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tv   News  RT  October 13, 2022 12:00pm-12:23pm EDT

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useful, of course, you don't know who's the guy? no, for the don't know as i should just do, given me that you're going to go to the east opinion. finance is come on. the high rise apartment building and a western russian city of belgrade is damaged in a rocket attack, purportedly by ukrainian forces firing across the border. asia plays a key role in building a multi holo world that was part of it may prudence address to other heads of state and a major regional summit, ongoing and context on saudi arabia. it reveals that received the request to abide in ministration to delay an oil production cut by a month coinciding with the crucial mid fun elections in november.
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the good evening from moscow, just off at 7 pm here and amid our top stores today in the program, we have some real heavy hit to when it comes to the world of geo politics and energy. but for now, here on out you international and artillery attack has taken place on the western russian city of belgrade is located very close to the ukrainian border. the mayor that says a high rise apartment building and the city center has been damaged by shrapnel of an incoming rocket. ah, in belgrade repeatedly came on as of terrorism, should not hide behind the fight against terrorism and hide behind financial mechanisms. such countries cannot be reliable partners in the new emerging world order. yet all of the new asia in today's world requires cooperation to build new models that can fight well against economic and security challenges. while i'm
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reporting actually staying here in ashton, i till friday when he's going to attend the mission of the leaders of c, i as commonwealth of independence page. and we already heard from prowling that heard the discussion. the meeting will be focusing on our investment and trade partnership and made weston a sanctions. technically ukraine, east part of c i as but he never assigned the organizations charged back in 1990. so it has never become a member. so the meeting will be without ukraine, but tell lot about it will keep you updated and how it's going here on the ground. so russian energy week is in full swing with the international form and moscow addressing some of the biggest issues impacting global markets, particularly global energy markets. russia's deputy prime minister told delegates if western countries tried to implement a price cut on oil supplies. russia might simply just stop delivering the oil. they
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can actually take any price, but it should be decided by the market. so proceeding from the supply and demand balance, we said that we're not going to supply all we're, i'm not sure the countries that are using that price gap or me time a hungary is foreign minister peter seattle has emphasized that the u. member state wants to continue its cooperation with russia despite western sanctions. he says our russian fuel supplies have been on vibrant over vital importance for his country's energy. for quite some time. we made it very clear that we would not agree with any sanctions which would endanger the safety of energy supply of our country for us. maintaining the security of energy supply in hungary is an obligation of the government is a national interest and the or know that if we exclude russian energy
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sources from our energy mix, then he becomes physically excluded to ensure the safe supply of our country. hunger is our top. diplomat also said he was shocked by the damage done to the north stream pipeline system, which had been a crucial supply route for russian gas applies to the e. u minister c. otto went on to say that turkey as a gas transport provider is now the last opportunity of budapest to ensure its own energy security. and also noted his country's continued dependence on russian oil supplies. because ah, now the risks all the you over america and nato being drawn into the rush of your crank conflict are very high right now. that is, according to john kirby, the u. s. national security council coordinator of strategic communications is our comments comments us media report that washington officials are responsible for pushing key if out of the negotiation process with moscow. privately us officials
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say neither russia nor ukraine is capable of winning the war outright, but they have ruled out the idea of pushing or even nudging ukraine to the negotiating table. they say they do not know what the end of the war looks like or how it might end, or when insisting that is up to keith. washington has been one of the major supporters of key ever since the conflict ruptured are both financially and militarily. just last week, the u. s. defense department announced the additional 18 crane estimates at a more than $600000000.00 package, including additional arms, munitions, and equipment, amazon. and meanwhile, the former u. s. army vice chief of staff that said, monetary support for key f is a worthy investment. we've invested and i mean, invested $66000000.00 in ukraine this year. and that's like 1 point, one percent. and what are we getting for that investment? so for $66000000000.00,
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what we're getting is ukraine is doing the fighting. they are literally destroying the russian army on the battlefield. which would set them back for years and deny them the ability to ever accomplish on the potent, any of his ambitions. in terms of taking back some of the soviet republics. well, according to the former republican virginia, senator richard black, he believes that ne, so in the u. s. are actually using ukraine and ukrainian troops as proxy forces against russia. unfortunately, the united states is very deeply involved in the war we, initially at the outset, we removed the members of the central intelligence agency and the special forces who were there. we didn't take all of the c, i people out, but we took most of the special forces personnel. there's no doubt there in
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nato. is, is using your crane ukrainian troops as proxy forces in a, in a war against russia. this is, this is more than a war against, against russian troops who are inside of ukrainian territory. it is, i think, i think it goes beyond that. and many of us are becoming very worried about it. saudi arabia has released a statement, claiming the bio ministration asked to react to insure a one month delay to an opec plus decision on a cut to oil production. the timing of the request exactly matching that of midterm elections in america. on the 8th of november, a re add as also explained why it rejected the call government of the kingdom
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clarify, or it's continuous consultation with the u. s. administration. that all economic analyses indicate that postponing the opec plus decision for a month, according to what has been suggested, would have had negative economic consequences. this is a pretty big revelation. they're letting a pretty big cat out of the bag that it seems that the priority of us leaders, when it came to asking opec to move ahead with their decision that they asked to delay it for one month because they were concerned about us election results. that are clear, it appears the november a mid term elections that are set to take place here in the united states with a new congress will be elected members out of representative numbers. the u. s. senate will be elected or reelected. and that seems to be what the issue was now, the democrats are furious with saudi arabia. there's that all this talk of calling the 70 year relationship between the usa and saudi arabia and the question years some of what democratic party leaders has said in light of the saudi is refusing to
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play ball with the united states are going to be some consequences for what they've done with russia suspend all arm sales, is that something you'd consider? i'm not going to get into what i'd consider what i'm have in mind, but there will be, there will be consequences. i do see it as a deliberately hostile act and what, why would we have troops defending a country that behaves this way towards us? for years, we have looked the other way as saudi arabia has shopped up, journalists has engaged in massive political repression. for one reason, we wanted to know that when the chips were down, when there was a global crisis, that the saudis would choose us instead of russia. well, they didn't say continues to supply value radio with weapons. there's the ongoing war in yemen. and there's some democrats that now feel like they want to, they want to cut off the supply of weapons. they want all us troops that are in strategic areas, supporting saudi arabia to be removed and is the no pac bill. this is
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a law that would enable people and entities in the united states to file lawsuits and take countries to court for violating and manipulating the oil prices. a negative effect in the united states is quite dramatic. now the saudi foreign minister expect this will all blow over after the big elections are over. unfortunately, when you are in the election season, what some people called the funny season, a lot of things i said, a lot of things are done that may be, may not make sense at another period of time. and i hope that this is what we're dealing with here. it appears that the democratic party leadership was concerned about how the gas prices may affect the election. and they wanted the saudis to put off their decision to cut oil production until after the elections because of how it would affect the gas prices. they don't seem to be concerned about the fact that americans are paying $3.00 to $6.00 per gallon of gas that families are being squeezed. they're not concerned about european allies of the united states
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breathing in the winter. they're concerned that all of these economic consequences that they could affect the election result. they could change how people go ahead, devote a real amount as soon as it is revealed on the part of us leaders. they essentially wanted saudi arabia to play ball with them. and make decisions that would have political benefit for them in the short term when it came to how americans vote on november 8th. so apparently the american government has my it and corruption, the new has to be rooted out. that's the call of a us senator who wants republicans to rail against illegal enrichment within state bodies and to bring in a stop trading ban. turn to d j. let's turn to the f b i. well, let's have a top to bottom review of what's going on at these increasingly corrupt agencies. it is time to give this government back to the american people. republicans need to get serious about routing out this corruption. it has got to be priority number one,
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by the way, congress can start with itself. you want to talk about not doing self dealing. how about congress passed an actual stock trading ban? now the call to an actor trading bond has gained momentum in the us offer a wall street journal investigation to reveal that thousands of american politicians have traded stocks affected by decisions their agencies have made. that amounts to one in 5 high writing officials across 50 federal agencies, pentagon officials were reported to have own stocks and aerospace, aerospace, and defense companies. some even how stock and chinese companies that washington was even considering blacklisting. let's learn more crossing life, a geopolitical and market unless of course publisher of the gold goats and guns needs that a tumbler longo, a very good afternoon for you. so good evening for all of us here in moscow. first of all, impressive investigation questioning the vast majority of top officials work. do you believe in such accusations? tom?
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sure. i, the libertarian, i believe they're all politicians matter if they're american, or european, or frankly, russian or anybody else it's, they're all someone's on the take somewhere because there's always an opportunity because their position and gives them an opportunity. so without us for the ban or a strike block on their ability to trade to portfolios, really while they're in office and with their funds being put in escrow, which they demand. and donald trump, when the president, we all remember we should expect this behavior and i'm not surprised at all. are you surprised about the scale? although the scale of the article saying more than 2600 officials from both sides of the coin? of course, that's not, i'm not surprised by any of i'm not surprised by any depth of their depravity in their and their corruption malfeasance. that's like my that's, that's was a tuesday for me. i honestly it's, i guess i'm not shocked at this. all. i just, i can get my blood boiling as i, as it's obvious that they should all have their,
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their, their stock, their, their portfolio put in, ask for a while. they're in office and be done with it. but what they demand reserve last year when the same, the same schedule broke, right. what about the proposal told me some, some us sentences were proposing to implement a bad on stock trading among members of congress. i mean, would you support that idea? absolutely, absolutely. i. they, they force it onto the, the bed chair and the bed governor last year during the quote unquote, insider trading scandal. which was which look for all the world to me like an inside job where somebody was trying to make. yeah. get some heads, get some heads roll, so that she, in this case, well brainer, would be promoted. and because she's the one who signed off on the trades that were 4 years old men miraculously linked to the public that fed chairman or trading their, their monetary policy like they were trading as they were trading estimate as to be $500.00 contracts for pricing. when they were trading, anything crazy,
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but now we have congress and i policy and company all trading literally against the bills that their past me and congress. it's terribly corrupt and it's indicative of late stage republican forms of government. and they, they all go through this level for option at some point. do you see any connection though to, to, to the timing that the report has been released? i mean, the us is about the whole, the luxury midterm elections next month. what would you say about that? well, i get given that, you know, pelosi for example, speaker policies, but under her insider trading. but though with the vagaries right, have been exposed to the world. it's just going to continue that narrative, right? so it's going to continue the the see it that way, but you know, the reality is in many ways, the way i see this is that the us government is under siege as credibility level. right. and that there are plenty of actors out there, state actors and, and or it international actors that would want to promote this idea that the u.
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s. as in terminal decline. right. and so that, that's why the timing here for me, i think, is the most interesting you know, you mentioned pelosi of course apollo. she's under fire for any number of issues. frankly, her husband as well. you know, they, they've been a alleged to be sort of insider trading. you said the us government is under siege is lacking credibility these days. and they're all sorts of allegations out there, the policies, kids and carries kids. and of course, atlanta bite. and they've all been given jobs, whether it's maurice ma, the energy company, and ukraine, they've all got there in that i think is also the impulse, whether it's ukraine or china for goodness sake. i mean, if the real bird came out about the bite and family and it's operation in china, i can't imagine anything other than impeachment at this point is it, is it though? just part and parcel of politics, for example, not exclusively in america, but it's generally speaking, corruption to a level like this is just part of the course. i've, sadly, i think it is. and, you know, we, this is part of the problem that we're all kind of facing now,
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is we're beginning to realize just how deep the corruption is. and there's no way of really holding it back through media, white washing of the situation. i find it fascinating that, you know, we're dealing with our president, for example, that was offering our quid pro quo to the saudis in order little action air about, you know, holding back the oil price production price of ro, packed in order to win election like now nobody is really surprised about that because it's just part for the course. we're also condition now that they are, they're just corrupt, but that's not the right answer. that's not the right response. the right responses that this is blatantly illegal. this is wrong and we should demand better than what, why we're not going to what's the point of even having a government the 1st, the why are people not demanding better? some might say that the masses, whether it's in america or europe or elsewhere in the world, somebody might say,
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well, the masses a doped up that dose style that that comply and they just rolled, they're not interested. how is it? so i'm how was it from that that heads never roll. i it's, i think we've got a, a dearth of, of transparency within all of the systems. i honestly believe that all the actual systems are a game that all of the the media is game that all of the, the, the money flow within government is, is game i watch every election i watch. doesn't matter if it's in germany or austria or the netherlands or the i phase, every time i watch something happen, all i see is the same thing. if populism threatens to break out, then it must be squashed, you know, and we only get, and then when we get earthquakes like italy or bracelet or trump, then all we're treated to after that is just a barrage, a beat down, and i've been originally everybody's like you don't want, i don't care and i'm just tired of it. but we can't be tired of it when you've got
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people this corrupt, engaging and warm with the russians and leaving him believing potent and everybody know other options other than the military. and i think it's just incredibly dangerous, and i think our apathy are, are not even apathy, but are just, are on we is just so intense that it's actually become dangerous . she think you, we don't really do need to change that dynamic. i don't know how else is the support it? do you think? do you think the press isn't any in any way to blame for any of this? is that some sort of level of completeness here, or is the western press doing a good job, for example, reporting on the corruption? no, i think they're doing an absolutely terrible job of reporting on the corruption because that they were actually doing a good job of reporting on the corruption biden would've already been impeached by his own party. i it's, it's crazy this, this guy has been caught red handed doing things better 10 times, worse than what the democrats and peach trump for robert donald trump was in peace
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for jo, biden's crimes and ukraine. i it's, and i know the well done and european read the american media is just their, their, the gatekeepers of all this. and to find the, what i call the wall street journal, running a story like this one is actually interesting because maybe we're finally starting to see how this is. we're finally forensic just how much, how far we could wind up in a situation. none of us wanted, i do clear war with the russians and because we're all playing these stupid reindeer games over trying to, you know, make another good traitor. make a feather our nest for our, our grandkids or whatever. just it's crazy. i thought i, i think is out of control. well, geopolitical that market on the list and of course, publisher of the gold goats and guns news that are coming along a great to see you as always. thanks so much. thank you. i think the joining us
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here an arty international, anything you need to catch up on to set up the website r t thought com. otherwise. checkout ortiz, plethora of telegram channels. ah, no one else seemed wrong when i just don't hold with an engagement. it was the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look some common ground. ah,
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lisa canter, russian state, total narrative. i've stayed as i'm phoning those landscape div asking him then i'll slap a group in the city probably. okay, so mine is group i was speaking with. we will van in the european union, the kremlin media machine, the state on russia today, and school ortiz spoke neck, given our video agency, roughly all band on youtube with mm hm. with
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ah, and 2014 tv dollars to circle counter terrorist operation against ukraine. se regions that had refused to recognize the code. over the years. ukrainian troops had committed thousands of crimes, many of which have no statute of limitations. ah but he was was actually, oh we should have it in the old dominion real at the smiling sheepishly. chileya ah.


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