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tv   News  RT  October 23, 2022 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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he says ok, so place his name in the san jessica long as all you can do a dental insurance and my son is doing fine. she'll buy it now. we'll probably do my music on each one's when i spawns. and wilson with a headlines on off, he's rational, a russian like a jet crashes into a house during a training flight in siberia. we understand that both of the pilots were killed authority stay ukrainian forces of fired at least 30 artillery shells of the city of antarctica. dod, that's why europe's largest nuclear power plant is located the barrel shit, a hotel where russian nuclear energy workers had been staying. ukraine's president steps up the rhetoric about a nuclear conflict because he urges his western battles to retaliate in kind of rushes stripes with atomic weapons. engaging thing is re elected as china's
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leader for an historic 3rd term. he praised the efforts of the chinese people in building a prosperous society. it warned the country should be vigilant moving forward with it's been a busy night for your top stories, so we'll cup of them and sprinkle in some of the week's main headlines. it's great to have you with us for the weekly here are naughty international. a russian to fight a jet has crashed into a house in the siberian city of a cook. at the local governor, confirm both pilots were killed. we understand that there were said to be no civilian casualties. have a look at this on verified video seemingly showing the exact moment of the crash in the early evening hours. the plane basically say, nose diving towards the ground authority, say that a fire that i wrapped it at the scene was quickly brought under control and more details right now with this local reporter when i put him in missouri,
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you know enough where now the side where the crush happened, special services are working behind my back rescuers, policemen and the investigative committee. the governor oath arrived. he said that the pilots had died. there were no more victim. the fire was completely extinguished. as resident say, the area was filled with acreage smoke, but now it has already cleared the authorities also say the residence of houses close to the crash or now with their relative. so the question happened in a could get to city located around 5000 kilometers east southeast of moscow. it also comes 7 days after a similar crash in the city of yeske. at the a suit, excuse me. earlier a correspondent with marina culture ever. she joined me right here in the studio with more details on this, according to a source that spoke exclusively to r t. that source said that the plane was actually circling the town for 20 minutes . and there was no connection with the pilots at the time. so a fighter jets, another one was sent up there to check on it. they saw that the pilots were
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unconscious and this and they couldn't do anything. and then the plane crashed into the house in that house. 5 people lived there. thankfully there were not at home very lucky for them. of course, the pilots died. we know that there are no other casualties at the moment where anyone reported injured. they've opened the criminal investigation to this that a fire and sued and competing about $200.00 the square meters we can see. and some of the footage there, the smoke, there were 2 buildings that caught on fire. the one that crashed into and then the one next to it. but thankfully, like i said, no one injured except for the pilots of course, and the open, the criminal investigation into this. and the commission has already been set up to look into why it happened or so as i understand, or it's really worrying stuff here. frankly, this is the 2nd fighter jet crash and russia in just about a week to what happened with the previous one. the previous one happened on the 17th of october, and it was in south russia. in that case,
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the fighter jed crashed and said 9 story building the pilot. so in that case, managed to attract themselves, moments before the crash. but again, that was a 9 story building. people were there. so we had 15 people who died and 19 people who were injured. and in that case, pilot the pilots report said the engine fire as they took off. so slightly different situation there, there, it's pretty much more or less straightforward, but in this particular case, we're still waiting to find out what happened and what happens to the pilots. why were they unconscious? the local authority, say ukrainian force has launched at least 30 shells at the russian city of an article on its way. europe's largest nuclear power plant is located on the top target at a hotel where employees of russia's state atomic energy company had been staying earlier today. my colleague union o'neill got more details from roman customer the city of another. dar is indeed
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a home to europe's largest nuclear power plant. and it's been under constant attack by ukrainian military since the start of the special military operation by a russia it's now partially. operational is not in full operation at the moment. however, attacks against the city and the nuclear power plant continue every single day. now on a sunday, ukraine had also targeted as civilians in the city of and are good are according to a local officials and wholesale was frog as at least 3 shells. i hit the hotel, which is which houses are russian employees of the russian atomic. an agency so far we do know that no one was hurt during that attack. however, an official from the russian atomic agency who is there at the moment i said that he and the employees of the company were the target of this attack. now the
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russians are, of course, there had the nuclear power plant to ensure the safety of its operations. but if the nuclear power plant is struck by ukraine, it will certainly translate into a huge tragedy in the region. can i also touch upon another point this sunday, we know that residential areas, officials say of done yet have being targeted. and yet again, what more are we learning about those? are that incidence? well we here the next, we've been under fire for the last 910 hours or at least as ukrainian military continues to bombarding a civilian areas in done as while we are in the center of the city at the moment. but a mere tang kilometers away from where i am right now. the outskirts of the city, they have been under constant shilling from the early hours of the morning. there is quite a lot of damage to civilian infrastructure. there was
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a damage to our schools, a lot of the areas here in the nascar now without electricity or and in the city of her son, no authority is saying that at least one civilian killed and 3 injured off ukrainian forces carried off a type of terror attack reportedly putting an explosive device on a pole and blowing it up when i recall was passing by we understand the blast shattered windows in nearby residential buildings. now the incident comes off the how to sign off or it is announced earlier this week the closure of an entry point into the frontline region to prevent civilians from traveling to areas most at risk from ukrainian. shuttling of civilians in the region are also being moved to safe ground. this footage right here showing people queuing up the board of ferry at a local port, and it commented warnings when the russian ministry of defense and local officials, the forces could be planning to launch a major offensive in that area. and i made a pretty serious security concerns our president put in this week, declared marshall lowered her song and the 3 other territories that are recently
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voted to join russia. now russia, defense minister has expressed serious concerns to his british, french and turkish counterparts that ukraine could possibly try to use a so called dirty bob, an explosive containing radioactive material, in an attempt to draw in other countries to the conflict that is off the ukraine's president cold on his western backers to launch an attack on russia. if moscow go to target his base and key of with nuclear weapons. if russia uses nuclear weapons against the office of the ukrainian president, the world should respond with a blow at russian decision making centers. it doesn't matter whether ukraine is native member or not. this is all happening on the european continent. nobody is allowed to blackmail of this like a terrorist. now, despite the enormous diplomatic, financial and military support that key ever is receiving each and every week, it's key western allies. well, the still talking tough,
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although they appear rather hesitant to get involved in a direct confrontation with the russian federation. there has been loose talk coming from president putin and from other russians about this is the height of irresponsibility. ah, particularly coming from a member of the united nations security council is something that we look at very carefully. and that we take very seriously, given what rushes already done in ukraine. we've to date see no reason to change our own nuclear pos for our doctrine is based on the fundamental interests of our nation. and they are clearly defined. if a nuclear strike was launched on ukraine, these interests wouldn't be affected. just to weeks ago, ukraine's later also insisted in nato should carry out a pre emptive strike on russia. the statement provoked anger from moscow, which accused keith of seeking a nuclear wall. now admittedly, afterwards,
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president zalinski did backtrack, saying he had meant more that sanctions should be employed to prevent any type of atomic conflict. we discussed this with a former us marine and a geo political analyst brian politic. he is a more than mildly concerned by some of president zalinski statements. i think everyone can agree it is abundantly clear that he is not a location where decisions are made regarding the conflict that that is all done in brussels, washington wanda, and the idea that roger wouldn't launch some sort of nuclear attack on kiana's is absurd. russia has never made any comment even remotely close to suggesting something like that could happen. so it, it comes across as desperation and frustration from despite the western media portraying be these are transfers as a turning point. they're actually an end points. the ukrainian military has
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exhausted its trains. manpower, it's heavy weapons. the west is openly the, the support is trickling to a halt because their inventories are being emptied out. so what is next for the lynch kids? if you does not have bright prospects for the future, i think he could imagine himself being surrounded in kiev again as he was in february, march. and i think he really is very pessimistic, no matter how optimistic he tries to appear in regards to the current. the current state of ukraine's offences which are most likely temporary, the conflict will be world changing. it will be the end of western lead unit polar rhythm and the emergence of multi folders. and i don't think anyone should underestimate how far the west would go to private preserved it's, it's domination over the planet. so good to have your company. this program,
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a sheeting pigment has been reelected as head of the chinese communist party for the next 5 years. russian president vladimir putin sent a congratulatory message to she this sunday commending him on his reappointment. the chinese leader now the beginning and historic stood, appraise the nation for its rapid development, but also warned the country must be vigilant going forward. doomed shonda? in the face of new challenges, we must stand hiler, be sober minded and prudent, like a student sitting for a never ending exam. we must promote inner party governance. we must make sure that our century old party, the biggest in the world, will become ever more vigorous through self reform and continue to be the strong backbone that the chinese people can lean on at all times. let us be that she didn't pay her just delivered just upon the greatest achievement 5 years and the young and p highlight a clear go once again to promote the great germination of the chinese nation. my
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chinese file of modernization has its central talk of the new journey and it was an important clarification. i'd say to set out again new victory. and she to please press the people leadership, which is very, which is quite notable in that speech and given, given the trust of the people and the burden of the new iraq. she. so the new general secretary or central committee, i'm central leadership, i'm whole party will be all party members and whole tiny people to go with confidence. and besides, you mentioned the communist party of trying to wisconsin for the world. maybe they contribute to trying to solution people all over the quote or an even the civilization of my car. i need to make it clear that the central committee was elected by over 2000 delegates. the 20th mash national 2015,
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the national congress on saturday. and every step was in accordance with the procedure, the pull it bureau standing committee actually played a sorry, crucial role and in decision making, chinese politics. so together these leadership members will help you move forward its goal. i said to build a china into a modern socialist country. the police have used force against o'reilly in the mould, oven capital. people have been taken to the streets, i get a soaring prize rises and the policies of the government. the process is being led by the vice chairman of one of the main opposition party, who was actually recently released from house arrest. the crowds tried to reach the central square and kitchen now blocked by police. a number of people detained. as we understand the protesters they want demanding the resignation of the president.
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meanwhile, moldova could be left without gas supplies ahead of the looming winter. soft rushes energy dry and gas from said the country needed to clear its debts. of faith speaking cut off. but it's not just mold over protest to a witnessed across europe this week as people's anger over the rising cost of living. and the government's response to the crisis spilled out onto the streets. contributor rachel marson has her thoughts on the anger and unrest. all the chaos in europe these days is a large part due to the fact that european leaders hardly ever take responsibility for their own actions. and because they don't consider themselves responsible, then they never really feel the need to correct court even when their action turn catastrophic. take the current energy crisis. for example. brussels reacted to the conflict ukraine by sanctioning their own chief rush and gas supply. and then blaming russian president vladimir putin for their actions. then when it became clear that europe was being hit, harder by their own sanction than russia was,
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while the devil down again and again, a time with 8 sets of stations broke up to up to date, to the point of cutting themselves off from 20 paper imports. at the time when, even for paper factories in europe, basically, skyrocketing energy costs are struggling to produce that the inability of so called leaders to own their mistakes is a big problem. and it was on full display recently when you chief diplomat. ralph compared europe to a garden and the rest of the world to a jungle in a speech to a diplomatic academy. the rest of the world must have the rest of the goal is the jungle. and the jungle could invade the garden. the gardeners have to go to the jungle. the, to be in. this has to be much more engage with the rest of the world. for that, why the rest of the world will invade us. it wasn't long before the outrage started rolling in both on and off line with the united arab emirates, for example,
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demanding an explanation from the you mission to the you eat and calling to remark, co, inappropriate, and discriminatory. meanwhile, burrell has tried to clarify his remarks, rather than just withdrawing them altogether. my reference to jungle has no racist, cultural or geographic connotation. some have misrepresented the medical as colonial euros. centrism, i'm sorry if some have felt offended. look, it's not like morale had a slip of the tongue here he launched into a hole diatribe about the garden and the jungle that went on and on and on. and apparently at no point did it occur to him to just quickly move along to the next part of his speech that didn't involve me gardens and jungles. but now morale is saying that anyone clearly heard and us versus them message of european or western socialism. well, that's on, you know, that's your problem. you know, what was the last time you actually heard of european leaders say, story or event,
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what we messed up. let's try that and also for us before we make it even worse. ok . here's another example. when bruce, my minister of about 10 seconds less trust to break earlier this week from clocking at 10 down the street who announced that she'd be moving out again shortly. here's what she said. i came into office and said time of great economic and international instability, families and businesses, well worried about how to pay that bills. putin's illegal war and ukraine threatens the security of a whole continent. and all countries have been held back for too long by low economic growth, flipping blame for poor management of britain on to put in nothing to do with choices that the u. k. government made a certainly easier than only after the fact that it was trust his knee jerk economic moves of her own making that of exacerbated the hardships as did her role
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in the previous government led by force johnson that set britain on it for december, 4th. and across the pond in the u. s. president joe biden is pretending that washington is just an innocent bystander to all this chaos who can be expected to take. busy responsibly or alter course to the benefit of peace, its own citizens or even those of its european allies. i've been doing everything in my power to reduce gas prices since prudence invasion. ukraine, cars, least price function. so these prices are spike and rattle international market. washington has been an active participant in jenny, up than aiding and abetting and prolonging the ukraine conflict. and by the is acting like a victim of circumstances in an attempt to solve the democrats ahead of mid term elections of responsibility for the whole mass. about the only way citizens have these days to impose accountability is through the ballot box. and then the same
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establishment fixtures end up wondering how they possibly could have ended up being voted out. so then what do they do? well, they usually just blame lighting, recruiting for the result. of course, we didn't bring up the whole issue with matt robson for my new student deputy minister of foreign affairs. he says to many politicians to live in a protected world. far distanced from that of the general public. a certain arrogance of power, of course. and in having the, the media media on your side and control gives them that arrogance. i think also their distance from their own population. they live in a protected protected world. the schooling they get there where they live, how they're protected from whatever mistakes they make, voiced upon their own country. it's, it's part of the structure of the system of capitalism really in
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those countries that have developed and where the, those who really control the economies of those countries, the commanding heights of the countries they stick together as a class. if one starts to apologize, the rest of them have to apologize. so they cover up for each other. it's not a question of morality. they haven't morality, the betterment of human kind. they have for the betterment of themselves and the privilege classes that they represent. the quote, turkey will not face any problems with natural gas imports from russia. that's according to the turkish president who said his country won't have to worry about any potential shortage of this commodity. this winter, it does come as mr. or the one that is russian counterpart this week announced the establishment of an enormous new joint project. could turn turkey into europe's
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largest gas transport hub this you need to get turkey a will be a hub for natural gas as well. in our last meeting, we agreed with the russian president vladimir putin on this issue. we will create a hub here with gas coming from russia. and in his own words, putin announced to the world that europe can get its natural gas from turkey. a hovel is to just the hub is aimed at ensuring stable supplies. it's loud and prudent has cold turkey, the most reliable delivery route to european countries, which are of course, currently dealing with the backlash of their own sanctions against russian energy. so we got reaction to the move from a pair of journalists in touch. duty is actually the reliable partner as mr. bridge and the president has said, that the policy between russia is actually getting more and better and better situation. right now let me speak about the gas because
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the gas hall was declared during during that meeting with the scene been be this way, sions are going to take place because the only way that we can do this together was the result is issue and red death you are a should read. yes, europe has the more news already not working anymore. there are high to be solution sense to be a solution. heard that to get the gist. stickley and geographically is always been a very important location for gas producers, gas providers. it makes financial and logistic sense support to get to become a natural gas hub. there's, there's a fact the winter's coming. how much you reserves last this winter, that remains to be seen. but at the end of the day, these politicians need to get reelected. they're mandated to serve their country's
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interest, their people have interest. and if it gets to the point where people are preaching, if it gets to the point, people are protesting, there's going to be flexibility on buying gas. and it is the country that is selling it to a candidate member of the e. u to the nato member, which is part of the alliance with many you member states as well. yes, it is russia. yes, but it is coming through to yes. so it makes it a little more power the ball. it makes it a little more explainable today you public maybe by going forward. but again, that's going to depend on how cold the winter is and how much these reserves european reserve last good, happy with us for this program. the us how suggested at the united nations to deploy an international security force to haiti, the government, their struggles to deal with chaos across the country. ah,
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over thousands in a put a front, so they show their opposition to the move are also demanding. the prime minister, resign the violence scenes and looting took place as has been seen throughout this week. the haitian government has requested the immediate deployment of foreign troops. that's exactly one of the main issues. the general population is protesting against us. we don't need an occupation of our country, we can find solutions in our own. why don't they strengthen the police and the army? whoa to them if they come to our land, because we don't need them here to day in the yes they're calling on for us to come and torture us because they already have a habit of doing this. they have already come 4 times to our country as an intervention force. this has never brought any changes to us. on the contrary, they gave the for president a could a talk, exiled him grapes stall, everything from argos, charl, gold mines. where calling the united states, canada,
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and france to remove embassies from the country, will burn them because we will be doing the same as the people of brook and a facile sri lanka. in the meantime, he went to carry to counsel, has approved a joint us mexican resolution to sanction quote, any one who threatens piece security or stability in haiti. and some us media outlets are in fact, came to see american troops in the caribbean nation as well. a call that has not gone unnoticed. the washington post editorial board has called for military intervention in haiti 8 times since the july 2021 assassination of president jo vanelle, more ease. haiti is on the brink of revolution and the u. s. will do anything to stop it. now we're up to 9 at washington post editorial board calls for military intervention, haiti since summer 2021. it hasn't even been a week since the last one. well, these are the actual headlines that were mentioned in the tweets the washington
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post called on the biden administration to quote, intervene and put boots on the ground in haiti. so we discussed the issue with john list and the filmmaker dan cohen, who also wrote the online messages in the ongoing neo colonial plunder of haiti. a situation that has, hasn't changed in essentially 2 centuries. and the u. s. has been responsible for recruiting cause for invasion, for all kinds of horrible crimes against 80. and this is, and this is exactly what the us wants to do. once again to maintain the status quo of enormous profits for, for its local oligarchs. well, aside from the resources there in haiti, the, the, the main reason is that us cannot allow an example such as haiti to inspire other countries to go out of the orbit of us empire as it, as it has inspired other countries before. and, you know, for the haitian revolution led to the collapse of chattel slavery in the west. and european colonialism. and the u. s. wants to maintain its grip on the western
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hemisphere, what it calls its backyard. and it cannot allow essentially, a domino effect if something were to happen in haiti, then who knows what happens in the dominican republic or puerto rico so. so the u. s. can not let any country whether haiti or otherwise make an example. well, thanks so much for joining us here for the sunday weekly program from moscow and archie international running down the main highlights of the week. but this sunday's been so full of big, heavy hitting stories that we had to do an awful lot of them in the mix as well. catch up on everything at r t dot com. in the meantime, i switch, ah ah,
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ah, welcome to was a part the east west power struggle accentuated by the war in your brain and rising tensions over in taiwan has temporarily leaves. and now the axis of swelling is balances and potential troubles. they turn between the global north and the global south, given how dearly developing countries have been paying for the decisions made in the sub will develop world. isn't the time right, to break this exploitative arrangement. well, to discuss it and now joined bias and jaya barrow. distinguish tallow at the united service institution of india. mr. barrow, it's a great pleasant, great honor for me to talk to you. thank you very much for your time. my pleasure. delighted to be on the show. now. thank you. i once heard from a prominent european politician that it doesn't matter whether elephants are fighting or making law,
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the grass underneath them gets trembled. and if we extend that matter flora to the geopolitical situation in the world today, not just the grad underneath them to the fact that it's valleys into villages was acquired miles away. g, russian to fully aware of the, of the kind of damage that, that confrontation is that visiting up or upon 3rd party. well, i'm pretty sure they understand the question is what they're doing about the fact is that they don't have one that has been dealing with a very difficult to global environment for a long time. i would say for 300 years, i think we have been a colony of the british for a long time. and then we had a little system dominated by the rest of the 2nd world war.


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