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tv   News  RT  October 25, 2022 12:00am-12:31am EDT

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oh, a we will regarding the use of the dirty ball and by the key regime as an actual terrorist, russia says the un security council meeting is called to discuss pressure attracting radioactive issue. also, what's been found on the very border with ukraine has no conflict that lives in constant anticipation over get to know the ukranian troy, akin to the one that destroyed this shopping. move our teeth. these 1st hand the damage in russia belgrade region caused by p. s. shelley and egypt announces plans to mpeg its national currency from the us dollar
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with from moscow to the world. this is our t international i. rachel blevins. and these are the top stories this our russia has called for a un security council meeting on tuesday. your voice is concerns that key i may use a dirty bomb as part of a false flag operation. russia has urged the un chief antonio gutierrez to do everything possible to prevent such a scenario. saying moscow will consider any such action as an active nuclear terrorism. the russian defense ministry has said he could launch such an attack with help from its western allies, claiming he yet had requested help from nuclear weapons technology from the u. k. meanwhile, russia is foreign minister survey lab. rob has dismiss claims by some western states that it was actually moscow planning to use
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a dirty bomb for the old moon for the month. so, so consumer to detail information indicating the institutions that can do this was transmitted through the minister and defensive with his colleagues. from the united states, great britain, france and turkey, the unfounded claims for western colleagues, that this is all fiction and russia itself, plans to do something like that to blame lea zalinski regime later is not a serious conversation. some of our inter locus suggested discussing information we have at a professional military levels of this is an approach that we've supported. foreign minister lovegrove said that russia is eager to do whatever possible to bring a crane's western partners into the discussions about the potentially very dangerous, if not the pic elliptic consequences of such a false flag attack. if it indeed is carried out. and some of the lover of school it's, for example, the, your secretary of state anthony blinking dismiss those allegations asked, quote,
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transparent with 4th. foreign minister also indicated that such allegations were met with some professional interests and some of the colleagues he didn't specify who as far as we know, russia has reached out front of the united states, the united kingdom and turkey. some of those countries have expressed an interest in discussing the evidence that russia has in the professional form that is among the intelligence officers and military experts. but i have to tell you that something like this is not really original. if you remember the, the way that the syrian war was carried out, we have constant delegation, so from false flag attacks. and this is essentially the way that russia has learned to counteract them to, to try to be preemptive whenever it has any intelligence on the potential acquisition of dangerous materials. it tries to bring attention of their world wide
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audience to it. and i have to say that it's pretty understandable that the west wood tried to exonerate the ukraine and accuse rational of all the possible times. but there is already a track record, an official track record of the ukrainian officials expressing direct interest in acquiring nuclear weapons. for example, present landscape one. speaking of the munich security conference earlier this year, he expressly sad that ukraine was looking into that possibility. and what surprised russia at that point is that despite the fact that non proliferation is a stated policy in the world, it's, it's stated goal, nonetheless, nono ukraine's less than partner said. anything against that possibility. that's why russia is indeed taking it seriously. former us marine and geo political analysts, john mark to get a fierce kiev is trying to escalate the war to draw nato deeper into the conflict
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we've seen. would they have been doing up to now their acts of terrorism, starting with the bombing of dory doogan and boring up the bridges. and they are escalating things in tell the point in return they want. and i can understand why they want west to be involved in making their war. they have that much hatred towards russia. the west has been engaging in a lot of very dirty tactics lately and everything that they've been engaging like the pipeline. the tax on this approach, the nuclear power plant, everything they've been engaging in then they have been pointing the finger is blaming on russia when we all know that it's, it's not russia. i mean, everybody was half a brain, understand this, and they're going to do the same thing with this. and so the, the question is, is the west going to help them in the russian region, abriana squish borders,
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ukraine. an explosive device has detonated on a railway, targeting and your by cargo train no injuries were reported in the incident and a separate attack over the weekend. 2 people were killed in an attack on a shopping mall in the belgrade region. r tc georgia on up visited the site of the latest shelling. ah, ah, ah, this small russian town on the very border with ukraine has now a frontline town that lives in constant anticipation of yet another ukrainian strike akin to the one that destroyed this shopping mood. all that remains of it is its charred skeleton. you can still though, make out and tell wood shorter shops used to be here,
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like judging by the carcasses, where the burn carcass is here. this used to be some sort of a tech supermarkets. and if you look in the corner over there, there used to be a pet store, but given enough money is spent, all of this can be rebuilt, a new of course, but people's lives, those who were killed in the strike. well, they can't be brought back. ukrainian shells had 2 moves and a discount stool at noon this saturday, a fireworks shop and one of them wasn't both the blaze and the panic among victims and bystanders alike. so socially, when we heard the whistle for the 1st time in the distance, we left the building. as soon as we did it, a shell immediately landed. a girl was sitting here, her leg was covered in blood near the market stole a man's leg, was blown off the pretty little woo! i was inside the store when the shell landed, i saw through the windows that it came from all there,
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whistling. and then there was a hit, the shell made a hole and flew right here. the building immediately caught fire. there was a man with his leg blown off, and a woman with an injured lac, new shoe, then a hud pops fy walked started. exploding glass fell down, people was screaming and running away with them. okay. she knew them. before official rescue crews had a chance to arrive. first responders who witnessed the attack helped the wounded, evacuate away from the scene. here these 2 civilians have been killed. more than a dozen needed medical treatment, it all started as a regular weekly shopping trip for this family. as the parents left the vehicle to go to the shopping mall, their teenage son stayed inside. he died on this very spot. the shell landed just
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about 3 meters away from the car. it's been weeks since ukraine stepped up its attacks on the region on this tiny town alone, key of forces have indiscriminately dropped dozens of bombs among the targets people, some houses, a power substation, a long abandoned chemical plant. but despite the threat, the streets here still bustle with life or should i am pretty, we're great. serious for we are getting used to the whistling because they were near by and were shilling regularly when there was a big bang. and i came out of the garage and saw that the explosions were somewhere in the city. then there was another shot, a screech and a shell fell again. i'm already used to counting seconds. it's only been 5. so the distance was very small. smola refill each as thrush. numberless, i was only worried about my mom and the children who were at home. i was hoping the shells woodland that i see no point to leaving the town. where would we go and why?
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we're not planning to leave. the asian american journalists association has called on media outlets to stop using the word kamikaze when reporting on exploring drones used by both ukrainian and russian forces in their conflict. the organization claims the coverage is inaccurate and encourages discrimination and hate crimes against asian people. with the term kamikaze june is in precise the weapons that crush he's using in ukraine on man serial vehicles that are remotely piloted and designed to detonate on the impact. the use of the term also risks exacerbating the racism and harassment that the asian american and pacific islands a community has already faced and continues to face during the car and the virus pandemic. the statement ignores the fact that he was actually the 1st to make headlines for his deployment of turkish and by rafter drones in the conflict. the
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organization claims the reporting creates a negative historical image of kamikaze attacks by japanese fighter pilots in world war 2. earlier we spoke to legal and media analyst, lionel, who says he can't understand why the restriction is needed. if you want to go through and unravel all of that, be my guess. let me ask you a question. do you really think? and i'm sure it's possible but, but seriously the frequency, the gent of somebody hearing, wait a minute. did you hear that was dr. strong attacks don't offer new. that's not that there. comma causes that japanese there who seems like this. who would hear a story about a drone attack and work on the etymology of the term? kamikaze 1st is the idea of the during the day. so i me, i'm sorry, but these are,
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you know, i live in a world where we get mad at cartoons and mascots of sports teams. we live in this, my grew aggression, these triggered words were somebody, i mean this, this to me or anybody can be offended if you want. but i think the last thing in the world we should worry about is anti asian hatred. that is inspired not by the use of drone attacks or a ledger drone attacks. hope by the use of the term, comma, kazi, i mean, come, ah, incentive people worrying about co bid about us charge covered to this severe this, this, this pandemic. do you know the amount of people who worried about whether this was an f no centric sino phobic reference to this pandemic? like, would you stop this? have you ever heard of the german measles lyme disease? did we argue about, should we really call this to spanish flu? i mean, let's take a vote. meanwhile,
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people are dying and we're worried about the etymology and the labeling of something. i mean, seriously, just one. i think, i think we're done with this politically correct stuff. it turns on it's international, it's a new parlor game who can be offended the most over somebody which has nothing to do with the issue and spill ahead in the program by then is pushed to change his approach to the cranium conflict by his own party. more than 2 dozen and congress democrats have signed a letter of calling on the president to push key as you agree to a 3 fire and a negotiated solution. egypt is set to move its national currency away from the u. s. dollar. instead, developing a new currency indicator, according to the central banks, governor, the country plans, the link is currency to a basket of gold, as well as other currencies. the u. s. is not our major trading partner. i don't know why people are always fixated on the dollar. part of our success will be and
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changing the culture and idea that we are pegged. the decision follows the egyptian pounds sharp drop this year after the start of the war and ukraine with about $25000000000.00 being wiped off the market. in the course of several weeks, cairo central bank had to devalue the currency with a pound today, only worth 80 percent of its former value against the us dollar. egypt is the latest country in the global south to take similar measures. india in iran have already ditch the dollar and bilateral trade with moscow, with saudi arabia, considering switching to the chinese view on an oil cells to china. we discussed the issue with our med mustafah, the director of the asia center for studies and translation. he shared his vision on the motives behind cairo's decision. once we correlates with japan pounds with a dollar since 2016 according to the recommendations of e at one bank,
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an international hamper just to satisfy the creditors sold election made on a substitute in the markets. the dollar is inflated with so much sure. a situation and now even by the national banks reached about quentin egyptian pounds and it has a very negative impact also concerning the inflation. also, we have international fact concerning or the wising and the so that made on interest rate, the federal reserve is fine put fees. the rates are the 2. i extract a lot of money, a lot of funds from one of my coming to they're not to states i for the, for such a way to and now we have another problem. the interest is that belongs to our indigenous to the credit to international creditors via the wallet,
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frank and international monetary fund and serving the interest is off. so be the embeddedness or all of such factors altogether or. 3 was the reason why are we, why are we have to shift to be a result? i mean, the gold or the gold volumes and egypt became one of the biggest buyers of the called boy orleans in the, in the vision or maybe and the wall. it will be a safe guard at that and i think for us, oh, for a future the u. k. has missed mondays deadline for striking a free trade deal with india. negotiations have reportedly been in deadlock. i made comments by b, then you k home secretary, voice and concerns over an influx of indians into the country liquid migration in this country. the largest group of people who overstate our indian migraines. i have concerns about having an open board as migration policy with india,
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because i don't think that's what people voted for. with breck said, the free trade talks between the u. k in india were launched earlier this year with greater opportunities for indian students and professionals in the u. k. set as a main priority by modi's government. new delhi slammed me now former home secretaries remarks on migration as shocking and disappointing archie contributor r d. she says the u. k. official statement jeopardize a beneficial deal for london. in fact, it's quite clear that the do sides did not come to any agreement because off you gaze into no minister that is so i love brave woman. she made some remarks which would quite add worse and hostile towards india towards india's immigrants. to the yuki, and in fact, she, her comment about indians always staying on their visa to united
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kingdom. having deacon ready seriously by the government of india and the government of india has expressed its unpleasantness. ah, active as in a wrong claim. they've smuggled dozens of star link receivers into iran to bypass strict internet censorship and blackouts across the country. video footage, shared by an economist from the carnegie thinktank show star link terminals being unpacked by activists. the internet and many platforms such as what's up and instagram, are now blocked in a raw by the government with protesters hoping to use darling to bypass restrictions. satellite dishes are also currently illegal and iran with authorities claiming they bring addiction and insecurity into society. now this comes of reports. the white house is already in touch with you. one must over the possibility of setting up space axes, satellite internet service. starlings in iran earlier are running into authorities,
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blocked the billionaire officials website over his initiative to provide internet to the protesters through the system. most plans are seen by officials as an attempt to undermine the country sovereignty and security. however, washington reported please see starling as a potential way to support anti government protest. we have our foot on the gas to do everything we possibly can, to support the aspirations of the iranian people. that is our policy period. at the same time, it is truly an iranian movement, led by young girls and spreading to other aspects of society. protest in iran have under their 6th week with demonstration spreading across the country with outside the country. with rallies held in washington, berlin and tokyo. they begin with anger over mandatory job coverings for women, triggered by the death of a 22 year old women in police custody earlier. the iranian president said he'd
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ordered an investigation into the incident. he also said that quote, acts of chaos were unacceptable. and then ron must feel decisively with the unrest, human and labor rights lawyer, dan corvalle says the u. s. is acting on its own self interest by getting involved in the wrong in protest. it does seem to me that the us in the west, in general, is involved in, in provoking these protests. i don't see that is a natural occurrence. i think the us in the west is behind this because they want regime shaped. they don't support women's rights. they don't support women's rights here in the united states. this doesn't look so different from the regime change in 900. 33, the 1st ca regime change ever, which happened to be in iran against the democratically elected prime minister,
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mom and most a dad. and they used very similar tactics being used today. the us doesn't do things to support you know, other people's aspirations. they don't do do things just port american aspirations . some numbers of jo biden's own party are demanding. he change his approach to the ukranian conflict. more than 2 dozen congress democrats have signed a letter calling on the president to push key as to agree to a cease fire and negotiated solution argues caleb mop and has more. well, it's quite a development in the foreign policy conversation here in the united states. 30 members of the us house of representatives have signed this letter to the white house, urging them to change tactics when it comes to grain and pursue negotiations with russia. now this is quite a development. these are members of biden's own party,
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the democratic party, and they in their letter, are calling for a proactive diplomatic reproach to the situation. this is some of what the letter says, given the destruction created by this war for ukraine in the world, as well as the risk of catastrophic escalation. we also believe it is in the interests of ukraine, the united states, and the world to avoid a prolonged conflict. for this reason, we urge you to pair the military and economic support the united states has provided to ukraine with a proactive diplomatic push redoubling efforts to seek a realistic framework for a ceasefire. now this is quite an interesting turn of events. it comes as there seem to be cracks in the european coalition around biden, and his moves when it comes to ukraine as well. now, generally, any opposition to the white house's policies regarding ukraine has come from republicans. there's been approvals of up to $60000000000.00 more than $60000000000.00 approved by the u. s. congress in 8 to ukraine. and the opposition
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to it came from republicans. 57 republicans in the house of representatives voted against it aladdin us, senators. but it was all republicans voted against that. this new development appears to come from democrats and democrats who signed this recent letter. now we must keep in mind, november 8th, the mid term congressional elections are coming up. americans will go to the polls and elect a new congress, and it appears that within the democratic party, there are some wish to distance themselves from biden's ukraine policy. there are democrats who don't want to be associated with the policies of the white house when it comes to ukraine. now another thing that's important to note is that another member of the us house of representatives, a republican, claudia tanny as come forward and said that biden isn't really running the country . she compared into a wax dummy. she said that his cognitive abilities are not good and that his staff is essentially running the country on his behalf of the president of united states
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is not really in charge. now, that's quite a dramatic thing for a member of the federal government member, the u. s. congress to come forward and say it appears the president united states and it does not have the cognitive ability to run the country and has been affect li, removed from power. his staffers are running the country. now that's quite an accusation to be floating around mainstream us media. so these are, these are all things that should be taken into account as we see that now, it's not only republicans criticizing by for his ukraine strategy. it's now 30 democrats in the house of representatives. ah, does emmy p marcel of a graph has to leave his party in the european parliament over a disagreement on the cranial issue? previously the party suspended him for 3 months as he lay the blame for escalation on ukraine and nato and not on russia. on leaving the identity and democracy group in the european parliament, their attempt to silence me about nato in ukraine is unthinkable. we must
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deescalate the war with russia. it is not our war, but our people are paying the price. i want to form a new group that supports this article here. we're rachel mars. it takes a look at how pro western has become a synonym for anti russian. what's the deal with this western insecurity that demands countries to sites like you're either with teen usa or against it, like the whole world has just one big junior high school. italy has taken a pretty laid back approach in years, the whole america, russia rivalry, and although in nato and you member italy, welcomed russian doctors to the country to help when rome was contending with the world's worst cove it outbreak, former italian prime minister, silvio berlusconi is back on the political, part of the new governing coalition is so friendly with russian president vladimir putin. that audio was suspiciously lead recently in which bruce coney spoke of communicating with an even receiving a birthday. yes, a russian baka from the russian president. he also gave his take on the situation
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ukraine. russian ministers have said on several occasions that we are at war with them because we are providing arms and funding to ukraine. i can't personally give my opinion because if it is told to the press, it will turn out to be a disaster. but i am very, very, very worried. i re kindled relations with president putin a little bit so that they can start stung in the western anti russia clique. was whether burners, stony views, wrist representing or influencing the latest addition to the global school yard, newly elected italian prime minister, georgia maloney. well, those conveniently lead recordings certainly make it more complicated for maloney to maintain any kind of pragmatics neutral stance. even if you want to, to the european commission last week that it considers those 20 bottles of vodka gifted from guten to burn is going to a break of sanctions on rush and spirits. in the wake of that revelation. here's
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maloney, making her intention, emphatically clear italy as fully and with a head held high part of europe and nato. anyone who does not agree with this cornerstone can't be part of the government, even if it means not forming the government with us in the government. italy will never be the weak link in the west, the unreliable name, and so dear to our many detractors. now the maloney has pledged allegiance. all that's missing is the formal welcome from the head of the washington lead western fry house. oh yeah. here it is. i congratulate georgia maloney and becoming the new prime minister of italy. italy is a vital nato ally and close partner as our nations together address shared global challenges as leaders in the g 7. i look forward to continuing to advance our support for ukraine. hold russia accountable for its aggression, insure, respect for human rights in democratic values and build sustainable economic growth . a way to make malone declaration of loyalty all about ukraine, russia and america's priorities. maloney may want to get used to that though it
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comes with the territory when being an ally of washington often means serving as an awful state in the promotion of its own interest. even if it ends up being a detriment to those of your own country. ah, where the historic 3rd term now ahead of him, chinese president shooting paying has been building his team to begin addressing the challenges discussed at the party congress and beijing. the 7 member committee, which includes she himself, plays a key role and handling china's internal informed policies. for his 3rd term, she has re shuffled 4 of its members with all of them being his close allies. some analysts say the move is an effort to break down divisions between party and state . a number of leading specialists have also been brought into the committee this year as well. including a leading aerospace engineer here some of the new faces in the new chinese leadership. all of she's new colleagues, have management experience and degrees in key sectors like business economics,
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law and politics. one of them science, she successfully organized the winter olympics. how the beaching earlier this year, a number of new specialists have also been brought into the team to including a leading aerospace engineer, the vice president of the center for china and globalization. victor doubt. so the new chinese ally as well qualified to meet future challenges. the look as a composition of the 24 members of the clear bureau and the 7 members and the standing committee of the party bureau. each of them is highly qualified in terms of education. for example, the all have college degrees or graduate degrees or ph. d degrees from quite a few of them. i had engineering background in aerospace, other engineering disciplines for example. and then even more importantly, most of them have been rotating through the chinese system from cities,
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2 provinces, and 2 central ministries and for leading 3rd party affairs, as well as governor affairs. you name it. so they have huge exposure to knowledge experience. now how get them to know people in all parts of china very, very well. now, whether they're eventual responsibilities will have a direct relation with the discipline that they are focusing on. for example, aerospace or not, i think there should not be a direct linkage or connectivity. however, whatever their background or disciplines in the past were definitely would contribute to whatever they will do going forward in they are very important party leadership role and government leadership role. that's all for now to hear you check out our c dot com for all the latest breaking news and updates was the right back here at the top.


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