tv News RT October 12, 2022 8:00am-8:31am EDT
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thing i twist said that world energy security depends on partnership that's to me in hub of russian energy week, which just kicked off to day. i mentioned the russian leader at one thing that was said, western politicians are effectively destroying the global energy market. that was one of the main messages from the russian leader in a speech of russian energy week had been held in moscow. here choose western governments of being guided only by their own ambitions. let's take a listen to the economy of the global economy and the energy industry is undergoing serious crisis that has to do with the prices of energy, the undermining of the balance between supply and demand. and with some of the actions by western partners guided only by their own goals and ambitions that they undermine and destroy the infrastructure of that competitors. i'm talking of course
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about the attack on the stream $1.00 and $1.00 stream to pipelines. these were undoubtedly acts of international terrorism, undermining the energy security of the entire continent. they block the sources on cheap energy to europe before other countries to buy those energy resources at higher prices and huge new yeah, the damage done. busy to know what streaming key parts of the russian leaders speech for they are russian energy, weekends, you can see joining me on the screen ilia, a trunk, or a correspondent who's covering the event for us in the aquatic come bob of speech by the russian leader, a lot of messages for europe, but also domestically as well. take us through some of the main use lines from it unit. hi again. well, not only president salon him or who did call the nor stream pipeline distraught
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disruptions inactive international terrorism. he also hinted at the possible culprits one of our approved and said that the nations responsible for the attacks on the north stream pipelines are actually those that want to fully cut ties between the european union and russia. and in fact, he did eventually call the names poland, ukraine, and the wes watermark and added on quote, like they say in the west, highly likely everything is clear. mr. poop went on to say that the north stream pipelines can actually be restored. but according to the russian leader, that will only happen and the russians will start this work if the pipelines end up being launched, and if their security is guaranteed otherwise. according to mister poking,
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there's no point in touching the pipelines, the russian president also quoted, a famous american nobel prize winner, saying that introducing a price cap on the exports of russian oil will indefinitely lead to higher prices and deficit on the market. among other things, the watermark pu refuted, claims that russia was trying to make life worse for europeans by using energy as a political tool. and also reminded that once moscow already came to the rescue of europeans, can we? it looks that we have seen the push on american tank as loaded with liquefied natural gas. rosanna justice will change course and move from their destination to some other destination because they were expected to be paid more. these deliveries are not truly reliable with who was it that actually through maids or gas deliver
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is reliable to europe. it was russia, spots all weston count, abad. suppose would have liked to remember that, in fact, they say that we don't want to supply them with gas, but absurd wrong we are actually, di did borrow contractual obligations that we would like to supply europe with all its energy needs. a president vladimir putin double down on his assessment that russia's not responsible for the global energy prices. he keeps saying that it's due to the mistake of european policy makers in the energy field. and the russian president also went on to say that these mistakes by western politicians are taking their toll on the developing countries as well. we do, but europe will. and the way it's, it's managed right now with leads to massive losses. the contract across europe,
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which could be avoided if long term contract. right? now we're using charlotte. this is where you go a suppliers and all this, both of them are income energy resources, then we're, we're the ones responsible for that. no. telling us that was a better these are these type of trade. this model of trade was imposed on us. they did that find out liquidity and they're responsible. and how are we to blame them? philippine country, especially developing countries, will have to pay higher prices, but i'll just search for food. but for energy as well, you're in the ordinary europeans are suffering their energy bills because you didn't have her grown by of the 3 or even more times. we did you did your opinions on the collecting woods to provide sheets for themselves during the winter. sure. yet there is and again, this has to do with
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a faulty policies in the energy sector operated. yes, a decades for you. when you go with the russian energy we continued stay with our t for more updates. i'll definitely bring them to you as they come in. earlier at shanker, taken us through the main aspects there of president putin's speech to they asked russian energy wake. thank celia. oh, okay, 6 minutes past 3 pm here in moscow. let's move on to add more over at big news stories today, particularly this one ukrainian military intelligence organized that crimean bridge bombing bout is, according to russia's federal security service. the f s b says 8 people have not been arrested in connection with the attack. the agency also states that explosives were hidden in a at truck carrying rules of plastic sheeting used for building. the explosive
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device was camouflaged inside rows of polyethylene, construction sheeting material on $22.00, pallets with a total weight of 22770 kilograms. and in early august this year was sent from the seaport of odessa to the bulgarian city of ruth. while the main point was that this terrorist attack was orchestrated by ukraine spy, chief kitty, a boot don off with the help of a russian ukrainian and armenian citizens. as we heard, 8 of them have been detained so far were still on the lookout for the remain in for now. ukraine's intelligence services over saw the entire transportation and they over saw the ball transportation. let's have a look at the map they took, were now seen pictures of those, the pains, but let's switch it up and look at the roots. that the truck folks. so there we have it. it started off in the seaport, odessa, then it moved into bulgaria and they so country. and then it moved on to georgia,
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armenia through some russian regions. and then it made its way onto the crime me in bridge. now as with as a result of that for people lost their lives ukrainians, and ukrainian officials work static about that. when you trade in citizens. taken selfies next to banner of the bridge. that was collapse and we saw specials. the pretty much straight forward saying that what a great achievement this is and what a great blow the says for vladimir putin. even though they were saying all of this, at some point, they even accused russia of blowing up its own bridge, which made no sense whatsoever. but of course, this would go along with the, with a western narrative. we also saw, of course, how the officials, they didn't take official responsibility for this terrorist attack, but there were so happy about it that not it were there were alluding to the fact that this is a great achievement for them. and even this morning, as early as the morning, once again,
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they reminded us that this is very helpful for them. and this is something that was on their agenda for a very long time. let's take a listen. no, the ceo there was plus wish destroyed half of howard. and so who was responsible for that? it's very helpful for cream. we didn't tell from the very beginning that this bridge will be a will try to, to destroy as soon as will be able to do so. so we'll keep hearing it from them, how helpful that would be for them, and that they've been planning this all along. yet somehow, even though it makes absolutely no sense for any reason that it was rush or the blow up its own bridge. now again, we heard today from the press service of the cranes, the military intelligence, and they're released at suite where they're saying that well, the s s b and russians investigative committee. we all know that there are fake structures and that to their findings are absolute nonsense. so this plays along and so their theory that they have nothing to do with it and that it's probably
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russia who did it itself. and the reason why there is so confidence in dismissing these structures and dismissing the findings. it's because they are getting support from western countries from european countries who are not only not condemning this terrorist attack, but there are also encourage and that they're supporting it. they're applauding this attack. some of them are even calling for more such attacks on russian soil. the events of the last days have once again demonstrated the blade and double standards of the collective west. the litmus test was the terrorist act committed by the ukrainian special services on the crimean bridge. a cynical attack on an object of critical civilian infrastructure. in fact, the missions of germany, latvia and lithuania to the o. s p, justify the terrorist attack on the crimean bridge. so i guess this is why ukrainian officials feel so confident and dismissing the findings and the courage and more tax on the russian soil. but today,
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what we know is that 8 out of the 12 suspects involved in this terrorist attack on the crimean bridge have been detained. they're looking for the 4 remaining ones, and these are the findings. and this is the latest on the terrorist attack and the climate enbridge. marina cost serv, speaking to me earlier, additionally, to russia's federal security services, said it's prevented another quote. terror attacked by ukrainian special forces authorities of upper hand, the man allegedly preparing to bomb a transport terminal in russia's western, brianna screech enough near the borders of ukraine. and fell a ruse. the explosive device was found on the suspect, arrested on another attack planned by key of the f. s. b. a ledger was prevented in the moscow region. a man has been detained, a possession of 2 shoulder mounted anti or miss sales. they're less cross live now to chris, still neil or 3rd journalist and founder of the news and analysis website. don bos
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inside are always good to have you in the program. so russia some years, federal security service, se ukrainian military intelligence orchestrated the premier bridge bombing. but kiev refuses essentially to accept the charges. what's your view on the reluctance? ah, i mean, we have seen the de rejoiced. so, oh, beautifully on the social networks on the internet. so now they've tried to pretend that it's not. we need not be beat ok, but it's unbelievable. i mean ukraine as a huge history of a terrorist attack against the dpr in the l. p. r against russia. i mean, now they try to pretend that they are not, that are estate. i think that's why now they are reluctant to need if they are guilty about what's up and in terms of the details,
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if i can just get your view and not as well the f s species 8 people have been arrested in connection with the attack including citizens of bulgaria, armenia and georgia to you, what this indicate. oh, it means clearly that ukraine received help from several countries, including some need to pantries, to make the terror terror attack. i mean, it's clear that ukraine did manage to do that on their own. i mean, we have seen that already in the past when b s. s, the navy federal crossing our head of the d. p r. it was august. the receive child from the western countries in the western specials services, services and crystal just to follow on from what you said earlier this morning, ukraine's and buster to the u. k said the crimean bridge bombing was very helpful
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for the ukraine war effort. seeing his country would try to completely destroy the bridge as soon as it can on the headline after headline in the west does not try and put those jigsaw pieces together. we have the rhetoric continuing as well by ukraine saying in all but admitting it that they did it. but it's logical. i mean, it would be hard after for the western countries to admit publicly that this to for the finance and that they provide weapons, intelligence information and so on to a chair or a country. so this is the same with the new and i think in ukraine, the hard need to know the carpet for western people not to understand which kind of country is you frame which kind of country their own country used to 14. we should point out, as well as not only officials, but also regular ukrainian citizens expressing i think the word is happiness of the
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bridge and happiness we have seen in give these people approving for sophie in front of these beings posters with the crimea and reach burning i mean, it's absolutely disgusting. it's absolutely discussing. and we can see now that the, the 8 years of propaganda in ukraine of completely made up the brain in the mind of ukraine in ordinary people. and that's happening as several people lost their lives in the explosion as well. we should point out something that the way it was heralded celebrated. do you think that gives paul as chris l 1st thought to their western backers, when, when people see something like that, people are, are dying and yes they're, they're happy. of course, i mean, a lot of people in the west are disgusted by, by me to say, how can you rejoice when innocent people died?
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i mean, you didn't give soul years, you killed the innocent civilians. so there i've seen on the social network, some people who, even if this reported ukraine now said, well, what is that? what are you doing? i mean, it's really shocking for people in the west to see some people rejoicing overture or attack. i suppose some people looking at this maybe not knowing the, the complete background trust that why, why is the west supporting such actions then in ukraine? i know it's a multifaceted question, but just to them, why is that happening? why are they saying yes, we have your back, no matter what. there are baking or is sincere like big becky terrorists in ukraine. becky, people who are doing were fighting against would be considered as their enemy. yes, interior. it was the last thought in ukraine to russia. so as far as these people
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are fighting against russia are few feeding into the, the gold. so from from the west, then they are supporting you and he's now supporting terrorist. they are supporting everything. chris, i was just before we go, your end done yet. we know that there was perhaps talk of some retaliatory action to russia's retaliatory strike. so on ukraine is there, is there anxiousness there where you are? was the fish situation like in the near oh goodness q cylinder showing. unfortunately, yesterday evening the ukraine in army, even shell, the done yes with the rather i mean i don't want, i don't know what they want to achieve, but the or air defense shot me sign any fill in the news. fortunately without doing any victim. among the median, but we see that the shilling here is continuing less and less against the center or
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the eastern thought. so yet the dealer today there was shinning in my teeth. and one thing when, when person, when civilian was injured, so unfortunately, keep continuing. ok, well to stay safe and thank you for your time and coming on the program and sharing your views with us, crystal, neil or 3rd journalist and funder of the news and analysis website. don, bus insider, you're welcome. thanks spring. we're the new global energy. we're about how serbia's energy minister reacted after a leak was detected on another russian oil pipeline to europe. what's happening with the jewish, my oil pipeline looks like a continuation of what happened to the node stream gas pipeline. at 1st we thought that the issue was maintenance. it was said there was a breakdown. then it turned out it was stop a taj. starting to be a theme here with oil and gas pipelines. on tuesday, a poland detected a leak and one of the branches in the drews,
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by line not pump soil from russia to europe. the branch in question needs to germany through polish territory. the damage section has been turned off, while all other lines remain in operation. the cause of the incident up this stage is unclear in history to bring you to they expanding african connections, mounts want the presidents of tons in the can. you have agreed to do after a contract was signed off on constructing a major gas pipeline linking the 2 countries. it's a big one. the 600 kilometer long project is designed to boost at trade, lower industrial energy costs, and keep prices down in the private sector for both nations. the schedule completion date is yet to be a good. while tonton in kenya are not the only african state seeking to broaden their energy prospects at uganda is also set to complete
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an oil pipeline of its own. now it's in the face of pressure from the e. u for the nation to hold its extraction and production efforts. ortiz total. the tattler can tell us more, despite pressure by the european union parliament for all extractive activities to be halted over a pipeline. uganda is determined to see it completed. the you claims that the pipeline is a potential threat to the environment and threatens a fridge al equals system all the while european countries are scouring african countries for fossil fuel resources. uganda, it themes is determined to see a through and it's looking eastwards for new friends who will help it re allies. the project and china stands ready to assist. we hope that these projects will continue without disruptions and be completed in time so that it would achieve the desired results for national economic and social development for you. kanda, the east africa, cold oil pipeline is
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a political hot potato and has seen protest inside uganda by environmentalists and right groups. who claim that it is a threat to the environment and will see people displace the e. u concurs with that argument and also claims that it could lead to land grabs by the ugandan government. uganda insists that the e u is wrong. the resolution is based on misinformation and deliberate misrepresentation of key facts on environment and human rights protection. it represents the highest level on neo colonialism and imperialism against the sovereignty of uganda and tanzania. a leaders are currently scouring for fossil fuels, and they use more of them than any african country. and despite this, this hardly a word of condemnation from brussels, but the use as it is intent on stopping the financing of fossil fuel projects, even for poor countries like uganda, even though such
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a project could help the country fund it's transition from fossil fuel energy dependency we think the bank should now go further and also exclude all coal and oil lated investments and further outline of policy and gradually phasing out gas power generation to only invest in gas. in exceptional circumstances. only a few weeks ago, the german chancellor was on the continent in senegal, secure in guest, and frances. the manual micron was also doing the same in algeria eddying salts to a gaping wound is that developing nations are watching in real time. the western nations hypocrisy telling developing nations to turn the air bags on fossil fuel while they go scouring for them. but despite this, uganda is determined to charge its own cause and soldier on with the completion of this pipeline project. this by the finger wagging from brussels, and as for most african countries, as they continue to look at the hypocrisy of the west,
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that he's coming to the continent looking for fossil fuels, while telling them to turn their backs on them. i think of course, uganda and all the parties, the states butner steps in this project i saw rinsed, it's have the right to do what they want to do. that government is rate and extracting the oil because it develops that can't cheat, let just sake nigeria versus a dog if the government compensates to people fairly, not leaving them homeless, an oil can help us grow as a country. well, that's where myself in the newsroom sign off for knowledge. rory's here off the top though, with all your latest developments, do join him, then stay close for more programs going and going in moments as well. life from moscow. this is our team terms. mm hm. ah
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ah ah ah no one no, sir, no, not a joke. no, no. what go more strict than what they should end up unit 73. 1 was a unique organization in the history of the world. what they were trying to do was to simply do nothing short and build the most powerful and most deadly biological weapons program that the world had ever known. and we'll go to production again. sure,
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sure. did that enough fuel to when you suddenly we're going to push you keep on more more general manager thought this meant again the more not up on there and i got the sale. i got your name. i got one underscore, i wish to know about doing whole new i know you didn't or got one more or less than a jail it's. i had to put a couch. nice. oh boy. good to go on. what the on this the wow, she my, and new on it. i'm all, i can send more on all said mom, good student. i don't the year you're not allowed to think about
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why not some as well. why do you easy while friends ah, yeah. yes, that one slide. yes. south. yeah. thrashing us out with a new dock. awesome. by it's now watch. done for me that i'll pull up by people. not. is emily of full of good. from sure. let me just kim's room thoughts. did you say the word ella? a yes my thought or jan in the it again, your fortune pretty up my be a lot about this more in search, financial
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aid. i was wrong when i just don't hold any rules yet to see how this thing becomes the advocate an engagement. it was betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we used to look for common ground. ah, in 2014 tea village, the so called counter terrorist operation against ukraine. se in the regions that
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a washing has all that money in solution. yes. rather, more here shortly. didn't bring them right. so i'm not sure who i need to know in your, in your 3rd chain california with when you did up a little guy, will you what are your good it? but given that he's been machine you on today of i know the know you'd say a nurse. well yeah, no much. and i should still just buddy, i hope it's it to me at the corner of visual football. oh,
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a on march. the 14th 2022, the ukrainian army struck residential buildings internet with a torch go missile. defense system shot the missile down. however, one war head exploded in busy streets in the center of the next republics capital killing more than 20 civilians. to go outside to nibble when you're in the us call, but i do not go like what about glass ballpark of doing a search. it with ukranian in european press immediately tried to blame the russian army for the
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