tv Cross Talk RT October 28, 2022 2:30am-3:01am EDT
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gro, bilateral relations has continued all these years, and i do sincerely hope that the territorial builds which of the 2 countries can be resolved as soon as possible through peaceful beings. and that's all for now, we're here to check out our t dot com for all of the latest breaking news and updates. we'll see you right back here at the top of the hour. me oh, you're sacrificing a baby with a baby so you can go to read a new sacrifice in a baby so you can have freedom to go. you sacrificing. you. sacrificing
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a baby convenience. there's nothing to do with there's nothing happy about a baby's name. so abortion was illegal in the united states until the case of roe vs wade made its way to the supreme court in the early 19 seventies. jane rowe was not her real name. there was a woman before her that was known as jane doe. she dropped out of the case. the 2nd one was jane row. she was pregnant and wanted an abortion, but abortion was outlawed. so she filed a federal law suit and went through the entire federal court system. until finally, the supreme court ruled by a vote of, i think it was 7 to 2 that a woman has a constitutional rights to privacy. now this, these words right to privacy, opened
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a door that just changed american society because right to privacy meant a right to have sex with whoever you wanted in the privacy of your own home. so sodomy, laws were overturned, it was a right to have an abortion. it was a right to to be gay. all these cultural laws that we had were thrown out in the roe vs wade decision. and then abortion clinics opened all around the country. now, some states were able to put a cap on abortions in that you could have an abortion if you work less than 3 months pregnant or less than 6 months pregnant after 6 months, only if the woman's life was in danger. i had an abortion. i am a mother today because i had an abortion in 2012 and that abortion saved my life and was the one act of kindness that i could give the child that was not driving
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inside of me. choosing to terminate that pregnancy meant that that growing fetus had a dignified end to their life. i'm sorry, go, wasn't jo diagnosis. ok. yeah. so my son was diagnosed my son had a congenital disorder that was causing all of his joints to fuse and extension. so as he grew in my uterus, his bones were breaking, and my uterus couldn't support a growing fetus that wouldn't bend. i was on tried here at the time and because of the federal ban of the phantom federally funded abortion, despite 3 health care providers saying my health was at risk that i could die carrying this pregnancy. my insurance refused to cover it. so we were forced to travel out of state to find a place where it was affordable. and i'm very grateful to the people of new york who helped take care of me in that time. but it's not the dignified way
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a person who should be able to access their health care. so there's a lot of change that needs to happen now. so if you have a big i, i'm here because women's bodies are their own and they should have the right to choose whatever is best for them. and this is taking away more than just to person . this will lead to more serious consequences. i think the supreme court like very our, our balance in this country and we don't have that balance right now. when you have it is not speaking for the american people like 75 percent of us agree with. no one is tell us what to do with our bodies. this comes from our country being the one that's closer to the battery and i'm gonna buy it as i can use, prevent that from happening with. this was the case for the last 50 years. and ever since the day that the roe vs wade
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decision came down. conservatives, led by the evangelical christian movement, have worked to overturn it. and the way you overturn it is to elect republican presidents to appoint conservatives to the supreme court. and once you have enough conservatives on the supreme court, you can throw out precedent and change the law. well, it took 50 years for 49 years. yeah. well, just this year, the supreme court astonished everybody by reversing its longstanding abortion policy. you know, it overturned the ro versus wade and planned parenthood versus casey decisions in one fell swoop. and what everybody says it returns the issue of abortion back to the states. now that's good in some ways because there are pro life states that will. 3 make, you know, in some way outlaw abortion, they will at least shut down the surgical abortion centers, and that will probably save some lives. mm. mm. well the
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overturning of roe vs wade. well, it's a tremendous victory. it's a historic victory. something we fought for for almost 50 years. you know, it's something to celebrate and, and tremendous achievement. i mean, nobody really expected it to happen until just a few years ago when we finally started to talk about this day. but at the same time, it also presents a tremendous challenge because in a real sense, the pro life when, when really only begins now with the overturning of roadway. because now at last we have the ability to actually legislate against abortion in a meaningful way. all cross united states, but at the same time we see so much propaganda even lies being told about us and about what pro life measures are doing or not doing all over the country coming from the mainstream media coming from the abortion lobby, coming in dramatically from the democratic party from president biden to do, i probably should just a moment. today's supreme court, united states expressed,
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they took away constitutional right from the american people, already recognized. it didn't limit it, simply took it away. it's never been done to wrote so important to so many americans, but they did. it is a sad day for the court and for the country, 50 years ago, robi way was decided he's been law land sense that this landmark case protected woman's right to choose a right to make intensely personal decisions with her doctor free from the energy from the new firms of politics reaffirm basic principles of the quote, women of the power to control their own destiny. and reinforced a fundamental way to privacy. right. of each of us, choose how to live our lives. now we're grown must be very clear.
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the health life of women, this nation now at risk for from your pennsylvania. my name's abby, this is my daughter sophia. we are here to fight for women's rights something that i've had my entire life. now i have to be here, fight for my 15 year old. that same rights. i've had my entire life. it's what do you think is there all right now? and what to think about the decision, the supreme court republicans, they got to go down to vote for november 8. 0, the only way to make a change guy with
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pages and thinking what had my life come to. but i made the appointment. and i remember when we arrived at the abortion clinic, i remember hoping that there would be people outside trying to convince us to not go in to change my mind. i also remember once inside the clinic i was i was hopeful that i would be turned away during the counseling session. when i asked the fetus met baby, they said no. they said this is excess, and all we are doing is like it's in miss harris. her baby little now hopefully it's laura phillip lee, me a little one. i just had 2 girls, very attractive girls, high school girls that go to 2 very expensive high schools, private but not religious high schools. and they wanted to take a picture with my picture. and so i said, sure,
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and one of them was holding up their birth control pills. so i said, oh, that's really a shame. and so i said, aren't you glad your mom didn't? the board you. and one of them says, why wish she had and to say that i wish somebody had a boarded me, shows you that even the material well will not give your life meaning. but when she said she is an 8th year, that tells you exactly what exactly what you need to give your life purpose. i don't the day we're supporter. i have never been the same and they didn't. how me all the things that would happen to me afterwards. they didn't tell me that i would become so de past that i would make a plan for suicide. they didn't. it's telling me that i would live in depression and anxiety for over 22 years. they didn't tell me that eventually years later i
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would have a miscarriage. and then when i did, i couldn't actually grieve that child because i was so happy that it wasn't my fault. they didn't tell me that i was suffer from ptc. pish. and whenever i was at events that was at my old high school, such as when my kids, when i had future children, when my daughter's played for it and played games at my old high school, they didn't tell me that i would become nauseous to become anxious become obsessed once to leave a n o y a, a
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freedom of access to clinic entrances. act on this night or this morning in march. we were rated by the f b i, you know, there was a, a bang on the door. somebody screamed f b i, i was up but i was rather disoriented, having just a woken and i, you know, kind of hesitant to just answer the door any but random person screaming out there . and the response was that they broke our door down. well, i've been arrested for pro life activity. i think 3 or 4 times i i think each time it was for some form of trespassing or something related to that, most of the time the charges had dropped. but this time apparently not, and they're being used now, i would imagine to knock out the rest of our pro life activity, think they can intimidate us. that's my suspicion. i did go to jail a few weeks ago after a trial for another rescue that we've performed on this time in november of 2021.
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police are generally very kind to us once we're in custody, but the fact remains we should have been arrested in the 1st place. saving people from murder is not a legal action to walk. abortion of son is in fact illegal is ok. what we're here observing again is the, i don't want to call it fascists, but the unfair practices that cities put on activists to prevent them from sharing their message. and i'd honest seems like it's very often biased against pro lifers . here we've got a public sidewalk. people to walk down the sidewalk, anytime they want, sit for the boss, anything anybody can stay in here in golf or whatever they're doing. or we can stay in here with assign somehow. because apparently it's demonstrating this is censuring activity that doesn't infringe on anybody else's activity as bunkers. we're going to go outside the street and then maybe relocate because we're not here to risk arrest today. america is not as free as we think it is. i don't wanna come to myself anymore. i've already had that twice. that's what you're talking about.
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we are going to create some pangs of conscience. when we show up with our abortion pictures, we're going to elicit some angry responses, some positive responses. but the point is that we get some kind of a response that people react in some kind of a way and hopefully carry their reaction throughout their day and have that conversation. i like to think that every time we stop and show these images, the people driving by start to talk about what they've just seen. a brand new master. ah, think about how many of the pastors by today there were thousands of cars that drove by during an hour and a half. we were out there somebody who passed by that trip tour today. chances are just knowing what we know about the mark demography of our country. how things unfold. somebody passing by that display today just took a pregnancy test and maybe it was yesterday. maybe they're trying to decide what to
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do. maybe they woke up this morning and hit the reality at them again. oh my god, what am i going to do about this? and maybe they prayed for sign. you know, maybe we were that signed today. maybe just one of those signs they passed by was a sign that they were praying for that day that changed their mind and lead to cancel abortion, employment or abortion climate. the never started. now with the vice president secretary to serve in deputy attorney general monaco, i want to talk about an executive order i'm signing to protect reproductive rights of women. in the aftermath of the supreme court, terrible extreme. and i see so totally wrong had a decision. overturn roe v wade with my eyes and actions i announced right after this is the decision,
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as well as adding new measures today. let's be clear about something from a very start. this was not a decision driven by the constitution. we said again, this was not a decision driven by the constitution. the constitution actually is pro life. you know, it's against abortion. the constitution says in 2 places, the 5th and 14th amendments, the no person shall be denied the right to live without due process law. we know from science and from basic philosophy, 31 children are persons. they should be afforded. the right to life is every other person they shouldn't be murdered, just because mom thinks that can be murdered. there should be a nationwide abortion policy against abortion. states states and localities should not be permitted to let people kill their kids. it's against the constitution. so the justices are actually wrong on that point. our constitution is anti abortion and we need to start treating it that way. she. oh, he has to read. c 7 and he is. 2 2
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0, i love every i and she says, oh, we know that this is racially based as why people become a minority in this nation. we are seeing anti choice conservative legislators carrying out their plan, which has been in the works for the past several years. mm. mm. around the washington d. c. and they stated that the rally is based on the fact that the supreme court overturned the fact that you cannot have the board you any more reason they did
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that is because the birth grade amount of coke ages are dropping. so keep from killing the babies or continue to have the, the birth rate. oh, you have a baby, but you can get rid of the baby and they can always be adapted to still be alive. this is what they are processing and that's why the parents to load. we'll also find out that when we see news of someone come online for self managed abortion or miscarriage management, it's almost always a person of color protection for unborn babies. after 24 weeks prohibitions on sex selection, abortion there's always a win win situation, or when it comes to the boss, they can try to stop the crease a tree as well as my people are part of it. yes, absolutely. have raised the anti abortion movement. much of their imagery and rhetoric,
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it is about the imagined fetus imagined baby that's being lost, that they are trying to say is a white baby, a white male baby there. and it was for, it looks like jesus in a little nest, you know, the way it is absolutely imagined. assuming white babies only look at statistics, it's usually black i by not having access to worsen. and so they're disproportionately affected by not having access, health care on child care, things like that, don't take away their choice of being able to get an abortion of we see that they suffer. i don't care about cruelty pain and suffering. it just doesn't matter to them. but the roots of the criminal abortion laws in the 19th century also come out of the same concern about the changing population. and the
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possibility that the white upper crust, yankee crossed at yankee class would lose power to immigrants. and to african americans, especially the newly free people. so it was very much directed at preventing abortion by the people they could see who were having them, who were middle class married, white women going to clinics that were quite open in new york and other cities. my mother was 11 years old when i was can feed. my father was 21. and i am boy, oh, i in the room. don't mind what are my grandmother? i remember watching her was when i was a little girl dying her name. what then? she can not bow her name,
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but my grandmother had enough to know i was growing up a. 7 even to this day, so he hard word to say my mother was 3, was just amazing to see them grow up. how my life and i'm not left with bitterness left with over. well, the sense of granting that not only got the value in my life, but that my family's value, i'm very grateful. there we go. we have paul lawrence dunbar high school is now starting to come out and we can engage them and least let them have them see a lot of frequency will visit high schools in the dc area. teenagers,
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in the most open group of people we've met, you know, and they're the ones that are often going to have abortions for the next 10 years. and they're the ones who are being propagandized by pro choice ideologues. so i think it's very important to be outside schools and try to engage them. but of course the pros choice edi logs often don't like what we do, even though we only stand on the sides. sidewalk and practice basic free speech. and they often see it as their duty to quote unquote protect the kids from viewpoints that they don't approve of. and that's what happened paul lawrence dunbar. and a big way you can see here for teachers went so far as to actually bring out roles of, of art paper like really long, big rolls of colored paper and spread them out in front of our display of graphic abortion and images. so the students coming out and have to see this stuff. they treat these kids like you guys, well like little kids instead of you know, to generate people better, at least 131415 driving cars. some of them can get drafted in the army at this
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point, most of them can have children conceived children or, or get pregnant, you know, and yet they're treated like babies. when it comes to abortion. i don't for a minute by the idea that these teachers think they're protecting the kids from anything dangerous. they're covering up the truth because the teachers endorse abortion. and they don't want any alternative alternative viewpoint to be, to be shown. yes, we can add. yeah. jeez. for now, we have consequence. we've seen a path with bank of america since broken, weighed over 70000000 children killed in the womb of the name of so called progress . the even in america, even with the passing of the back portion still continues. in fact, of california merrill workspace like that, a brochure continues to go on a better factor. so that's the standard brush should be permitted even past the
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plant. a bird at the moment. so chances, 1st of all, it doesn't outlaw abortion really nationwide, and it doesn't even outlaw abortion in many of the pro life states that are supposedly outlawing abortion because there's no state, there's no provision for punishment for the mother who chooses her child, which means women can simply abort in the privacy, their own homes, with abortion pills for patients interested in a medication abortion. the 1st stroke given is michelle pressed down a progesterone receptor antagonist, the abortion hel process is very similar to an early miscarriage. it's normal to have lots of cramping and bleeding and to pass clots and tissue like a really heavy period. after donald trump appointed 3 conservatives to the supreme court, which has 9 members, and he made a $6.00 to $3.00 conservative majority of the court overturned roe vs wade. they throughout the right to privacy and in the immediate term,
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it allowed states to outlaw abortion, which now 34 states have done very quickly. but the fall out from that is next l g, b t q writes sodomy, laws, even interracial marriage. there are a lot of issues now that are going to end up in the courts. and this whole thing is going to seriously divide the country. oh, more than a new generation we believe in life with a
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very dramatic development. only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult, time. time to sit down and talk with listen and miram. dominating the world is some of the west has put at stake and it's gay. but this game is certainly dangerous, bloody, and i would say dirty in a wide ranging speech to the vall died discussion called vladimir putin critiques western foreign policy. which as he says, is responsible for recent global cry fees, including taiwan, ukraine, as well as the global food shortage and information terrorist us senate candidates in blacklisted by keir for suggesting a diplomatic solution to the ukraine war. we speak to diane say herself.
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