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tv   News  RT  October 2, 2022 1:00pm-1:29pm EDT

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ah, ah, public said the hassan and apology regions celebrated historic moment of the vladimir putin signed it cree on their session to russia is coming after a string of referenda. the anglo saxons had not had enough with their sanctions. they've moved on to diversions. the russian president blames the west for the sabotage of the north stream pipeline, which supply gas to europe. and you also point out who would likely benefits most of the africans data, but kena fast so sees it. second qu, in just 8 months, it's forcing the president to step down, locals, calling the new government to actually move away from france and build close that are here to say no to french imperialism is no doubt you international. this is the weekly with the top stories of the week and of today. so vladimir putin has
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submitted the read for ratification, not to say to the russian parliament, those important documents on the accession of for new territories into the russian federation. of course, it's soft to the president signed a decree on friday for the how to song and separate orgy regions and the don't yet . and lou ganske republics to become a part of the russian federation. and his speech of the signing ceremony put in urged ukraine to return to peace talks, but he also emphasized the status of the new regions is non negotiable. anyway, please give me a call on the key of regime to immediately cease fi. all hall still at ease the ward, on least back in 2014 and returned to the negotiating table were ready for this. it's been said more than once, but we will not discuss the choice of the people in the gans denounced his own. and zap rogia, it's done, russia will not betray them. the ceremony was a follow by celebrations across all 4 of the new russian territories. i've looked at these pictures right here for the night. sky lit up in
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a blaze of colors. fireworks were on display there. in the burnett's republic in milan, topple the biggest city that russia controls and his apology region. people gave an emotional reaction to putin's announcement with similar scenes. witness and how to san angelo guns as well. of course, it all follows the referendum held in those areas. and here at our tea, we heard from people on the streets, shortly after the accession, documents was signed, and dated was his journey. russia means better development of our region. we expect a lot of improvement. i've really been waiting for this after 8 years. suddenly the end of those try to find bombardments. we have finally come close to peace. what happened this friday was the best that could ever have happened to watch a lot of us. we are very grateful to the rational people for their support when thank you very much. we're finally back home the you and the u. s. meantime, of course, of refuse to accept the referendum results, browning the move, and annexation, and not the expression of the free will of the local population. or let's get more
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on that. his, our senior correspondent, but at gaston it is no exaggeration to say that these fellow referendums were historic. this is a pivotal moment in history and such moments. pick up many names, referendum annexation re union. vladimir putin once again violating international law with his friends to annex more if the crane will not hesitate to take further action, including imposing more sanctions to cripple prudence war machine. the united states, together with our allies and partners, are announcing new sanctions to day to impose costs on individuals and entities that provide political or economic support to illegal attempts to change the status of ukrainian territory. and i look forward to signing legislation from congress that will provide an additional $12000000000.00 to support ukraine tooth and has mobilize hundreds of houses. so more troops engaged in irresponsible nuclear
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saber rattling and now illegally annex more ukrainian territory with nights, russia federation. welcome 6. 1000000 citizens and hor, boss regions by the will of the people. the will of the people and the right of self determination are alien to nato, an entire continent. europe has sacrificed that he cannot like prosperity and future for america's hooley war in you crate. who in europe voted for this, who voted for her? the shamrock veranda, organized in the territories that russia occupied, an illegal attempt to grap land and to change international borders by force. the sham referendums were engineered in moscow on impulses on ukraine. in total violation of international law, if i had, as i said, with
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a certain gravity at a time, a russia is renewing its aggressive rhetoric at a time where it organizes sham referendums, which sign it status of a paris state. we don't get all of this rhetoric, of course, only applies to russia when referendum is good for nato. it is righteous when it is of it's a sharp, kosovo. nato states invade a sovereign state, redraw the borders and state your referendum, just and fair. they called it because they did it inside the you. meanwhile, barcelona is peaceful attempts at a referendum of freedom, a brutally suppressed activist jailed and persecuted, and everyone pretends to she nothing. where did all these rules and rights go? it is ridiculous to hear about the redrawing. of borders from across the ocean after the nato bombing of yugoslavia, after supporting the redrawing of barbara with their planes within dependence of
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crossover. this is not a conflict between russia and ukraine. how can it be when the entire ukrainian military is paid for train supplied, armed and directed by nato lease would have been decided if it had just been russia and ukraine instead. these, he's of silent war between russia and the west. and that soon, the point this continued bloodshed, that violence is to cement nato's right, to be the only power on the planet. that gets to redraw maps and stage referendums . they call this right in the most abstract way. rules versus delegate them with strategic security agreements, fly into the trash, shall we hear is the west to friends in order based on rules. where did these rules come from you? who's ever seen these rules missile? a deception double already triple standards. it's easy to count on fools like russia is
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a 1000 year old civilization and it will not live by such false rules for the west uses suppression, exportation, and enslavement instead of democracy. the unipolar world, it is built, is anti democratic, deceitful, and hypocritical through and through that stay with pro rata enough is enough. this apparently is what nato cannot accept. this obedience revolt a quantity. they believe that they are better than the rest of the world. superior . even exceptional. so say the rules that no one has ever she or i guess they have faulty from him son, russia. so now the european parliament are portly considering sanctioning all international observers who watched over the recent referendums on joining russia, a french m e p. his fort reportedly sent such a request to the e used tom diplomat, joseph beryl,
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we as elected members of the european parliament demand that all those who voluntarily assisted in any way the organization of these illegitimate referendums be individual targeted and sanction. i just spoke about the issue with vanessa bailey independent, investigative journalist who was actually an international observer at the referendums. and one of those believe to be facing sanctions that she feels its a personal attack against her. this is an abuse of her power to carry out a personal vendetta against me. why? because i exposed her role very recently in effectively protecting the chemical weapons from the duma chemical weapons in syria. that of course led to the unlawful aggression by france. the u. k. and the u. s. in 2019, and that was heavily advocated for by natalie lorenzo. she's using her influence within the european parliament to try and bring
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a personal attack against me. what is extraordinary is that the you itself, or the parliament is now effectively becoming a fascist entity. apparently the 133. observe as independent observers that came from all over the world are not allowed to observe the reference in, in us and in the refugee centers throughout russia. by the way, we reached a point where effectively if you challenge the dominant weston centric narrative, the 19th century narrative you become liable to sanctions, money have been threatened by their own countries with repercussions for coming to don't bus. i mean, really we're living in extraordinary times when independent journalism, independent observation, or observance of referendum, democratic referenda. and i have to say not one of those 133. observe as found any
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violations with any of the referenda that were being carried out throughout dumbass throughout the russian church. meanwhile, in italy, a riley was held to show support for the for formal ukrainian of regents joining russia. this residence in the northern italian city of genoa gathered in the central square saying they recognized the results of the referendum. seldom those territories. they also said western powers must stop escalating the ukraine conflict by pumping weapons into that country. in fact, they've begun to destroy the pine that european energy infrastructure is obvious to everyone who benefits from it. u. s. dictatorship is based on brute force your la some european politicians, including that of a serbian president alexandro vouchers. are they've made clear how they see the matter. when i heard this, it made me sweat. i didn't know whether to cry or scream. when i saw the news on
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what happened to nord stream, if we had not built the turkish stream gas pipeline 2 years ago, we would now be cutting off electricity for 12 hours a day. also douglas mcgregor, a former high ranking american servicemen spoke about the pipeline incident in a recent us meet their end of year. there really aren't very many people out there that could do it. it was definitely not the russians, so that lead to that leaves united kingdom, potentially the french, of perhaps the united states. frankly, the united states government has admitted to it very united states government is making the utterly ridiculous argument that the russians dental themselves, which makes those benefits the most by being able to sever the final physical link between russia and germany. which could add in theory, to the chance of a separate piece of granite between rushing ukrainian or russian, the west. in the event that germany were to be able to walk to strategic autonomy over here of course, the prospects for all weekend. but the scenario is to remain on the card. secondly,
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the u. s. is now the use top our suppliers. so americans going to be banking off of this terrorist attack. and 3rd, by having poland become very crucial to the e. u. so called are just security to the current that dental washing of the baltic pipe and the same day of the terrorist attacks occurred. the us and able to advance is large or strategic re orientation in european continental politics by gradually favoring poet over germany at the top partner in europe. so i think there are a lot of reasons why the us actually stand the game despite what blanket and other official plank i do not believe is going to be objective to the contrary. i believe that this is simply an act of trying to cover out the crime after the fact. also look at the ongoing information warfare campaign against marcia. i mean, the west is peddling the literal conspiracy theory that not only russia blow up its all multi $1000000000.00 a pipeline, but then you would be able to do still a nato control waters and get away. it's got great. so on the one hand,
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they want to think their rush is so weak that of being defeated by ukraine, which isn't true because the ukraine, ukrainian military and actually natal back. but all the ukrainian profit. but on the other hand, russia able to somehow blow up its own pipelines, a needle controlled water, not even a 3rd country. hey, and get away with it. i think that is completely ridiculous and that their so called investigation is going to be aimed at covering out the actual crime to the u . s. and world that you pay committed and possible even planting sake evidence to try to implicate russia. i have no faith in the objectivity of this so called investigation. it is a 100 percent sham. however, the western media very clear and whom they deemed responsible for the destruction they blame moscow. news outlets accused rusher of blowing up its own multi $1000000000.00 vital infrastructure. we'll let so del further into those accusations. here's our correspondent. marina cows are open and honest sources, and a so called highly likely narrative. these are tactics widely used by western lina
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when they need to blame moscow, but lack the evidence to do so. and natasha bertrand currently working for cnn. once again, proved that she's an expert here, sites in some unknown european security officials who allegedly saw some russian navy ships in the vicinity of the north spring pipeline lakes. it's unclear whether the ships had anything to do with those explosions. the sauces and others said, but it's one of the many factors that investigators will be looking into russian submarine. we're also observed not far from those areas. last week, one of the intelligence officials said seriously, the west gets nervous and starts screaming about rawson sobs, even if they see an old tin can floating in the baltics. here the information that the russian navy is plying the seas and danish territorial waters appears after the
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incidents on the pipelines and is of course, attributed to a source quote. familiar with the matter whom. now, for example, in years of american helicopters, seen in the vicinity appeared a few weeks before the gas leaks. and even earlier, americans themselves were boasting about conducting under water drone experiments in the same area. and of course, there's joe biden solemn old to quote, put an end to north string to there will be no longer a north stream to we will bring an end. how will you do that? i promise you will be able, do. you'll find none of that and miss bertram's article, just the usual blame game against russia. and it's not the 1st time that natasha is doing damage control for the u. s. presidents. when hunter biden's laptop scandal was raging, she dismissed the entire story as russian. this information, even though some of the digital files with sensitive information were confirmed as
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authentic. her answer, awesome crusade goes long back and is based on on verify the information. let's remember how eager she wants to discuss the steel dorsey of with anyone who would listen, trying to convince the public that donald trump is moscow's maggots. chris were seal wrote in late june that the trump campaign had been receiving a regular flow of intelligence about hillary clinton from the kremlin. she admits that there is no evidence, but she enjoys france a size and about various theories on national television. the still dos here, by the way, has since been discredited, bought, that doesn't matter. right. well, here's another accusation that russians are supposedly behind that so called havana syndrome that some, some medical issues experienced by u. s. government officials and military personnel. russia is one of only
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a few countries that has dedicated research and development to what some experts believe could be the kind of weapon that could cause symptoms consistent with have on the syndrome. but the intelligence pointing to russia as a possible culprit is also constantia, according to multiple sources. familiar with the matter. make morning. i could say it's unclear whether she has it in for russia, but according to her articles and numerous to be appearances, it seems that she, in fact, does, when one huge media makes such a spectrum report as cnn did, then others will copy it. and others may not even insert the new incidence of the pieces as the see it in journalist did. at the end, at least the journalist admitted that the russian ships were always there so really short and self in the people. she said, i've got no news for this is, you know, nonsense this article, but unfortunately, we're living in an age. now we're copying,
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we're replicate to what british john jones called chun listen is really now the main thing, you know. and so it's really dangerous when outlet stuff of that size put up such information. it's all too common. so western made it to rush ahead and just copy and paste these, these mistakes, and then you know, not really care about the integrity of what they're doing. it's becoming more and more common. well, hundreds of people in germany outraged over the government's handling of the escalating energy crisis will go outside the hit, the streets, all dusseldorf approaches to say, already have failed to contain soaring prices with sanctions against russia, shutting down the north stream pipeline, further pushing up the fuel growing number of problems, figures in germany have started advocating for a governmental change of holes with a focus on rebuilding ties with that could be a hard task to accomplish. the thought he contributed. lawston now explains,
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it's hard to believe that it takes courage these days to publicly advocate in favor of peace in europe rather than prolonging an armed conflict. but yet, here we are. that's our reality to day. you have to wonder why there's such a lack of descent and leadership on the issue in europe when the u. s. is really the only beneficiary of the status quo as the successful german corporate executive suggests. and why is there such a taboo around the notion of europe standing up for its own interests in this mass when the ultimate result is at the blocks economic engine, germany is going to take itself out of global competition effectively to the benefit of the u. s. 14 major in parliamentarian, his even suggesting that russia now offer to help your a p in businesses suffering under western sanctions and square off against the u. s . over europe on the economic battlefields house, who's the sanctions must be lifted. the economic war against russia must sit down
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at the negotiating table and find practical solutions for cooperation. just like we have been doing for 20 years. perhaps now was the last opportunity to do so. we can answer this question very simply, who has benefited from all of this, who has benefited from the whole situation in which we are in now? who is profiting from this? this situation is nothing new. this is far from the 1st time that the u. s. has unleashed an economic war and provoked military action. now they are using the scenario against europe. ukraine and russian means for them to reach their goal. the idea of russia stepping in to help euro pin businesses is hardly a sign that russia has been weakened. it is, however, a pretty good indication of the harm that europe has done to itself through its own sanctions, the same former populace boone, the stag deputy, also had a few things to say about the recent catastrophic vandalism of germany's energy lifelines nord stream, one and 2 in our government is not able to act in the in of its own people. and
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this is noticeable throughout the political space. we ourselves pass one decree, one life to another, one decision after another which destroys our factories. germany's prosperity and industrial power rest on 2 pillars, the work ethic of the german people, and the cheap energy that we have received from russia for decades. now, this concept has been destroyed with our own hands. we cannot get affordable energy from russia. you can forget about it from the u. s. the u. s. is now making huge profits. each tanker of liquefied natural gas brings about $200000000.00 in profits to the treasury. as long as such prices dominate the market. they will not stop the hostilities. i think that people can take to the streets. they will try to save the situation again. so it can be saved with new elections, the government, the goddess into all of this has to go. there must be new elections. maybe then other people enter office. i don't see any other way here. average citizens in
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germany and across the block have taken to the streets recently and protest of government energy policies and sanctions. and well, who can blame them? considering that now there's even talk of cellular mobile network blackouts in europe. if energy shortages lead to power cuts from which mobile antennas may not actually be exempt, inflation is reaching stratospheric heights in germany at 10 percent and in the netherlands at 17 percent. and berlin has just dreamed lit a $200000000000.00 euro relief package to offset energy price increases through sales tax cuts on fuel. look, i'm no economic bureau, but actually yeah, hold up. i'm about to become an economic girl ready because i'm pretty sure that it doesn't actually take an economic expert to realize that using cash is some kind of crash pad in an attempt to cushion the blow as you push your own economy off a ledge. because brussels tells you to,
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for ukraine hardly inspires investor confidence. and while a few people in germany are clearly wide awake, while the rest does seem to be sleepwalking right off the cliff. so thousands of people have taken to the streets of moldova, is capital to demonstrate against the government. a rallies have repeatedly being held in the eastern european countries in more than a month. now, protesters demanding the resignation of the president and early election. i've been trying good by spiraling gas prices and widespread inflation. people are said to have taken to the streets following a coal, the leader of the opposition chopin. the president obama. kina faso has officially resigned and follows a military overthrow of the government. at the 2nd, the west african nation has faced in just 8 months. in this i, legacy footage from the capital and locals are celebrating. what they say now is, is hope for a new beginning. a rush and flags can be seen in the crowd, right?
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there is, people have been calling for the country to step away from france and build stronger ties with the likes of china and russia. the military coup took place on friday and was marked by explosions on shootings right around the presidential palace in the capital. doubt the president has been heavily criticized, but failing to fulfill his promises mainly to deliver that of peace and stability. meantime, one local journalist sent us this report. he's supposed to show up to evade howdy is the new kept in obese ship cold book, you know, for us to be 9 same 3 days. oh, business days. the dba dinner, i would like to inform the population that the situation is under control. ah, going through these global kilby definitely mud of deborah myrtle freight. oh, i knew here to say no to french imperialism. this gnawed away at us for more than
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60 years, were against that. why did everybody scamper when power? he said he come to fix it is warbling, he may not be be good at the time clock. no, she's 9 months. guns in it is a little bit hard. yes. it's become 50 percent over territory. he's out of control up there with now as we've just heard, the hottest groups remain one of the most pressing issues in kena fast. so latest terror attack actually happened on monday. you so targeted can avoid taking supplies to know them. part of the country. 11 people were killed, mainly soldiers. now is the most attacks have become a constant in the country, especially in the wide us to hell reach. in a recent years since 2015, thousands of people have been killed and nearly 2000000 displaced from their homes
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in but kena fast. so clashes between police and anti government protesters in iraq are portly left, at least a $150.00 injured. the protest to being held against the backdrop of poverty and corruption in bagdad southern provinces that police have been using rubber bullets and tig asked to break up the crowd. switch the authorities claim. i've been using molotov cocktails in the hunting rifles of police even erected wolds on the bridges to cut off access to the greens or on the diplomatic zone where all the foreign embassies are located. protests rosa, mocking the 3rd anniversary of the 2019 unrest, and more than 500 people were killed in brutal clashes. now though the people on the streets say it's time for change. a hold on her the claim to be elected by the rocky people. but those people are revolting against the corrupt, unjust amiss, re murderous from the ominous framework, who killed 52 rockies and injured 800 others in cold blood. the right place of the
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rocky interior minister mostly militiaman from the political parties who dressed in uniform, where shields beat protested. so they can form the oppressive government. they destroyed the entire country and these people who were continuously repressed were the human rights organizations and international communities. why do they ignore us? where is the u. s. that hanged sadam hussein. they must provide an alternative. they bring a bunch of thieves from syria and iran who claim to be political hears. it all can hide the truth as this government is absolutely insolent. they have been insolent for last 20 years, but we call on united nations via your channel. this government is insolent to what day. we need a new government. we need a government of national salvation. how are the iraq are wrapping up this? how's additional? the weekly are naughty international. thank you very much for joining us. many the stories you want to catch up on or learn more about how to look at the website at sun auto dot com with back soon with
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with the daughter of of brings food to the city. and on her way back she times people who are too weak to live in the ruins of mary. you pull any more paper about over the guide. nothing yet to resume with accumulated our door busy. never done this. chris will new hershey give us credit post the material for coastal with coastal grains is right up of the little logo. jones. now you get them to do that at the cranes, if not, but as of which genuine you wasn't deal of the young people to know also that those
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who may have not got an e. what group you have a chart shows about doing young if the real normal.


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