tv Documentary RT October 11, 2022 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT
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to liberation, theologian, priest in john bare turned our c. and at that point, the us really kicked its program of debilitating the haitian state into hard here. and so we saw again over the next 30 years after they did a qu, they targets receiving september 991 and another one in february of 2004. we saw occupations. and what this had, the effect of doing was to weaken and weaken the haitian state. so now they're, they're practically is no haitian state. the guy who's appointed ariel on reed to be the prime minister. the only person who appoints the only body that appointed him was the u. s. embassy and allied embassy, france and canada, primarily. and so this guy has absolutely no popular legitimacy or, or approval. i think one of the things you're saying him is derived about truly the
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true extent of external and interference into the politics and all the domestic issues, all hey tia, you know, it's honestly, it's a conversation. we need much more time that we have available for today, but kim, i'm an editor, i hate the liberal k. really interesting angle is a very lucid thoughts. i appreciate that. thank you for your time today. thank you . i thank you for joining us there for this program from moscow. it's archie international. always good to have your company. we're back at the top of the house . ah ah, ah riddle you are on wrong. i leave me. i do now. i'm going globally mumbled grandma workers. i be shy,
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polly's idea done. thank you. lucky my man w. i. thank you for getting my up. did you need a new new blue hole on my door? magic ha. she's algebra or on the album labianca alana. young challenge with double doors up. i'll wait, bye. know a loo. ah, i yeah. i come but love under the no messiah pursue. don't say a later than got it. but plus mother thousands with breast but google up on de
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sequoia kodachi both my lung ciocca. ah but oh wow auto. but some of us, number lima, i, yes, i has to be told that someone does not do i asked her to the doctor like the deep down cup li, my power plus you get thousands. somebody i've got to, to pollute more than trying to find young kind of thing i'll call on carrie. can we do need to get it done? what wonderland still restrict done to do de decide when i saw the paper to be to be the $1000000.00 chip i depending on,
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on digital and without the missing unit. when she bought this as part of all utilities except to still go under cover and she left she left to port on on september 30th, 1965 marked the beginning of what was to become one of indonesia, the darkest chapters that night, 6 high ranking army officers were kid not been killed in an attempted coup known as the september 30th movement. the army, led by us back generals, so hard to took advantage of the situation and blamed the murders on the indonesian p. k. i. the world's 3rd largest communist party. after those in the soviet union and china, me whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
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feet are valuable really well and good me, me magic killing and violence. indonesian army in 1900. 65 was neither inevitable nor spontaneous group. i mean, when we did that or it was going to kind of strategy, i had not got a little arrange to do what was equal to big i want to be in the military was not just the armed wing of the government in these military was running large parts of the country itself and had real ownership of the means of production throughout the country. they also had economic interest that could have
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been threatened from the left in the weeks and months after october, 1st 1965. the communists were portrayed as not only enemies of indonesia, but enemies of hod, either enemies of islam or the enemies of religion. in general, and some of the very conservative muslim organizations were against them as well. package up when you go up and above a word from montgomery, i can go up and kill yackino. but he will not typical minister and his mom and you are going around when she gotcha that he might pick up a will. matthew, hey, i could do it. yeah, we did that, that would be, that was listed in your pretty head shadow study saying that i need to take a bus very see both on and i will come back on
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for him and come back to kenner and get him a couple of months. so i'm not gonna come back said anything happy cooking as he can and what i got to be done so i cannot be corrected. keep my feet wide open. okay. ah understand? rosemont bus america, big guy, he, he took the quote and political to dock set up a pick up. and the alley small at the corner of this month. and the bus is more than failed eligible to one. but i think they did not have an ideology of our struggle. they did not have weapons separate. denise,
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i don't want them again. gallo kind of big the bottom b p. black on. yeah, most up. don't pretend to be kidding. but i'm just shopping with them. i will start their number no go. so i don't the party that you got on the big in the last couple yet they go up at the bottom. so don't yet have to tackle embellishment nationally. so partner support for the p t. i was seen as something that could challenge the armies authority internationally and against the backdrop of the cold war. so cardinals, none, alignment to either the capitalist or socialist can became increasingly intolerable for west germany, the u. s. and their close allies. in fact, the indonesian president was the leader of another line movement in the re shaping
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the world without the control and conditional assistance of the rich countries. this, along with the support of the p, i increasing the pose a threat to the global north imperial, economic and political interest in the early 1960, as indonesia was considered even as far more important than vietnam in the cold war, v. reading till 9 am lunch plus gil strategic sierra vista is also didn't be reading from item lunt, mit on globalization borden sheets list source on our rights craft da slant, one sign of happened. it happened rule sang st. that's the communist, the sharper type in audience that i came up in milan and meekly then on the market . in fact, as early as january, 965, a transcript from an official meeting in the west, german capital bon describes the importance of indonesia in the cold war as
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a barrier or stepping stone to communism. in australia, the document goes on to write that west. germany's national interest in maintaining their presence in indonesia requires sacrifices of a financial nature. indonesia is a crucial testings. around the time of the meeting, a 9 months before the genocide started west, germany remained silent when the indonesian army decided to send a message to the p, k i and carried out mass killings of plantation workers. so here i am, be reached at dodge and realty auto. she in jakarta, ash tripe, unbleached on wellness minister there, prepared to go. i'm often young, one or internet from one's agency on a brief, sharp, their poolgan. this for, i'm gonna walk and get out of my order. you, brian, roger, it bob paulson feel not communist the ship plan, project america, posley will prob,
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advisor, 1st name and last name, sir, palm be the communist and that all free. i am not garish hong. this high feel wound that their past skin on women and lessen the atom you but again, wouldn't be addict. the p k, i did not react to this provocation. neither did west germany. instead it continued its support for the military. following the end of world war 2 and the partition of germany tensions increased between the competed as west and socialist east of the country. the west was quickly to establish itself as the legitimate german government on the stage. and this became central to their agenda at home and abroad in 1955 as part of their anti communist strategy. west germany implemented the hash tine doctrine in an attempt to isolate east germany from the rest of the world. the doctrine prescribed the day, the federal republic would not establish or maintain diplomatic relations with any
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states. recognize the german democratic republic. bodies august no need and have eyes and the did the diesel legal gail booty to show lead able. mr. clinton mentioned relationship with daily and the ones who got but i didn't bought them for another power divided by the end of 1900. 65. the equivalent of a 150000000 euros was sent to indonesia by west germany in an effort to prevent the cardinal from recognizing the g d. r. at that time, the economy of the capitalist west was dire, and the federal minister of economics said that if age should be approved for political reasons, the cabinet would have to take responsibility for it. and buster vats wrote that if they continued to hope,
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they would also strengthen the circles that are sympathetic to them, such as the army. but this aid was conditional in december 1965. that's wrote that the opening of an invitation embassy in east germany would lead to the severance of diplomatic relations and the sensation of economic aids. over the months that followed, the current support for the indonesian communist party did not fade away. west germany decided to take a more aggressive approach in there's also an appeal fish route on to politics, documented and taken on how to use the document to come visit. that's the ball now to get him up from unfun polito. sh. really deerish of all good shabley, she didn't get not seen. it was winter stitched. just 5 days after the electrical jakarta, west, german embassy sent
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a message to bon reporting. that tensions between the army and communists had erupted violently. their port out that the crew was probably not directed by the communists. knowing this west germany agreed to export pistol grips to indonesia just 3 weeks later on the grounds that it would be unjustifiable if he refused this in direct 8 to the indonesian army which is currently using armed force against the communist party. foreign aid float hart is ru, while corks is floated and a delicious rivers i need can buy the land. able to like our little normally my, the real, my dad had a mini that little he lending yet that he them on run my app with them. i thought, man, yeah, yes i am i left with idea. he up here. hey everyone. my name is albert who am nearby in again,
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i did that. these are and i get up and get yeah. if you can very fine you later on. yeah. not that i had left it in 2014, when asked about the number of victims in indonesia known by the german federal government during the massacre. they responded having no precise information on the actual number of crimes committed in connection with the events in indonesia. but this was a lie. our investigation in the archives of germany's foreign office showed that the west german embassy in jakarta, had even listed the 10s of thousands of alleged communists killed across indonesia via hobby. i'm the reached for you, plus baths you sleep. mm hm. thoughts in that same one on and that one's agency written it was shift for loose, the immunization record on zide f over these in the others on done gps need
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sign the output time or sierra room. 2000 pool to my school. when is middle yarber room frocks, week poles in total homeowners or dish communist desk. yeah. about jack. alta initially is the wrong saint paul's in florida. right. all reagan's coolness won't be hope for the file. get this my whole invite to that. the report blogs, the number of losses from october 1st, the very same day. the massacre started. and when deaths are listed, the language used by german ambassador vats is telling how squatted meaning exterminated a specific term used by the nazis to describe their own crimes against humanity. the same month as the report was sent november 1965. that's revealed his knowledge of the armies intention, not only to reprimand the perpetrators of their leaded crew, but to crush and destroy the indonesian communist party through the naturalization
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of its leaders. a report on the rest of the peaky ice chairman and the head of the trade union also includes the news that the ice general secretary and i did was, according to army sources, captured by military, near soil central java on november 21st, and shot dead. the following day thought that would be diana, that by nearby guy, that will be a bad black fool. gloomy. yeah, but that war i'm a member among but believe daddy, daddy and i yeah. the other one, my mom had a buy into a project that there by now to block number i have to do, i can move the bus to me right now and being out on a project in the valleys, i had young to be eager to get to remind me of me out on the other
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leanne. well, i got i mean, i didn't even have that gentleman mum break. i'm not the one it do done, but probably thinking in buggy, indonesia, beside scholarly to get them in my head up budget believing that should be done. yeah. but not nissan. yeah. by law bought the, brought the indonesia, if you can do about a 5 dollar possible by natalie bought by now
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to time numbers by actually i could, i could i am going to be fine. blacky done monkey. the bubble in the de la bron bought millions that are not see devolve. we need the letter d. n. i double blending nuremberg going to back am not a do without that demon i'd gotten at the german unique arbitrators. it took our tyranny's yet don't normally my to be dead. we had, but about right. there's it man, then broke wasa into madonna. the for the soul of the heart is dictatorship. in 1998 memory of the massacre was silenced. forcing survivors to live in fear of speaking out. in fact, most of the perpetrators were and still are celebrated as heroes who continue to publicly voice. aunty communist hate speech at abbey now. but if you were
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key the capitalist speak, i e yet, and was going tam when they, we can fluffy from am to community into and now we've got a monkey need to get down. if you say i am not acting up on your cell, i'm almost done. don't hang up on me. and then when i come to mind that when you're on guard, when i, when i do most likely to me ah ah
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ah ah ah. 4 you can how much supplant the the now but how does that mean to be so if you get dirty they do me get that i can do that. but the lack of the money and if the done to come to villa but his son demona dissimilar, grew up orderly, mar a month to month. cammie younger than amberley. michael. good. did that 1000?
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yeah. up. ha. i got a call to burn cassandra tim. nobody picked it up monday shelby, but i nico it down, but out he was out moliere. would you was august the story with global old thought . money guns if that damaged well, can you put up up, up, up, up, young adara. did the money need? small gum be said the man d. had he been along? your mac was done to do me a lot, but i got a young kid up rosella and cumbia mossey he took at and those mano, papa yolanda teeth. but any, thomas moore sang at santa kaylon and some will go up up, up. oh god, did madison? yes all
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me well, jo middle, alex, she's just see nothing nobody but i just bought a leg with its real name is logical is last good enough courage. who else is going to reach it for the kids to be a number to get enough? feel okay. that makes it easier for me to do that season. now she did the work for really not young at the video yet. i just had to go to another bus and deal this wouldn't not have happened if natal vida didn't push this agenda, this war. but that doesn't mean that she also said it or what about
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a it's not a good piece. nothing will not get anyone up at the moment, but it's okay to film was oh, when i went shopping wrong when i just don't move any new world. yes. to see how they become the attitude and engagement. it was the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. ah, a mouse another. well you wow.
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div easy while find it. oh yeah. oh you said one slide. yes. south. yeah. rush south with a new dock. awesome. it's now which done for me at that i'll pull up right. it is. emma? yeah, pulls guy from she'll let me just kim's room. she thought, did you say a yes, my thought or jane in that again? do you watch any of my be a lot about this morning? esther search for the matches ah,
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a applied for this. our live on our international power has now been restored to around 2000 people in the russian region of belgrade, very closely ukrainian border after a substation was reported shelled by keith's forces with we're working proactively and within the opec plus framework. there president vladimir putin set cooperation between russia and the united arab emirates, aims to create stability and global energy market. concepts in ukraine does not end in america's economic domination and a weakening of the process finance manager wants to you. i.
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