tv Cross Talk RT October 21, 2022 7:30pm-8:01pm EDT
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general, so the plant was very familiar with the situation. he had experienced fighting the nationalist before the war. get the movie, you know, named lovelyn to come get it via do it's inevitable. so didn't know creamy but it was black and meet the task was tremendously difficult, but pseudo blonde was determined to completed. you had personal accounts to central, where the ukranian nationalist with a, with
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with a with hello and welcome to cross talk. we're all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle . as winter approaches, some cold realities are setting in the west, sanctioned more against russia, has failed. it is the west that is feeling the economic pain and ukraine's energy infrastructure is slowly being degraded. common sense would dictate a major rethink for these people in power. that is inconceivable with
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cross sucking ukraine. i'm joined by my guess. matthew aaronton month montreal's, he is a senior fellow at the american university of moscow and director of the rising tide foundation of canada. and we think we have anthony webber, he is an independent, political commentator and in los angeles we crossed soupy and he is a strategic planning consultant, a private equity advisor and an independent economic analyst, or a gentleman, cross stock rules and effect. that means you can jump in any time you want, and i always appreciate pie. i'm going to go to you 1st in los angeles because you've got up earliest for this program and it's much appreciated by all of us here . lying with you. in the broadest sense, what is really at stake here because we have all of these apocalyptic pronouncements coming about, you know, we joe biden with his loose talk about armageddon, which is completely disgraceful and a responsible. and then we have a figures like joseph burrell. i of the, the e, u foreign policy, chief of stilton bird, the head of the, of nato saying, you know, a defeat for a victory for russia is a defeat for the collective west. my words. okay. paraphrasing here. it's very
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apocalyptic on, on one side, what is at stake here because it looks to me that the west is afraid of being humiliated. go ahead in los angeles. well, ukraine, 1st of all, ukraine, as nato's sacrificial lamb, toward essentially preventing not just russian. this is forgotten in western press, or does tactically omitted not just russian but wider eurasian economic come up. and it's against essentially, you know, over century and a half of trans atlantic gemini, regardless of how fiscally teetering that a gemini might be at the moment of just wanted to make a note. this isn't a forbidden information within any sort of western press regarding russia and to address the issue of wider stakes regarding russian no one in mainstream corporate atlanta says press is allowed to ask simple questions such as, just why warrant gorbachev's yelled sin, or even putin from 1999 until about 2003. consider the penultimate evil on earth,
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why putin and russia since then. the answers because the kremlin decided to outpace anglo american energy. as far as it's resource book of the past 160 years by relying on its innately vast pools of oil and natural gas for projecting economic power, yet it was john d rockefeller. who infamously said that, quote, unquote, competition is a sin. hence, this manic drive for regime changing moscow back into ideally a drunken and nap them, thus western compliant yeltsin figure, or better yet of alo de mir tony, montana's zalinski figure, while splitting rush ideally into pieces and appropriating its resources. once again, that steaks have never been higher for the ruling, trans atlantic occult establishment elite who are at this point willing to sacrifice billions of people, if necessary, to retain and scale their political, economic, technocratic, and metaphysical power. they collectively make dr. strange luck. doctor. strange love looked like mister bean, it effort aimed to add,
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add flesh to what i just said here. go back to the history of the yukos affair and that's where all started. pie is absolutely right. buddhist, a referral former, he's a westerner and then the yukos of air happened and it's been downhill ever since because rushes of protecting its economic resources primarily energy. matthew, let me go to you because we've heard all of this talk now. no negotiations, no not. you don't give up one inch of ground all of this here, which is actually a signal that okay, fine, we don't need to negotiate. we're going to end this the hard way. and the in the west is saying, and they already know that ukraine probably can't win this, but they're going to continue to support it's. it's a war effort here. i mean, this is absolutely idiocy and nonsense. and his pie is pointed out, the billions of people around the world are going to be impact that are, are being impacted by this. go ahead, matthew. yes, as, as lindsay graham famously recently said, the weird, they're willing to fight to the last ukraine. and that's great. they really just
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see the people who live in ukraine has just your cannon fodder, and this is really coming out loud and clear is as it speaks right now. i think that what we're facing right now is a logic of scarcity. b, the finance your oligarchy, that is trying to manage and contain control of the multi polar alliance, which is emerge in russia's obviously a key player. and that are desperate that a new type of system is going to be brought on line. that is premised around abundance in the creation of free energy that will not justify the type of mo lucien population reduction that they desire. and they have been working towards this for many decades. and that's why they sort of want to go back in time to the 19 nineties and just reverse the clock and pretend that the belt road initiative didn't exist. the ration economic union did not exist. and unfortunately, ukraine has been playing a joke, political role as a destabilization force in that process, but it's a plaything and they're willing to dispose of the people living in ukraine as much
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as they're willing to ultimately dispose of the people living in europe or in the united states because the, the lease currently tech, the tech aquatic elite are completely psychologically more emotionally, intellectually detached from the citizens that they are supposed to represent. they're willing to sacrifice them. i would, i mean, i would even go further there ideologically possess. that's why they cannot see other options or ideologically possess people. and they're all interchangeable, aren't they? you know, it doesn't really matter which what leader it is they can be moved over to another country equipment. because with that, we have a ruling class that, you know, they talk about diversity, but they're all exactly the same. they may look different, but they are all exactly as m, anthony is something that's already been mentioned. the program i think is really important is that russia and countries that are remained friends and aligned with it friendly with it. they represent an alternative to the west and the west cannot accept that. they cannot accept that anyone else can do, do it better because the, the west is failing and that's why we have so many countries around the world that
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will not condemn russia for the, for the military operation and ukraine. go ahead, anthony. yes, that's correct. he said, i have to concur with what's written said say fall i, if you look at the situation regarding my media and sexy and the u. k. is absolutely impossible to have them. so if you are regarding your crime, it's actually the golf course. it's both list to the course we've had the situation where does it matter which prime minister is empower whether it is or a strong civil this strauser or a strength are becoming next. i don't just a book the policy on the train, under course these big calls for general election of the u. k. i learned, behold the like the policy of going to exactly the same policy on the crane and russia, a disaster situation. and do they ever asked the people,
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are you trying to book a walk, but i shouldn't have a referendum about what they want to and the war because i suspect a lot of them do. i'm sorry, you know. okay, let me go to los angeles here. a pie after everything we've seen, particularly since february 24th. is there any way going back? because, you know, there are these people, a lot of them are libertarians to, for some reason. think that we just go back to the minutes, go chords, you know, that can be a point of reference. i mean, i think these people are all delusional. i think bridges have been cut. i think a deep chasm has created here. and there are countries like india, russia, china, that have no interest in going back to what was before because it didn't work for them. so why should they reconsidered? and on top of it, all of these western leaders with their smiles and dangling shiny little things in front of your face. they don't keep their word, actually, they lie a lot. go ahead by. i mean, there's no way to go back because there's been
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a farce as far as the, the story line. certainly since, as early as 2008 with the global financial crisis with that permanently did was shift so much of the western middle class that had built over decades prior since the 2nd world war out of gear. and hence why you have homeless strewn across. otherwise, tony suburban laws, lawns across america and north america. i just so you know, that's why i mentioned earlier. the stakes are massive because the entire eurasian east and certainly the global south are on to the facade and are trying to circumvent. and what has been essentially trans atlantic economic hedge. a monic rule, a for quite a while, just quickly, a note on tactics here regarding a russia 11000 sanctions have been applied against russia since february since the start of the war. they've spectacularly boomerang, because you cannot sanction such a massive global energy provider without essentially collapsing your own brittle
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house of cards, fiscal house of cards. eventually the russian rouble is the strongest performing currency of 2022 out pacing what it was before. sanctions russians of earn $200000000000.00 and energy exports since february despite lock trade elsewhere like the east needs to really do some sober soul searching over what it's trying to do. it's, you know, matthew, it's one of the and, and i have to say and i up my, my road record about talking about the what would become this conflict and what they would conflict became i have to have that down almost perfectly except for one thing that pi mentioned, i got the rubel thing completely wrong, because before february 24th, it was a soft currency. now it's a hard currency. amazing. yeah, no, absolutely. and, and i mean, if anything, it's driven more nations of the multiple or alliance of eurasia into each other's arms and have the nations like china, india, russia, we've already been moving in towards a very strong brotherhood,
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have only double down now. and i mean, india is now buying what, 8 times more energy, 9 times more fertilizers from russia than they were the same time. last year. china, as boomed they've, they've made up for all of their losses to europe and put his has recently said as well, like if it's, if it's not, it's a, it's on you. the ball is in your court. all you have to do is turn on the chaps we're even willing to provide all of the energy you need and more through even turkey, if you want there still viability in parts of the, the north stream to that could supply the vital needs of european. so i think you're getting massive exhaustion right now over the ukraine propaganda, and they only wants to revive this winter and beyond and have a life. that's what your average citizen wants. but russia and china and india are providing an actual method on how to actually do this competently and oh, we're running out of time. i mean, it's the chances to actually get on board with this and avoid world war 3, or at least avoid a dark age scenario in the west is, is on our, the west is on our trajectory of di, industrialization. and there seemed to be
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a lot of people on board with that, and i get nobody asked the people of europe if they would vote on such a thing. but that's what they're getting me to talk a little bit more about how energy politics in green politics have become a perfect storm. gentlemen, i'm going to jump in here. we're gonna go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on ukraine staying with our team. ah, ah, hey jan skin. do you mind sinking amy eyes or even thin who scantily of meeting look on you to the office that it's not september unless via with stokeland with sufficient or least ceremony reduce. they
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williams show it to you. lights, windows. i don't know much about with, with boilers within a certain amount of ocean you when using the checklist. people with reason joining your con tibbetts, and we did a study on which a lot of them to purpose graham, should hulu, a huge national system. we have never really practiced democracy is to power based uses and to possibly always have good. so i don't think, you know, that was going to change much effective anything. what we have now see is the
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national rather than the assumption that democratic way of dealing with ah, welcome back to cross stock where all things are considered. i'm peter labelle, to remind you we're discussing ukraine. ah. okay, it's got back to anthony and more than it's really quite interesting to me how the conflict in ukraine has a dub tailed in with this new green deal that so many of the a leads are pushing here, but nobody gets the boat on by the nobody ever votes on this, okay. but the ukraine issue is a pivot for them to get this agenda on board, because it's an emergency here, you know, i'm a green purse, i like nature, and all of that. but anthea, can you explain to me the bonehead ignace of europeans saying,
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or does get no more russian gas, we don't want it, it's evil gas. okay. i mean, these people are not thinking pragmatically fine, you know, over years, new technologies, all that's nice and fine. now they wanted, they really want a quick departure from this blowing up the pipelines north stream pushed it along here. i mean, i can't see a future of europe. have it having any kind of productivity with no cheap energy, anthony, how can you explain that? well, the reality is, of the previous position with russia was that she assisting the green jenny and now i think he's pushing it now. because economically, it just doesn't work. well, they all say pushing on the safe and dangerous nuclear power as an alternative to energy. so it's all a complete or catastrophe. and ninety's been austin,
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although in hungary i own going to have a referendum on sanctions against russia. in the u. k. there is a, can i have a referendum on the neutral in the russia to your credit card? thanks. it's been completely no phone, but literally it will remain the same media. so that's a, we're up against the complete propaganda on this, on this issue. so, but i think these things which are happening are reversible because you look at what happened with our target 19 vaccines agenda. i tried to start up again. i'm sorry. may we're out of luck to hunger and everything else. so i think these propagandists are quite capable of changing the agenda when i see that my boss battle in regard to the
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old i. they want to come out to be very well because russia will undoubtably come. i was a bit very well and the cycle questions or comments that he's will come out with a bad way. but you know, be fighting the way i say, what does this actually mean? because these countries old can travel by global expressed interest. and we say, listen, the chinese recently i, what we need is a bit more democracy in the western european countries on because we're having policies which have approval from the update regarding this transaction. do you try and russia and, you know, we need to bear in mind that russia was and both the 1st or the 2nd world was it wasn't that long ago. a number of members with royal family were officially
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visiting russia to improve relations. i think it's not possible to go back. sure. and then when i, if you remember, we had the presser reagan and gorbachev agreements, we need to have people here go, states like abilities like we've been, but some of them for shame, that's very much working with. i will a wish i could agree with you about the political back to pine los angeles. the problem is, is that we have a lead now that it is ideologically possess. they do not see other options. yeah, that's why i don't see any real liter coming out of the west because they're ideology doesn't allow it. it's kind of like, it's kind of like the history of catholicism. you know, once you have the savior, you know, you, you, then you, you know, and you can have someone follow, you know, we already found it. ok, this ideologies. so frozen and pipe. if someone of satcher say we should
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sit down and negotiate, then you're just to put in propagandist and stooge. they painted this discursive themselves into this discursive corner. they can't find a way out and their material being is going to be degraded very, very quickly. i mean, the winter is starting, that's what i started out in my, my introduction. the consequences are going to be very great and not just for one winter for many winters. ahead. go ahead by. yeah, i mean that there cards are limited as far as playing at 1st of all the green movement you guys were referencing earlier for decades. what that has been is essentially the, the top power structure of the owners of the banks who are tied very closely. as matthew pitt can attest to the energy companies and have been for a well over a century. that's just sweeping propaganda. the green movement in large part has been a means for trying to get the rest of the world's attention deflected away from oil, natural gas and carbon. what a based feels because it is the monopoly or
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a perceived as the required monopoly of london, a swiss sand, new york banks, and yet western and eurasia is assisting russia and its energy spine. while integrating, sweeping infrastructure growth is matthews referencing earlier russia and china will simply expedite the replacement of this 49 year old petra dollar reserve or cycling standard. while the u. s. fed hikes, interest rates into a deep recession and the largest banks manipulate fuel prices high enough to seemingly engineer transatlantic stagflation. you really have to ask yourself like the propaganda on one hand i which answered who was referencing versus tactics on the other. it becomes very transparent to anybody who's sober and thinking and has any appreciation for history. what's happening in the west? it matthew in ear me, i guess you need, you definitely need an appreciation of history in this day and age because very few people seem to have it. it same. see, you know,
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you don't have to be einstein to figure out. well, europe became safe and prosperous because, oh, and then i just got it cheap energy. so the indians and the chinese and everybody else in the world saw this formula work during the entire post war period. and they want to emulate the europeans. i want to do it. that's fine. that's your choice. your craven choice. no one is cutting it off from you. you're cutting yourself off . so what people see this isn't it is patently mad. go ahead, matthew. it is patently mad. i mean, no creature in the bios for that we can see a willfully just commit suicide on their own. this is not something that ever really happens. and it seems like there has been an ideology, as you've alluded soon, and i and has, has also me the point that there is a governing ideology, almost a pseudo religion. and it's a pseudo religion masquerading behind a form of scientific sociological theorizing that is truly ivory tower that posits
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that we can go back in time to a state of christine, a stasis. no change where we somehow live in equilibrium with unchanging nature, with technologies like windmills that we had had used last in the 13th 14th centuries, it was fine then when we had less than a 1000000000 people, but today with 8000000000 or more, that is not going to work and the effects of trying to undercut the type of abundance and means of production, both in food as well as industrial base of that this requires is bloodcurdling. the unfortunate thing is that we once had a very viable pro capital creation ethic before i was born, which has been under attack. now, there were many, many decades and russians at russia, china and india especially, are really learning from what we used to do and seeing well, why can't they simply use the model that made the west once great of industrial progress, leaping beyond the limits to growth by embracing new discoveries and applying it for the big needs of your society. that's what,
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that's what made us work. and we've, we've let that go now for decades by design. and we have a small window of opportunity to get it back, but it's a, it's again, it's a closing window. you know, anthony, when joe biden became president and i think was during his inaugural address. he said america will have a foreign policy. the supports the middle class i'm that's not even a bad joke today, but in the reason i mentioned it in something that matthew had to say, is it, you know, you have the ration countries that are actually thinking about their middle class because a middle class for the ration countries is a relatively new phenomena and it's something that makes their society's worth again, that you always say best practices borrow the best practices. you know, europe did that in the post war era building up middle class in the us as well. but they've abandoned that for ideology. and again, you know, one of the things i and i live here in moscow, the west is terrified of alternatives. alternative a conservative society society that has religious beliefs, all these things because most of the world looks at the west. now and bill wills
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are made about their woke ism in values and whatever these things they don't understand and i don't understand it. but what i, what i do see i reject it and i think i speak for the majority of the world. anthony. yes. hi, i'm a button thing which is pretty clear baffled between their various food from where i could just and i see got into this being increasingly saying that russia is i got valleys was flu, west sort of cool. increasingly. so i know your point about the middle class and so just some metal costs, basically a lower income people as well. but the sad time with maybe you can, you know, the question countries look to walk was in that country's best interest. so they still never been in the best interests of the u. k. should be both in the credit
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and conflict and the vast majority of countries in the well not sanctioning russia that's been building 70. so the wells population and lots of countries, even the ones have condemns russia in the them have done a g deals, russia. we're just cussing around the country and say law. continuing with these sections and pouring money into a very corrupt ukrainian government tip either that i've worked with most corrupt. so how much in the world we were told by fighting for freedom and democracy bad, but they didn't have free democracy. i want to go to, i want to go to los angeles pie. i want to give you the last 30 seconds for getting up so early today. last 30 seconds got to you just quickly back to ukraine. the world bank declared a recently, the ukraine's economy will shrink to 8 times more than that of russia's. but again,
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as we have reiterated multiple times during the program, london, washington, brussels and television do not care. they'll throw the entirety of europe, certainly ukraine to be sacrificed, that arresting russian, and more importantly, why had or your asian economic integration and growth. okay, wonderful point to end on. i want to thank my guests in montreal where they and in los angeles, and i want to thank our viewers for watching a c r t. see you next time. remember cross with ah, a with
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lou, we raised a corn and soybeans here. so some issues that are different this year than in years past is that with all the things going on the world, the day are input costs have almost doubled in. it's going to be really hard for everybody to keep go and some will make a solemn world our current, a lame duck treasure that is blaming russia for that to your gas company is, are going to get blamed for the problem. but they are not the problem. so by and really chan blame food for causing the problem because he himself caused the problem in but the price is already gone. of fertilizer and chemicals have dramatically risen. what we need to do, you guys need to what united states needs to do is start a while and we, we've got,
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we can drill for oil. and for some reason our government thinks that we should be using our own oil, which is crazy. mm. and do you mind you can you me a minute then go to let me look on your bill says that it's not with speer one more time. what is the minimum spoke with statistics? i used to sort of loan. you do study williams? sure. the units are windows no problem, i'm much.
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