tv News RT October 14, 2022 11:00am-11:30am EDT
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already aware of what we're facing, which is fashion with reveal that the green corridor is being used for committing terror acts actually put into question of the existence of this corridor. lot of paper and hint, the grain deal could be at risk if it's proven that explosives used in the recent attack on the crimean bridge were taken out of odessa in a brain truck. a fusion was speaking at a meeting of the leaders of the c r. yes. countries and kind of base ex boss and billy and elan must says he's just taking a ukrainian and a voice advice to get lost. i no longer providing his darling internet satellites to the country for free node stream to would not have jeopardized the security of the gas supplies of germany and the u. that's according to a deep classified top secret german document compiled before the conflict in
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ukraine with white work in a way to friday evening here at moscow. now i just after 6 pm here on the russian capital and a packet program for you right now here we're nazi and so a lot of my opinion has a question, the future of the grain, colorado out of ukraine. if it's confirmed, the explosives used and the reason to tackle the crimean bridge. what taken out of odessa in a great truck. he was speaking at a meeting of the commonwealth of independent states currently being held a massive regional summit in cas extend. any issue or the russian federal security service has stated that most likely the exposes, were transported from odessa by si that has been clearly established yet whether a grain truck was engaged in the transportation. if it's reveal that the grain corridor is being useful, committing terror acts that were put into question, the further existence of this corridor through a pros. oh, 1st of all, wider,
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more important. talked a lot about the importance of case today, visit here are 2 asked and i in kazakhstan, while the west is putting more and more pressure on russia, mostly through economic sanctions, willing it's isolation. moscow is seeking to strengthen corporation with its eastern central, asian, shy as partners. and this is probably one of the main reasons of wideman putting us here. in today's, the russian leader took part in 3 important summits, including one which is brand new central asia, russia summit at totally moscow initiative aimed at deepening relations between its 6 participants. and uniting regional app hurts. in the face of mutual challenges and the outside crashes. speaking about that waterman putting said that despite some negative destructive attempts from the outside countries to prevented from happening this cooperation, no matter what is only expanded trade williams are increasing, new supply routes are emerging. and the mere fact that the gatherings like those that we've seen here in austin and the last 2 days are happening,
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proves that those involved are very much interested, but a lot still needs to be done. library, important point to doubt. he talked about the need to use. national currents is more actively to provide financial secure, retaining dependence of the countries in the region and clause. he said that the countries should unite their efforts encounter in terrorism, because it's for ads, especially in of gant is thought. often with support of rich and us intelligence and special forces still remains very high. there were other topics covered at the press conference. of course, journalists asked a lot of questions about the progress of moscow special mil to operation in ukraine, and whether we can expect more attacks on ukrainian strategic infrastructure in the near future. here's why we're putting his answer, just to pursue assured all of the current events we would have eventually faced later only and worse conditions for us that sol. so we're acting correctly in an untimely manner. of course,
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destroying ukraine has never been our plan. here is an example with crimea, where 2400000 people live. ukraine cut off their water. so our troops had to go in and opened the water flow to crimea. this is an example of the logic of our actions right now, there is no need for massive strikes at the moment. we have other kinds of tasks which there were also many questions about partial mobilization, announced earlier in september in ration weimer button here, shared his positive assessment on the matter to his usually members, 200000 out of 300000 has already been mobilized. i think that the mobilization will be completed within about 2 weeks. the line of contact is 1100 kilometers. therefore, it's difficult to keep it exclusively by the forces of contract is, especially since they take part in the offensive operations. it's almost impossible . this is what the mobilization is all about, right. there was a question about germany's negative role in ukraine's conflict weimer put and sad that he believes that berlin is tighten up by its obligations to nato. but he said
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that it is completely wrong to put the alliance's interests a had of the national ones germany. germany must decide on his own what is more important to it, to fulfill its duties before its allies, in the way germany views it or to insure the interests of the nation and its people . in this case, it is germany's nato duties that being prioritized is this, right? i think it's a mistake and the german people, businesses an economy a paying for this mistake. to answer the question about earlier, a controversial comment by native chief that rushes victory new ukraine will be a defeat for us. all that kremlin viewed has a confirmation as approve of the alliance's direct involvement in the conflict and ukraine, and whether we can expect nay to, to send its troops on the ground. why i'm report and said that he believes that he hopes that they are smart enough, not to do it because that would be have very dangerous step that may lead to global
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catastrophe. but also during the meeting of the countries in context on the turkish liter friendship or the one he spoke with a lot of food and about building a new large scale energy project. and kara confirmed work on the construction of the gas hub, could start without delay. together with mister prudent, we have instructed our ministry of energy and natural resources and the relevant institution on the russian side to work together. wherever the most appropriate place is, we will hopefully establish this distribution center there. there will be no waiting. the new energy project could see moscow export more gas to the truck stream pipeline, which runs from russia to turkey below the black sea proposal coming off the russian gas deliveries to europe through the notes stream system was stopped after the pipelines with sabotaged turkish region. bordering greece and bulgaria could theoretically, how's the new hub center besides turkey, saudi arabia, or portly, also discussing joint energy projects with the russian federation. unacceptable.
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that's vladimir putin reaction to the french president. recent words that russia is intentionally fueling tensions in the caucuses region. i think that moscow is always taught to resolve any conflicts around the disputed territory of nor gardener cut out by ah, i was surprised to read some of the french president's comments on the results of the meeting in prague on october the same. i think that in those statements, there is no understanding of the very roots of the conflict and the lack apparently of information about the positions of the parties. therefore, they sounded incorrect. i would even say perverse. and therefore unacceptable. russia has always sincerely sought to resolve any conflicts, including issues related to and around caraballo. so said for jackie, this, it'll be the pizza. what's been happening on the board of the last 2 years needed? 5000, the russian soldiers are supposedly there in armenia to secure the border. but the russians have used the centuries old conflict and played as are by john's game with
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turkish complicity. all the same and came back to weaken armenia, which was once a country was close to what is happening is a maneuver from moscow to create disorder in the caucuses to destabilize us all he la meaning for decades long tensions and the nagondo know cut havoc, reach and exploded into renewed clashes last month and that resulted in the u. s. speaker nancy pelosi visiting our mias capital offering support and claiming russia failed to back. yet avon moscow though, so as its lead efforts to promote a peace agenda based on compromise over the past 2 years. and we discussed all of this with a geopolitical expert, george zamarelli, the russian make days, good relations with both on media and other bunch of both sides. do look on russia as a broker. so now in comes nancy pelosi, who visited armenia a couple of weeks ago and declare that a media and other by john are traditional allies. no one had ever told americans or
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maybe with our traditional allies. so she did this and now my current one is also embracing the cause of armenia. what they're trying to do is to show on media that russia is not reliable out. there doesn't seem to make any sense at all with the wide would want to back there by john against media. now, it's true. the pricing young is a kind of a pain in the neck for russia, but russia doesn't. we deal in personality is roughly deals with power. and you know, what matters is, you know, what's, what's in russia. the national interest is obviously not in russia's national interest. the see a complete defeat or armenia because it was armenia, is a part of the collective security, treat your organization. and that would, that would make any sense. the goal for her to be opposed to. i mean, if it's
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a fantasy, the only power that can help out that are media given, given this vulnerability is russia, what come from the front is nowhere near only will you know what going to europe in union do they, they can't do anything for me to double them to present themselves as if we can do something more armenia. the russia account is absurd. there's nothing that they can do for me. so apparently russia is nordstrom to a pipeline pose no risk to europe or german gas security that was according to a top secret assessment by berlin, 4 months before the start of the conflict in ukraine. the report was drawn up by the previous german government led by then chancellor, anglo merkel is just now being declassified. in summation, the evaluation has concluded that granting certification for north stream too does not jeopardize the security of the gas supplied germany and the european union. the pipeline increases the resilience of the european gas supply system by providing an
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additional capacity buffer for peak demand. the question is, is former veterans as our angular merkel about to be tossed under the nato war bus? well, you know, some speed bumps that certainly come in handy at this point on route to mass, public outrage over energy related sanctions that risk fighting europe, particularly hard as winter approaches. and now this newly declassified top secret sherman security assessment of the north string to pipeline dating back talk tobar 2021. so as you say, just 4 months before everything popped off and ukraine and while merkel was still chancellor included that quote, the granting of certification of north street he does not jeopardize the security of gas supply in germany and european union. in other words, no national security problems for germany and doubling down on russian gas. but critics are now blasting merkel as the assessment and, and saying that she's being naive here that the assessment was i and everybody was just naive and nobody woke up to it. so here's merkel now defending her
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government's approach to russia. pest you always act in the time in which you find yourself from the perspective of that time. it was very rational and understandable to get pipeline gas, including from russia that was cheaper than l. m. g from other parts of the world. it's worth noting that current chancellor, olaf schultz was merkel vice chancellor at the time of this report. and his weakness now and failing to resist russell's energy sanctions places germany's industry. so the blocks economic driver on the front line of sanctions blow back, particularly given the countries over reliance on an unripe and at best green energy strategy. when, by the way, those green energy fantasies of shunning colin nuclear for germany were only made possible. they stu cheap, russian gas, so rather than taking responsibility for any decisions or better yet altering course, to the benefit of the country right now. well, looks like the strategy here is just to point and yell at merkel with this conveniently declassified report. as for merkel having been naive, these are the russia, well,
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it's important to remember that everything was fine until the you and germany decided to finally stop resisting long standing us efforts to have europe cut itself off from cheap russia. yes, with quote for ukraine being apparently the magic words that finally sold germany on its own economic and industrial suicide to the ultimate competitive benefit of washington gardens, causing life to a geopolitical expert and president of the euro colton. a think tank pierre emanuel tom on joining us here on the program. a very warm welcome to you today. so thank you very much for joining us on this program. what, what it, what is your take on this declassified document and i should, i guess, i should say the timing of it's released. where did i fin cure the war? the or did you can debate about or b, sir, reservations, ah, dentist, mo, it bow tour, or very hidden agenda of nato partners of germany. van or
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a so corridor all the navy, tea of fur. i'm going america. because at the time of her, when this report was written, oh, it was of you, sir, for b of a germans, but tour or russian goss impulse each was reliable for germany, especially since sir, the quarter war germany or wanted to report or a russian gas or so to, to where they are, economic and your port, he car, earth link, we've russia in old, old, to, to ease the tensions that was, were part of the us 40 to joint cornwall and during the gymnast. oh, like the fords about sir? oh su corporation, me nutshell, no g and commerce. we bratia it east tensions,
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but are they didn't expect herb christ's her to be accelerate teacher by of course the crisis ukraine. that or so because over pressure of from you and i did states to stop or e ports of rush and gas and many times or i'm or we can know members of the administration stress to but it was relax, taber, but germany was a boating or a russian guys on i'm do they want you to so mode feel own or shape a gas but pierre and to for exams or i'm sorry to jump in. i do apologize, but did you on a really good role? but you know, as he was saying, you know, the russians, even the soviet union, what we're supplying gas for many, many decades to europe reliably, according to all the contractual obligations as well. now we have this top secret document that's come out where anglo merkel is basically said that the russian nodes stream to pipeline pose no risk to europe, or germany, anglo merkel,
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county refusing to apologize for her positive attitudes towards us. the partnership with russia, did you think michael should apologize for saying that? not a tour. i think she's right. and her stir. the content of paper is money . put a key to accuse on good america in order to advisor or reader the really question, who is behind the or char wrist act against no stream or piper pipeline. so who so who's who, who was it? who was behind the sabotage, pierre? from the g o. particular point of view, which you do is sound gilbert can analysis it's of use. but united states, united kingdom, the poland are aware always opposed to we still pipelines and do when you see the investigation we supposed to, to be carried on earth. they do everything to expel russia on the investigation
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because they obviously have something to hide that blocking rush or on the blocking rush or even sweden saying we will, we will refuse to even give the results of the investigation to rush. it takes me back to m h 17, all those years ago, over eastern ukraine. and so many important parties refusing so to give the information that they knew they had. for example, i wanted to ask you, if i may, p putin has proposed making turkey a gas hub to supply energy to europe. certain experts, a saying the european union will never approve such an idea. and it's not surprising to you. well, i'm not sure of a kind of a your or that cannot approve it because they really need gas. and are they, you're, they totally, you know, been union will be the loser of the situation because or they, they don't want to understand. but the united states and united kingdom,
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poland are made everything in order to stop vis or rush and gas impulse. and at the same time or they, we need do the galaxy poles and do really be obliged to, to important gosselin food turkey. i figured your future under each would be a problem because of course they, we pay mo, it we pay mold tool, turkey, or they leave that a more to united states for re shane garza, instead of having it reliable of piper directly between you and russia, but there is also maybe some hole, but so there is a, one of a gaslight was not that that totally damage on which in service again, but you depend. so for particular her. busy problems, so astro city view, you bring crises, but obviously they, the european union member states suspicion germany done want to accuse their main
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partner in nato because they will be out depending under the us for, for a new grab bomb full. we are military and there are chuck em us from not . and if i can just jump in one more time and just just to make sure also this, this signal remains remains competent for our discussion. right now. i was just reading an article just a few moments ago that was saying that most of the european countries have managed to fail the gas storage to approximately 90 percent. but the article was also saying that they've been sourcing gas from anywhere they could. and that the european union has already over spent by 350000000000 euros. at this point, when you consider the energy cries, it's ongoing in europe and what it's facing in the immediate short term future. talk to me about the significance of the c s regional summit in aston context on right now. and out of the russia energy week forum and moscow,
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3000 people representing 70 countries, most of the energy producing countries in the world are in kazakhstan and russia. right now, getting very friendly signing, all sorts of contracts. how would you compare those relationships with a c s countries on the brick stations? of course, as well, compared to what's happening in europe right now with their energy crisis. it seems that new partnerships are being made. yes, because the rush has to attend the chiefs and the big mistake european union teach in v sir. you quin crisis is to we're upright. some russia, sir, against russia, in order of domain, the notary on automatic or so energy, and you're relying too much on behalf of united states, which obviously wants to, oh, so we couldn't a european union economically and are at the same time varies. they, i thomas t for globalization and at you region lieber,
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which is emerging. and there will be countries in eurasia. we need russia, doesn't oil on we profits are from reserve the re spy book of russia to the ease and do you been union? we had difficulties getting your her and that g and o we pay more and more full reach, so called i cannot ship so sees. so the european union read people lose all by doing these huge strategic mistakes are in a prime sanctions, under pressure for united states. and at the same times is not gonna be taped, but old. so i would say you're a damage by united 6 ox on decisions. yeah. was it's, it's a fascinating time we're living through right now, pierre, fascinating and profoundly disturbing as well. president of the euro continent think tanka pierre, of emanuel tom and thank you very much for your time. we appreciate that. thank you
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. so i was just a follow we were just following his, our recommendation will that's coming from the space ex boss ellen mosque said this a defending his decision to stop providing his starling internet satellite service to ukraine for free. it comes off, the ukraine's ambassador reacted with hostility to moscow. recent proposals to a and the wall. starling had been a game changer and the war. this comes days after the cranium ambassador and re melnik told musk we're just following his recommendation. but we tell you the story from the very beginning when the russian offensive and ukraine began, the country experience, serious issues with internet services. and so spaces decided to donate 1000 of starling kids to kia and they were absolutely essential for the ukranian army. the troops were able to communicate, they were able to coordinate fire,
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stay in touch with their commanders, and now only a few days ago. so basics came under fire for reported outages in the areas of the brain that were previously under the control of the russian army. the western media also reported that they led to a catastrophic loss of communication. it was also reported that the grading army was totally dependent on the star lake because they even used it to call the us to get help with maintenance on top of that and turned out that in the summer, one ukrainian general made a direct for west to elan mosque for additional $8000.00 starling systems. space ex faces terribly difficult decisions here. i do not think they have the financial ability to provide any additional terminals or service as requested by generals lose me earlier this month. elan musk made a proposal for peace in ukraine and
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a tweet and a v reaction to that by your grading officials was nowhere near gratitude for these starling systems. one of them used the f word like we just heard. and here's what the wife of another ukrainian official tweeted. your job is to provide star link and shut. i don't really think that elan musk was very insulted by that, but it just happened that the news that spaces was no longer willing to pay for kiev came after that twitter spat. have we seen any reaction yet to eat musk decision? well, some of us are clearly unhappy with how much tax spare money is going to ukraine. so it's easy to understand why the prospect of the pentagon splashing extra cash on extra starling systems would anger. some commentators even more was
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some pretty foreigner in a t shirt demanding money for his critical economic needs. we have critical economic needs to buddy who are you troll? go way. what since, when does that guy have a claim on our treasury? we don't know this guy any thing. now, one thing, good luck. pow, that's it. that guides lecturing us with some christmas list like i want this that and i want a bicycle to you, but her son is really appears buddy. well on top of that, all of this is happening while elan musk is reportedly under a federal investigation related to his attempt at a twitter take over that's according to the social network, but they didn't provide any specific details. well, what can i say? l. a mosque always out there, always the center of attention, different kinds of attention. i should say. one of the u. s. democratic parties,
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most liberal, congress members is andrea, a cause court says she's been a heckled by demonstrators and protest after she voted to run pop military a to ukraine. she was speaking in the bronx, barbara of new york, at a gathering of her constituents. i. 4 is a nuclear war, what you voted to send on with . okay, you originally bought it, you read that and i will another protest or accused a o. c of quote, becoming the very thing she sought to fight against. since february casual cortez
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has been a major advocate of sanctions against russia and has supported the billions of dollars and usa that has been sent to kiev. i one of the protesters you heard, and the clip mentioned, and now ex democrat, tulsa gabbert, who left the political party earlier this week. she condemned the party as, quote, an elitist cabal of war mongers. driven by a cowardly woke nist sang the pot he was dragging the country ever closer to nuclear war. you can delve into a long reed analysis of the former congress woman's move in the op ed section of our website, r t dot com for the foreign and use editor of a hub. a tv says that with world energy supplies and crisis, the new project with toki could come soon. we're talking about a brand new energy project that has been agreed upon between turkey and russia. more details to come on that you can also get them on r t dot com. in the meantime, though, we are back soon with ah,
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ah, when i would show the wrong one, i just don't a whole new world to shape out the scene because the african an engagement across the trail. ah, when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. won't do it. is this the best of both? no issue. my good mobile, when you vision annual g d p per capita is about 4000 euros. last does that. we've got drugs. follow normal dollar, the america with ashley,
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a man. i got a new primary coffee seal group actually in cuba, near prince william for just one. hm. hold on to pick massive miniature la laws thought they would have thought of. unemployment is off the charts, moldova territorial integrity and sovereignty are we respect no better than the country which enjoys financial support from the u. s. and the youth is constantly roth by political and corruption scandals. but all that didn't stop moldova obtaining each candidate status in 2022. ah ah
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mm. my down 2014, neo nazis roy's to power. the extermination of ukraine's russian speaking populations, ideas of confrontation between 2 ideologies. and as a consequence, the start of brushes, special military operation this chain of events inevitably shaped a different equally important front in dumbasses struggle for independence. one of which poets and musicians stand.
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