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tv   News  RT  September 30, 2022 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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says decent a group . oh, interesting to me, i'm one of the key of authorities and their real masses in the west to him so that everyone remembers that the people who live in the next in the games is a rogia, regions have become us citizens. a lot america gives an emotional ph during a ceremony, beginning the session of the 2 don mouth republics appro, she and her son regions into russia. a big event is being held on bread square and central moscow to mark the occasion. also ahead. ukraine asked for accelerated nato membership, but the alliance is chief, says the main goal of the body is not as
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a session. our focus now is on providing a immediate support to ukraine to help your parents defend itself against the russian, brutal invasion and damage to the north stream gas pipeline appears to have been caused by directed packs from western powers. that's the claim of the russian president who accused the west as dab charging europe energy infrastructure with from last out to the world. this is our t international. i'm rachel blevins, and here are the top stories this hour. we begin with the latest as vladimir putin says, the west has violated security agreements by fabricating hypocritical anti democratic rules. the russia will not follow. the president made the comments
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during his speech at a ceremony to start the accession of 4 new territories into the russian federation . presses to legitimate smokers in strategic security agreements, fly into the trash, shall we hear is the west defends in order based on rules. where did these rules come from? who's ever seen these rules, solid deception, double already triple standards? it's easy to count on fools. russia is a 1000 year old civilization and it will not live by such false rules. the west uses suppression, exploitation, and enslavement instead of democracy. the unipolar, well that is built is anti democratic, deceitful and hypocritical through and through by the other. are teeth, maria? fanatic, thus through the key points of the russian president's speech, shirley, he story date earlier on friday wanted me potent has signed the treaties that actually made that don bus republics of the now it's been ligans as well as the 2
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regions all kits on and suck my raw as you had called to russia and they are now russian regions. it's don, white recruiting has sad, and russia will never betray them. these are, is the president gave very indeed emotional speech before the signing. and he talked a lot about the people of the don bus region and all have saw and ends up a rajah that they feel. and they are connected to her, russia by their hearts and minds, by their halter. and talked about 5 de referendums that were held in all these 4 regions that showed actually that the absolute majority of the people they are on the ground out all those who cast their ballots. and i have to say very often risking their lives and go in to pauling stations under shall in the situation of beer is fighting one to be with russia. they were bated in favor of joining our
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world's biggest countries. and we called on to come back to a believe this conflict still be resolved peacefully. this is what white book and had to say to him, please give me call on the key of regime to immediately cease fire. all hall. still, it is the word on least back in 2014 and returned to the negotiating table were ready for this. it's been said more than once, but we will not discuss the choice of the people in the guns to net his own. and zap rogia, it's john, russia will not betray them. why my food, he has talked a lot today and he's speech about the west. and it's a desire to rule the world and he read to rated once again that russia will never leave according to someone else's rules. let's take a listen up and go to the west is ready to step out of everything to preserve the neo colonial system. that allows it to piracy ties planned to the world with the
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help of the power of the dollar and technological dictate, listed to collect a real tribute from humanity. countries have surrendered their sovereignty in favor of the united states as a well correspondent who has been covering quick since 2013. i can tell you that appealed will hold the don boss and i witnessed that had been waiting for the moment that we are witnessing today for at least 8 long years. no surprise celebration are unfolding now in all of these 4 regions. and here on the red square in the heart of moscow as well after the russian president and speech on the 4 former ukrainian regions joining russia. ukrainian president vladimir zalinski said he will not negotiate with. and the g 7 countries also planned to carry out sanctions to impose cost on anyone who supports the results of the referendums. you know,
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it stays together with our allies and partners renouncing new sanctions today to impose costs on individuals and entities. the provide political or economic support were legal attempts to change the status of ukrainian territory. and i look forward to assigning legislation from congress that provide an additional $12000000000.00 to support ukraine commenting on the latest political moves by moscow. washington promised to support any attempt by key ab to re take the break away territories. american political scientists, mark sl boda believes we will see a new phase of escalation escalation. that's, that's the word that we then we are now entering a new, new phase of the war. all the rhetoric that's coming out of the west right now, that they would perhaps directly intervene in ukraine in the event that russia uses the tactical new trying to paint raj his position as very different from the way the russian president has presented. it makes me believe
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that there is at least the possibility of a false flag of a dirty bomb or a tactical nukes being detonated in you, crean by western forces. and using this as an opportunity to escalate and send nato forces directly into western ukraine. i do not believe that it is on the table for ukraine to be brought into nato with the point because there's too much disagreement within nato. certainly, hungary, but several other countries as well. certainly are not willing to bring ukraine in when that would auto magically at this point. preclude direct military conflict with russia. nato is of course, completely a political organization, a platform for the u. s. global military hedge him on to project power around the world. it's, it serves both as a physical platform, any political,
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fig leaf of multilateralism that's, that's what it does. here is the video footage from lou gods where people have been reacting with shares. and here's the accession of the region into russia. and people in her song also took to the streets and celebration, although not for a long due to security concerns are cheese morale garcia reports from the region immediately after the end of his speech during the applause that we heard at the end of that speech, people began honking their horns can hurt people shouting out of their window. certainly a lot of joy but, but i must say it is muted this morning. there were several rallies in support of joining russia. people waving russian flags but dispersed again for security reasons, have sun is a hot spot. there have been multiple strikes to day aimed at the city high mas
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missiles supplied by the united states, launched by the ukrainian military today. the 1st deputy of the head of ships on his he 2nd in command. mr. salvo vladimir selda saga was next to vladimir putin during that speech at the end of his deputy was here. he was killed earlier this morning by a strike, a ukrainian military strike. there is now an alert across the province. it is believed that ukraine will launch more munitions, that there will be attacks on the city vengeance perhaps. perhaps targeted strikes and people are being warned. not to congregate in big crowds to tell a void, ah, to avoid. we were told to avoid standing all working close to offices to administration officers, to the civil military administration. that is currently in power here in care of
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san province. i mean, we saw what ukrainian strikes alike 1st hand just less than a week ago. ukrainian missile impacted our hotel. thankfully, over most of the 3rd floor which we are staying on was erased. we managed to get out alive, but the strike was aimed at a civilian activist who had nothing to do with the military, with a conduct of military operations as a former ukrainian parliamentary, who change sides and who was killed by ukraine for what he did for supporting rush, there is hope there is optimism that now that your san province is finally about to be part of russia. technically, it, it already is de facto, but technically, at lupin to the russian military might many more avenues for the defense of its peoples. russia has a lot more, i add in its arsenal than the nuclear weapons. if moscow, what
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a wish to do so to escalate the situation to level more weaponry, advanced weapons, destructive weaponry in this conflict to now protect your soul, which is now part of the russian federation in all but name rallies and concerts are being held throughout russia in support of the accession of its 4 new ridges. thousands of people have been flooding on to the streets to celebrate waving national flags. the biggest event was held in red square in central moscow, where president putin addressed the crowd. ah, reuben lugens, let me tell you of one situation that happened while voting in la gans people were standing in a queue next to one of the polling stations to cast their ballots. when the shelling began, a shell fell next to the polling station but not a single person left. the q is fascinating because throughout decades they tried to
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destroy these people's historic, conscious to destroy their traditions, prevent them from using their native language to basically ban their culture. but they failed to do so. with these people carried low for their history and culture in their hearts. and that is why today we're saying that russia is not only opening the door of the historic motherland for brothers and sisters, but russia is opening its heart. welcome home. when i was on my way here, i really didn't expect to see so many people. this isn't even the red square. it's a bridge, very close to it. but i can see, sees of people everywhere. on the other side of moscow, iconic said basil cathedral to now this is by all means a very special day for russia. this is a celebration. this is a day that these people with smiles on their faces will be telling their children their grandchildren about and up the people are celebrating because the country
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just got a bit bigger because it accepted new territories. these people are cheering because for them the hashtags, we don't let our people down isn't just empty word. this is the hash tag that you can see on billboards all around moscow. and of course it's about the people up on rosier harris song. and god, best for the people of these regions. this is really a chance to feel much more secure, much more safe to join russia for them is a chance to feel that their culture is being respected, their right to speak, their own language is being respected, to feel that they're actually love. now make no mistake. similar rallies with the same mood are happening in different parts of russia, but more importantly and the towns of cities of daunted slogans people's republics
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and the regions of zapata, georgia. and here's some ah, ukraine's now demanding fast track membership to nato. but shortly after making that request, the alliances chief just a couple of hours ago didn't appear so accommodating. so would you raina, but day is a yahoo to day ukraine is applying to do so. de jury following a procedure that suits our importance to protect our entire community in an expedited manner. that's a decision on membership, of course has to be taken by all, thought alice on. we take these decisions, bought a consensus. all refocus now is on providing an immediate support to ukraine and to help you carry the funds itself against the russian, brutal invasion. the main reaction to the press conference by the nato chief is that people were expecting a clear answer from him about whether or not ukraine was going to join the nato
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alliance. now i understand that there has been an application by the ukrainian president to do so. but when asked about it nato, she said that it takes 30 members of nato to ratify a new member, gave a vague answer. didn't seem to be indicating that that there was going to be an eminent joining or enlistment of ukraine into the nato alliance. now, he did also say that, wow, the nato countries are supporting ukraine and offering military support in terms of weaponry. they are not part of the conflict. there's also risk of a solution beyond ukraine evolving olden at wallace will be medical not needless not talking to the conflict, we support ukraine, but that doesn't make us pointed to the conflict. now, one of the reporters asked the nato chief if he was in support, and if they would be encouraging the government to attack the new russian
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territories, the territories that just voted in referendum to join with russia. and he did not give a really clear answer. he said, i will not ask him to do so, but we will encourage him to take grange territories. again, quite a vague answer. then from there, he went on to accuse russia of nuclear blackmail. if we accept the both the annexation i rush on on the nuclear sabre a thing, actually the turtles from support to ukraine. then we accept nuclear moving well. and what he's pointing to is the fact that these territories are now part of the russian federation, and russia has declared they will protect their own territories, they have the right to protect their own territories. but the way this is being presented by western media and western leaders is if russia is threatening to drop atomic bombs on the world or something like that, that simply doesn't at the situation, rushes that they do maintain the right to defend their own territory with nuclear
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weapons if necessary, that's very different than threatening to new the world, so he's just not being accurate and how he presents what's going on in terms of the situation. but many were expecting that there would be a clear message or a clear answer from the nato chief about whether or not ukraine would become a full fledged member of the nato alliance. he didn't give a very clear answer there. i mean, he didn't really indicate that some some expedited application to join nato was on the verge of being approved. now we have heard, there have been different leaders of nato countries. there's that they support the idea of ukraine joining nato. but what many were expecting from that presser? just didn't pan out. you did look quite jittery. he looked like he didn't quite exactly know what to say. the world was waiting for him to give decisive answers, and they didn't seem to get it. political analysts, alexander pavlovitch, says nato statements about not being a part of the conflict or the opposite of reality. they're trying to wash their
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hands off what, what they've been doing. of course, they're a party to the conflict. they've been sending arms. they've been depleting their own stuff in order to send arm ukraine. course their party to the conflict. but you know, they want to, like they want to just kind of weasel out through legal. he's talk saying, well, you know, we haven't declared war and russia were not in war. russia, in fact, they aren't war with russia. they're sending all sorts of arms to ukraine that are killing people. they're killing russians. they're killing ukrainians that don't want to live under the regime. so my name is the party to the war, but you know, now they're a little bit worried because russia may just, you know, dispense with the niceties and just say, well, yeah, you are on to the war, whatever, you know, no matter what you say. so i think, you know, the stock number wasn't, wasn't acting, he is truly you hurry,
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he's truly nervous and all goes, you know, he's real losses. of course, in washington. obviously they didn't give him good enough instructions because they don't know what to do. now, even they're not really anxious to flight russia. in the accession speech vladimir putin claimed the west was behind the week mysterious damage to the nordstrom gas pipelines running from russia to europe. video in that ms. little negotiate with him. we just really see the anglo saxons have not had enough with their sanctions. they've moved on to diversions, unbelievable, but a fact by organizing explosions on the international gas pipelines, the north stream, which run along the bottom of the baltic sea. in fact, they've begun to destroy the pan it european energy infrastructure is obvious to everyone who benefits from it. u. s. dictatorship is based on brute force yordway. meanwhile, the head of the russian security council was a rather more blunt,
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pointing the finger squarely at the you asked for the sabotage, claiming it would have the most again, from rendering nord stream in operable view backed by the had of rushes for an intelligence service from windsor, in my opinion, the west is doing everything you can to hide the true perpetrators and organizers of this international act of terrorism. so we already have some evidence. the points for western footprint in the organization and implementation of this terrorist attack are prosecutor's office. is investigating the incident the 2nd part of the un security council session, this time on the attacks on the nord stream pipelines is now under way and a representative for gas from is speaking. let's listen in union. we were energy before the 52000000 european households. they were happy with the recently since
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2011 o d u. the north stream pipeline has june assured the provision of nearly half a trillion of cubic meters of gas to european consumers in now for more details about what happened on september 26th law. the feudal at about 6 am central european time the gas pipeline on shore platform controller recorded a pressure drop in line a earlier at about 2 am central european time. the pressure drop was also recorded by the gas gauge system. the pressure dropped rapidly and from 103 to 7 bar in the german section was the leak site was located in the economics of denmark, 25 kilometers south east of the island of bourne home. ready go on
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the distance to the german coast along the pipeline is 153 kilometers and the german to the russian coast is a 1081 kilometers later, that same day, 2 more weeks occurred this time on the north stream. one pipeline at 7, 12 pm central european time dispatcher's from the north stream, one control center recorded a simultaneous pressure job and both lines of the gas pipeline. and while the pressure had been 165 bar before the incident, it subsequently dropped to 8 bar to the side of one of the leagues in north stream . one is located in the exclusive economic zone of denmark, 54 kilometers north, east of the island of bourne home. the distance
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along the pipeline to the german coast is 20800 kilometers from there and 1005 kilometers to the russian cars. the location of the other rupture said in the exclusive economic zone of sweden, 59 kilometers north, east of the island of bourne home. the moment of 224 kilometers from the german coast and 999 kilometers from the russian coast along the pipeline. and thus both the league science are located several kilometers from one another. according to available estimates, the lions were done contained about 800000000 cubic meters of gas. at the time of the incident for comparison, this represents the consumption of denmark over the course of 3 months. a little from the data regarding the sudden drop in pressure and gas,
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we make it possible to say with certainty that the leagues in the in the pipelines is caused by physical damage. north street, one and north stream to our modern high tech and ultra reliable. sure gas pipeline was the impact ability of the technical solutions used there in has been confirmed by years of safe operations. in the construction of the gas pipelines pipes were used made of ultra strong steel that has several center motors centimeters, sick them and reinforced to the concrete show she looks young at the moment of the incident to gas was not being transported through pipelines for various reasons. but all lines were in a fully operational state. i will discuss with you. we have now begun searching for
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possible solutions to make, i mean, the north stream system operational. once again, you're working with the time for the work necessary to restore the system cannot be estimated at the moment. but we can say with certainty that the task will be very daunting from a technical standpoint. to do the initial step, i will be to carry out a physical examination of the rapture sites. the overall a situation where 3 leaks occur on 3 lines of a pipeline in one day is absolutely unprecedented. with europe has essentially been indefinitely deprived of
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a key root for the delivery of a crucial energy resource to live. russia and gas prom has invested huge amount of effort and to find to construct and to launch these pipelines. because this is the shortest and the safest, as we thought at the time roots for russian gas to reach european consumers who currently it out look at that is the pipeline or russia or rupture. thank you o'clock. mfc. i think mr. cookie, enough for his briefing. and i now give the floor to mr. a month, and that was a representative from gas problems. speaking there to the un security council. again, noting that this is truly unprecedented damage that was done to the north stream
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pipeline system. and also noting the fact that this was clearly physical damage, and this will have a massive impact on europe and the long term. again, we will continue to follow that meeting and bring you all of the latest updates for now. let's take a look further into that story about exactly what happened to the north stream pipeline system. because adding to the suspicions about who was behind it, there was also a tweet about those damage pipelines posted and then quickly deleted by a former foreign minister of poland. that finished with the words. thank you usa. he later wrote another post, clarifying that quote, he was glad nord stream was paralyzed saying it's good for poland. officials in washington also downplayed the impact of the incident would have on europe even as energy prices or across the continent on tuesday, us secretary of state antony, blinking, however, noted washington's desire to end the use dependent on russian energy and promised
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a search and supplies of liquefied natural gas, working to continue to search l n, g supplies to europe in cooperation with global partners. including, i mean a pacific towards noting that our own oil production is up by more than $500000.00 barrels per day. this year. our energy exports are up more than 20 percent since last year. in fact, we became the largest elegy supplier to the european union in the u. k. this year. now notably, this emergency meeting of the un security council that we've been following was called by russia, specifically about the ledge sabotaged other than ord stream pipelines. all of this as former us marine corps intelligence officer, scott ritter, says he believes that the deleted tweet of the former polish foreign minister reveals washington had a hand in what happened. i don't think sikorsky sat in on any meetings. i don't
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think sikorsky at any insider knowledge. i think of course you're just stating the obvious with the pipeline was blown up. he knew it was the united states. well, i think in this case we just go to the one party. you actually made a confession. that's the united states president joe biden february, 8th of this year, stating very clearly that if russia were to send forces into ukraine, that united states would shut down the north stream to pipeline. and when asked why he could do how he could do that, it wasn't as a german allied center. he said, we'll shut it down. it appears that joe biden is, in this case, at least a man of his word. there's no other party that you know that a would have the political clout to carry this out in be have the incentive of, you know, the united states was confronted with the fact that the german people were beginning to rebel against the u. s. dictated policies that were being implemented by the
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german government regarding your russian energy, not purchasing russian gas, et cetera. and we're going to demand that the north stream to pipeline be opened up so that they wouldn't freeze to death this winter. and by blowing up the pipeline, the united states is taking that possibility know off the table. so, you know, the united states is not only the likely a candidate, but all of the circumstantial evidence would convict united states virtually any court of law that here this case the russian church stream gas pipeline operator says another land has withdrawn its export license amid wider e u sanctions against moscow. this means that the turk stream dutch subsidiary can provide technical maintenance on the pipeline. the turkish south stream company told r t that the measures will not affect the flow of gas, although it's asked for the license to be reinstated.


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