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tv   News  RT  October 19, 2022 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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a blue, a a declaration of martial law in the 4 year russian territories donates, can look on republics, as well as the here. so on and number here, regions are all under martial law even before they joined russia. the time is now come to make this official for puts in, declares martial law in for russian territories on the front line with the ukraine . we break down the ramifications. remove a vague pricing next winter without the russian gas applies and he refuses to divert more gas export from asia, europe,
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and the for any measure, the u. s. is falling behind the rough and china when it comes to hypersonic weapons . that's the warning from experts and a panels also by maybe us defense contractor, with hello and welcome to our international robots in life. from just past the hour i'm . i'm with her mom. let's take a look at today's top stories. hello, hello administrative office and the city has been severely damaged as the center came under the showing by nuclear new forces earlier on thursday, shock waves from the showing shots at the windows in nearby buildings and scattered glass near the administrative site. a bank in the area has also been severely damaged. there are no reports of casualties following the attack. meanwhile,
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on the other side of the front line, the air raid sirens have sounded across several regions in southern and central ukraine. prisons, as he announced another 3 energy production facilities in his country have been hit and disabled. the news comes as ukraine's energy research and the ripples of 40 percent of the country's power infrastructure and damaged from recent attacks. as ukraine troops are said, to be prepared and so on, the russian institute has, on whether it has declared martial law in for new territories. that recently joined russia. the prison announced the decision during a meeting of the country's security council. with little niece public life signed the declaration of martial law in the 40 russian territories donates, can look on republics, as well as the here san as upper rozier regions were all under martial law even
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before they joined russia. the time is now come to make this official but then says the decision to impose a martial law comes to receive in response to the terrorist threats from ukraine. according to the russian president, decreed regional leaders have been granted additional power, social security, and enforcement enforce measures to meet the needs of the russian army. russian prime minister mchale mission in has been appointed to lead a special counsel to coordinate security efforts. the deputy had the administration to say that martial law will help defend the russian region. ma wesson backed ukrainian assault. now let's take a look at the implications of masa law. the restrictions are put in place during situations of external aggression or an immediate threat. they are aimed at securing public order and limiting the places where residents can go. even incur
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fears are implemented with imitations of when people and vehicles can be on the streets. local residents will be temporary resettled if their lead living in the danger zones martial law also enable additional protection for critical military and state facilities. we spoke with alexander stepan of a russian military expert who says the terror tactics used by ukraine make martial law. the only way to protect civilians protecting our population is the priority. now you cream, we use unconventional methods of confrontation, including terrorist acts. their command is unpredictable in terms of how they may attack. we understand that a terrorist war has been launched against us. for now, the introduction of martial law is the only option to maintain control of the situation. we understand that sabotage groups might have already penetrated these border areas. and now the main task is to identify and prevent possible terrorist
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attacks. this is shannon carter, as i am, as you mazda has warned europe, it will faison even worse, energy crisis next year, without russian gas. this comes off of the 3rd biggest gas ex, for the, has refused to divert more gas flows from asia to europe. this winter, you just don't have enough volume to bring in to replace the gas for the long term . unless you're saying i'm going to be building huge nuclear plants. i'm going to allow coal. i'm going to burn fuel oils according to 30 minutes. so you does have enough gas to get through this winter, but he also said as a blow will be hard pressed. once the reserves run out in the upper trinket explains what european countries are doing to stay warm. the us trying really hard to save its members from soaring gas prices while sticking to the goal of
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giving up on gas imports from russia. the european commission has just come up with a set of proposals. they include joint gas purchase, the creation of a liquefied natural gas pricing benchmark, and also default energy solidarity between members states, $1.00 of the lifelines for the e. you could have been long term supply deals for l. g with guitar, one of the world's largest energy producers. but the problem is that car has most of its volumes already contracted under such deals with buyers outside europe. recently, chinese ellen g importers have been selling their excess inventory to europe, which has been a relief for brussels, but bay jean has told their energy giants to stuff that practice ahead of winter. in february this year could tar already warned europe of serious consequences if it were to quit gas imports from russia. but as we understand,
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these warnings fell on deaf ears. russia provides, i think, 30 to 40 percent of the supply to europe. there is no single country that can replace that kind of volume. there isn't the capacity to do that from l n g. now the energy crisis has indeed gone so far that you officials are admitting that the blogs, green commitments could be in jeopardy. the risk that there is in this a symmetric consequences of these crisis is for europe to lose competitiveness. and so our 2 main commitments, 1st on the clean energy transition and 2nd on implementing reforms and investments of next generation e. u. last week, the russian president vladimir potent pointed out that one of the 2 north stream to gas pipes remains on damage. so if your p and buyers want extra russian gas,
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all they have to do is certify the operation of north stream to well for now the you hasn't made a single step in that direction. made a specialist, i'm the writer saw the house rented, says that e u countries should blame themselves for the energy crisis. was cuz i have contractual obligations with other consumers as you might not be. so there is no doubt that in the near future, the situation in europe will worsen as no alternative to russian gas has been found . and no agreements have been reached with guitar on gas supplies. guitar has been a priority country approached by europe because of the infrastructure and ketter's proximity to europe. it was necessary to agree on the timing of deliveries between guitar and the you. but the timing did not suit guitar. this is a normal situation. guitar has the right to refuse,
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because the country has contractual obligations with other consumers. i believe that the countries should blamed themselves, they did not plan anything. unfortunately, the european union countries stood up against russia and did not want to hear moscow and did not support it against the position of the united states, which tried to put pressure on russia on this issue. therefore, could char or other exporting countries are not responsible for this crisis. flying the russia and process off a set up, a new joint project to k is set to become yours law, just gas up present add ons as the point it will enable the you to get russian gas through the new transit points. this him did trickier turkey a will be a hub for natural gas as well. in our last meeting, we agreed with russian president vladimir putin on this issue to swim is we will
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create a hub here with gas coming from russia. they have an, in his own words, putin announced to the world that europe can get its natural gas from turkey, a bit, hovel, the storage on the hub is aimed at ensuring stable energy supplies is vlad rapid and has called turnkey. the most reliable delivery route to european countries, the blog is currently dealing with the backlash of their own sanctions against russia. earlier we spoke with political analyst use of erin and foreign news editor of our harbor. and if sock joel about the significance of the turkish project with russia, duty is actually the reliable part there. as mr. prison, the president has said that the diplomacy between russia and actually getting more and better and better situation right now, let's speak about the gas because the gas call was declared during dos
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and during that meeting with c and been being that miss mitchell ations are going to take place because the only way that we can do this together was to resolve the issue and read gas. you were a should go to europe, has the more news ready not working anymore. there has to be a pollution mentor to sense to be a solution for that to just stick lee and geographically it's always been a very important location for gas producers, gas providers. it makes financial and logistics and support to get to become a natural gas hub. there's a fact the winter's coming, how much e reserves last this winter that remains to be seen, but at the end of the day, these politicians need to get reelected. their mandate is to serve their country's interest. there are people of interest and if it gets to the point where people are
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praising, if it gets to the point, people are protesting, there is going to be flexibility on buying gas. and it is the country that is selling it to a candidate member of the e. u to the nato member, which is part of the alliance with many you member states as well. yes, it is russia, yes, but it is coming through to us. so it makes it a little more palatable, it makes it a little more explainable to the public maybe by going forward. but again, that's good. depends on how cold the winter is and how much these reserves european reserve last but the u. s. decision to curb, the supply of microchips and chinese companies may create a less stable world. what's housing opposed? prime minister responded to the news of the sweeping restrictions on technology exports to china. the bite and administration's latest move is a very serious one. i'm sure they have considered it carefully. we do worry that
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valid national security considerations may trigger further consequences resulting in less economic cooperation, less interdependency, less trust, and possibly ultimately a less stable world. the yo place sleeping restrictions on semiconductors and chip making equipment exports. china last week, washington expects taiwan home to the world's largest shit, make it to abide by the punitive measures. however, for any nation o corporation to bypass the bond, they will need to apply for a special license from the us. the chinese government responded to the decision, saying that it will weaken the global economy to fund ginger sandy arbitrarily placing cabs for political purposes, the stabilizes, the supply and industrial chains and backfires on one south. it will only further, we can the already fragile world economy. we have some western suppliers are
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cutting trade tires the chinese try chip makers in response to the new u. s. export controls, and europe, all states you countries may have to shut down production in parts of the ultimate of sector. this comes with the soaring energy prices are crippling european industries and new cuts in the availability of semiconductors is sets exasperate supply chain issues. so we can do some work, which is a vital for high end manufacturing and equipment to wall china has been trying to boost domestic production. it remains heavily depended on supplies from the world's major producers in the us, south korea and taiwan chips are used in advanced computing and weapons manufacturing, and china consumes will the 3 quarters of the semiconductor. so globally, henry wine, founder of the center for china and globalization, says the us will meet a wave of criticism from the foreign companies that are directly affected
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this kind of where gesture, this kind of policy is sending a really negative messages throughout the world for protection as well, for i solution for unilateralism, a beach of the photo there, spell that u. s. has been printed preaching for those years and has been leading bad for so the years it's really sad to see this is really happening and i'm them, you know, cover all those companies, a pipeline to china for the largest market, but in the war. this is really doesn't make sense. you can imagine, you know, 95 percent when i was made in china is only chips and i'm going to her own company renting china clinical sales, 6 percent of its troops in china. i mean, i do see this is make sense. so i'm with josh on u. s. government, but i hope that we're not really ready for that. are so much, i'm a really big a, meet a lot of the opposition from the business community. i don't think this goes this
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policies as well as policy and the can carry that far. the us is lagging behind russia and china when it comes to hypersonic weapons. last officials i'm experts wanted during a pile on the matter on tuesday sponsored by raytheon, a major pentagon supplier. we have fallen behind russia and especially china. every time we get wargames and certain scenarios around the world, we found out that when the 90 states was facing it had developed abilities. if we didn't have that ability, we lost testing is something we're behind on. we're behind china, even even russia for that matter. what it is capable of find itself and such weaponry is also being questioned the congressional ones that countries radars are, quote, insufficient for trucking. the russian and chinese missiles fibers might miss all
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slightly is 5 times the speed of sound. they can also maneuver while traveling to that target. in 2017 russia became the 1st country to feel such weapons deploying the king. jo ann, it's a surface missile also is also in the avalon guard system card by intercontinental ballistic missiles. and the con, anti shipments are the us is not expected to deploy, hypertonic weapons before next year, because earns over hypersonic weapons come as of the annual heritage foundation report was the u. s. military has become weaker than it was last year. it offers a low s assessment of the state of erin naval forces with a slightly high evaluation or higher evaluation on the state of ground forces. despite ever increasing the if you spending in the u. s. so with a former marine corps intelligence officers,
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as even as the u. s. one is the industrial compet twice to get more money from washington, it will be hard to increase the speed of development when it comes to hypersonic weapons. united states has spent the last 20 years fighting low intensity conflict in iraq and afghanistan. our focus hasn't been on building weapon systems capable of confronting peer or even near peer opponent. so, china, russia, even the rod, you know, now we're trying to play catch up and, you know, if the, the american defense procurement system is not to one that is a, you know, a good at doing a rapid development of weapons. it's, it's specializes in dragging things out over the long term that helps to make more money. but congress is a little hesitant because they've been taken for a ride in the past by these very same friends, contractors, the russians have a very effective air defense, integrated air defense system that can protect against almost anything the united
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states can throw at it. um, united states has nothing to protect against the russian hypersonic capability. so it's a, it's advantage russia and i know in any protracted conflict, even even a short term conflict, the ability to inflict damage on an opponent that can't be reciprocated, tends to indicate who's going to win when the confrontation and iran athletes who competed with that. i had just received the heroes. welcome on her absences at ron. he comes this fight west to me is speculation over her safety and well being competitive climate and lazurick. harvey says she forgot to wear had scoffed on the asian championships in so she's fine. that should have caught off guard as she was cooled out to perform ahead of schedule. she was late kid by launch crowns when she arrived at taft on international apples. as iran is grips
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why demonstrations, western media outlets have speculated about the woman's fate. some reports suggest the athlete refuse to wear job as a sort of dancey with princesses and alleged that her official response was given under dress while she was prevented from seeing her family. iranian officials denied claims to mister has been prosecuted last year, but what they call weston fake news. now journalist martha de shed his take on the contents of the rapids case and the reaction to it, which he says is part of a western agenda. there's a sort of a somewhat of a revolution going on in iraq. iran has always been a divided country, is, was going to to speech those conservative and those on the modem side. and with, you know, dozens of now demonstrations. and in some cases,
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quote one riot spreading through the country on this job issue. no one wonders whether people like mr. coffee will be you know, sort of heroin to be held up as champions of the course. you know, you'd have to be very, very naive to believe that the west, the americans and british property as railways involved somehow in this job, protest launch is information floating. and you know, it's very difficult to put everything into perspective as to really how significant it is. i think we'll know the next few days it was, you know, miss mr. kirby is in good health and is not in prison. whether the authority is still mulling whether was to with i think they want to media by letting it come through the apple and letting all the people cheer on and little. but you tube material get put, else go. i think the poses population and best the full
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15 us retired generals of consulted for chrome because while my been some of the defense ministry since 2016, the report more than 500 us with our menu may have taken a high paying jobs abroad since 2050 mostly in the re been gulf country. now according to federal law, men 3 offices must receive government approval to receive any sort of funding or give. however, some veterans report, we haven't even asked for this authorization with some legit, the seeking for and of even while still on active duty. that is why it's being accused of healing. i said this is angela still offer service murder. where the, even the us itself making these claims the 2 countries are always maintained economic and political corporation. the washington post article, however, comes out of the time when you assign the relations are less than stable as jo,
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by just recently one, they will be consequences for re add joining of the open post countries in cutting all production. there's going to be some consequences for what they've done with russia. what kind of consequences manenda says suspend all arm sales. is that something you'd consider? i'm not going to get into what i'd consider what i have in mind, but there will be, there will be consequences. we sell massive amounts of arms to the saudis. i think we need to rethink those sales. i think we need to list the exemption that we have given this opec plus cartel from us price fixing liability. and we need to look at our trip presence in the middle east coast while it may be wavering. a little bit has been strongly supportive of the u. s. support of the ukrainian or russian conflict. so the washington post has, has never hesitated to support the bye in line on this. so when you read via an
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opec of course, didn't respond to vitamins request it, they put more well, an insect did the opposite. that is seen as connecting to the ukraine russian situation. and it is seen as being, is it basically, if you're not, if you're not with us, you're against us. so the post can easily swing to where against saudi arabia, the united states government and it's spokesman and the president and the media arm that supports it. i don't even think they're aware of the hypocrisy of what they choose to talk about and what they choose to be enraged about. you know, when it serves us, we ignore it. i in fact, the arms that are being used in yemen, american arts, we're selling those arms to saudi arabia and they're, they're using them in yemen. we're making money off of that. so, you know, and again, maybe it's about the making of the money. you know, the, the arms and weapons and apparently generals are the america's biggest export.
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ah, another you or somebody there, bill act one has chips in with his opinion on the co, russia, ukraine urging the concessions like recognizing crimea. russia should be made. the idea which is quite different from one of the wilson agenda is pushing all these billionaires wanting to school us about history are leaving out important bits that show their ideas are bad. shouldn't people in crimea determine if they want to be part of russia? ukraine? crimea is not a chip to trade. it's filled with people. if those people choose via referendum, which is a real vote not staged, then we should live with the result. no, it's been ukrainian all the time. russia had no say at all. billionaire investor bill ackman and he's getting on social media and putting forward a piece proposal. and acknowledging that in fact,
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there is credibility to russia's claims to both crimea and don boss. now of course there was immediately a fire storm in response to what he said on social media. now this comes as a, we're facing a situation where we just heard from ilan, mom. he put forward a different piece proposal that he also is speaking of and talking about the need to de escalate to lawn. moscow acknowledged some of the concerns. similar statements were made. it was a different piece proposal, but he's another billionaire in the united states. west white, a bit of influence, and he also made similar statements. ukraine, russia, peace, redo elections, of annexed regions under you and supervision. brush leaves, if that is, will, of the people crimea, formerly part of russia, as it has been since 1783 until crucial mistake. now the fact that we have billionaires in the united states speaking up and making these points on social media, while we're not hearing that from the mainstream media or from the politicians,
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shows that something is happening beneath the surface. and the reality is that the results placing the energy markets as well as facing the global economy as a result of sanctions on russia are not good. and at the same time, we have a situation in united states where we're facing a lot of inflation on the cost of living is going up. food prices, energy prices are through the roof, on reckons, are not happy. and we're heading in to the upcoming mid term elections on november 8th. so it appears that beneath the surface, within the american, our structure, there are many that are questioning the policies that we're seeing from the white house. and it, it appears that, wow, you know, mainstream media and the political establish, new united states seems to be in lock step regarding ukraine policy. there are many within the power structure and within the population overall that are questioning it and questioning the result. so this is quite helpful. what we've seen from milan mosque, and now from bill acme,
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the economic consequence that have resulted from us policy of escalating the conflict brain seem to be something that have many people. concern is main opposition. pause either less than a lead and from outside the gown. the didn't a see for the 1st time in 20 full ye is molly carson, harsher hales from the newest. wrong indian cost system has been called a list of a gun. the family, his congress falls. he domain in his politics the decades recently lost ground to incumbent prime minister in a written the moodies allies all contributions to our with t t co pass the details from adobe money call. june carnegie has been elected as be new congress do off india, congress party is the or this national political party of india. and this
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has been significant because the ruling party that is the b j. b has been constantly attacking the congress by being a diagnostic political party headed by the gun. the family clearly, you know, b, g, b has been giving back to the congress in the last 8 years because mr. moody came to father, strong to be increasingly losing its roles and losing its seats in parliament across the country. public in the, in the bio dodge, do not want to see it all. he's gone. gone. be in the prime ministerial position. they don't like good leadership. they have shown absolutely, leader confidence in their leadership across the country. and it seems that the
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congress is trying to do why it stays. and also driving to, i would say use the damage diagnostics. dad has gone to the song this be we have to remember that card games an 80 year old edition and he does not have much. 6 a feel among the younger sections of the electric in india, also the 5 cardi, even though he has the blessings of the gun, the family does not have any connections lead other sections of so say, be apart from, let's say his own the let's get out for more to the minute global news take out, see the call will be back on the hour mark. so we'll hope you'll join us that me
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