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tv   News  RT  October 26, 2022 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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hey ah, well, president payton we believe am now chairing a session of russians at security council. i believe that we can listen in then you still with century versus now the justice and history. you have the floor now. minister just the one of the it was a make an india, but often a college student ended up to day on the agenda and issuance doing yeah. matter.
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awesome. what grooving matches. he you falling in yet? willow, the areas in the galvan carrying out sir, you suppose the consent included little intentionally devotees ah, with me from the human seeming assurance doing you nearly will see a friend who knew deepness did he dot and then colleagues will day of the agenda. i stand mass are often brewington measures. ah, she keeps if i go to the consent penal enforcement activities and our minister of justice, you have the florida doing
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okay. i'm leaving on for now. ukraine has become an american tool in a proxy war against russia. that's the latest assessments of the military conflicts from vladimir putin as take a listen. ukraine has lost sovereignty as being directly used by the us as a battering ram against russia. almost immediately ukraine was turned into a testing ground for biological warfare experiments and is now being pumped up with the okay, corresponding marina core for of joins is on the line. now marina, could you tell me what else the russian president say in his latest statement, please? absolutely, vladimir putin said that the world is becoming increasingly multi polar. but some are trying to hold on and hang on to their what he called, diminishing leadership resorts into whatever they can just to make sure they hang onto that spot. including using ukraine as
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a tool against russia. he warned that the potential for conflict in the region and around the world remains quite high. and that ukraine was basically turned into a training ground for biological weapons. and now it's also being armed and pumped up with more and more weapons. and he also added that there is a black market for weapons being formed in ukraine. and that weapons such as mythology, as well as my presentation weapons could fall into the wrong hands into dangerous hands. and she also added that the international community has been observing direct acts of sabotage and not doing anything about it. and also we've seen that not only are they not doing and it's about it, but in some cases we've seen international players support that rhetoric. so those were his later statements regarding ukraine losing sovereignty ends being used as a tool. never thanks for those details as ours. have marina cause or of meeting on
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let me have him made our statement shortly after seeing a series of military exercises by russians, strategic nuclear forces, which have been on high alert since the end of february. the joint drills involved c and the ground forces several ballistic and cruise missiles were test fine with military official saying all the targets were successfully hit. the annual exercise was announced in advance and moscow had also warned, washington is a 2nd such drill held by russia's military so far this year. somebody from the russian region of care. so where sub attorney tried to break into a district police station early this afternoon and the lead attempt to still weapons. so the 1st it shows the badly damaged facade of the building, which was struck by a grenade at around 1 pm. emergency services are searching for those involved now griffin's new prime minister,
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where she soon has reaffirmed his support to ukraine during a phone call with us president joe biden. that was shortly after the u. k. premier called care to say the same thing to president landscape. someone now criticizing soon as we're following the footsteps of previous as the live trust. it also made her 1st international call in office to ukraine, our teens, rachel moss, and explains. british prime minister richie sooner has just taken over the controls of the u. k. and he says, we will always stand with ukraine by standing with ukraine. he means billions in u. k. taxpayer cash weapons. now, who's the we voted for that. certainly not the people of the u. k. soon ack slips into the pilot's seat when the country is literally at the point of impact with recession. and what's his symbolic 1st phone call to ukrainian president vladimir zalinski a call during which to not promise to quote, stand in continued solidarity with ukraine. was there any indication that sooner his laser focused on britain's massive economic problems, while he did on
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a phone call with us president joe biden, who's been driving his feed on that trade deal with britain? but according to a white house statement, the call was not about trade, was largely about working together to support ukraine encountering russia and china . so washington's priorities no mention of trade. me bind was confused about who he was talking to and whether it's united kingdom or just today. we've got news. oh, no, no, the prime minister. well anyway, whether he's talking to or she said look, or if she suna bided, knows that whoever it is, one of jack to buy just rambling on about ukraine. so before he was appointed prime minister soon i was pretty aloof about ukraine. is the impression that his focus, even with respect to ukraine, was really all about doing what was best for the british economy. the sumac thinks
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putin will still be the. they will have to be a deal with him. and if that's the case, is it really worth the pain to the economy? now it seems that voters are disappointed to learn what soon acts real position is right on tap re, she's to not comes out and says, we will always stand with ukraine. so does that mean more of our money being sent off to ukraine, whilst you have to make difficult decisions for the rest of us at home? you could hear it entrust his voice and you can hear it in soon. ox. we won't let putin when in ukraine, it's as if they're using war to bolster their own image. meanwhile, it's public service cuts for the rest of us. interestingly, sooner gives a blank check to ukraine while calling on wales and scotland to get in line. soon act didn't waste time, colinza lensky. he's already lining up the war in ukraine to use as a convenient excuse for his punishing asperity cuts. so after new italian prime minister, georgia maloney pledged her allegiance to ukraine. it looks like the white house
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just almost copied and pasted virtually the same. congratulatory and ukraine focus message sooner, chatting up these vassals. he's timely chatting a conquest at the local bar. why didn't uses the same pick up lines and probably won't easier for their names. romanian senator has slammed the country's president for supporting ukraine, saying the conflict in the neighboring country is none of bucharest business. no better meet them. each one a d. v. 's us will, will not allow a single things to aggravate this conflict, which is not between russia and nato, but between the russian federation and ukraine over territories that belong to russia in the past. and it is what it does there. this is not romania natal or the problem here today. i think we were present romania of the romanian people or he resigned his kansas romania faith as
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a political crisis. from within. on monday, the defense minister resigned over what he called differences with the countries president in relation to the ukraine conflicts the ex defense chief had previously stated. that the only way to end of the war through negotiations with russia, with us is demonstrations, take place in bucharest, against an increase in a k s. and the transfer of the french nato troops to the country, along with sons to step up thrills. the head of nato's 2nd brigade. combat team has said that if a member of the alliance is attacked remaining a base troops will end ukraine. but yesterday, the white house of stuart that no us soldier will step foods that grade based university professor steven guy h said natal clearly wants escalation. and if they can use one mania as a platform for its troops, i think that the remaining of space there is a true hero and it should be sure to leave of his country. ah, he knows what such
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a conflict would mean for romania and that is why he's sacrificed with his career. why on earth would romanians were orthodox christians of the 2nd largest north was christian nation. russian orthodox church be involved in a conflict or with a with, with the, with the russians. mean that is against romanians ha, the interest of romanian people. but if it falls into the plans of flora, i'm afraid a conventional if not even god forbid nuclear a war world war 3. and, you know, we are moving closer to such a escalation. we should remember to statements that was said almost 20 years ago by george w bush, when he called, i'm paraphrasing that romania is a spear of washington or of, of america towards the east. so, ah,
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what he said in honor words is that in the event of necessity, we expect the romanians to die for the interest on washington. one 3rd of the u. s . army in romania, on the borders with ukraine is reparation for a national civil, local, national, sorry, a war with russia against rush under pressure from anti france demonstrations that have run it in chance. last week. the power spiked president has pointed the finger at outside interference and other countries on to blame to the violent protests, cynicism po, these are not all in every demonstrations. the broad tones control but a real carefully orchestrated insurgent center create nails on the console. and if the u. s. as publicly bought for protest, thank is support say government elected by the people of chat demonstrate to stick
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to the streets of the president, said he would stay in power for the next 2 years. we thought we had the latest from a local report on the glad here in your men alive has to return back to not a mile for the people of the city after last week. up on this that is a still get a free and bless. but as you been debbie hassan or was that 7 days or more that was the upset or for the people who dies in their best the last week. but you also sent in this that was added as that before. this are not normal. you one of the real incentives, some kind of will, a plan for career care was in the country. the president didn't them in the company, but he actually is one on powers of supporting an instruction in charge men while demand here high, many protests against the current government success. master of the last one of my mover meant to say, here's what he says is clear, and that is what we'll continue to advocate for the tent up. but as people out of that, i think we'll get back with that. a lot of my life did room with the knowledge that more purpose are to be in plan, but they are hoping it will not escalate into other problems. i'm the religious way,
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like and listen under kristen. osman france supports the regime in place in chad. and that is the root of all the problems. since we know france wants no change. all they want is their interest. they care about their populations well being in only about their interests, e labinski see yet, and it's on. i think it's time to change things. chairs has many natural resources and that is very reach, but we face high rate of unemployment, for example. i got bachelor's degree in 20 to 20, but i don't have any opportunities to get the job. it is very sad to leave and see this in a country like chaired with all its resources. so we should change things. now. tensions are also on the rise in central africa, where canyon troops preparing to deploy in the democratic republic of congo to join a fight against anti government rebels. the chief of kenya's defense forces says they are ready he this mission is like the one we have been having in our
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neighboring country, somalia. and i'm happy since the majority of you serve in a day african, you know me, somalia, i have a great trust and you went to d r c, it's how you title rebels. c, r c is government requested help from african states and made renewed violent classes with the m 23 militant group, kenyon troop saw the 1st to join with help from uganda, south sedan and tanzania. also on the way they're said to enter a whole stall area in a town bordering a gander which is currently being held by the rebels. so the 1st time kenya's military is joining a mission in other countries having previously been deployed in somalia. india's competition regulator has snapped say $113000000.00 fine on google for not allowing out developers to use 3rd party payment services. this is the 2nd such penalty imposed on the u. s. company. in recent weeks ago. the data has now from a correspondent in india,
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orange and shaw my wrench and get to see could you please break down? why exactly? google is in hot water like you pointed out or in the i'll slap, saw another find another penalty on google. this is in fact, the 2nd fine that has been slapped on will will in less than a week. the 1st fine was for about $162000000.00. the recent one, the one which is lap now for about 13, a $113000000.00. and now why has. * google come under the radar or for c, c i or the competition commission of india, essentially water the commission has noted is and that google has in fact been abusing, eats dominant market position with respect to with what it's policies are. also let me point out here are that are adult commission has asked google not doing age in anti competitive behavior again and again,
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also they've asked them to allow 3rd party of payment systems apart from that very clearly, we will have said that we've noticed that in fact our, the competition commission of india has said that google has forced application uses aptly and other aggregate else to use its own payment system by doing so by mandating them to do so. what happens is that it blocks, it's sort of a denies market increase for other users. and that's in fact something that the commission has really strong objection to. let's listen into what the commission as we said, the competition commission of india today imposed a penalty of $130000000.00 of dollars on google for abusing its dominant position with respect to its play store policies. making access to the play store dependent on mandatory usage of google plays billing system for paid apps and an app purchases as one sided and arbitrary and devoid of any legitimate business interest
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. now and 5 tell google has been asked to put out a clear policy as far as the data collection is concerned, as far as usage is concerned and sharing is concerned. now this order by at the commission comes as a huge relief to several indian starts for smaller countries. that for long have been complaining about the abuse all flaw. i'll google when it comes to a domination of the market. runjun many thanks for that information now thought is ruined and sharma that with the details we're moving on now. the buys in administration has steps up. he cannot make crush on nicaraguan president anglo take us government imposing sanctions on the countries gold mining industry. ortega maria regimes continued attacks on democratic actors and members of civil society and the unjust detention of political prisoners demonstrate that the regime feels
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it is not bound by the rule of law. the u. s. actions are aimed at denying the ortega maria regime the resources they need to continue to undermine democratic institutions in nicaragua. the us treasury imposed sanctions on nicaraguans mining authority along with the top government officials as biden's signed an executive order that could restrict u. s. companies from doing business with nicaragua as gold industry, as well as blocking us investment in of a sex is in the country. they also leaves the option of identifying other sectors of the nicaraguan economy that could be sanctioned further. last year, the usda counted for almost 80 percent of nicaraguan gold shipments early r t spoke to ben norton and nicaragua based journalist who says the new us sanctions are aimed at regime change in the country. these us sanctions are illegal according to international law. they are unilateral course of measures in the new
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us sanctions on the gold sector in nicaragua are aimed at one targeting a state lead industry in order to starve the government of revenue. the most popular government in the history of this country. the u. s. government claimed that any independent government that refuses to bow down to washington is authoritarian and scare quotes. the reality is that nicaragua had an authoritarian regime, a military dictatorship for decades, run by the most a dynasty and the u. s. government installed this and also dictatorship and propped it up, maintaining it in power until the sun needs the revolution in 1979 from 1990 until 2006. the u. s. government back a series of very corrupt. right wing regimes that store billions of dollars of public asset as poverty skyrocket in nicaragua. crime skyrocketed when the funniest came back in 2007 they, they'd decreased poverty by over half. they decreased violent crime,
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they ended drug trafficking. they provided safety and security and health care and education. that's why, according to polls, they found the nice the government has the support of around 70 percent of nicaraguans. of the month of the an successful attempts, germany's president has finally met with his ukraine counterparts in kiev. and pledged even more weapons. a trip is, frankly, just on my 1st visit to the capital since ukraine's conflict with russia began in february. previous trips were cancelled is short notice due to security concerns. and kids claims that he gets in visa design. my year has a spider native contacts and connections with russia stretching decades long. many members of the german ruin coalition are tangled in it as well. before was said to be 1st hour and a half of talks between the 2 countries. leaders took place in an air raid shelter, a siren sounding shortly after stein my arrived. motion told through
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a german politician, unsocial legit, safe. the president's visit to kiev and weapons pledge contradicts the german people's cause for peace. clear intonation for the press. i mean, you should wear like the insulation or not before the war. she was visiting the water. ready close to us and there was no military actions going on in that day, but she was wearing a helmet and just there was a military situation. and then of course, if you look at this conference in between the project, which is done in the media and companion of la population, 77 percent of the journal citizens. and the last evaluation round about one months ago said that the germany should take
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a more offensive role in bringing diplomatic negotiations to stop the war. and you know. ready just dying man is visiting ukraine and kind of grumbling in the face of the president supported by fashion. i think that's very day news. my mind, the president showed much less incentive instrument allies to produce pictures. i mean, he knew for sure that there is no attacks live he is visiting across that would be, you know, from, i should brush that calls an escalation of the conflict, which nobody wants to keep in his company or off hand to national. we're back at the top of the hour with the latest to them. ah,
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i ah, with it is said talk is cheap, but loose. talk about dirty bombs is nothing less than been dangerous. with both
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russia and ukraine preparing for new offenses. the west is not shy, talking about nuclear weapons. is the west thinking the unthinkable? router, you know? one? no, sir, no, no, admiral hook, no, no. what go more shrill than what they should end up. unit 73. 1 was a unique organization in the history of the world. what they were trying to do was to simply do nothing short, then build the most powerful and most deadly biological weapons program that the world had ever. no real. no. to push it. was it said you sure, sure. good. good that they're not killed when you
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saw new rochelle keep on more more general martha. this is meant union from all one of up on there and i got the owner myself . i got your name up. i go on underscore, i wish to know about joy. oh, new a no. you didn't. oh gosh, more polished enough, jr. let's i had to put all of their mother and all everybody bill. can you go out or hours? nice. oh boy, that's good to go on. what the on this the world. she my a new on, on the site is and more on all said mom. good. so you don't the year you're not on all of them are going to give us a lot. oh boy, if there was a bus from bulk?
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no, he should buy for the mobile one using annual g d. p per capita is about $4000.00 euros. a normal dollar a wash dish li, a planner, coffee sealed from corpus rooney and could put them in your printers. no, you should find them on the line to come out. see what your littlest out there to sort of thought of. unemployment is off the charts, moldova territorial integrity and sovereignty. we respect a country which enjoys financial support from the u. s. and the youth is constantly robbed by political and corruption scandals. but all that didn't stop mo, google obtaining you candidate status in 2022. 0. ringback the
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question is painting with frost, i'm not so queer, which was almost new to to room and you have a limited release from when to do. i don't but hold a talk with the mom nash red anthem complex a smartly and yet this, that the copy from why didn't feel good as the voice. good word and you don't mean so if i knew old old lady dick i'll walk.
9:28 am
oh no resign you. i just get on with them and then you come down below which, which is daniel sawing you. e hetcher's going down. i've shifted victoria. she thought it fortunate there to watch doctors from the road of life foundation when to the new guns region where they were in great demand. ah, even in peacetime homes and rehabilitation centers with the disabled, like somewhat behind the times. in terms of medical advancements, essential drugs and doctors as guess
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yeah, mom hurting him at betty nevada. july's the anomaly in can you know the beach did it by checkups. you will hear molla there. thaw will get there, but she gets her dish door a smallish guest bedroom like i can hear a lady that she showed her with a job. hello. oh
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wow. i ordered a dish. shoak a daughter, a dollar a year that he got quite severely. yes. now and it still has stomach. i bought one and bull package. skip was 3. 0 no, but you do pressure? well, a really good actually accord that hm. berea. now, when did somebody bumblebee alicia eeoc of babel fcl. if somebody at the las stamp did not sit down with her and i shall as ever quite fear in lieu deeply into pure daylight store. oh, got up not.


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