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tv   News  RT  October 21, 2022 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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a b, a with a power by russian and defenses, according to the local authorities a day off for another time. the deadly root is used by people heading to safer grounds. policy visits a place there are going to and his, this story is but i did a bomb just with rockets all day and all night our home was destroying the air defense works. but look at, keep coming. it's not safe for children with coal for innovation. haiti is heard
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as the us pretty counsel cruz sciences against those funding in the country. but amid some in the us medium from the intervention with either poll says via is losing versus support with his policy on the ukraine with average americans focusing on domestic issues. a world costing life from there just past the hour. i'm right. allow me to take a look at some stories we saw with the latest, from the conflicts in ukraine air raid sirens found in central eastern and some parts of the train with bloss reports to be heard in its region and across the front line. explosions are again being heard in a city of hassan. ah,
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vogel thought. he say he that falls his habits. i live to the civilian river crossing in the city of the 2nd day in a row. and the attack has been repelled by a russian air defenses. this comes a day after the ukraine rocket strife at the same location killed 4 people and left 10 wounded. according to officials. the area has engaged a river barge to help people with vehicles move towards houses, city as continuous shelling right here. fulton has left the area too dangerous to stay in ortiz egos done over a visit, one of the places the people have fled to for safety. hundreds of people have already been relocated, and while accommodated at this temporary center in southern russia. now we've heard plenty of stories and every one is unique, of course, but all of them revolver on the same thing. how they did not want to leave. how they tried to delay this very difficult decision until the very last minute when
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they realized that staying was simply way too dangerous. the threat was too grave to risk. they couldn't simply risk the lives of their loved ones, their children. and well, the elderly sill again, it's only been death iraqi. they bombed us with rockets all day and all night our home was destroyed. what is happening is terrible. our own people are bombing us. zalinski is bombing us, he's the reason why we had to run away. we left everything behind on sort of more. so everywhere in the news, they are telling us about shilling in every days like that. we live next to the port. it's very dangerous. the air defense works, but rockets keep coming. it's not safe for children or what the hell on you put in the beginning? we could not understand or believe it. then we decided to leave immediately. we went to get my mother who lives next to care san despite the security checkpoints. we were very afraid people here there being provided,
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not only with the free accommodation and the hot food, but rather everything is being done to streamline the process of their integration into russia society as smoothly and swiftly as possible. there's a job fair going on here for example, and there are also to a specialist who are assisting them with obtaining new documents, for instance, because the authorities, while they realize that people, most of them like 99 percent of them did. they did not plan on coming here, there was no way they could have prepared for this moment in any shape or form. so they are doing everything to basically will help them accommodate and well again into great mood, bonnasoli, spiritual, buford vocal in the center. we provided recreation for the people. we set up children's play areas, clubs and sports fails. currently, our administration set up a center where people can come with different questions. questions about visas, migration and work. i think that every man needs to help somebody who finds himself in a difficult situation. we never know what will happen to us tomorrow, or if we will be the ones needing help. again,
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as people have been fleeing in the wake of this threat, the ukrainian forces overnight they have shelled a civilian crossing over a river. had san is in general, a region that has been largely physically cut off from russia. so the evacuees, they have to rely on such well very temporary and unstable crossing points over over the river. the wonder was shelled, well, as a result for people for civilians have been killed and well more than 10 have been injured, including including children. so there's that, but this war, this threats all this hardship, it only encourages more people to listen to the voice of reason, perhaps, and to temporarily relocate here to southern russia and other places. because this is just the only one that has opened its doors to welcome everyone in need. a no rush says border with ukraine, according to the governor and russia's belgrade region. ukraine has shell,
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the local tower, resulting in a fire as a factory and damage to a power sensation, leaving some residence without electricity. the un security council has approved the u. s. mason resolution to sanction quote, anyone who threatens piece security instability in haiti. the measures comes as the western hemisphere poorest country has been embroiled in multiple crisis and as washington has full authorization for you and mission to enforce lornel order on the island nation. this comes after repeated cooled from the u. s. media to intervene in haiti to washington post editorial board has called for military intervention in haiti. 8 times since the july 2021 assassination of president jo vanelle, more ease. haiti is on the brink of revolution and the u. s. will do anything to stop it. now we're up to 9 washington post editorial board calls for military
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intervention, haiti since summer 2021. it hasn't even been a week since the last one. the caravan country is currently traveling crude mix of sky rocketing prices, gang violence, and the spiraling cholera outbreak. and now the haitian go and had offered for help to quell the unrest. but the quest cause means met with concern by many in the country who take into consideration the long history of previous us interventions. mm mm mm
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mm mm mm. mm. mm. i can just says, what has true intent is to maintain a grid on the west and i'm of is post country if there is a military intervention in haiti, you would be the 4th in about one century and the others have been absolute disaster. and that led to only that only worse than the situation for for haitian
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to live in the worst poverty in the western hemisphere. and the un resolution that was passed unanimously level sanctions, which are often a prelude to military intervention. the key thing is that the un needs to make sure that it does not go along with a u. s. plot to, to authorize a military intervention. the u. s. has been responsible for could a cause for invasions, for all kinds of horrible crimes against 80. and this is, and this is exactly what the us wants to do. once again, to maintain the status quo of enormous profits for, for its local all of our, than the ongoing, neo colonial plunder of haiti. a situation that has, hasn't changed in essentially 2 centuries. well, aside from the resources there in haiti, the, the main reason is that the u. s. cannot allow an example such as haiti to inspire other countries to go out of the orbit of us empire. and the u. s. wants to
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maintain its grip on the western hemisphere, what it calls its backyard, and it cannot allow essentially, a domino effect us is our reason polls showed o'brien is losing coach with his bases survey, suggesting the presence intense focus on funding. ukraine could be probably to blame the candidate. bolton takes up the story. well, november 8th, we've got mid term elections coming up in the united states, and many are asking the question if the republicans take back control of the house and the senate, will the key of government continue to get blank jacks from the united states to continue to prolong this war and fund their activities? well, recent comments from the leader of the republicans in the house, gavin mccarthy, they say that that will not be the case so that they will slow down to some degree funding from the united states. who are the military conflict?
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and so that raises questions. now, joe biden apparently says he's staying up late at night, worrying about this. this is by reacting. they said that if they, when they're not likely to continue to fund ukraine, the ukranian war against the russians. these guys don't get it. it's a lot bigger than ukraine. it's east in europe. it's nato. it's real serious, serious, consequential outcomes. they have no sense of american foreign policy. now that dismissal of republicans of just not having sense of american foreign policy isn't just a snob at the republican party. it's a snob at the bulk of the american people. polls show that one era americans are asked to their top priorities regarding the situation in the country, what they're voting around. they don't list foreign policy, and ukraine is among them. the top concern that americans are taking to the polls on november 8th, according to a recent poll that was conducted of their top concern is inflation and the rising
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cost of food, the rising cost of energy in addition to being concerned about inflation. another major issue that american voters are concerned about is the border, and they're not talking about the borders of ukraine. they're talking about the borders of the united states and the security issue. there. my constituents are saying, why are we more worried about ukraine's borders than we are about america's borders? my constituents are no and they are going, gosh, we have to save you grains borders. now this isn't the only poll that's been taken to show this biden doesn't seem to take the hand, but polling has consistently show that the american people are not really as deeply invested in this conflict with ukraine as the white house is. they just don't share the white houses, enthusiasm about it, and there's a feeling that the domestic situation is being neglected. these are the results that came out in a recent poll taken by the very prestigious pulling agency. now as quincy current
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us arms, policy and practice too often fuel war rather than deterring it. roughly 2 thirds of current conflict, 34 out of 46 involve one or more parties armed by the united states. the u. s. supplied nations at war 16 received $50000000.00 or more worth of us arms between 20172021. this contradicts the long standing argument that us arms routinely promote stability and deter conflict. now that poll from the quincy institute shows what poll after poll after poll has shown that essentially the white house's ukraine policies are lose lose on the one hand pouring more money and to keep it only going to prolong this conflict that has already had disastrous results. for the global energy markets to the global economy, affecting american, and on top of that, the more money that the white house continues to pour in to the more average americans feel like their needs are being neglected. so the white house is just
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ultimately losing out with their ukraine policy instead of very clear that ministration needs to start focusing on america. and it ended for they abroad. it's really just voted, are very angry. ministration get so much time effort, attention in money, the wealth of the nation for its preceded eastern europe. precede that americans don't want, they don't understand it. most americans didn't even though you're printing this up until february. right? that's really important. understand. and so they, but they feel to be like to think of the ministration just like, well, you know, we're a very generous country. we did lots of money way to people all the time. but i think people like myself, we have a, we really don't want money to kill more people. we don't see any efforts from this administration. none. they just want more war, more war, more get more destruction and new analysis by the
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media. massive web site is found that google is driving traffic to the video platform rumble. however, according to claims in their report, rumble bushes, propaganda extremism, misinformation, and conspiracy. there is that those who use a platform as can contribute into all of the above, and specifically this teas, conservative online pundits and other social media influences. while mentioning, see the column mentioned that the station as earning millions of villas, the west band was a wide range of platforms off of the printing. conflicts started with youtube leading the way, blocking our 2 channels along with other russia, media outlets live now. so i guess, lionel legal and media, alice, thanks for joining us here. now according to this survey, the media matches report rumble is hosting schools of fall right on this. they've
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been bought from mainstream platforms, including from civil does to and on. i'm so like, and all is well happen to freedom of speech. i mean, why is this what was going on? and i mean, you could say, well, we will say nothing else. oh, my naive friend, may i suggest something when you read this next story when you're reading next time . and you talk about fringe right wing conspiracy elements. you might want to wring your hands into a because i am reading this and i'm and i are the one you. but i think i might want to see what these people are talking about. my god. ring, fringe right wing a misinformation disinformation dad, information on conspiracy called balls a vial. i mean, just listen, we have habituated to this,
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the word doesn't mean anything. conspiracy theory misinformation dis information. you know what the new one is. if you question the results of an election, if you want to have the results, verify, you're an election deny, or demented. if you don't believe necessarily that all of the proper testing took place before you place an unknown less a substance in your body. you're an anti vac, sir. you're against science, you're demented. you're sick, you're psychotic. you live in a parallel universe of cloak and dagger and tin foil hat, and this is all they have. there's an old expression. you only take flack when you're over the target and by the way, the louder people scream about a particular subject to true or it is because completely fanciful, lunatic ideas?
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no one cares about. and you talk about freedom of speech. what to that? you mean the exchange of ideas? but may i explain you what a lot of people do here? they'll look at these companies and say no, wait a minute. these are private companies, this isn't the government. they can do what they want. private industry, private restaurants can tell you what particular address co you have. if they don't like you go someplace else, you don't have a right to be on any of these platforms. besides, if you wanna compete, start your own. they actually say that, but what many people are suggesting also is, is at these companies sometimes act as a proxy for governments and in big corporations in an institutions that don't shut you down. but it, you so happened that the largest forum for you to exchange ideas happened to
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minimize your speech. isn't that interesting? but it's not government. oh, no, no. which some private concern. you understand? don't you know? absolutely, irene, he couldn't put it more eloquently. i wouldn't be able to put it more eloquently myself, especially when we have you millions of millions of viewers. you know, this media matters. i'm and who are media matters of either of a somebody that that would ease and take and pay attention to. i don't say that google's driving so money towards because it can say a market here, right? because in log isn't clearly, millions of people are viewing these alternative channels. alternative news, 20 get both sides of the story. so google does try no cash in on this. well, put it this way, everybody's making money, but because we back to what you said, who are these people? the biggest scam of all time is the fact checker. i mean, i couldn't have thought, imagine you, when i have live in this dystopian world,
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where we tell the subjects of march of our planet shut up, you're lying and they say, wait a minute. why are we like? well, i've just created this fact checking organization and they figure lying, see, and then we quote them and we call it political factor, fact check, or snopes and the habituated masses these, these, these people lead the sheet, the sheep and seal that are, are, are they just sit back in is all good, whatever. please let me pictures of my, my food and my lunch. and let me delve into this narcissistic, self indulgent world. he don't care about the news. just don't not be off. i'll do whatever you want. i won't think i won't question anything and self. censorship is the worst part of this. when people didn't wanna know, maybe i shouldn't say this. i mean, if can you imagine if, if fog george orwell,
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of eric blair were here now? and we said, boy, did you have it wrong? you had the idea of stodgy, like for forges, breaking in and, and actually, you know, wiring your phone and interrupting. we now have this device that we pay almost a 1000 hours, if not mortal, a device, a survey lynch device that we can't live without, that we carry with us that hears our voices. if old, where we're going, i mean we have lost, we have been born apparently in captivity. and what you and i do is i, i don't know how old you are, but when i was a kid, we had this crazy alternative music called the beatles. and there was rock and roll and it was crazy and it was dangerous. and there was this l. this guy was some of the greatest advancement in society in entertainment, in science,
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came from something some germ that was at least thought of at 1st. it being dangerous and alternative and, and fringe. i love friends, i live for fred, asked einstein about french when he knocked newton off of this poem, odom pole about gravity, hast copernicus, her galileo, those fringe, crazy disinformation merchants, me, my god, have we forgotten? human development? human advancement, i think we have lifetime of in the syllabus hope in your voice that i'm in my early fifties by like just in case you are wondering, but i let were about the right, the point on time is less hope. why is it and are we looking at people perhaps open to not this main stream of you know, but that's pushed down, all throws but to query to all questions. since it's why and find out,
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is that hope or has education or how would a whole population been? i know oh, blinded. and now we would just focusing on one sort of whatever the west said, the whatever, the, my boss, why the leaders say i should believe it or are, well, is that is, i hope and will the, i said he is, the internet's sees i and as a google other things, i just had a quick thing here yesterday with william out the attacks on the has on area in ukraine. my googled it there were no results. i went to ya. next i'm being thousands of it resolves. i'm just saying so. so. so of i, you know, was all horse or what's the word i know her, like really may be up, may and put on. i mean, or is that hope is all things the change? well, as, as your elder, as i enter my now my 65th year on this plan and i can tell you something and let, let me let you in on something much like
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a star that burned out millions of years ago. or the light hasn't reached us yet, and we still think we see it. but there's nothing there. conventional prototypical . ah, heritage news platform, cnn, and all that cable news. they're dead. it's already happening. the idea that news news is everywhere. data information. the thing i hope that we do is that we can somehow save this younger generation to go out there and say, don't listen to these people. go on and explore. b, b, b, dangerous. in fact, let me ask you a question. if i read something, that's crazy. if i want to believe that we never landed on the moon or that the moon made of green cheese or that elvis is alive if i believe that. so what? so what, what is gonna happen? let me gravel in my own ignorance, i'm hurting anybody. they make mis information and dis information like,
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oh my god. no, i understand that sometimes when it comes to public health, we don't want people to think the wrong things to consume items. i kill them, but my god hash tag. so what if i want to hear something that you think is grady so what i don't get involved in people's religions. believe me, i've learned, but i sit back and i have friends of mine who believe in stuff on mosse and i think, wow, but you know what? good for them. freedom of speech. or believe what you want, listen to what you want. just don't hurt me, don't hurt anybody else. and let me also tell you, whenever i tell you to shut up, don't go there. what did you do was a kid when your parents, i don't go there. don't watch that stuff. first thing you wanted to see, i sit back or whatever they tell me not to follow. that's what i pay attention to in the line. i always a pleasure. thanks for joining us. they are not a good today. thank you. just make sure. okay,
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twitter more on this has permanently banned the artie india account, which was great in less than 2 months ago. the social media john gave no prior warning before it cost the messaging account to the wayside. among the reasons science, it for them who were serial old multiple accounts use. that's despite the fact the auntie india uses only one of 10 surveyed previous promo mansions will also named bites with, as well as the use of books. this news triggered a strong reaction. western countries have always been adapting to policies. their attitude has always been discriminatory. it is not new. there are different rules for themselves. something else for others. who is twitter, india to decide what we should read and what not. as government issued any request to twitter answer is no. then why was it suspended? west is imposing censorship and they talk about so called freedom of press. seems
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like west just want to impose their one sided propaganda everywhere. really not good and unacceptable. that has been bad women because they, they do not explain the reasons when they actually don't really have missed major reasons. they will come up with the most absurd or you know, reasons and they'll say that, you know, you are not, you're not biding by the rules of to while it was clearly it is politics in play and they are going by the geopolitical situation. problem with twitter, it is that it does it's favorites, and it has its dislikes and it often takes the line that the government of the united states of america takes on the shoes on individuals on government. and that is why they have gone in to see this job in india as coming up in impact
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on many occasions has off to to, to blog or suspend accounts, which are violating in b as in boy rules and laws. on most occasions, it has not followed the law of the country, and that is why the government finally came up with the idea that there has to be a regulatory body review ansel or a grievance redressing mechanism which will be appointed within india. and which will coordinate ritual to resolve issues treated which tries to jump in. it says as the platform all 3 expression and the speech is not really a platform for a democratic opinion. so the speech and expression in fact be, have become the biggest black ball off sensor ship in the online way.
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ah, masika walsh, a sort of flood, could kill thousands if the hydro power plant in nowhere whole car is hit by heave forces addressing the un security council russian. i'm busted of this movie. sylvia. they've been called out of the school such actions. why ukraine, and what he says is a fake is fake information about the recently ta 3 strikes by russia is just to learn. you got a wrench and you could give, of course, as it was before the west, doesn't want to face the truth and recognize that civilian objects suffered by russian strikes only in cases when russia, drones have been shut down by ukrainian territorial defenses. therefore, having their initial route orchard or when civilian objects were hit by ukrainian air defense missiles, unable to intercept their targets. a number of such cases had been recorded on
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video. everyone can watch it. now ukraine, in its western patrons, are trying to push another fake about the so called supply of iranian drones to russia, violate, in the un security council resolution 2231. we reject any attempt to involve the un secretariat into this dirty game. the last comment by the russian envoy refers the demand while the united states for the un secretary as to investigate alleged drone suppliers from fair and to martha. marcia has delivered a letter stating such investigation would be out of the sick carried tax authority and that they may be involved only at the specific request of the un security council. mother further fused the west of giving instructions to the un body. michael maloof, former senior security policy eyes in the office of the secretary of defense says the allegation by the u. s. should be taken up or taken with a grain of salt.


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