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tv   News  RT  October 17, 2022 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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an engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. ah, us see a mission in the dumbass allegedly recruited local employees to gather intelligence for the west. synopsis interview with a former o s. c interpreter who was sentenced in the new guns republic for treason with china disgusting, a new 5 year development plan breakaway taiwan has slammed, changing things, statements on the unification, rejecting both peaceful and military solutions also on the program. has protested,
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take to the streets of cities across europe and get by sewing prices and poor economic policies. also why in the army have to dip into call again, just to keep the sun life. so as a global crisis rattle is the energy markets. india's force to increase coal production backpedaling on its green agenda, commitment with moscow to the world. this is our to international. my name is peter scott taken over from rachel blevins and these the top stories this hour. and we begin in the done yet republic, where 3 people have reportedly sustained injuries following a ukrainian attack on a bus stop and shuttle bus. meanwhile, in ukraine, critical energy infrastructure facilities in that, in the upper and sumi regions have been damaged by russian strikes. that's in addition to at least 4 explosions in ukraine's capital on monday morning,
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which has been confirmed by the cities mer, won't strike reportedly caused a fire in ukraine's national energy company headquarters. the head of the ukrainian presidents administration claims the attacks were committed by kamikaze drones. media reports also suggest strikes targets at a railway station, as well as other critical infrastructure. ukrainian air defenses were activated during the attacks. meanwhile, several explosions have been also reported in the city of desa. earlier in the night, there were also reports about a fire at the wall wolf with fuel and lubricants. the oil deco and ukrainian nikolai of after series of strikes the era law is currently bringing in several areas of ukraine. in other news, r t is obtained watts are believed to be internal documents of the o. s. c emission in the don buff. it goes down to has more details,
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impartiality balance and a ban on bias. these principles run like a golden thread through countless memos. we find that this abandoned and battered osi headquarters. but as we dig deeper into the debris of the mission, both literally and figuratively, turns out the staff openly scorned at these cornerstone standards. the missions main purpose was to document any violations of the ceasefire agreement and act as a tool for deterring aggression. this thin stack of papers never meant to be seen by the public sheds light on to how such events were treated. according to this overseas staff station at a forward patrol based on the ukrainian control territory, they were alerted to what they themselves describe as outgoing artillery fire mortar rounds coming from about 500 meters north of this forward patrol based position. this is a regular post incident review and report again,
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according to the accounts of well, those involved in the incident, the fire was coming towards the so called they say look, guns, people's republic territory. but probably the most peculiar thing about this document is this after action review, because here they a detailing as to what can be done so that these incidents can be avoided in the future. and basically they are asking for suitable acoustic sensors and cctv cameras that can be accessed from the basement. basically, they aren't even releasing call may be told the ukrainian army so that they stop establishing their artillery firing positions in what is supposed to be what was supposed to be then 80 militarized zone, and also indirect vicinity. apparently of always c facilities. no one was hampton. that incident. unlike in 2017, when an oversee patrol car blew up on a land mine key of rush to pin the blame for the tragedy on the la ganske militia.
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yet, oh, we see apparently, into a different conclusion. maxime, who used to work as a language assistant with the mission, saw the original internal report. coffee was available to the members. oh, oh, $1.00 oh, $1.00. 0, one south of your euro. responsible. who? who are worse? film. one more of a mix. him is in a world of legal trouble. he faces state treason charges, but not because of the services he provided to the o. c. as a translator and interpreter,
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one of the mission senior supervisors who introduced himself as a former state department, official, approached maxime and language assistant, evolved into an espionage agent. i can go those more. oh, on georgia, reached you america my role. as long as i get mission. wow. mission. oh, oh, wow. yeah. structure that i oh, oh or surgery? i mentioned on the graph. my 1st off with us militia, speaking of all this day to max him, fed to his recruited george levinsky. twin turn is very closely tied to the
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pentagon, a self described 26 year special ops veteran with the u. s. military. and he reported former intelligence officer was chosen to supervise the impartiality of the special monitoring group. and he wasn't the only man with links to nato within the high ranks of the overseas mission. oh us you. oh, yes, we will. oh, no. ah. was ah, for me. sorry. i was falling on you rosa. i am valdez also. here. this is colonel pad. cool. live a biased free security officer with a mission before that. a nato commander in iraq and afghanistan,
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a special ops experts with the bulgarian ministry of defense, and an operational manager with didn't corp and american mercenary group. the u. s . has been lately actively encouraging to join the key of troops on the battlefield or meet i. hon sagan, the latest deputy head of the oversee mission and will ganske, and coincidentally, a natal brigadier general in late 2 thousands. he served as the alliances, military intelligence officer in a stumble, and then as a commander in afghanistan, all these special ops offices, nato commanders, intelligence agents, and their trusted staff, had unlimited access to oversee reports like these, from exact coordinates of the la ganske forces positions to high resolution photos of logistical bases on the ground observers made sure their work was worth every penny. they were paid this backyard at the
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o. s. c. had horses and several. the nets has been almost completely raised to the ground. but the few things have survived the shelling of the fires, most importantly, this warehouse, which is filled with sacks of rubbish, which used to be documentation, documentation that they did have time to destroy o is c, came to the dumbass carrying the banners of pacifism and non partisanship and left in plumes of mistrust and betrayal. and make as done of reporting from the dorm bass r t. at least 3 people have been wounded in shelling by ukrainian forces in the russian region of belgrade. according to the authorities, the majority of the rockets were reportedly intercepted by a defense systems, but local buildings and infrastructure were damaged. ortiz room. acosta has more according to the local officials, ukraine fired at least 15 rockets on the city of belgrade. on
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a sunday in our most of those rockets were intercepted by messiah defense. however, a few of them landed in residential areas and the airport as well. right now, i'm at one of those residential areas. you can see the crater behind me. this is the result of the impact of this rocket. apparently, a gas pipeline was damaged here as well. electricity lines are also down. at the moment, a russian investigative committee are on the scene more again, try to the trying to determine what kind of awful weapon was used by ukraine. and by the way, at least 3 people were injured. my father was sitting in the yard near the house. he was thrown 5 meters, it's a miracle he is alive. as for me, my husband started screaming as him to the house and he managed to push me aside to
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the corner between the walls and to cover me. but my bed is in the hospital now with a concussion. such incidents are happening more and more often on me personally, i feel fear i'm sitting here and have no idea where things will go. it's also terrible, which will be due next thing season, worse every day. the 3 union, my more like everyone else is, i guess, is anxious, but we still keep calm. read all the instructions and memos and how to behave during the shelling. i've include the windows of the houses in crosses like during the war just in case. however, i believe that victory will be ours and everything will be fine. in other news, date, 2 of the 20th, the chinese communist party congress is underway in beijing with thousands of delegates gathering. to define the country's path for the next 5 years is our special coverage of that event. ah.
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so i one that has slammed chinese leaders shooting pings, words about the complete unification of china, away china. the break away island has said that it won't bite down on his sovereign c, rejecting chinese concessions to implement a peaceful scenario of one country to systems. well then he told us that we sincerely and with all our might continue to strive for a peaceful re unification. but we will never promise to renounce the use of force and reserve the possibility of taking all necessary measures against the interference of external forces and the extremely small number of pro taiwan independent separatists. anessa session is activity is. the republic of china is a sovereign and independent country. the mainstream public opinion in taiwan also clearly expressed that we firmly reject one country to systems by one's position is very firm. it is the consensus of the people of taiwan that no concessions be given in territory sovereignty, no compromising democracy,
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and freedom and confrontation is definitely not an option for both sides of the straight thigh. one isn't recognised as independent by most of the world, including the u. s, but that hasn't stopped washington from supporting it politically as well as supplying it with arms, leading to rising tensions with beijing. well, as the congress and other public events do continue in beijing tie, one wasn't the only issue raised by the chinese leader in his wide ranging keynote speech. the successful handling of the panoramic g. d. p growth fighting corruption on reducing poverty will all mentioned as well with promises that china will stand against global had gemini on power politics instead of supporting international justice. they also pledge the chinese military will be brought to the world class standard by 2027, c g n correspondent, shall you and faith gave us more details. the 2nd day, a lot of the time that delegates, as well as the entire society you're in china, are reflecting on
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a report delivered by teachers. she delivered this report on sunday at the opening session of the 20, the, the national congress. and this is report to the english version, but as more than 60 pages. so it's a very fully comprehensive report in my head. and you're in this period of time the entire, the whole society, especially the more than 2000 delegates, are watching this report. and we're trying to understand it as well as giving advice. so during the following week, more than 2000 the delegates will gather as we view the work of the past 5 years off the party in that vision for the future. for decades. i mean, china is a position on the title question. really firm, and we're still clear. if you take a look at this already, my child is, sees the c p c. the time the name of taiwan island trying to keep seed be your cation. so it's a very important issue and it says that the, the,
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we covered the china to where really offense the cause of national reunification. and for a long period of time, china has advocating the peaceful unification. and that is because it's trying to believe that the belief that tie one part of china and both the people in the chinese mainland and in pie one or both chinese during the past decade. and they are so much preparation to policy among the people talk straight and sounding to the people on both sides, both across the street. so that's why we are promoting the people resolution. but according to this report, it says we will never promise to we know the use of force, and this is directed solely at interference by outside forces. and then you separate is seeking pie one independence and there separative activity . and it is by no means targeted at our high 12, h,
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it may be the interfering by 4 or so the u. s. for this, china will not eliminate the possibility that by using the force. meanwhile, a research at the influential us the think tank the council on foreign relations has published a controversial article describing the success of the chinese government fights against corruption as a race for power. and implying that criminal cases, against corrupt politicians, or fabricated to keep the she in power. independent china specialists under lung told us that that has nothing to do with reality. you look at teaching in speech and you write it out to the west into the fixated on taiwan and hong kong and, and then their perceived john is aggression. but in fact, there's nothing of the sort in person. the speech. dispose of the government, how to make china a nation, and i based the one of the main problems of the tardy tardies company's party is
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corruption and corruption campaign is continuing. but the west is twisting. this a good question can play as one of the leaders of residency uses who enter his power that this is again a. ready conception of what's going on because the over the years, as far as the quality corruption is now clicking into many different areas and this weekend that it oftentimes comedies, bobby i, in fact. 1 corruption is creeping in this literature. so the production campaign has been continuing, and it's been very successful. the look at the before the party congress, the united states population as the most recent national security paper issue in the white house. if you look at the paper with 48 pages
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in almost every page, child is painted as a threat, i think that this is a very serious reading of china and not only in the united states, but it's also. ready embraced by most countries in the west because their fear i think is that the underlying fear is the. busy china would overtake the united states or do stay with us as will be bringing you all the latest developments from the summit in beijing over the next couple of days. for a moving on now, indian sets developed nearly 100 new coal mines. having already increased its cold production by 12 percent last month compared to the previous year. now this flies in the face of the countries plans to achieve net 0 missions by 27 c. r t correspondence runs and sharma has the story. a deep repercussion of the western
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sanctions against russia has been the sky rocketing prices of natural gas. in many countries. the wall now faces an energy crisis that it hasn't seen in decades. 7 just like the rest of the wall, they have an energy crisis which is going down and go where you all may be the only on there. but it will come with the cost increased carbon emission in the atmosphere when the was struggled to keep it in check. one of the most unfortunate impacts of the ongoing war and subsequent sanctions imposed and russia by western countries is going to be on collective effort towards mitigating g. amish and so, and, and climate action on together. this was funny that which often a lot of effort and many years or some sort of global momentum was building up. it's going to be very difficult for countries to focus on climate action, against the backdrop of securing energy supplies and containing inflation in the
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countries. no doubt that all carried action is going to suffer a hit some countries and i'll back tracking on that crucial climate change pledges to replace russian supplies. europe is resurrecting its old gold plans. germany, italy and the netherlands have already announced plans to lean back on call for the coming winter. now india also sees it may have to result to call to maintain its baseline energy requirements. currently, it's have 173 called fod plants, and the government had planned to reduce power generation by 81 call utilities, or what the next 4 years in dell, previous commitments under the power st. he now seen on why a blue india has proved that it has kept up the nationally determined commitment, as we're given in paris, and it will continue to do so. the paris commitment were fulfilled completely and entirely with our own resources. but at this stage,
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if natural gas is going to be beyond our means, obviously you are looking at reverting to call to an extent because you need a base level of electricity to be generated. and that just cannot be done through solar wind energy in does the world's 2nd largest producer in porto, and consumer of call as non conventional sources of energy such as wind, solar, hydro, and nuclear power are insufficient to generate enough electricity. let me put it simply for you. why in the i may have to dip into call again just to feed the country life thought the dust of dirty cool re settles on india and the world as new delhi is held hostage by western pressure and high gas prices caused by the sanctions. which india has nothing to do with runjun sharma multiple dish, artie ah. frontier 2022 military drills led by moscow
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half kicked off into jackets done with participants from central asia. a notable absence, however, is courteous, done, which dropped out of the exercises the exercises following border clashes with the tragic army has crossed live now to our correspondence, donald called to his covering the drills on the ground. don't what more can you tell us about these drills the scale and why has one participant dropped out either peter? well, as you can see, i'm in the mountains of to j a stand right now, and this is actually where the opening ceremony of frontier 2022 just concluded. we saw a parade here of troops from of you 5 out of the 6 member states. like you said, we did not see any kirk east troops here. but we did see a troops from 5 of the 6 member states of the collective security treaty organization, which is the russian lead military alliance of the countries that were in participation were our mania, belarus, tajikistan, kazakstan, and of course,
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russia itself. this russian led military alliance is organizing these, this series of 5 days of military exercises here and the per, the purpose and put it in for these exercises in particular, is to actually counter the rising threat of terrorism in the central asian regions, specifically from afghanistan as we heard from some of the officers that spoke and gave speeches at this opening ceremony. that's what you know. there's also going to be a 1000 troops participating here and around $300.00 different military vehicles. and they're actually part of sub an anti terrorist subdivision themselves. it's called the central asian rapid deployment contingency, and they're going to be carrying out anti terrorist drills throughout the week. featuring tanks, helicopters, and drones alongside the troops that are carrying out those operations. so make sure to stay tuned, cuz we're going to show you the best shots of what goes down here. will certainly
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look forward so thus our corresponded donna call to reporting live from se on on those. joe's thanks very much, dawn on rest has hit the streets of paris with police using till august to disperse crowds of people protesting against the high cost of living on fuel prices. ah, what as to say, the prices are 40 year highs and blamed the government for not doing enough to tackle the issue. tens of thousands of people reportedly took to the streets of the french capital to show their anger with smoke bombs, set off during the march. the bull obviously be, i am for the distribution of wealth. first. often the government tells us we must 1st produce the wealth. it makes fun of us. we have produced it for a long time. never has france been so rich in the well so badly shed to set up
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a better way of life to which we have adhered for 4 years. we do not adhere to a political party, we adhere to the idea of better living, and therefore we are here to strengthen and to give more voice. al italy and germany also saw unrest on their streets with hundreds in rome, voicing discontents about italy joining anti russian sanctions and nato sending arms to ukraine, while protested in germany's leipzig rallied against the economic policies of the current government, burning flash, and waving banners. it was to shift a lot of these decisions like going against russia, have an impact on us bills are rising and many businesses are closing. there are workers who are not making ends meet. we are here to say stop to all this. okay. okay, with law, we are also here for peace for true peace. we say no descending weapons, because we know that nato in the usa continued to deliver weapons to ukraine. and zalinski doesn't seem to want to stop. he has said that he only wants to stop when putin leaves and there is another president. this only leads us to the risk of
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a 3rd world war. mercury star woo doesn't. so dish. why? my concern is that things can't go on like this. through stupidity. they managed to paralyze half of europe with electricity ultimately with gas from russia. lou this in can, we are used to restrictions, but we are not prepared to stand by and watch an entire economy destroyed in the interests of the united states. because tons, former prime minister, m ranken, has accused joe biden of making unwarranted and informed allegations about his country's nuclear capabilities, claiming they show the total failure of his on about the current foreign policy. what i think is may be one of the most dangerous nations in the world, pakistan nuclear weapons, without any cohesion. unlike the u. s, which has been involved in wars across the world. when has pakistan shown aggression, especially post nuclear ization, equally important, this bite in statement shows total failure of imported governments foreign policy
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and its claims of re set of relations with us. is this the reset, this government has broken all records for incompetence. collins, criticism of the current pakistani government was a reaction to the official responds from islam about the biden's controversial remarks. although the us and busted it to the country was summoned pockets on foreign minister labeled the incident. a misunderstanding caused by our lack of engagements, also saying that the diplomatic spots would not tom bilateral relations lead here we spoke to shaheen, missouri as senior vice president of pakistan's movement for justice, justice. and she told us that relations between the 2 nations, all lightly to change as a result of buttons, comments. i think it's that long since, and it's also in a way amusing that it's coming from a country that has a record of being admitted to the rest of the world. and this is a country that interferes militarily, was the one. this was a formal address. it was not to drive it private meeting,
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those are the views of the president of the united states, and he cannot make it responsible to the mob. and unfortunately, up doesn't go well. so this is because of lack of engagement. in the last few weeks, you'll see it. i think this isn't going to damage relations because he has hit on you keep ability and this is not something that we do like it because it's not the 1st time that the american leadership or the american establishment has made the sort of remarks against fight to slot, so it doesn't offer american attacking pakistan in this particular fashion. and i think it makes it very difficult. well, any government in pakistan to exceed the demands that the u. s. may make whether it's the military or whether it's worth all of the sort of demands
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now with a start to meet. and the bikes on chip will have to have another recent that's all for now. i'm just gonna be back again at the top of the hour with all the latest news on views here are naughty. ah, to what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy, even foundation, let it be an arms race is often very dramatic development only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult time time to sit down and talk
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with you, but i got the stuff that we've share and what it looks like. so i was showing a little was reason in the nation, douglas to move center of chicago and then also to move the quinn from pretty on the so please. so mr. ashley, with this mission up already in putting me on that since i swear to the sprawl at the church, cynthia, about the moon, the socials will cease to see the words a finish. come see that it was up when you marginal distortion of bob. it could not like i p so, but still to know who that is because we don't reach at willa. ah.


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