tv News RT October 18, 2022 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT
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man, to the notion of the world head, your mind that they cannot difficult for them. boswell, for their lifelink to imagine a world that's not led by that ah, ukraine's military is preparing to launch the discriminant bombing of the russian city of kent, on, according to the command of moscow, the military operation, who se civilians ought to be relocated from the area 15 people are killed and dozens injured off to a military jet crashes, a residential building in southwest, in russia. investigators they, the i, croft apparently suffered a technical failure. china condemned for stormy. and it's conflict in manchester by a multitude of thought to one of it off. all the western media focus is only on for
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to sharing a trespass that being violently detained. plus the countries failed to agree a price cap on russian gas as a scramble to prepare for the coming winter and will reportedly have to get through it without chinese l. m g exports said to have been suspended by a beijing. ah, hello and welcome. you're watching all t international with the latest world news update. it's good to happy with us. we start with, from a key has thought, where the commander of rushes, military operation says ukraine's troops preparing to use prohibited tactics. in the upcoming assault on the russian city of care on, all civilians will now be reset forward from the area. now those total go us a little in missoula, no clue. the needle leadership of the ukrainian armed forces as long been demanding
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from the key of regime, an offensive operation and the harris on region, regardless of the victims among both the armed forces of ukraine and the civilian population. we have data on the possibility of the key of regime using prohibited methods of war in the area of the city of her song and on the preparation by key of, of a massive missile strike on the dam of the cuffs sky, a hydro electric power plant as well as a massive and indiscriminate missile strike on the city itself. this can lead to the destruction of the infrastructure and heavy civilian casualties. in this situation, our task is to preserve the lives and health of civilians. therefore, 1st and foremost, the russian military will ensure the relocation of the population or joining me in the studio with auntie marina closet, with more details that marina could to take us through the significance of what's been said at that briefing by the russian military commander that absolutely was the main gist of it is that the situation on the front line is get intense,
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especially in the city of san russia. russian military is now 4 to find its positions. they're expecting a large scale offensive again, in particular, in the city of song we heard from the commander of russia, special military operations say that the key regime is basically using amateur soldiers. are also they recruited nationalists who don't care about how they proceed and how they flights on the battle ground. that they are willing to do anything it takes to, to stop russians from coming forward. and they said that basically they're even shooting anyone who wants to leave the battlefield, their own citizens, basically. and he also said that there are suffering $600000.00 losses per day. their troops, russia has decided to take a slightly different strategy, a different approach to this. according to him, he said that basically it's not about speeds,
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but efficiency and making sure that they minimized losses both when it comes to civilians as well as troops. now we are expecting peaceful villages and peaceful cities to turn into battlefields as we're seeing that the ukrainians are progressing. and so russia is a warning to make sure that there is a safe passage. it's just announced there was settlement program in particular in and so on. so that civilians who may be in danger there so that they go somewhere else so that they're in safety as much as possible. of course. so that is the latest that has been announced this resettlement program to, to get people out of there and out of harm's way. because we also heard from the commander of russia, special military operation here regime as planned to use, some are prohibited weapons to attack the city of had song. and they said that this sudden, that right now, they're expected to take some of their toughest decisions yet since february said
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this conflict with the crane began, what that means remains to be seen bots were seen predict than some tough days ahead. marina, thank you so much for coming in with the update. their thought is marina cassandra and meanwhile, in ukraine, a series of missiles strikes have been reported across the country. on tuesday, the russian defense ministry says it launched high precision attacks on ukrainian energy infrastructure and military command centers. here, the latest on verified pitches from denito petrov square, the regions largest thermal power plant was hit. the r reports that the missile strike may have led to power outages in the neighboring hall cove region. and they were unverified images from key f, where mass that power outages were reported off. the multiples strikes on an energy supply facility outages have been reported across the country on tuesday with ukrainian authorities asking people to drastically cut energy consumption.
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president lens, he says 30 percent of the country's energy infrastructure has been destroyed within the past week. a ukrainian military member has confirmed that a russian kamikaze drone crushed into a residential building in kiev on monday, only because it had been shot down by the ukrainians. they shot at it. they damaged it. they changed it, sir. jack 3, we were shooting at the drone, sorry, deviated a little from the course. and if we hadn't shot the drum would have hit right on target. they would all hit their targets. yes, there were casualties. i saw them with my own eyes and we brought them all out. ukrainian authorities have released this furtive shilling several security officers trying to shoot down a small road in the size of the key and using their rifles, they apparently managed to hit the cross enough time to change its course. and it was then being crushing down and exploding on the road near by. several casualties
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have been reported in the ukrainian capital off to a series of russian as strikes over the past week. ukraine is even released a mobile app to help civilian state party need to set thing drones and myself. people have been instructed to use the arts, take pictures of incoming aerial threats, and then click a button to send the data to the ukrainian military, which can use it to ad offences against the targets. instead of advising people to take shelter during an strike, some ukrainian officials and now calling on civilians to come out and fly that has no width in the sky. keeping more than you can shoot down the she had drones. as soon as you hear the sound of a drone, and if you have a weapon to use, i also think that our hunters and other people who have firearms can and should be shooting them down. with a former c i, a analyst on c o, a burg associates, larry johnson say such incidents and statements from kiev demonstrate a failure of ukraine's ad defenses. when people fire
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a rifle from the ground, the bullet goes up in the air. it does not magically then disappear, are disintegrating. if that bullet doesn't hit something, it comes back at the ground. enforce hill people are on the ground. so if, if you're going to put hundreds of ukrainians out of the streets, byron white into the air was presuming it's a sub white, $62.00 by $51.00 cartridge end up with a lot which civilian? ashley's. that are, be all simply by these drones that do get shot down and crash it apart. but what it highlights is the complete inadequacy failure of ukraine's air defense system. or they can even call it an air defense system because it clearly they don't have an integrated system that can function to stop drones or missiles for that matter. so
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calling up on individuals to get out into the streets like this, particularly carrying firearms. the other thing that the western media has ignored is the fact that some of the ukrainian, the, the, let's call on the legacy air defense systems. the s 300, the book that when they would fire and miss their target, those warheads would then to send back to the ground. it would hit civilian targets . so i think the reality of, if there was an honest objective assessment done, they discover that ukrainians had killed and wounded more of their own citizens than anything that's been done through russians, romans or missiles go to russia's cranniger region. now where 15 people have been killed, including 3 children and 19 more injured after a fighter jet, crushed just outside a residential building. the health ministry said several victims remain in hospital
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in critical conditions. are equal on reports from the c. but absolutely, basically behind me is a sporadic makeshift vigil just outside the apartment block that was hed by the fire has a result of this horrific accident as, as we've been waiting for. we have witnessed a steady flow of people of locals who come here who bring flowers, as you can see, children's toys, candles and so on and so forth. they come here to, well bring all of that to take pictures to just stand in silence to collect their thoughts and maybe feel that they aren't alone in the face of the tragedy here. this resort town is truly tiny. it so populations just under 90000 people. so when a whole apartment block, which you can hopefully make out in the dark behind me as well. well, this tragedy as truly will touch the hearts and pretty much everyone here. the, well, it's fair to save a very large portion of the population as to what happened here. basically on
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monday, a military jet crash right behind this family supermarket that you can also see in the ground. and in front of the apartment block, it was a test flight plan there. shortly upon take off its engines, took, were caught on fire. so the pilots, they did everything they could to steer it away from the residential areas. and they were very close to succeeding. in fact, the as of c is just only about a kilometer away from the place where i'm standing. so this is where they tried to direct the plane, but well, they only made it this far. so the jet crashed in the back yard under the, since it was full of jet fuel the it's spelled upon the on to the apartment block. so it instantly was caught a blaze as well. 15 people had been confirmed dead in this accident in the seraphic tragedy. some 40 people are receiving medical attention right now and,
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and if in fact we can see right now the equipment, the city equipment, we should witness them are moving away the debris, at least some of the debris over this military jet. now we do know that the city services they have already finished clearing out the rubble on dave. already assess the damage to the apartment block. apparently, according to the authorities, it can be rebuilt and can be restored and some local, some of the residence hall. this apartment block, they have already been allowed to return to their flats, to their apartments that haven't been damaged or destroyed by the blaze. now of course, right now, the authorities are focusing their efforts on relieving some of the suffering of those who have lost their loved ones, lost their while acquaintances and friends. and well, of course, those who have been temporarily displaced by the tragedy the today and tomorrow are the official days of morning here in the region. and this voted shows the wreckage
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of the plane being removed from the scene. emergency services finished searching through the rubble and say, there appears to be no more victims rushes. investigative committee is looking into a possible violation of flight procedures that lead to the trash official say the judge could have fallen due to a technical failure. a warning, some of the following images are graphic and could be distressing. 4 people athena lifted from the 8th to the regions capital with another 2 victims, including a pregnant woman, being prepared for the transfer among the patients. the 2 children in serious but fable conditions. a 5 year old girl and a 17 year old boy. all of the casualties are an intensive calf. that jet initially appeared to have exploded. they came down near the building, but officials say the massive blaze was caused by the ignition of fuel which burst from the jet tanks. as it fell, the pilots managed to safely a jet and, and now being questioned by russian investigators if they seek to determine the
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exact cause of the incident. distinguished russian apple was pilot vladimir pope of shed his assessment of the crash. yet you can you have your ripple, your here was, was me used the pilots probably did everything possible to make sure he could be allowed safely. what could have happened at the last moment, however, is that the jet was being steered towards a clear space like a field, or perhaps a road hole and the pilot was sure that it was going to crash there without any further issues. however, during an injection planes, the movement is effected and that is probably what might have happened. just controls could have failed. you causing it to fly in a different direction towards a residential area where it eventually fell. well, we can still say that the pilots did everything possible to prevent that from happening. at least they did everything they could at that moment is up to the investigation to determine what actually happened,
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of course. and that is going to take some time. they will say whether or not and ever had been made that for now, our assessments remains a probability that the e u has been unable to reach an agreement on a price cap on russian gas with member face divided on the issue. and it concerns over the energy crisis now for china is said to have off the state own gas importers, to hold resells to europe in order to protect its domestic supply, or to contribute to rachel mouth and hospital. so up until now, europe has been able to fall back on some other energy options and sticking it to russian president vladimir putin, a putting itself off from cheap russia gaster sanctions. specifically, the block had rely on liquefied natural gas from china, which as the world's largest buyer was selling europe a surplus. but even those options haven't been sufficient to avoid industrial closures rationing in winter black, a threat. but if you thought things couldn't possibly get a worse, well,
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they just might, yet, china is reportedly planning to stop selling it surplus to europe, the national development and reform commission, the nation's top economic planner, asked petro china co send opec and canoe guilty. d to keep winter cargoes for domestic use, a move by china to secure its own supply, could drain shipments to europe, and exacerbate the regions energy crunch. in the case of a cold winter. imagine that a country actually place in the interests of its own people. first, maybe you should have tried that instead of sacrificing the blocks on citizens coat for ukraine, and then whining about social unrest, well, touching their pearls over the rise of the anti establishment. right? so how much gas has china supply to the you? well, about 7 percent since i supply of its supply since the 1st half of the year, that support a to chinese broker figure, some of which is just rushing yes. sold a china then export to europe. because at the same time as china increased sales to
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europe, it's important l n g from moscow did as well. so russia, yes, wandered through china has conveniently allow the you to maintain its virtuous public posture while effectively boosting russia, gas sales seems like the only big losers in this charade. are you citizens. and remember, this new supply cut would come at a time when you had already agreed on a block y savings initiative of 10 percent energy savings until march 2023. so is that even enough? now, given these new development that that's a big question. but at least euro can still rely on its best friend america, right. after all, it was washington that coax brussels into this reckless bender and into sanctioning itself. we're going to say with great friendship toward our american friends, our norwegian friends, that you are great. you provide us with gas, but there is one thing that can not last for long to pay $4.00 times the price.
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that isn't the exact meaning of friendship. oh, such great friends are great friendships that you have to bag them not to drastically overcharged for gas when the increasingly find themselves in a position of monopoly over your economy and industry. i believe that's called check make. so all the rest of the world adapting carries on europe is operating from a position of weakness and desperation, even evoking a cap on the sale price of gas as a buyer. when the sellers have all the options in the world, literally, it's a race against the clock for europe ahead of winter and the lights are already starting to flicker. and while european are struggling with the energy bills, the use foreign policy chief says there's plenty of money. oh, be it for the block security and military needs. well, for some europeans, on contrast with how they government says spending that taxes with people coming out to protest against high cost of living in paris scuffles we police have taken place during demonstrations,
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which commonly decades high inflation across from china's foreign ministry, has condemned protested, who illegally entered beijing's consulate in the bay city of manchester. several wyatt is trying to storm the premises and physically assault as an employee of the diplomatic mission. paging save its conceal. it has a full right to defend itself and has expressed hopes the you k will ensure the protection of embassies and consultants in the country. 0 sensor trouble makers illegally entered the chinese continent. generally manchester endangering the security of the premises. any countries overseas diplomatic mission has the right to take necessary measures to uphold the peace and dignity of the premises. however, the net worth the western mainstream media has put its own spin on the story, showing footage aimed at depicting a so called hong kong pro democracy protester being dragged into the missions
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grounds and beaten up sparking outrage. meanwhile, british police have launched an investigation involving an alleged assault on a protester with a number of u. k. officials condemning the so called attack in some, even urging to summon the chinese ambassador and to expel or prosecute any official involved in the incidents. but let's now take a closer look at the footage of the incident showing what really happened there. several protest is a scene trying to storm through the consulate gates and even throwing punches aren't employees. one of whom was grabbed and dragged out of the gate and was then clearly be seen being kicked in their heads while on the ground. british police then weighed in using force to disperse the attackers, pushing them away from the entrance, while chinese consulate, security stuff were seen violently detaining one of the trespasses. don't lose. i.
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byron, i knew that everybody knew it. independent china specialist, andrew long says western media attempts to demonize china on despicable 1st of all . i'm a shame of the so called hong kong produce that for what he did outside of chinese consulate because the video really show that the cause of the security guard was trying to us. the purpose is not to put a lot of material. you need to be outside the security gate. the security guard outside security gate was surrounded by this mall of the whole process. and then i sold them and pushed to the ground around and then until he's calling
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inside the gate. so what happened when outside the rescue and also arrested one of the vendors attracting inside and the guy in retaliation and love was a gate and rightly so. so that's what actually happened. and then i'm also a shame all the standard of journalism in. ready as a sub will be as of the media and some of them reputable. ready and trying to twist the story, and actually they actually have seen what actually happened. this is really part of the, the west for almost a day to demonize higher. ah, the world health organization summit in berlin made a number of headlines that mark the agenda of the 3 day meeting.
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oh, scientist, rebellion claim to be behind the demonstration of the conference venue, protested to action on the climate emergency conclude themselves to the ground. another to the hotel's front door, while others triggered a fire alarm. during jen and chancellor and i've shown this speech so we are discussing pressing issues. someone prestige hire la. ah, he's not really supporting our debates over here. they are doing some protests about climate and things like that. i think this would improve our discussion. i think the best way to improve to discuss is just continue hearing. good. and then another incident, frankfurt airport star quiz to the head of the african centers for disease control, for so long he nearly missed the senate. how can i dog well accused officials of
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treating him like in illegal immigrants. i've been mistreated at frankfurt airport by immigration personnel who imagine i want to stay bach illegally. my attendance of the world hell, summer is now in doubt. i'm happier and safer back at home in africa. they invite you than miss tree you. o clock said he was heading back to africa, but eventually arrived at the summit, according to a spokesperson officials, a frank apple denied any wrong doing while germany's health, when i said the incident was being investigated earlier, we spoke to leslie to canny and sociologists, and he says the event reveals the west side to choose when it comes to africa. marine corps doors does not allow it if indeed he po, critical. right? but it's this, it was due to commission so that we have to look at. and i'm like, really, really is about we got you, how long did it take? you can come please 3 and a,
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some of them were funding. maybe they work with the region. so we are, will we know how long it took for them to read it, but that is the one stop me is involved with with know what have been. so my leader only it immediately decides if you're on your we've been discussing the already you are and you know, those are, you know, that we have software that we know with one of the many thanks for your company here. and i'll see international as always you can find all the latest news updates on our website r t dot com ah ah,
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a little with center of chicago. lots of them will pick with the show piece the semester ashley, with you. yes. do shit. he's off a national, another a with on some with oh no, but i don't know if there's a new job. we'll look at least the, the new sco sheet on when you hit the my review my are both are, you know, which in the dfcs course. no, with oh, no,
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oh, yes. oh, we yeah. ah, oh ah, what should the chagrin of the west? china in the global south have not condemned or isolated russia over the conflict and ukraine. in fact, the opposite appears to happen. the global south does not embrace the west demand of a rule space order for so called western values in general, 500 years of western domination is coming to an end. with a question of him, i need that. me leave us a
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deal. it must be a california initial be one of club masika dealer post on zillow, while diaz can used to provide you with the origin. but you also the, was the done a similar to like once you book that i've gone with what i see the senior bus is the little gear medation says diesel tutorial, dumbbell sub a a
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mm hm. mm. welcome to was a part of the great polish right i study slough. he actually had 2 week to see both the 1st and the 2nd world war remark to with band of you live that we should not expect too much from the end of the world. even that death, famine, the war and conquest, the 4 biblical horsemen of the apocalypse. already riding a top of our daily news bulletins, hasn't the world to please because we knew it already ended? well, to discuss it, i'm now joined by a mystery training research professor at the higher school of economics in moscow. it's a training, it's always a great july for me to talk to. thank you very much for coming to the studio. i joke santa for inviting me. thank you. now, this mark and this month marks the 60th anniversary of the cuban missile crisis. and you just that a day published and an article a, suggesting dad,
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for all the seeming similarities, the current confrontation between russia, the west is a far cry from the us soviet tensions. why is that? well, there are several reasons for that. certainly you cannot step into the same river twice. and the russian federation, although it's just a new name for a ton of russia, as was the soviet union. it's still very different from the soviet union. it's different than its position in the world. most importantly, it's different and it's a national might, and it's different than the way that is adversary of the united states then and now of use viewed russia. so basically what i'm arguing is that in 1962.
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