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tv   News  RT  October 16, 2022 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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ah, with 11 people are killed and in the 15 wounded and a terrorist attack, that's a russian military base in the western bell region. it took place during a live fi exercise for soldiers training to fight and ukraine. germany delivers the 1st of several iris defense systems to ukraine. this follows russian air strikes on the country and comes despite concerns over germany's own depleted weapons. dogs also coming up full ma'am, a promise to renounce the use of force against the interference of external forces and the extremely small number of pro time on independence approaches. and this,
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the session is to, to, with the chinese communist party 20th congress kicked off with thousands of delegates arriving invasion to define the country future. confined to all the latest in our special coverage right here on out with thanks very much for joining us early this sunday morning. you're watching the weekly. hey, on archie. i'm pizza, scott. and these are some of the top stories from the we just don't we start off with some of the latest as reports say that 11 people have been killed and 15 more wounded in a terrorist attack in russia. it's a place a military training based in the western belgrade region near the ukrainian border egos done of has more details party during life fire drills at one of the military test sites in the region of bell garrett, a bunch of a group of people, a group of unknown actors opened fire at another group of soldiers that were
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apparently volunteers. they were eager to join the russian forces here in the dumbass and in ukraine. now as a result, more than 10 people have been killed, including at least several of the attackers and at least to 17, are in hospitals and they are receiving treatment. now again, there's no way to say as to what exactly happened over there, but it is widely being described as a terrorist attack. it is unclear again who masterminded it, who was behind it if any body because well indeed as another source is they are citing different reasons as to for what happened there. apparently it could have happen over personal dispute or based on ethnic well on ethnic slurs. so this is what apparently happened there, so it could be a personal dispute that escalated and well to well got really badly out of control and very deadly and ended up tragically. so again, no way to say if this is
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a tool connected to the events here in the dumbass and to the russian. woo on ukraine. i whether or not it is a tool or a result of anything like this. but again, it is happening in the region of belgrade, and it is a border region and the tensions they fly very, very high their recent weeks. if not months, ukraine has stepped up its attacks on this a border region along with a few others. it has been targeting the town of belgrade itself, the outskirts of the villages, their power plants, and so on and so forth. the ukrainian authorities, on the other hand, have been repeatedly calling on attacks on it, on attacks of those russians who are being mobile as right now. and volunteers on draft offices as well. and indeed, we have seen a number of incidents when people will loan actors when they through molotov cocktails. it said buildings, and that said places again, more details we'll have to emerge before we can make any decisive conclusions as to what happened today. earlier we discussed the talk with some of our guests who gave
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their analysis on what could have led to the incidence. that's quite conceivable that it could have been some ethnic tensions just within the camp. i would tend to think that that's more likely. but as i said, it's just very unusual to have another group of folks from another c s country open fire like that. and i'm sure there was some i cannot rule out the possibility that you have ethnic tensions that exist even within the c i. and we've seen that we've seen it with caregivers, we stand it with, with the backs and, and the taj weeks. and they, they still have their, their, their internal differences. and i would suspect that this is probably what it could have been. they could be recruited by an external power,
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or they could be from the original country as far as i know yet. and mentioned, even though they did catch 2 of the members that said, the pattern is pretty clear, and we've seen this pattern begin with the assassination of new enough a few weeks ago, then the pipelines and the bridge. and now this and of course, this is in, in the context of russian mobilization and a series of attacks on ukrainian and infrastructure that, that goes a little bit deeper than they have in the past. the pattern seems to fit quite frighteningly. this war in the dawn bass appears to now be bleeding into russia proper. that's very concerning because at this point, the find,
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the military's been so degraded that i think it's fair to say that more or less the ukrainian military is a nato military. that would mean that it is a nato attack upon russia. i think that is a rational conclusion, given that there are more and more attacks in this area by ukraine and ukraine's being very open about the fact they want to attack russia within its borders. so you put 2 in 2 together and i think it equals 4. and i think in this case, it, we can probably assume that you are falling behind nature requirements for reserve and stocks having to stop germany from funding still more military. 8 for ukraine, with care of now reports and receiving long awaited defense systems from berlin in the wake of russian strikes on ukraine. now back in june, the german chancellor promised air defense systems which are capable of protecting an entire city. the vehicle mounted iris
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t. s l m system is claimed to be able to insert missiles on the aircraft of to altitude of 20 kilometers and a range of up to 40. the system is among the world's most cutting edge. ralph bouchard, a senior planning officer in the special monitoring mission to ukraine. well, he explains what such supplies could mean for key f the d phone. i know i can fly the delivery of a single fire unit with a range of 40 kilometers to a country with an expanse of 130-5600 kilometers is of course just a drop in the ocean. this isn't sharp contrast to the media hype that has been leashed. moreover, it is difficult to assess the concrete military impact of the delivery system of a weapon system that has not yet been used in combat anywhere. generally speaking in the last few months when got the impression that tests under real conditions were being carried out on the front, the west might also be interested in testing whether the airborne version of the iris can be used in the future. so far, the west has shied away from deploying its own air forces because such
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a development could result in great losses at best improved air defenses of which irises apart may lead the russians to deploy more stand off weapons in strategic carriers that may pay off for russia, in this respect, it is questionable whether the delivery of more iris units will really result in the advantages for ukraine. the russian army can operate for 200, maybe 300 kilometers beyond its borders. but beyond that, it would have to stop for a variety of reasons leaky shovel is this, the politically it is the wrong prioritization, because the west is unilaterally relying on military solution as washington prohibits all the actors from considering negotiations. it's clear that the europeans will have no part in a negotiated solution regardless of the military success or failure of ukraine. germany is no longer perceived by russia as an independent actor in world politics . and thus, germany's ambitions for more responsibility in the world have probably come to an
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end. and as a european, that pains me with the delivery of the so called defensive weapons. the german government is, of course, seizing the moment to get rid of some of the international political pressure that is weighing on it. it is obviously trying to remain in the 2nd row in the area of arms deliveries. however, the distinction between offensive and defensive weapons is difficult to make to the iris weapons which are guided weapons be used to protect systems that carry out strikes deepened to russian territory, such as the high mars than russia could hold germany partly responsible for the consequences. chinese communist party 20th congress kicked off in beijing today some day with thousands of delicates, including the country's top officials that's defined the country's future. for the next 5 years, his, our special coverage of that event, ah, chinese leader seizing thing has addressed the delicates in
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a key note speech looking through the events of the past 5 years in chinese politics. and he strongly, strongly condemned the politics of brute force pledging to support international justice and multi lateralism junction. china takes a clear stand against hitch harmony and power politics in all their manifestations . we will unshakable resist. annie unilateralism and protectionism will help build a community with a common future for mankind firmly support the international justice uphold and defend the 2 of the satilla. he. during his address to the congress delegates, she has also praised the country's achievements. among them, the country's g. d. p growth, beating the crone of ours, pandemic breakthroughs in fighting poverty. as well as developments in the economic educational and medicinal spheres. c, g t, n correspondent, dom schwartz, focus through the main points of the landmark congress area. i am now standing outside the great all the people here are a capital bay jane,
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as you can probably see behind me over 2200 delegates from trying to work on the audio are entering the grade. all the people get ready for a 20th national party. what these, these delegates are coming from, all walks of lives. they could be, you know, they are parties, secretaries, social workers. and as well as you know, sectors of, from sectors including technology and science. you know, national defense and law and also all these people with many others who have made great contributions in their own industries as well as to the phone. and as we are speaking moments ago, there's a just a wrapping up all but the delegates already know what it's actually a like the impressed state how they just in a more organized way to delegate, to speak to the press one. now why add this very special you, ben, was for,
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you know, the work that has already lined up before the delegates of the over the next couple of days. these are the 5 of the top of the agenda 1st that they will hear and exam the work report from the proceeding 900 single committee. second of the exam, the work report of the $900.00 central commission for discipline inspections. the 3rd and they were deliberate and adopt amendment for the c p c. c, to show for the what you like, think the 20th the media. lastly, electing the next. the central commission for this play section one agenda bad. the items that have been closely watched here and also abroad the e. d. c, p, the party constitution. while i pressed the press conference yesterday, we learned that the revision that shrine the practices and theories all the national brands. so you know g, c, p, a hi, highest binding document for the, for the party. it offers
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a view of china's future reflect the major changes to leadership and the dollars. so all eyes will on how these very important document won't be amended in a couple of days. so, and also, you know, issues taco both domestic and international concerns with topics ranging china's anti corruption campaign already in the ation. and the relationship with the united states, as well as how china will contribute in the future to the global dot numbers will also be closed. closely monitoring during the session. the thinly veiled condemnation of u. s. actions president, she also emphasized that china condemns taiwanese separatism on the role of foreign states and encourage it. while manchin cheese 3 bags were sincerely and with all our might continue to strive for a peaceful reunification, but will never promise to renounce the use of force and reserve. the possibility of taking all necessary measures against the interference of external forces and the
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extremely small number of proton independent separatists and their secessionist activities. although one is recognized by most countries as part of china, the us seems to support the islands independence by supplying it with arms. a visit to the island by the u. s. how speak and nancy pelosi earlier this year. also spots and angry responds from beijing, followed by massive chinese miniature drills around the disputed region. meanwhile, western media headlines are focusing on reports of a protest against the chinese presidents, which they're describing as a rare and unusually bold development for the country. however, beijing based professor benjamin charles says, such demonstrations don't reflect public opinion though a 1400000000 people in china and there were just one or 2 incidents recently or protesting against a leader. do government id,
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a debt occasionally i think is not a big deal. i thing the chinese people at the chinese communist party is really deeply loved at by the deed a chinese people and dow close to 100000000 community members right now in china. so far i think prison, c g p is really a charge and he's on top of the train for now i it is very stable. of course, we'll bring you more of our special coverage of the key summit in beijing in the days to come. so do stay tuned for that. for this week witnessed washington's clash with react following saudi arabia's claims that the biden administration asked for
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a one month delay to the opaque plus decision tickets. oil production. the timing must almost perfectly with the midterm elections in the u. s. on the 8th of november, we had explained white rejected the appeal the government of the kingdom clarify for its continuous consultation with the u. s. administration. that all economic analyses indicate that postponing the opec plus decision for a month, according to what has been suggested, would have had negative economic consequences. this is a pretty big revelation. they're letting a pretty big cat out of the bag that it seems that the priority of us leaders, when it came to asking opec to move ahead with their decisions. and they asked to delay it for one month because they were concerned about us election results. made it clear it appears the november 8 mid term elections that are set to take place here in the united states with a new congress will be elected members. the house of representatives, members, the u. s. senate will be elected or reelected. i at that seems to be what the issue
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was. now. the democrats are furious with saudi arabia. they're that all this talk of calling the 70 year relationship between the usa and saudi arabian question here . some of what democratic party leaders have said in light of the saudi is refusing to play ball with the united states. there's gonna be some consequences for what they've done with russia suspend all arms sales. is that something you'd consider? i'm not going to get into what i've consider and what i have in mind, but there will be, there will be consequences. i do see it as a deliberately hostile actin and what, why would we have troops defending a country that behaves the sway towards us for years? we have looked the other way as saudi arabia has. atkins shopped up journalists, it has engaged in massive political repression. for one reason, we wanted to know that when the chips were down, when there was a global crisis, that the saudis would choose us instead of russia. well, they didn't, usa continues to supply saudi arabia with weapons. there's the ongoing war in yemen
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. and there's some democrats that now feel like they want to, they want to cut off the supply weapons. they want all u. s. troops that are in strategic areas, supporting saudi arabia to be removed. and here's the no pack deal. this is a law that would enable people and entities in the united states to file lawsuits and take countries to court for violating and manipulating the oil prices. a negative effect in the united states is quite dramatic. now, the saudi foreign minister expect this will all blow over after the big elections are over. unfortunately, when you're in the election season with some people called the funny season, a lot of things are said and lots of things are done that may be, may not make sense at another period of time. and i hope that this is what we're dealing with here. it appears that the democratic party leadership was concerned about how the gas prices effect the election. and they wanted the saudis to put off their decision to cut oil production until after the elections because of how it would affect the gas prices. they don't seem to be concerned about the fact that
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americans are paying $3.00 to $6.00 per gallon of gas that families are being squeezed. they're not concerned about european allies of the united states breathing in the winter. they're concerned that all of these economic consequences that they could affect the election result. they could change how people go ahead, devote a real amount of cynicism revealed on the part of us leaders. they essentially wanted saudi arabia to play ball with them and make decisions that would have political benefit for them in the short term when it came to how americans vote on november 8th of invoke a vice chair, the u. s. libertarian national committee. well, he says that the obvious way out of the crisis is just to lift functions on russian energy exports. they're trying to adjust oil prices basically around an election rather than doing either the short term or lower to doing the long term changes or investment that would lead to the. i mean, here's the simple example. the obvious solution to our oil shortage is to get rid
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of all thanks and that stop american businesses and individuals from importing oil . whether an american company wants to buy oil from russia or venezuela, or on, or anywhere else, that's their natural rates. the government should not determine where somebody can buy oil from. so rather than doing the thing that's right, an ethical and make sense. they're trying again to use shady backroom dealing as their one solution to all problem. when you create foreign animosity, it's only going to benefit the people who benefit from conflict, people who benefit from war. unfortunately, united states, that is the entire military industrial complex, which is the single most influential and sadly, the most toxic organization that exists in american politics. so you have to spend contractors and those that other other contractors that benefit from war. they are of course, happy to see as much conflict as possible. the problem is everyone else in america, benefits from peace. and so the correct solution is the end sanction and all
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sanctions on oil and everything else allow americans to freely trade with any individual with whom they choose versus non stream see pipeline would not pose a risk to european or gym. and gus security with us according to a top secret security assessment within 4 months prior to the start of the war in ukraine. the report was drawn up by the previous german government, led by chance, the anglo merkel, and was recently declassified. in summation, the evaluation has concluded that granting certification for nord stream to does not jeopardize the security of the gas supplied germany and the european union. the pipeline increases the resilience of the european gas supply system by providing an additional capacity buffer for peak demand. the question is, is for mergers as our angular merkel about to be tossed under the nato war bus. well, you know, some speed bumps. it certainly come in handy at this point on route to mass,
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public outrage over energy related sanctions that risk fighting europe, particularly hard as winter approaches. and now this newly declassified top secret sherman security assessment of the nurturing to pipeline dating back talk tobar 2021. so as you say, just 4 months before everything popped off and ukraine and well, merkle was still, chancellor included that quote, the granting of certification of nor string que does not jeopardize the security of gas supply in germany and european union. in other words, know, national security problems for germany and doubling down on russian gas. but critics are now blasting merkel as the assessment and, and saying that she's being naive here that the assessment was i and everybody was just naive and nobody woke up to it. so here's merkel now defending her government's approach to russia. i'll sit on monday and pest you always act in the time in which you find yourself from the perspective of that time. it was very rational and understandable to get pipeline gas, including from russia that was cheaper than l. m. g from other parts of the world.
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it's worth noting that current chancellor, olaf schultz was merkle, vice chancellor at the time of this report. and his weakness now and failing to resist russell's energy sanctions places germany's industry. so the blocks economic driver on the front line of sanctions below back, particularly given the countries over reliance on an unripe and at best green energy strategy. and by the way, those green energy fantasies of shunning cole and nuclear for germany were only made possible thanks to cheap russian gas. so rather than taking responsibility for any decisions or better yet altering course, to the benefit of the country right now. well, looks like the strategy here is just to point a yell at merkel with this conveniently declassified report. as for merkel having been naive, these are the russia. well, it's important to remember that everything was fine. a till the you and germany decided to finally stop resisting long standing us efforts to have europe cut itself off from cheap russia. yes, with quote for ukraine being apparently the magic words that finally sold germany
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on its own economic and industrial suicide to the ultimate competitive benefit of washington. mid rising energy prices, thousands of people took the streets of lead zig in germany with protest, as venting the anger government policy. they weigh flags and held bonus, shouting, we don't freeze for profits. rising food prices, as well as the lack of affordable housing and inflation. we're among the other grievances, the demonstrates as highlights adults, achy hammer economist on publicist says that russia was always a reliable partner, and the u. s. energy can never fully meet european demands. russia was always a very reliable partner or a reliable supplier, even in times where there was this harmony, however, you want to call it 1st the british and the us who lead by the same business forces in behind was to to,
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to not let germany jain with russia on a reliable economic basis because they were afraid of german technology meeting russian raw materials. and this would have meant for the bricks 1st that they were visitors in the international market. and now they think it is for the us the same problem. but they would be visitors on the eurasian market, which would be the by far the most dominant market in the world. and the u. s. would lose their well power energy from the us to never meet the demand from europe and world. so i think we have to look at the forces behind the big politics to see what they are up to. but at the minute, they are really up to suppressing the european people to farm, to take away their freedoms, to take away democracy and to build their so called victory until based
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dictatorship. the u. s. is to get ready for economic regime change underwriting inflation for at least the next decade. us, according to the bank of america, without cautious with joe biden statements, the u. s. economy won't be serious the impacts. it raises further questions over government policy. should the american people prepare for recession? there is no guarantee that your numbers. i don't think there will be a recession if it is, it will be a very slight recession. ah, the europe is already recession, then the likely to put us in some kind of recession, 69 months from now. we always find out and you're always surprised about when recession officially starts. but i'm assuming we're going to go into one. there's a specific playbook around that
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i, i've checked compass love him, and he's on the street morrow and he has been for a couple years now. and i'm just so proud of our reporting cnn said before day in washington post report suggests the prosecutors think they could they have enough to charge your son hunter for tax crimes and a false statement about a gun purchase. mm hm. mm. named me a president, recent history has gotten as much done as i have a 1st. not a joke. is anybody done more in the 1st 2 years of administration?
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we have too many people in washington who are warmongers, subservient to the military. industrial complex is exactly what we're seeing right now with president biden and leaders in congress whose decisions are actively pushing us to the brain of a nuclear holocaust. mitchell b. f. i assign investor and banker says that biden's mismanagement has split the public. he was elected to unify the public and what he's done is he's weaponized the different departments against 50 percent or more of the country that voted against him. it's unprecedented in the history of america that gasoline prices an oil prices and energy prices have gone this high. inflation has never been as high and what it's doing for most of america is making, making it very difficult for people to afford food and warmth to heat their houses
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during the coldest part of winter coming up. so did he keep his promises on the economy? not at all, and if you look at the amount of debt that the government has incurred, it's just continued to balloon over the past decade and a half the gloomy economic situation. i think as a result of having the same people going to the same people who created the problem for solutions. i mean, if you look at the federal reserve and it's composite, i mean the federal reserve under ben bernacki and janet yelman's tenure for the past 2 decades. you can't promote people on the basis of immutable characteristics, identity, politics, woke, and virtue signalling have become the keynote of biden's diversion policies away from the catastrophic collapse of the economy and demise of an empire. those the new stories, the shapes, the we cannot see from on any of them to head over to r t dot com. all websites like to discuss would be fine with another log in just over 30 minutes. thank you. mm hm.
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with ah with. mm. welcome to was apart. autobiography, the great american right mark twain describes being at the end of the earth club and witnessing its chairman, a retired army officer, pronounce that we are of the i was saxon race when they i was one.


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