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tv   News  RT  October 24, 2022 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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an engagement, it was the trail. when so many find themselves worlds of parts, we choose to look for common ground. ah, it's alice hold headlines on our t rushers. defense ministry says here is in the last stages of creating a so called dirty call for a false flag attack. moscow also says ukraine has requested nuclear weapon technology from authors still to come in this program. we believe in african countries themselves taking the leading role in efforts to resolve current problems based on a principle of african problems african solutions. russia is foreign minister declares africa, one of the most important centers of a multi polo world order. i think that the continent must be allowed to resolve its own issues without external influences. meantime, mass protest interrupting
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a number of african countries proud of demonstrators calling for an end to western interference in the continent affairs. we condemn pressure on ethiopia by the west and the united states. i want to call on them to take their hands off ethiopia with which they are terrorized in our country. and the un says it's a torture. prevention and body has been brought to from assessing jails and australia with multiple reports of torture on the death of indigenous people with work and our way into monday evening. here in moscow with some pretty disturbing headlines, it's good to have your company for this hour run out to international. so russia defense ministry says that kia is in the final stage of making a so called dirty ball that's made up of explosives and radioactive material. and
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plans to blow it up in a false flag operation to blame moscow and ultimately gonna further international he's just a little, she's considered us according to the information we have. 2 organizations in ukraine have specific instructions to grade the so called dirty bomb. the work is in the final stage. we also have information about contracts between the ukranian, president's office, and written representative on the issue of possibly obtain a technology for creating a nuclear weapon. things are really heating up now, according to ross. as defense ministry, ukraine is planning to use dirty bombs. now these are devices that use explosives to ride the radioactive waste. and in such a scenario that would contaminate an area of several 1000 square meters. now, their goal being one to intimidate locals, to, to make sure that there are more refugees and of course, to pain. russia as the bad guys,
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something that they've been keen to do from the very beginning of this special military operation. and they want to show russia as unclear terrorists. and of course they're saying that what most goes, claims are right flag, false operation, that this is a rush, this way, all dirty blackmail bought. russian says that it has the evidence and it has proof that this is exactly what they're planning to do unless used. we have specific information regarding scientific institutions in ukraine that have the technology to build this dirty bomb. we have information that this is a justified suspicion. we see the western media reaction in line with the reckless support. the western governance provides his lensky, intelligent him for his recent phobic action. and because of all of that, russia defense ministry has taken measures and has prepared all the necessary tools to counselors such a threat. we don't know what that it's yet, of course, and hopefully we will not find out. there will be no dirty bombs. but also we're
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getting intel landscapes office has been in touch with someone from the head all of the k. and they are asking them for nuclear weapons technology. and this is something that's very scary. and this is something that we are looking into further to find out what that is all about. or let's take this further here on the program . now with a former us marine and joe political analyst, john mach duke. and joining us here on the program, a very warm welcome to use. so if you just heard the report, john, the defense minister of russia. so to assure you who has been on the phone, unprecedented phone calls in the past 24 hours with is, are you k u. s. turkish and french counterpart? it seems to be an awful lot of concern right now. if indeed it's true. the key may be creating a does he bomb if it's true, john? why would he have go to this point? look, we've seen would they have been doing up to now their acts of terrorism,
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starting with the bombing of dory doogan and bullying up the bridges. and they are escalating things in tell the point of no return they want. i can understand why they want west to be involved in making their war. they have that much hatred towards russia as we understand russia is claiming that key of contact the u. k. to get information about creating a nuclear weapon, what, what do you make of that? i mean they can contact them shore and i think it's, i think it's a very dangerous move on their part. the question is, what was the response from you k? are they going to help them? and my answer to that is, they might, i don't know, they, the west has been engaging in a lot of very dirty tactics lately. and everything that they've been engaging like
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the pipeline. the tax on this app rose and the nuclear power plant. everything they've been engaging in, then they have been pointing the finger is blaming on russia when we all know that it's, it's not russia. i mean, everybody with half a brain understands this. and they're going to do the same thing with this. so the question is, is the west going to help them? i guess another question is, john, for example, you know, he got moscow warning about a possible dirty bomb being prepared by key f. and when moscow warns about this possible thing in the, in the making, the western press says, russia warranty, dirty bomb. and then making, because russia is going to do a dirty bomb in ukraine. and it's just the way the headlines are being flipped these days. it's so difficult to really get down to the nuts and bolts of today's men headlines. do you think moscow's warnings about this potential dirty bomb? do you think they're falling on death is or is anyone in the west prepared to even listen? there are some people in the west that are listening but for the most part,
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the mainstream media is not taking them seriously. they are ignoring them. and i think they're doing this because of, you know, look, they are a bunch of democratic shills. and these people are making tons and tons of money from these operations from the military industrial complex. so, you know, it behooves the mainstream media to ignore in finger point back at russia instead of actually doing their jobs like they should. how do you think that situation is just go is going to pan out with this possible. he bobbin being put into effect. what. what do you think's going to happen, john? well, i think now that russia has made people aware of it, it might ward it. i'm hoping that's what happens i i am, i hope the day are going to abandon these plans, but i know actually don't happen. i don't know. i guess one of the ways is to try
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and get more attention to it. the to the whole prospect and that is, so i understand that russian officials are calling for some sort of un security council meeting. so they can essentially get a broader audience to say perhaps if enough people know about it, perhaps that could prevent it from even taking place. so for my us, maureen and job political analyst john month do can always great to see you. thank you very good to see rory, things like russia is a pop diplomat. sort of a lever off as described africa as a rising power in the emerging multi polar world. the foreign minister held talks with the head of the organization of islamic cooperation in moscow. on this monday . among the subjects they discussed were ways to resolve conflicts on the african continent. little yesterday, we welcome the emergence of africa is one of the most important centers of a multi polar world order. we have discussed ways to resolve the ongoing conflicts on the continent. we believe in african countries themselves taking the leading role in efforts to resolve current problems based on
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a principle of african problems african solutions. let meantime it's been another bloody weekend in africa, and 9 people were killed off the terrorist open fire on a hotel. they also set up a car bomb that was in somalia on sunday for the 47 civilians wounded. we understand security force has killed 3 of the assailants. the 4th was actually killed in the bomb bloss. on the is the mas group officer barbara claim responsibility for the attack, which occurred in the port city of kiss mile the just in the countries south. and according to a reason, pentico report, africa has experienced a 300 percent increase in militant types over just the past decade. now, despite a western military presence on the ground, supposedly fighting terrorism, african countries all witnessing growing protests of a what's being called out of long standing interference on the continent or taking us through that is all the africa corresponding carrabas of there's an air of
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change blowing through africa and one that is increasingly resistant to the power and influence of the west m. if you appear this weekend, over a 100000 people marched in support of the country's defense force. demanding an end to the interference by the waste in ethiopia in a face, iowa norman. as you can see, there are lots of presidents of the city he came out to condemn the western countries led by the united states who interfere in our affairs, our sovereignty, and unity. they want to dismantle ice. i came to condemned that we are saying start as you want i that i live enough is enough. we shall not accept any interference. resale parents don't want anybody to assistance, work on our own and bring change to ourselves. or we condemn the indirect pressure on ethiopia by the west and the united states. i want to call on them to take their hands off ethiopia, with which they are terrorized in our country. i want to tell them we are capable
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of solving our own problems by ourselves in the eastern and central parts of the african continent. the old guard is being challenged. shed is, but one example, since its independence in 1960 from france, whose an army generals have ruled the bus lanes of land. and they were supported by the former colonizer thursday, was supposed to mark a day of transition from military to civilian rule. instead, pools of smokes billowed from the city capital and jemina as well as other areas. as champions of all walks joined, hands, tired of waiting to demand them, ended to military rule of the transitional military council, and also the end of francis interference. the security forces response was brutal ah,
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ah, with with until the day that he died on the front lines in april 2021 general is the b was francis man. paris supported and protected him against attempted cause and also turned a blind eye to his brutal 3 decade long rule. in turn, the b protected francis interests in the region. both military and economic. france
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even supported the transitional military cancel that was formed after the bees death, which is now headed by debbie son, mama de b. he without an election installed himself as leader and even pushed back of the transition date by a further 2 years. a move that angered the people you see that france is good. the frances withdrawing its military presence in the region because france is always at the side of the leaders, keeping them in power. we saw that france has done nothing about what's happening here. on the internet, on the radio person macro said that france has no connection with what's happening because it's an internal affair of chad. but i think that's not true as it was. france that helped mohammed debbie to take power. we know that all the decisions come from frogs, france, if also implicated in another violin toward sport. after weeks of cooling off
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violence classes between the democratic republic of congo was military and the m 23 levels has risen again. the d. r. c and ruined that have had strained relations since the 1994 genocide, which saw squaws of people cross the border into the via see all the while the french government was supplying weapons to the region. in such countries, genocide is not too important. and just to round of the wave of negative sentiments to what's the west africa and major wisdom power says that africans must be prepared to die for their democracy. democracy can only be defended by people themselves if they're actually prepared to die for their democracy. liberal day, a good day flip any day is part of french, national heritage and immortal the country is proud to ascribe to. but here in
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africa, both the action and in action of france stand against those very same values. and for a growing number of former colonies and african states, oh, our philosophy seems a more appropriate phrase that will in santa for oddity in johannesburg. good, have your company today or the russian president is expected to give a speech this week of the annual meeting of the val die discussion club. it's a think tank here in russia. the popular for the event kicked off are right here at mazda on this monday, and we discussed what's expected to be on the agenda with asana parker, the host of wills of pot. the way the world is going to function in the post head you morning era. i know that's quite a mouthful. it's a very heavy geopolitical language. but essentially what the delegates of vaal di form i'm proposing is that the year of 2022 is of was a know the board the year for essentially the changing world order. this is
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something that many political scientists have been talking about for years. but this is the year when all of that has finally come into practice. and much of that thanks to the role of the had him on itself. by that i mean, the united states and some of its allies and the introduction of major sanctions against russia, which were intended to penalize and russia and change his behavior. but they, and what they did is to have massive impact on the world which like many of the countries question, the way the world has been governed up till now. and this is the, the main theme for many of the panel discussions that are going to take place today . and over the next couple of days. how the countries can trade with each other and deal with each other in a more balanced and fair way. how many of the inequality is that the world faces
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today could be addressed for the benefit of all? we spoke to a military and defense on the list from indonesia who was attending the annual meeting of the val di discussion club. this post not to believe that the russians policy, despite what the western press might say, russia's policy is to secure that of a multi polar world. after after this, so you say that russia war, the idea of the prison invited, i think he's changing the place today as it is and what the order, what i think that the united states will do is actually, you know, you play nice. i think we say one and i don't rush any sizing china or i said he sizing indonesia, it's a big nuisance. so therefore we have to really, you know, meet i needed to have to say no to that idea and how we actually has to make sure that out the what and the day that you choose for interrupting about very quickly rushes top different about right now speaking of the annual valid i discussion club in moscow, let's listen to what mr. laffer off has to say. you ation with
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a throne from iran values should have said to a comprehensive answer was given the security council of the un by representatives of iran and the russian federation. i think it's probably just probably got more about on the glove. i didn't stop one . you don't really watch the theater until you come back. that was the federal law to put it on for the building that more. 1 but it's pretty documents. i mcculla me, me, you could show cold, cold peace emerge. now do you see the prospects have a so called cold, please? now, for which you are considering the information from that we have a receipt, you know, with one year information from the label sources that dirty bomb
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explosion can be planned in your crane with the input from when you think of some problems as the fusions or all that information was responded by our minister of defense it to counterparts from the united states, kentucky, france, and turkey and britain. and when we have that can contact us between the defense ministries and this will be discussed circle of tomorrow. national security council meeting with them and the grounds and statements by which colleagues that, that this is all fiction that moscow is planning to do some things of this kind of to blame as the landscape regime of his shoes are not completely unfounded. we have proposed to discuss this after the proper and military tech level. and this is
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the approach that we support and the water and i club report that says that was the cables will be changed by something else sophisticated the well we can actually, when you have various terms and to refer to those periods that i think of this year that we now live in will be will be cool, cool to what it should be by the next generation city. what do you help for? what is the hope of this difficult time? yes. i just, you know, it's not about so hopes which is a social, but hopes for on the receiving expiring people. so we need to solve a specific problems. can we have these problems defined by our constitution about foreign policy concept? and it is about creating the best conditions of for our country to develop so to
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anomaly, which is to ensure security and garbage, the social media, social conditions for our people. and this is what period has shown. but it's really, it's just a clearly the dance. it means that we need to protect our dignity and the historical heritage of our people for that to be real. thank you. i love comments, right. that here with asi international, that was the russian foreign minister, sort of a law for off speaking to the press that what is the kicking off the beginning really day, one of the valid discussion top right here in russia, it's a week long event. it's the bow tie club with a think tank here in russia, in the 41 countries being represented by all sorts of experts and leading academics here in the russian capital. one of the questions i was asked a love for off what have you, what are your hopes for the immediate future? and they talked about, well, that of he's optimistic about the emergence of this new multi polar world, or a shift in economic power is,
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is moving from the west toward central asia and even far enough to the east as well . a laugh at all for expressing concerns about the defense minister of russia. so i show you today on the phone with his counterparts in the u. k. america, france, and turkey. expressing serious concerns the key. it may be in the final stages or preparing some sort of dirty bomb and the conflict in ukraine. more details on mr. sort of a lab for offered r t dot com right now for the meantime to the rest of our scheduled program here on our c. so the united nations says it's torture prevention body has been blocked from us assessing jails in australia despite claims of malpractice and even death. in some prisons there, and many other victims were said to be indigenous people despite its continued efforts to engage the authorities for the resolution of the problems, the delegation of the united nations subcommittee on prevention of torture continued to be obstructed in the exercise of its mandates. as a result of this,
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the b team members felt that their visit had been compromised to such an extent that they had no other option but to suspend it. or the other is about joining us here on this monday afternoon for this story. can you just give us the picture here because it's a little bit confusing to get both sides of it. what is this story? right, so the un isn't happy with australia. basically they consider this a violation of human rights, specifically violating the op cut, which is a treaty that australia is a part of. and basically what this means is that they are not allowing this inspectors to go into the state presence. they're not allowing them to go into the mental facilities and they think they should be allowed to go in that they should be able to go in and out and be able to look at what's going on without being prohibited. and so right now they're being prohibited. so they've decided to suspend the rest of their trip, which would have gone on to october 27. and so more than 70 organizations have issued a statement condemning this acts by this straight,
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lia and various states in there as well. and what's interesting, glory is this rhetoric right now and h r c official tweeted that this is embarrassing for australia. it puts them in the same camp as rwanda, ukraine, and as are by john. and it's interesting, given the fact that australia and many other western nations have been ignoring ukraine's crimes against humanity. and here's what other some corrections folks. people also said, it's really unnecessary. i think for the un to demand, to get into our jail system. we run a safe and orderly system. we don't torture people, aren't they better off going to places like iran. you see people getting tortured in jails all the time. they're. i'm not going to have un inspectors from iran and china and cuba coming to new south wales jails and tell us that we're doing things wrong. so what we're, we're getting here is the sense that the australian government does not seem to like or expect the us to hold them accountable,
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but only hold their foes accountable. and of course, they can show the failings of such an advance and quote, civilized society like australia as they are one of the 5 eyes. and so there seems to be a superiority complex here, where they're looking down on everybody else. and they refuse to really look inward and are making the problem the us rather than holding themselves accountable. and they can't seem to get their affairs in order. what about any, any of this story getting traction with various human rights organizations? yes, so human rights organizations have condemned, but this isn't the 1st time marie, i mean, this has been going on for a long time, specifically regarding issues with people with disabilities, children, and certain conditions. over the past decade, there have been so many issue set have free steep concern whether it is prolonged, solitary confinement of prisoners with disabilities or the treatment of people in
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our immigration detention centers. we've seen horrific allegations come out in regards to the treatment of children and the northern territory. and right now, western australia, there's a heap of concern about the conditions of children being kept in a maximum security out of prison. so what we're mostly seeing here is an equity in terms of racial inequality with how these aboriginal and indigenous people are being treated versus everybody else. this is kind of similar to america. they're dying in police custody recently. there was an aboriginal prisoner who was actually meant to get out of prison who died in police custody, and he was a 2nd within 2 weeks. so this is, this is again just a, this is nothing new. but we're talking about these conditions and hospitals, in mental health facilities and the juvenile detention centers. and of course, the guardian actually spent the last 3 years tracking the numbers. and it said that over 470 indigenous people have died since early 1991 in that number just keeps growing and growing. and of course the people who died and cause city a we're,
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we're not likely to receive medical treatment. so this is, this is something like i said, we're not, it's not new, but it is becoming more prevalent. and what we're seeing is that this is a national shame for australia where a country that considers itself extremely civilized, extremely modernized. it doesn't quite lend itself to be bad, especially when you're reporting from the 2019 report on the the, the freedom and torture. australia's ranking at about $5.00 out of 10 on that scale, which isn't good, especially with how they allowed themselves. so what we're seeing here to wrap this up, rory, is that this is a very clearly serious issue that they're largely ignoring and focusing on, on outliers instead of really looking to solve the issue and, and with all of this attention being given and the un calling them out, it's a big deal that the u. n. is calling them out. and this, of course,
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just contrast with the fact that australia is supposed to be this a civilized country, and they refused to speak on journalists like julia songs. they refused to condemn ukraine's war crimes. so this is a classic double standard that we're seeing from the west. all right, autism fiorella, isabelle joining us live in the studio. always good to see. and thanks. i'm here on the international, the program from moscow. just about half past 6 in the evening, monday. here today. appreciate you joining us. we'll be back soon with ah ah
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