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tv   News  RT  October 8, 2022 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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a joe biden and imposing these sanctions on russia who has destroyed the american economy. mister, there's your boomerang self. with 3 people that confound dead, and a blonde on the crimean bridge rushes anti terror committee say the truck exploded on the highway, assessing a nearby fuel congo train on fire. the reaction of the key regime to the destruction of civilian infrastructure reveals its terrorist nature without the russian. with both the key of celebrating the bombing of the crimean bridge, ukraine has previously identified the crossing as a legitimate target. ukraine's president insist to speech about to preemptive nato strike on russia with myth translated, claiming he was speaking about function and the u. s. republican lawmakers
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from the saudis, as royal back stop us all the way go pick plus the decision to slash oil output. while we add things motions and it's fully responsible for the energy crisis and the you with, welcome to you. it's 6 pm here in moscow. and this is asi international with the latest world news update. it's good to have you. with that, we start with the developing story from russian's, crimea, where the bodies of 2 men and a woman had been recovered of the bowman if they keep which connecting the mainland with the peninsula. ok of on some of its western allies, us celebrating the news of the attack. and here's how most go has responded to that . so i thought the reaction of the key regime to the destruction of civilian infrastructure reveals its terrace nature assassinations, acts of sabotage, destruction, provocations and set ups. that is the logic that now binds made to regimes as
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partners in crime hayes, the surveillance voltage of the blast itself, the russian anti terror committee, say the truck exploded on the bridge connecting mainland russia and crimea, causing damage to at least 2 highway sections. and near by fuel cargo train caught fire after the explosion, the exact cause of which is currently under investigation. the place has already been extinguished and undamaged parts of the bridge happy and we opens the public trunk. traffic. operational headquarters has been set up on the ground while the ministry of emergency situations of russia is involved in investigations into the cause of the trained fire. with divers surveying the sea bed. we discussed the incident with sir gay, gone to ralph the president of the association of veterans of the anti terrorism unit alpha. he said his thoughts on why the attack was carried out at this exact time and place or did the new year shirley,
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this act of sabotage corresponds with what the ukrainians had promised that they would try to blow up or touch the crimean bridge by any means but so far as i understand, the americans have not allowed them to use the long range weapons at a supply to ukraine in order to avoid creating a precedent. however, it seems no one forbade ukrainian saboteurs from doing what they did. and i think it's clear, given the context that ukraine has now resorted to terrorism. i don't think it's a coincidence that a truck loaded with explosives was there at 6 in the morning. at the exact moment when there was an oil cargo tried on the tracks near by the explosion, which happened at this time. and in this place, lead to the fact that those fuel tongues caught fire. what will be? western media outlets are cynically sell rating the deadly bombing off the crimean bridge. the daily mail even called it a birthday presence of land in the person who turned 70 on the eve of the attack of what's being called his price bridge. some headlines say the crossing was
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a symbol of so called russian occupation and called the bombing of below supporting the war effort. the slavic police went even further sarcastically, comparing the attack the results of the recent referendums as so for new regions. joining russia while u. k. tablo at the sun, some ukrainian media suggest key of special forces were directly responsible for the bombing or following an initial outburst of praise for the attack. ukraine's presidential adviser is now putting a new twist on the story by suggesting the incidents with orchestrated as part of a power struggle between russia, the defense ministry, and the f. s. b. however, the washington post has revealed that a ukrainian government official has admitted that kids special services were in fact behind the bombing. let's get more details now and cross live to correspond to marina cause a who joins me in the studio, marina. so we, we don't know who's responsible at this stage or exactly what happened,
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but we do know a lot about ukraine's response to what happens that way. absolutely. all morning, all more than will been observed and how happy and for the next class, if they are that this happens, the laces, the photos that were seen emerging from ukraine are people actually taken selfies in front of a banner. we can see it right now. a banner, the put all of the explosions on the bridge. and what's interesting is how fast they manage to to get the banner up there. but also we're now seeing reports online that the photo of the banner was actually circulating back in september. of course, we know that the bridge was a targets all along. there is no secret to that. they would love to blow it up because of course it's linking russia to crimea. so again, here we saw that the 2nd largest bank in ukraine is already issuing the debit cards featuring the collapse bridge. so there's happened is all around that. this
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happened. let's not forget that 3 people died. but again, this doesn't concern them. they're just, they're sleeping things like, let's start by taking a look at some of the tweets we saw coming out as early as this morning. first of all, we have the secretary or the national security and defense council of ukraine. here he is saying, good morning ukraine and a side by side of the bridge on fire, and marilyn monroe sing, and happy birthday me as the president of course allude. and to the fact that this is a great gift for vladimir putin 70th birthday. and then we had the ukraine security service that sweets it the bridges, burton and well greetings from ukraine's armed forces. and that today is a great location. moving on, we had ukraine's defense ministry with another suite that said, the notorious symbols of rawson power have gone down, and this particular suites was re posted by ukraine's embassy. in lithuania was
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a number of ukrainian embassies around the world posting things to day. among them, we had italy in georgia, the ukrainian embassy posted a photo of the bridge on fire and wrote good morning, we are with ukraine. some other embassies were in singapore and the tech republic. and let's have a look what they had to say. trimming bridge is not at its best these days. the large exclusion in massive fire was reported this morning along with a roadway section collapse and traffic suspension. crimean bridge is the one that connects temporarily occupied crimea with mainland russia. crimea is ukraine, an oldest official or old and breach umbilical cords will not take root here. so we're seeing some a celebratory suites there. i implies that this is, of course, a blow to russia. but again, with the latest that we're seeing coming out from ukraine, so the cranes presidential advisor is starting to blame russia forth. it's a little bit confusing, their rhetoric often that they're starting to get confused themselves because up
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1st are saying that this is a great blow, rasa, alluding to the fact that they are behind it, and they, that it and what a great achievement that is. then they're saying that russia did it, and now we're hearing that they need to wait for the investigation to conclude so which one is that? i don't know. okay, so we've covered ukraine's response to it. what about the international reaction? we saw a little bit from what you showed earlier the, some of the headlines and mainstream media. there are really keen to emphasize that this is a blow for russia, that this is a devastating tragedy from vladimir putin and what a great presence just, you know, twist the knife a little bit more, especially since that was his birthday yesterday. but again, even though no one has confirmed that ukraine was behind, that we're seeing some countries in particular in europe. not only alluded to the fact that it was indeed ukraine, but they're also applaud in them for it's i believe this target has been around for
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a very long time. is tonia certainly welcomes this and congratulations, ukrainian special operations units who are expected to be behind the separation modulation. alicia said it says she gets a bomb for the soul, especially given yesterday was put in person. that is correct. he received such gift. i wish him more of such gifts to present touching those. can you imagine of something like this happened in the united states or in israel or in any other country in fact? and then you would hear statements like that it's, it's a despicable really, especially when we know that 3 people died, people lost their lives. and this is what i mean when, when russia is saying that this reaction coming from the ukraine and also those who are supporting it a broad this shows that success, city of kias regime and the success city of the west. and also the terrorist nature of key of that regime. this is what russia had to say about some of the reaction that we've seen. now the leadership of ukraine is rejoicing that the terrorist
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attack making enthusiastic statements their state post office even promises to issue a stump dedicated to the event. the terrorist nature and toxicity of the care of regime is obvious, but the west continues to portray them as heroes. and this is exactly what we're continuing to see. the rhetoric is exactly the same as always, that we don't care about what happens on russian territory as long as she's into their narrative. then the people who caused that our heroes, regardless of how many people died and the devastation left behind, that even explained how the photograph of the picture of the bridge on fire has been circulating for many months. but are there any other indications that the bridge might have been a target? absolutely, we've heard all along that ukrainians would love to target any pro russian region and the region that voted in a referendum to the joint. russia, of course the don't recognize and the referendum will know that. but any, any region, any place that supports russia in any way,
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shape or form they would like to see, eliminates that they're trying to get it back. that's that, that's their goal. at the end of the day, and we heard from ukraine and officials themselves and skis, presidential advisor, this summer, he said that the bridge itself is a target and will be a target and they will try to destroy it. as soon as they could employ. we don't care about the crime in breach once we receive the necessary technical options. it will become a target for us, but there is nothing to discuss and we don't have an opportunity yet. but once we get it, we'll target and it seems that they found the opportunity and the way to do it. and they did just fast, even though and now again, they're saying that somehow russia did that and this somehow helps us. i don't, i don't know, in what way shape or form this would help russia. but again, those are the latest claims from here. okay. well, those investigations are on the way to have to wait and see what comes out of that
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. but thank you for coming in with those details. it's really interesting. thank you by rena journalist and found all the don't bass in find the website christ on the on phase that russia should recognize the ukraine as a terrorist state. i think it's a turning point, and i think really russia should reconsider the, for most of the intervention. the don't boss seems if you ever doing any ukrainian general now or you call to transform the crucial military operation into an into terrorist operation. and i think it should be dawn, it's already a long time that ukraine us to be a terrorist to see. i mean they have healed the civil of our commanders, the head of the g. p. r, resource effects. and they didn't hide about that. so it's not something new we just, that's now russia has to officially knowledge that ukraine is a theory, states and treat as such. the bridge is the main trade on supply route between
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crimea and the russian territories. but damage has already cause traffic jams. it's local gas stations, authority say that trains will be able to cross the bridge again later on saturday, sorry, is able to carry around. 100 people are also being launched. the booming of the bridge has bond phase of a supply shortages crimea with a local lead us a scene of has reassured people that there's plenty of was to go around to the republic of crimea has plenty of fuel and fooling me. so we have more than a month's worth a few hours and more than 2 months worth of was it that there are no risks or reasons for excitement at risk of what they want and most go out to the for holding a rally at the us embassy demanding job biden's resignation and nato's withdrawal from post soviet territory. and protest is a brandishing russian military symbols like st. joseph slides as well, accusing the us of being the well terrorist said, which is trying to maintain that had demonic power. was about to say the strike on the crimea bridge was ordered by the cia among the protesters were people mockingly
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dressed as uncouth and ukrainian chain of them. and now to dawn by residential areas and civilian infrastructure of don. yes, could being shows by ukraine. that's according to local officials. it shows plumes of smoke rising shortly after the strike. according to numerous reports, a local printing house and haul sounds that caught fire, and several residential buildings were heavily damaged investigations into possible casualties on the way. well, the incident in crimea comes as ukraine's president is now back, tracking on his comments surging, a preemptive nato strike on russia, claiming he was misunderstood. and i said, you have to do preventive geeks nodded ex. yahoo just goes out this tour that amber g at the multiple and those do problem during this time term, would you say that i don't want the prorated keyboard?
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it poor jim that ms landscape says she was simply urging the west to impose more sanctions, claiming the kremlin is preparing society for the possible use of nuclear weapons. he added, he would never call for nuclear. my guess is that would make him a terrorist. the wording he used, however, translates from ukrainian literally as preemptive strikes, russian officials, they bound convinced by the landscape backtracking shopper when that'll be. what should nato do and eliminate the possibility of russia using nuclear weapons? i once again appeal to the international community as it was before february 24th. we need preemptive strikes, so that russia would know what awaits them if they use nuclear weapons, not the other way around him, to wait for russia nuclear strikes, and then say, oh no. okay, then take this yog zalinski code on his western masters to launch a preemptive nuclear strike on russian with this statement,
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he's essentially shown the whole world. more evidence of the threats emanating from the key regime, which the special operation was launched to neutralize order attempts by zalinski secretaries to claim that he meant something else. a ridiculous spitzer in this situation landscape with like his entire regime has got a taste and is beginning to dictate his own conditions, both in his nature and to the union. kirk on you show of universal legal on media analysts line all say they think comprehensible to even discuss nuclear threats. have we as a species forgotten what nuclear conflict is? have we honestly do we need a refresher course into what we're talking about? i mean, i, i understand that we have various degrees of amnesia. tolstoy said, history would be a wonderful thing if the were only true. but i'm hearing about this and i'm hearing about warren at russian as though we're playing some kind of a game. and i,
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i think this is insanity even to be discussing this cabin literally, because also it's not so much that a nuclear war could be triggered it or, or actually on directed, but things could be triggered once this starts, there's no calling it back, you know, did there was yeah, okay. i did of that was a mistake. that was a, there was a typographical mistake. i, i didn't really mean that this i, i can't believe, i'm frankly hearing what i'm hearing. the one is of this. he has no bal pays prize . were announced on friday with the ukranian president absence from the list. he was nominated for the prestigious award by the european parliament back in march, drawing criticism from some quarters. the european parliament is proposing the president of ukraine as a candidate for the nobel peace prize. how is one of the actors in the war going to receive the nobel peace prize on there others who fight for peace? why not?
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pope francis or the u. n. director. there must be many others. yeah, it's political price. it's a kind of nato know bill human rights price. now it's not a piece price. it's not a price. according to the will of alfred nobel. he wants it to be given to those who have quotation john, most or best to advance fellowship among nations, the abolition or reduction of standing armies on the establishment and promotion of peace congress's. now, none of the 3 organizations have done anything like that. one of them have called for arms to your crime. none of the 3 organizations are not the to who received it last year, or president lensky would. in any way match. alfred no bells will. and i'm, i'm pulling by the fact that me, jen around the world. do ask, how can it come,
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how is it possible that this committee repeatedly can give the price to disarmament, abolition, etc, which was outfit. no bells will. this is a legal issue and should be investigated. how can you deliberately move away from amended and still be a legal organization? royal back stabbers, that's how a u. s. republican lawmaker has described saudi arabia a need to reduce the oil outputs, following the opec plus decision, or the u. s. officials or even calling for the president to cut off weapon supplies to the gulf kingdom. the saudis need us more for weapons than we need them. prison biden should make it clear that we will cut off weapons if upper plus doesn't reverse the decision to make drastic costs and production in congress. we should also explore waste to rain, you know, pics control over energy prices worldwide. the wise house, as long praised saudi arabia as a strategic partner, selling the country,
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large amounts of weapons. it's my job. i am once pledging to make a pariah during his presidential campaign from u. s. congress members are also calling for a rethink of the country's relationship with peg plus members with saudi arabia, his actions being described as hostile to washington, while the south, the minister of state, the us itself is to blame for rising gas prices. the idea that we would do this to harm the us or to be in any way politically involved this. absolutely not correct at all with due respect. the reason you have high prices in the united states is because you have a refining shortage that has been in existence for more than 20 years. you haven't built refineries in decades. i'll just tell him, hoping i have more details on react decision on the us reaction. well, essentially we have opec announcing that they will be reducing the oil output by $2000000.00 barrels per day. now that is rattling the circles of power in the
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united states. there is quite a bit of outrage on the 2 days since the announcement already we're hearing the leaders of saudi arabia being described as back stabbers, putting a night in the back of the united states. here's what we've heard from unanswered questions about 911. the brutal murder of journalist jamal cas shogi and the exporting of extremism to dubious jailing of peaceful dissidence in conspiring with vladimir putin to punish the u. s. with higher oil prices. the saudi royal family has never been a trustworthy ally of our nation. it's time for our foreign policy to imagine a world without this alliance with these royal back stabbers back stabbers. that is the language being used to describe the long time ally of the united states, the kingdom of saudi arabia. and it appears that they consider this to be a humiliation of joe biden. they consider this to be hurting the economic interests of the united states. and apparently,
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the united states feels that it has rights over saudi arabia's oil. you'll recall economist magazine recently and you know, over the summer they tweeted out, meet mohammed ben solomon, that's the count. brown, prince of south of saudi arabia, the millennial autocrat who controls our oil. now that tweet was deleted because it is not, they are oil, it is by right, the oil of the kingdom of saudi arabia, according to the constitution. but apparently, the united states feels it has some rights over it as do the british. now, at this point, what can the united states do, but rant, and rave at the saudis for not doing what they want. hear some of what we've heard, what saudi arabia did to help prudent continue to wage his despicable, vicious war against ukraine will long be remembered by americans. we are looking at all the legislative tools to best deal with this appalling and deeply cynical action. though the no peck bill is up for discussion, this is a bill that would allow the united states to sue opec countries take them to court,
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possibly have you escort, seize their assets, if they don't do what the united states wants, that would allow civil actions against opec countries by the united states in retaliation for move such as this mat bill is up for discussion. in addition to that, the military relationship between the united states and saudi arabia is being questioned . this is what's been said as well. i just don't see any good reason for us to maintain troops that are there almost solely for the purpose of protecting their oil fields and their security interests. there's no question that mohammed been solomon, the crown prince of saudi arabia, shears putin's world view more than he shares ours. doesn't appreciate american advocacy for democracy in the world. now it's been 70 year, so the united states has been aligned with the kingdom of saudi arabia. they've been one of the most loyal allies of the united states and nato in the region. you
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can recall after the 1979 iranian revolution, the reagan administration saying that they would never allows the to revolution to take place in saudi arabia. that is a steadfast longtime partner of the united states. but now we're seeing the circles of power in washington, turning on them pretty rapidly in response to recent moves around opec people will recall the words of former us president george w bush, who said you're either with us or against us. and that kind of thinking seems to be prevailing in washington dc. why can't the by get american oil companies to increase the output? they just won't do it. because american oil companies are doing is raising prices at home to make up for this slowing of demand. well, it's the same thing that the saudis and opec are doing globally, you know, negotiate is going on right now between us, well, companies and biden,
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about exporting oil from the u. s. to europe. so, you know, that's going to cause more of a supply problem, u. s. and raise prices, even more. prices are going up faster. the u. s. a. partly because the oil companies are shutting down the refineries. you know, they're not, they're having these a regular maintenance and then there's the so called fires and everything and the real bottleneck is at the refining capacity. and that's been manipulated. i believe there's nothing really different going on, except it's a good excuse to blame of the saudis and opec. instead of pointing the finger at the u. s. oil companies right before an election. hey, british minister prompted laughter from the audience on a tv program out there trying to play the plug in a piercing card instead of apologizing for the economic time. of course, to find the government's $45000000000.00 pounds tax cuts. what does that mean? a futon wants to do. he wants to be divided right now.
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i think people, a lot thing has to do with a simple apology of our disable. all is already i changed the policy. of course i'm sure the british government tax cuts package triggered b pounds full to record low is while osa pushing up inflation and interest rates. the bank of england implemented an emergency 65000000000 pound bond buying program to stand. the crisis triggered by the government's decisions in a new interview. prime minister lives trust was challenged to admit. she had a bad start in office to which she responded by blaming potent for domestic and global problems. let's remember what we were facing 4 weeks ago, but you explain what they say. and so we were 500 pound list of my clan and how we're all today. i'm just going to use my question was, do you accept you've had
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a rocky storm? what i am saying is that we have acted decisively in the face of very, very difficult international circumstances. we're pizza has been perpetrating the war and you cry or trust is also in hot water. the warnings of potential 3, our power cuts during the approaching winter season. she tried to down play the fears, but failed to give any guarantees their britons will not be left in the dark schemes to encourage people to use electricity at off peak times are being developed. but the proposal is already being slammed by the media. political analyst, alexander, my case, is britain's on buying the excuse to the problems all russia's fault. these trying the, the tax. it was pioneered by joe biden, earlier this year when he called the energy price arises in the united states. putin's price like that didn't work for joe biden. it's not working full is trusts . if you look at the opinion polls since august of this year,
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they have consistently shown. busy that the british population blames the government over fuson or over even the energy companies in britain itself. so it's clearly attached to that her spin doctors have told her to use the nobody's buying it any more and blaming everything on the russian government is simply not going to be believed by people. if the lights go out, it's going to be trust that gets blamed, and her government is going to be pitched into an even greater crisis than it is in already. this is the end point of a 30 years of us. various failed policies and less trust is at the end of this process and he's inheriting a 30 year long mass, which she is trying to turn around and failing to turn around inside free months. so this is a generational failure that has left britain exposed to the fluctuations of international energy markets un, unable to produce so energy. the only solution in the immediate period is to end the chaos in the international energy markets. and that means ending the sanctions
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regime against russia energy, which is failing to do anything significant to the russian economy, but is tanking the economies of europe and increasing energy and security. and set a reminder before we wrap up on top story, when russian investigators have confirmed the death of 3 people in the bombing of the crimean bridge, thus asked a trunk exploded on the highway there and damaging at least 2 sections and setting a nearby field cargo train ablaze, rational authorities, and are gathering information about the truck on its owners. they think to identify the suspects as well. ukrainians as well as some with the media, hopefully celebrating the deadly floss. according to the washington, the ukrainian government official has admitted camps responsibility for the attack, rushes, a foreign ministry has slammed what it calls ukrainian it, government, terrorist nature. we're going to take you to some live pictures of the crimean bridge right now. as you can see, looking very quiet,
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no traffic on the roads. currently we're going to keep you up to date on all the latest with regards to the crime, ambridge and everything else. and we'll get back at the top of the out the the coding is the aggressor chose is war. today i'm authorizing the just strong sanctions. i think which of the question that i speak with him when the preventing all imports of russian oil and gas dough by.


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