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tv   News  RT  October 7, 2022 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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a personal number here we're myrtle, doesn't with my, with a repair leaders boast about unity during a major summit despite escalates and political and economic disputes. among some of the countries anger boils over in washington over the opaque class deficiency flash oil outputs with some us lawmakers even calling the saudis royal black sabbath. and kenya fox, there's a neighboring tanzania of genetically modified produce entering the east african country. often nairobi lifts a band to help tackle a growing food crisis, with
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a very warm welcome at 7 pm here in the russian capital. and this is our see international with the latest world news update. it's good to happy with us. now, dozens of european leaders are sitting down for talks in prague in an attempt to demonstrate unity and tackling the energy crisis. or trying to form a common approach to sanctions against russia and supports for ukraine. but the summit comes with some glaring disagreements showing through the cracks of relations among european countries themselves, as long as they contribute to rachel. marston explains the new e u political community and invention of french president emanuel mac homes consisting of the 27 nation block. and 17 other countries most of which aspire to join the e. u has just wrapped up is inaugural p. r. exercise in prague. now, the whole point of this event in prague at prague castle seemed to be to convince onlookers of european unity particularity in favor of ukraine and against russia.
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while papering over any other cracks in the solidarity facade. it. so the kind of thing that's been happening a lot lately within the, you know, we all know people like this in our own lives, they arrive at the party. it's all lovey dovey, kissy kissy and you know, darn well that in the car just before they got there. they had a huge blow up all just this week. for example, as brussels adopt an 8 round of anti russian sanctions. belgium in italy sat on their hands as brussels band, semi center steel products from russia, despite knowing full well the hit that their own steel industries risk taking as a result. so they just kind of told the line but likely aren't thrilled about it. so during this summit, craps did show, nonetheless, turkish president air to one used his platform to lash out at greece over their territorial disputes in the region and accused the e. u. of supporting illegal activities masquerading is unity or solidarity. so he
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didn't mince words there. the block is upset with norway for maintaining high energy prices and profits. amid the gas crunch caused by brussels auto sanctions. german economy minister robert havoc brought up the issue of so called friends like the u. s. and norway exploiting e u countries desperation through price gouging. earlier this week, french president mac whole used his summit platform to repeat his opposition to building a new gas connection between spain and france, which germany really wants. because it would allow cheap gas from north africa to flow into neighboring you countries and germany as well. but let's face it, france would lose a market in the long run for its ellen g plans if it supported the project. you k prime minister list trust was also in attendance and made a point of calling michael a friend. even though just weeks ago she said that the jury is out on whether he's a friend or foe for britain. but here it was, all smiles, kind of,
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she doth protest too much, perhaps the polish prime minister didn't miss the opportunity to pick yet another fight with germany. you showed with a here today, we often talk about the egoism of germany. it clearly shows that it cannot be the case that the european union's energy policy is being dictated by germany mental financial. poland also decided recently to demand reparations from jury for world war 2. and now greece is also seeking hundreds of billions of euros from germany for both world wars, $1.00 and $2.00, for the greek government and the greek society. this issue, reparations from germany, remains open and its resolution, which is primarily a matter of principle, i think will be beneficial for all the countries and vault and the e u. s. such, yes, it doesn't really matter that germany has been doing the heavy lifting for both of these net recipients of you funds as the blocks primary economic engine. and now
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berlin, which is staring down the barrel at d industrialization and rationing from you. energy sanctions isn't exactly in the best position to be stuck with bills to write historical rocks. italy was recently chastised by none other than european commission. president ursula vander line. the almighty queen of europe, herself just before voting in a new, far right, populous government. so now italy finds itself teetering on the edge of pariah status at the e. u. alongside that other perennial pariah hung pre, whose prime minister had this to say about brussels performance. russia has not been brought to its knees at all while european economy sa, bleeding out, it is evident that the policy of sanctions must be changed. so despite attempts to project unity in progress, there's a lot more going on beneath the smiles in the class photo from this particular summit. independent journalist nuclear vase, how does that this prong meeting to push you are paying unity. things like
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a mere publicity stunt. it's only a communication effort, you know, it's our public relations death and testing p. r. specialist monsieur nicole, who was to wear spoken yesterday and says that everything is fine, that he's going to bring solutions everywhere from us. that by john. and i mean, you had to walk, i suppose fin lunch and russia, but it's just work. you know, people, people don't believe that they don't believe this. they see nice faces smiling and everything. but it's only an effort that communication and it's, it's written so also even this up in the subsidized press in europe all the main space to say that it is only an effort at communicating unity. egoism, as was mentioned earlier, is leading the pack in europe for the moment general and belgium especially now sees with dismay that the steel products from and i'm k,
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would not reach the belgian factories of the giant steel factor steel company in russia is one of the largest with one to one percent of the producing in russia to have 2 big factories more than 2000 people in belgium. and our prime minister is of course, ill at ease. because on the one hand, he has to wrong or show a united front of europeans. and on the other hand, he has to trade unions and socialist party and all the parties actually that's a man called pill factory school, 2000 people just like that. so this is unity in europe. difficult to believe it. royal bank sabbath now what some us lawmakers are now calling saudi arabia to the opec plus group of oil producers, decided to flash the crude output by $2000000.00 barrels per day. president joe biden has said he's disappointed about the meetings. so the u. s. congress members are also calling for
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a reexamination of the country's relations with the opec plus members. and even want to take measures to retaliate against saudi arabia as we adds, actions are being described as hostile to washington. now get to the town, some new york corresponding caleb moore pin. caleb nice to see you today. and we think that us officials didn't really see this coming. so what else we hearing from washington? well, essentially we have opec announcing they will be reducing the oil output by $2000000.00 barrels per day. now that is rattling the circles of power in the united states. there's quite a bit of outrage. it's only been 2 days since the announcement already we're hearing the leaders of saudi arabia being described as back stabbers, putting a night in the back of the united states. here's what we've heard from an answered questions about 911. the brutal murder of journalist jamal cas
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shogi and the exporting of extremism to dubious jailing of peaceful dissidence in conspiring with vladimir putin to punish the u. s. with higher oil prices. the saudi royal family has never been a trustworthy ally of our nation. it's time for our foreign policy to imagine a world without this alliance with these royal back stabbers back stabbers. that is the language being used to describe the long time ally of the united states, the kingdom of saudi arabia. and it appears that they consider this to be a humiliation of july. they consider this to be hurting the economic interests of the united states. and apparently the united states feels that it has rights over saudi arabia's oil. you'll recall economist magazine recently. and you know, over the summer they tweeted out, meet mohammad been solomon, that's the count. brown, prince of south, of saudi arabia, the millennial autocrat who controls our oil. now that tweet was deleted because it is not their oil. it is by right, the oil of the kingdom of saudi arabia,
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according to the constitution. but apparently, the united states feels it has some rights over it, as do the british. now, at this point, what can the united states do? but rant and rave at the saudis for not doing what they want. hear some of what we've heard, what saudi arabia did to help putin continue to wage his despicable, vicious war against ukraine will long be remembered by americans. we are looking at all the legislative tools to best deal with this appalling and deeply cynical action. though the no peck bill is up for discussion, this is a bill that would allow the united states to sue opec countries take them to court, possibly have you escort, seize their assets, if they don't do what the united states wants, it would allow civil actions against opec countries by the united states, in retaliation for move such as this, that bill is up for discussion. in addition to that,
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the military relationship between the united states and saudi arabia is being questioned. this is what's been said as well. i just don't see any good reason for us to maintain troops that are there almost solely for the purpose of protecting their oil fields and their security interests. there is no question that mohammed bin solomon, the crown prince of saudi arabia, shears putin's world view more than he shares ours. doesn't appreciate american advocacy for democracy in the world. now it's been 70 years that the united states has been aligned with the kingdom of saudi arabia. they've been one of the most loyal allies of the united states and nato in the region. you can recall after the 1979 iranian revolution, the reagan administration saying that they would never allow such a revolution to take place in saudi arabia. that is a steadfast longtime partner of the united states. but now we're seeing the circles
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of power in washington, turning on them pretty rapidly in response to recent moves around opec people will recall the words of former us president george w bush, who said you're either with us or against us. and that kind of thinking seems to be prevailing in washington dc. caleb any thank those days as our thought is caleb martin. thank you. allowed see the latest from russia's care on reading where 5 people have reportedly been killed off. the ukrainian forces allegedly struck civilian areas with a suspect to the us, applied high miles massage system. here the latest pictures we have with the images that to show the aftermath of the attack. 2 buses were destroyed while at a 3 people were also reportedly wounded. across in the russian republic of don. yes, scottie correspondent andre fill it off, has been wounded for a 2nd time. he was graced by some shrapnel while reporting on a battle in the area. the following fatigue contained some mildly graphic contents,
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appeared from your new wheelchair. i knew i was hit again. another small wound, i don't need any metal for this is saw some great achievement in me right here in my hip. so it's not a big deal. i'll go get an x ray. probably didn't strike any of my bones just is something to fuss about and give them, i'll recover from this and return to work tanzania, it says no to g. and though that's often neighboring, kenya lifted a 10 year ban on the farming and import of genetically modified crops. we are not open to such genetically modified technology. kenya's move has no effect on us. we will keep on utilizing the hybrid op varieties as our various studies maintain, that we have enough in the very best hybrid seeds that are commercially viable and more productive than g m. tanzania is concerned that genetically modified foods my find their way into the country can use decision to return to the open cultivation of g. m. crops was made after the west drought in 40 years,
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along with issues in the global supply chain due to the conflict in ukraine which led to mass hunger at the only. gov at the 2nd former presidential aspirant for the 2023 nigerian elections that stays genetically modified. food is not right for africa. i use a right to modify where you have to use technology to modify digits of doctors. you know, sort of, you can have high yield, but of course highly chemicals. this is a continent described in my, not just in, in addition to the already exacerbated health issues that we have in africa. i don't want just trying to see a lot of challenges into, into all continent. and honestly, i don't to, we have like full gender to colleen. what if i think we are living with him capacity to peruse our own food simply because the middle dollar on proof of taking over the promotional $1440.00 in africa. fortune was the only export declined on
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farm produce the we farm, you know, countries for export. not really the kind of where i'm produce the we can consume on it or know that we are coming to the point well by the global grinnell, which on crisis is affecting our disrupting the supply chain. we are unable to produce all wood on the we're waiting to get from that was done. what is technologically didn't generically more if i for doug me, likely be chemicals will cause a lot of problems for the other guy. don't to write this kind of thing. i didn't offer car should be able to have his truck to where we produce old bristle natural environment. since we have the line was under capacity under natural and mean war or can be able to remove the warranted your food. we come home in this country. south korea and the us have been holding joint maritime drills in response to a north korean missile launch. a soft, a south korean ballistic missile malfunctioned and crashed into the outskirts of a military base. early this week, during a long life i exercised conducted with american forces of the crash which occurred
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and made a high intentions with north korea who was panic among local residents. and we used to pull an official in the city where the incident took place accused the government of using taxpayer money for weapons that threatened the country's own people. the short range missa was a with a war heads that didn't detonate upon impact. no casualties for report was it. the exercises began days off the u. s. vice president pamela harris, visited south korea and a show of solidarity with sol as neighboring at north korea. roundtop its own tests of its strategic arsenal. early this week, the communist country testify the message that flew over japan and landed in the pacific ocean. and a response to pan on the u. s. a. of the un security council to take action accusing russia and china of enabling the north korean nuclear program. russia has that the sanctions against north korea have come to a dead end without achieving the desired results. dpr k has enjoyed blanket
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protection from 2 members of this council. these 2 members have gone out of their way to justify that dpr, kay's repeated provocations and block every attempt to update the sanctions regime . in short, 2 permanent members of the security council have enabled kim young on. this is a clear effort by china and russia to reward dpr k for their bad actions and cannot be taken seriously by this council. only we're kind on the colored choosing with china and russia have table to joined resolution of the dpr k with the intention to ease the humanitarian situation on the ground. create a favourable atmosphere for mutual trust among all parties and resume dialog on the korean peninsula issue. the un security councils deliberations should contribute to dialogue rather than fueling escalation. russia and china have insisted that they
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joined us. south korean drills have provoked north korea, but the usaa ambassadors of the un rejected those remark saying there is no equivalency between these 2 activities. earlier. north korea also accused washington and it's a life threatening, threatening it with military buildup. international journalist, eric, so i believe that north korea sees it's nuclear and miss all programs is a necessary to terrance against perceived aggression i should say on behalf of china, because i'm a permanent resident of jo, that chinese position all along has been that there should be no nuclear weapons on the korean peninsula. china is a close to further nuclear proliferation. and so is russia. the difference is they understand why north korea is resorting to this extreme measure because it's
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a cray united states has had military forces stationed in south korea adjacent right to north korea since the korean war. and just before the recent missile test is conducted, yet another large scale, a military operation or military exercise alongside the south korean army. so it's not hard to imagine the mindset of north korean leaders who seen this and think we better show that we're not like iraq was some years ago when it's center weapons of mass destruction who didn't. how many? so it was invaded, a british minister has been forced to say, sorry for the economic turn, all triggered by the government tax cuts of 45000000000 pounds of the failing to successfully play the russia bergman. cod. what, what does that mean?
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a futon wants to do. he wants to be divided right now. i think people, a lot thing has to do with a simple apology of are going to say, lord, change the policy. of course, i'm sure the british government tax cuts package has triggered the pounds fall to a record low while pushing up food price inflation as well as interest rates. the bank of england triggered an emergency 65000000000 pounds bond buying pro ground to stand. the crisis triggered by the government's decisions in a recent interview. prime minister list trust was challenged to accept. she had a bad start while she also tried to blame everything on russia. but let's remember what we were facing 4 weeks ago, but you were saying some we were 500 power minister, my clan, we and how we have all today and school use. my question was,
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do you accept you've had a rocky storm? well, what i am saying is that we have acted decisively in the face of very, very difficult international circumstances where pizza has been perpetrating the war need is called that management right, or not the well well, this comes as trust also finds herself in hot water after warnings on the possible 3, our power cuts during the upcoming winter. this trust house trying to downplay the fears, but still didn't give any guarantee of no black house. with schemes are encouraging people to use electricity at off peak times being developed. the proposal is already being ridiculed by the media or to discuss the issue. let's cross live to alexander mckay, political analyst, and editor of a red star radio. many thanks for joining us on the program. alexander now as the u . k will possibly face black house this coming winter. what's your take on how this trust is trying to blame everything on russia? well, she is trying the,
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the tax. it was pioneer by joe biden. earlier this year when he called the energy price arises in the united states, hooton's price site. that didn't work for joe biden. it's not working full. his trusts. if you look at the opinion polls since august of this year, they have consistently shown that the british population blames the government over hootin or over even the energy companies in britain itself. so it's clearly attaching that her spin doctors have told us to use that as you heard from that clip of nadeem. so her, we on question time. nobody's buying it any more, and it's being laughed at by even members of the media who have supported the british governments line on the war in ukraine. so this isn't something which is going to work and we're still, the latest trust is that she appears so far to have no real plan to actually mitigate the situation or improve it. all of the plans that the british government have come up with whether it's extending licenses for north sea oil and gas,
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or bringing back a fracking in a serious way. all of these policies are medium to long term. they're not gonna help keep the lights on this winter should the energy crisis gets worse and blaming everything on the russian government is simply not going to be believed by people. if the lights go out, it's going to be trust that gets blamed, and her government is going to be pitched into an even greater crisis than it is in already. so how has the u. k, u k. the energy sector found in south in such a di condition. well ren reality. this is the end point of a 30 years of various failed policies. we got rid of domestic coal production before we should have done that, imported a ton of it from overseas. for many years. we allowed the u. k. nuclear power industry to be run down. we relied on impulse, we get a g from europe and the rest and in other places in the world and stopped developing our own energy infrastructure. and this was done for decades under the
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government's lead by both the conservative and the labor parties and less trust is at the end of this process. and he didn't harassing a 30 year long mass, which she is trying to turn around and failing to turn around inside 3 months. so this is a generational failure that it lack written, exposed to the fluctuations of international energy markets un, unable to produce. so really, the entire political class for a whole generation is responsible for this catastrophic mess that the british government now finds itself in. and now the downing street is supporting british companies and i bid to drill for oil and gas, and the no think a spine warnings from the green energy sector. why do you think less trust is decided to take such a move? because it's a panic made, basically, she asked to do something to look as if she's in charge of the situation. but as i
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said, even if these licenses get handed out and even if new development starts on oil and gas in the north sea, it will take years before this actually makes a real difference. so what this and that these big announcements that she's been engaged in be over fracking, oil and gas. this is public relations. it is not going to do anything to help keep the lights on in british businesses and british households over the course of the winter. so it's all designed to cover up the fact that trust is government doesn't have a real solution in the immediate period because the only solution in the immediate period is to when the chaos in the international energy markets. and that means ending the sanctions regime against russia. energy, which is failing to do anything significant to the russian economy, but is changing the economies of europe and increasing energy and security. but that is the one thing that they will not do because that will be to admit that their entire policy over the course of this year award sanctions on russia and
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towards the ukraine war has been wrong. and that is the one thing that they cannot admit to. they would rather seal around political deference would admit to a complete failure of policy when it comes to ukraine. russia and the sanctions on russian energy saving the british public. a tiring politicians pointing the finger of blame and russia, i think british public never really believed that in the 1st place. even if the opinion polls show that the british public was behind, the british government's policy on the ukraine war and behind, the british government's policy on russian anti russian sanctions. when it comes to not being able to heat your home, when it comes to not being able to afford energy to keep your business open, all the energy being cut off and running your business that way. then people are going to put the blame squarely on the domestic government, blaming to send and blaming the ukraine. war is not going to work for them. people will put the responsibility where it belongs, which is where the lease trust is the current prime minister. but also with her
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conservative policy, which has been in government since 2010, which has overseen each stage of the escalation of the crisis in ukraine since 2014 people are going to blame them for this crisis and correctly. so, but i should point out that the opposition labor thought see, despite the fact that it is writing high, in the opinion, polls right now has no real significant policy differences with less trust. so, but any of this, so even though they stand to benefit from the implosion of the conservative party kiss donna would not and will not do anything significantly different to lays trust . so i think people in britain getting fairly annoyed and fairly fed up with a political class, which is blamed everybody else but itself and done anything but confront major issues since at least 2008. they've been deferring problems and deferring problems by throwing money at them. and now we are the end of that road. and the british population are going to want ounces rather more excuses. with an increasingly
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annoyed british public to see trust government doing any more. your turns in the near future. well, as you turned on almost everything from that mini budget, which provoked catastrophic reaction in the the markets, they'll probably you turn on several other things as well. well, certainly try and keep throwing money at this energy bill problem. and i hope that it goes away in the hope that they get more more favorable conditions in the spring, but fundamentally no matter what they do. now i think the trust is premier ship is already finished before even began and the conservative party have finished in government for a number of years now. they have completely fallen below below the threshold message that will be necessary for them to win a majority. again, they are trailing drastically in the polls that we are in for either an early election or 2 years of a catastrophic league damaged government lurching from crisis to crisis. and that
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is going to do immeasurable damage to the country. and to most ordinary british people who are facing mounting economic difficulties, a squeezed cost of living and more energy crisis coming up. so we are in for some severe problems of britain as a result of the year after year of british governments failing to confront any major issues and simply trying to buy themselves time by flowing money at the problem. and now, as i said, we are out of time alexander mackay political analyst and editor of red star radio . many thanks for joining us on the program. really appreciate your time. thank you, nicky. thank you for joining us. how in asi international will be back in 30 minutes with the very latest news out there, you'll see them with
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a nozzle. you while you easy while friend. ah, here we're here. it's a one slide. yes. south. yeah. thrashing south with griffin. you're got carson for years now, which i'm not for me at that. a bull up i peter is emiliano full of good. from sure. let me just kim's room thought, did you say a yes, my thought or jane in that again? your fortune pretty up my be a lot about it more in just a natural.


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