tv News RT October 27, 2022 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT
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[000:00:00;00] a with dominating the world if some of the west has put a stake in its game. this game is certainly dangerous, bloody, and i would say a lot of americans star assessment of quote, the west game against the world. it is speech at the annual session of the valve discussion club, the russian leader address and number of global issues with information terrorist usaa canada as blacklisted by. yeah, for suggesting a diplomatic solution to the ukraine. more recent to diane's or so. i don't think it's, you know,
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the wisest thing to do if you're interested in security to start throwing these terms around information, terrorist playing the blame game. as canadian police claim, there were 4 and actors involved with fuckers protests last winter. the nation's security intelligence service has no evidence of boron employees was found. we take a closer look at the story with her mom scouts of the world. this is our t international. i'm rachel robins, and these are the top stories. this our a bloody, dangerous and dirty game, that's how vladimir putin has described, the west current international policy. he was speaking at the annual session of the vall, that international discussion club here in moscow, where he address a number of major global issues. here are some of the highlights that goes away with that sir, but the so called collective west. it's a nominal term, of course,
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since is no unity there. in the past few months, it is made a number of steps towards escalation list, not miram, dominating the world is some of the west has put at stake in its game. but this game is certainly dangerous, bloody. and i would say dirty up there with a dispute issuing learning. we are seeing him not the systemic, but a doctrinal crisis of the american style, neo liberal model of world order. they simply have nothing to offer the world except for their continued had germany at the, when you're saying their prayer, today's universal rule to the west is to turn everybody into instruments used to achieve its goals. and if anyone doesn't want to become such an instrument, they are targeted with sanctions, or even face organized coups. and if none of this works, the ultimate goal is to destroy them. oksana blackout harvest of archie's worlds apart brings as the main points of the russian president's speech. that main idea
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was that the current arrangement of power in the world, in which western elite deemed themselves to be both the leaders of the world and in which they approach the rest of the world as a resource base. as something that is, i came to that old property was unsustainable, not only because the west failed and what it assumes itself to be that is the leadership. it's failed to address any number of global issues. bead climate change globally, the quality of food and energy crisis. in fact, let me put in suggested that it was through the very short sighted policies, political policies of western and leave that those crisis were exacerbated. but he went even further than this. he said that we have come to a point in global development and human development when countries around to will no longer want to be held in servitude to the interest of the powers that be
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at those interests. according to him serve not even the western societies according to logic pollutant. washington leads everything that they do ultimately serves that own very, very narrow interest. and he believes that this is going to continue for some time . he predicted that the next decade is probably going to be one of the most dangerous decades since world war 2. nevertheless, he tried to reassure both the vol die audience. and i think global audience is that russia understands this responsibility before the rest of the world. that it will act responsibly, 1st and foremost, as a, as a nuclear nation. he said that russia is interested in the fair and the piece will, will then one way, the major way of achieving that is through the respect to global diversity. he said that will benefit from the symphony of civilization from the symphony of cultures
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and this sort of unification that the west tries to impose on the rest of the globe . arguing that its weight is the only way, was not only abusive and disrespectful alva other cultures, but also extremely exploited. if you said that right now, the world is prime for liberating itself from the old servitude of the western civilization or the western powers. we good as soon as the benefits of globalization began to profit, not only western countries, but also major agent states, the west immediately change or even abolish the rules that was such arrogance has been in place since colonial times when they considered all peoples 2nd cause. but themselves today, new centers of power are appearing, take asia, africa. yes, africa is a poor continent as of yet, but it does have great potential and look at latin america. all these countries
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will continue that development. you also made a very interesting and a repetitive point that russia was not fighting against the west. one, those actually even fighting against western leave and that it had a lot of allies in the was specifically, was asked whether he has any message or, you know, ordinary people in the western countries. and he said that yes, people in the west, ordinary people who do i need to know that russia is not there and the me a rush, he's not trying to take anything from them. it's only once you have the right to develop according to its own culture, according to its own vision, and in balance and fairness with other countries. this years valve, i form which president putin addressed was focused on discussing a post hedge, a monic world gas from $41.00 countries, attended the event. we spoke to the former sri lankan ambassador to moscow,
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who said the west has failed to isolate russia. western sanctions affects the people of the west, and it also affects the people of the global south. but fortunately, there are new trends and tendencies in the world. economy of the middle level powers of being more economists and they have their relationships with russia. we will have to see what the new patterns are and how we can tap into those that are many countries and people in many countries. many societies wanting to cooperate with russia. russia is not isolated at all. it is this group is giovanni collective west. that is isolating itself from russia and it is also hurting it by damaging the global economy. and it is this block that is trying to regain the global head,
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your money that is beginning to lose because the world is more multi polar in economic terms. and in strategic terms, lot america, and also raise his concerns over a possible dirty bomb vol. 5 operation by ukraine warnings which the west is repeatedly dismissed as false. while ukraine has accused moscow of escalating its rhetoric on the potential use of nuclear weapons, the russian president stress there will be no political or military game for the use of such weapons. and ukraine is legitimate. no, no, it is no coincidence that we have published information from our security services that ukraine is preparing an incident with the use of a dirty bomb. this thing is very easy to make. we even roughly know where to be prepared. the place where remnants of nuclear fuel are converted ukraine has the necessary technology so they can load it on to toss. can you blow it up somewhere and say russia did it? russia launched a nuclear strike. we did not need this. there was no point in it. neither political
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norm, unless heavily, we do not need this. there is no point in it, neither political nor military. it was i who instructed defense minister showing it to call all his colleagues and inform them about it. we cannot pass by such things as any russian defense minister survey showing how the theories of phone calls with his counterparts from the u. s. u. k. france and turkey. on this issue. it comes after russian media published a report claiming that the government and yet was preparing a provocation involving a so called dirty bomb. our des, roman coast, europe, has more russia's ria novice sinews agency claims to have a source that revealed the key if regime has already completed technical preparations for a provocation with a dirty bomb. according to their news release specialists from the ukranian rocket manufacturer, huge marsh, have prepared a replica of a russian is consider miss style,
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which will be filled with radioactive material. the next step in the provocation will be ukraine, allegedly intercepting the rocket over the exclusion zone of the chernobyl nuclear power plant. and announcing that it was russia that launched it after the supposed doubting of the dummy rocket. the key of authorities intent to present to the world . it's fragments and electronic elements in order to convince the western public of russia's guilt. the source also claims that the replica model of these concern missile was made on the basis of a projectile. from the tosca old missile system, russian authorities have been warding the world for weeks now that ukraine is preparing a provocation using a dirty bomb. but for now all calls to pay attention have falling on deaf ears, including in the un security council. meanwhile, on united states,
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a candidate for the senate has been blacklisted by the ukrainian government and called in information terrorists for a narrative that flies in the face of washington's plans. the crane. and i do want a better answer because the state department is funding it. i've been on the website for the center for countering disinformation, which has my name on the list and says, i am an information terrorist who should be charged with war crimes. and that does put me in danger. people on it have been attacked and killed. i got a package today in the mail that she had rattling noises in it that said something about ukraine, and i had to call the police because i didn't know what was in it. they are killing people. the website which the u. s. senate candidate mentioned works under that ukraine defense council. the names of people who promote so called pro russian propaganda are published on the site. we spoke to diane sar herself on what it
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feels like to be put on a traders list. so far as i know, knock on wood know, american has been attacked in the united states on this list, but there is only about an hour from my office, a camp for a band arest youth. so i don't think it's, you know, the wisest thing to do if you're interested in security to start throwing these terms around information, terrorist things like that. senator schumer has refused to answer inquiries both from myself and a former un weapons inspector, scott ritter. we're both new york state residents were both on this list and really raised the question, given that i'm an opponent of schumer, is this some indirect way of silencing me at least 2 or putting me in dangerous. we have
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a narrative which frankly is wearing thin in the united states and i think. busy overwhelming sentiment in the united states is that this war must be ended diplomatically with legitimate security concerns of both russia and ukraine addressed congress and the united states. frankly, as largely unaware of how overwhelmingly opposed americans are to our involvement in this conflict. and the more that we can get that message across to them, the more i think we have a chance of getting the policy changed. this comes as political consensus over a to ukraine is under string with mid term elections fast approaching democratic party, congress members have retracted a recent letter urging joe biden to engage with russia and direct p stalks. the chair of the progressive caucus of the us house of representatives says the letter was a mistake. polls show that american voters seem to be unwilling to buy the narrative
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of unlimited a ukraine, increasingly challenging politicians. karma, now, there's a nuclear war. would you voted to send you the money to ukraine? i have every right to disrespect you because you're the 112 you inflated with 80000000 ukraine data, also a 1000000000. posit brent, you're right if a credit because you are funding neo nazis and ukraine, they are wearing the ukranian. they are wearing the black don symbol. you say you want, i advance a black car, but you are funding the same people who you tell in the name of white supremacy. i could say, not only are we not changed our approach the cream, but we haven't seen any definition or any, any concern expressed by our allies and partners. either the democrats, as you know, that they pull the letter back or let them speak to their decision making. but we
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have enjoyed and continue to enjoy terrific bipartisan support for our approach to ukraine. presidents not worried about that. and earlier this month, i'm on month university. paul revealed that funding ukraine is not on the list of top issues in the us, showing that american voters are mostly concerned with issues such as inflation and crime. the candidate for the u. s. senate believes washington is out of touch with us voters. we have to cut the budget, we can't afford it. that's. i would be happy for that. but i would hope that people would have a more enlightened view that perhaps the united states should consider changing its relationship to the rest of the world. other nations being independent and developed, should not be perceived as a threat to us. why is russia an enemy? who, why is the world defined that way? i think we have to take a step back and reconsider everything. perhaps the enemy of mankind is poverty.
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where the enemy is an asteroid that might coreen into the earth, and we should, we should reorganize the entire thing the, the possibility of an accident when you have these nuclear drills being done by nato. and then the response from russia and the rhetoric that we see, and frankly, the, what i would call a shocking lack of conscience in certain intelligence and military enclave is i don't know what to call them factions in the united states. i'm wondering where they say this is too much, we've gone a step too far. really. i think that they have somehow cut off from the people. they don't hear what people are saying and morning that that has to change their fair elections, which is also a big question in the united states. i think that red su nami, is extremely likely. and unfortunately,
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the parties tend to be unified on matters of war. but i think there is really a faction around former president trump that wants out of this conflict. you may have seen that congressman goes star from arizona actually offered to hold peace talks. he sent a letter inviting both put an end zalinski to arizona, saying that he said, i'm not a diplomat, but i can't sit by and allow this to continue. last winter, the canadian conway protests made headlines. those hundreds of truckers opposed cobra mandate. canadian police have claimed that foreign actors, including russia, has been involved as a saga. the canadian security intelligence service, however, has allegedly painted a different picture, are to fear ela isabel takes up the story, funded by far right extremist, with russian influence. those were some of the claims suggested by the ontario
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provincial police about the protest led by canadian truckers in february against mandatory vaccination canadian pierre trudeau even invoked an emergency act stating a high level national threat posed by the protesters. ah the block occupations are illegal. there are a threat to our economy. the relationship with trading partners. ah, turns out canadian m p 's are now demanding answers the an inquiry as to why those
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claims on the security threat or widely different between what the o p p commissioner told the committee and march about the protest. and what it's head of intelligence recently said on one end, the documents in a confidential police intelligence report warned that the freedom movement protests were a long term security threat, and that foreign adversaries may have been behind the protest. previous reporting noted controversial political figures in the us voicing support for the blockades and ottawa, in windsor, and foreign funding of the auto blockade. much of it from the u. s. the recent reporting regarding the possible use of bogus social media accounts by for an actors overseas to promote the blockade suggest another external influence in domestic affairs. but the documents made public by the inquiry contradicted these statements with the director of the canadian security intelligence service c,
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as i s saying that there were no foreign actors financing the convoy in another report. the o. p. p. intelligence analyst had flagged an interview that an ontario and p p and convoy supporter gave to r t. r t. formerly russia today is reported to be a russian government controlled platform for directing disinformation at the west to benefit the strategic foreign policy objectives of the russian state. but c, s i s, disagreed with the prevented all operational intelligence bureaus. view that the protest fit the minimum threshold to be labeled a potential national security threat. yet debbie m. p. krista freelance that a dangerous president and froze bank accounts based on that claim using the unsubstantiated specter of foreign influence to quash legitimate public domestic descent. and when some republicans in the us raise their voices in support of the freedom convoy. they were accused by canadian politicians of interference themselves. we need to be vigilant about potential for an interference. whatever
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statements may have been made by some foreign official are neither here nor there were canadian, we have our own set of laws, we will follow them. need to stop the funds that are flowing in from the united states. very clearly for an interference, it seems like canada was looking for anybody to blame for an organic public discontent with the current mandates and the expected scape goat was. of course, russia given canada support of ukraine in this current crisis with russia. i don't know if it's far fetched to ask, but, but there is concerns that russian actors could be continuing to fuel things. remember the freedom con boy? well, it has telegram channels with a collective audience about $48000.00 participants. but instead of posting about truck then back scenes, a lot of the posts are now saying stuff like, man. this one claims news invading ukraine to destroy us run bio weapons lab. and
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yes, we are t, we're later blame for covering this protest. more than the mainstream media who are flat out ignoring the freedom convoy protests in favor of accusing russia are trying to tie it to neo nazis, even as canada itself continued funding ukraine's as of extremists with weapons. and when a researcher analyzed the hours major for an outlet spent covering the record convoy over the course of one month, r t came out on top. so it's canadian intelligence has admitted that neither russia nor the us, nor anyone else is to blame. who is now we're finally getting to a point where things like courts and other proceedings like the emergencies acting, where you can actually take a look back and evaluate what happened. i think the sudden, 1st of support we saw for the, the protest came from the fact that it came after 2 years of covey restrictions,
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1st, last downs and vaccine mandates. people lost their jobs, their livelihoods. and there was a lot of frustration that people felt like they weren't being heard. and i think what started as a proper convoy sparked that and became a focal point for that. for those feelings. in fact, this was just a massive grass roots protest by average canadians us president by then claims he doesn't want conflict with china while simultaneously launching. what has been described as a tech war against b jane. you must maintain, as i said, a military advantage. but we're making it clear that we don't see conflict told, we're looking for competition statistic, competition back, the need be conflict, but we are going to compete. so just competition, not conflict. that's what joe biden says, but it doesn't look like friendly competition. when the united states is moving to
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crush china as ability to produce semiconductor chips, these trade policies are being called out as unfair. the reality is that the us is determined to use microchips as a tool to contain china. there is no possibility of reconciliation. and what was nancy? pelosi is trip to taiwan is not an effort to provoke conflict. anything we saw us media cheering on and egging on the possibility of some kind of military confrontation resulting from it. now the u. s. a is piling all kinds of weapons into taiwan. and there is a bill before the u. s. congress that would essentially renege on the one china policy. the state seems to be prepping its european allies for war, as well, urging them to stockpile weapons. and of course purchased more of them from the united states. we hear from us colleagues, actually advice, invest in your own strategic enablers because there might come a time. and it could be pretty soon when actually we,
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the u. s. might be engaged fully elsewhere in asia pacific and we will be simply unable to support you. and as washington goes, so goes there allies. a poll now shows that 50 percent of those living in australia would be in favor of military action to defend taiwan. so while joe biden says he does not seek any confrontation or conflict with china, he simply wants competition. his actions tell us something very different and the result of those actions going to have dire consequences for the world war is a very intense thing. latest defense, strategic pay for this recently come out lists. china is more dangerous than russia. well, the tech industry is choke point for the chinese for their future. and 5th, 6 generation development, for example, and they're pushing electronics very, very hard. that's a very significant development that puts the united states in the position then of
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trying to catch up. and then in the past, we've always been in the forefront. so that's why the united states regards china is the greatest threat. not just economic, but militarily, if the competing of, of technologies and staying ahead in order to compete in one sense, but the by the ministration is also very, very concerned with the develop, with chinese development of its belt road of it's of its ability now to bring other countries, together under the auspices of the shanghai cooperation organization, as well as bricks and a which china is a member and it's becoming and the united states sees that now as a threat. losing 25 percent of its share value in just one day. another tech company meta has it, it's the lowest numbers and 6 years after the company reported it 2nd straight,
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quarterly revenue decline face looks, parent company sides earnings plunge to $27000000000.00 compared to an expected 28 and a half 1000000000, which turned out to be a disappointing result for investors. it said investors can see around 80000000000 worth of market capitalization wiped from the company. radio host carry harrison, thanks to zachary bergs failed plan to create and met adverse could be behind the fall. zuckerberg is hell bent on replicating what he originally did with facebook. he's competing against apple, which he sees as the big villain in this scheme. and of course, soccer burgers lost a 100. we were talking a $100000000000.00. whoever gets to talk about losing that much money, but he wants to own this, met averse, such as it is, which is going to be the next phase of the internet. and he's not going to stop 200000000 microsoft p c's,
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that people will buy all being replaced by what mark soccer burg says will be met as new invention. we just have no evidence that it could ever happen. and that's why all wall street is reacting the way it is with such financial violence. the reports are coming in that tech tycoon. eli mosque has officially taken over twitter, beginning his ownership by apparently firing the top executives of one of the world's most popular social networks. before the news hit, the headline staff at twitter reportedly admitted to trying to empower different social movements around the world while also signing a letter of protests against the upcoming acquisition. you must explain to lay off 75 percent of the workers will hurt tweaked, his ability to serve the public conversation. twitter has significant effects on societies and communities across the globe as we speak. twitter is helping to uplift independent journalism in ukraine and iran,
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as well as power as social movements around the world. meanwhile, musk himself has apparently denied having plans to cut 75 percent of twitter employees after his takeover of the company. the billionaire earlier criticize the platforms, policy on content moderation, arguing that twitter should be a platform for free speech we spoke to the expert, haven't do go who says that twitter is changing its approach and trying to influence political processes in different countries. look to do has always been a political, a weapon for ro, manipulating the new building, or even impacting or influencing political processes and thought process. no wonder project return to the plate of an important dog in the you are selections. oh, in going ahead and disseminating the anti i trump messages with the coming of ill and mosque, we should potentially now leasing a new approach on what kind of
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a tutor will know how it's content motivation. policies are likely to change. it's likely to become far more liberal in allowing more criticism and more significantly, it is likely to become far more impartial than what is currently are predicting. it's to be so all eyes will be on how these changes come across in today because when the talk man who's what your company decides to, how would change the mindset and get more diversity of you. you point an opinion, i expect that is that the actual that the company would ultimately be following the last day of the your region. economic forum. how then by could with the support of the country's economy, ministry is set to begin. the agenda includes topics such as the transition to a multi polar world order, new realities of raw material and energy markets. to name a few. we talked to the president of the american university in moscow. edward
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