tv News RT October 24, 2022 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT
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you can ask yourself with almost them, let's see where you live at home, just to finish the sewage near i speak of the girl who's with our top headlines on our tea rushers, defense ministry says kiana is in the last stages of creating a so called dirty bomb for false flag attack. moscow also says ukraine has requested nuclear weapon technology from britain details still to come on that. also up and coming in this program, we believe in african countries themselves taking the leading role in efforts to result current problems based on the principles of african problems african solutions such as a foreign minnesota. they left off, declares africa one of the most important centers of a multi polar world order adding to the continent and must be allowed to resolve
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its own issues without external influence. meantime, must protest to erupt in a number of african countries with crowds have demonstrated, ultimately calling for an end to western into farrah and the continents offence we condemn pressure on ethiopia by the west and the united states. i want to call on them to take their hands off ethiopia with which they are terrorized in our country with it is monday evening now here in moscow. and it's so good to happy with us with some heavy hitting headlines for you. and tonight's program here on our t international. so russia defense ministry says that kia is in the final stage of making a so called dirty bomb. it's something made up of explosives and radioactive material and apparently care plans to blow it up in a false flag operation. to play moscow and ultimately gone
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a further international support. he's just a little, she's considered us. according to the information we have. 2 organizations in ukraine have specific instructions to grade the so called dirty bomb. the work is in the final stage. we also have information about contracts between the ukranian, president's office and written representative on the issue of possibly obtain a technology for creating a nuclear weapons. things are really up now. according to ross. as defense ministry, ukraine is planning to use dirty forms. now these are devices that use explosives to ride the radioactive waste, and in such a scenario that would contaminate an area of several 1000 square meters. now, their goal being one to intimidate locals, to, to make sure that there are more refugees and of course, to pain. russia as the bad guys, something that they've been here to do from the very beginning of the special military operation. and they want to show russia as
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a nuclear terrorist. and of course, they're saying that what moscow's claims are a red flag, false operation, that this is russia's way all dirty blackmail bought. russian says that it has the evidence and it has prove that this is exactly what they're planning to do. and because of all of that russians defense ministry has taken measures and has prepared all the necessary tools to counselors such a threat. we don't know what that it's yet, of course, and hopefully we will not find out. there will be no dirty bombs. but also we're getting intel landscapes office has been in touch with someone from the heads of of the u. k. and they are asking them for nuclear weapons technology. and this is something that's very scary. and this is something that we are looking into further to find out what that is all about. as on this subject, in particular, i was speaking earlier with a us marine and geo political analyst,
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a john mark duke, and he fears that t f is trying to escalate the war to further draw in nature. we've seen what they have been doing up to now their acts of terrorism, starting with the bombing of dory dugeon and boring up the bridges. and they are escalating things in tell the point of no return they want. and i can understand why they want west to be involved in making their war. they have that much hatred towards russia. the west has been engaging in a lot of very dirty tactics lately and everything that they've been engaging like the pipeline. the attacks on the zap rose neo nuclear power plant. everything they've been engaging in then they have been pointing the finger is blaming and russia when we all know that it's, it's not russia. i mean, everybody would have a brain understand this, and they're going to do the same thing with this. so the,
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the question is, is the west going to help them the russian president is expected to give a speech this week to the annual meeting of the val di discussion club. but if the think time care of russia, the 4 day event kicked off well on one day here at moscow, and russia, foreign ministers, ok left off, was there earlier and was quizzes about the claims of a dirty bomb being used in ukraine for that old moon for a month so, so consumer to detail information indicating the institutional a do this up, the school translate injured, the minister renfro bottle, his colleagues from the united states. great britain, france and turkey, the unfounded claims for western colleagues. that this is all fiction and russia who's health plans to do something like that to play leisure lensky ratio later, not a serious conversation. some of our inter locus suggested discussing information we have at a professional military levels of this is an approach that we've supported or i'd crossing life out was he's asana boycott who's following the valve. i discussion
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top event for us a very good evening to you. ok on a lucky you are to be mingling at the annual valve. i discussion club. wish i could join you or we were showing laughter off just a short time ago. speaking to the press tonight at the valve icloud, discussing various things, that multi polar world, a potential dirty ballman ukraine. what can you tell us? well, it's been a very, very long day. the 1st day of the, of all their discussion club this year. and as you mentioned, it was colored by these developing story of a dirty bomb that is reportedly being developed by the ukrainian military or the ukrainian government as a means of trying to get that nato and its western allies and will promptly involved in the in the conflict in ukraine, a foreign minister, a lover of sad that russia is eager to do whatever possible to bring if cranes, western partners into the discussions about the potentially very dangerous,
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if north america, elliptic consequences of such a false flag attack. if it indeed is carried out and while a menu of liberal colleagues or some of the lover of school x, for example, the year secretary of state, anthony blinked dismiss those allegations, asked, quote, transparent with false. a foreign minister also indicated that such allegations were mad with some professional interests and some of the colleagues he didn't specify who, but some of the countries and as far as we know, russia has reached out your friends, the united states, the united kingdom and turkey. some of those countries have expressed an interest in discussing the evidence as russia has in the professional for my data is among the intelligence officers and military experts. but i have to tell you that something like this is not really a regional. if you remember the,
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the way that the hearing the war was carried out, we have constant delegation. so full slack attacks. and this is essentially the way that russia has learned to counteract them to, to try to be preemptive whenever it has allegations or whenever it's, whenever it has any intelligence on the potential acquisition of dangerous materials. it tries to bring attention of the world wide audience did. and i have to say that if we didn't dissemble that, the westwood tried to exonerate the ukraine and accuse rush of all the possible times. but there is already a track record, an official track record of the ukrainian officials expressing direct interest in acquiring nuclear weapons. for example, present the landscape one. speaking of the munich security conference earlier this year, he expressly sad that ukraine was looking into that possibility. and what
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a surprise russia at that point is that despite the fact that non proliferation is a stated policy in the world, it's, it's stated goal, nonetheless, nono ukraine's less than partner said anything against that possibility. that's why russia is indeed taking it seriously. well, it's certainly good news, it's okay. laughter was bringing up this whole concept of a possible dirty bomb to be used in the ukraine culture when you've got what 40 or 41 countries represented right now at the by club. one might hope the experts and academics that call aheads, will prevail and try and find some sort of a sensible conclusion to all of this focus on a, i know is day one today of the valve i and you will discussion top sunday night was the gala dinner, it's going to be a busy week of course, but what about tomorrow? ok, so what's the plan? well, the main focus of tomorrow's discussions is on the economy and the use of the economy, global economy as a, as a weapon or as a tool for geo politics. if you will,
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the day will begin with a discussion on the new forms all will be lies. ation. many of the experts here believe interconnectivity can all make into connectedness will remain to be the feature of their world. but they believe that it's going to be sort of a, transforming from a centralized economy, dominated by the united states and its allies, where the united states serves as a sort of the dispenser of the will global rudy's more towards regional corporation . a more balanced ferric corporation that will also be more rooted in, in the trade in biological currencies. this is something that russia has been discussing with many of its partners in the east, in the west, and also in the, in the global south. and the 2nd discussion, a very interesting discussion, but i'm personally looking forward to is a panel on how can all make sanctions against russia are factoring the rest of the
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world. because as you know, many of those countries that are represented here, especially the african countries, greatly affected by their rising food and energy prices. and for them, this is one of the examples of how unfairly, the global economic system is being used and abused by the united states when countries that have absolutely nothing to do with russia, ukraine or the united states. for that matter, i being greatly affected by the by the u. s. and western policies, all of that will be discussed tomorrow. many of those discussions will be held, unfortunately for our journey was behind closed doors. and that is done to encourage a more open and more authentic dialogue and to keep these platforms keep this forum as us as a place for honest conversation, for honest brainstorming and strategizing for honest analysis rather than a platform for coming up with some sort of rope again,
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to stick narratives. all right, day one of the valve, i discussion club, the annual think tank forum here and russia happening this time in the russian capital parties looks on a boycott. thank you for it. it does speak earlier in the program to at the cut, to sy, a professor at the university of manitoba who's actually at the annual meeting of the valve. i discussion club who says that speaking the truth these days can be dangerous. not only journalists, but all people speaking unpopular opinions are being censored in the west. we see that there is no censorship, but in reality, both carrots and sticks actually are used in the west as censorship. so sticks. yes . we know the cases of julian assange, bradley, my jesse manning, and so on these as edward snowden, of course, these people were directly persecuted for talking about the truth. this is, you know, in the case of a journalism, but such cases are also known in the world of scholarship. so that sort of thing exists and we know about it. and we know some of the most shocking cases. but then
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i also probably a lot of cases that get muffled up. we don't hear about that's the 1st. and the 2nd thing is that of course, there are organized lobbies, for example, people who claim to be speaking for ukraine. and i say claim to be because look what they're advocating, which is to continue this war is actually destroying ukraine if they had in scott said that, you know, last at the end of last year or earlier this year. okay. signed them ins, agreements, you know, listen to russia, security concerns, they are legitimate, etc. we would never be here. there would have been no reason for the russian military actions, et cetera. you see at the present moment, the rest's actions are so patently a patently disingenuous. they're so patently in bad faith. the disinformation and the propaganda they're doing is so it's so manifestly overdone, we know that there's that this is not the whole truth. sunday is a lot of unease of the popular level in among people rushes
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top diplomat stock. i love her off 1st described africa as a rising power in an emerging multi polar world. the foreign minister help folks with the head of the organization of islamic cooperation in moscow on this monday. i'm on the subject. they discussed 2 ways to resolve conflicts on the african continent. luckily, yesterday that we welcome the emergence of africa as one of the important centers of a multi poder world order. we've discuss ways to resolve the ongoing conflicts on the continent. we believe in african countries themselves taking the leading role in efforts to resolve current problems based on a principle of african problems for african solutions. oh, i mean time is we in another bloody we came in africa and 9 people killed off the terrorist, opened fire on a hotel and blew up a car. it was all in somalia on sunday before the 47th of civilians were wounded. as we understand now, security forces killed 3 of the assailants, but the 4th was actually killed in the bombs blast. yes,
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miss group. i'll shut bob's claim responsibility for the attack which occurred in the port city of his maya in the countries south. according to a recent pentagon report, africa has experienced a 300 percent increase of militant attacks over just the past decade. now, despite a western military presence on the ground, supposedly to fight terrorism, african countries all witnessing growing protests over what spin cold, long standing interference on the continent. so taking us through that, his artes africa correspondent, corolla tattler. there's an air of change blowing through africa and one that is increasingly resistant to the power and influence of the west indies yoga this weekend. over a $100000.00 people, marched in support of the country's defense, forced demanding an end to the interference by the waste in ethiopia and affairs. iowa. as you can see, there are lots of residents of the city he came out to condemn the western
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countries lead by the united states who interfere in our fears, our sovereignty, and unity. they want to dismantle us. i came to condemned that we are saying stop as you want, i know enough is enough, which will not accept any interference. reecy opens. don't want anybody assistance work on our own and bring change to ourselves. or we condemn the indirect pressure on ethiopia by the west and the united states. i want to call on them to take their hands off ethiopia, with which they are terrorized in our country. i want to tell them we are capable of solving our own problems by ourselves in the eastern and central parts of the african continent, the old god is being challenged. shed is but one example, since its independence in 1960 from france, whose an army generals have ruled the bus lanes of land. and they were supported by
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the former alyssa thursday, was supposed to mark a day of transition from military to civilian room. instead, poles of smoke billowed from the city capital and jemina, as well as other areas. as champions of all walks joined, hands, tired of waiting to demand an end to military rule of the transitional military council, and also the end of francis interference. the security forces response was brutal ah, we with with
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until the day that he died on the front lines in april 2021 general. if that is the b was francis man, paris, supported and protected him against attempted coups and also turned a blind eye to his brutal 3 decade long rule. in turn, the b protected francis interests in the region. both military and economic. france even supported the transitional military cancel that was formed after the beat death, which is now headed by debbie son, mama de b. he without an election installed himself as leader and even pushed back of the transition date by a further 2 years. a move that angle,
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the people you see that francis good, the francis withdrawing its military presence in the region because france is always at the side of the leaders, keeping them in power. we saw that france has done nothing about what's happening here on the internet, on the radio, present, macro, and said that france has no connection with what's happening because it's an internal affair of chad. but i think that's not true as it was, france, that helped mohammed debbie to take power. we know that all the decisions come from france, france, if also implicated in another vial. and todd sport, after weeks of cooling off violent clashes between the democratic republic of congo military and the m 23 rebels has risen again. the d. r. c and rwanda have had strained relations since the 1994 genocide which saw squaws of people cross the border into the d of c all the while the french government was supplying
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weapons to the region. in such countries, genocide is not too important. and just to round of the wave of negative sentiments to what's the west in africa and major with them. power says that africans must be prepared to die for their democracy. democracy can only be defended by people themselves if they're actually prepared to die for their democracy. liberal a day, every day flip in a day is part of french national heritage and a model. the country is proud to ascribe to. but here in africa, both the action and in action of france stand against those very same values. and for a growing number of former colonies and african states, oh, our policy seems a more appropriate phrase, terrible editor. for oddity in johannesburg. it's good to have your company with an historic, a 3rd term now ahead of him. the chinese president, gigi,
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and ping has been building the team around him to confront the challenges that lie ahead. the 7 member committee, which includes su himself, plays a key role in handling china's internal and foreign policies. should your 1st, 3rd term g has changed to 4 of the 6 existing committee members? all of them are close allies. it's said to be an effort to break down divisions between party and state who have also a number of leading specialists have also been brought into the pollitt bureau this year as well. including a leading aerospace engineer was time to learn more. that's course live out of victor gao, the vice president of the center for china and globalization, a very warm welcome to you. so thanks for coming on the program today. hi, how significant do you think are the changes in gigi, ping's inner circle, and the politburo? well, in the wake of the panties or the congress which successfully concluded on sunday, the 1st, the plenary session. all this nearly kings did central committee made decision
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to form the new bureau understanding committee on the 24 hours for the bureau and several members for the standing committee. now it is true that. busy the newly elected members on the spelling commit to the bureau, all had worked with cheating, being one time or another. so they know each other. and they actually, i believe each of them is fully qualified to serve on the highest body within the communist party of china. because they have many, many decades or years of experience that we had vacations in their own way. they were to take it from one probably is one section to another. and they all were
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formerly members of the bureau. so, so this is assigned to unity among the members of the standing committee and within the bureau and in the central committee going forward. and china need greater units, you know, the very top of the issue and these, the great members of the standing committee will eventually be you know, the chairman of the certainly can meet, you know, the national congress, but chairman of bcc. and we will also be working in the state council and in really other areas on most in promptness for china. so my hope and our hope is this batch of leaders were up to the asian and will demonstrate their wisdom, vision, courage. and on that day, when it is required,
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you step up to the plate bed and turn the national interest in her for it would be and do whatever they can to for not sustain the development of chinese economy. and to make sure that china becomes a major fashion on the global stay. all you can do well, nice and stability and the champion of globalization for the benefit of all the countries in the world. miss ago, both changing things, address and undeveloped i clubs, discussion which is going on right now. as you know, here in the russian capital, it's all about is focusing a lot about that at the, the new multi polar world that is emerging. what, what place do you believe china is willing to have in this emerging new world order? well, i think the world all day that mankind wants to living is not
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a will go that dominated by one single to become a mainly because all the countries actually have their own different circumstances, histories and challenges for example. they want to have their way of doing things. they do not want to be dictated by another superpower. therefore, multilateralism is the way going forwards. and china will be a champion of developing a world of multilateralism. and hopefully it is centered around the united states that these countries because small me to respect the term and treat each other as e. course, no country will. so no man kind of, well, if it holds its so up as if it is on top of all the other countries. mutual respect among countries as big as small should be the rule of the game going forwards. and
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countries should not really, if you tempted to impose their will, their way of doing things on to any other country, especially with countries like china, with the gal before, one out of time very quickly that the western media is portraying all these changes as an attendance of g to tightened his grip on power. what's your opinion? well, mrs. she is the paramount. eda, china? he has being the paramount. eda ball 10. yes. and he is having another time for another 5 years. and i personally hope so long as he can me 3 months from the benefit of the chinese people and deliver great results. you probably will so much longer than the coming fight. yes, he needs a lot of supports the central committee in the buried standing committee on the
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pretty girl. there is no doubt about it. and time is very urgent. the child is very obvious. i full of nina's will be really very much you like it and move in a coherent way in the same direction. ok, great. her benefits from the chinese people and for mankind as all, therefore, greater unity of the very top in china is a pos, is a strength rather than a downside. negative thing. i think to cow the vice president of the center of china and globalization joining us life her were naughty, a great pleasure to see you. thank you very much. thank you. i will be thank you. the former u. k. finance minister, re she soon ac is to become the countries next. prime minister. he won the leadership contest off to be only other contender. withdrew from the race a 42 year old. soon i will be the countries 3rd prime minister and less than 2
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months softer. of course liz trust announced her lot last week that she was stepping down off of just 44 days and the job. she quit having a triggered an economic meltdown with a fiscal plans and re she will inherit a country in the grip of a political and energy crisis. well, we can learn more about this right now. putting life, the alexander mackay, editor of red star radio and a political analyst, always good to see you. so soon act automatically becomes prime minister after the only challenge withdrew. is it a sign that with so many challenges facing the country, there's a need to either get out the business as soon as possible or that it's such a poison chalice? no one wanted to do the job. well, i think our rory, that the problems in the british economy have forced the conservative party to try and you re unite itself as soon as possible on the city of london. declared very early on back actually in the original leadership contrast between soon i can
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list trust that there man, that they wanted for the job was richie soon act. they didn't want less trust. they wanted to unity behind one of their own, essentially, who would come in and do what they regarded as necessary for the, the writing of the ship. which is that they want to see a spending cuts made to the british government budget. and they want to see this delivered as soon as possible, and without the least trust was doing some of the opposite, which was spending more money on this energy bill scheme that she had. and also trying to cut sacks at the same time d seems to destabilize things. they see the political establishment in britain see soon act as a safe pair of hands, a man who will come in and steady the situation. and that's why the conservative party has tried to avoid a leadership election. they also didn't want former prime minister parish johnson coming back because he'd lost the trust of the, of the, of many in the conservative party because the really loud it regarded him as unreliable. and lazy, quite frankly, and unfit for the job. so they rally behind the safe auction,
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the former m goldman sachs banker who is going to come in, and they hope restore stability. but i think that the, the problems facing the british economy and society of far too deep for richey soon act to actually solve, remember, he's not a very experienced politician. he'd only been a member of parliament since 2015. he has been in the ministerial job for only 2 years before now. so really this isn't a man with a great deal of experience. remember, margaret thatcher had 20 years as an m p. and tony blair 13 before they became prime minister. so this soon, ac is despite his appearance and experience, he's very much still an unknown political quantity with only 7 years in parliament . so it remains to be seen whether he can actually deliver the stability to the political establishment. wants him to bring what alex on to as you say, as you say, a researcher not tonight is, is making some pretty vital experience when it comes into the world of politics and all that. but as we all well know, he is a multi.
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