tv News RT October 27, 2022 9:00am-9:31am EDT
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a with a message to the pony. has monique, whoa, a scheduled to speak at the annual session of the involved i international discussion club today, shortly on the he's the warmth of an increase in global conflict. the town of sax, yours, in the republic of dawn. yes. comes on to worse, had from ukrainian for a pool of 2nd day stalking, a huge fire to scale back a cloud report. say the usa administration climb thing we work is quite counseling russian oil and maybe growing with the financial market with the long month. reassured twitter off of
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a job cut off that they were left along with it. the company might see the tag join knew this global info with for pm here in moscow. and because all the international with the latest that world news, not data very welcome to you. now the annual meeting of the vowels. our discussion club wraps up in moscow today, all the 4 days of discussions under the topic, a post hedge, a monic world, justice and security for everyone. talking about putin is expected to address a number of important global issues on the forum. the host of our teeth want to pause on a boy co, has more details to hold that discussion. cloth was sent back in 2004 as one of russia's leading platforms for international exchange and international engagement . and it's become quite a tradition for the russian president vladimir putin to address this forum. but
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these here are gathering it is really different from the previous years because many of the delegates agree that the year of 2022 became a real inflectional. if you will, a bifurcation point in the global crisis of governance. now this crisis has been building out for many, many years, if not decades, but it really came to the for early this year with the western refusal to accommodate thrushes as the central security interest. and the stop churning ukraine into essentially a battering ram against moscow that they've been pretty long talk, send an effort on the part of the frosh to try to persuade the west to settle this issue diplomatically and to stalled militarize in ukraine through sending armstrong for sending their military advisors, but the unfortunate did that i came to neu, whale as you, i'm sure,
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remember russia launched its military operation in february 2022, which changed everything in the world, not only economically, but also politically. and one of the major point of discussion here at the forum is how the world will be able to exist in this post had you morning era. now, when i, when i say postage morning, it sounds like a very low to turn, but this is something that's not just to russia, but many countries around the world are dissatisfied with this single handed, one sided privilege, economic and political privilege that the west is still trying to port for itself the so believe that everybody else should be in servitude to western interest that everybody else should develop according to western guidance, with western interest in mind. and it's true that russia was one of the 1st
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countries to resign dad, but it had, it has, man, has seen a lot of support in other parts of the world, not only in china, which also faces sanctioned a policy of containment from the united states. but for many other parts of the world, india, south africa, latin america, and many of the delegates from this country are present at vall, die. they do not necessarily support russia foreign policy, but they all are united in the need to develop a new world order that would be more balanced, more pluralistic, more colorful and more respectful of various countries interests and developmental pass that differences and their values. and i'm sure this is something that large and important it will be asked about it on the eve of these, for some of the die members told those that they see rushes goal at
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this point of time as protecting, surely protecting national security interest, but also by doing that, ensuring that a new world order emerges and you will go to that does not have to be chaotic. i mean, we're heard recently from the u. s. secretary of state anthony blink. and again, reiterate this old american point, that if it's not the united states us late in the world, then it will disintegrating to kate. this is not something that the rest of the world and the known western rest of the world agrees that many new forms of co operation emerging. for example, within the form of the breaks organization. you know, dealing with each other in local currency, establishing new ways of circumventing western dominated system. but many of the participants here also stressed that in and of itself, that you will, there's no gear against the west because many of the people of western countries, they are suffering from this unfair arrangement as well. they see the degree
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deterioration of their living standards. the disintegration of the traditional social and cultural values that sustain humanity for many, many centuries. if not millennia, as they believe that if the west and the rest can come together in a mutually respectful way, then we can actually, you know, create a system that would be beneficial for all. but as i, as i'm saying that i'm also where the, this rather when nuclear confrontation is very much on everybody's mind. not only because of the recent announcements from the russians, defense ministry, about their suspicions of ukraine trying to develop and nuclear dodie bomb. but also referred to some news from political that the united states has made a decision to speed up the modernization of its tactical nuclear capabilities in
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europe. which may ask, play this conflict even further, but hopefully it's something we will hear more on back from vladimir putin. the town of south to was can the don't you as republicans come and the ukranian shelling for a 2nd day oil detto fuel tanks were left in flames off to kiev. who is 53 miss sounds from a hi moms rocket system. that's according to the republic student center for control and coordination as yet no injury since we reported a previous asked, rankles that hit an oil debt her, which caused a series of explosions and a large fire which then spread to neighboring residential buildings. the plays also engulfed a railway station but was soon brought on the control lead to local residents being evacuated. locals describe the situation. the white glove is that there were 2 explosions, means the 1st was smaller and the 2nd was louder. the tank exploded. i didn't hear that so i could sell have
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a 1000000000 that they blew out on the boss and by the time we get out everything was in for me. can you give me a drone flu and have a type of gasoline for my wife? heard the exploit was clearly full. he did not explode, it just has very strongly in cold fire. saudi arabia is energy minister, has slammed a release of emergency oil reserves as a manipulation of markets. as off the job by the now he was a free and have final 15000000 barrels on the market from us strategic reserves. they contribute to rachel. marston has more. saudi arabia is accusing theme america . world police are trying to police global energy markets. now not just through attempts to cap sale price of russian oil, but by other means as well. people out of the think that emergency stocks, yes, had depleted, used it as a mechanism to renew for that market. while it is
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profound purpose was to mitigate shortages of supply. so we're learning now from western media report. so biden thought that he had to deal with this to boost oil production and your to lower prices in the wake of his visit to re out over the summer. but it sure doesn't sound like the saudis we're on the same page is bided. not only has that production have not materialized, but the devil's in the desert form in riyadh this week. the saudi energy minister said, quote, we keep hearing argue with us or against. is there any room for, are we with the saudi. ready people, so clarity, react isn't going to sacrifice its own revenue just to appease washington and making it and then bossing around the saudi hasn't really worked out well. the white house warned wall street to think about. reputation. ok before heading off or i'm in reality. so there's no dwindling unity even between washington and wall street over which countries to treat like a pariah. and while that list just needs to be getting longer,
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as countries insist on defending their own interests, rather than simply catering to washington. now, washington is really upset that the saudis, as a member of plus, are calling the shots on oil prices at a time when washington goal is to force those prices down with the strict oil pride cap in order to start russia of revenue. so this russian oil price tap was washington's idea. and the only countries willing to buy into it right now are the western dominated g 7 group of countries, australia, and maybe south korea as well. and at a higher price than what treasury secretary janet yell and want it. so we're talking more like the $60.00 a barrel mark instead of $40.00 a barrel. and by the way, year olds, crude is currently averaging around $74.00 a barrel. europe isn't happy with washing now either because it needs much cheaper energy in the wake of sanctioning its own cheap gas supply from russia. brussels is
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also reportedly upset that the u. s. isn't as willing to act more recklessly with its own oil supply, like you has with a gas supply from russia and figures that this high price cap won't hit russia's revenue hard enough. so brussels is learning that when push comes to shove, washington isn't going to sacrifice its economy and industry for purely ideological purposes, to be stent that the e u has in the interest of taking it to vladimir putin. so this whole idea of the west trying to control global energy market lead by washington is pretty absurd. not like india, china or africa or the middle east are going to sign off. so the idea of a western fires cartel as some kind of counter to opec plus it's kind of like found at the football game that no one really seems to be interested in except for their little quick and must have denied widespread allegations that want to buy twitter, he plans to slash
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a 75 percent of its stuff according to bloomberg. the 1000000000 that is to buy twitter for $44000000000.00 on friday. ortiz on a quarter broke down the story for earlier. here in the studio with my colleague peter scott. while the alarm musk pretty much walked right through the front doors of twitters headquarters, a with a full sized porcelain sink in his hands, and he later posted the video on twitter with did the caption entering twitter h q. let that sink in. so no doubt that was a publicity stunt to build some hyper on the fact that you learn mosque is set to take full ownership over the social media corporation on friday. but while he was there, he also rejected reports that he was planning to get rid of 75 percent of twitter staff that what he just said, that was not true. and this was a statement he made just several days after we saw a group of twitter employees apparently write a letter, pleading with eli must not to go through with these plans that was published on by
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time magazine. well that, let's say, so it's a lot about how those possible layoffs could affect with his ability to quote the influence, the public. what exactly did he mean by that? the law. yeah. the, the word choice of the honors of this letter was definitely very interesting because alongside all these claims that ilan mosques, decision to lay off workers was, it would be reckless that it would be an act of work or intimidation. there was also a sort of tacit admission that twitter actively tries to influence people's ideas and political opinions around the world. let's take listen to what the letter actually said. elan must explain to lay of 75 percent of to we to workers will hurt to which his ability to serve the public conversation to it to has significant effects on societies and communities across the globe as we speak, twitter is helping to uplift independent journalism in ukraine in iran as well as power as social movements around the world. i must cause previously hinted thus stuff up, twits, i have a quote to strong left wing bias. do you think that's the case? don't?
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well, it would probably be better to say more accurate to say that they have an anti republican by us. after all, must made that statement. he pointed towards that bias, after twitter failed to censor a journalist who act openly called for violence against anti abortion conservatives on the platform. and of course, the biggest example of some sort of anti republican bias would be the platforms decision to a completely banned the account of former republican president donald trump. so people have been complaining about one sided moderation on this platform for a while now. and that's likely something that's going to change if and when you're on mosque takes control of the company. meanwhile, south africa's capital is in the 1st set of talks between the ethiopian army, with allied troops from eritrea, antique re rebels following 2 years of bloody conflict. ah,
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yes, it talks come off to an ethiopian government offensive on the t gray region this week. the country's forces at captured 3 key towns in the territory, the most significant gains on the battlefield in recent months. our teeth corrales hot lamp rings more details. finally, array of hope to f ending the 2 year long conflict in africa's 2nd most populous nation. these are the 1st peace talks between the warring factions. but this conflict has 3 different sites. the ethiopian government forces troops from neighboring eritrea, as well as the t grey government forces. the talks in pretoria i happening as fighting intensifies beg home. only this weekend, the ethiopian government announced that it had made major advances in t great territory. meaning many to us, the question, what hold there is for these talks that god should be the 1st one. so i q
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fees there 1st thing the question of the 2nd one is which, which are the bad that you spoke should be withdrawn from the brighten up. and the money should be research as estimates between 300100000 people have lost their lives as a result of the ongoing conflict. and most of them died due to lack of food and health care. but overwhelmingly, it is the authorities of great which have suffered the most millions of people have been displaced. and there has been massive damage to property, including the great capital mckelly and the fuel p. and government also announced that it intends to capture all apple in the country. the government
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by where i live in the country. it's furious. economy, curious, information called them. so even the country the county bomb b i. what about i, i'm the 1000000 b, but the problem i've been it has been delayed by the diesel that the damage is using these people. i covered the date, the 5 being miles and negotiations. i said to come to him and on sunday, but it's anyone's guess as to how much groundwork would have been covered all agreed to the african union. the host of these particular talks i headquartered in ethiopia, capital above. and until these talk started, many a question, the timid approach that the organization has head to what's bringing the warring
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factions to the negotiated team. but for many observers, looking in these talks may just be the 1st step towards laying ground for future talks on a long time to what sustainable piece in a p, o p. and the greater horn of africa reaches the have. these are the that the africans unit or the well yes, because it has never been like i know i never ask about a lot of day which community shows me and i know i've the same time they have to talk this. don't worry unless they have not gotten them head to the african who didn't
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ah, one person has been killed as thousands of demonstrators rallied in sudanese capital cards, him demanding a transition to civilian rule security for this of years, tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse the crowd fit protests, the wholesale taken place in nearby cities. sydney's demonstrators have been to monica transition to civilian rule with near weekly pro democracy marches. they face a violent response from the military with over a 100 civilians killed since protest began. we have the latest from locals on the grounds. your mom, i'm so a unit, dorman, yes, best is the key rama. the reason we exist is like any other pollution, re who 6 the unity of this country and wants to overthrow the q installed government. once they stablish mint over trans national civil authority and transitional government, it's been a year since the q and so far, one heart, 18 notice had fallen. we are seeking just love and i state of florida. no. oh, seal authority not and the army she returned to the military barracks ships. i'm
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gonna send her, i'm out today because her freedom was missing. we still have many things that we haven't had she hadn't. we're looking for freedom and justice. we're looking for many simple things to be available for us. bread and water. very simple needs to be available, the alone. the other big issues like judiciary, about that was to get a better understanding on what lies behind the protest. sandy, if outside countries could be involved in the political tame all in sudan, we spoke to independent analysts that mackey elma grabby. i don't think that there was that he was going so or, or the government even during the error of that before the military. i was trying to manipulate so that a weak government, there was some kind of deals between the military and with it. and that was clearly because i
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didn't, i knew full, i should add and he submitted his condition to her. and that does a way of the completion of all of them so that they will know the event. she didn't get weaker intervention. who gets stronger with that and get more united. that intervention will be the lower the you want to see on spend billions of you are worth of russian assets previously frozen by brussels to use them to rebuild ukraine. according to the commission's presence, each, our aim is not only to freeze but to seize the assets. this is the aim. this is what the legal basis is concerned, not trivial. so as iraqi said already,
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we are working on that. we have created a task force with all the experts also from our member states and international experts which is called season freeze task force. not only to map what is out there has been frozen, but also what are the legal preconditions that have to be given to be able to seize and use these assets. for example, for the reconstruction of ukraine and total over $300000000000.00 of assets have been frozen with $23000000000.00 in the u. however, there's division among you states on how to proceed as there is no existing legal basis to thise. instead of fries ration assets as of on the line is this the b, e. you will follow the letter of the law, but the blocks own constitution prohibits the seizure of private property without compensation. always keep in mind that we insist on the rule of law, and therefore we abide by the rule of law. and therefore,
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this process has to be legally sound. every one has the right to own use, dispose of and bequeath he's or her lawfully quiet possessions. no 1 may be deprived of his or her possessions except in the public interest and in the cases and under the conditions provided for by law, subject to fur, compensation being paid in good time for their loss. come was about a former indian foreign secretary says that if the ag goes ahead with this decision, it will undermine its reputation as a trustworthy partner. the entire foundation of western economic system, or at least ostensibly, is based on the rule of law. you've gone confiscate property of anyone unless there is due process unless they are valid reasons to do so and they are legally based and all that is challenging, but later on in a court of law. but then here on the case of ukraine and russia,
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i think frankly the european union as lost all sense of proportion. i think they will be a countries will feel very concerned in the, in the long run and about what it means in terms of the business environment, in the investment in the u relations with russia and the image that in europe wants to give to the world of, of, of an entity that is based on the rule of law and rule of law is part of the values, which supposedly the european union is attached to. i did a little grid damage to europe in the long run because other countries are watching . and i know this is illegal and that if they can actually do this to russia than smaller countries with not so mustang, our leisure can feel very vulnerable in the future. so they're not thinking long term at all. it's amazing how this complete lack of a sense offer your politics and jaretha nomics. thanks for joining us. hey,
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an entire country's culture has been cancelled. the very modern weapon cancel, culture really desperate. wonderful. lucille malice, luther william frog yet just me sitting around it with the phrase now particularly for us to counseling russian culture. yet i know what equally up a few orders go, because if you're, when you're miles for cure, which of over your child with zillow, that all the damage to the temperature random eat them, we. what rushes created over the past 1500 years. there's no question. partially condemned, reviled and reject it to sort of like a sunny at the will of bramble. there's a lot closer on a whole bunch. thank you said a little short list. joining total condemnation, gross daily, and now includes dostoevsky to cascade shostakovich that i need to you
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a quick tour left. but yes sir, that would just be the time. will you do a bummer lee? you're not going to do that a little bit more. ah, so what he's got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy even foundation, let it be an arms race who is on offensive, very dramatic development. only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult, time. time to sit down and talk. oh
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russia is the aggression? no. if injured much about it, we have any quality for russians. we are actual racism, bigotry, against russians. it's now dangerous to be russian in europe. so i work with can't be ignored soon as possible. is a nation suddenly be dislike one of the hotel. it, he always there and only now come to the for the most full show the most for so for the do, it is rooted will be a new one hasn't been seen before. in their perspective was there was a form, some unit, the studies before the door. i knew that i knew you started ok. you know, people not yes. who's dial? it was the exact or could go with his i here because that's
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a theme is usually when you got a question with conservative. i mean, it was due to me, delusions, wilbur, worse. you, all we gotta do is get him over the head and just tell him the right way to live near is going to do it as a whole. do it before i let you move up just to be. yeah. just play a shy many, the kids. i tried to understand why my old colleague's used to say 9 feet person on tuition for position. i'm in some results and i discovered some very deep or so since long, long time game it and is a well known generalist and politician. he had the geneva pres club that wrote
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a famous book, creating lucifer b from the great religious schism to anti boot in hysteria, in which he contends the rooster phobia in western europe isn't new, but has been there for centuries. to source for, for big narrative is set on 2 main arguments. one is russia is with dorsey, it was a tier one you read, saw it was a tier one during subject times, and now it's to run you doing to president sure. a lot of times the 2nd phone is worse than expansions, russian, to be honest, it's completely fake. but this is always the same games of visit to any bookshelf in europe or the us is enough to reveal the strength of anti russian sentiment today. love to keep us, he showed me here or to go to peace, chris, but on, you know, some with at the store and you probably lock shortcut which you poll it.
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