tv News RT October 21, 2022 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT
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ah sure with what i did with them with you. great. so like on a civilian river, poor thing in has on israel power by russian and offenses, according to local authorities and day after another tax and deadly. the route is used by people heading to safer grounds, are visits a place into a story from a debt collector. they bombed us with rockets all day and all night in our home. with here defense works, but look at to keep coming. it's not safe for children or to call for intervention
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is heard as the un security council functions against those threatening peace in the country. but i'm in the, in the us media pollution committee intervention. and a recent poll says brian is losing both to support with his policy, and ukraine was average americans being focus instead on domestic with hello and welcome to international book watching live from moscow just part of the hour. i'm reza monica. let's take a look at today's top stories. we saw with the latest, from the conflict ukraine, air raid sirens found in central eastern and southern parts of the train. the bloss reportedly heard in the vin, its region and across the front line explosions are again being heard in the city
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of ah, local authorities say here, forces have targeted a civilian river crossing in the city for the 2nd day in a row. and the attack has been repelled by russian air defenses. this comes a day after e cranium rockets, life at the same location, kill full people, and left 10 wounded. according to officials, the area has engaged a river barge to help people with vehicles move tools, kansas city, as continuous shilling by key forces has left the area too dangerous to stay in all seas egos, dental visits, one of the places that people have fled to for safety, hundreds of people have already been relocated and while accommodated at this temporary center in southern russia. now we've heard plenty of stories and every one is unique, of course. but all of them revolver on the same thing. how they did not want to leave, how they tried to delay this very difficult decision until the very last minute
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when they realised that staying was simply way too dangerous. the threat was to grave to risk. they couldn't simply risk the lives of their loved ones. their children and well, the elderly sil, again, it's only been death iraqi. they bombed us with rockets all day and all night our home was destroyed. what is happening is terrible. our own people are bombing us. zalinski is bombing us. he's the reason why we had to run away. we left everything behind bomb to administer everywhere and the news, they are telling us about shilling in every days like that. we live next to the port is very dangerous. the air defense works, but rockets keep coming. it's not safe for children with the telling you put in the beginning, we could not understand or believe it. then we decided to leave immediately. we went to get my mother who lives next to care son. despite the security checkpoints . we were very afraid. now, people here there being provided,
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not only with the free accommodation and the hot food, but rather everything is being done to streamline the process of their integration into russia society as smoothly and swiftly as possible. there's a job fair going on here for example. and there are all sorts of specialists who are assisting them with obtaining new documents, for instance, because the authorities, while they realize that people, most of them like 99 percent of them they, they did not plan on coming here. there was no way they could have prepared for this moment in any shape or form. so they are doing everything to basically will help them accommodate and well again into great mood, bonnasoli, spiritual, buford book in the center. we provided recreation for the people. we set up children's play areas, clubs as sports fails. currently, our administration's set up a center where people can come with different questions. questions about visa, migration and work. i think that every man needs to help somebody who finds himself in a difficult situation. we never know what will happen to us tomorrow,
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or if we will be the ones needing help. again, as people have been fleeing in the wake of this threat, the ukrainian forces overnight they have shelled a civilian crossing over a river. had san is in general, a region that has been largely physically cut off from russia. so the evacuees, they have to rely on such well very temporary and unstable crossing points over over the river. the wonder was shelled, well, as a result for people for civilians have been killed and well more than 10 have been injured, including including children. so there's that, but this all, this threats, all this hardship, it only encourages more people to listen to the voice of reason perhaps, and to temporarily relocate here to southern russia and other places. because this is just the only one that has opened its doors to welcome everyone in need. according to the leveled governor in russ as well, the road region ukraine have sailed. a town results in a fire as
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a factory and damage to a power substation, leaving some residence without electricity to you and a security council has approved. a u. s. may scan resolution to sanction quote, any one who threatens piece security or stability in haiti. the measure comes as the western hemisphere is poor country, it has been embroiled in a multiple crisis and at washington has sought authorization for un mission to enforce law and order on the island nation. this comes off the repeated calls from the u. s. media to intervene in haiti. the washington post editorial board has called for military intervention in haiti 8 times since the july 2021 assassination of president jo vanelle, more ease. haiti is on the brink of revolution and the u. s. will do anything to stop it. now we're up to 9. washington post editorial board calls for military
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intervention. 80 since summer 2021. it hasn't even been a week since the last one. the caravan countries currently trapped in a crude mix of sky rocketing prices. gang violence and aspiring color rear cholera outbreak. and now the haitian government has asked for a foreign help to quote the unrest for the request has been met with concern by many in the country who take into consideration the long history of previous us interventions. for a
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a with, i'm just dan cohen says washington, true intent is to maintain and grip on the western hemisphere pool country. the key thing is that the un needs to make sure that it does not go along with the u. s. clot 2, to authorize a military intervention, u. s. has been responsible for recruiting cause for invasions,
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for all kinds of horrible crimes against 80. and this is, and this is exactly what the us wants to do once again to maintain the status quo of enormous profits for, for its local all of our in the ongoing, neo colonial plunder of haiti. a situation that has, hasn't changed in essentially 2 centuries. well, aside from the resources there in haiti, the main reason is that us cannot allow an example such as haiti to inspire other countries to go out of the orbit of us empire. and the us wants to maintain its grip on the western hemisphere, what it calls its backyard. and it cannot allow essentially a domino effect. recent polls show job by then is losing touch with his base. with surveys suggesting a presence intense focus on funding you claim could be partly to blame on things. kayla moulton takes up the story. well, november 8th,
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we've got mid term elections coming up in the united states, and many are asking the question, if the republicans take back and for all of the house and the senate, will the key of government continue to get blank jacks from the united states to continue to prolong this war and fund their activities. well, recent comments from the leader of the republicans in the house, gavin mccarthy, they say that that will not be the case so that they will slow down to some degree funding from the united states who military conflict. so that raises question now joe biden apparently says he's staying up late at night, worrying about this. this is by reacting they say, but if they, when they're not let it continue to fund ukraine, the ukranian war against the russians, these guys don't get it. it's a lot bigger than ukraine. it's east and europe. it's nato. it's real serious, serious, consequential outcomes. they have no sense of american foreign policy now that
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dismissal of republicans of just not having sense of american foreign policy isn't just a snob at the republican party. it's a snob, the bulk of the american people, polls show that one era americans are asked to their top priorities regarding the situation in the country, what they're voting around. they don't list foreign policy, and ukraine is among them. the top concerned that americans are taking to the polls on november 8th, according to a recent poll that was conducted of their top concern is inflation and the rising cost of food, the rising cost of energy in addition to being concerned about inflation. another major issue that american voters are concerned about is the border, and they're not talking about the borders of ukraine. they're talking about the borders of the united states and the security issue. there. my constituents, a saying, why are we more worried about ukraine's borders than we are about america's borders?
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my constituents are not, they are going, gosh, we have to save you grains borders. now this isn't the only poll that have been taken to show this bite and doesn't seem to take the hint, but polling has consistently show that the american people are not really as deeply invested in this conflict with ukraine as the white house is. they just don't share the white houses enthusiasm about it, and there is a feeling that the domestic situation is being neglected. these are the results that came out in a recent poll taken by the very prestigious pulling agency. now as quincy current us arms, policy and practice. too often fuel war, rather than deterring it, roughly 2 thirds of current conflict, 34 out of 46 involve one or more parties armed by the united states. of the u. s. supplied nations at war 16 received $50000000.00 or more worth of us arms between 201720. 21 contradicts the long standing argument that u. s. army routinely promote stability and deter conflict. now that whole from the
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quincy institute shows what poll after poll after poll has shown that essentially the white house is ukraine, policies are lose lose on the one hand pouring more money and only going to prolong this conflict that has already had disastrous results for the global energy markets to the global economy, affecting american. and on top of that, the more money that the white house continues to pour into, the more average americans feel like their need are being neglected. no, the white house is just ultimately losing out with their ukraine. intend to announce us now? go live to journalist. i'm political alice and john of raleigh in neil. john, thanks for doing nazi now. these folks just recently released these figures. are you surprised by them or were they expected? so i'm not surprised that all that i'm sorry for the noise guy me,
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but not the prize off. the general americans are not, it's in issued, they're just too complex for the average american to understand. but 2nd, we have to realize that this administration is extremely corrupt. we know it's been strict to kimmy corrupt for years. i mean, even before i became president, we knew about his dirty deals with ukrainian oligarchy. again, well, before i became president, so a lot of americans understand that. but again, overall, since foreign policy, this is a very complex americans, just go about their daily lives and don't pay too much attention to my how likely is that the republicans will take the congress? i mean, is that the, the wood on the see? and if they do, are they likely to slow down aid? siri claim the thing. yeah. so, i mean, if you like, you will be honest if they will be on this at the big, big if the republican world. and again, if your actions are honest and fair, but nothing will change, nothing will change the republicans when why?
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because again, let's assume a republican victory within the days after the victory 0 or a week or 2 very, very, no, say certain specific people will be coming to those republican senators and congressmen and saying, oh wait, you took a bribe, didn't you? some time ago when you have a lover, you've a mr. away. oh look what else we found on your record. you know, there's going to be a vote soon. i'm more you, craig. i think you should vote for that package that you know. $45060000000000.00 package. it's basically blackmail. yeah. i'll say, blackmail. wow. wow. let me send a strong arming income with to get things done. when it was talking about the republican party, is there a divide in bits in the party or are they united? yeah, no, certainly divide because there's the pro war part. i'm sorry,
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reward section of the party affiliated with. obviously the pentagon. secret service is the national security thing that they're well on board were ukraine. and then of course, there are those who are support, what i believe are genuine american values of freedom. democracy, real freedom, real democracy, real human rights. unfortunately, that the republican party has much less power. let's see how that pans out the names of the day. we've come to leave. how things do change in congress? i will look here at more focus on or are we looking at some sort of energy cost sanctions you know. ok, that's what we thought about the aide to keep what, how about in terms of the is the us going to look more into internal issues or per priority to that? i would hope so. it's hard to say, but overall the economy. i'm surprised, you know, it's not that bad as we thought it would be. not like europe the energy right here
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. i'm not risen as drastically as your prices are not great, but it's certainly not as bad as you are. my. my main concern is, what do you see, major upright, major, broke out in europe throughout the winter, and we're not, we're not, i don't think we're going to see that in the us. but they're most likely will be more domestic issues. simply because a lot of people are just tired of biting crusade and ukraine. people are tired of it in the john, thanks so much for joining me here. see, pleasure to do so. we'll see you soon. thanks again. and can i ask, who are now moscow warns ale, they catastrophic flood or warn? the catastrophic flood could kill thousands if the hydro electric power plant in it no voice. clover is hit the bike, his forces addressing the un security council, russian ambassador of a city. they bend there called out to the west in ignorance,
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towards such actions in ukraine or by you quoted, i say. and what he says is fake information about the recent retiree strikes by russia. you steers to learn, you got garage and you can of course, as it was before the west doesn't want to face the truth and recognize that civilian objects suffered by russian strikes only in cases when russian drones have been shut down by ukrainian territorial defences. therefore, having their initial route altered or when civilian objects were hit by ukrainian air defense missiles, unable to intercept their targets. a number of such cases had been recorded on video. everyone can watch it. now ukraine, in its western patrons, are trying to push another fake about the so called supply of iranian drones to russia, violate, in the un security council resolution 2231. we reject any attempt to involve the you and secretariat into this dirty game. the last comment by the russian and what refers the demand by the united states,
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the us to continue to investigate alleged drug supplies from tech to moscow. russia has delivered necessitating only a direct request from the security council. can initiate an inquest. and the 2nd period that cannot, you know, actually call for one on its own. let him know the white house has accused of could directly engaging on the ground in crimea. us national security council suppose was in john kirby said iran is providing drones and training russian troops to use them to india. katrinka as well iranian drones being used by russia and ukraine, or even iranian coming kazi, drove for quite a while already thereon. has been under fire by western countries for hooking russia up with unmanned systems. although both iran and moscow have denied being
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involved in this kind of corporation. but like you've heard the western allegations don't, and they're now to iran, is being used to sending personnel to the complex zones. all of this is becoming a huge concern fourty of allies. so much that they're now taking action london has sanctioned a group of iranian military figures as well as a defense contractor washington has threatened to punish anyone who facilitates the deliveries of iranian arms to russia. now this brings me to how kias allies justify the move. they say that any contribution to the war in ukraine is absolutely unacceptable. force no country should, to, you know, support in any way these kinds of barbaric war. and it's clear that we caught on iran to still be part of this, of this service, atrocious war. so together, together, all of us are the ones who,
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who, who, who, who say for the right reasons that is such a war, it should not take place and should be stopped on every one's helping this war is he's to be held accountable. the same thing applies to run, the ironic thing is that the west has been involved in all kinds of support for key of military efforts since february. now the latest reports in the us media suggest that american lawmakers are mulling over a $50000000000.00 aid package for keith. this would be on top $65000000000.00 in aid that ukraine already received. now, if we take a look at europe, the e u. is really playing catch up, the blog has just agreed to train 50000 ukranian troops on european soil. the e u military assistance mission will train the ukraine an armed forces so they can continue their courageous fight that emerge assistant commission. that is not just
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a training mission, it is a clear proof that the e e e will stand by ukraine for as long as it's needed when it comes to the deliveries of arms. germany's iris t air defense systems are already in ukraine. these slovakian, susanna howitzers will be on their way soon, and these are just 2 examples. anyway, the bottom line is those who are sounding the alarm over iran's alleged involvement are more than involved themselves. good old hypocrisy. that's what it's called. i this course live now to washington d. c to michael maloof is a former senior security policy analyst in the office of the secretary of defense us on long trifle where michael, thanks for joining me again today. here are to now the u. s. is now cues in iran, in direct involvement in the conflict and ukraine. what consequences can this bring to to her on?
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well, if it were true and we have no evidence to suggest that except here, say, and you can never believe us intelligence. it could, it could mean the end of the effort by the us to get the iranian nuclear agreement. j one here are all yes, it's in, you know, neither side. i mean, the iranians don't particularly care one way or the other. and most of the provisions are, are sunset anyway, and they're about ready to go out. but at any rate, even, even if the united states wanted to pursue the un approach, it wouldn't work. number one, the, the, it's clear that any, any alleged violations of missiles or anything of this sort under the j c p way,
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is supposed to be done by the national, by the un security council. the, and of course, russia has a veto. so it and even if they wanted to make sanctions and lift and even if you're wanting to lift it, they would have to be done by the un security council. and there again, russia has a veto. so it's, there's nothing in the j. c, p o a that says that right, that, that iran will not develop missiles. it's, it urges them not to develop nuclear tipped missiles which they're not capable of doing it just yet. but it doesn't preclude them from, from developing missiles or doing whatever they want to do in terms of sales. so it's, it's it accurate by the u. s. t,
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in the europeans to say that that is covered by the j. c. he away. it's not, it's not a violation of the un resolution 2231. right? yeah, it's just, this is just a parker c as, as your correspondence pointed out and it's best, more smoke, more smoke than actually a fire. just just, just, just basically trying to keep that momentum going on. they were trying to so mike, anything to talk about re, now we, we just, we talked basically about, is it true, is it full to, we don't know. there's no proof when. well, just play on that double standard, then nato, and the us, and anybody who just wants to gets, you know, some skin in the game, a feel like constantly providing weapons for ukraine, supposedly not involved, supposedly not involved in the conflict. but here we are, that to her on or some other country wants to provide some weapons to russia. why
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is that? why is that double? that's double sanders. i mean, how, how can i have more sizable? of course it isn't. but if you see that the, it should be 2 of the united states back in your ukraine, once again is much, much larger than the u. s. support for ukraine. this is once again and blink and the secretary of state made it very clear that that the, this is a competition between 2 world systems that, that has emerged that the, the us lead unipolar world order against a multi polar world order that's emerging very quickly. and you're going to have the proxy going back and forth constantly and the credibility of the united states and it's intelligence services is corrupt it. we saw that in 2003 with w. m d, in iraq. and we've seen that time and again in other episodes that they claim to be
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the crusaders for the, for the, for the world or that's what this is. it's trying to search the us world border once we're all over everybody and for everybody to abide by us standard. and as i said, lincoln just last week made that very clear when they did it and you wonder where they get all the money from ready. michael, thanks so much for your time. i really appreciate it. we'll speak again soon. thanks again. yes, thank you. ah ok. that movie on the white house is reportedly intervals with isla setup, stalling intense services for iran. this comes off the u. s. condemned to restrictions to infant access for protest in the country, labeling it a disrespect for human rights the base service. 5 could reportedly help in radians circle when the regime restrictions on accessing the
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internet and certain social media platforms. iran has previously accused countries that have expressed support for the post as a meddling, and it's internal affairs mean la, number of was female for a minute to have an online meeting chat by kind of talk on the situation on the brand is support for the iranian protest movement, a quote, moral obligation for in protest movement was gone by and is being sustained in large part by the incredibly brave woman of her on. we have a moral obligation to support as woman, foreign ministers. we have the responsibility to help amplify the voices of woman in iran. iran has imposed restrictions on the ab blows access of platforms such as instagram and walks up. that sound good process move and that began last month,
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the process and ruptured of the death of a young woman in iran who had been detained by iran's morality police for incorrectly wearing a hid job. however, a few days off the hesitation, she collapsed and died. when he blamed the police flocking demonstrations against the oppression of women's rights, legal and me, the analysts, lionel things such stories have always been a media weapon to influence audiences. this is a zoom meeting. this is zoom, this is, this is the way we meet isn't we're marching in the streets. we tweak, we might have a pithy little rip post in some type of a, of a tweet. in fact, what i'm hearing here in various news organizations, they will say that so and so slammed to somebody, and that somehow was become a moral equivalent of some huge revolt. do you know how many times in my
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career in my life i've heard a story about women in 2005, 2008 in the congo genital mutilation, rape as, as an instrument of war. and then all of a sudden it's gone human rights, we must maintain our vigilance and lead. don't let the word become and a dining shack written in trade and diluted it really means 2 important things. human rights, as in guaranteed while i was on, this is our checkout asi dot com for more international and regional news will be back on the hour. so we hope you'll join us for the show, the ukrainian people, what the soviet partisans stood, full and who was actually fighting the invaders. see, the carfax was ordered to conduct res strategy.
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