tv News RT October 12, 2022 2:00am-2:31am EDT
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so i did, i grabbed the with b p, a distribution with a thought, a lot of flyers. i revise the returns in russia likes both central ukraine on wednesday coming those days off from form attack on the climate. enbridge african countries brought on the energy for us and it has to complete this project . this white pressure by the whole, the development to conflict in ukraine must not end in the american economic domination and a weakening of the you. the french as a, was
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a gas stove and asian, pointing out but important liquefied natural gas from the us cost 4 times more than on americans. domestic market a is calling for his cultural artifacts to be brought back home. as 9090 percent of them are estimated to be stored in the west. we hear from local demanding the return. this study i asked if we could not for them. it's a, it's belongs to bin to bombs, cost us with hello. i know a. 1 live from good. it's just part of the yeah. i'm not a mom. you know, take a look at the latest headlights. is this our russians 30 service say that the crimea bridge attack was organized by the head of the 20 minutes. you security
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services. 12 people have been identified, identified as collaborators in the terror attack, and 8 of them have been detained among those arrested of citizens of russia, ukraine, and armenia. now let's go live across c, r, c e goes down. now, joining us from the public, eager to see what can tell us about the latest revelations, why this russian security services well, absolutely. they have indeed reveal that apparently they know they know the identities of everyone responsible for the bombing of the crimea bridge, which happened just last week and was basically the cause of a major shift in how rush of use it. so web, it's ways of well defeating ukraine. so basically, according to russia's federal security service, it knows or who is responsible. apparently the key mastermind is the head of ukraine's intelligence central intelligence command. and they've singled out him as
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the main mastermind, but he wasn't working and operating alone. he did get help from the us citizens over russia, from citizens of ukraine, and from georgian and even armenian nationals. again, the russian federal security services. they have published the names, dates of birth, and while they were basically there on the hunt for those people, they have already arrested several people among them, 5 nationals of russia and 3 over armenia and ukraine. so this is what we owe so far. and of course our, this is not the last time we're hearing about this investigation because it is a very high profile case in russia because as i said, one, the crimea bridge was bombed. that was a massive slap in the face to not just the, to the russian government, but to all russian people. because the crimean bridge is not just some element of infrastructure. it's not just a bridge, it's highly symbolic,
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and it was meant to serve. and it is meant to serve as a, something, something of it began of a symbol as a message that crimea is parts of russia is physically tethered to the big gland and so on and so forth. now that the crimean bridge is stands operational right now at least partly, i mean the damage is still being, i mean the damage is still being fixed. so the part of a part of the automobile section, a few of the automobile sections, they collapsed into the river. about trains and the rail road connection though those are still intact and so that, that part of the bridge is fine. but so far right now, this is what we've learned from the russian federal security service. and well, we're hoping to see more as they have also revealed the route that it has that the bomb has basically traveled from, you know, departing from odessa, going to bulgaria than from bulgaria to georgia to. i mean, it was a very complex scheme. so again, they are on the man hunt, they buy, they have their wanted list in connection with this case. so we'll see how long it
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will take them to well capture everyone that they believe is responsible for the bombing. great, i eager thanks for bringing us up to speed say safe will speak to you soon. thanks . bye. now meanwhile, loss have been reported in the ukrainian city of nicolay, if as strike alarms are reportedly being heard across the central parts of the country, including the capital of keys as apparently a new wave of rushes ritathui strikes and kings ukrainian infrastructure is on the way i love those roles and verify footage of russia strikes on target in the city of nickel are spreading on social media overnight loss have also been reported and the cleaning controlled city was up rozier. the escalation of like started monday off a truck bomb attack on the crimea bridge this past saturday. the grain energy
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minister says nearly one 3rd of the countries energy infrastructure has been hit in the past 2 days. in attack against russia. so keys forces reported to reported he took aim at the city of harrison. as 5 ross were reported from ad defense interceptions and it was against republic. ukraine use the u. s. supply the high mas rocket system to attack a town, according to local officials. the ukraine repulsive the shell, the sub station in russia's border region of belgrade. the attack left around 2000 people with our electricity officer transformer, was hit all the all stores he's now saved, power has been restored. there have been no reports of any casualties. sort of thing as the west bribes russia, a slice on ukraine as terrorism. let's take a look back at how western media portrayed the native bombardment in the balkans in
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the 990 is calling them due to peace. joe biden was one of the most outspoken at the time for bringing the serbs to heal. i was suggesting we bomb belgrade. i was suggesting that we send american pilots in an blow up all the bridges on the drain. i was suggesting we take out his royal supplies. we will continue to impose costs on russia for its aggression hold prudent in russia accountable for its atrocities and war crimes. and provide the support necessary for ukraine forces to defend their country and their freedom to finding the freedom of albanians in kosovo was the explanation from the west. the natives bombing of yugoslavia. in 1999, the internationally sh did not have the approval of the un lawsuit for 70 days and left the country in ruins. nato forces decimated to serve in t v, sage,
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and claiming it to be a legitimate target and killing 16 journalists. 3 more were killed in the chinese embassy when it was directly struck by us. precision guided bombs. however, that didn't start washington from saying the facility was hit by accident. beijing accused nato of a gross violation of international law and killing a number of innocent civilians. earlier who he spoke with, alexander, how rich the serbian political or a serbian political as he says that when he comes to ukraine, the west do not want peace. we have proof. now russia try to reach back in late march, early april. and of course, what happened was that the western powers, mainly washington and london. i mean, boy johnson flute to key to tells the last key. if he doesn't, if he reaches peace,
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a peace agreement with russia and he's not going to get support of it. it's not going to be supported by london, a washington ever since then, there's been absolutely no sign that the west wants peace and as long as the west doesn't want peace, there won't be any peace because the last key will keep sending tens of thousands of young man to law totally says was that because the west wants to wage war on russia until the last ukrainian that's totally obvious is one of the most cynical war speak history. and russia just has to stop that in any way possible. that's the only way to stop was for why and other news i'm finding african connection. that's what the presidents of tons in, in kenya, looking to do a grain to construct a gas pipeline linking the 2 countries. the 600 kilometer pipeline is designed to boost trade low industrial energy costs. i'm keep prices down in the private sector
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for both countries. the schedule completion date is yet to be announced. tons in the am k, a not the only african nations looking to broaden the energy prospects. you get to complete an oil pipeline of its own in the phase of pressure from the you to hold it extraction and production efforts in the nation. all these caribou faqua as well this by its pressure by the european union parliament for all extractive activities to be halted over a pipeline. uganda is determined to see it completed. the you claims that the pipeline is a potential threat to the environment and threatens a fragile ecosystem. all the while european countries are scouring african countries for fossil fuel resources. uganda, it themes is determined to see through and it's looking eastwards for new friends
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who will help it re allies. the project and china stands ready to assist. we hope that these projects will continue without disruptions and be completed in time so that it would achieve the desired results for national economic and social development. for uganda is africa. cold oil pipeline is a political hot potato and has seen protest inside uganda by environmentalists and right groups who claim that it is a threat to the environment. and we'll see people displace the e u concurs with that argument and also claims that it could lead to land grabs by the ugandan government. uganda insists that the e u is wrong. the resolution is based on misinformation and deliberate misrepresentation of key facts on environment and human rights protection. it represents the highest level on neo colonialism and imperialism against the sovereignty of uganda and tanzania. a leaders are currently scouring for fossil
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fuels and that use more of them than any african country. and despite this, this hardly a word of condemnation from brussels. but the use as it is intent on stopping the financing of fossil fuel projects, even for poor countries like uganda, even though such a project could help the country fund it's transition from fossil fuel energy dependency. we think the bank should now go further and also exclude all coal and oil elated investments and further outline of policy and gradually phasing out gas power generation to only invest in gas. in exceptional circumstances. only a few weeks ago, the germans, herself, was on the continent in senegal, securing gas, and frances, the manual mclauren was also doing the same in algeria eddying salts to a gaping wound. is that developing masons are watching in real time. the western nations hypocrisy telling developing nations to turn their bags on fossil fuel
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while they go scouring for them. but despite this, uganda is determined to charge its own cost and soldier on with the completion of this pipeline project. this by the finger wagging from brussels, and as for most african countries, as they continue to look at the hypocrisy of the west, that is coming to the continent looking for fossil fuels, while telling them to turn their backs on them. i think of course, uganda and all the parties, the states butner states in this project i saw rinse, did have the right to do what they want to do. that government is rate and aches, stretching their oil because it develops that can cheat. let just sake nigeria versus double if the government compensates to people fairly, not leaving them homeless, an oil can help us grow as a country. india has lashed out that germany is for
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melissa. cooling her remark, soules, attachment turtle dispute a grave injustice. the victims of terror, this comes in response, arlena burbles cooled for the un to have a bigger say in the matter. the un security council and the financial action task force are still pursuing pakistan based terrorists involved in the horrific 2611 attacks. when states do not recognize such dangers, either because of self interest or indifference, they undermine the cause of peace, not promoted. they also do grave injustice to the victims of terrorism. last week, germany hosted focused on foreign minister and put those, i'm sorry, but for some reason the focus shifted to india in a joint press conference. the german foreign minister, great topic, push me an issue and said that it should be discussed in the un. yes, germany also has a role and responsibility with regard to the situation of kashmir. therefore,
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we support intensively the engagement of the united nation to find peaceful solutions in the regions in gas, blount, germany 1st on warranted wise on the self acquired drawer on the matter. what explains such stones from germany, exploits point out that this could have to do with the vision of neutrality on the russia, ukraine conflict, and a chill many of the west, and are using these pressure tactics against india. this. and also the recent us advisory to, with citizens to practice increased caution when traveling to india, you to crime and terrorism. the timing of all these developments now be questioned by foreign policy experts. this why wasn't those of us to push india to pick aside and condemn raso over the conflict and ukraine need only continue to maintain a neutral position as a comic alliance with moscow. we spoke to
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a strategic analyst, k, p. 9 says is not possible to drive a wage between india. i'm russia their real object is to get india do more away from its position of neutrality and go along with the neat dole and in the us and european position. you're not, the end result of it, of course is to drive out ridge between india and russia. but you're not rationally . the americans, for example, know that they, they cannot creative edge between india and russia. india is an independent country. india has its own positions. india is very proud of its strategic oper on me. india is non aligned again,
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doesn't align with the military forces. so in this position now on neutrality, on the air, ukraine, russia conflict is, is, is in line with, it's a historic traditional policy of ne, not siding with military conflicts, not siding with that. anything to do with or you so on stu resorted, force. one has, has broken i dreamed, protested the capital of the caribbean nation of haiti with one person, repulsively shot by police, and several injured a warning. you may find the falling footage disturbing. ah, [000:00:00;00]
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booth, lindsey luckily said that who has continued to escalate in haiti as the government calls for foreign military intervention to quell gang violet. us with thousands of protesters took to the streets to force the government to reverse its decision. on monday, the national police were accused of killing the protest her for years the socio economic and political crisis in haiti has been growing in recent months. activities have been paralyzed in the capital and other major cities of the country due to a lack of security and fuel shortages. the council of ministers authorized the head of the government to request and put an end to the criminal actions of armed gangs across the country. the decision increased the anger of the demonstrators who were already demanding the resignation of the prime minister, un secretary general. antonio gutierrez echoed the government's call on monday for the immediate deployment of
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a special international forced to haiti. but the un will decide whether to send troops to haiti on the 21st of october, had a special council meeting scheduled for that date. and it is processed, robbed of the un, safely generous funded to a request from the government for a peacekeeping mission to be deployed in the country demonstrates as demanded that the government resign claiming it has no legitimacy to offer international intervention. the editor of hate, his la bid tag, kim eyes told us why locals are hostile to the usa intervention in the country. us has been using the united nations as a proxy force since the korean war, shortly after the new end was formed. but it really came to full fruition with the 2 interventions that the u. s. made into haiti in 1991 in
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2004. where with us, assisted by canadian and french troops that went into haiti and then passed it off to the u. n for 2 reasons, because they liked the look of an international force, but to pakistan is enjoy damian's and other 3rd world people that mostly populate those forces, work for half the cost of a us soldier. so it was also a cost savings for the maintenance of their empire. the energy fly says, continues to be volatile, as youtube's natural gas prices fell to a stream of low on tuesday. just our office liking by 20 percent. this comes as a blog has been increasing, is dependent on overseas shipments of liquefied natural gas from america. but as far as has pointed out,
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the long haul ends up costing dramatically more than invoice from there by russia. difficulties in the conflict in ukraine must not end in american economic domination and a weakening of the e. u. we cannot accept that. our american partner sells its ellen g for 4 times the price at which it sells it to its manufacturer. simple. it's apparently a time of reckoning across the eel, as there might be left out in the cold by the very same people who promised that everything would be okay. the americans, friends, finance minister bruna le mare is just the latest european politician to point out the brutal fact that washington is getting reach of europe's misery. this has been especially evident in germany, which has taken the brunt of the energy crisis in the last week, along to top officials in burly and have lashed out at american allen. j companies . some countries including friendly ones, sometimes achieve astronomical prices for their guess. of course that brings were the problems that we have to talk about the use contacted us when oil prices shot
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up and the national oil reserves in europe were tapped as a result. i think such solidarity would also be good for curbing gas prices. the numbers measured accusations, let's just take one company of houston based, she near energy, which made almost 750000000 in the 2nd quarter of this year. that's more than double the same period last year, blast and estimated shipping price. boy single cargo of u. s. l n g. so europe is about $1000000.00 a day. talk about decide to some after all the u. s. secretary of state anthony blank and has promised that the blowing up of the north stream pipelines would be a tremendous opportunity for europe to break free from russia. but it increasingly looks like blink and could actually mean a tremendous opportunity for american energy companies. conversely, the e u foreign policy chief joseph brow admitted this week that europe's prosperity has been largely made possible by cheap russian energy. our prosperity has been
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based on cheap energy come you from russia. on the other hand, we delegated our security to the you wish. we have to take a bigger bar full of our responsibility on shooting security. use us. they scare a lot of security. you china, russia provide the basis of all prosperity did is a will. that is no longer there. is it an admission that without russian gas europe's prosperity might be at risk? burrell also criticized the u. s. federal reserve for leading a global policy that's caused interest rates to spike all over the world. everybody has to follow because otherwise their currency will be devalued. everybody is running to increase interest rates. this will bring us to a world recession. so again, just as the u. s. had led the charge urging europe to impose crippling sanctions that would bear lap act, washington in the financial well to the u. s. leads the blind, the,
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you in the u. k. in say a recession because they have no other options. the occurrences would collapse, as the landscape becomes increasingly worse. and for the europeans, they're taken to the streets to voice their concerns. that's as the energy bill since the sama have clearly shown what direction this has all been going in. but their political elliott's weren't paying attention focused on loan, bringing russia to its knees, whatever the cost. and now it seems that brussels can finally see the riding on the wall. europe has sat itself on the distracted political beth and the ally that promise to help it along the way is only benefiting from that. we spoke with e commerce and the political commentator. i callo who serves the old, certainly a game being played here. the us is doing everything to keep europe dependent on them, to make the old game that the bricks have done before to keep this harmony on the
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continent to ruin outside and to ruin from the outside. but if you hear now, mr. burrell and mr. on the line she was on the table are discussing and planning the controlled demolition of the year. be especially the german economy on the double pay with the double as ali gars. and now coming along and saying, all we have to wear to change, this is a super crappy. he is one of the main courses. she went public and said, we want the destruction, we want the great reset, we want the green, your view, we don't want fossil fuel and so on and so on. so this is just triple credit, but i think they now see that this is ending at the catastrophe, and it's just costing that personal see why they now that he's now nigeria is corrion, wood's cultural artifacts to be returned. the ledges appeal comes from the nigerian information and cultural minister,
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often western museums to give back the countries historical ben ambrose statues. these are not just objects of beauty which have aesthetics. these are artifacts that speak to who we are and that speak to our history. it is not if but when they will eventually have to return these because the campaign is gaining strength by the day. and when they look at what other museums are doing, they will be compelled to return them. the verses sailing follows the nigerian presence criticism of the delay in returning african artifacts. the bronze statues were stolen over a century ago when british ships looted the been in kingdom. what is now south east and nigeria just days ago, the u. s. for sam, $31.00 been in bronze is back to the country, even with that, it is estimated that 90 percent of african heritage is believed to be so stored in
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the west. we heard from some locals who shared their thought from bringing more of the objects back this toward the artifact, which is not for their would need our article because this is erica said grid something to, to was not a little divinity. but that the people of the country idea, it's all right, outage and it belongs to we the been on the bones casters. so i'm appealing to the western war to help us win back what belongs to laws because it is all played and will need what belong stores back there is still a walk to be returned to be returned to source because is our is our right, is our cultural heritage, we are acts in defer our go beds. i did tell us in our community to please kindly
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return these artifacts to where it belongs to. where the been is. we will be proud unhappy to see those artifacts brought back to it belongs to ah, a for just joining us now. a quick recap on the latest breaking russian security service, say that the crimea bridge attack was organized by the head of the training military security services. 12 people have been identified as collaborators in this terror attack, an 8 of them, i've been arrested among those apprehended all citizens of russia, ukraine, and our menia. the exposes, were hidden in a truck carrying plastic wrap and made the way to russia, traveling from ukraine through bulgaria, georgia, and armenia. well, la, rob, so this is our, it was good to have you with us. i'm rather mommy,
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and we'll be back with the latest headlines on the al ah, i look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except where such order that conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence at the point, obviously is too great trust rather than fear a job with artificial intelligence. real, somebody with a robot most protective phone existence with
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oh, when i was wrong, when i just don't move to see how this thing becomes the advocate an engagement, it was the trail when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look so common ground. ah, and i had to business with them boss from you. i finished the grad missy ward with key at the ocean cruise. keep a proposal from the dealer mitochondria with us for go good. are you guys just
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