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tv   News  RT  October 26, 2022 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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a a dealer ukraine has lost sovereignty as being directly used by the us as a battering ram against russia. that my person say is ukraine is being constantly pumped with weapons as a toll of western foreign policy. also this out with russia, nuclear deterrent forces are put to the test with c and ground tests launches as ballistic, and cruise missile and the romanian sen, slums,
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the country president for publicly supporting ukraine and his conflicts with worship, saying it's not the correct not a single thing to aggregate conflict, which is not between russia and native, but between the russian federation and ukraine over territories that belong to russia in the past. and it is, it's what it does fear us, india hit google with a $130000000.00. fine for not allowing app to buy the post to use 3rd party payment services with 7 pm here in moscow, and this is our to international with the latest it world news update of very welcome to you. now ukraine has become an american tool in a proxy bore against russia. that's the latest assessment of the military conflict from vladimir putin. yellow ukraine has lost sovereignty and has being
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directly used by the us as a battering ram against russia. almost immediately ukraine was turned into a testing ground for biological warfare experiments and is now being pumped up with weapons. the latimer putin said that the world is becoming increasingly multi polar, but some are trying to hold on and hang on to their what he called, diminishing leadership resorts into whatever they can just to make sure they hang onto that spot. including using ukraine as a tool against russia. he warned that the potential for conflict in the region and around the world remains quite high. and that ukraine was basically turned into a training ground for biological weapons. and now it's also being armed and pumped off with more and more weapons. and he also added that there is a black market for weapons being formed in ukraine and weapons such as missiles, as well as my presentation weapons could fall into the wrong hands into dangerous
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hands. and he also add that, that the international community has been observing direct acts of sabotage and not doing anything about it. and also have seen that not only are they not doing this in about it, but in some cases we've seen international players support that rhetoric. so those were his later statements regarding ukraine losing sovereignty ends being used as a tool lot of peyton made down statements shortly after the thing, a series of military exercises by russia strategic nuclear forces, which have been on high alert since the end of february the joint roles involved c and the ground unit, several ballistic and cruise missiles were test fired with military official thing over targets was successfully hit. the annual exercise with announced in advance
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and moscow had also warned washington when the 2nd such drill held by russians military so far this year, training targets located in the countries far east were eliminated by a long range missiles. with 295 teachers. farmers also taking part, you can find out more details on this story on many others on our website, dot com let's go to the russian region of care. so now we saw the term have tried to break into a district police station and an alleged attempts to steal weapons. this footage shows the bobby damage facade of the building, which was struck by grenade at around 1 pm on wednesday. my security service is, are now searching for the suspects involved in the attack, which comes as the 50 proposed to repel a ukrainian military offensive buttons . new prime minister richie soon has reaffirmed to support the ukraine during a phone call with us president joe biden was shortly off the u. k. premier co kids
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to say the same thing to president landscape, but somehow criticizing through not for the following in the footsteps of his previous lives. truss who also made her 1st international call in office to ukraine ortiz, rachel moss, and hospital. british prime minister richie sooner has just taken over the controls of the u. k. and he says, we will always stand with ukraine by standing with ukraine. he means billions in u. k. taxpayer cache and weapons. now, who's the, we voted for that. certainly not the people of the u. k. soon act slips into the pilot seat when the country is literally at the point of impact with recession. and what's his symbolic 1st phone call to ukrainian president vladimir zalinski a call during which c not promised to quote, stand in continued solidarity with ukraine. was there any indication that to knock his laser focused on britain's massive economic problems? while he did a phone call with us president joe biden,
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who's been driving his feet on that tray deal with britain. but according to a white house statement, the call was not about trade. it was largely about 4 working together to support ukraine encountering russia and china. so washington's priorities no mention of trade. maybe bind was confused about who he was talking to and whether it's united kingdom or just today. we've got news. oh, looking the crime scene. well anyway, whether he's talking to or she said, look, or if she suna bided, knows that whoever it is, won't jack to buy just rambling on about ukraine. so before he was appointed prime minister soon i was pretty aloof about ukraine. is the impression that his focus, even with respect to ukraine, was really all about doing what was best for the british economy. the sumac thinks bruton will still be the there will have to be a deal with him. and if that's the case,
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is it really worth the pain to the economy? now it seems that voters are disappointed to learn what soon acts real position is right on tap re, she's to not comes out and says, we will always stand with ukraine. so does that mean more of our money being sent off to ukraine, whilst you have to make difficult decisions for the rest of us at home? you could hear it entrust his voice and you can hear it in soon. ox. he won't let put in when in ukraine, it's as if they are using war to bolster their own image. meanwhile, it's public service cuts for the rest of us. interestingly sooner gives a blank check to ukraine, whilst calling on wales and scotland to get in line to knock. didn't waste time, colinza lensky. he's already lining up the war in ukraine to use as a convenient excuse for his punishing a star t cuts. so after new italian prime minister, georgia maloney pledged her allegiance to ukraine. it looks like the white house just almost copied and pasted virtually the saying to regulatory and ukraine focus
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message her sooner. chatting up, these vassals, states seems kind of like chatting up conquests at the local bar. why didn't uses the same pick up lines and probably won't even remember their names in the morning . i'm saying that the conflict in the neighboring country is none of them. christ's business, no better meet them each and a d. v. 's, your foot dog will not allow a single thing to aggravate this conflict, which is not between russia, nato, but between the russian federation and ukraine over territories that belong to russia in the past. and it is, it's business what it does they're this is not romania natal or the use problem here. i think we were present romania and the romanian people, or he resigned borrow money as well as kansas where many a face as
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a political crisis from within. on monday, the defense minister resigned over what he told the differences with the countries president in relation to the ukraine conflict. the ex defense chief had previously stated that the only way to end the war is through negotiations with russia. without his demonstrations take place in progress against an increase in a stick. he is on the transfer of french nato troops to the country, along with plans to step up drills ahead of ne says 2nd brigade combat team has said that if a member of the alliance is a tax, romania based troops will answer ukraine. but yesterday, the white house assured that no us soldier will step foot belgrade bass university, professor steven gay, h se nato clearly was escalation and to seeking to use romania as a platform for its troops. i think that the remains of space. there is a true hero and it should be sure to be of his country. ah, he knows what such a conflict would mean for romania and that is why he's sacrificed with his career.
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why on earth would romanians were orthodox christians of the 2nd largest source of christian nation, russian orthodox church be involved in a conflict or with the russians that is against romanians the interest of romanian people. but the plans of flora, i'm afraid, a conventional if not even god forbid nuclear a war world war 3. and, you know, we are moving closer to such a escalation. we should remember to statements that was said almost 20 years ago by george w bush. when he called, i'm paraphrasing that romania is a spear of washington or of, of america towards the east. so i,
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what he said in other words, is that in the event of necessity, we expect the romanians to die for the interest on washington. one of the. busy of the u. s. army in romania on the borders with brain is reparation for a national civil national story. a war with russia, i guess rush and is it states regen aysa has slapped pay $113000000.00. fine on google for not allowing our developers to use 3rd party payment services. dominant place on the market. when didn't sharma has moved from new delhi. this is in fact the 2nd fine of that has been slapped on will will in less than a week. the 1st fine was for about $162000000.00. the recent one, the one which is lap now for about 13, a $113000000.00. and now why has google come on to the radar of c,
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c. i or the competition commission? of india, essentially water the commission has noted is that a google has in fact been abusing, eats dominant market position with respect to which what it's policy is. also let me point out here that our adult commission has asked google not doing gauge in antique competitive behavior. again and again, also they've asked them to allow 3rd party of payment systems apart from that very clearly, we will have said that we've noticed that in fact our, the competition commission of india has said that google has forced application, uses applique, and other aggregators to use its own payments and to do so, what happens is that it blocks it sort of a denies marketing fee for other users. and that's in fact something that the
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commission has really strong objection to. let's listen into what the commission is . reason, the competition commission of india today imposed a penalty of $130000000.00 of dollars on google for abusing its dominant position with respect to its place. door policies making access to the play store dependent on mandatory usage of google plays billing system for paid apps and app purchases as one sided and arbitrary and devoid of any legitimate business interest. now and 5 tell google has been asked to put out a canoe or a policy as far. * as the data collection is concerned, as far as usage is concerned, and shedding is concerned. now this order by the commission comes, is a huge relief to several indians start off for smaller countries that for long have been complaining about the abuse all flaw. google, when it comes to a domination of the market. the white house has appointed
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a new interim and voice to india. it is 6 times since last year, as u. s. congress and so far fell to agree on a full time candidate for the job on the president by them. fina us diplomats. elizabeth jones has previously serve as the countries on baset to cause like stun elisa as assistant secretary of state for europe and asia. plus. she's also being the coordinator for african relocation efforts, despite washington's efforts to boost relations with new delhi, the absence of a permanent us ambassador has spoke some criticism, foreign policy observe. unseen the a journalist from its power child receives the bind and it's been hist ration is being inconsistent and as approach to india. the problem that america has been facing is that they have not been able to confirm at the baset or for india for over 18 months, almost 2 years now. india has not from the united states, the longest time in our history that we've never had one. because of the
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dysfunctionality of the by didn't distractions, ability to get that basset or confirmed so the sharp appointment of a charge, a number 2 with the embassy. that's jose. the idea i think is that she will have to hold, hold the fort until the master, hopefully at some point appointed and confirmed by the bye didn't administration president by to have nominated eric sachi, who was the former mayor of los angeles to be his, his candidate for nominee, for the us ambassador shipped to india cassette, he is a personal friend. this is for car sets. his nomination became enmeshed in a sexual scandal. at least 3 or 4 of the members in the senate have said that we cannot confirm our city on the basis because of the scandal, or at least until it is very clear that god said he had nothing to do with it. with
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the democrats lacking a majority in the senate without those 3 or 4 senators. as a consequence, see in the u. s. relationship has suffered to a lack of basset. and now as i mentioned for almost 2 years, and is wally medical official has suggested that palestinian mothers be fined for giving birth to more than 4 children. daniel city soon regarding the matter of population growth in the more problematic population. we face a kind of paradox. on the one hand, we understand that the birth rate is decisive, the arab womb, and on the other hand, we encourage it with all the child allowances. we should consider a regressive child allowance. the 1st child receives one, the 2nd child receives one, perhaps the 3rd child. the 4th child is not in the 5th child, perhaps triggers of fine. the official who is in charge of hot surgery at a hospital in the country south was speaking at
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a meeting of the right wing jewish home policy. his comments refer to the birth rates of arabs in israel, which has been higher than us of jewish families for years, and which some israeli see as a threat to their demographics. the move is caused outrage among the countries our community. while some local medical workers have called a racist, the association of our, of dr. is off the asking, the guess has now thought of petition coding for the official to be punished. which has been signed by over a 150 doctors. anyone who sees the arab woom is a threat, has no place in the health system, and certainly cannot care for the hearts of the arabs. we expect the hospital management to take a strong stance against statements of this kind from which emerges. the spirit of general racial arrogance against an entire population. will i discuss the issue with dan cohen? i journalist dance co producer of an award winning documentary about garza. he says that the israeli official suggestion does not come as a surprise to him. well,
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this is simply just an expression of the national ideology in israel of zionism, which seeks to maintain a jewish demographic majority at the expense of the indigenous native palestinian population. and it's really not the best thing is as we can see, to see these kinds of things and in public forums, because then know there are newspaper articles and, and, and it gets into international television. but it's basically what, what zionism dictates, and in order to maintain this, this, this demographic balance requires extreme violence, which we see frequently in, in israel, and the palestinian, the occupied palestinian territory. so what this doctor said is not particularly extreme or outlandish by israeli standards. it's just completely normal. earlier
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this year, the israeli government introduced a new law bonding palestinian citizens from reuniting with their spouses, from the west bank and gaza strip. what the interior minister said, demographic reasons. do you think we'd like to see more such movies? more oppressive moves of the palestinian population within israel as the even more right when government coming to power will have a new government in israel led by most likely lead by benjamin netanyahu. you know, these, these are exactly the kinds of policies. i mean, honestly, these are soft compared to what they want to do. they want to completely ethnically cleanse all palestinians from the entire country. so this is just the process and you know, these kinds of laws separating palestinians in the west bank and inside israel or are just small steps in that process. the alpha buys in administration, doubles down on promises to send billions of dollars worth more in aid to ukraine.
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us citizens are asking why the taxes are being spent on helping a foreign country. when americans are left to suffer from the effects of inflation, we can get the details from new york corresponding caleb moping, keller, good to see. so how is the attitude of american citizens increasingly shifting focus away from foreign affairs and moving more towards domestic issues? while the increasingly unpopular biden administration continues to be harangue regarding its ukraine policy, many americans don't seem to be happy with the economic results of the by did ministrations press to escalate the conflict. one example we've seen from defensiveness on the part of us leaders has been this continued attempt to whitewash or ignore the presence of bar, right? not these sympathizing raises and extremist organizations, a mom the ukranian forces. this is, this is an example of the continued efforts by the us day to ignore and whitewash
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the reality of who the forces fighting against russia are at this time. congress when you're a hypocrite, because you are funding neo nazis and ukraine. they are wearing the ukranian, they are wearing the black on symbol, the same symbol that the buffalo shooter using the same symbol that the guy that the person who almost killed the vice president in argentina, you do voted to mobilize and send money for ukrainian not be your power regret the yeah, you will get the he's telling the right, you know, big home, big gather has shown god where you don't, how it is. i believe that you and you became the very thank you again now many americans are just not thrilled with the fact that so much american taxpayer money is being poured into ukraine while the country domestically is in
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shambles. crumbling infrastructure unpaid. ready roads, the water systems, not being properly operating power plants, et cetera. lot americans just aren't happy with the huge amount of money being poured into ukraine. it's such a time. talking about money to your credit. i have every right, this is back to you because you're the one of you to play with 80000000 to pray there also a 1000000000 money take down your fraud. now it appears at this point. the granting leader zalinski is asking for another $38000000000.00 from the united states in addition to everything he's already been given all the weapons, et cetera, but also come out showing that ukraine is not even among the top 9 issues that american voters are concerned about that when asked and what they are concerned about in. ready place and they list border security. they list crime,
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they don't even list ukraine among the top 9 issues, even though that is a priority. and one of the main things at the biden administration and its allies are speaking about when they address the public. now, at this point, there is another bill yet another bill to fund ukraine before the u. s. congress. many suspect this is something that the congress is trying to, you know, push through, and it would give another $50000000000.00 to ukraine. yet the mid term elections are drawing closer every day. november 8 americans will go to the polls and vote for new members, the house of representatives, new members of the us, congress, new governors, and a number of states. and it appears that the democratic party and the biden administration is on the defensive when it comes to their ukraine policy because all show that americans just don't line up with them. they're not happy with the economic consequences. so as the election gets closer, we shall see how that becomes and acted at the polls. caleb,
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any thanks for that information now. so he's kind of move now speaking to his life, new york. now the ag wants to plunder and spend billions of years worth of russian acids previously frozen by brussel season to rebuild ukraine. that's according to the commission's precedence. each our aim is not only to freeze but to cease the assets this athene. this is what the legal basis is concerned, not trivial. so as iraqi said already or we're working on that we have a greater to task force with all the experts also from our member states and international experts. which is called season freeze task force. not only to map what is out there has been frozen, but also what are the legal preconditions that have to be given to be able to seize and use these assets. for example, for the reconstruction of ukraine or their rural frozen assets evaluated over
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$300000000000.00 with the eve holding some $23000000000.00 of them. however, some you states are divided on how to proceed, as there was no existing legal authority to seize, rather than simply freeze russia related assets. miss vaughan de lion assures, though, that the you insists on the rule of law. however, the block's own constitution clearly prohibits the seizing of private property without rightful compensation. always keep in mind that we insist on the rule of law, and therefore we abide by the rule of law. and therefore, this process has to be legally sound. every one has the right to own use, dispose of and bequeath his or her lawful acquired possessions. no 1 may be deprived of his or her possessions except in the public interest. and in the cases and under the conditions provided for by law, subject to fair compensation being paid in good time for their loss. let's discuss
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this with canada about form of foreign secretary of india and exxon boss. does he say he gets france and russia many thanks to joining us on the program. it's nice to see about that. not a trivial legal question. that's exactly what the commission president said has self considering that would such a decision be in line with the rule of law? absolutely not. and i think they are conscious of that. they want to do it, but then they will be criticized. and later they can be open themselves, circle legal cases, both and look some book and it starts book if they are, the properties are unlawfully seized. so they are aware of this by their creating legislation in the process of doing that. and now they want to make it a criminal offense. if the restrictions that are imposed by, by the you,
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with regard to sanctions are breached. it will be a criminal offense. so they will, and are they want to have the consent personal, the private persons going forward themselves in order to protect themselves from future legal action by the new laws that have been created. you know, the entire foundation of western economic system, or at least ostensibly, is based on the rule of law. you can confiscate property of any one unless there is due process unless they are valid reasons to do so. and they are legally based. and all that is challenging, but later on in a court of law. but then here on the case of ukraine and russia, i think frankly the european union as lost all sense of proportion. and the more and more digging europe into a position where the re,
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establishment of normal dies with russia will become virtually impossible russia to europe. and if it is the largest country in the world with tremendous resources, europe cannot have any viable security architecture unless russia is part of it. and therefore, the long term and look for ways of accommodating russia in the security architecture. and therefore, begin the process of dialogue and diplomacy. but there's absolutely no word about dialogue and diplomacy. if anybody talks about dialogue, these immediately can as an appeaser and what have you with regard to the additional status and those of the legal ops and what have you. i think at the moment, or they're not focusing on the state that says they're focusing on the ss on the, on the box. but how are they going to determine that these assets have been
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illegally acquired in any normal functioning system? when you have to investigate these things, you get in touch with the country to which those business men belong in order to get evidence that can be sustained in a court of law. you need a cooperative mechanism. you gotta do it. unit, actually undecided. does that mean illegally acquired how illegally it required? how are they going to do this investigation? and so say, sorry for interrupting i didn't answer so he described the need to seize frozen mesh analysis as unprecedented. so essentially, the client is making up new rules. now, what kind of consequences could certainly have for unity within the it? i think they will be countries will be very concerned in the, in the long run about what it means in terms of the business environment, in the investment, in the relationship with nascar. and the image that europe wants to give to the world of often entity that is based on the law and rule of law is part of the
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values, which supposedly the european union, is attached to a euro in the long run. because other countries are watching and then know this is illegal. and then if they can actually do this to russia, that smaller countries with not so much staying power and feel very vulnerable in the future. so i, they're not thinking long term at all. it is amazing how this complete lack of a sense offered your politics and you can always. so i suppose a creating is such a president could really shake the sense of security that for your p marcus investors. well, yes, absolutely. and not only that, the investors, another chinese have invested 24 percent of whatever in the bought. what's a chinese, what we want to use? because china, china is in the other of the united states and united states and pushing europe who adopt and.


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