tv News RT October 1, 2022 8:00am-8:31am EDT
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ah, a with at least one civilian is killed and 2 others wounded. and what's being reported does ukrainian shelling of residential areas in done yet. it comes after vladimir putin signs a duct pre to incorporate that region and 3 others into the russian federation. culture coming up in the program. ukraine, us for accelerated nato membership pop. but the chief all the alliance rejects the call funding. i think there needs to be total consensus within the military blog. our focus now is only providing an immediate
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support to ukraine mandate. second, military coup this year in burkina, faso rocks, the west african nation coming as a country is already suffering from deadly terrorists. with residential areas in done yet have come under intensive artillery fire by ukrainian forces, killing at least one civilian and wounding to others. according to local authorities, we should warn you. the following images are all setting. that's funny shows the moments after a residential building was struck. my mom was hit by shallow fragments, right in the stomach. he reportedly lost a lot of blood and died soon afterwards. local officials say key halves forces fired nato ammunition of the neighborhood. a school was also damaged in the attack . the deadly shelling occurred shortly after vladimir putin urged kiev to stop
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all hostilities in the region. he made that statement during a speech welcoming the session of 4 new territories, including dan, yet into the russian federation. the way he's get is you need, we call on the key regime to immediately cease fire all hostilities, the war it on lease back in 2014 and returned to the negotiating table. we're ready for this. it's been said more than once, but we will not discuss the choice of the people in the gant dynette here on and zap rogia, it's done, russia will not betray them. celebrations interrupted after the documents were signed, the night sky lit up in a blaze of color limit of fireworks display at the sour michaela memorial complex, and this on yes. republic ends up wrote his biggest city melly topo people, reacted to president putin's announcement with cheers and i purse of emotion while in her song residence took to the streets. although not for long due to security concerns. the biggest event was held on red square. in the heart of moscow.
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vladimir putin addressed the crowd there, together with leaders of the new regions with rallies and concerts. hell, right, thrive russia in support of the unification. thousands of people flooded on to the streets to celebrate waving national flights. me not here, van several of its western allies have condemned the a session. u. s. president biden has said, washington would not recognize the new borders and promised to provide more aid to ukraine. you commission chief, or so vander lion said the move by russia quote, won't change anything. on the u. k. 's new prime minister, less trust promised to ensure that russia would lose what she called an illegal war,
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or vladimir putin once again, points out that the west has long been trying. he says to impose its own and germany upon moscow. really get them with a strategic security agreements. fly into the trash or we hit the west defends and order based on rules. where did these rules come from? who's ever saying these rules, solid deception, double already triple standards? it's easy to count on fools. russia is a 1000 year old civilization and it will not live by such false rules. the west uses suppression, exploitation, and enslavement instead of democracy. the unipolar, well that is built in anti democratic, deceitful and hypocritical through and through what we heard from former pentagon security analysts, michael lewis to say the world order is being changed with more countries. now, finding washington's actions simply on accept ukraine was only the instigator, it's been building for quite for many,
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many years. the u. s. has envision itself as the us lead unipolar world order. and now we're seeing a multi polar world or re merging. and, and part of that is to continue for the united states to contain its so called enemies and, and if adversaries. and this is the way to do it. and but, but what's happened is that the united states is, is, is we can do have and other countries beginning to say we've had enough of this and their, their reaction as a consequence. we're, we're already seeing countries wanting to join the bricks, countries. they want to join the shanghai cooperation organization. these are all your asian oriented groups that both moscow and beijing or, or heading. and it's creating an interesting dilemma
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here and major changes that we're seeing in the world. mike, on the live speaking to r t will ukraine is now demanding fast track membership to nato. but just the hours after making that request, the alliance is chief, didn't appear so that comedy jordan greener the fact. so we have already made our way to nature b to day ukraine is applying to do the gerais. where taken our defining stab by signing ukraine supplications will fast track accession to nato's animal, or the seasonal membership, of course, has to be taken by all 3rd allies. and we take these decisions by consensus, or our focus now is on providing an immediate support to ukraine and to help ukraine defend itself against the, the russian, brutal invasion. while some reaction from political science as marks loading,
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he says ukraine shouldn't hang its hopes and being brought into the alliance. i do not believe that it is on the table for ukraine to be brought into nato at the point because there is too much disagreement within nato. certainly, hungary, but several other countries as well. certainly are not willing to bring ukraine in when that would automatically, at this point preclude direct military conflict with russia. nato is of course, completely a political organization, a, a platform for the u. s. global military hedge mon 2 project power around the world . it's, it serves both as a physical platform, any political, fig leaf of multilateralism. that's, that's what it does. well, the nato press conference came on the heels of russia beginning the process for the new territories to join the country. nato secretary general, fully rejected that news,
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saying not accepting the new status would be consenting to what he called, mutual or blackmail. yen stilton burke stated that while the alliance is focusing on support for key of nature has no intention of being dragged into a direct war. there's also risk of a solution beyond ukraine evolving olden at wallace, olsby medical not needless, not pocket to the conflict. we support ukraine, but that doesn't make us pointed to the conflict. they're trying to wash their hands off what, what they've been doing. of course, their party to the conflict. they've been sending arms. they've been depleting their own stocks in order to send arms to ukraine. course their party to the conflict, but you know, they want to, like, they want to just kind of weasel out on through legalese talk saying, well, you know, we haven't declared war on russia. we're not in war. russia. in fact, they aren't war with russia. they're sending all sorts of arms to ukraine that are
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killing people that are killing russians that have killing ukrainians that up. don't want to live longer to be kia regime. so night nato is a party to the war. but, you know, now they're a little bit worried, because russia may just dispense with the niceties and just say, well, yeah, you are new to the war, whatever, you know, no matter what you say. so i think, you know, stole timber wasn't, wasn't acting. he is truly jittery. he's truly nervous, and all those, you know, his real losses, of course, in washington. obviously they didn't get in good enough instructions because they don't know what to do now either because they're not really anxious to flight russia. k to another, a headline story today, a military coup on power change has occurred in burkina faso. the 2nd time this year it was marked by explosions and shootings are on the presidential palace in the capital. why? good pride is over through was announced by army officers on
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a seized national tv channel. the pretty book, enough of the people of burkina faso since the 24th of january 2022. i have been faced with a continually deteriorating security situation. and we, the officers of the national armed forces were motivated to take action with a desire to protect the security and integrity of our territory. president deborah is fired is no longer president of will, can a hustle and the new please, the name he's kept shame. debra him towel, this is the 2nd call it month. people are not allowed to go out because it is, it costs you already to what they said you were, you know, grow a speech. it's due to the fact that her present that me by didn't take carol says commitment when you change the new group, believe that the dunbar was loved this kind of a good guy. and he was that book also in the manner has been
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a bit tools. i didn't have enough request, we don't have enough money to fight that. he ramos to me by, has shown us his limits to me by betrayed the people the people were hoping for real change. but on the diplomatic level, during a period of crisis, our diplomacy was very passive rather than active l. last but not least, a monday, a convoy of 200 sites was attacked by 2 as blue, and cooper said that it on 70 a civilian were killed and eaten meters military is to ask, you know, we say that france is in collusion with the terrorists. if in reality, france, which colonized this would really wanted to in this crisis, it could have ended it. yeah, the assault we just heard about was on a convoy of some $200.00 laurise taking supplies to a northern part of the west african country. earlier in the week, such islamist terror attacks of become common in burkina faso since 2015 with
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thousands killed or nearly 2000000 people displaced from their homes. are broken up a security consulting. we talked to say that political dialogue lacking over the years is needed to reduce violence in the region. and also that one former colonial power needs to take some responsibility for the turmoil we. for the moment it is difficult to determine which group is responsible for the terrorist attack. what is absolutely clear is that some group committed atrocities on local people. we know only that this area is in full control of terrorist group, but such methods are synonymous with actions of islamic states. therefore, it is too early to assert which organisation actually did the terrorist attack. we need to wait for further information. the fact that the government is taking important steps to fight terrorism is very important because political dialogue might lower the level of violence in the region. we cannot say that the level of terrorist attacks increased after france withdrew its forces from the country because france was never actually present in this region in france. certainly
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provided targeted, supportive burkina faso. but our country still continues to call on france to pay more attention to the bar cane operation. the most positive thing is that the government is really engaged in dialog dialog which may reduce the level of violence without the government itself resorting to violence. additionally, the emergence of peoples brigades that provide security and they're being allowed to combine and direct the efforts of self defense groups as a good development. the worst thing that we have to admit now is the understanding that the countries army cannot protect its population. and that common people are suffering from the endless violence another story to bring new today, falling backlash on social media. the new york times has removed the reference to britain's colonial hand in building photo democracy in india over 250 years. it's by far not the 1st time the western media outlets of applied wall, it's been labeled loony language when covering india as
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r. t corresponding runjun sharma takes us through is the west media taking to march liberty when it comes to india. india for long has been complaining about the coverage that it gets in the western press. send the con to wash will time magazine cover calling prime minister marines more the, a divider in chief to a recent new york times article that said it to britain to 50 years to build a democracy in india, which used a former nieto diplomats observation of indian democracy, you can't impose your values, you have to accommodate them to the values of the country. it took britain, 250 years to build a democracy in india and we had 20. the court implies the 200 years of british depression cult awaited agular, terry and values in india. wait, what? well, when britain came to india, we were 28 percent of the was g d p. when they left us me we're down to 3 percent. so they, in a sense, looted us exploited us and enriched themselves if that a,
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someone's ideal of infusing values in democratic or norms. that i'm not quite sure if they understand what a democracy is all about. well, it's not unusual for a western media to look down upon, rest of the world and india is no exception. i guess this is white man's bowden where the pain that it is there ordained right to discipline and democratize societies which need the hand holding an infusion of values as the comment. and then righty, article also seems to suggest but i guess they must realize that the world has moved on after receiving backlash. the new york times removed the reference of britain's colonialism and building democracy in india. but the court was already shared on twitter, back on the g saltisha director 1000000 wish now. and later re tweeted by the son of india. external affairs minister, duke j shanker. this quote,
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almost made me lose my lunch. you can't impose your values, you have to accommodate them to the values of the country. it took britain, 250 years to build democracy in india. hi, it appears the new york times has now abbreviated that quote. and this is not the 1st time the new york times has painted colonial gallows all over its indian coverage in 2014. after the big launch of miles orbital mission. it published a garden featuring an indian man wearing a line cloth and dragging the cow while knocking on the door of the leak press club with white men reading newspapers inside the newspaper. apologize then, and now again, how often do you hear people talking about it or pronouncing it in fact, look at the media coverage. what does the media cover? what does the media not cover? not cindy, all of external affairs minister in washington dropping to bombs on the american press on the policy makers getting the message across loud and clear.
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the biden administration has introduced a new series of sanctions against iran in an effort to curtail rainy and oil from reaching energy hungry world markets. so long as the iran refuses a mutual return to the full implementation of the joint comprehensive plan of action, the united states will continue to enforce it. sanctions on the sale of iranian petroleum and petrochemical products. the us treasury department is targeting several firms and what they called front company for their involvement in a rounds petrochemical trade. the sanctions will affect the sale of hundreds of millions of dollars worth of products, bone for saif, east asia, the move target iranian brokers and enterprises in china. the united are of emirates, uncle, and india. all american political figures have previously bragged by another impact
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of their tripling sanctions against a run, the worsening of living standards among the iranian people, including a few years ago by donald trump's personal attorney. so i say to, to the iranian government, you must be truly afraid of being overthrown. the sanctions are working. the currency is going to nothing there where russia was that where poland was, we see signs of young men and women sang, give me some food. we saw a sign of a man trying to sell his internal organs for $500.00 american dollars. probably a fortune in iran to day near earlier, we discussed the issue with political analysts and academics from china and iran. they both say that countries under us sanctions are becoming increasingly on a freight of washington's threats as they can still manage to develop international trade. well, i don't think we can have so many damage to the time you wrong relations because of
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this everything according to the international law and commercial principles. so the u. s. stations actually based on the u. s. domestic law, we don't afraid of american citizens. this is a legal american sanctions, always abuse the american power that the american exceptionalism at the enforce. other countries to bypass the u. s. statesmen, questions before the sentence into iran, which china new or a built 5 parts of the script system. now the sense into russia has also pushed forward that kind of would be americanization of the older. well firstly is ation of civilization and joke 40 also is a key country. we have that states economic corridors. one of them is china central asia. and wes and asia recorded off with iran. i've gotten the sun and then connect which i was china. and also you guys need in country,
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but it could be in the shared, most of the world. the iranians are getting used to the factions, the iranians are pursuing relationships with the global south. europe in the united states are facing multiple crises, clinical, military and economic problems. and there's no shortage of customers for iranian oil, especially under the circumstances by sanctioning around washing my extension in parts of the chinese economy. they are simply creating an incentive for these countries to move away from the us and european us base controlled financial institutions. and therefore, enabling these countries not only to work with each other without the us dollar using western. but it also enables other countries that under sanctions or west,
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so sentences to more easily work with one another. and this is, this is an irreversible trend. now, in a similar vein to the, the u. s. ambassador to sit on has worn the north east african country against restoring a 2017 pac with russia to build the navy base there. if the government of sudan decides to proceed with the establishment of this facility or to renegotiate it, it will be harmful to sue dan's interest. john godfrey this year became the 1st u. s. ambassador sent to sit down in more than 2 decades. washington is taken to improve by lateral ties, after lifting many of its sanctions against the country. now the russian embassy is reacted to the recent american warnings by saying country should not attempt to manipulate cartoons sovereign policy making. we heard from political analysts, mickey elmwood grabby, who say, sit down as tired of constant view as threats of sanctions and wants to make its
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own decisions without having to consult washington opinion was optimistic that there is a and then a b i. then they are, i can say that they prove it used to that is, it is not something wrong that has the right religion with china with all and what is going on is that there is improvement. but then prove it is modeled by the fashion that is imposed law for more than to get on was the case and the sand now in i'll just tell it. but the problem again, united is many. so then these people,
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if they don't follow the recipe for relation, there will bring them back to the again, this is joe, say it when you have i now we can be affected by your staff. and when you have russia on the other side, i see now the sanction might or might be able to get up. i think i said that the united states should not live or live so that they get they should live them. so ok, another update on something very does your at the moment in an effort to contain skyrocketing energy bills in the france and germany are reportedly backing upon european platform for gas purchases. berlin has already been strengthening ties with saudi arabia, including reversing, is found on arms exports to the middle eastern country to reportedly try and obtain cheaper fuel commodities. here's the take of our tea contributor and all that
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rachel marston. what's the deal with western nations publicly saddlin? up on their moral high horses and looking down their noses at some countries, while more discreetly driving economic benefit from those same countries or at least attempting to russia is the obvious example here with the e. u constantly bad melting and sanctioning moscow on one hand while demanding that it continue to provide it with energy on the other. well, at least until it can wean itself off of the dirty authoritarian gas molecules. and now, 4 years after former chancellor angle and merkle stopped, german weapon sales to saudi arabia, citing the kingdoms involvement in the murder and dismemberment with a bone salve. washington post columnist and saudi activist jamal cash o g. inside the saudi consulate, nist stumble. well, it looks like berlin has had a change of heart. the german government has once again, green lit new arms exports to saudi arabia,
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including about $36000000.00 euros worth of ammunition for fighter jets. it is surely just a coincidence that german chancellor, olaf schultz wrapped up his middle eastern door knocking, got gas tour, which included a visit with saudi crown prince mohammed been salman. so what were the conditions supposed to be for resumption of weapons sales from germany to saudi arabia? sounds not as you look at the monstrosity that happened at the saudi arabian consulate in turkey, that has to be cleared up and so long as it's not explained. there will be no arms experts to saudi arabia. i assure you that explicitly, even those deals that were already approved, cannot happen now, as long as the case has not been resolved. and as long as there have been no substantial consequences in re odd, we would completely lose our credibility. it looks like everything around the cache o g issue has just magically cleared up. now, where did all that moral outrage go all of a sudden? well, all that's a minor detail,
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i guess when berlin hasn't stopped making profits from weapon sales to egypt and the u. e, which are also part of the saudi, like coal ition in the yemen war against the iranian backed him thies that was overwhelmingly condemned in a resolution passed by the european parliament last year as the quote world's worst humanitarian crisis. but germany needs fuel and the saudis need wides. so they both need you and me to get a sudden case of really bad amnesia and forget that everything else happened previously. now by him was also intent at one point on making saudi arabia pariah. it looks like he's making about as much progress on that front as he is at mastering the stairs. ah, so since that are on nuclear deal hasn't really turned out the way that biden had hoped. and the u. s. is running low on oil reserves. the saudis have been miraculously rehabilitated. these are the moral authorities dictating how the average western citizen must suffer financially and sacrifice for whatever values
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that the elite evoke at any given time. but they clearly have no qualms changing those values whenever it suits them. now the ukraine conflict didn't just begin in february last for those and don boss, life under war conditions has been a reality since 2014 next we hear from civilians and one of the areas republic, somebody what they faced if they can finally envisage a peaceful future new ganske road to independence begins a ah
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gotcha. oh was well with this obvious that the need to was was sheep or a warrant, and many of the medical also the glee, enrique, as in john dorms and all those who have stated that need to get more into this kind of. but it was a show is hands against ukraine. so this thing was coming from us with somebody from google dormitory. it's not that he's suddenly sprung up 11 finding ah ah,
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where we need to look at a little fingers if you, if you have been on the policy of sheet, which is much harold lanier, you mean what is mckayla as opposed to would love for his lovely? so be example, graham. it was some live williams to fill that up. if those have been, you hopefully help me. so my logo ws goes to jail, will close to new jersey of slower, which so i was actually asking rosner, i'm getting you, can you move your i'm so pressure at that he's up with any pressure to los come in. i took a note pitiless up here at the ball which can you with those reports if we get.
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