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tv   News  RT  October 25, 2022 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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distance we left the building. as soon as we did it, a shell immediately landed a girl sitting here. her leg was covered in blood. near the market stole a man's leg, was blown off. the brutal when i was inside the store. when the shell landed, i saw through the windows that it came from all there, whistling, and then there was a hit. the building immediately caught fire. then i heard pops, fi walked sided, exploding grass fell down. people was screaming and running away before official rescue crews had a chance to arrive. first responders who witnessed the attack helped the wounded, evacuate away from the scene. here these 2 civilians have been killed. more than a dozen needed medical treatment. it all started as
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a regular weekly shopping trip for this family. as the parents left the vehicle to go to the shopping mall, their teenage son stayed inside. he died on this very spot. the shell landed just about 3 meters away from the car. it's been weeks since ukraine stepped up its attacks from the region on this tiny town alone. key of forces have indiscriminately dropped dozens of bombs. but despite the threat, the streets here still bustle with life or should i am but we are getting used to the whistling because they were nearby and were shelling regularly when there was a big bang. i came out of the garage and saw that the explosions were somewhere in the city. then there was another shot, a screech and a shell fell again. i'm already used to counting seconds. it's only been 5. so the distance was very small. does this guy, i see no point and leaving the town. where would we go and why? we're not planning to leave. i'm
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a guest done of reporting from the russia ukraine border art. see, here we go, reaction from the chief daughter in the hospital where the victims are being taken care of. and she says, the bystanders save the lives of those caught up in the blast. was little bit of a pastor that shake the condition of all patients. the staple, the prognosis is get people are getting all the necessary medical. half the main injuries are sharp, no wounds of the upper and lower extremities, abdomen and chest cavity was 3 people were operated on right away as they were brought to us. and that basically the 1st victims who came to our hospital were brought in by passers by, who just happened to be near by people the plight sufficient medical assistance and stopped the blood. this helped us a lot. no one was abandoned even when showing continued and the emergency services could not approach people who were on the streets provided help. and now to the annual meeting of the val died discussion club, which enters his 2nd day to day tuesday in moscow,
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with more paneled discussions on the shed jaw. earlier we spoke the host of world politics on a boy co, on the main agenda of the meetings, and here's what she had to say. they to over the whole discussion club could be summarized by that old bill. clinton's phrase, it's all about the economy, stupid. and the word stupid is very appropriate here because many of the participants have been analyzing and talking about not very smart, economic decisions. that economic powers that be took over the last couple of years and how it's affecting the rest of the world. now, there's been a lot of discussion about how globalization western lab globalization that is underwritten by the western financial system by the dollar and the euro has been disintegrating. and it's not only because of the recent events, but that whole process started during the call 19 pandemic when some of the leading countries in the world demonstrate it's very,
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very selfish. and somebody would say, cruel behavior, hoarding supplies for themselves, and leaving the rest of the world exposed and really puting in view, the very pressing necessity for many countries to rely on themselves on themselves to be self sufficient, at least when it comes to the why those supplies and vital services, but that process in and of itself was exacerbated by the balance of 2022 with the financial and economic sanctions that the west tried to introduce against russia. and i stress here the word tried because the effects of those sanctions burberry mixed. they didn't hurt the russia as much as it was intended by there was, but they really heard the rest of the world, particularly developing countries in the global south. many representatives which are present here at the val di, forum and that creates
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a major necessity of for the world to restructure the way the economy is being functioning. and russia found itself in the center of this new forming economic system. again, it's not a geared against the united states or the west as such, but it's almost as if the actions of some of the western powers are forcing countries to find a more risk grown ways of dealing with one another. that would be trading and local currency is trying to create alternative systems of settling accounts, barter, trade, what have you. but this is something that is in the center of many of the, of the discussions here at you know, earlier we spoke to b k sharma who's a retired major general and director of the united service institution of india. and he told us the trade between russia and delia was increased this year, and they also stressed their western sanctions have inflict pain on the global
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economy. india and russia gone to enjoy special 3 bless, relationship rich has stood the desktop dime. both countries have stood by each other during difficult day, and that is the reason read it even during the ukraine conflict. india has not watered against russia on despite precious from the rest saving. india continues to dig on the arms supplies from russia, and has also been taking on natural oil and gas. the sources from russia were, in fact, during these times on, our deed has actually increased many ford and has risen to about $20000000000.00 us dollars. and by and large, the st you meant here is that of these economic sanctions of, nor good, you know, economics should not be used as
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a weapon of war. because this is not only affecting russia, but it is given, not george, at the global economy. that is at his session, a high, a price for prices, inflation is gaining ground and it has very fairly disrupted the supply chain, which is affecting all countries including rest and european countries. so we are totally against this policy of economic sanctions. richie sooner has officially been appointed today, as britons latest prime minister will soon became pm after winning an internal race held by the governing conservative party and the only other remaining contender, penny modern pulled out the 42 year old becomes britain's 3rd p. m. in around 3 months, formally, the list trust announced last week that she was stepping down after just 44 days in the job, leaving soon nights in harry to country in the grip of
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a political financial, and energy crisis. will as trust live now, to ortiz runjun a sharma to discuss the appointments of soon arch are so rude and thanks for joining us this afternoon. it seems like a big day, not only for london, but also for india. what's your take on it? connect in fact often moorlick an historic moment, not just for india about for the world and for more reasons than one. firstly, this is going to be for the very 1st time that a man of color will be heading an office. one of the most important offices in the world, and of course, this man of indian origin are we are seeing god, the sort of sentiment i am lying. we're flying now. are people really, really there that joy duck considering they recently and our celebrated 75 years of its independence from british rule and as these saw develop and for all of yuki
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has in a sense come as a devali gift for and down the valley of big hindu festival that in the us celebrated yesterday. but look at these up commons that are flooring in on twitter . in 1947 on the cost of indian independence, winston churchill supposedly said, all indian leaders will be of low caliber and men of straw. to day during the 75th year of our independence were poised to see a man of indian origin anointed as p. m. of a u. k. life is beautiful. the country which ruled india for 200 years to day rashid to knock of indian origin, will become the prime minister of the same country over and are we seeing a lot of reaction online in the u. k. many people poking fun at the number of prime ministers, the you case, how did such a short amount of time, but was the reaction been among indian people?
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so let me tell you that what you're seeing online is sort of the selective of what were you seeing offline on the ground as well. i was pointing out how indian celebrated the value of the hindu festival yesterday. and in fact our people, they're more joyed, the thought that this was the well think the. * body gift to all for indians, also in the context that as far as of issue, so knock is concerned. he is also one of he is in fact at the sun and moon, for one of indians. richest man. he's the emphasis chief. i'm lucy also let me point out here that the big bailey's in india, the big newspapers, the indian channels that we read. the headline today really has been about ado. she's not taking or soon taking were were as the prime minister of yuki also, like i said it's gotten, becomes a little emotional. and so to say for india,
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because this year, just a few months ago in that didn't celebrate it's 75 years of independence. from the british rule, it will be good to see someone from our country, our culture hurting a country which ones are this particularly in many other countries in asia. so definitely with rolled off, i'd be happy off. i will be proud of fulfilling proud to be that actually so that is go on because i'm obviously indian. so i feel proud for that india region be funded. he's doing so much a great job all over the world and it shows that, you know, for your time really, definitely living almost so the point really they have so much faith in and confidence really in addition
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sonata that he would be able to shy, you know, tackle this, this challenging situation. the economic crisis sort of see that a u. k is facing right now that he really restore manchester the conflicts in the party, but also in the country. of course i was pointing out that richey snark isa. in fact, on the sun and roll over in dallas, one of the richest man neuron morsey and his realm than his privilege and fight has been used against him. i by his critics saw more often than not, but now at a time like this. so there is some sort of confidence that we are seeing in, in, in, in fact, in indians as well as in people in the u. k. as far as where she's an oc is concerned, he's been the ministry of finance in yuki all for 3 years. he's proved himself, he has a good salad track record. there are so the whole really is that he sees on a runjun love to wait and see if she sooner can bring much needed stability to the
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u. k. under u. k. politics room to so i'm a thank you very much for breaking down the indian reactions. the appointment of soon. ok, as british pianist ortiz window shop. thank you for earlier we spoke to a good rest shake. who says that cynex appointments illustrates the irony of colonial history. the 1st of all, i get my best love from me and from my country, the service is still not going to be like 1947 on the independence. just to say that all you will be off. lo and men try to be during the 7 year net, an independent being an indian as a prime minister of u. k. so i will stay the life is really you people and do the word more.
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you should start and really and leads from the people when goal of india and that it didn't been like only was there is on the well being him being a ration and she really the theme in them. so i again see life is the only few people and the from the land of the, from the learn of non world in be lose them going on in you care by india. but in a non boyland be full manner. see if you looked at or mean, if you did, indians have more than the indian side in terms of egypt. more him right. in deals are richer, then that should be less than crime. so it was in
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the ball in the guardian manner in a long while he is an indian lawyer, the public retailer can be in. so she is the prime minister of has been done in the duly indian. he will do his best or just 3 people. but i am very optimistic that building his india and you will come thought equal equals moving on now representatives from ethiopia as government until gray rebels are due to meet in south africa for the 1st formal peace talks in 2 years. the discussions came after the e. c o, v, and military on the allies report to be captured several large towns in te gray, which is the rebels stronghold. but to get more on this, we can cross live. now to all correspondence in south africa, corroborate list adler. cro both, thanks for joining those. could you tell us briefly what the background to the
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source is and why they taking place now? well peter, just if you fed in your introduction there's finally a ray of hope for the nearly 2 year long conflict in the horn of africa, africa, the 2nd most populous nation. if the o b, i has been really the setting for much atrocities and violence that have been missing out on ordinary civilians as well as those who are fighting on different sides. now the novel of the p o, p in crisis in te gray is a really centers around the formation coalition that was formed following a 17 year long civil war in the country which ended in 1991. the long and short of the story that coalition was formed under the ban of the field p and people's revolutionary democratic front, which was
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a coalition of 4 ethnically based political parties that came together to ruled together. now wed, probably religion was, was really dominated by the people's liberation front. and following a 30 years of their dominance was when the ultimate emerged onto the scene with his or political party. and there was seen by re, really, as a loss of force. it made their authority feel rather uncomfortable with what is going to happen, particularly as the argument, the prime minister of ethiopia moved to normalize relations with neighboring in a tree or a country that had already seen conflict between itself and the t grey. the t gray people's liberation front. now really, the knob of this is that this is happening when the backdrop of in tennessee fire fighting that we've heard during this weekend that the military, if the o b,
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i had said that they have captured large towns in 5th grade. and the aim to capture all the airports in country making axis for the t p l f. rather a difficult one, and the p l. f rather has suffered numerous losses in here. not to mention the most loss of lives that i've had frontier, while the federal government has been seen to really be upping its anti and coming into these negotiations with a strong hand. now the thing about these negotiations themselves is that although the happening here in south africa, you wouldn't be able to say by looking at the website or trying to get equipment from the african union, which is the host and mediator of the conflict. the post that know details about plans for the peace talks know when they will have been. it's been all shrouded in secrecy. and that tells you just how tentative the fitting is. there is
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a fence that, that if the o b as the up by hand, and it will not necessarily be willing to compromise that much. and what's in it for t great, but there's been calls for cessation of hostilities. do you and your secretary antonio gutierrez? said that the aim of ending hostilities must be the 1st. but even though this war has been on for 2 years, it has not always been hot. there was a 5 month period between march and late august where there was no fighting where there was a cease fire declared for humanitarian access in order for people to access food and, and health care. but bed has not necessarily worked out that way as well. if both sides really came out of that effect using the of firing 1st and therefore breaching the sci fi that was agreed upon, let it be known that this is the 1st meeting, things that start of the war back in 2020,
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on the 3rd of november and much is expected from this, but the realistic expectations is that the 2 parties must come out of this with at least a sci fi agreement. because these folks, i really seen as talk that lead ground for further talks. well, we'll have to wait and see what the outcome of those talks between the european government. no t great rebels are credible a toddler. thank you very much for that breakdown. russia has called for a un security council meeting on tuesday to voice it concerns that kids may use a dirty bomb as part of a false flag operation or moscow condemned any such attack. we will regard the use of the dirty bomb by the key for shame as an act of nuclear terrorism. the russian defense ministry has claimed kiev code to launch an attack to undermine moscow's global image. but she has also informed several nato defense ministers
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about a legit possible nuclear publication from kiev. but they have dismissed the claims as no evidence was provided. and kia has also vehemently denied the allegations saying it doesn't have and will not use such weapons. but earlier this year, president lensky spoke of restoring ukraine's nuclear status as have some other officials. we will use all the resources we have, including to create effective weapons, dirty or clean. this is a separate technological issue. ukraine has no other choice either. we are part of the lines such as nato and do our part to make europe stronger, or we have the only option, which is dawn by ourselves and maybe think about nuclear status again. meanwhile, western officials have said that moscow itself is going to use weapons, a claim referred to as frivolous and fictional by russian foreign minister, instead of a lover of former us marine, john, mar, duke and physical, could tried to escalate the war we've seen would they have been doing up to now
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their acts of terrorism, starting with the bombing of dory doogan and bullying up the bridges. and they are escalating things. intel, the point in return, they want. i can understand why they want west to be involved in making their war. they have that much hatred towards russia. the west has been engaging in a lot of very dirty tactics lately and everything that they've been engaging like the pipeline. the tax on this app rosen, the nuclear power plant. everything they've been engaging in. then they have been pointing the finger is blaming on russia when we all know that it's, it's not russia. i mean, everybody would have a brain understand this, and they're going to do the same thing with this. so the, the question is, is the west going to help them you case mist monday's deadline for
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striking a free trade deal with india. go stations of reportedly been in deadlock amid comments by the then you k home secretary, who voice concerns over a possible influx of indians in the country like migration in this country. the largest group of people who overstay our indian migraines. i have concerns about having an open borders migration policy with india, because i don't think that's what people voted for. with breck said, the free trade sauce between the u. k on india were launched earlier this year with great opportunities for indian students and professionals in the u. k. being a top priority for modi's government. you deli, slammed the now former home secretary remarks as shocking and disappointing. my colleague earlier rachel blevins interviewed political analyst and column is so hindrance. connie, you says the britain has apparently failed to move on from its imperial pass. these pinions come from the leadership of or can't feed,
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that is dealing increasingly insecure about. so within the span of one year, they had 3 prime ministers, and you start about individuals. there is a structural problem about the politics of the united united kingdom, outgoing prime minister, did not even last 2 months, and they call themselves the mother of democracies. basically, the western economies wanted to impose an idea of globalization on their own terms, not on equal terms with developing countries. india, of course, would like, are, they wanted me to have equitable services agreement, which is what the united kingdom and several other. busy please do not want the only ones that referred to them, and this is not acceptable to accept respect in country like india. now, when it comes to su, ella braverman herself,
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she is of course of indian origin. so how surprising was it to hear anti migrant rhetoric from a person whose parents are migrants? she's making very controversial, in fact, racist remarks. and this only shows that britain has still not completely expressed remorse or what is on imperial post. if you look at the british attitude towards migrants in these very derivative in some ways, a racist, they somewhat want to keep the white domination a life. finally, egypt said to move its national currency away from the u. s. dollars instead, developing a new currency indicator, according to the central banks of another country, plans to link its currency. it's a baskets of gold under the world currencies the us is not our major trading
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partner. i don't know why people are always fixated on the dollar. part of our success will be in changing the culture and idea that we are pegged. the decision follows the egyptian pounds shop dropped earlier this year because of the war in ukraine with around $25000000000.00 been wiped off the markets in just the space of a couple of weeks. carol central bank had to devalue the currency with the pounds today with only 80 percent of its previous value against the us dollar. each it is just the latest country in the global south to take similar measures. india and iran have already ditch dollar in bilateral trade with moscow. the saudi arabia also considering switching to the chinese, you on, in oil sales to china. we discussed the issue with our med mustafah, the director of the asia center facilities and translation. and he shared with us his vision on the motives behind cairo's decision. once, sir, we correlated our japan pounds with a doll of since 2016 according to the recommendations of
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a at one bank and international hamper just to satisfy the creditors sold election . no made honest, facilitate in the markets. the dollar is inflated, there's so much sure i can attach a compound. and now even that via the national banks reached about 20 egyptian pounds and it has a very negative impact for sir, concerning the inflation. also we have international factor concerning air, the rising and the so that made on or the yeah. interest rate, the federal reserve at franklin fees, the rates in order to, ah, extract a lot of her own money. the and a lot of funds from one of my coming to their not to states i, for the, for such a waiter. and now we have another problem. the interest is that belongs to our indebtedness to their creditors international creditors via the wallet,
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frank and international monetary fund and serving the interest is off. so being the embeddedness or all of such factors altogether or. 3 was the reason why are we, why are we have to shift to be a this resort? i mean, the gold or the gold volumes. and egypt became one of the biggest buyers of the vault boy orleans in the, in the vision, or maybe and the wall air to be a safe guard at that and a center for us. oh, for a future. that's all from me. pizza scouts, but i'll be passing the button on. so nicky aaron will be here the top of the i with all the latest. thank you for watching. a look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people.
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a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except where such order that conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. and the point obviously, is to create trust rather than fear a various job with artificial intelligence. real, somebody with a robot must protect its own existence with what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race is on, often very dramatic and development only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful,
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very difficult time time to sit down and talk ah, personally, my organization has been opposed, especially made up for many years and we know that it was wrong. we know that it was a we trailed a promise made when the berlin wall fell. we know that the question is, how are we going to proceed in a constructive way that will reduce the chances of nuclear war rather than increase the chances, which is what has occurred this year with i will never be a victory for russia. wait until you wait much really need them, but you look at a meal. crane war is a proxy war. this is a war between russia and the night.


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