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tv   Documentary  RT  September 30, 2022 8:30am-8:59am EDT

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development is really, it is critical for them to see all the countries abandoned, their sovereign people, the benefit of the united states ruling leads of some of the state. they do this voluntarily, but i wouldn't that and they agree to become basil c voluntarily. the other is, are intimidated or bright, and they don't succeed. they destroy entire states and believe humanitarian disaster ruins in their wake of millions of young people was gonna fall. give casualty to that, be great and class protect traits. callan, it's half killing, is but they do not here. the only thing the want is to benefit from that is a will to dominate is the origin of the war that the hybrid war that the west is waging against russia. they do not wish us to be free. they want us to be
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a colony. they don't want us to have partnership with us. they want to plunder us. they want us to, to be slaves, not free citizens feel free thought is not what they want us to have. a free philosophy is not what they want us to have. that's why they kill our philosophers . and people, daniel doors with our well being is us read to them. now development is a threat to them. they don't want russia to thrive. we want to rush up before we leave russia. in that again was the 1st one was in europe, attempts at world domination a have been thwarted many times by russian by the great russian people. and now again we will protect our people and our values. our louise believes that
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sir, they will not have to suffer the consequences of their actions are that there will be no ramifications. but that is not true. moving all the agreements that have been reached before on global security or agreements between governments are no longer respected or valued, not appears near rockaway. many of our former leaders are actually listened to our western, our enemies and maria, but not human, decided sir, to give up their weapons, their power that everything. but yet they listened to the lies and they believed them. and that led to what is now called a rules based world order. what rules are we talking? these are all double standards and hypocrisy. they would take us a schools to take us for fools and russia is a civilization of thousands of years. and we will not leave according to someone
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else's womb, even though my name is it, is this your so called collective west that with trampled on the principles of the visibility of borders. and now it decides unilaterally who has the right for self determination and who doesn't have that right? why? what is the rationale for their decisions? how? who gave them the right to decide all of that way? nobody knows that this is why they were so enraged by the free choice of the people in crimea. internet can lugens approaching care so that they have no right to even talk about with the freedom of speech or democracy, or self determination of the people's their, the western elite denied not just things national law and for free rights. and they are, you know, with keep talking about apartheid, they divide the,
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the world into the hosts, countries and the number of the colonies. the vassals are the barbarians. we update that and they call these authoritarian regimes. they call them a failed states and pariahs. but there's nothing new in that picking the westland elite sell it have been like that for hundreds of years. they have always been colona colonizers. they have been discriminating and dividing people people's in 2 groups and dominating them. not only them, but we will never accept this kind of nationalism and racism in russia. we now see russ a phobia and enter russian sentiment across the world. it spread by the west is going is that with the villas and the west is convinced that it's civilization, it's neo liberal culture. is
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a template for the entire world to follow. and there are no other options, you know, other scenarios. so cleaning up with me, they still not even wish to accept and repent it for their own crimes of the past to their own historical crimes. they blame others for their own crimes, culinary that would take, for example, the period or for example, the colonial domination loop. and in fact, we knew it was the backend in the middle ages, that the west of colonial regimes, but then grumbling the genocide of the peoples of america, the plundering of india, of africa, of the wars of against china. ah, the opium wars, but says really silly. not what the west did was up. they made and tie initially, dependent on drugs, emily and eliminating and gina fighting entire lou ethnic groups. they, you hunt,
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we people like animal ravages. what will this go said? and we feel proud that it is our country in the 3 to fight hunger and to the quality to overcome many of those challenges away and we live and the rest of phobia. and the enter russian sentiment that we feel today is in many ways, is a barbara caused by the fact that we did not let our nation, our people claim to be to become a colony. but with that, we defended others. and we defended ourselves by creating a strong centralized estate group that developed itself strengthened itself, film based on like great if law, moral values of great world religions, bruce, good, and based on russian culture and the russian language like retina. slowly, it is well known that there had been many plants, ants instigating interventions and lodging interventions against russia after 917.
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during the 1st world war and during the greater revolution that works. but since it looks at the way, by the end of the 20th century, the west was finally able to attack us. they called us frenzy. virtually they called us partners, but they were actually treating us as a colony as slaves mutual. they planned a dog, it landed us, and if you took our wealth, our money and our power, the lady, but now the people in donald's can, lugens can carry on ins, approaches, finally decided to restore this great unity of our nation. thank you. that with the western nations important ages have been saying that they bring democracy and freedom to the world. but it's entirely the opposite in what
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instead of democracy are they in slave instead of freedom art way, efficiency, they destroyed in use of a wooden or the western world order is not free. it is hypocritical and full of lies for slippery ministry. yet the u. s. is the only nation in the world that guy ever used, clear weapons twice, destroying the towns of hiroshima and nagasaki, to swell mrs. mitchell. let me remind you that together with the, with the u. k. the u. s. during 3 of the world war to annihilate dresden or at the willa, hamburg, and sir cologne and in your credit at cibola, that there was no rationale behind, that there was no need to destroy with air bombardment these great cities. so sure, they wanted to do that to intimidates for the soviet union. that was their only goal. they left the west left
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a horrible history in vietnam where they use your mind. napalm and other horrible tactics. they remember the republic of the new career and their actions, their list, they keep calling as much to south korea of their own allies. so what kind of allies are these? and we know that many of the leaders, all those countries that are perceived as allies of the west, are being followed and ah, then she, but there are, there are various occur devices used to listen to them, gall updated and spy on them. and the leaders of these countries with tolerates whole dance and use the word development filter and all of that is branded as trans atlantic solidarity. and grady gallagher, or maybe you can, and all of these horrible crimes that are being committed in the war zones are and
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is also excused gloster lives and all of that lead to a great a she and easy. what is that he problem that has to do with migrant flows. people are fleeing their country is going to europe and elsewhere would only you. but the logo, there is problem of food security. who they do? there's food, there's bread being and grain being exported from ukraine and russia. where is that grain going? it is not going to live in the poorest countries on the world as they say on the 5 percent of that grade is going there. but it's all based on lies. and there are you, if you just, luckily the western, the leads are using the tragedies, even though all of these people to strengthen themselves to destroy it as sovereign countries. the same goes for russia lease. but for the identity, this is actually concerns the identity of france and germany and many other
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countries. they could you please repeat the political item. but one of the civil affairs there are usually a calls on enclosed for opposing more and more sanctions against russia. and the leaders of europe are, can see to that the industry, but they all new super must realize that when they will be deprived of when they are deprived of russian resources and russian energy, they will suffer a heavy blow of their and their own like industries in that is, this is not just being subservient to the, to the united states by europe. that this is it erect the trail of their own people in faxing is what we saw recently. it was a direct diversion. corporate and direct attack on the north stream pipelines with in fact, they started seems that destroying the energy infrastructure of europe and profit
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from that are the ones who are responsible, like other ones who are 1st or the perpetrators during the way they build lawsuit and later it is actually, this, ah, regime is all based on violence and intimidation. we can lay in the was, but this is why we see 103 or military bases difficult emerging and we are all around the world. so that is why we see attempts at creating their military alliances such as orchestra, which includes fuel. we see the washington so so q tri factor are emerging and zeppelin when after many attempts to challenge this western in my principal head yamani. why is perceived as the direct threats that requires an immediate response because all they need here and the, all the was uneasily, the paper is complete. dominance,
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sleepy the in that when they talk about their plans, they say that they are peaceful, but they're hypocritical. they talk about containment, lou going forward, catch you. it is. and this word containment as been found in almost every security document of the west georgia solution. what does this containment mean? that means undermining the development of any independent and sovereign center of power. we have seen this in russia. we have seen this in the middle east in africa, in asia, and muslim culture. and we know that if they use it, whenever even the allies of the u. s. are go against the party line of the united states. they are the united states even attacks their own allies. nobody safer tillamook with consciously. everyone bases as it can be, can become a targets, including our allies, our, the contrast of the commonwealth of independent states that with us and currently
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politic pro, to for we have c has sanctions blitzkrieg, which written against russia. when they started it, they believed that they will be able to listen to was, would they control the world answers, but the question that police, it's, it's under its whims, when you go through, you need to get thrown for mr. the sampling. people believe that what happened, of course, but the majority of states that we could assume we do not want to follow that agenda. they, they choose up a path of cooperating with russia pre weekly. this kind of defiance is not something that the u. s. expected to see they have been accustomed to using violence and they believe that this instrument of violence and direct threats. it's something that will help them work indefinitely. but this kind of bristol would, honestly, so when the excruciating, this kind of politics is not just the products on face,
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on the idea of american blue with young men of the americas is special. there are many other origins of this they're using fakes. they're using a direct and propaganda. they are lying just like girdles did. and the, the more brazen the law is, the morgan, like people believe in it, but you cannot feed people with with money that you continuously princes are when you, you, as more than the continued to push it away, money into the economy. you cannot, it cannot become energy or gas that will warm your flats. you cannot feed people with money. it is not due to me in the leukemia. if it's a little to mid twenties, inflator capitalizations, you can also, you cannot give any one with them with energy for them. that's why plantations in europe also cleans they have to convince their citizens not to eat so much,
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not to take. that's the open, which and those who start to question please started asking questions. why is that? they are cold, extraneous radicals, or you animators, and the point that russia, they are saying this is the source of all your problems and they are lying through their teeth here again. and here is what i would like to emphasize. we have every reason to believe that the western, the lead do not want to look for them any constructive resolutions for the boot and energy crisis that in the was brought about by them. because of their policies that started long before our special military operation and ukraine and don bass. no, they didn't miss, but he with us. and they will not want to resolve this issues of inequality with the injustice. the want to use other recipes that they are so used to. and i would like to remind you that the can roberts views of the early 20th centuries. whereas
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old by the west, by the human world war 2. and the prophets from the us help the us to overcome their great depression to become the greatest economy of the world. and they enforce their dollar crisis of 19 eighties. those are studios and it exists for beta, also back and denied an alias. the west came in by using the resources of the a soviet union that was falling apart and eventually collapsed. he just p for the fat and 2 cup of tea move themselves tangled from these converses that you want to break. rush up to other states that choose sovereign power of development mom or someone else's reaches more and to use this reaches to fix their problems more. and if this doesn't happen, i do not excluded that. they will try to bring the system to the i'll try to
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collapse and they will shoot the blame on someone else or be, might use their famous formula that the war will result every problem. rush, understand that for instance, ability to the or it's global community and they want to bring this up, have the fact that there is sensor in your mother, you can use obviously these neo colonial model is doomed to fail. and i would like to reiterate that the read through masters and they will clean it until the end because they have nothing else to offer the world rather than the pillaging blundering system. because they want to deprive billions of people, most of the people they want to deprive them from their right for chassis and freedom of choice, great them of choice for their future. and now they shifted to the radical denial denial of the traditional values. religion of family. let's answer the simple questions now. so i'm sure i like to go back to what it said. i would like to
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address all the people of the country, not only to those colleagues that are attending here. now i would like to address all the people abroad. do we really want to help in russia instead of mothers and fathers to have parents? number one, parent number 2, parent number 3, what kind of traces that do we really want to have in our schools starting from elementary school? do we want to be imposed to the pervert we values that would lead to degradation and extension. we want them to impose these understanding that instead of males and females, there is some generous and sure to do, we really want them to go through to generate change opperation so can really want it for our children is unexceptional progress because we have the future offer and which is different from kids and the western elite, they are working against all the community against the people. it's of the western
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countries as well. it is all that it's usually used against everyone when they want to bring back all the traditional values, traditional and it's like the road legion upside down. looks like flattening sadly, isn't it? but i don't know when to describe was talking about polls. profit. he was saying you will recognize them by the fruits and they will yield. and we can already see this for not only in our country, but everywhere. and it is becoming obvious to many people in the west as well. if you're able to come for a month and you have to be the width is entering the time of fund to mental changes you standards of development are being, are emerging. and they represent the majority of the global community, and they are radiate to voice their interests and they are ready to protect and defend their interests. and multi polar world for them is the weight, the band there is silver and he's to acquire the true freedom tree. and depending
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on what you church, whatever, right, more independent, creative, independent development to meet if per money is gross, as a unit all across the world. and in europe, in the united states, also we have a lot of like minded people and we can feel it. we can see it, we can feel there are support some next, but on the auction, people from various countries and communities as well. but i think they develop the colonial liberating movement again, colonial policies, and it will grow stronger and this forest will define the future. the future job. political reality is friends with him. today we are fighting for the just and re had enough 1st of all, for ourselves, for russia, the course of that. but you, the next week we want to make around the eat not having control the think of the past and people on the stand that the policy is based on the lives of someone on trying to subdue other cultures. other peoples is
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a criminal policy. did either be understand that we should turn these jeffries over page one, you know, and the western headroom and he will be broken. and it is, and you can avoid a boat and it will never be like it was before it when they got there. and when you buy battlefield, that history, the coldest, to know it is the battle field for our people that each for big historical, russia for freight, russia, the badge we use, the war is rate ship or future generation for our children. and she great children . when we happen to save them from enslavement from opal experiments that are aimed at me mean dreams are souls. and we find today's sold, that is nafrica being ever again that russia, our people in our language,
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our culture can be just canceled from history, can feel it. that's today. we need to consolidate all our society. and this consolidation should be based on the sovereignty on the breed them on creativity, on our values, are humanity, mercy, compassion. i would like to conclude my address with the word. so the truth pantry, it yvonne lean, yes, shit, my origin. and i see if i consider russia my motherland, it means that i see in fresh and way that i create a scene in russian, i think, and speak in russian. i believe in speech hills strength of the russian people. you will see we read all the people is my spirit. it's destiny is my destiny. he was then. yeah. my you're with suffering. you were us. is my grief mirrors?
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it's prosperity. is they joy to me leaky only rubber cover more and itch him. that if you truly are the great pre chill here the will when what you because the choices behind this, where it's and manage innovations of our ancestors follow this path. really. and today we are making this choice guilty gradually, then yes, beautiful gaskin, that citizen saw the don, it's can lance people's republic made this choice on people and citizens of this approach. and her son, great gently. they made their choice to be with their people, are going to be with their motherland, to charity destiny, to wean them and prevail with their motherland. me. the truth is, we've asked russia if, with us the
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canadian city mooney with documents ah, until the washington ration. danny is pushing lover, oh god, of the lo, gans people's republic layer needs even of each passage, nuclear need passage. ne lover zipper or ski had horribly of the sap at all. jerry, jim, jeannie italy, which welski you have. danny baretski
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e glover here soon ski and the head of the hearse and regional vice each cell. the lady met a cell dog. but the solute, the guy who are signing treat is who receives cliffy directly between the russian federation gay and where he's on ask people's republic or a c smithy directly the russian federation, guns bay and the low ganske people's republic or a he's pretty good at the russian federation, but also in separate here region or a he ski, these are the russian federation. here, thorns,
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and the her son region pretty near t a. he school, he did a 2 then yet ski merrill lady scooby on meeting the donnas people's republican to the russian federation. little guns scree, not old ladies. scoobie key of the lo ganske people's republic. zip, i will scream, will believe all those apparel g region e here. so and ski obesity and the her son region of any study i gave you did at sea and on the creation of new constant
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and to the it's within the russian federation. go. so that's the only game, the national anthem, all the russian federation ah
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