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tv   News  RT  October 22, 2022 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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ah, a with your top wet lines right now, and i think the national 2 people that killed and 14 injured off for a russian town bordering ukraine, comes on the shell. with i attempted ukrainian strife on a civilian river crossing in the heart of song is intercepted by ed defenses, according to local authorities is just a day after another attack. bad ton deadly. if you didn't already know this, the route is being used by enormous numbers of people heading to safe a ground. we managed to speak with someone really doing. it's a really bad idea. they bombed us with rockets all day and all night,
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and our home was destroyed. the air defense works, but look at, keep coming. it's not safe for children. and walking to the school for a type of intervention and haiti is heard at the un security council approved sanctions against those behind the violent antique government protest. but with us media outlets also pushing for a so called american the security mission. many locals on the streets of port a prints are up in office also in the program as protests against israel continued sweeping across the west by the un releases a report saying that palestine is going through deadliest period. and 15 years with over a 100 people killed this year along with the russian capital with your top stories, it's r t international. appreciate you. joining us for the saturday evening
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continued ukrainian shelling of civilian areas has not been reported near the border in russia's belgrade region. we understand 2 people were killed, at least 14 were injured in the attack on the town, osha back. you know, that's according to local officials. earlier here in the program in the studio, marina costa river correspondent gave me details. i've been looking for some of the videos, especially through telegram channels that we're seeing coming up much faster these days. and in the videos there we can see that people are driving for a plume of smoke so much trying to escape. some are trying to see what happens. we can even see people lying on the ground, the waiting help, waiting, the ambulance services to arrive. we know that 11 people have been injured. 4 of them are in critical condition in the hospital right now. also to our dead, as we know, including a 16 year old boy, $15000.00 people have been left without electricity, although locals are saying that it will take about 5 to 6 hours to fix the bell,
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get at the region shares of 400 kilometer border with ukraine, it's come on to several attacks. we're talking about power infrastructure as there was a fire at a substation. there was an explosion that an ammunition warehouse at different energy facilities and other infrastructure. and of course let's not forget, just recently we saw when the 2 volunteers who were mobilized in moscow, they volunteered to go and they were in training in that region. and 2 of them opened fire on fellow volunteers and we saw 11 people killed there. and 15 people injured and i personally know people who live in belgrade at region, and they're saying that they're scared. they can hear selling every single day, sometimes either they're flying through before there be an interest up there. so they're living in fear not knowing exactly what to do, but also what's interesting is that the governor of the bill got a region recently announced and asked companies if they could make sure that people work from home, at least so that there is less movements in the region and also those who are
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studying if they could go to distance learning. meanwhile, across the front line, your crate has restricted a power supplies to several central regions in the country that includes key f. it's a following a tax on energy infrastructure on this saturday morning. now the state running power company has said the damage was greater than after similar stripes in previous days. we understand right now there are roughly 1500000 people in those regions without power or air rates. alerts have been ringing out throughout the day with our explosions reported in central than west of regions earlier. moscow confirmed it was conducting high position strikes on ukrainian energy facilities and military command centers in retaliation for attacks on critical russian infrastructure. also this saturday ukraine has targeted a civilian river crossing into southern region for the 2nd day in a row, which according to local authorities, officials say the attack was actually intercepted by russian air defense systems.
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the just about here, the defense as they're working to protect the and turn off ski bridge is located very close to the ferry crossing slip just the previous day. ukrainian rocket strike of the same location, killed full and wounded 10 others. if the river barges in use to help many thousands of people that leave the city of her song to get across the river. shelling by ukraine's military and just left the territory too dangerous to stay. now all these years down off reports from one of the areas where civilians have been fleeing to for safety. hundreds of people have already been relocated and well accommodated at this temporary centre in southern russia. now we've heard plenty of stories and every one is unique, of course, but all of them revolver on the same thing. how they did not want to leave. how they tried to delay this very difficult decision until the very last minute when
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they realized that staying was simply way too dangerous. the threat was too grave to risk. they couldn't simply risk the lives of their loved ones, their children. and well, the elderly sill again is the only one that had i guess they bombed us with rockets all day and all night our home was destroyed. what is happening is terrible. our own people are bombing us. zalinski is bombing us. he's the reason why we had to run away. we left everything behind long. so alyssa, everywhere in the news, they are telling us about shilling in every days like that. we live next to the port is very dangerous. the air defense works, but rockets keep coming. it's not safe for children. with the telling you put in the beginning, we could not understand or believe it. then we decided to leave immediately. we went to get my mother who lives next to care san despite the security checkpoints, we were very afraid. now, people here they're being provided not only with a free accommodation and to hold food,
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but rather everything is being done to streamline the process of their integration into russia society as smoothly and swiftly as possible. there's a job fair going on here for example. and there are also to a specialist who are assisting them with obtaining new documents, for instance, because the authorities, while they realize that people, most of them like 99 percent of them did. they did not plan on coming here. there was no way they could have prepared for this moment in any shape or form. so they are doing everything to basically will help them accommodate and well again into great mood, bonnasoli, spiritual, buford, lawful in the center. we. why did recreation for the people? we set up, children's play areas, clubs and sports fails. currently, our administration set up a center where people can come with different questions. questions about visas, migration and work. i think that every man needs to help somebody who finds himself in a difficult situation. we never know what will happen to us to morrow or if we will be the ones needing help us again as people have been fleeing in the wake of this
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threat, the ukrainian forces overnight they have shelled a civilian crossing over a river. had san is in general, a region that has been largely physically cut off from russia, so the evacuees, they have to rely on such well very temporary and unstable crossing points over over the river. the wonder was shelled, well, as a result for people for civilians have been killed and well more than 10 have been injured including including children. so there's that, but this all, this threats, all this hardship, it only encourages more people to listen to the voice of reason perhaps, and to temporarily relocate here to southern russia and other places. because this is just the only one that has opened its doors to welcome everyone in need. the u. n. a security council has approved a join us mexican resolution to sanction quote, anyone who threatens piece security or stability in haiti. now the measure comes as
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the western hemispheres poorest country has been embroiled in multiple crises with washington considering some type of intervention, though, ultimately ignoring please on the ground not to do exactly that or u. s. media outlets are also keen to see american forces in puerto prance. it's a coal that has not gone entirely unnoticed. the washington post editorial board has called for military intervention and hazy 8 times since the july 2021. assassination of president jo vanelle, more ease. haiti is on the brink of revolution and the u. s. will do anything to stop it. now we're up to 9. washington post editorial board calls for military intervention, haiti since summer 2021. it hasn't even been a week since the last one that i show you the actual headlights that were mentioned in the tweets. now the washington post was told the vide white house to quote, intervene and put boots on the ground in haiti. so we discussed the issue with john
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list and filmmaker dan cohen, who also wrote those tweets well, aside from the resources there in haiti, the main reason is that us cannot allow an example such as haiti to inspire other countries to go out of the orbit of us empire, as it, as it has inspired other countries before and for the patient revolution led to the collapse of chattel slavery in the west. and european colonialism. and the u. s. wants to maintain its grip on the western hemisphere, what it calls its backyard. and it cannot allow, essentially, a domino effect if something were to happen in katy then who knows what happens in the dominican republic or puerto rico so, so the u. s. and not let any country whether haiti or otherwise make an example. the can be a nation is currently trapped and basically a, a downward spiral of sky rocketing inflation, but also throw in gang violence and even that of a colorado outbreak as well. now the government there is off for foreign,
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helps to quell the unrest for the request to be met with concern by many others across the country, but particularly those on the streets of 18. mm hm. mm mm. mm mm mm
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mm. mm, mm. me. as previously mentioned, it was of the us and mexico with a draft that a 10 page un resolution demanding and immediate end to the violence in haiti. don cohen again says that you and should be wary about cow towering to the beltway agenda. i think the key thing is that the un needs to make sure that it does not go along with the u. s. clot 2 to authorize a military intervention. and of course, that comes down to the most powerful players there. aside from the u. s, which are russia and china. and so the resolution that the u. s. is loading to, to authorize the military intervention by essentially deputized thing they want. a
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un member state has to be bullying flatly. they're rejected because this will only lead to, to more horse or for the people of haiti. and not only that, the, the interim prime minister ariel on re his mandate is completely unconstitutional. there was never a vote. he was simply anointed by the united states and the core group to lead haiti in the wake of the assassination in july 2021 of president jovan oma. we so he has no legitimacy according to the haitian constitution and therefore cannot legally request a foreign military intervention. it's as simple as that, and that's something that the chinese ambassador at the us pointed out in their testimony of the security council, i believe on monday. it is good to have your company, human rights organizations of cold on the security forces in chad to stop the use of lethal force against the anti government demonstrators that the political just
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after days of violence classes and the central african nation living at least 50 people dead, i warn you, you may find some of the following images disturbing. people took the streets of chads capital off of the country's military rulers who initially promised the hand of a power. and now they were extending their rule for another 2 years. barricades, the report being set up in several districts, while tires have been set on fire above traffic, we understand foods and universities have been closed and thought of also an overnight curfew was set to remain until the unrest stopped. well, let's learn more, less costly. bell to senior join with the radio and doris and international move mohammed. i lea, a reporting from chad. now joining your international, great to see you today. it's about a quarter past 6 in the evening where you are now. thanks for coming on the program to talk us through the culture right now. can you just explain what lies behind these protests?
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thank you. thank you very much. and today that they wanted the military to stop rolling after the promise for 18 months, and then they extend it for 2 years. this is one of them. in the reason they wanted, the democrats going to start from out of $24.00 is the last day of 18 months for the military will have to over after that of my study. libby know, is it correct to say that this seems to be the deadliest antique government protest in chad, so fine, and if so, is the world paying enough attention? we're lucky yet. so you saw of the, the bill? yes. well then was the ration inter history we consider today the, the government said if you the people that and visit us today in the given is that 81 people who died. so is one of the deadliest one. and till today that the people see from the international only the condemn. but there is not the real action or
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what's supposed to be on what's going to be for the next part, which i didn't, people from the international organization under government. what about the broader perspective from which is chad former colonial power has come out to condemn the violence saying it has no affiliation, no rolled in any of any of the events. what's your take? yes sir. the french government condemned this one. but did the trojan people expecting more from the for us because we saw it when the 2 years or 3 years when the debbie father asked for us to enter the military and in the north of chat difference, intervene to distress some of the columns who are coming from the minute i'm today, they're just condemning and they didn't see any action or any resolution or something conclude from the government. so like in this new, some words that the, for those just given but there is not something the real on the ground on. people can feel it that the 1st this event is condemnation is very live. or i'm the 1st
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one most, not like the 1st one on the early places. so people see that the left over for us did you come earlier to this equation because for us, intervene at the 1st moment when the president did that. but is it a micron? come to your mina unplug the body of the president, the b and they didn't see something like very much from the cost of them. yeah, but i wanted to pick you up on that because some critics say the people of chad were not only on the streets to protest at the government, but some say they were also to protest its alliance with paris. is there any accuracy in that? it allows you to work with paris the demonstrators. i actually did this thing, sir, did the most citizen who did, they wanted the mechanical chart and they wanted to see a new job. so did them today. the 1st one was the president of class for more than other 5 political parties. they wanted the military to stop and then the people who
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weren't to come in the democratic away. so one of them today is the wanted things one on the inside and for us to be like on the side of science. so not on the side of the go until to did the us government relying to i'm stepping nested, it's a government and not the study and the people. motor mohammed ali senior journalist at radio and doris and international coming to us live from chad, a great player privilege, have me on the program. thank you so much for joining us. thank you. and and it's good to have you with us for this program. the so called great war of africa and the late 19 ninety's sore, a colossal 5 and a half 1000000 people killed, most of which happened in the democratic republic of congo. it was the deadliest conflict since that of the 2nd world war. in our fears arising again in the region after intense fighting recently erupted between d r c national forces. and the m 23 militant group,
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reportedly aligned with neighboring. we're wonder and you gander. with more on the latest developments and a tiny bit of historical background. his are africa correspondent, could rabble the touch. as a background to this story on the 8th and the 9th of may, this year, the militia groups around the d. c. got together to decide and form and non aggression pact. but that meeting was template with some of the colleagues military see me, generals, and that have led to allegations being made especially by human rights life that the comb with the government is in the aiding in the abuses that we see around the civilian population. the sexual abuses that have been met out on the women in the, in the country. and also, you know, texting people illegally reports that people have to support the frontline of the
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different militia groups depending on where you live, of course. but the goal as far as giving handled school is 5, give them food to these people. and these feel on the receiving end of this very thing, abusive behavior. now some of these different and varying militia that you find in the see some of the senior military officials were claim to be part of the one then genocide, back in 1994. now this was one of the most horrific and reading the chapter in human history. something that the un has been led as a crime against humanity. now these very things, soldiers and rebel groups that are said to be funded by the willing military, have also been accused of the very thing thing of abuses against the villian population. now, the situation is potentially dangerous because that area,
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as it is the central african republic, as the way i really surrounded by insurgency activity that has been ford by different wild forces. the americans have interest in that the range have interest in that. and the particularly have interest in the, the, the, for varying mineral resources. as you might know, that d, c is well endowed with mineral resources, but the wonder that exports most of the cobbled that comes out of the country. it is wonder that x was most of the gold that comes out of the country and such plays towards the bigger geopolitical presence of the d. c. and what is one to become and we've varying interest from within n with out the country, remain a really,
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really difficult scenario to navigate. because all of these varying interest, i've tendering to vary as one says and sub water. alright to the west bank now where israeli forces of fire tear gas at palestinian approaches. newton novelist, it's one of the largest cities in the west bank. the protestors were demanding the opening of a road locked by television. gas was used to break up the rally earlier this week. palestinian farmers and israeli settlers fought it out during the annual olive party. now novela se palestinian city, of course has been blocked by idea of troops now for some 10 days for the israel saying a rising. insurgence is the reason why about as a new report from the united nations says the region has been enduring as deadliest period and 16 years, claiming over a 100 palestinian lives this year alone. over now to the local journalist for this report. so not come out for more than 55 years since as
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a few by developing and we find that governments are trying to turn up 40 of involving faith accomplish by the seniors. by increasing the system means activity by the condemnation international. lo, recently, they invited making especially a portrait. right. and if you'd like, but it's being entered, it is francisco. barney's published head 1st ever knew park either thing a number over human rights concerns and but i think it was regarding the right of divinity and people to sell the nation in the context of the colonial days of your vision since the beginning of 2022 is an early autumn, you have called around $140.00 by the seniors, including 18 in the city of nablus alone, which has witnessed and is that an alien military escalation and shame and has so far the same $5030.00 buddies, seniors, according to the senior prison, not as
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a club, and just simply as happens almost every year, even if the farmers have been suffering from the settlers under the protection of the israeli army who attacked them me. during the only part of his season, the farmer said that news attack came under the protection of the israeli army, which in this lamenting it's the mystic policy against the retarded. by allowing cit, let us so i stuck farmers and land put out a madness. why did they burn my old trees? why? they are thieves. they still are my all live. they sprayed incendiary material. some of the trees. i'm not dead. i'll come here every day. i am still alive. my name is a boy or a father and i will come here to my land. opening the settlers, detractors, stones, and try to push as far land. sometimes these ran the army claims. it works to arrest them, but in reality they steal from us. they have solenoid knowledge more than once from
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our land. unfortunately, the palestinian authority can do nothing for us. we hold that the can access our land easily. we want protection to stay on our land put on volunteers have been subjected today. that says that as i sat as was having the with one of them on wednesday who was a sub and had a leg broken by a group of fiddlers. while he was holding up the pod, modest part of his, his only the cross and did not american chests. grad mazda, hans neiman has filed a $100000000.00 lawsuit. after being accused of cheating in major tournaments. i never had a rapid rise to fame and the sport becoming a grandmaster at the age of 17. a recently chest dot com, the most popular platform for the game laws investigation into his alleged cheating and online matches as well as in post and game, i should say with
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a world champion and magnus carlson. to get more in this chest controversy. we spoke to an indian grandmaster who has won the national championship no less than 3 times in a day. but he did you back when he was a young on through online. but once you have it, so obviously you know, when you suspect no matter when there is no matching with the like, like it doesn't by loans that matching with that, then you just pay the things we say is matching. so then the reason we all suspect that we must use some bank of so i just went that'll wrap up this in used cars for this hour
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from moscow and our teens natural as always so good to have your company. thanks for joining us here. anything you want to catch up on, you can do it by the minute. the ortiz across a variety of telegram channels, but we're also on odyssey. and the gap were back soon with with
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ah ah, oh oh oh oh, i ah with do
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and why don't you let me go any shall not. what was shown a portion of my done in that old that he shied the court. where did you wanna border a shawl? norwalk with a question of narrow up in the pony shri meeting, surely was nip, you know, i, for the most of them will be still thinking this is a free, i'm to consider. so on the go, some better than it be what, what was wrong? so home like, will you be for me like that? it was for them cook with the unicoi without us because she, she knew me yet. oh, the russian speaking, se ukraine refused to accept the cruise outcome. people took to the streets of ukraine's largest cities. that had been protests in hoc of a desa. mario pope and zap irosia mass protest broke out in the
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crimean autonomous republic and overwhelming majority of crimean citizens voted as a referendum to break away from ukraine. i did march 2014 crimea, rejoined russia. oh, trust me, you stood in your own good. yeah, of course miss quarter cross, which is or or is it with us from to prophecies? can you remember little don't ruin. criminal muscle or chest of crackers. bottles are never controlscan or dish. their budget was mentors, sports or orange, a call from us on those nationalists trying to suppress pro russian public sentiment with extreme violence on may. the 2nd far right is organized a march named for united ukraine. the march ends in a bluff. ah.


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