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tv   News  RT  October 8, 2022 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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the billing system alluded, what i see the steamy bus is the route you motivation. so is this a gumbo sub? ah, we can use this morning on our t the moment a massive blast rocks. the crimean bridge is caught on cctv. the russian anti terror committee says a truck exploded, causing a massive blaze that says, all authorities say at least 2 sections of the bridge are damaged with a nearby fuel tank on the railway truck sets of blaze. in the news, the u. s. slums, the saudis, as royal black st. others following the opec plus decision to slash oil outputs react though, says the u. s. is fully responsible for the energy crisis in the country. and
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ridiculous moscow isn't buying caves, attempts to retract president lens, his coal for preemptive strikes on russia by claiming he was actually calling for more sanctions with just on 10 am on saturday morning here in the russian capital. my name is peter scott taken over from rachel blevins and has all the world is looking as we head into the we can thank you for joining. but we will begin with breaking news from crimea. the russian anti terror committee says that the truck has exploded on the crime i. the crimea bridge connects in mainland russia and crimea causing damage to at least 2 sections, as well as a large fire. now this is the latest video of the explosion captured by c c t. v. cameras. official say a fuel tanker also caught fire after the explosion with the cause of the blast.
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currently under investigation. will as cross live now, to ortiz eager to dana for more details. eager. good morning to you. what more can you tell us about this incident? what we know so far will absolutely pete around 6 o'clock in the morning, a massive bloss rock. the crimean bridge and woke up from their sleep, the locals of the adjacent town of carriage, so as they could see, in fact, from their homes, massive or well massive flames. and while fuming smokes going up in the air and later it was revealed by the rushes national anti terrorist committee that apparently a truck. well, it seems to be that was laden with explosive went up on the, on the bridge. at least 2 sections over the automobile, part of the bridge collapse. and from that blast, the adjacent train caught on was caught on fire as well. at least as 7 fuel tanks could be seen ablaze and at the very tail of the train. and right now the while the
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authorities are doing everything, everything they can to contain that fire and well to start assessing the damage caused the to both parts of the bridge, the railway one and the automobile one now are also it has been revealed that the maritime navigation is not going to be affected as large leave all the, all the critical parts of the bridge remain intact. now rushes president vladimir putin has already heard from a well, basically from all sorts of ministers, including the prime minister, the minister of transport, from wealth, from intelligence as well. and from the military. and right now, he has all reports here on his table, vladimir putin. so this is so, and he has already ordered a special commission to be formed within the government to well, to deal with the are with the aftermath of the explosion. now also ukraine has already reacted. are the officials with the officials saying, quote, unquote,
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crimea bridge is the beginning. everything illegals should be destroyed here in russia is already being treated as an admission of guilt, eyes pacifically. and what is there? what is interesting about this, and what is very concerning about this, is that if ukraine was indeed behind this bombing, and now in the video, a moving truck can be seen on the bridge, and then it basically went up in flames. this means that either inside the truck was a suicide bomber, or though, as well as somebody, somebody who was misled into thinking that he, that they were safe, and then somebody remotely detonated that part. but well, at both versions, they leave little wiggle room as well as just to say that ukraine might be using the tactic of suicide bombers against rushes critical infrastructure. now again, that is, if for ukraine, unequivocally, i takes responsibility for what happened. now of course,
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we keep following the situation and we're expecting our while we're expecting something to come out of from the ukranian authorities as to what they will have to say. oh, of course, from the crimean authorities to and well from the russian president vladimir putin . because this incident, this blas did catch his attention very early in the morning to day beleaguer, hope you'll keep us updated as and when you get more information on that incidence, on the crimea bridge. as eager ortiz, he got his done of reports from the la guns group, a big thank you very much. royal back stabbers. well, that's what some us lawmakers now calling saudi arabia. overreacts moved to reduce oil outputs following the opec plus decision that us officials are even calling for the president, cutoff weapon supplies to the gulf, kingdom this. so this need as more for weapons than we need them. prison violence should make it clear that we will cut off weapons if upper plus doesn't reverse the decision to make drastic cost and production in congress. we should also explore
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waste rainy, knoppix control over energy prices worldwide. the white house has long praise to saudi arabia as a strategic partner selling the country large amounts of weapons, despite joe biden, once pledging to make re add a pariah during his presidential campaign. some u. s. congress members are also recalling for a rethink of the country's relationship with opec plus members with saudi arabia's actions being described as hostile to washington. meanwhile, the saudi minister of state says the u. s. itself is to blame for rising gas prices, which have nothing to do with crude oil supply. the idea that's her job to include would do this to home, the u. s. o to be in any way politically involved is absolutely not correct at all . was to respect the reason you have high prices in the united states is because you have the refining shortage that has been in existence for more than 20 years. you haven't built refineries and decades. will his art is caleb more pin with more details on re as decision as well as the u. s. reaction?
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well, essentially we have opec announcing they will be reducing the oil output by $2000000.00 barrels per day. now that is rattling the circles of power in the united states. there is quite a bit of outrage on the 2 days since the announcement already we're hearing the leaders of saudi arabia being described as back stabbers, putting a night in the back of the united states. here's what we've heard from unanswered questions about 911. the brutal murder of journalist jamal cas shogi and the exporting of extremism to dubious jailing of peaceful dissidence in conspiring with vladimir putin to punish the u. s. with higher oil prices. the saudi royal family has never been a trustworthy ally of our nation. it's time for our foreign policy to imagine a world without this alliance with these royal back stabbers back stabbers. that is the language being used to describe the long time ally of the united states, the kingdom of saudi arabia. and it appears that they consider this to be
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a humiliation of joe biden. they consider this to be hurting the economic interests of the united states. and apparently the united states feels that it has rights over saudi arabia's oil. you'll recall economist magazine recently, i, you know, over the summer they tweeted out, meet mohammad been solomon, that's the count. brown, prince of south, of saudi arabia, the millennial autocrat who controls our oil. now that week was deleted, because it is not their oil. it is by right, the oil of the kingdom of saudi arabia, according to the constitution. but apparently, the united states feels it has some rights over it, as do the british. now, at this point, what can the united states do? but rant and rave at the saudis for not doing what they want here. some of what we've heard, what saudi arabia did to help put and continue to wage his despicable, vicious war against ukraine will long be remembered by americans. we are looking at
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all the legislative tools to best deal with this appalling and deeply cynical action. though the no peck bill is up for discussion, this is a bill that would allow the united states to su, opec countries take them to court, possibly have you escort, seize their assets. if they don't do what the united states wants, that would allow civil actions against opec countries by the united states in retaliation for move such as this, that bill is up for discussion. in addition to that, the military relationship between the united states and saudi arabia is being questioned. this is what's been said as well. i just don't see any good reason for us to maintain troops that are there almost solely for the purpose of protecting their oil fields. and their security interests. there's no question that muhammad been solomon, the crown prince of saudi arabia, shears putin's world view more than he shares ours. doesn't appreciate american advocacy for democracy in the world. now it's been 70 years that the united states
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has been aligned with the kingdom of saudi arabia. they've been one of the most loyal allies of the united states and nato in the region. you can recall after the 1979 iranian revolution, the reagan administration saying that they would never allows the to revolution to take place in saudi arabia. that is a steadfast longtime partner of the united states. but now we're seeing the circles of power in washington, turning on them pretty rapidly in response to recent moves around opec people will recall the words of former us president george w bush, who said you're either with us or against us. and that kind of thinking seems to be prevailing in washington dc. why can't the by get american oil companies to increase the output? they just won't do it. because american oil companies are doing is raising prices at home to make up for this slowing of demand. well, it's the same thing that the saudis and opec are doing globally, you know,
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negotiate to go on right now between you as well companies and biden, about exporting oil from the u. s. a to europe. so, you know, let's get across more of a supply problem, u. s. and raise prices, even more. prices are going up faster. the u. s. a. partly because the oil companies are shutting down to refineries. you know, they're not, they're having these a regular maintenance and then there's the out so called fires and everything. and the real bottleneck is that the refining capacity. and that's been manipulated. i believe has nothing really different going on. except it's a good excuse to blame of the saudis and opec. i said, pointing the finger at the u. s. oil companies right before an election. meanwhile, energy has also been high on the agenda. it's an eas summits in prod, the box foreign policy chief just that barrel said that the opec plus decision to
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slash oil production was a response to the new e u. price cap on the lining that energy has become the main geopolitical issue. luca dale decker was their decision to decrease the supply of oil, which is a clear answer to our proposal to government fries avoid the means that energy is becoming the most important jew strategic issue today, related with the war, but also with the balance of power into world and dozens of e u, and of the leaders gathered in the check capital on thursday. the new political community format, so to discuss security and energy among other topics. however, however, efforts to find common ground on issues such as a price cap and further anti russian sanctions appear to have failed. r t contributes. rachel marston has more. there were 44 countries united, discussing the challenge herself today. and it showed how much russia is isolated
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by now. the new e u political community and invention of french president emanuel mac holes consisting of the 27 nation block. and 17 other countries most of which aspire to join the e. u has just wrapped up, is inaugural p r exercise in prague. now the whole point of this event in prague, prague castle seemed to be to convince onlookers of european unity particularity in favor of ukraine and against russia. while papering over any other cracks in the solidarity facade. it. so the kind of thing that's been happening a lot lately within the, you know, we all know people like this in our own lives. they arrive at a party. it's all lovey dovey, kissy kissy and you know, darn well that in the car just before they got there. they had a huge blow up all just this week. for example, as brussels adopted 8 round of anti russian sanctions. belgium in italy sat on their hands as brussels band, semi center steel products from russia,
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despite knowing full well the hit that their own steel industries risk taking as a result. so they just kind of towed the line but likely aren't thrilled about it. so during this summit, craps didn't show none, the less turkish president air to one used his platform to la showed at greece over their territorial disputes in the region and accused the you of supporting illegal activities masquerading is unity or solidarity. so he didn't mince words there. the block is upset with norway for maintaining high energy prices and profits. amid the gas crunch caused by brussels auto sanctions. german economy minister robert havoc brought up the issue of so called friends like the u. s. and norway exploiting e u countries desperation through price gouging. earlier this week, french president, michael used his summit platform to repeat his opposition to building a new gas connection between spain and france, which germany really wants. because it would allow cheap gas from north africa to
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flow into neighboring you countries and germany as well. but let's face it, france would lose a market in the long run for its l. n. g plans. if it supported the project, you k prime minister list trust was also in attendance and made a point of calling michael a friend. even though just weeks ago she said that the jury is out on whether he's a friend or foe for britain. but here it was, all smiles, kind of, she doth protest too much. perhaps the polish prime minister didn't miss the opportunity to pick yet another fight with germany. you showed, with a year to day, we often talked about the algorithm of germany. it clearly shows that it cannot be the case that the european unit energy policies being dictated by germany. poland also decided recently to demand reparations from germany for world war 2. and now greece is also seeking hundreds of billions of euros from germany for both world
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wars, $1.00 and $2.00 for the greek government and the greek society. this issue, reparations from germany, remains open and its resolution, which is primarily a matter of principle, i think will be beneficial for all the countries and vault and the e. u. as such. guess it doesn't really matter than germany has been doing the heavy lifting for both of these net recipients of you funds as the blocks primary economic engine. and now berlin, which is staring down the barrel at d industrialization and rationing from you. energy sanctions isn't exactly in the best position to be stuck with bills to right. historical ross, italy was recently chastised by none other than european commission. president ursula vander line. the almighty queen of europe, herself just before voting in a populous government. so now italy finds itself teetering on the edge of pariah status at the e. u. alongside that other perennial pariah hungry whose prime minister had this to
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say about brussels performance. russia has not been brought to sneeze at all, while european economies sa, bleeding out, it is evident that the policy of sanctions must be changed. so despite it tends to project unity in prague, there's a lot more going on beneath the smiles in the class photo from this particular summit was senior research fellow at the global policy institute of london, george some welly explains the difficulties of the summit, which include, but timing and the lack of unifying factors aside from this done on russia. lot of these a sessions, they have no real purpose. so i mean, you know, the so many of these kinds of forums and, and european council, the european parliament, european commission. oh, i see. so now that come up with a new one, the european political community, and the invention of a man of well macro. and that doesn't seem to be any well with other than what we're still up. one, they're lion declared,
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which is what we're all against russia. we will hate russia, and that seems to be them mantra, they will nothing else to say. there's no agreement on anything. and there's no decision on what to do in the future. but we're all united in hating russia. the timing is not exactly great, particularly when who select from there. why am keeps talking about european unity and suddenly poland and greece. i'm bringing up issues from 75 years ago and bringing us like issues. oh yeah, i can have no one the possible ones that they have outcome mind shop because germany is not going to pay anything for the steps against russia also discussed on the forums, sidelines with a suggestion coming from poland prime minister, who claim that russia's frozen assets in europe should be divided that with some of them going to also laughs because i am, i have pointed out one source that is relatively easy to obtain in terms of
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resources, the frozen assets of the russian all yards and the russian federation, at least as this amount to approximately 350000000000 euros in this and to day these funds can be used for the benefit of ukraine, which should be rebuilt with this money, which could also be used for the nice of you and polish residents from. i don't understand how poland can justify that. there enterprises that there are companies get some part of that money. why them it will come up immediately frog the baltic states from what jack, republic, slovakia, hungary and all the countries germany probably wouldn't dare do it. but other characters will say, what about us, what about our companies? so this is an ill fated this request from ball. it won't work sorry, missed the prime minister. you know, i, i don't think it will work. it will be on not the bickering dispute within the $27.00 european countries to know who will get what money
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ukraine's president is now back tracking on his comments, urging a preemptive, nate, so strike on russia, claiming he was misunderstood. and i said you have to do preventive kinks, nada dex. yahoo! just because at the show that amber g, a t as in multiple of those, do i pro and doing a sanction trema? gee, there was her zara in the tremor due month employees ago, gabled. at poor jim followed him is zelinski insist that he was simply urging the west to impose more sanctions, claiming the kremlin is preparing society for the possible use of nuclear weapons. and he added, he would never call for nuclear armageddon as that would equate him to a terrorist. the wording he used however, translates from ukrainian literally as preemptive strikes, russian officials say that they are unconvinced by zalinski backtracking. oh shuffle when that'll boise, what should nato do and eliminate the possibility of russia using nuclear weapons?
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i once again appeal to the international community as it was before february 24th. we need preemptive strikes so that russia would know what awaits them if they use nuclear weapons, not the other way around him to wait for russia nuclear strikes and then say, oh no. okay, then take this jaga of cheddar yesterday. zalinski called on his western masters to launch a preemptive nuclear strike on russian with this statement, he's essentially shown the whole world more evidence of the threats emanating from the key regime, which the special operation was launched to neutralize order attempts by zalinski secretaries to claim that he meant something else or ridiculous to spitzer in these situations landscape with like his entire regime has got a taste and is beginning to dictate his own conditions, both his nature and to the union. kirk, when you show you a legal and media analyst line all says it's incomprehensible to even discuss nuclear threats. have we as a species forgotten?
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what nuclear conflict is? have we honestly do we need a refresher course into what we're talking about? i mean, i, i understand that we have various degrees of amnesia. tolstoy you said history would be a wonderful thing if the were only true. but i'm hearing about this and i'm hearing about war and aggression as though we're playing some kind of a game. and i, i think this is insanity even to be discussing this camera literally, because also it's not so much that a nuclear war could be triggered it or, or actually are directed, but things could be triggered once this starts, there's no calling it back, you know, it's interesting, okay, and enough, that was a mistake. that was a, that was a typographical mistake. i, i didn't really mean that this, i can't believe. i'm frankly hearing what i'm hearing. the winners of this is
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nobel peace prize were announced on friday with the ukranian president absent from the list. he was nominated for the prestigious award by the european parliament back in march, drawing some criticism from some quarters. the european parliament is proposing the president of ukraine as a candidate for the nobel peace prize. how is one of the actors in the war going to receive the nobel peace prize on there others who fight for peace? why not? pope francis or the un director there must be many others. the whole notion of this peace prize is fascinating. you know, mahatma gandhi never received the nobel peace prize in 1953. george marshall, who was a secretary of state of new york over the us, received it. and people were very critical and curious because he had been a combatant. but it was because of his post war activities. in 2009. brock obama received the peace prize after being in office barely 8 months and years.
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something interesting in times of your there were very careful as sometimes not even given that during world war one there was no peace prize from 39 to 43. there were no peace prizes, and in 1948, i believe the year that mama gandhi a died. they said no one was entitled to it. if you look at the history of it, very rarely, if never, has there been an actual pun baton. in what would call either a military operation or a war who received a peace prize for i think, obvious reasons. oh no, we returned to our top story. this our, the russian anti terror committee says that the truck has exploded on the crimean bridge, which connects mainland russia and crimea. and that explosion caused damage to at least 2 sections as well as a massive fire. now this is the latest video of that explosion which was captured
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by c c t. v. officials say that a truck, a fuel tanker also caught fire after the explosion with the cause of the blast. currently under investigation. 19 members of the organization of american states, almost one 3rd of the union have refused to vote for a u. s. bytes, a resolution against russia. now the list includes countries like brazil, mexico, argentina, and others. the documents was aimed at condemning young moscow's military operation in ukraine. he, i was supported by 24 or the members of the american regional block a back in april. the organisation strips, russia of its permanent observe estates, is a move that was also opposed by several members of the union professor of latin american and caribbean studies. daniel shaw says the policies of some regional states show that the error of u. s. domination is coming to an end for a long time,
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washington has been used to seeing the organization of american states since its founding in 1948 is an instrument of their policy. to have so much rebellion within their ranks comes as a surprise for how long could they control the foreign policy, specifically of mexico and now brazil, argentina, and of course the boulevard and block countries have said, no, we're not going to go along with your foreign policy we can see very clearly that needle is the principal guilty party that has brought this aggression to russia's borders. the era of us had gemini, of running roughshod over the country, sovereignty across the world is coming to a screeching halt. look at the elections is urine in columbia, and what will this mean internally? and in many of these countries, these are massive confrontations within pedo, within mexico. it's ongoing in brazil, so there's no easy victories. there's no promises, but certainly every day,
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the foreign policy of these different countries in south america, in the caribbean, in all the 3rd world, and becoming more and more independent of washington pakistan's, former prime minister and ranken has claimed that multiple individuals were conspiring to assassinate him. wanting that the names of the process would be revealed to the nation if anything should happen to him. a rally was organized by cons, party in pakistan's hun job province, where he called on his followers to march on to islamabad. the fights and fights for real freedom against the current governments. last march, organized by con on the capital in may of this year. so processes reach parliament in class with police. the former p. m has consistently claimed the u. s. is behind his ousting and influencing pakistani politics. know when we will enter islamabad, the government will flee before we get there. this is
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a war for freedom. the change of slavery will not break by themselves. you cannot get freedom, you have to fight for it. at the moment, the u. s. has imposed their slaves as our rulers and we have to fight them. oh. and finally, a british prime minister prompted laughter from the audience on the television program. after trying to play the vladimir putin card. that was, instead of apologizing for the economic turmoil, turmoil caused by the government's $45000000000.00 pound tax cuts. went with blood that they may have suited wanted to do. he wants to be divided right now he's using, [000:00:00;00] i think people a lot and it has to do with a simple apology to disable you. laurie, i changed the post or of course i'm sorry to do. the british government tax cuts
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package triggered the pounds fall to record lows while also pushing up inflation and interest rates. the bank of england implemented an emergency 65000000000 pound to bond buying program to stem. the crisis triggered by the government's decisions and a new interview. prime minister liz just was challenged to admit that she had a bud, starts in office, so which she responded by blaming putin for domestic and global problems. let's remember what we were facing 4 weeks ago, but you explained some we were 5 type of power minister, my clan, we and how we all today. and i use my question was, do you accept you've had a rocky start or what i am saying is that we have acted decisively in the face of very, very difficult international seconds. i'll tell you where pizza has been. perpetrating the warning, i trust is also in hot water, over warnings, the potential of 3 our power coats during the approaching winter season. but she
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tried to down play the phase, but failed to give any guarantees that britain's will not be left in the dark schemes encourage people to use electricity out of peat times are being developed by the proposal is already been slammed by the media lifecycle. analysts, alexander mckay, says, the britons aren't buying the excuse that the problems are all russia's fault is trying the, the tax. it was pioneer by joe biden, earlier this year when he called the energy price arises in the united states, putins price site. that didn't work for joe biden. it's not working full is trusts . if you look at the opinion polls since august of this year, they have consistently shown that the british population blames the government over hootin or over even the energy companies in britain itself. so. busy it's clearly a tactic that her spin doctors have told her to use the. nobody's buying it any more and blaming everything on the russian government is simply not going to be believed by people. if the lights go out it's going to be trust that gets blamed


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