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tv   News  RT  October 10, 2022 12:00am-12:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] with the law, they are the try. man raid isn't terrorism by you claim secret services. but so according to the russian chief investigator who says the attack aims that cripple michael civilian infrastructure for tomorrow. then fever, he claims on full is quote, online wearing a bracelet with what appears to be not see in sim, yet that's a mid fascist symbols being repeatedly supported among the ukrainian military and thousands of photos and things of the seasons. over european capitals over the government state is installed the rise of food and fuel prices. the process of
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insolvency has been prolonged, but this reduction cannot be maintained forever. and i assume that the middle classes, in particular, will fall to their knees, with hello dog international regarding live from us. it's good to have you with this. i'm my somebody. let's take a look at the top stories on this out. you can see go service is carried out a terror attack by bombing the try mean bridge. king 3 people, according to the head of russia's investigative committee, who has brief present, puts it on the case. will this is slow? no motion. there is just, this was undoubtedly an act of terrorism. all our data from the initial stage of the investigation allows us to draw a clear conclusion. this was a terrorist attack that was prepared by ukrainian special services with the purpose of destroying a large object of civilian infrastructure,
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which is very important for russia. and especially for crimea. ross, as chief investigator said that basically they spoke to eye witnesses. they examined everything on the ground that conducted the forensic investigation, and they now know who did it, how they did it. what's interesting is that there were not only russian citizens involved in this, but also foreign citizens. and they even know their roots, that the truck folk. let's listen to what he said about the roots and particular still should usually we have already established the root of the truck. it went from bulgaria to georgia to armenia, to russia's north to city and onto the crest, not our region. the people who took part in the organisation of the trucks route have been identified. this terror attack was orchestrated and carried out by ukrainian special services with assistance from russians and some other foreign citizens. well, with me that the bridge was a target, we had ukrainian officials saying that themselves,
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that as soon as the found an opportunity to target the bridge, they would do so. and this is, i guess they found the opportunity and managed to do at ease and russian citizens and foreign citizens as well, according to russia, chief investigator there. and now ukraine's a former prime minister use encouraging for terrorist attacks, such as what we saw on the crime in bridge to happen in places like moscow. i've seen that the ukraine media that created the media report that the, this is the security service of ukraine. well, i don't know whether it's true or no, but what am i am sure about that these bridge has to be completely on mind, collapsed and damaged. i would be delighted if those who committed these kind of right full, i would see, act of sabotage. ah. they will do the same in russia.
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i mean, in the moscow, if a terrorist attack happens in any other country, not russia, such statements would be condemned. there wouldn't be applaud the wouldn't be encouraged, but here we see novice, no reaction in response to statements like these. but there is a lot of fear right now in speculation. was saying that after this now, especially now that so we know that this is a terrorist attack. is this enough to start a nuclear war, or someone just asked the vladimir putin spokesperson that whether this is enough to start a nuclear war for russia to resort to nuclear weapons? and he said, no. so just for all the headlines we know that was for media love to create panic and say, all that means that russia will start using nuclear weapons. so for the answer has been no, but the fact that the u. s. congress is consider and name in russia as a state sponsor of terrorism, completely ignoring what ukraine did,
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3 people were killed and they're not saying anything about bad for their good nor. and ukraine in the specials are congratulated and saying what a great achievement this is that they destroy the critical civilian infrastructure . no words really. and i just last in this comes as the u. s. congress has said to just us legislation on whether some physically labeled russia as a state sponsor of terrorism. russia said this would be a point of no return in relations with washington. human and legal rights lawyer than coven. it thinks it's profitable for the u. s. to support ukraine and turn a blind eye on drastic atrocities committed by the country. it is profitable to some very powerful interest in the united states, and that is why the u. s. continues to support ukraine and why they are turning a blind eye to various acts of terrorism in human rights abuses by the crime
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military. it is profitable to some defense contractors in the u. s. and that's very important to the leaders in washington. i think it's also profitable to the oil and natural gas industry that now wants to sell their wares to europe, trying to displace russia. let's go back to operation paperclip. you know, after world war 2, the u. s. brought over 1100 nazi scientists scale the u. s in the war against the cold war against the soviet union. and the u. s. has been supporting nazis in ukraine for decades. so i mean, this is nothing new and this is not surprising the us. but again, you can't even say there indifferent to nazis in the ukraine. the fact is, the u. s. supports not using it that through immediate praise from worse and media list, while the fire still burned. many headlines thing the bridge was,
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i'm up most important. russia and also cooling the term start as most of the non calls it then pulls an action forgive. it was also sort of, i didn't key with people taking pictures in front of you, closer to printing the damage ridge. so were you paying officials a quick to rejoice over tax, including some of that and see the advisors. however, one of them later backtracks on what he said and put a new twist on the story saying the fact was orchestrated by russian security services. this is not the 1st time the queen officials have abruptly changed their stances, all these contributor rachel miles and takes a deeper look into the person. the problem with the west empowering allies to be its attack dogs against russia is that sometimes the proxy managers to chew through it's lee. sure, it's harness it then starts running around doing its business all over the neighbors yards while loudly barking its excitement and even causing simple minded
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creatures to bark along with it. that is until the master shows up and drags it back into the yard and gets it under control. this is exactly what seems to have happen now between the west and its allies in 3 separate recent incidents. most recently, there was the crimea bridge explosion on saturday morning in the wake of the attack . ukrainian officials celebrated on social media, crimea, the bridge, the beginning. everything illegal must be destroyed. everything stolen must be returned ukraine. everything occupied by russia must be expelled. to guided missile crews of moscow on the coast, bridge to notorious symbols of russian power in ukrainian, crimea of gone down. watson, it's in line russkies. representatives of european states also cheered what appeared to have been a terrorist act. i believe this target has been around for a very long time. it's tanya certainly welcomes this and congratulations, ukrainian special operations units who are expected to be behind the separation motivation. alicia said it says it's
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a bond for the soul. his specially given yes. so there was put in se, birthday is greg harris if such gift. i wish him more of such gifts as of the west congratulated cave while cavalierly treating the destruction of civilian infrastructure. like it was a personal job at russian president vladimir putin. on his birthday, kind of like, you know, neighborhood, teenagers had thrown raw eggs in his garage door, some western media pin, the incident on ukrainian special services effectively echoing the kremlin assertion that keith behaves like a terrorist state. but by saturday afternoon, there was a distinct shift in tone. a ukrainian official close to zalinski tried to shift blame away, steve, implying that russia blew itself up. now seriously. f. s be tried to eliminate leadership of defense ministry before personnel change fs. be was a knockdown miss putin's bridge explosion. defense ministry canal blame f. s b for the future style floss. isn't it obvious? who made an explosion?
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the truck arrived from russian federation, the pentagon for once, didn't really have much to say interestingly enough, not even some spin or encouragement in favor of ukraine as u. s. defense secretary lloyd austin has a chronic tendency of offering up. so what accounts for the shift may be washington managed to get heave back on leash sometime during the day on saturday. a similar pattern was evident after zalinski called for a nato preemptive strike on russia. last thursday, shuffle we met a boy that what should nato do? eliminate the possibility of russia using nuclear weapons. i once again appeal to the international community as it was before february 24th. we need preemptive strikes so that russia would know what awaits them if they use nuclear weapons. by friday, zelinski was already trying to gaslight every one m pretending that he didn't actually say what he said. and i said you have to do preventive kinks, not
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a dex. so again, what happened that led zalinski to back pedal on his statement. perhaps he felt the pressure of the western hand that feeds him his end was weapons in cash. but which clearly isn't too keen on having keep spark had nuclear football match or actually setting off world war 3. also recall what happened in the wake of the attacks on the nord stream pipelines that run from russia to europe. right afterwards. poland former foreign minister tweeted thank you usa, that post which stayed up for a few days is now deleted. amid the ongoing debate over who's actually responsible, several voices in the u. s. including some prominent versus the establishment are growing less shy about overtly blaming the us for the attack. so what made sikorsky decide days later, that publicly thanking his pals, america maybe wasn't such a good idea. perhaps washington made an appearance, gave him a little whack on the nose with
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a rolled up newspaper. george severely senior research fellow of the global policy institute says ukraine couldn't undertake such an action without some approval from washington. there's no question greenwood number takes such a risky, high profile act without the consent of the united states. us officials tell the new york times that we really don't know what ukraine is doing. i mean, we basically have very little intelligence into the activities of ukrainian forces . we know very well what the russians are doing. we don't know what you brains like, whatever ukraine does, is embarrassing and already think. i mean we've, we've seen the videos in which they torture and kill prisoners of war flagrant, our war crimes, which we're very proud of the war friends. and yet, officials had nothing to say about it, even as
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a trust that is such as a butcher. if there is an operation, the united states is behind this, but the ukrainians, and make sure not to inform the americans in detail as to what they intend to do. the commander in chief of the claims on forces. valerie is a losing inadvertently published a photo of himself dawning. what looks like a 3rd right symbol. the losing the post to the votes on twitter, where people online zoomed in. just a general worry embrace that features a swastika, however, some ukrainians posted another photo on it. that was a really in senior try to disprove. the recent contains the nazi symbol. i was somebody distorted, well quote to the phone,
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but it's not the 1st time keith is in the it's embrace of nazis. sauce lay this food. so with the so to when i'm blue of the infamous, not see time division was posted by prison ascii himself. the image was published in a congratulatory post on the 3 day, but later did he did offer a public back crash. and the 2nd picture was taken last month in the heart of region is and as he can be seen, guarded by soldiers of the same symbols on the tire. also related to the white glove, aloof, a former security policy, alice in the office of the u. s. secretary of defense is not secret. opening operating is a huge concern. this is one of the concerns that a lot of us have an obviously it was also a point that president putin made when he decided to undertake his special military
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operation to rid the country of the, of the nazis once and for all. but for the, the commander in chief as commander chief, he has had right wing groups and neo nazi groups as part of his own armed forces. so it's not surprising and i looked at that braces very carefully in the room is it's ancient. but the way this one was tilted and comprised it definitely represented and reflected accurately the, the actual nazi symbol. it's not the 1st time and you see these group. so we're walking around openly. i'm displaying these symbols. well, we knew it back in 2014, when the qu actually was staged. you didn't hardly hear a whimper out of any of the e u countries or the united states who was working with these right wing groups
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was especially as off as off actually has represented as in the united states and our, and have been actively recruiting us 1st us people to varsity and minors a vin killed at least 11, most of it is of an engine, but is ready for says in the west bank on sunday, according to local officials. this happened during a re them a refugee campbell is raven, you personally call to be surrounded to one of the houses in an arrest operation. they claim they were full. so open fire on locals, who allegedly using st. lucie devices and most of cells against them. both team killed by these what it is all but these have been 17 years old. the attack on the settlement was similar to resource on the have known as a stronghold of the policy and resistance as just the day before. 2 more other minors, 14 and 17 years of age was shot and killed. what is really false is in
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a separate westbank incident article into the post ministry of health. google media reports that the incident happened during clashes of jim wilson is really soldiers . the father of one of the boys says his son's death was an act of unprovoked wireless. i wanted to show here. my 14 year old son was on a farm near the wall and was surprised. us is that the occupation forces sniper charges him. he didn't directly in his head despite my son wasn't doing anything to threaten the occupation. army was this case, shows that the policy of the occupation is target in our children and aimed at displacement and destruction. the watch, however, the israeli army insist that in both cases the soldiers was simply responding to violent actions of the crowd. in one situation, they say they were just trying to disperse the demonstrations and conduct arrests. now as a for the 14 year old boy, the israeli claim he was throwing molotov cocktails. therefore, becoming
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a target of retard refire. since the beginning of the year, 28 minus in total have fallen victim to is really a fact over a $120.00 palestinians of in killed this year. a number not seen in a decade and the majority of them civilians. the uncle of the 14 year old who was killed, believe that impunity of the is ready army, in its willingness to target innocent children. it's an outrage. i can't comprehend that 14 year old compose any danger in any way to what people say is the strongest army in the world. unfortunately, the whole world is on the side of the israeli occupation, and there is no one to judge them who soldiers or rapist supper land and the arab world as a whole. if we go to our land, they can shoot us in some bullets could be fired at our homes. are only demand is that all countries that support them include with them stopped. his actions
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for years earns i know inflation rate has it double digits with food prices rising by a record high of 14 percent across it. you just in the past month, the search has sparked public outrage in several countries. possesses flooded the says in germany, italy, of phil effect republic. demarion ended to summer calling and assault on their pocket. books vows of italians granted the local prices a mockery. some say well refused to pay their bills while in prague, massive rallies were held against the government. handling of the economy, it's a day off, a summit of european leaders was held in the city and across in vienna. oh, should say therefore said listen to that of citizen. instead of playing along with lobbyists in the e, u, and nato, as they will from across the condemned government policies, some have had,
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it's also voice their concerns. let's take a look at what they had to say. good, we have been waiting for a long time for the government to start acting and to relieve us from these huge cos, ranging from power to basic food. and it's not on the basic food these days, but almost everything. and the government pretense, everything is fine. don't buy yellow pet care. why are we paying? because we can't take it anymore. there are people who don't have enough money for the whole month and who have to choose whether to pay the rent or pay the bills. the price increases of this last period or intolerable considering that the extra profits of corporations are getting bigger and bigger. that is dora. so in the situation is very clear. now. it is very clear that due to the overall events, the war and the consequences of the actions taken against russia, we will have to deal with considerable restrictions in our industry. i assume that companies will increasingly go bankrupt. the process of insolvency has been prolonged, but this reduction cannot be maintained forever. and i assume that the middle
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classes in particular will fall to their knees before we are affected as we've just had our increase. we were paying 96 years a month before. but now we pay just under $500.00, so for $94.00 per month, that's 5 times as much. then joan missile businesses are being hit hard by inflation as whitening energy prices for the country's leading acre. the institute say it will slide into recession within the next year. the government reported the phase, an exodus of local producers as a sustainable businesses model becomes untenable. in a country, the head of india ex little denies asian says the e growth is now impacting trade ties with the south asian country. there are visible symptoms of recession in the u. energy prices is looming, that by is delaying orders from india. they are concerned but hopeful publisher economists like hammer told us who benefits from the twice as in europe. why it's
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dangerous in the long run. from situation only the us seems to benefit but not really. that is too short minded from them. of course, they have not only interest in doing that. people who are very well connected to the us are high, heavy support for this course and this program. but this is very short minded because the europe be especially the german that only put that in on the arrays and continent when they use germany or when they knocked on the economy. and that use the german people as, as their supporter. then they will be thrown out of the eurasian condiment, and this is what they don't know. the german meters then is vital for their interest. and when they're mocking it down,
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now they are knocking down their own as we call it it, the bronze on what you sit, and they're cutting off the bronze on one on which may sit on themselves. paper has made a huge turn anew rules that would have impose at $2500.00 fine on uses for what they deem mis information for me. that is, irving change and policy was sent out in error. pay pal is not finding people for misinformation in this language was never intended to be inserted in our policy. our teams are working to correct our policy pages were sorry for the confusion this has caused the online payment company recently. updated has guidelines and rules on misinformation. this reported into the ban on promoting what it believes and deemed to be false information. it also widen restrictions on hate, speech and intolerance to include protected groups based on race, religion,
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gender, sexual orientation. under the now jobs rules of pay, bell said that the fine would have been taken directly from uses accounts pay. our former president criticize the new changes on twitter who in the policy quote, insanity test a see must also join the criticism to go together with more than 28000 people who liked his twitter post users of the payment platform also expressed the angler angle on social media, someone at paypal wrote this insane policy regardless. i canceled my account today and will never touch this company again. close your paypal account, their new policy allows them to deduct $2500.00 from your account from misinformation. paypal wants us to believe it was all just an accident when they updated their policy, finding users for misinformation. rubbish. i think what happened was most of this
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information was buried in the terminal condition. the, once the media got a hold of it, or what the public got a hold of it, and started, bo digging into exactly what would be required on this lease begun and videos policy, what they will be able to unilaterally decide, what is, what isn't missile formation? they've been directly debit people's account for up to 2500 hours and we don't know people behind this. we don't know the individuals who can make the decisions. we don't know the appeal process. there is really no oversight on these groups are now operated. kwasic governmental organizations is arbiters of information. i think you have to leave it to the consumer to regulate because at the end of the day, what was one person's hates features that of the person's comedy or the other person or tamed are free. of course, i don't think we need to be frightened horses a homogeneous society. we're no one is allowed to say anything that i don't think you need a governmental board or you need a counsel elder to tell you what they can and cannot gazelle. today longs the 55th anniversary of the signing of the ounces face tree to you is set forth of neil finn
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were the law of space earlier the russian director nonproliferation. an armed control want of a dangerous trend merging in the course of events in ukraine. the possible use of space as a battlefield axis. india. katrinka has more on this story. today we're all worried about a possible world war. well guess what? it turns out there is a place in the universe where such a threat does not exist. it's actually the entire universe apart from planet earth . why? unless there are some war hungry aliens with something in mind. the final frontier is regulated by the so called outer space treaty, which came into force exactly 55 years ago and ensured that everywhere beyond the atmosphere remains peaceful
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ah or so just a few years after the world saw the 1st man in orbit, even cold war adversary's, we're wise enough to realize that space must not be weaponized. the treaty is still in force. so that's why supposedly world war 3 can not start in space today. but how come this man who used to one the white house set out on a mission to make it possible? we must have american dominance in space so important. very importantly, i'm here by directing the department of defense and pentagon to immediately begin the process necessary to establish
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a space force as the 6th branch of the armed forces. i'll tell you what the russian army also has a branch cold space forces. 4 countries, not only the u. s. and russia, but also china. india have conducted satellite missile tests. well, if you read further into the outer space treaty, you'll find out that while it forbids a list of things like nukes and space, the agreement does not explicitly ban all military activities in orbit like the deployment of conventional weapons. oh no, i got it all wrong. even beyond the atmosphere, the super powers can still start a war, or at least rattled or sabers. we actually successfully tested advanced system. it hid the old settlers with as much precision. the settler debris posed no threat to space activities. russia received his share of criticism for that test which flings
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a cloud of garbage throughout on. already, john clogged low earth orbit, but that shot didn't kill any one a. this can no longer be said about space sexes. starling satellites. shortly after russia began its operation in ukraine, ellen musk thought she'd lend key of a helping hand with thousands of starling kits. every time annexing these fellow artilleryman had to rush in target. they had one person to thank ill unmask the world's richest man, and bad it in a frontline house. so just sat at the strategic tan of his scene and ukraine's war ravaged. east. alexi is now a power user of star link, a satellite communication system owned by mask space ex, in response. moscow called the us out for turning civil equipment into means of war . such provocative use of civilian satellites, raises questions into context of the compliance with alta space treaty, which provides for its exclusively peaceful use and should be strongly contained by
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the international community. the pentagon's investments range from new technologies to build large structures on the lunar surface to developing spacecraft that could transport troops or military cargo anywhere on earth within 3 hours. the u. s. military is designing a spy satellites to orbit the moon. and earlier this year, it announced plans for surveillance network cold highway patrol for the vast domain between our planet and its natural satellite. all of this though, correct, isn't necessarily out of line when it comes to the outer space treaty. so if we're all indeed worried about a new world war, maybe time has come to have another go at that agreement that, that wraps up with this news articles, you know, from, from more international news, i will be back at some of them. mm


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