tv News RT October 4, 2022 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT
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love power and interest, but it should also be about certain losing alms, which can be respected. my own parties. ah ah, with our top headlines right now, an aussie international anti ultimately wins of battle with google. as a russian court ruled in favor of a lawsuit filed by the china against the u. s. a tech tried to restore access to its lobby, you tube channels with it doesn't matter for russia, whether western countries, except are decisions or not. it would be right for every country around the world to accept the new reality. russia is top different about, says western nations we'll have to accept the new reality is the country senate agrees to include full regions. who did that of the russian federation. get lost.
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that's the gist of the response by ukrainian and western politicians to the ideas for solving the war proposed by the world's richest man, even one month with covering all corners of the globe from moscow. of course, it's not he international from all of us here on the russian capital. it's a pleasure to have you with us. and arbitration court here in moscow has found in favor of a claim lodged by arts he against google to restore access to $27.00 of us channels that are currently blocked on youtube. the head abilities legal team gave us an account of the case which she dub day, unique victory marble to listen to. we went to court and our t channels on youtube had been blocked. and we were convinced that the band violated our rights for the freedom of distributing information. not only the ones we have as a media outlet, but also us citizens and
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a legal entity. such rights are granted by the russian constitution. we had previously signed an agreement with google on placing our content on their platform . so we were supposed to distribute the content without any obstacles. we didn't violate any of the youtube rules, but still our channels got banned. naturally, we as a media outlet emphasize the fact that the ban as we see it was a censorship move against our coverage. our point of view, particularly when it came to the ukraine crisis, the timing of the band coincided with the escalation. i view this as a unique case, since we are the 1st to have one in court among the media, dr. channels band for censorship reasons. we see it as a precedent and hope this will help our colleagues and us to provide information without any more censorship. on google side. it is a vital decision and a very important precedent, not only for the practice of russian law, but also for the practice of international law. it's absolutely a big way to for
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r t, because for example, according to the verdict, google has to unblock all 27 channels belonging to r c or face of 5. and that find amounts to $100000.00 roubles per day. and if it doesn't do that, then that amount increases every week, so it doubles per crane and you to block several channels belonging to russian accounts. and the reason that i did that, of course, was because it was trying to minimize the voice that's coming from within russia. anything to do with the russian angle or why it, what's happening and what was happening exactly. so use a bit in one, it's a viewers to hear that side of the story, something that we've seen before. so of course blocked it. and then we had about 15 to 20 russian meter organizations that filed the lawsuit. and a one of them, the 1st one being god, and that actually in march, that channel warmed
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a lawsuit and google was ordered to pay 1000000000 roubles in compensation. so now google has 30 days to appeal that decision, not only russian state media or affiliated channels that were bad. we also had russian entertainment channels, a band from youtube across europe. i should ads. so it was really a case of you to go mad. they just didn't want to hear any voices coming from within russia, even if it was a comedy show. so it's happened before it's happening again. so no doubt we will see it happening again in the future. if you to see that there's something there that doesn't fit with their agenda and their agenda is pretty much similar to the western narrative, the western agenda. so whenever they hear something that doesn't suit their narrative, they start blocking it and they all, they have to say it's doesn't fit within our community guidelines or you're spreading misinformation. they don't even have to explain themselves. and like i said, in the case of with rasa, we even had entertainment channels blog,
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which they don't mention politics or anything of that kind. the world should accept the new reality. that is, the message from russia is foreign minister, well commenting about the accession of for formal ukrainian regions into russia. of course it's all following the local referendums last month. the upper house of parliament and moscow approve this morning to include that on the i don't. yes, can, you can go publics, as well as her song and apology regions into that of the russian federation. said this incident spoon. it doesn't matter for russia whether western countries accept our decisions or not. it would be right for every country around the world to accept the new reality because it has been absolutely inevitable. a truly historic day as the federation cow. so the upper house of the russian parliament has ratified at 3. it is on the accession of the foreign, your regions to the russian federation. the documents will now have to be signed by president putting hand. we know his opinion on that issue before the vote to
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russia's foreign minister, sergey lavoie gave an emotional speech before the senators. here at the federation council. he stressed that joy in russia was the will of the people on the ground following 8 long years of bombardments and open oppression from here that the west, very much supported by the, to probably the care of regime has been deliberately pressing the russian speaking citizens of ukraine and the residents of the don that's can lugens people's republics who refused to recognize the criminal, my don authorities and were then denounces terrorists. ukrainian armed forces and new nazi battalions had been cruelly taking revenge on don bass residence. have been showing the cities killing and wounding people and tried to choke the region with blockades. care of openly and with impunity, broke the minsk agreements, which had been unanimously approved by the un security council to western countries cynically ignored. the ukrainian radicals actions, the west, that minister oliver of sad had been supporting key of an oppressing people. of
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they don't boss, republics of logan's can donate the federal she in her song regions now sees the move as the violation of international law. we heard from the un secretary, general american president and a number of other western leaders that they will never accept or recognize the staff. and they dismissed it already as a legitimate library, though reminded that hate stays very much in line with the un charter, particularly 8 spot confirming the right of all the ations to self determination. he reminded that the declaration of 1970 states that every nation has this right and more to the point all the states must refrain from while and actions are prohibited the people to fulfil this friday and clause, if needed, the people have their right to resist and receive support from the international community where military declared in the un declaration signed in 1970 and unanimously supported by the un general assembly. there is
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a stipulation that the territorial integrity of states must be respected if they maintain the equality of the people. and if they have a government which represents all the people living in this territory, there is no need to prove that the key of regime does not meet the standards as over many years. these principles have been violated. meanwhile, ukraine's president ellensby called the referendums, a sham and double down on his decision not to hold any peace talks with vladimir putin. in fact, he even signed a decree into ukrainian law. specifically, to that effect, the russian presidential spokesperson to major pesca says there's no way that peace agreements can be reached unilaterally. customers, typically, road energy takes 2 sites to conduct negotiations. russia has been pushing for piece talk since before the military conflict began. and ukraine, we will wait for a change in zalesky, his position or for may be another future ukrainian president who will act in the interests of the ukrainian people. russia at defense minister has held
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a briefing and what she said, the military protected locals from attempted ukrainian attacks while the referendums were being held. he also spoke about the latest results of russia's partial mobilization. so this is her goes up in accordance with an executive order by russia's president. a partial mobilization has been conducted since september 21st are currently more than 200000 people have arrived to join the russian armed forces. on days when the referendums were being held in the logan's continents people's republics. and in the liberated territories of the harrison and opera, j regence units of the russian armed forces shot down 7 ukrainian military plains and $45.00 drones. as well as 109 high mars and all her rockets due to these measures, hundreds of lives were saved and the referendums were secured. but as i mentioned by the defense minister, those people mobilized the currently undergoing some specialized training. the author, arabic correspondent maxime altura visit to one of the training grounds where
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recruits offing put through that pacey, brazoswood, which i wore through the firing positions here, our assault rifles, machine guns, and grenade launches. everyone is in high spirits, getting ready, remembering their skills. how did your family react to your decision? it? oh, they worry about me. what. what else can i do to run the brought to be a coward? it's the cowards who ran away. let them stay there. russia is not for them. now. how will they come home when everything is over? how little they look into the eyes of their relatives and friends? british all. so i came to myself because all my friends are here. i met a lot of people. i already knew some of them. he, i fallen t and e e e family, there is actually trade in here. the structures explain everything. well, he had not made to feel stupid here. so typically there are very intelligent instructors. they have already taught is a lot of new things. we learned how to work in a team about medicine engineering,
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how to storm buildings. we learn a lot of things when the fighting mood. what else can it be? the homeland is in danger. it must be protected with many of them served 10 to 15 years ago. many of the have families, children, but everyone claims they're ready to perform combat missions, 3rd, trenches, foreign positions, targets, everything for complete preparation. so the world's richest man, ellen musk has found himself in a twitter tussle with weston and ukrainian officials. after he proposed a democratic solutions to resolve the ukraine conflict. the typhoon posted a number of tweets, suggesting the i did to seed some territory to russia and redo the referendum, saying it's preferable to the deaths of quote millions of people. loader i discussed the story with the oxy correspondent ilia. the trick ellen must thought he'd try out as a diplomat, but instead he started a war on twitter just for you to understand the heat. while ellen musk said that he
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was caring for the lives of millions of people. one of the most senior ukrainian diplomats posted the f word and one of the replies to test the seo right the f word without even trying to hide any letters there. now it all began with ellen musk proposing a peace plan for ukraine, which included new referendums, you unsupervised referendums, and gone in full gods, kill song and the upper orgy up plus recognizing crimea as a part of russia, as it was historically. and also ensuring that ukraine status remains neutral. he also attached a yes, no poll. now, like it is often the case on twitter. some users thought that this was a good time to crack a joke. ellen musk weighing in on russia ukraine since he is an expert in failed takeover attempts. breaking. musk announcing new tesla model z. have you been
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kidnapped by the russians and forced to write like that. national ukrainian grocery chain says that using the promo code, ellen musk to morrow will make all goods 20 percent more expensive. i. so we, we, we basically seen a, one of the ukranian officials or reactions to a loan mosque. so proposed a piece plan here and any other reactions we can talk about so far. well, of course, it's easy to understand that ukranian officials weren't in the mood for joking. but while some western authorities just came out with critical remarks, kiev launched a full on twitter assault on musk. have a look. next time i need a plumber. i truly learn musk. he doesn't do plumbing than what the heck's the massa. why does he speak of international relations and internal law? off is my very diplomatic reply to you, elan mosque. tesla's a nice car for sure,
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but today i prefer high mars ukraine's president, however, of all a dimmer is lensky stopped short of insults. however, he posted his own pole asking users whether they'd rather have an ellen mosque who supports russia or ukraine. have a look at how these reactions by the ukranian authorities went down no way you have time to do pulse mate. the fact that ill on musk could be attacked as pro russian merely for suggesting a possible peace deal. even though he gave starling to the crenan war effort. shows how warped and intolerant to public conversation has become. is this how you tend to unmask the starling and his tax dollars being used to fund ukraine? i don't care if musk is right or wrong. i don't think zalinski should be attacking any american citizen while we are sending billions of us tax dollars to his country
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. cute, imagine get him out of the musk. he must have known that by getting into this. the only trick us fear that, that is going to be some kind of backlash here, but has he tried to, to find back to any of the responses he's received so far? well, i can tell you that he decided not to throw punches back at ukrainian authorities. however, he did try to explain that he was only trying to be logical and also thought that the most important thing and this particular conflict was to save human lives. you are assuming that i wished to be popular. i don't care. i do care that millions of people may die needlessly for an essentially identical outcome. if you care about the people of ukraine seek peace. if you check out the replies to these tweets, you will still find plenty of hate speech by pro ukrainian users or may be bots.
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i can tell that at one point during this exchange, ill on mosque said that he was witnessing the worst bought attack he'd ever seen. but who knows, anyway, this story only shows how easy it is to become a russian agent. if you suggest anything, even close to what some would call moscow's narrative, with a looming energy crisis hanging right over europe. some locals in italy have chosen a rather vivid way to show their protest and dozens got that in front of the bank of rome to set fire to lodge copies of their utility bills. the protest as on demanding something to be done to cover the shop increases in their bills. they say they refuse to pay for their governments choice to get involved in the ukraine warm . well meantime, the founder of the 1st food bank in germany is sounding the alarm, saying, rising bills and the countries willingness to help others in need. not putting far
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too much pressure on the whole system. a thing to nominate unless our volunteers are dissatisfied with the current situation as they have to put up with my angry people who come to us and get less food than they use till the resentment is growing. in the beginning, we saw great solidarity with ukrainian refugees. now it's much less people feel that they are getting less food due to the refugee and flux. meanwhile, prices and stores have increased many times over. people just don't know how to cope 16. meanwhile, german consumer prices rose by 10 percent year on year in september reaching record highs. this comes in the wake of a deepening energy crisis in europe's largest economy, as well as continuing supply chain disruptions. while meanwhile, a recent report by the united nations was accused of western countries of taking on imprudent gamble to slow soaring inflation through interest rate hikes. that some say threatened that of a global recession. this is interest rate hikes in the united states, for example,
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could cut $360000000000.00 of future income for developing countries excluding china right over now to want to contribute to rachel mazda. and she has more on how the west's narrative to blame russia for all of its economic, domestic and international woes that mainstream narrative argument is losing ground . this new un trade and development report sounds. the alarm on central banks in developed countries raising interest rates and making life harder for people in developing countries and pretty much everybody else who's not filthy rich. let's face it to the point of triggering a recession, potentially. now, the value of currencies in a lot of these developing countries has already plunged against the u. s. dollar, making imports more expensive, while wages remain the same. this interest rate high trend started in the u. s, and it's been picked up by western allies in particular as a solution to counter the inflation caused by their own sanctions,
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policies on things like energy. now they're like a bunch of lemmings following washington right off a cliff, because it's not like even the fed wasn't warned by none other than the international monetary funds to be careful of the spill over impact of it's moves on the rest of the world. experts have been hammering the message across mainstream western media that the feds interest rate hikes could harm the value of other currencies and really cause international growth to take a big hit. it also seems that the u. s. special relationship with britain means london, copying the dumbest aspects of washington's fiscal policy than of course, watching new british prime minister or less trust lane, russian president vladimir putin for the follow in this case, that would be the fact that interest rate hikes mean extra borrowing costs for working class households at a time when people simply can't even pay their energy bills, we have been in
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a very long period of low interest rates. and the fact is that g to the war and ukraine pup tried to buy russia, interest rates arising around the world. this is not about what was going on in the war in ukraine already. we. we know that that's a huge challenge, but look at the direct result on that day. and the chief economist at the bank of england dies saying miss entrust. right, say, laura, we have a very, very difficult economic global situation because of the war that vladimir putin has perpetrated in ukraine and countries around to prussia. around this season. this isn't potent, this isn't just about pu, said i'm in your chancellor on friday, opened up the stable door and spoke the horses so much. he could almost see the economy being dragged behind them. this is about peyton, on the ward, ukraine. it seems like not just the media, but the average person watching the slow motion, economic and fiscal train wreck of incompetence in real time as it barrels towards
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them is on the verge of exasperation. i received a letter at the start of 2021 saying they had to raise energy prices for a 3rd time because the price of the wholesale energy had doubled the past few months. apparently, my energy firm can predict an invasion a year in advance. really getting tired of politicians constantly trying to gaslight us everyone else's fault. they have been using that excuse for 12 years. my football team last yesterday because of putin. i think his war might also be the reason i couldn't find my car keys the other day. bless her. she's got a story and she's sticking with it. hey, liz, what time is it? i blame prudence. war for lack of time keeping and that's why i brought forward a plan to make watch wearing compulsory. for years this country has been held by our lack of clock worshiping, and that's why under a conservative government, we'll once again make time. great again. but hey, maybe there's a voice economic reason on the other side of the pond in europe. europe has not
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back down from its courageous decisions. the sanctions work. no offense to those who mosque their fascination with russian imperialism with so called patriotism, to abandon the sanctions would be to abandon ukraine. yeah, the sanctions are working. all right, working at dragging europe back to the dark ages of economic decline. oh, and by the way, the french prime minister apparently thinks that if you dare to disagree with this conventional western narrative, then you're a quote russian imperialist. and not just someone who thinks that the so called leadership in europe has completely lost apply. speaking of which french president, a man ran back home, is wearing a turtle neck. now in 20 degrees celsius, whether to like other members of his cabinet. that's frances big contribution to a solution to the energy crunch that helped create it would be funny if it didn't
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risk being really tragic with so many experts evoking a recession, if not a depression. so while the well paid and well fed global league drag ever when else into a mass through a mix of tunnel vision, ideological radicalism, arrogance and incompetence. they point in yell at vladimir putin as though he had anything to do with setting policy in the west. or get into the lost organ uh, bulletin aeronautics international up aquino fafsa after president has reportedly fled to the neighboring west african country about togo after a military coup last week basically forced him to resign. and one of the reasons for the upper housing is said to be widespread disdain for the country is cooperation with the former colonial rule of france. while the military over of overflow of the government, it's while the 2nd crew, actually, the booking of fafsa was facing just 8 months. locals are celebrating, what they say is a new beginning. right there. you can see some russian flags being thrown in the
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clouds. there is a people pull from the country to step away from france and build stronger ties with other countries are put on that as world with the all can with friends for a long time. and in the it's a blood situation. people are starving. people are eaten, watch reliefs. it's trying to see that who is responsible, and they've been in the back and i will look for another partner to kill no more france, our choice is russia. france is stealing from us to. we are starving. life costs are very expensive. russia would be nice to work with. france, just clusters. our resources, france claims to help us, but it's not true. so frances, depriving us ruining us. they should leave our country now. we need russia. no jobs, no money, no business. we are poor, we are unemployed, and the whole day we have nothing at all to do. i'm not. the cool in between the fossil is the 2nd one this year, but the anti french sentiment has never been hire. many of the residents of the
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former french colony believed that france has a hand in the current situation in the country. france denies any involvement in the events occurring since yesterday in burkina faso. the french forces camp has never had paul henri san dal grew to me, but stay there, nor has our embassy. then you government, led by 34 year old captain ibrahim try, will re believes that france is helping the ousted leader. lieutenant colonel dunbar is believed to have taken refuge in the french base at camp winston in order to plan a counter offensive to stir up trouble in our defense and security forces. but it is not just the people of booking the fossil, many of the former french colonies seem to find reason to dislike france. they disliked the colonial nation that paris has with their governments. and there has also been anti french protest. they, the summer france cleans miserably to its former african colonial empire, which it planters exploits its resources, and instigates cruise kills their heads of state, ignites terrorism and fuels,
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wars and genocides. but gina fossil expected assistance and protection from france . and his luck just watching the fossil other countries in the region did 2 in the j, the sentiment is the same. there are anti french slogans because we demand the immediate departure of the volcano, forcing nyja, which is alienating our sovereignty and destabilizing the saw hill. the rise of the islamic insurgency, and thus a hell region is one of the reasons why france has come under fire. molly was left to fend for itself at the front, seemingly couldn't lift the finger to help them with the security in the region. molly had several pieces of evidence that these flagrant violations of malley and aerospace have been used by france to collect intelligence for the benefit of terrorist groups operating in the cell and to drop arms and ammunition to them. piece of security and stability of notoriously been elusive in this region of africa. despite the influence of france and several form of french colonies have
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had enough. they have started looking elsewhere for new partnership in their fight for sovereignty and peace in the region. got a bullet that out of t enjoy is back. or either just about wraps up this i was broadcast from moscow and auntie international. always a pleasure having you with us. thank you so much for spending some of your time with us here at the russian capital. and i think you may have missed all you want to catch up on, you know, the website. it's r t dot com. ah ah
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ah ah with mm ah come on the welcome to worlds of western media. now it wash with articles about how bravely the criminal has miscalculated strategy in your brain. failing to achieve a blessed, great and having to adjust its military operation there. the couple of times, and yet moscow is ready to welcome back some of its historical lands with the
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overwhelming support of the people to lead their, unlike many with western adversaries, it's managed to keep its budget. developmental goals, mostly intact, has of log in to put in, miscalculated the western response, or has the west miscalculated calculations well to discuss it, i'm now joined by a senior fellow at the washington base institute for china, america studies. it's a, it's a very rare treat for me to speak to anyone who is based in the washington. so i'm very grateful for your time and i'm looking forward to an honest and an electrically rather than propaganda driven conversation. thank you for the invitation. miss michael, i'm looking forward to the conclusion to now you wrote not so long ago that i didn't put in like joseph style and back in the late 19 forties. miscalculated in applying, quote, unquote brute force to its neighbors. and i'm sure it's
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a tantalizing and very gratifying comparison to force some of your readers. but what makes you believe that the russia as a stay in its current form, is led by the same expansionist, self aggrandizing ideological aspirations as the soviet union was after the 2nd world war? i'll be absolutely fine. good, absolutely is not. russia is a defensive country. and a defensive force and is just looking to secure its borders. it is absolutely not the country that the soviet union was. and, and the analogy which i brought in out there in the report that i was.
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