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tv   News  RT  October 23, 2022 12:00am-12:31am EDT

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dramatic and get into this, i don't see how that strategy will be successfully, very critical of time to sit down and talk a rush of bell, other region, a 1000000000 infrastructure to catch a power in the area with government storage prices on the cool for international students to be deployed the country a was the may run out of fuel supplies unless it starts buying more from russia. as a guy who refuses to divert and gas flows from asia to europe,
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this with a welcome to r t international role in life from moscow. it's just past the hour and i'm at work, and this is weekly 2 people, including a teenage boy, have been killed and a 14 more left wounded of the crate has attacked of the russian town of shabby in the belgrade region. many of the hospitalized all county in great condition for several hours locals have been without power as the result of ukraine artillery. i'm also showing targeting civilian infrastructure. huge crowds of smoke of being seen over the town as a local shopping center has burned down and spread to vehicle parks nearby. in recent weeks, the russian belgrade region has become an aim of intensified attacks of keys forces
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. civilian i'm power infrastructure sites have been hit, as well as an ammunition warehouse. the region shares a full 100 film as a border with ukraine. meanwhile, civilian to the dentist republic for one of the 4 territories that recently joined russia, have also come under constant shelling of the ukrainian army ortiz, a roman cause. her every pulls from the scene where some civilian infrastructure has been heads. this is just one of many neighborhoods in the nest that is under constant fire by the ukrainian military. it's purely residential now. this particular house came under fire on friday evening when all residents were here, no casualties here, no human casualties. however, a dog was killed also quite a lot of damage to the house itself. take a look at the windows, they're all blown out. there are shards from the rocket
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everywhere in the house, and this is where the shell fell. according to officials, this was a 155 millimeter natal made shell. now i can still hear the sounds over tillery in this neighbourhood. now, one person was right behind this score. as the show fell right here. miraculously he survived. he only received the concussion, but the car has been completely destroyed. then i think it would've done more. we've had no water since february, so have to bring water. we just got out of the car, my brother, and we're about to bring water inside the house. my wife was at home, i was just wanted to get on with that. i'm at the hill. my husband was near the entrance to the house when the windows were blown out. his brother was standing by the car and the strike hit him right there. everything was shrouded in smoke and i honestly thought something had happened to him. my parents live near by,
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shrapnel flew into their windows. all the furniture was broken. even the wall was damaged. thank god, no one was hurt. this is just one of many hospitals that continues to admit civilians on a daily basis. now, one woman that was injured in the last few days is right in this room as us will upstream. keith, come on, you and there was a showing of the key region. when i was on the street, i heard the bless and i felt kicked to the back of my head. probably it bricks and flying dust was everywhere. i felt blood running down my face. the immediately called the ambulance and the ministry of emergency situations. i suffered the broken leg and got sharp. now in my back, ukrainian military continues to show civilian areas of them as great. now, as we speak and the local hospitals continue to admit patients with various degrees of injuries, however, the city of the nest continues to live,
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continues to survive. as people are hoping that peace will finally come here very soon, and they will have no longer have to hide from cost and bombing by the ukrainian military. fremont. castro, a marquee don't ask people's republic. protests erupted across europe this week as people's anger over the rising cost of living and the government's response to the crisis. spills on to the st. ortiz country. that rate for miles and take some look at the latest move. why were some positions that triggered the outrage? all the chaos in europe these days is a large part due to the fact that european leaders hardly ever take responsibility for their own action. and because they don't consider themselves responsible, then they never really feel the need to correct court even when their action turn catastrophic. take the current energy crisis. for example. brussels reacted to the
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conflict and ukraine by sanctioning their own she, russian gas supply. and then blaming russian president vladimir putin for their actions. then when it became clear that europe was being hit, harder by their own sanction than russia was, while the devil down again and again, 8 times with 8 sets of sanctions broke up to up to date, to the point of cutting themselves off from 12 paper import at a time when, even for the paper factories in europe, basically, skyrocketing energy costs are struggling to produce that the inability of so called leaders to own their mistakes is a big problem. and it was on full display recently when you chief diplomat, burrell compared europe to a garden and the rest of the world to a jungle in a speech to a diplomatic academy. the rest of the world must have the rest of the goal. it's a jungle. and the jungle could invade the garden. the garden has to go to the jungle to be in. this has to be much more engaged with the rest of the world.
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otherwise the rest of the world will invade us. it wasn't long before the outrage started rolling in both on and off line with the united arab emirates, for example, demanding an explanation from the mission to the u. e. and calling to remark, quote, inappropriate and discriminatory. meanwhile, burrell has tried to clarify his remarks, rather than just withdrawing them altogether. my reference to jungle has no racist, cultural or geographic connotation. some have misrepresented the medical as colonial euros. centrism, i'm sorry if some have felt offended. look, it's not like morale had a slip of the tongue here he launched into a hole diatribe about the garden and the jungle that went on and on and on. and apparently at no point did it occur to him, to just quickly move along to the next part of the seats that didn't involve me, gardens and jungles. but now morale is saying that anyone clearly heard and us
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versus them message of european or western exceptionalism. well, that's on, you know, that's your problem. yeah. what's the last time you actually heard of european leaders say, sorry, or even what we messed up. let's try that and also for us before we make it even worse. ok. here's another example. when bruce, my minister of about 10 seconds less truss took a break earlier this week from clocking at 10 down the street to announce that she'd be moving out again shortly. here's what she said. i came into office and said time of great economic and international instability, families and businesses, well worried about how to pay that bills. putin's illegal war and ukraine threatens the security of a whole continent. and all countries have been held back for too long by low economic growth reflecting blame for poor management of britain on to put in the nothing to do with choices that the u. k. government made is certainly easier than
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owning up to the fact that it was trust his knee jerk economic moves of her own making. that of exacerbated the case hardships as did her role in the previous government led by boris johnson that set britain on it for it was off 4th and across the pond in the u. s. president joe biden is pretending that washington is just an innocent bystander to all this chaos who can be expected to take responsibility or alter course to the benefit of peace, its own citizens, or even those of its european allies. i've been doing everything in my power to reduce gas prices since prudence invasion of your current cars, least price hikes, of these prices, the spike, and rattle international market. washington has been an active participant in jenny, up then aiding and abetting and prolonging the credit conflict. and bite is acting like a victim of circumstances in an attempt to solve the democrats ahead of mid term
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elections of responsibility for the whole mass. about the only way citizens have these days to impose accountability is through the ballot box. and then the same establishment fixtures end up wondering how they possibly could have ended up being voted out. so then what do they do? well, they usually just blame. i couldn't put the result. of course i was a little bit like a bi racial, but let's get more on this and close to live to my robinson is full my news in deputy minister of foreign affairs. my thanks to join us here. ok. so, you know, we saw that kind of ripple though, these countries of sanctioned russia now fitting the effects of their decisions. but why are they not taking the responsibility for their policies and just saying and sort of saying, i know what's going on, but i've sanctioned russia. it's really no, no say i should take responsibility for this. well, the,
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the sanctions are tools that's well known throughout the world, imposed by the united states and the countries that follow it to bring countries to their, their knees, and or to attempt to bring them to their knees. it's a vicious policy, it's suspicious weapon of war, often cloaked and humanitarian reasons, or blaming other countries to reaching international law. but it's a, it's a tool that's been used and is used throughout the world. it's been good to see the countries knocked us russia and china, which have been taking a staple multicultural, or will but many, many other countries standing up and, and wanting to get out of this pot prosy and to, to oppose this tool and choose to press countries and peoples and the, the end of course, it's normal,
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ordinary normal people who suffer. and the irony is, of course, now that europe, it's look to see who you're working, people who are suffering in the morning sanctions on russia, which rebounding on them. you know, as a very good point, you put them, i mean, we have been seeing protests in the streets throughout europe and around the world where the people are trying to stand up for, you know, you know, how things are, how that governments are reacting to. what's going on, but what they do, are they likely to form any form of, of, i mean, are they likely to have any effects on that? there was always going to be a little bit different than the, the, because those leaders are elected. but other countries like the u. k or the us and they lead to influence their leaders and their policies well, they've already determined those policies that the big and the overall political
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strategy of the united states followed by the united kingdom, is a cause to prevent russia in china. and the final line, but other countries as well to learn that the must be not, that must not stand up to this strategy of the united states of dominating the world minutes set out and policy documents. that's what's got, that's what's happening. but yes, the actors that will come on the stage must come on the stage of the populations themselves. the propaganda machine has been so strong to blame russia for the american war in the ukraine at china, full issues in the pacific. but people don't remain too long, and particularly when they find that they themselves and countries are suffering underneath all is western countries isn't as
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a content actually on the general populations of politicians that's shown in the united states with elections used to get under 50 percent of people voting constant polls show that there is distrust of all the political leaders that they don't tell the truth. and so the ball can be pulled over people's eyes on sometimes on international issues such as it could in the ukraine. but in the end, people can come to the understanding of what the truth is. and i think that's what's going to happen. and it's been interesting to note r l and trust trying to learn people when they, when they saw us, when she stepped down from the leadership up to trying to bring in policies that affected her own people ruinous lee. but in the, in the,
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the wealthy in the u. k. were also going to be affected. so what i want to go about, well, no, it is insulting the rest of the will for his image not to be civilized. that's what he meant to say by being a jungle. any, i need a need, a math as he's, as i say, no, you know, you mentioned earlier that the world is shifting to a sort of multi polar sphere. i would like to see i've been out at a huge chasm, a divide between a more of a divide between countries, us with joe biden, and what's the policies of the u. s. policies and those aren't against joe biden. is either why the with me or a gates, the sort of policy that we sort of seeing these days is quite worrying quite depressing really when, especially in this day and age are we should be looking to be working together. we
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book climate change issues or whatnot. but is that how it's looking at it, looking like the u. s. a going to be maybe falls into a corner or countries that go with the job? i don't think of the falls into doing business just on their own. well, yes, i think that the course of history, human beings, well the will, they, they one, most human things, one was ration of all these issues, dimension. issue, climate change just piece itself. majority of people in the will. one long piece. but what you're faced with, unfortunately, with the power the united states, it's military power. take a moment. so much damage can be done. i mean, i'm optimistic that the people in the united states themselves will also push the politicians to tobacco from these policies. but as we saw with the iraq
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when the american ruling class between its teeth and wants to punish a country, despite the mass of opposition in europe, throughout the will to that by elation of sovereignty, of the iraqi people. they were the hit that ruined so many countries, vietnam, korea up to 19 fifties and the list goes on on july with their policies. but they are against the course of history in my opinion, because clearly the shanghai cooperation agreement with russians pub over china. and so many countries, the demand that's going to be put forward in the g 20 countries meeting in indonesia for indonesia is insisted. the president burton is coming. and as welcome to participant, of course, is one of the leading countries in the, in the d 20. and so forth. so throughout the world,
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the rice related in the sense of our minority in our country, you zealand, we are part of the pop. unfortunately, the propaganda machine. my own party and government has fallen for the world support these policies of the united states and nato medical not true. and that comes back to burrell, saying that europe is the center of civilization. ignoring 2 thirds of the will in new zealand, where used to the arrogance from europe, lumber afraid i was a minister. i constantly got that from the nato countries. the rest of the world was a danger, ice to point out to them that they have 70 percent of the world's military weapons in the hands of the united states themselves. and the rest of the world sold them as a bustling fortress that they've been founded in 1949 to keep the world of imperialism and colonialism. and they hadn't trained these leaders of europe. they cut their
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people off from the rest of the world in the, the racism. that's agenda it's clear and bold statement is part of this arrogance and superiority and refusal to understand history or they understand that. but they want historical in asia, that europe is rich because they plundered the rest of the world and continued to plunder and to sell alms until hyde money in switzerland and luxembourg. these, these oppressive props of history. they try to keep them there, people. but you know, the, i'm a great believer that the truth will come out. i'm happy with your optimism, sir. and i hope for the sake of the other mat robinson. thank you so much for joining me. have a pleasure to say say say well, thanks. the ok as well. now the u. s. has suggested at the u. n. to deploy an international security to haiti as the goal
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rather than to deal with chaos in the country. ah, thousands sent to the seas in haiti demanding the country's prime minister to resign. the protests interrupted hours off to an emergency meeting of the un security council regarding the ongoing crisis. the local government has requested foreign to submit to be deployed immediately, but the general population. so as against the deployment and any intervention, we don't need an occupation of our country. we can find solutions on our own. why don't they strengthen our police and our army? woe to them if they come to ireland because we don't need them here. today in the us, they are calling foreigners to come and torture us because they already have a habit of doing this. they have already come here 4 times to our country as an
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intervention force. this has never brought any changes to us. on the contrary, they instigated a kuda tar against the former president and exiled him. then they raped, installed everything from us, from our goats toward gold mines. were a colon on the u. s. canada in france to remove their embassies from the count. 3 will burn them because will be doing the same as the people of voting for sorcery on caught. in the meantime, the un security council has approve the joint us miskin resolution to sanction quote, anyone who threatens piece security of stability in haiti. but somebody with media outlets and keying to see american boots on the ground and then call that hasn't gone unnoticed. the washington post editorial board has called for military intervention and hazy 8 times since the july 2021 assassination of president jo vanelle, more ease. haiti is on the brink of revolution and the u. s. will do anything to
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stop it. now we're up to 9 washington post editorial board calls for military intervention, haiti since summer 2021. it hasn't even been a week since the last one. these all the headline was mentioned in the to the washington post of the biden ministration to put into the boots on the ground in hazy, we'd discuss the issue with jealous am filmmaking. van cohen, who altered the online messages and the ongoing, neo colonial plunder of haiti. a situation that has, hasn't changed in essentially 2 centuries. and the u. s. has been responsible for recruiting cause for invasions, for all kinds of horrible crimes against 80. and this is, and this is exactly what the u. s. wants to do once again to maintain the status quo of enormous profits for, for its local oligarchs. well, aside from the resources there in haiti, the main reason is that us cannot allow an example such as haiti to inspire other
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countries to go out of the orbit of us empire as it, as it has inspired other countries before and for the haitian revolution, led to the collapse of chattel slavery in the west and european colonialism. and the u. s. wants to maintain its grip on the western hemisphere, what it calls its backyard. and it cannot allow, essentially, a domino effect if something were to happen in haiti, then who knows what happens in the dominican republic or puerto rico so. so the u. s. can not let any country whether haiti or otherwise make an example. the was a 3rd, b is the largest gas for the casa, has refused to divert gas from asia, europe. this winter, the gulf countries energy as a war and the you of a deep breathing energy prices and europe in stock, accepting russian gas again. you just don't have enough volume to bring in to replace the gas for the long term. unless you're saying i'm going to be building
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huge nuclear plants, i'm going to allow coal, i'm going to burn few oils. the us trying really hard to save its members from soaring gas prices while sticking to the goal of giving up on gas imports from russia. the european commission has just come up with a set of proposals. they include joint gas purchase, the creation of a liquefied natural gas pricing benchmark, and also default energy solidarity between members. states, one of the lifelines for the e. you could have been long term supply deals for l. g with guitar, one of the world's largest energy producers. but the problem is that guitar has most of its volumes already contracted under such deals with buyers outside europe . recently, chinese ellen g importers have been selling their excess inventory to europe, which has been a relief for brussels, but bay jean has told their energy giants to stuff that practice ahead of winter.
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in february this year, could tar already warn europe of serious consequences if it were to quit gas imports from russia. but as we understand, these warnings fell on deaf ears. russia provides, i think, 30 to 40 percent of the supply to europe. there is no single country that can replace that kind of volume. there isn't the capacity to do that from l n g. now the energy crisis has indeed gone so far that you officials are admitting that the blogs, green commitments could be in jeopardy. the risk that there is in this symmetric consequences of these cries, this is for europe to lose competitiveness. and so our 2 main commitments 1st on the clean and of the transition and 2nd on implementing reforms and investment of next generation you. last week,
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the russian president vladimir potent pointed out that one of the 2 north stream to gas pipes remains on damage. so if you're paying buyers, want extra russian gas, all they have to do is certify the operation of north stream to well for now the you hasn't made a single step in that direction. more on this economic consulting. i'm educator. i mean, i, you points out, you need to find new energy sources. this is like, you can see the after the opec plus decision to cut production. you can see that a lot of the g, c, c, countries are changing their stance. and here are actually that officially, a few months ago they were, they were a little bit more optimistic about sending production to, to europe. but you can see it now the cuts are actually changed. it's stance
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towards your and they're actually saying we cannot commit to europe for the upcoming years as we have as they have other contracts, especially with other asian conflicts. so i think that the minister cutty minister is right about his predictions and europe needs to actually find on their sources and a new development this last go busy. the energy prices in europe horizon agrees to set up a new joint project with his took his counterpart that was an anchor into your largest gas have present add on, says the vote. it will enable the e you to access russian gas through to the here. this you did today. yeah. turkey. yay. will be a hub for natural gas as well. in our last meeting, we agreed with russian president vladimir putin on this issue for him. we will create a hub here with gas coming from russia. and in his own words,
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putin announced to the world that europe can get its natural gas from turkey, hobbled to harvey. they would then insurance sable supplies of i live with nashville to keep the most reliable delivery route to european countries, which are currently dealing with the backlash of sanctions against russia. we spoke earlier with political alice use of aaron and a news added to a hubbard. c, v, and if soc joel or an got that take on the significance of the new transit point, duty is actually the reliable partner. as mister burton, the president has said that the policy with russia is actually getting more and better and better situation. right now. let me speak about the gas because the gas hall was declared during during that meeting,
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we'll see when we heard that this way sions are going to take place. because the only way that we can do this together was to resolve this issue and red death. you were a should the rest? yes, europe has the north is ready not working or are high to be solution 3 cents to be a solution to get logistically geographically it's always been a very important location for gas producers, gas providers. it makes financial and logistic sense support to get to become a natural gas hub. there's, there's a fact winter's coming. how much e reserves last this winter that remains to be seen. but at the end of the day, these politicians need to get reelected. their mandate is to serve their country's interest, their people with interest. and if it gets to the point where people are praising, if it gets to the point, people are protesting,
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there is going to be flexibility on buying gas. and it is the country that is selling it to a candidate member of the e. u to the nato member, which is, is part of the alliance with many you member states as well? yes, it is rushing yes, but it is coming through to us. so it makes it a little more power the ball. it makes it a little more explainable today you public maybe by going forward. but again, that could depend on how cold the winter is and how much the reserve european reserve last is just in chinese either has been reelected for 3rd, 5 via consecutive serve the post of general century of the chinese communist party with 6 other members of the policy bureau stunning committee yields to confirmed after the 1st meeting of the body and 4 of them new leave id. with that we come to the.


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