tv News RT October 20, 2022 4:00am-4:31am EDT
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a reason to with a starts from which are then to purpose graham should hulu, a ukrainian military shelling of done yes, city center shows no signs of letting up as a new attack kills one. a civilian an injury is 6 others according to local officials, also ahead on the program this our a sometimes one do use our individual countries as candidates for experimenting. south africa is energy, ministry accuses developed countries recklessly experimenting with the continents economies on treating mentions there with beer, lack of respect on washington,
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this decision to curb the supply of micro chips may create a less stable world. that's how singapore is prime minister has responded to the u . s. move of imposing restrictions on tech exports to china with from moscow to the world. this is our team international. my name's you know, neil, you're welcome to the program. relentless shelling of danielle city by ukrainian forces has seen one civilian killed and 6 others injured in the past 24 hours according to local authorities. a local administrative office on a bank were also severely damaged earlier on thursday. shock waves from the shelling, sheltered windows, a nearby buildings with laughs and shrapnel strewn around the area. the tax gum, shortly after vladimir putin declared marshal low on the 4 new territories. that recently joined russia. the russian leader seized the decision to impose the
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measures comes in response to quote, terrorist threats from ukraine. meanwhile, on the other side of the front lines are raid sirens, have sounded across several regions in southern and central ukraine. it comes as ukraine's energy research center reports that 40 percent of the nation's power infrastructure have been damaged following attacks. ah, some hard hitting remarks. meanwhile, coming from south africa's minister, all mineral assets, an energy, great day, monta shame says developed nations exploit african states with burden some loans and isolation. he was talking during africa power weak, where tough business men and policy makers gather to address critical challenges in the energy sector. developed countries, sometimes one do use oh,
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into re grill countries. as guinea pigs for experimenting as painful, i must say that because when that happens you'll get didn't sector as a, as a small i, according to me you off was to be a coin. you don't wade years of others. you can think you kind of the origin and, and, and then the lumber is that we have this partnership between our servers of ago and you and generators, dates of the 8.4. we learned quite impressive. then return. that's a gift. it's not a gift. it's a loan, but over it concession alone. that is more but over it is up to a clint. well, mister montana, a statement comes out of november's cup $27.00 meeting in egypt where south africa is expected to present a plan named at receiving the $8000000000.00 in loans and grants pledged up comp
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last year to them in a bid to de carbonized, the cell african economy ortiz color will le tattler lines. the challenges the continents energy sector faces. as zillow climate negotiates has prepared to hegel over greenhouse gas emissions at the 27th united nations climate change conference in egypt. the medalists already drawn according to the global carbon projects. the lion's share of c o. 2 emissions will continue to be led by china asia, europe, as well as the united states of rica accounts for bally 4 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. and the most industrialized economy on the continent, south africa accounts for 1.3 percent of emissions. these, what is numbers? do not quite square up with the pressure being heaped on south africa to turn it back on cold. all in the face of europe is clamoring for the very same cold. the
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one south africa to stop using the country is being and ties to with loans to help them fund their transition. but some critics argue that this is south africa making itself the sacrificial lamb. and the altar of green energy. why are we offering ourselves with our must be? i'm asking the question, because we, i mean we've got choices we, we can actually not resist but put an argument that our development will depend on secure energy and currently fossil, our secure sanctions imposed on russia by europe are increasingly coming back to by them. critic say this, highlight the policy, angie or politics of energy transition in the world. this will also affect the technology choices each country makes to what sustainable energy transition. and according to the international energy agency,
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i will pass to ned 0 emissions will be much harder and more expensive without the use of nuclear power. it is not only about renewables is really about cleaner and less emitting technologies. and nuclear is, is one big sauce of low cabinet, a power cord there post issue there in keep don't, is given percentage at $0.40 a unit. so it is more to vision and the lowest cost, every other dignity is catching up with newer. and even though renewable energy at lina, they still need baseline back up. and in south africa's case, that means cold. and that means that fossil fuels, as well as renewable energy, might have to work in tandem. we still have an option to add more renewables on our base. so we leave your, your, your base lot intact or reduce very, you know, minimally but you put renewables on top. that's what gemini has done. that for us
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was 3 less doing. they are not taking out that despicable power, the 80 more on top of that these particular power, if south africa and africa to wind the fight, to use their own energy resources to develop the economies and uplift the people in a well planned and coordinated manner. the continental need to be firma and avoid getting tied up in agendas of west the nations. private capital is already knocking at the door, trying to own a piece of the developing world energy system. but critics argue, lodge capital inflows, only reward instead of restrain unsustainable bad economic policies. and that could help the developing world even much more than climate change itself. got melissa at a t, china's back nigeria is worst flooding in decades,
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has no tick in more than 600 lives this year. devastating overflows of the country damaging infrastructure destroying roads highs as an agricultural land. almost one of the 1000000 people have been displaced as a result of the disaster. the government insists it warn people about the floods said local authorities hesitated to take out. we heard from some of those affected we sent reins huff cost. some of the was flawed along the niger and been will leave us in nigeria. in dick kits more than 600 people have died. and 1500000 people have lost their homes or have been displaced from the places they state garage and the flood entered my house. i had to evacuate to my nephew's home with my family. i heard that the flood also killed 5 people, but i saw 3 bodies. yes,
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the have been announcements about climate change predicting more rain and floods, but we didn't know it will be as bad as it is now. day ferry, little doubt, in the minds of local international climate. exports that to this, this is just the latest link in the climate disaster. busy on folding across africa, we planted a lot of rise to susan as it was getting ready for harvest. suddenly the flood submitted, i lost over 30 hector of fries. there has been no indications of any assistance from international agencies to help local communities deal with the latest flawed comment to us on the ground have been very full called saying it's clear africa tried to use most a priority for 1st world countries and have and support will again, get to be communities who need it's way too late. okay,
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an update on a big tech issue. now, singapore is prime minister has warned that the u. s. decision to curb the supply of microchips to chinese companies may create quote, a less stable world. the island nation's leader was responding to the news of sweeping restrictions on tech exports to china. the bite and administration's latest move is a very serious one. i'm sure they have considered it carefully. we do worry that valid national security considerations may trigger further consequences resulting in less economic cooperation, less interdependency, less trust, and possibly ultimately a less stable world. to some background to the us place, sweeping restrictions on semiconductors and ship making equipment exports to china last week. washington expects tie one home to the world's largest chip maker to abide by the punitive measures. and for any nation or corporation, by the way, to bypass the bomb they're going to have to apply for a special license from the u. s. the chinese government has responded to the
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decision, saying the move will weaken the global economy to found ginger and the trolley placing caps for political purposes, destabilizes the supply and industrial chain, others and backfires on 1000 who will only further weaken the already fragile. well, the economy really well with some western suppliers, cutting trade ties to chinese chip makers in response to new u. s. export controls. a new report has concluded that your countries may help to shut down production in parts of the auto motive sector. comes a soaring energy prices cripple swedes. all european industry, new cuts in the availability of semiconductors looks at to exacerbate supply chain issues. with the advanced computer chips in question are vital for high end manufacturing equipment. while china has been trying to boost domestic
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production of them, it remains heavily dependent on supplies from the world's major producers in the u . s. south korea and taiwan semiconductor chips are also used in weapons. manufacturing, china consumes more than 3 quarters of the items. so globally, and re one funder of the central china and globalization. so use the u. s. will meet the wave of criticism from the foreign companies, not sorry, directly affect this kind of a gesture. this kind of policy is sending a really negative messages throughout the room for protection as well. for i solution for unilateralism and a beach of the spirit that you as has been pre preaching for all those years and has been leading that force over the years. it's really sad to see this is really happening. and i mean, then, you know, kind of all those companies a pipeline to china for the largest, the market, the, but in the lower, this is really doesn't make sense. you can imagine, you know,
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95 percent of what i've seen was made in china cabinet chips. and i'm going to her this company went in china clinic on cell 6 percent of its troops in china. and i do see this is make sense. so i'm with them, you know, it's just, you're on the u. s. government, but i hope that we're not really room for us. that are so much i'm a really big on to meet a lot of the opposition from the business community. i don't think this going this policy as was part of the can carry that far. ok to the ongoing 20th congress of the chinese communist party, a big event which is laying out the country strategy for the next 5 years and built for on the 5th day of the conference, officials from the chinese foreign ministry on the parties. international departments held immediate conference outlining the nation's foreign policy objectives and pry or etc. so let's just go through some of what was said,
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beijing singular, western thinking and hedge, a monic aspirations as the main threat to international order. it also condemned us actions in taiwan, including us high speaker, nancy pelosi visited at the same time beijing called international cooperation, a main priority. exciting examples of the belt and road initiative on chinese strategic partnership with moscow. c, g t and correspondent jo jo. fe explains what has been the main gender, what's on the table during the congress, the 960 central committee that the past 5 years, i've been a usual and it did not process or really the local landscape, but certainly somehow it targeting all the local giving the current situation, for example, as well as the rates, this is the conference about foreign policy, but absolutely, i want it's art of china,
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nothing related or all of the but the interference or, or this is something that related to the foreign policy. mean china on one perspective, acknowledge that the natal eastward expansion that really heard the interest of mouth, gulf, and other other hand, chinese playing a neutral position while promoting were peaceful dialogue and resolution between the 2 sides because nobody wants the war and nobody wants any kind of that is that their company in the way, not for today's conference, but absolutely for the congress where the entire week trying to spend a lot of time talking about how to better promote it. so innovation and is carried out the strategic a series of strategic matters for promoting innovation. and it also, we didn't in part of its china strategy of high quality development once a friend, now a for the once media praise geared towards washington's gulf allies may be fading. the washington post has published on investigative reports,
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saying that since 2015 more than 500 u. s. retired military personnel have taken high paying jobs in countries which the article has cited as quote, known for human rights abuses and political repression. let's go through this in a little bit more detail as relations between the u. s. and saudi arabia, a sour, the post report claims that 15 retired u. s. jones have consulted for crime. principle home had been sold on defense ministry for the past half a dozen years. according to federal law, military officers must get prior government approval to receive any foreign funding or gifts. wherever some veterans have already bypass about authorization and others sought for an employment while still on active duty. well, despite saudi arabia being accused of human rights abuses, the 2 countries have maintained economic and political cooperation. for years,
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the washington post article, however, it comes at a time when u. s. saudi relations do appear to be worsening pretty dramatically. as joe biden recently worn, there would be consequences for re joining other opec plus countries. in cutting oil production, there's going to be some consequences for what they've done with russia. what kind of consequences went into says suspend all arms sales. is that something you'd consider? i'm not going to get into what i'd consider and what i have in mind. but there will be, there will be consequences. we sell massive amounts of arms to the saudis. i think we need to rethink those sales. i think we need to, with the exemption that we have given this opec plus cartel from us price fixing liability. and we need to look at our trip presence in the middle east coast while it may be wavering, a little bit has been strongly supportive of the u. s. support of the ukrainian or russian conflict. so the washington post has,
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has never hesitated to support the bye in line on this. so when saudi arabia and opec, of course didn't respond to biden's request, they pop more well, an insect did the opposite. that is seen as connecting to the ukraine russian situation, and it is seen as being is it basically, if you're not, if you're not with us, you're against us. so the host can easily swing to, we're against saudi arabia, the united states government, and it's spokesman. and the president and the media arm that supports it. i don't even think they're aware of the hypocrisy of what they choose to talk about in what they choose to be enraged about. you know, when it serves us, we ignore it. i in fact, the arms that are being used in yemen, american arms, we're selling those arms to saudi arabia and they're, they're using them in yemen. we're making money off of that. so, you know,
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and again, maybe it's about the making of the money. you know, the arms and weapons and apparently generals are the america's biggest export. ah ok. something else to tell you about ways to solve the ukrainian conflict have again been coming from influential figures. and again, the notion of peace talks has been widely criticized online following ilan mosque. another 1000000000 or bill ackman urged the concessions like recognizing crimea, as part of russia should be discussed, but that you got twitter furious. all these billionaires wanting to school us about history are leaving out important bits that show their ideas are bad. shouldn't people in crimea determine if they want to be part of russia? ukraine? crimea is not a chip to trade. it's filled with people. if those people choose via referendum, which is a real vote not staged, then we should live with the result. no,
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it's been ukrainian all the time. russia had no say at all. billionaire investor bill ackman, and he's getting on social media and putting forward a piece proposal and acknowledging that in fact, there is credibility to russia's claims to both crimea and don boss. now of course there was immediately a fire storm in response to what he said on social media. now this comes as a, we're facing a situation where we just heard from ilan, mom. he put forward a different piece proposal that he also is speaking of and talking about the need to de escalate to lawn. moscow acknowledged some of the concerns. similar statements were made. it was a different piece proposal, but he's another billionaire in the united states. west white, a bit of influence, and he also made similar statements. ukraine, russia, peace, redo elections, of annexed regions under you and supervision. brush leaves, if that is, will, of the people crimea, formerly part of russia,
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as it has been since 1783 until crucial mistake. now the fact that we have billionaires in the united states speaking up and making these points on social media, while we're not hearing that from the mainstream media or from the politicians, shows that something is happening beneath the surface. and the reality is that the results placing the energy markets as well as facing the global economy as a result of sanctions on russia are not good. and at the same time, we have a situation in united states where we're facing a lot of inflation. the cost of living is going up, food prices, energy prices are through the roof, on. ricans are not happy. and we're heading in to the upcoming mid term elections on november 8th. so it appears that beneath the surface, within the american, our structure, there are many that are questioning the policies that we're seeing from the white house and it, it appears that, wow, you know, mainstream media and the political establish, an inherited state seems to be in lockstep regarding ukraine policy,
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there are many within the power structure and within the population overall that are questioning it and questioning the result. so this is quite hopeful what we've seen from alan mosque, and now from bill acme adi economic consequence. that it resulted from us policy of escalating, the conflict in grain seem to be something that have many people concern going against the western normative and having an independent position on the ukraine conflict. apparently results and problems with law enforcement, independent journalists, georgia, bianchi who's covered events and don boss for some time. say's police recently broke into his italian hotel room. without any explanation. georgia was an independent photographer and documentary journalist. he digs into issues right across the world from syria, me and mar india. europe on mainly focuses on the political side of the issues.
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georgia was docu film apocalypse. dumbass is a result of 8 years covering violence in the region and ukraine more widely. earlier he told us about the sudden nitrate by police after he checked into his hotel in italy, ahmed about the climate for journalists there who questioned the mainstream western view of the conflict that nicholas lodi in toronto, bonus era, the came here to the italian region of calabria for work. i arrived at the hotel at one i am and then at 3 i am. i heard the doorbell in my hotel room and a knock on the door. they said open, it's the police. i was clearly asleep at the time. so 1st i didn't understand if it was a dream reality or some kind of joke. i can't say what exactly the police were looking for in my hotel room. because in fact, no one has told me or explain anything to me. i was asked for an identity document . i gave them my passport. i mean, the policeman said,
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you're not italian. yeah. i said no look in the passport and he says, oh your russian. i said i was italian. and then when they asked me questions about what i was doing, they looked into my bag. they looked into my suitcase, they opened the drawers. i'm an absolutely pure person. i've never had any problems at justice. they didn't show me a warrant and they didn't give me answers about the search. and then i asked them if it was okay to be woken up at 3 am by the police entering your hotel room. and they told me i was just one of many in quote, so momento, ill fucked, or gay georgia maloney at the moment the frankly, georgia maloney, one the election does not change the situation much because the italian government has not yet been fooled. but georgie maloney stands for nato supporting ukraine, sending weapons there. so hopeful continuity of the drug government is obvious. as for independent journalist professionals like me, the situation is always a bit tense because, for example,
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take the situation when i was returning from russia. i was stopped at the apple both times in april after 2 months of working in dom boss. and in august, when i interviewed russian foreign ministry spokesperson barriers occur over my passport, was taken away from me. the italian police took me to a room and interrogated me. i was blacklisted by the italian special services. i'm listed as a propagandist, as a pro russian propagandist. according to what korea, at al serra, the most important italian newspaper wrote. every day my name appeared on the desk of prime minister mario draggy. let's just say there are a lot of programs on the main italian channels. they attack us from there every day . practically defining us as put in a house. pro russian, rafael's denigrating. i work. and professionals like me, are also under constant attack. today we're being passed off as lunatics who want to turn the italian population against the government
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was top all wish i was still. ne, middle european media is very biased and does not provide detailed information to the population. unfortunately, we do not have access to russian channels for instance. so your news comes, don't reach us either. we follow them via telegram using channels that rely your news. therefore, it's very difficult for an ordinary person to get access to this kind of information. so we seal this news completely, or partially completely handled, let's say, imperceptibly, and just drown in the flow of propaganda that comes from ukraine and from nato countries. for example, the nordstrom blasts, the italian population does not have accurate information about this. 1 i also look at the terrorist attack on the crimea bridge in, in this news, did not receive proper reflection as well as the terrorist attack that killed the daughter of philosopher alexander doogan journalist, daria de gainer, a girl aged 29 years. so it's almost impossible for
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a person who doesn't know how to maneuver between telegram channels to get a clear idea of what's happening in the world, in particular on the issue of nato. what being a fuel doctrine don boss, has not been a quiet occupation these past few months. next on our t documentary team, a companies want such medic deep into the bridge to discover why i'm already difficult job has been made even more onerous living on the edge begins in moments . ah, what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race, his on offense, very dramatic development, only personally and getting to resist. i'll see how that strategy will be successful, very critical of time. time to sit down and talk 1950
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. the ussr was returning to peaceful life, but the newspapers didn't report ongoing massacres and the ukrainian ssr, according to intelligence ukrainian nationalists and the ukranian insurgent army, led by romans forgive each perpetrated these atrocities for future before, but that was what i should be self store new way you would be wise to be like this please. of course we'll do immune novels to the plant of was the head of the n. k v d sabotaged department of the time he was tossed with stopping the atrocities in ukraine for a good reason. general suit of planter was very familiar with the situation he had experienced fighting the nationalists before the war. get the movie, you know, named lovelyn. she can't get a 0. do it's inevitable. so didn't know creamy, but it was black. but give me the task was tremendously difficult, but sooner plant it was determined to complete it. you had personal accounts to
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central, where the ukranian nationalist yes, do you mind shooting? you mean, yeah, with the media, look on your bill says that it does not sit down with or what is the minimum stokeland. okay. if there was a vote when she got statistics, at least sit alone, you do study williams, share it to you later. windows, i don't know much about with most video with the cylinder. it's beth with numb bowlers, within
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a certain length of option year when using the checklist. people with reason, joy yukon, tibits, and we did say that i was from which none of castilla had sent the purpose. graham should is to die. ah, and i know since concerns with its own i was in the north stella schuster now had him up for complete honesty, but a full noah walker is showing me it's a this medical unit has been sent up in a maintenance building. it's protected from shelling or slow hold on the overall onion of when it was faulty or.
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