tv News RT October 24, 2022 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT
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not only about which side will eventually prevail, the stakes are much higher. the outcome of this conflict is determined, the nature of a new geopolitical order. the west is fighting russia to maintain its global hegemony. much of the world, the like to see bill to it in a top that lines right now. you're not the international. that's russia. defense ministry says here within the last stages of creating a so called dirty ball pro false flight attack. moscow also says ukraine has requested nuclear weapon technology problem, britain, details still to come on that story. meanwhile, up and coming we believe in african countries themselves taking the leading role in efforts to resolve current problems based on a principles of african problems. african, the solution is foreign minister de la declared africa as one of the most important centers of a multi polar world order. adding that the continent must be allowed to resolve its
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own, its use without external player. meantime, mass protest to wrapped in a number of african countries with crowds of demonstrators calling for an end to western interference in the continent offense, we condemn pressure on the united states. you want to call on them to take a look which they are terrorized. another country the united nation says it's torture prevention body has been blocked from assessing prisons in australia as having multiple reports of torture and the death of indigenous people with their talk well headlines from moscow with international with me, raw reach to show you it's so good to have you with us, as we've got a torrent of top stories for you on this partner, rushes for admin has raised concerns about
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a dirty bomb being used by key over the ukraine conflict. it was speaking of the annual meeting of the valve by discussion club lover of dismiss claims by some western countries that it was moscow planning to use such a device a little noon for a month so. so, cuz detailed information indicating the institution that can do this was transmitted through the minister to friends with his colleagues from the united states. great britain, france and turkey. the unfounded claims bald west and colleague that this is a fiction from russia itself, plans to do something like that to blame these zalinski regime later. so it's not a serious conversation. you know, for some of our into lucas suggested discussing information we have at a professional military levels where this is an approach that we've supported across both foreign minister, a lover of sad. russia is eager to do whatever possible to bring ukraine's western partners into the discussions about the potentially very dangerous, if not typically particular consequences of such
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a false flag attack if it indeed is carried out. and while a menu of love robes colleagues or some of the love robes colleagues, for example, the, your secretary of state anthony blinking dismiss those allegations as quote, transparently falls on foreign minister also indicated that such allegations were math with some professional interests. and some of the colleagues he didn't specify few, but some of the countries, as far as we know, russia has reached out from the united states, the united kingdom. and shortly, some of those countries have expressed an interest in discussing the evidence that russia has in the professional form that is among the intelligence officers and military experts. but i have to tell you that something like this is not really a regional. if you remember the, the way that the syrian war was carried out,
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we have constant delegation. so for full flag attacks. and this is essentially the way that russia has learned to counteract them to, to try to be preemptive whenever he has allegations or whenever you have, whenever he has any intelligence on the potential position of dangerous materials. it tries to bring attention of the world wide audience did. and i have to say that if we didn't dissemble that there was, would tried to exonerate ukraine and rational of all the possible times. but there is already a track record, an official track record of the ukrainian officials expressing direct interest in acquiring nuclear weapons. for example, president landscape one. speaking of the many curious conference earlier this year, he expressly sad that ukraine was looking into that possibility. and what a surprise russia at that point is that despite the fact that non proliferation is a stated policy in the world, it's stated goal, nonetheless,
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non of ukraine's rustin partner said, anything against that possibility. that's why russia is indeed taking it seriously . moscow says it will address the claims about a dirty bomb directly to the un secretary general. but un itself has already address those concerns advising both parties not to escalate the situation. the nato secretary general also dismissed russia's claims calling them absurd. what do you? because he said ukraine would never use such a device on his own territory. me, according to the russian defense ministry. however, the threat is very real. and he said 3rd parties appear to be involved in handing key have nuclear technologies. he's just a little, she's considered us according to the information we have. 2 organizations in ukraine have specific instructions to grade the so called dirty bomb. the work is in the final stage. we also have information about context between the ukranian
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president's office and written representative on the issue of possibly obtain a technology for creating a nuclear weapon moist i spoke earlier in the program to us, maureen and jo, political analyst, john, do, than he fears the key of is trying to escalate the war to further draw in nature. we've seen would they have been doing up to now their acts of terrorism, starting with the bombing of dory dugeon and boring up the bridges. and they are escalating things in tell the point in return they want, i can understand why they want west to be involved in making their war. they have that much hatred towards russia. the west has been engaging in a lot of very dirty tactics lately and everything that they've been engaging like the pipeline. the tax on this approach, the nuclear power plant,
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everything they've been engaging in, then they have been pointing the finger is blaming on russia when we all know that it's or not russia, i mean everybody would have a brain a understand and they're going to do the same thing we went in through so the, the question is, is the west going to help them well apart from the most pressing you see like the conflict in ukraine. the bowel di form has touched on the more abstract topics, such as the quote, justice and security for everyone in the post hedge a monic world, which is in fact the title of the whole session, australia. more than 100 representatives from 41 different countries participating in the event in basically exchanging views on how to solve various global di levels . on the sidelines of the session, we spoke to algerian security expert. he says russia, algeria, and relations right now we're actually making gauge with these 2 guys now claiming frankly and openly that it's for in politics and it's even,
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it's future is it's linked to china and to russia as well. so the relationships are very good. we have good relationships between german army and russian army as well. we need to build up something on the economy of jerry and russia, our competitors in the gas area, unfortunately. but i think so many things needs to be done in this area. i kind of rush, i was getting involved a lot in africa this mrs. little bit up. the west was the countries plans and the former colo colonial countries plans for africa. it's also creating tensions. so yes, i'm sure i freak out unfortunately is specially designed. it's becoming
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a read about both in the we could see even the emergence of new phase, steve, back to back to the by yes, i mean, thorough is leadership. we live in into a huge money, not only money of in political economy. it's also a narrative, has your money we are facing. now. pretty strange and new narrative coming from from the west. dot does not apply to our culture that does not apply to our understanding of the word. and i'm not sure that people in countries will cope with this new narrative of that is presented, which is based on cancer culture, which is based on no walk is in, which is based on a lot of very unusual and very useless things
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rushes at top. diplomats okay, laughter off as described africa as a rising power in emerging multi polar world. the foreign minister held talks with the head of the organization of islamic cooperation in moscow. this monday. and among the subjects they discussed the ways to resolve conflicts on the african continent. luther yesterday. so we welcome the emergence of africa as one of the important centers of a multi poder world order. we've discuss ways to resolve the ongoing conflicts on the continental. we believe in african countries themselves taking the leading role in efforts to resolve current problems. so based on a principle of african problems for african solutions, oh, shoot. well, me, time has been another bloody weekend in africa, 9 people killed off, the terrorists opened fire on a hotel and they blew up a car was all in somalia. on sunday. 47, all the civilians were wounded. security forces as they actually killed 3 of the
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assailants, but the 4th was killed in the blast of the bomb. i'd like the is the mixed group al . sure. bob is claimed responsibility for the attack which occurred in the port city of his smile. it's in the country south. now meantime, according to a recent pentagon report, africa experienced a 300 percent increase of militant attacks over just the past decade. and despite a western military presence on the ground, supposedly to fight terrorism, african countries are witnessing growing protests over what's been cold, long standing interference on the continent taking us through it all is alta africa correspondent caught up all the time. there's an air of change blowing through africa and one that is increasingly resistant to the power and influence of the west. and if you open this weekend over a 100000 people, my in support of the country's defense forced demanding an end to the interference by the west in ethiopia, in a phase island on that. as you can see,
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there are lots of residents of the city. he came not to condemn the western countries led by the united states, interfere in our fears, our sovereignty and unity. but they want to dismantle. i, i came to content that we are saying stop. i am gonna not accept any interference. resale parents don't want anybody's assistance work on her own and bring change to ourselves. and now we condemn the indirect pressure on ethiopia by the west and the united states. i want to call on them to take their hands off ethiopia, with which they are terrorizing our country. i want to tell them we are capable of solving our own problems by ourselves. in the eastern and central parts of the african continent, the old god is being challenged. shed is, but one example says it's independence in 1960 from france, whose an army generals had ruled by swain's of land. and they were supported by the
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former colonizer thursday, was supposed to mark a day of transition from military to civilian rule. instead, polls of smokes billowed from the city capital and jemina as well as other areas as canyons of all walks joined, hands, tired of waiting to demand an end to military rule of the transitional military council, and also the end of francis interference. the security forces response was brutal, awe with over there got to go on as you might not done with
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until the day that he died on the front lines in april 2021 general id. that is, the b was francis met paris, supported and protected him against attempted coups and also turned a blind eye to his brutal 3 decade long rule. in turn, the b protected francis interests in the region. both military and economic. france even supported the transitional military cancel that was formed after the bees death, which is now headed by the b side, mama de b. he without an election, installed himself as leader and even pushed back of the transition date by
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a further 2 years. a move that angered the people you see that france, it's good that frances withdrawing its military presence in the region because france is always at the side of the leaders and keeping them in power. and we saw that france has done nothing about what's happening here. on the internet, on the radio person macaroni said that france has no connection with what's happening because it's an internal affairs of chad. but i think that's not true as it was, france that help mohammed debbie to take power. we know that all the decisions come from france, france, if also implicated in another violin toward sport. after weeks of cooling off violent pleasures between the democratic republic of cromwell's military and the m . 23 rebels as rhythm again, the d r. c and rwanda have had strained relations since the 19 main c 4 genocide, which saw squaws of people cross the border into the dia, fi, all the while. the french government was supplying weapons to the region. in such
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countries, genocide is not too important. and just to round of the wave of negative sentiments to what's the west africa and major wisdom power says that africans must be prepared to die for their democracy. democracy can only be defended by people themselves if they are actually prepared to die for their democracy. liberal day, a good day flip any day is public offerings, national heritage, and immortal. the country is proud to ascribe to. but here in africa, both the action and in action of france stand against those very same values. and for a growing number of former colonies and african states of war full and say, seems a more appropriate phrase cannibal in santa for oddity. in johannesburg. the
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united nations says it's torture prevention body has been blocked from assessing jails in australia, despite claims of malpractice and even deaths and some of the prisons there. as we understand, many of the victims were said to be that over indigenous people despite its continued efforts to engage the authorities for the resolution of the problems, the delegation of the united nations subcommittee on prevention of torture continued to be obstructed in the exercise of its mandate as a result of this, the s p team members felt that their visit had been compromised to such an extent that they had no other option but to suspend it. so the un isn't happy with australia, basically they consider this a violation of human rights, specifically violating the op cut, which is a treaty that australia is a part of. and basically what this means is that they are not allowing this inspectors to go into the state presence. they're not allowing them to go into the mental facilities. and they think they should be allowed to go in that they should
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be able to go in unannounced and be able to look at what's going on without being prohibited. and so right now they're being prohibited. so they've decided to suspend the rest of their trip, which would have gone on to october 27th. and so more than 70 organizations have issued a statement condemning this act by this straight, lia, and various states in there as well. and what's interesting, rory is this rhetoric right now and h r c official tweeted that this is embarrassing for australia. it puts them in the same camp as were wanda ukraine. and as there by john. and it's interesting, given the fact that australia and many other western nations have been ignoring ukraine's crimes against humanity. and here's where other some corrections folks. people also said it's really unnecessary. i think, for the un to demand, to get into our jail system. we run a safe and orderly system. we don't torture people, aren't they better off going to places like iran. you see people getting tortured
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in jails all the time. they're. i'm not going to have un inspectors from iran and china and cuba coming to new south wales jails and tell us that we're doing things wrong. so what we're, we're getting here is the sense that the australian government does not seem to like or expect the us to hold them accountable, but only hold their foes accountable. and of course, they can't show the failings of such an advance and quote, civilized society like australia as they are one of the 5 eyes. and so there seems to be a superiority complex here, where they're looking down on everybody else and they refuse to really look inward and any, any of the story getting traction with various human rights organizations? yes, so human rights organizations have condemned it, but this isn't the 1st time marie, i mean, this has been going on for a long time, specifically regarding issues with people with disabilities, children, and certain conditions. over the past decade, there have been so many issues that have braced deep concern, whether it is prolonged solitary confinement of prisoners with disabilities or the
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treatment of people in our immigration detention centers. we've seen horrific litigations come out in regards to the treatment of children and the northern territory. and right now, western australia, there is a heap of concern about the conditions of children being kept in a maximum security adult prison. in queensland. we have a terrible situation of deaths in custody where hundreds of indigenous people have died in police custody. these relate to situations and immigration detention, where what we found in places like now are you and popular new guinea amounts to torture. so what we're mostly seeing here is an an equity in terms of racial inequality with how these aboriginal and indigenous people are being treated versus everybody else. this is kind of similar to america. they are dying in police custody recently. there was an aboriginal prisoner who was actually meant to get out of prison who died in police custody, and he was a 2nd within 2 weeks. the guardian actually spent the last 3 years tracking the numbers. and it said that over 470 indigenous people have died since early 1991 in
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that number just keep growing and growing. and of course the people who died in the city were we're not likely to received medical treatment. so this is, this is something like i said, we're not, it's not new, but it is becoming more prevalent. and what we're seeing is that this is a national shame for australia. whereas a country that considers itself extremely civilized, extremely modernized. it doesn't quite lend itself to be that many european businesses have been hoping to increase ties with the global economic power house, china. but in some e u countries, this initiative is actually caused a rift between various senior officials of the e use largest economy. germany appears rather torn about chinese investments into the major northern port of hamburg, senior officials of actually stonewall the plan, backed by chancellor la sholtes for chinese shipping company costs go to acquire
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partial ownership of the transport hub. the dissenting voices say such a move would increase the country's dependence on beijing. now the acquisition would be a part of beijing belt and a road initiative to link chinese factories with western markets. and i couldn't last sole modern day version of the silk road. you think that a big lesson for the european union would have been to not have blindly followed washington strategy of going not to apply sanctions to everything. russian, when europe's economy has won benefited from russian export in order to compete with the us. but know, apparently the last thing you picked up instead was that it shouldn't afford those trade ties with russia in the 1st place, which would have left it far more rely on the u. s. resources rather than on the rushing gas to help build germany in particular into an economic and industrial power house. but now you're seems to be doubling down on itself. isolation,
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herment strategy and looking to reduce trade with washington. other jo, china have a little, i think, in our field european policy and russia is making many of us in the room to rethink about our approach to china for me once that's on me for me twice. that's the other way. countries should not take an authoritarian power for granted the task of a responsible economy. and even more so, of politics is not to allow us to get back into a situation where in a few years time we have to save the chemical and auto companies with billions and taxes because they have made themselves dependent on the chinese market for better or worse, ok, so the ear has already cut itself off from cheap, fresh energy without a viable backup plan. and now pretty much wants to dive head 1st into cutting itself off of its largest trading partner. so what's the backup plan there to make everything in the u. okay? sure, why not, but then how are you going to do that without her liable supply of cheap energy geniuses? french president emmanuel not call,
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is already flipping out over american gas now being sold to europe at what he says is $2.00 to $4.00 times the price that sold on the domestic american market. but companies like volkswagen b, n, w, mercedes and chemicals manufacturer a, b, s f of all announced new chinese ventures in the last month alone. so what are they supposed to do with this new anti china posture? and when german chancellor all are short visits, china, next month, volkswagen was expected to travel with him in the interest of securing the company position in the world's largest car market. the folks working group is strengthening its development competence in china for china to accelerate the pace of innovation, promote technological localisation, and further strengthen its customer focused in the support market. the goal is to drive forward the integration of numerous functions on one chip increases the stability of the system, saving cost and reducing energy consumption. the reducing energy consumption part
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sounds like it really come in handy since the new strategy is apparently to not use energy at all because it's so expensive now thanks to their own cell sectioning. as always, what we're seeing here is a giant disconnect between pragmatic on the ground reality that benefits the economy, the industry, the people and european political ideology. a senior pakistani journalist or artist shot chaudry, well known for his opposition views, has been shot dead in mysterious circumstances. while travelling in kenya, the former prime minister of pakistan, iran con, along with other representatives of opposition, powers have expressed their anger at this, killing. shocked at the brutal murder of arash shareef, who paid the ultimate price for speaking the truth. his life. he had to leave the country and be in hiding abroad, but he continued to speak the truth on social media exposing the powerful. today
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the entire nation mourns his death. the report has strongly opposed the current political situation in pakistan. the investigative journalist covered events in his country for national and international news organizations he left like us on earlier this year after a series of legal cases were filed against him, opposition groups and journalists, calling for a full investigation into his death. now there's all comes amid rising tensions in pakistan over attempts to bother form a pm, the prime minister iran con, from becoming a member of parliament. again, the claims of corruption and even the attempted murder. so con, banned from elections. his party appealed the ruling, claiming the decision was biased. a final decision by pakistan's election commission has yet to be made, but we can get more details now about the battle being waged with this local john farmer prime. this idea mankind is facing another case, i guess him off at tampa, florida filed by
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a ruling party member who says that when he appeared before the chief election commissioner in georgia, and i guess another day he was attacked by amazon. com support. i'm the same home the venue now. honda is focusing and reminding his campaign that dancer must be early lectures in the country. st. park is fine when you are in a position you have to face. political cases are gonna be cut off legal cases. there is another case against a wall protecting judge. there is another case, i guess him under the anti terrorist law of the country. the government and his position is trying to engage him in a legal battle. but, but the county is determined to fight for lexia in the country, and the supporters are standing with him. i mean the last time r t t v. islam about like it's not let's wrap up bizarre program with this story. the former u. k. finance minister ratio soon our kids to become the countries next. prime minister. he won that leadership contest only after the other contender penny
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morton withdrew from the rice. 42 year olds tonight will be the country's 3rd prime minister in less than 2 months of the list. trust announced last week, she was stepping down off the just 44 days at the helm, or she quit having triggered an economic meltdown with a fiscal plans. a richie, however, will inherit a country in the grip of a political and energy crisis. well, the layer and the program, i did speak with a political analyst and editor of red star radio, alexander mac k. now he believes the jury is out on whether soon i could even capable of solving britain's economic issues. particularly given the fact that he's only been in parliament for a relatively short period of time. the political establishment in britain see sooner because a safe pair of hands, a man who will come in and steady the situation. and that's why the conservative party has tried to avoid a leadership election. they also didn't want for the prime minister boris johnson
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coming back because he lost the trust of the many in the conservative party, the reloaded, regarded him as unreliable and lazy quite frankly, and unfit for the job. so they rally behind the save option, the former goldman sachs banker who is going to come in, and they hope restore stability. but i think that the, the problems facing the british economy and society a passive deep for richie soon next to actually. so remember, he's not a very experienced politician, he's only been a member of parliament since 2015. he has been in the ministerial job for only 2 years before now. so really this is a man with a great deal of experience. remember matter of fact, you had 20 is, is an n p and tony bless 13 before they became prime minister. so this as soon as it is despite his parents and experience, he's very much still an unknown political quantity with only 7 years in parliament . so it remains to be seen whether he can actually deliver the stability to the
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political establishment, wants him to bring one. it's been such a pleasure having you with us for this our program from moscow, of course, authority into national. thank you for sharing your time with us here in the russian capital dot com loads or stories that for you every hour. we're on auto see we're on gab. we're on telegram find us out there in the world of the online information cycles to use the ah, a russian state full narrative. i stayed on the most landscape with the speed you on your policy, but.
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