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tv   News  RT  October 22, 2022 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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let it be an arms race is on very dramatic development. only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult time time to sit down and talk with top stories for this hour. now here when r t international 2 people are killed while 11 are injured at softer a russian town bordering. you cray comes on the shovel and attempted ukrainian strike on a civilian river crossing and how to san is intercepted by ed defenses. that's according to local authorities. it's just a day off to a another attack that tons very deadly other route is being used by people heading to a safe, a grounds. and we spoke to someone again, it's only been dad, i get a bomb, just with rockets all day and all night. our home was destroyed,
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the air defense works, but rockets keep coming. it's not safe for children on the program. washington's coal intervention in haiti it could, if the un security council approve sanctions against those behind violent antique government protests. but with u. s. media outlets also a pushing for on american security emission. many locals in haiti simply up in august as protests against his rail sweep across the west bank. you want to release as a report saying the palestine is going through its deadliest period in 16 years with over a 100 people killed in 2022 along with well, it is a saturday afternoon here in moscow and everyone welcome to you. it's a great to happy with us for this. i was top storage to talk to you international of course. well, we do start with use just in
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a continued ukrainian shelling of civilian areas has been reported. now near the border in russia's belgrade region. we understand that 2 people were killed and 11 others wounded. an attack on the town of ship. becky, no, that's according to local authorities where we can get details. now. so joined in the studio by arthur correspondent marina culture, have a good afternoon to you to today. so let's get to that nuts and bolts of this because it's really tough to get a clear picture of exactly what's happening down there right now, are any videos circulating online that can give us a better idea or a clearer picture? yes, that's exactly what i've been looking through some of the videos, especially through telegram channels that were seen coming up much faster these days. and in the videos there we can see that people are driving for a plume of smoke. so my trying to escape some are trying to see what happens. we can even see people lying on the ground, the waiting help waiting, the ambulance services to arrive. we know that 11 people have been injured. 4 of them are in critical condition in the hospital right now, also to our dead,
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as we know, including a 16 year old boy. 15000 people have been left without electricity. although locals are saying that it will take about 5 to 6 hours to fix and right now we can see some of the devastation on the videos there. and what's peculiar is when you see how there is one of the footage that i saw are people drive. and literally all you can see is smoke. and you can see that people are scared. don't know what's going on if they'll be shelled again, because this is not the 1st time rory was just gonna say, it's not the 1st time the bell go to region has been hit by ukrainian, shutting up. as i understand it's been going on for quite some time already. why is this area such a constant target? do you think? because it's so close the bell, get to the region shares a 400 kilometer border with the ukraine. so of course it's one of the regions also that's been faced recently on the medium level of response, along with the, with the other 3 regions that saw. and of course,
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we know that it's come on to several attacks. we're talking about how our infrastructure is, there was a fire at a substation. there was an explosion that an ammunition warehouse, different energy facilities and other infrastructure. and of course let's not forget, just recently, we saw when the 2 volunteers who were mobilized in moscow, they volunteered to go and there were in training in the building to the region. and 2 of them opened the fire on fellow volunteers, and we saw 11 people killed there and 15 people injured. and i personally know people who live in belgrade at region, and they're saying that they're scared. they can hear selling every single day. sometimes either they're flying food before they're being interested. so they're living in fear not knowing exactly what to do, but also what's interesting is that the governor of the bill that i've region recently announced and asked companies if they could make sure that people work from home, at least so that there's less movements in, in the region and also those who are studying if they could go to distance learning
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was very that is on the news. justin. archie is marina cause a river. thank you very much. across the front line. now ukraine has restricted electricity supplies to several central regions in the country, including kia, it's the following, a tax on energy infrastructure since saturday morning. i state run the power company, said the damage was greater than after similar drugs and previous days. as we understand around one and a half 1000000 people are currently without power. now, our air rate runs throughout the country with explosions reported in central and western regions. earlier moscow confirmed it was conducting high position stripes on ukrainian energy facilities on military command centers and retaliation for a tax on critical russian infrastructure. also this saturday, a ukraine has targeted a civilian at river crossing and out of san region for the 2nd day in a row that is, according to local officials authority started the attack was repelled by russian
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at defense systems. the you could just about here, the defense is that working to protect the anti off ski bridge, just located near the ferry crossing slip. now the previous day, a ukrainian rocket strike at the same location and killed 4 and wounded 10 others. a river barge is unused to help people move towards the city of san as shutting by . ukraine's military has left the territory too dangerous to stay. of course one, and he goes down off and reports from one of the areas civilians have fled to for safety. hundreds of people have already been relocated and while accommodated at this temporary center in southern russia. now we've heard plenty of stories and every one is unique, of course. but all of them revolver on the same thing. how they did not want to leave, how they tried to delay this very difficult decision until the very last minute when they realised that staying was simply way too dangerous. the threat was too grave to risk. they couldn't simply risk the lives of their loved ones. their
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children and well, the elderly, still again, it'll only monday to reckon. they bombed us with rockets all day and all night our home was destroyed. what is happening is terrible. our own people are bombing us. zalinski is bombing us. he's the reason why we had to run away. we left everything behind. long sort of mr. everywhere in the news, they're telling us about shilling every days like that. we live next to the port is very dangerous. the air defense works, but rockets keep coming. it's not safe for children with the telling you put in the beginning, we could not understand or believe it. then we decided to leave immediately. we went to get my mother who lives next to care san despite the security checkpoints, we were very afraid. now people here they're being provided not only with a free accommodation and a hot food, but rather everything is being done to streamline the process of their integration
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into russia society as smoothly and swiftly as possible. that the job fair going on here for example. and there are all sorts of specialists we are assisting them with obtaining new documents, for instance, because the authorities, while they realize that people, most of them like 99 percent of them they, they did not plan on coming here. there was no way they could have prepared for this moment in any shape or form. so they are doing everything to basically will help them accommodate and well again into great mood bonus, so to speak, to lou beaufort lawful center. we provided recreation for the people. we set up children's play areas, clubs as sports fails. currently, our administration set up a center where people can come with different questions. questions about visas, migration and work. i think that every man needs to help somebody who finds himself in a difficult situation. we never know what will happen to us tomorrow or if we will be the ones needing help us again as people have been fleeing in the wake of this threat, the ukrainian forces overnight they have shelled a civilian crossing over
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a river had san is in general a region that has been largely physically cut off from russia, so the evacuees, they have to rely on such well very temporary and unstable crossing points over over the river. the wonder was shelled well, as a result for people for civilians have been killed and well more than 10 have been injured, including including children. so there's that, but this all, this threats of all this hardship, it only encourages more people to listen to the voice of reason perhaps, and to temporarily relocate here to southern russia and other places. because this is just the only one that has opened its doors to welcome everyone in need. the un security council has approved a joined us mexican resolution to sanction quote, any one who threatens piece security. instability in haiti, or the measure comes as the western hemispheres poorest country has been embroiled
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in multiple crises. washington now considering a type of intervention though, ultimately ignoring please on the ground not to do so. a u. s. media outlets are also came to see american forces in puerto prance. it's a call that hasn't gone entirely unnoticed. the washing post editorial board has called for military intervention and hazy 8 times since the july 2021 assassination of president jo vanelle, more ease. haiti is on the brink of revolution and the u. s. will do anything to stop it. now we're up to 9. washington post editorial board calls for military intervention, haiti since summer, 2021. it hasn't even been a week since the last one or i. so let's, i show you some of the actual headlines that were mentioned in the tweet. so washington poster has assumed a rather commanding toner, issuing orders to the biden administration, to quote, intervene and put boots on the ground in haiti, a journalist and filmmaker dan cohen, who wrote those tweets, says the u. s. count,
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accept losing its grip on haiti had to listen to this well, aside from the resources there in haiti, the main reason is that us cannot allow an example such as haiti to inspire other countries to go out of the orbit of us empire as it, as it has inspired other countries before and for the haitian revolution led to the collapse of chattel slavery in the west. and european colonialism and the u. s. wants to maintain its grip on the western hemisphere, what it calls its backyard. and it cannot allow essentially, a domino effect if something were to happen in haiti, then who knows what happens in the dominican republic or puerto rico so. so the u. s. can not let any country whether haiti or otherwise make an example. the caribbean nation is currently trapped in well basically a downward spiral of skyrocketing inflation dang violence, even a cholera outbreak as well. now the haitian government has also
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a foreign help to quell the unrest, but the whole request has been met with well, much concern by many others in the country who recall the long history of previous intervention. mm hm. mm mm mm mm
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mm mm me so the western media would like to have you believe that russian propaganda is to blame for african countries distancing themselves from various professional partners in the western hemisphere. but it's not really the reason why the continent is moving away from cooperation with various allies off the correspondent sophia noon has not explained all those scanning roskus. they are back at it again, spreading their russian disinformation by paddling false thoughts and polluting the mice this time, the minds of africans. that is the reason why africa is sleeping away from us
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apparently best. what western official sting. but what narratives has the west itself been battling and how much do they match reality? this one, for example, was raised in the report itself and forced by the u. s. and other g 7 officials, russia is bringing in a lot of money for the things it wants to sell. and if it's not selling food that's rushes, joyce, that you has also been widely promoted in the media. but is it true? although western countries keep saying that grain has not been sanctioned, they for some reason failed to mention that the ships that transport russian grain are, in fact under sanctions. there is no insurance available. and in general, western sanctions have disrupted the logistical and financial infrastructure that russia uses to export its own grain. what else? energy, evidently satisfied with the successes of their own green energy policies or results in the conscious like for lack of for example, the collective west has been force in africa to go green at climate summit. the
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western leader is not once threatened to cut or funding for oil and gas projects abroad, bullying, continental adapt edge, and that it wasn't ready for. but the current crisis in ukraine has shown how much the west truly believes in the idea of green africa with you leader is catching flies to get them to africa as soon as possible to plead for some of those dirty fossil fuels. germany, france, easily all gone to santa go for gas. we need long term partnership, not inconsistency in contradiction on green energy policy from the u. k. in european union. it does not help their energy security. it does not help nigerian economy and it does not help the environment. it is a accuracy that must end. if you are in the media headlines, you would think that the west is so altruistic and good that it force billions in south africa, expecting nothing in return. and that eradicating poverty is the main interest. but that's not quite the full store it. the narrative ignores the fact that the richie
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givers are in fact taking more than they give. in reality, africa is not poor, but it's people are being kept in poverty by a combination of inequitable policies. huge disparities in power and criminal activities, perpetuated and sustained by wealthy elite both inside and outside of the continent . research by health while to action shows that around $190.00. so beal and a year is taken out of africa more than 6 times the amount of 8th it receives. this includes elicit financial flows, the profits of multinational companies, illegal logging and fishing. and finally, in now the big one back since, remember the western merits, if we're all in it together, well, by your side, africa. yeah. ok. rich and powerful countries used money and their political influence to procure hundreds of millions of doses, shutting poor countries out of the market. the result was inequitable distribution of these much needed vaccines, meaning that most people in low income countries would become the last to be inoculated. as if,
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once financial status or nationality was the qualifying criteria to get vaccinated . in fact, european for that some sensors didn't even open up to the african market. as a result of old, this almost every global south nation has refused to sign on to the unilateral sanctions of the u. s. and coal. the brookins report was probably suggest that that's because they're just brainwashed by russians is in the formation. but them doing so. they would be adopting a residual colonialist attitude that suggests that africans have no agency of their own or cannot do basic research and separate fact from fiction. and may be of as the real reason that western messages don't find much favor on the con. the so labeled great war of africa and the late 990 saw an extraordinary 5 and a half 1000000 people killed the majority in the democratic republic of congo. it was the deadliest conflict since the 2nd world war. now fears arising again in the
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region off the intense fighting recently erupt between d r c national forces and the m 23 militant group portly, aligned with neighboring rwanda. and you gander with more of the developments and a little bit of a historical background. his african correspondent, kind of all the as a background to this story on the 8th and the 9th of may, this year, the militia groups around the d. c. got together to decide and form and non aggression pact. but that meeting was parallel with some of the colleagues military see me, generals, and that have led to allegations being made especially by human rights life. that the common with the government is in the aiming. in the abuses that we see around the civilian population, the sexual abuses that have been missing out on the women in the, in the country. and also, you know, texting people illegally,
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the reports that people have to support the frontline of the different militia groups depending on where you live, of course. but the goal as far as giving handled school is 5, give them food to the people. and these feel on the receiving end of this very thing, abusive behavior. now some of these different and varying militia that you'll find in the see, some of them is senior military official work claim to be part of the one then genocide, back in 1994. now this was one of the most horrific and all reading the chapter in human history. something that the us has declared as a crime against humanity. now these very things, soldiers and rebel rooms that are said to be funded by the willing military, have been accused of the very thing of abuses against the civilian population.
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now, the situation is potentially dangerous, because that area is the central african republic, as if i really surrounded by insurgency activity that has been ford by different world forces. the americans have interest in that range have interest in that, and they particularly have interest in the d. c for varying mineral resources. as you might know, that d r c is well endowed with mineral resources, but the wonder that x was most of the cobbled that comes out of the country. it is one that, that x was most of the goals that comes out of the country and flesh plays towards the bigger geopolitical presence of the d. c. and what it ones to become. and these varying interest from within n with out the country remain a really,
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really difficult scenario to navigate. because all of these varying interest, i pandering to various one says and sub water was at 24 in the afternoon in ramallah. and as we understand israeli forces of fire tear gas at palestinian protesters in iran nobilis, it's one of the largest cities in the west bank. the protestors were demanding the opening of a road, apparently blocked by television. gas is used by security forces to break up the rally. earlier this week, clashes had broken out in the region between palestinian farmers and israeli settlers, jury b. and you will all have a novelist. a palestinian city has been blocked by id f troops. now for some 10 days with israel thing arising, insurgence is the reason why. now that's as a reason to report now from the united nations says the region has been enduring its deadliest period and 16 years, claiming over
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a 100 palestinian lives just this year alone is local journalist. so not come out for more than 55 years since as a, if you buy the bill as being in waste bank. the effect liver is the a league, governments are trying to pull up what is the of, and bothering got faith accompli and by the seniors, by increasing the settlement activity this by the contamination. instead of making a low, recently they invited making a special report and i don't want to write in a few byte that is being entered a daughters francisco. barney's public head 1st ever knew park either thing i number over whom arise concerns and bad nicholas regarding the right of divinity on people to self determination in the context of that that lead colonial of they that are 80, obey him since the beginning of 2022 is that our early on, we have cult around 140. but athenians including a theme in the city of nub, with our lawn, which has witnessed and is that our only military escalation and added him as
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a has so far disdained. $5030.00 buddies, seniors, according to the bill athenian prison under the club. and just simply as happens almost every year, even if the polymers have been suffering from the early settlers under the protection of the israeli army, who i thank them during their audit harvest season. the farmers said that news attack came under the protection of the israeli army, which in this unrelenting, it's, his domestic policy, again, feared that authorities, by allowing cit lana, so attack farmers and lance put on a piece of madness. why did they burn my old of trees? why? they are thieves. they stole my olives. they spray do fender materials on olive trees. i'm not dead. i'll come here every day. i am still alive. my name is a bore, a fought, and i will come here to my land. but the settlers attacked us with stones and tried to push his al far land. sometimes these ran the army claims. it waxed arrest them
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. but in reality, they steal from us. they have stolen oil and olives, more than once from our land. unfortunately, into palestine in the soil. he can do nothing for ice. we held that the can axe is our lunch easily. we want protection to stay on our land, put on volunteers, have been subjected to those that are a little out. as i thought i was having to wait one of them on wednesday who was a sab, and had a leg broken by a group of fiddlers. while he was husband got betsy of han mater part of it, his only the clothes and did my good to have your company today. inflation in germany has gone through the roof. prices are up now by our record 45 percent. it's all according to the producer price index. it ultimately keeps track of goods and services that are sold on the wholesale market. now what's measured is the speed of price rises and this speed has been accelerating ever since the start of last year
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that i find i make so show its energy prices that have been mainly responsible for the search and produce a price is meaning. the increase in energy prices have been the most rampant, while other products demonstrate a more steady rise. while earlier in the studio, we were joined by the head of the german opposition group for the job and sovereignty and constitution. no ralph nemaia. he says his country's economy is facing challenges that have not been sold since the 2008 financial crisis. ralph, you heard the numbers just now talking about essentially the rate of inflation and also that of the speed of inflation as well these days are lets us break this down ralph into into layman's terms. how bad is the current economic situation in germany right now? well, thank you very much for having me 1st, but i would say it's more of a structural crisis. now we look at the distraction and maybe we call it the d industrialization vase that is sweeping through germany right now. the industrial i
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say, how do you, how do you explain that? what do you mean by that? well, it's an adult had structural problem that resulted maybe from, from the financial crisis, from 2000 item 2009 all way back to 2008. you're saying that i'm started then? yeah, i observed at that time as a brussels correspondent, how we created dep bubbles, huge bubbles of 8 trillion or 10 trillion year rows that are hanging over our heads . now when we talk about inflation, we have to think, what does it mean? it's not only depriving paper and this propagating paper from, from deb earnings and savings. but it also means somebody is gaining just so i can jump in here, right? so i understand as well. it's one thing to go back to 2008, 2009, and these debt control mechanisms and saving the banks and all that. but it wasn't long ago we had, as you mentioned, the whole cove it crisis. and they were banks at the time, central governments printing huge amounts of money as well. so we now seeing the
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cumulative effect of the past 1215 years now, exacerbated by cove. it yeah. well, it is actually, and i think they used to cope with pandemic as a cover up for 2 things. first, for the collapse of the economic system is, are you think the powers that be know that there's a collapse in the system coming? well, they may be desperate to do something that they think they can rescue their system, but apparently i don't see that they can rescue it, because too many lapse cannot be paid. so you have to do a hair cut. that means you have to cut some the know it's most stupid to cut down the real economy. what's the connection here? how are you saying that america is happy to do well at the cost of the german and european economy? what are you implying? because then they to deal with sanctions as a totally different one than ours. so they are 2nd venting down rules, but they impose them very strict on, on germany. google is driving traffic to the video sharing platform rumble,
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which is said to promote propaganda, extremism, misinformation, and conspiracy theories. that's according to a report by the media matters website. now ortiz on rumble. when the report claims the station as quote owning millions of viewers or the west, of course band are 2 across the wide range of platforms. after the conflict and ukraine began with youtube leading the way, blocking our 2 channels along with other russian media outlets. legal and media analysts, lionel gives us his take the louder people scream about a particular subject to true, or it is because completely fanciful, lunatic ideas, no one cares about these companies, sometimes act as a proxy for governments and in big corporations in an institutions that don't shut you down, but it,
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you so happened that the largest forum for you to exchange ideas happened to minimize your speech. isn't that interesting? but it's not government. oh no, no. would some private concern? yeah, that story with line continues online. right now, a good write up at r t dot com. well, thanks for sharing a time with us here at moscow. we are back soon with me. ah ah ah ah
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ah, ah, the you're, you're, you're, you're, you're the.


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