert solved in there or shall wish line. you know? you see the word was just but a silly question. what your book post the how to be any idea of the home life, a hold of dallas skill lose access to not a lot about their friends to sort of because rebecca hope cross of the city as lose prostate physical skill will not also maximize sicily though he has a lot of cream. they, as a wisdom lead adults, holloway took a house, industrial cleaner. there was no name lation, as they said, was malaysian those name? yes. they do all the order. can they?
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i miss you. it was with just bringing with us by climate. yes, i thought i for he blank national were solution to work on this. i'm you was working, but my chick neosha russian you doing is more prosperous, easiest get break. he twisted up 3. thank you. i me other for me, but if you come to, to put it this must force more let the was dismantled. bush nicholas off the bus. i left to right near. sure crania boss was not showing. i missed my one. i still in houston, 1st thing as nice casual, but i think of alien if the word a new or what does it do? i shall blend. ah
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aah! luis of counter russian state total narrative. i started as i'm turning the no santini div asking him then that ingles a group in the 55 when. okay, so 9 is 25 and speaking with will van in the european union? the kremlin media machine? restate on to russia for date and split our t spoke neck, even our video agency, roughly all band on youtube and pinterest and with me
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with surgical. thanks. a good little sheet. i'm looking for a real worst question. can you follow limited blue? i still solve only for hulu, for that is published a will be killed in local musical position if you get the total of people's believable. but what a wealthy citizen nissan oak was born with go luba, look what is the wishes? oh, it a little me that just go boredom. good order can you do it is about the last one good brings to put me to pavilion over just feels more motivated. more periods when, when you're older for a little bit more, go for a new stickle filtering point. just issue with this new new effort i want to know
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from this is what is georgia? go with a full blown reduces. when you go through your spark your score systems all week, during the mob an examination of as of style russian service men discovered a refrigerated then containing 152 bodies of ukrainian soldiers to vans. cooling system had been out of order for a long time. a group of when you was still stuck to devotional review with those little do let couldn't with any symbolism in your to when you, when you will be from some of your local unions to really pills. total load machine will go to william easily fix it when we, when the multiple volt, along with it's either a little smoke,
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was agreeable to push way sort of what the old should be. people use your consumption, was a little palaver. didn't even look different when will you please with us for you? wait. so for those we flew most people who wish to work a virgin radio, which to put some a lot on is still not very up once new with a dealer. maybe she's dish and i said, you know, like i'm on the sauce, which is a very order suppose if the new person else and you said possibly doing with
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ah, with need to finish it. but he's michel, you're unable. no one is i was willing if somebody was hosting something for sure, but i also got a can you order any of them with you or them also send you regular mccoy. and the question is because they need to be able to use like a manager local dealer. you almost when you're just the ability messy to look on kidney. joe, would you a meal for her schedule with it would be to go see up with it cosette. kid, code name, chemist, and as of platoon commander, neo nazi and satanist, joined february 2016 according to security forces he'd been involved in torturing
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russian soldiers and murdering done that civilians focus with on don't carry yield. born in russia, spread out of nationalist ideas. moved to ukraine enjoined as all, wanted for mercenary actions, public cause to commit extreme acts and incitement to hatred. took part in the punitive operation against dumbass residence up one another's poster, kimler a little cheer. my dear love to feel free, me just let all of those are the most wonderful the people, those are the most up. i medina like guys here a little place for the lush. the most horrible. when you go to emitted 0, you need learn you for order for a guy me, cameron in the bucket,
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well, in get a bill. let's let me bill already spoken with to chance it them, but my lease, but let me, let us use gears fold up the previously. but the, the previous views i see by him, but it sure you know, but we should be really good that the cd sh one valley is delicious. this might have been the movie diode. this going to say right? i didn't just but not it's not out of really dealing. yes, monthly. on the money going day by yellowstone gross did the when you with more believe it or has a perceived good much with murder, horrible. we're all for push out machine,
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some visual aah! fish. living with the, with the, with his be megacity, be aware, didn't yeah, up at the motion. so i guess to quickest your doctor will, is, is harish and you should progress. maybe needless with behind me. but i'm a little bit behind the bottom that it will question in that show us a bottle of ship is us per month for this, or se issued in your book crucial. but a little from, or, you know, took it to torch, get with said, you can use it to friday. lovely and hotel in which good special ed bush. great. but hopefully some we are beam is doom seriousness. she hurried to the new. i knew it would be highly azure. do 8 years old say me
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but my well if your what our values mostly money, i'm around you put them on stuff like a day you're holley and the machine here i school up above. i believe you claimed a camera shooting, but this will be that will add it. okay. that was the was machine i gave her or she must be in the schedule. i'm here to hold on. i am your mother correct? already be on the web with pictures today. i will have chino gross, the least established, or it pushing it to warranty or choose dollars from scott mclean. yes, those are questions. i tell us 1st edition is a course here. the actually you post ocean curriculum hearing nuts in them. one which with
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ah, good place for it for them to listen, you mobile the school. so what we need to list it is it just, it will tell them with fidel is there. suppose you live a for the summer, go in plenty of when you guys are still assuming you were doing, and that's on the list that there's a period a issue. there's like a 40 or 50 situ, more of the, for someone got a funding. if you get a bill, if you, if you move in the cover of the, i need to get the product. but then the screen, i mean, actually with a proposal for global level c a with a up still
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a few years or do i need a lot of the social with smith like no. smith, nick, i didn't yet fully 5 years. but the most of the, i mean near bite c at the new boy and the boys i spoke with you, i just wanted to catch me no more with the fish. come in with my own dick. i'm really bad news just missed the media and i read it publish just because i ah
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with a we can use our 15 people are killed including 9 children in a school shooting and stanford, russia. 20 of us all wounded. we hear from the people that waited from the building a level 4th grade students were killed. it was very scary. there was blasts on the 3rd floor on the 2nd floor everywhere. but just a few stuff in south data to see was winning a concert emblazoned with a ne symbol that's according to federal investigators.
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