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tv   News  RT  October 25, 2022 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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ah, with mm ah, breaking news this our from this upper osha region where 5 people are reportedly injured after a car blast near a tv station in the city of milli, toll local officials say an improvised device cause the explosion. also on the program a small russian town on the very border with ukraine has now a frontline town that lives in constant anticipation of. yet another ukrainian strike akin to the one that destroyed this shopping move. the, the 1st one, the damage in rushes belgrade region caused by key of shelling. now the news,
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the free trade agreements between india and the u. k. stalls of the anti migrant remarks made by british minister and new delhi. and egypt buttons to unpack is national pound from the us dollar and rely on golden other currency. a welcome to r t international. my name is peter scott taken over from rachel blevins bringing you the latest news from our headquarters here in moscow. welcome to the program. we start this out with some breaking news though from this upper osha beach and that's where 5 people. busy have reportedly been injured in an attack on a local t v station in the city of mallet for pal. now this video footage shows the aftermath of an explosion near the building housing, the station which occurred our staff arrived at work. the local administration says that the blast which damaged the exterior of the building on some offices was the
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result of a car bomb which exploded with the force of 2 kilograms of dynamite knots. in addition to at least 7 overnight strikes or military suburbs is not only is a foreclosure that says felt the bronze or recent attacks by ukrainian forces in another border region. brands a railway line was targeted by an explosive device, damaging a cargo train. under the separate incidents over the we can see people were killed in a sack on the shopping mall in neighboring b. l grid even has done it. this is the sides of the latest showing this small russian town on the very border with ukraine has now a frontline town that lives in constant anticipation over yet another ukrainian strike akin to the one that destroyed this shopping mood. all that remains of it is its charred skeleton. you can still though, make out and tell wood shorter shops used to be here, like judging by the carcasses where the burn carcass is here. this used to be some sort of a tech supermarket. and if you look in the corner over there,
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there used to be a pet store, but given enough money is spent, all of this can be rebuilt, a new of course, but people's lives, those who were killed in the strike. well, they can't be brought back. ukrainian shells had 2 moves and a discount store at noon this saturday, a fireworks shop and one of them worsened both the blaze and the panic among victims and bystanders alike. so also chalet, when we heard the whistle for the 1st time in the distance we left the building. as soon as we did it a shall immediately landed. a girl sitting here. her leg was covered in blood near the market stole a man's leg, was blown off the printer when i was inside the store. when the shell landed, i saw through the windows that had came from over there, whistling and there, and there was a hit. the building immediately caught fire, then i heard pops fy walked started. exploding glass fell down. people was
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screaming and running away. before official rescue crews had a chance to arrive. first responders who witnessed the attack helped the wounded, evacuate away from the scene. here. these 2 civilians have in killed more than a dozen needed medical treatment. it all started as a regular weekly shopping trip for this family. as the parents left the vehicle to go to the shopping mall, their teenage son stayed inside. he died on this very spot. the shell landed just about 3 meters away from the car. it's been weeks since ukraine stepped up its attacks from the region on this tiny town alone. key of forces have
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indiscriminately dropped dozens of bombs. but despite the threat, the streets here still bustle with life or should i am 41. we are getting used to the whistling because they were nearby and were selling regularly when there was a big bang. i came out of the garage and saw that the explosions were somewhere in the city. then there was another shot, a screech and a shell fell again. i'm already used to counting seconds. it's only been 5, so the distance was very small. well, does this, can i see no point in leaving the town? where would we go and why? we're not planning to leave. i'm a gosh darn of reporting from the russia ukraine border r t which is called for you and security council meeting on choose dates of voice is concerned. the key of may use a dirty bomb as part of a false flight operation. no moscow said it would consider any such action to be an act of nuclear terrorism. the russian defense miniature said the key of could launch an attack with help from its western allies,
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claiming care if had requested help with nuclear weapons tech from the u. k. i provided no evidence to back up those allegations. meanwhile, russia's foreign minister said gale of rav has dismiss claims by some western states, the moscow's actually wanting to use a dirty bomb. a little noon for a month so, so cousin rode to detailed information indicating the institution that can do this was transmitted through the minister and defensive with his colleagues from the united states. great britain, france and turkey, the unfounded claims for western colleagues, that this is all fiction and russia itself, plans to do something like that to blame these zalinski regime later is not a serious conversation. some of our into lucas suggested discussing information we have at a professional military level. this is an approach that we've supported, foreign minister, a lover of sad that russia is eager to do whatever possible to bring a cranes western partners into the discussions about the potentially very dangerous, if not the book elliptic consequences of such
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a false flag attack. if it indeed is carried out and some of the lover of school it's, for example, the your secretary said anthony, blinking dismissed those allegations asked quote, transparent with false. foreign minister also indicated that such allegations were met with some professional interests and some of the colleagues he didn't specify who as far as we know, russia has reached out from the united states, the united kingdom and turkey. some of those countries have expressed an interest in discussing the evidence that russia has in the professional form that is among the intelligence officers and military experts. this is essentially the way that russia has learned to counteract them to, to try to be preemptive whenever it has any intelligence on the potential acquisition of dangerous materials. it tries to bring attention of their world wide audience to it. and i have to say that it's really understandable that there,
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westwood tried to exonerate ukraine and accused rational of all the possible crimes . but there is already a track record, an official track record of the ukrainian officials expressing direct interest in acquiring nuclear weapons. for example, present landscape one, speaking of the munich security conference earlier this year, he expressly sad that ukraine was looking into that possibility. and what a surprise russia at that point is that despite the fact that non proliferation is a stated policy in the world, it's, it's stated goal, nonetheless, non of ukraine's western partners said anything against that possibility. that's why russia is indeed taking it seriously. for me, us marine john mcdoogan, physics of could try to escalate the war. we've seen what they have been doing up to now their acts of terrorism,
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starting with the bombing of dory doogan and bullying up the bridges. and they are escalating things in tell the point in no return they want, i can understand why they want west to be involved in making their war. they have that much hatred towards russia. the west has been engaging in a lot of very dirty tactics lately. and everything that they've been engaging like the pipeline, the tax on this app rose and the nuclear power plant. everything they've been engaging in then they have been pointing the finger is blaming on russia when we all know that it's, it's not russia. i mean, everybody was half a brain, understand this, and they're going to do the same thing with this. so the, the question is, is the west going to help them? the ton biden is being pushed to change his approach to the ukranian conflict by his own party. while the 2 dozen congress democrats have signed
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a letter calling on the president of course, agreed to receive fire and a negotiated solution that's coming up just a little bit later in the program. and moving on. now the u. k. has missed mondays deadline for striking as a free trade deal with india. negotiations have reportedly been in deadlock amid comments by the u. k. home secretary boys concerned over an influx of indians into the country. like a migration in this country. the largest group of people who overstay our indian migraines, i have concerns about having an open borders migration policy with india, because i don't think that's what people voted for. with breck said, the free trade source between the you can, india were launched early this year with great opportunities for indian students on professionals in the u. k. a main priority of mo, these government, you deli, slammed the now former home secretaries remarks on migration as shocking and
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disappointing. earlier we spoke to physical analyst and columnist, son he dro cool carney. who said that the rhetoric coming from u. k. officials shows the britain has not yet express remorse over its imperial. these minions come from the leadership of or can't feed, that is feeling increasingly insecure about so when it equally we have seen how in a spiral one. yeah, there had 3 prime ministers and you start about individuals. there is a structural problem about the politics. so the united united kingdom, outgoing prime minister did not even last months. and they call themselves the mother of democracies. basically, the western economies. they want to impose an idea of globalization on their own terms,
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not on equal terms with developing countries. india fossil like, are they fond of me specially that's to the family who have equitable services agreement, which is what the united kingdom and several other. busy questions please do not one, the only one that benefit them millions of them and this is not acceptable, said is this country like india? now when it comes to su, ella braverman herself, she is of course of indian origin. so how surprising was it to hear anti migrant rhetoric from a person whose parents are migrants? this is very bad and obviously she's making very controversial in fact, racist remarks. and this only shows that britain has still not completely owned up and expressed remorse,
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or would have sworn imperial past when it plundered, colonized and grew lower. many countries around the world, including india. if you look at the british attitude towards migrants, it is very defensive. in fact, in some ways a racist. they somewhat want to keep the white domination alive. and the historical trend is against what they believe and then what they're practicing. in finance, news, egypt is set to move its national currency away from the us dollar. instead, developing a new currency indicator according to the central banks of another country, funds to link its currency. so baskets of gold and other currencies. the u. s. is
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not our major trading partner. i don't know why people are always fixated on the dollar. part of our success will be and changing the culture and idea that we are pegged with a decision follows the egyptian pounds shop drop this year because of the ukraine war with around $25000000000.00 been wiped off the market in several weeks. caro's central bank had to devalue the currency with the pound today, worth only 80 percent of his previous value against the us dollar. egypt is the latest country in the global south to think similar measures. both india under run have already ditch dollar in bilateral trade with moscow. the saudi arabia considering switching to the chinese, you one in oil sales to china. the earlier we discussed the issue with our med mustafah, the director of the asia census to these on translation. and he shared with us his vision on the motives behind tyra's decision once a week, correlates with japan pounds, with a doll of since 2016 according to the recommendations of e at one bank and international on just to satisfy the creditors. so relation
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made honest affinity in the markets, the dollar is inflated with so much sure. a pound. and now even that by the national banks reached about quentin egyptian pounds and it has a very negative impact also concerning the inflation. also, we have international factor concerning the wising and the search that made on the interest rate. the federal reserve is fine, put face the rates in order to i extract a lot of money, a lot of funds from one of my funding to they're not to states i for the, for such a way to and now we have another problem, the interest that belongs to our indicative nestor. the credits will stay international creditors via the wallet franken, international monetary fund and serving the interest of serving the embeddedness or
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all of such factors altogether or. 3 was the reason why are we, why are we have to shift to be a resort? i mean, the gold or the gold bullion. and egypt became one of the biggest buyers of the gold boy orleans in the, in the vision, or maybe in the wall. it will be a safe guard at that and a center for us. oh, for a future. the asian american journalists association has called on media outlets to stop using the word kamikaze when it comes to reporting on exploding drones, used by both ukraine on russian forces in the conflicts. the organization claims that the coverage is inaccurate and encourages discrimination and hate crimes against asian people. that the tune kamikaze german is in precise, the weapons the trash is using in ukraine on man serial vehicles that are remotely
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piloted and designed to detonate on impact. the use of the term also risks exacerbating the racism and harassment that the asian american and pacific islander community has already faced and continues to face during the current the virus pandemic. the statement ignores the 5, the key of what it was actually the 1st to make headlines for the deployment of us supplied switchblade drones. the organization claims the reporting creates a negative historical image of kamikaze attacks by japanese fighter pilots in world war 2. earlier we spoke to legal and media analyst line all who says he can't understand why the restriction is needed. if you want to go through and unravel all of that, be my yes, let me ask you a question. do you really think? and i'm sure it's possible but, but seriously the frequency, the gent of somebody hearing, wait a minute. did you hear that was discharged?
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drone attacks don't offer new. that's not that they're comma causes that japanese there. who seems like this. who would hear a story about a drone attack? and we're going the etymology of the term. kamikaze 1st is the idea of the, during the day. so, i mean, i'm sorry, but these are, you know, i live in a world where we get mad at cartoons and mascot's of sports teams. we live in this micro aggression, these triggered words were somebody, i mean this, this to me or anybody can be offended if you want. but i think the last thing in the world we should worry about is anti asian hatred. that is inspired not by the use of drone attacks or a ledger drone attack up by the use of the term, comma, kazi, i mean, come on instead of people worrying about cov id, about a sharp cove it to this severe this, this,
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this pandemic. do you know the amount of people who worried about whether this was an f no centric sino phobic reference to this pandemic? like, would you stop this? have you ever heard of the german measles lyme disease? did we argue about, should we, will he call this to spanish flu? i mean, let's take a vote. meanwhile, people are dying and we're worried about the etymology and the labeling of something. i mean, seriously, just when i think i think we're done with this politically correct stuff, it turns out it's international. it's a new parlor game. who can be offended the most over somebody which has nothing to do with the some members of joe biden's own party, odd money that he change his approach to the ukrainian conflicts. no more than 2 dozen congress democrats have signed a letter calling on the president to push keith to agree to a ceasefire, as well as a negotiated solution. is ortiz kelly moulton with mall. while it's quite
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a development in the foreign policy conversation here in the united states, 30 members of the us house of representatives have signed this letter to the white house, urging them to change tactics when it comes to ukraine and pursued negotiations with russia. now this is quite a development, these are members of biden's own party, the democratic party, and they in their letter, are calling for a pro active diplomatic reproach to the situation. this is some of what the letter says, given the destruction created by this war for ukraine in the world, as well as the risk of catastrophic escalation. we also believe it is in the interests of ukraine, the united states, and the world to avoid a prolonged conflict. for this reason, we urge you to pair the military and economic support the united states has provided to ukraine with a proactive diplomatic push redoubling efforts to seek a realistic framework for a ceasefire. now this is quite an interesting turn of events. it comes as there
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seem to be cracks in the european coalition around biden, and his moves when it comes to ukraine as well. now, generally, any opposition to the white house's policies regarding ukraine has come from republicans. there's been approvals of up to $60000000000.00 more than $60000000000.00 approved by the u. s. congress in aid to ukraine. and the opposition to it came from republicans. 57 republicans in the house of representatives voted against it. 11 u. s. senators, but it was all republicans voted against that. this new development appears to come from democratic democrats assigned this recent letter. now we must keep in mind, november 8th, the mid term congressional elections are coming up. americans will go to the polls and elect a new congress, and it appears that within the democratic party, there are some wish to distance themselves from biden's ukraine policy. there are democrats who don't want to be associated with the policies of the white house when it comes to ukraine. now another thing that's important to note is that another
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member of the us house of representatives, a republican, claudia tanning has come forward and said that biden isn't really running the country. she compared him to a wax dummy. she said that his cognitive abilities are not good and that his staff is essentially running the country on his behalf, that the president of united states is not really in charge. now, that's quite a dramatic thing for a member of the federal government member, the u. s. congress to come forward and say it appears the president united states and it does not have the cognitive ability to run the country and has been affect. we removed from power, his staffers are running the country. now that's quite an accusation to be floating around mainstream u. s. media. so these are, these are all things that should be taken into account as we see that now, it's not only republicans criticizing biden for his ukraine strategy. it's now 30 democrats in the house of representatives. senior journalist, well known for his pro opposition views, has been shot dead in kenya,
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where he supports his said he had fled to avoid persecution. we got more details from a local reporter in nairobi. it's here in kenya where the senior pakistani, investigative journalist ashanti shouting for shot dead on sunday night by the canyon police officers under unclear circumstances. according to the police, they say it was a case of mistaken identity. after the car he was in failed to stop on the road block mounted in the area during the sound of a similar car, allegedly involved in child abduction. his dead ha, so fast, but public reaction in his country on the exact cause of his dead la shod. sure. he steph spots anger. back in pakistan, especially among journalists, many of whom touch the streets to protest. the jealous community in pakistan is a demanding her an immediate inquiry about the target killing of her should should be for in kenya, the government of august on must form
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a judicial commission to investigate the murder. one of the local people told us who sheriff was and why he fled pakistan to save her was pissing really serious her life threats in pakistan because he was one of the best and award winning investigative journalist ah, he left the country and then he saw that he's not getting any justice or any support from the institution state institutions to save his life. parties. dunn's former prime minister, iran con, also expressed his condolences which do com attentions rise in the country over attempts to bond con from parliaments, claims of corruption and even attempted murder resulted in con, been banned from running for parliament. his party appealed to ruling claiming the decision was biased, but was turned down. a local journalist has more about the political battle been waged in the country. farmer prime minister, the con,
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is facing another guest. i get the same time off from i filed by a ruling party member who says that when he appeared before the chief election commissioner in georgia, i found, i guess, another day he was attacked by non con supporters. i'm the same on the venue now. fine is focusing and reminding his campaign that there must be lectures in the country. so if i could find, when you are in a position, you have to face political cases because of legal cases. ladies another case against protecting judge. there is another case, i guess him under the anti terrorist law, the country, the government and his position is trying to engage him in a legal battle. but, but i'm kind is determined to fight for lectures in the country. and he's supporters are standing with him. i mean the last time r d t v islam about like his son. well that's the route for now. and he just called
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me back again at the top of the, with the latest news and views right to choose what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy even foundation, let it be an arms race is on a very dramatic development. only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult time to sit down and talk with
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who is the aggressor today? i'm authorizing the additional strong sanctions today. russia is the country with the most sanctions imposed against it. a number that's constantly growing up in your which of the problem was to call sure, as we speak on the bill in your senior mostly mine the we're, we're sheila, we're banding all imports of russian oil and gas fuji. i know they guarantee bubbles
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with the little bit, and there were already given about joe biden, imposing the sanctions on russia. you know, has destroyed the american economy. so there's your boomerang. huh. ah. with get a national fema barnett by showing up at lever roberts in the buck us. yet i dislodged fortunate id thing and then you viewed it. of course ask us about doing
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a plastic deacons. i thought of you just played nysha yet, and she had to shuffle to charlotte chava try later for dylan. dan, no, julie watch hulu and benny ashburn. nafrica day, i, my son, and i'm much bought on by and not to night in de union. it's been galant of the tips were done. she has shepherd to such as to live on our radar, but acting on a plane on your email in that piece and on the billboard, you and you. now you must clear, if you are not good at all, like it's done by your store, they fill that out. if they need to keep it, we'll gantski did years of work liana keenan's money leech and nico bank finance cock for my guy. important for which his goals may deal, at least i know ah,
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does v a d and pick long enough kiner vessel pursuits from yes and talk and mid 5 hope come beyond if ablation goes in on pivot boston does not mention those liam con buses probably may get deaf has all gone as i knew won't grade on until better. yeah. it was that was on the shop. a few yard and i'm going swoon him. got updated on vianza foolish, benton, could you do? listen, finished. ling become tape words by 1015 hobbies an analyst. come on de fargo. north dim of your head from couldn't you mentioned pollen. vinto. clay dogs colon i'll be sad to shop any day becomes of his accomplish. you're hummed in aston covey, midwinter clyde on tune as well as.


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