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tv   Documentary  RT  October 30, 2022 7:30am-7:59am EDT

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well, got down to the citizenship. clementine churchill became the 1st financial donor who the fund eventually raised a total of more than $9000000.00 pounds sterling. but to show up china with national net by kimberly miller, the number of conventions which is repeated. you, buster, by then you have got you could've been cute of talk manager. i'm bringing my trust a jack or a boucher gotten up when you might have if you were still showing me, ask you for usually she shared through the company. i knew what her was more last year by she was coming here. clementine churchill, under took a 42 day tour of russian cities when she brought medical equipment for red army soldiers. ah,
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she made chocolate factory workers and brought gifts to schools and children's homes. ah, and in this unique footage, she needs pioneers at the famous tank. childrens cam ah, she might have come by building a b to stalen contorted tours of a book, as i realized i should do for miss kozora bulloch. as my 1st can fail, lou, the soviet government, awarded clementine churchill, the order of the red banner of labor and the gold badge for excellence in sanitary defense. may the 9th 1945, the british prime ministers. why celebrated victory day in moscow? do you have to my a dose to meet you? cheer, cheer, poor rider. just pressure suspicious. a lot of some with the video you want out of
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my mouth. but now what? bless previous camaro the ah. lean while husband winston churchill was planning in humans operation. britain and the united states eventually planned to use 12 remaining german divisions. the keywords for that would be the character suddenly stood on the be marginal the problem. so if you say use it to her, then you come on to get to rich blood by new brought if, if it's to run the bmw winston churchill, british prime minister, army reservist journalist, writer artist and nobel laureate, and victor, john churchill, his father was a descendant to the duke of marbra, his mother was the daughter of a prominent american financier, churchill, graduated from the royal military college, but never received
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a higher education. he was a bit of a trouble maker. he did not go to university, did not want to. i think he caused some trouble at school, but it was a very good school harrow, a former british diplomat also william melanson is well acquainted with winston churchill, his biography, or the greatest britain ever. according to a b. b. c poll, he started the military career, actually in cuba, he was actually fighting for spain against the rebels in cuba. and then he was in india. he then went of sudan was even at the battle of om dorman. and he saw serious military action. he was in the boer war fighting, and he was actually imprisoned and escaped. more than that, he also enlisted during the great war, what we call a 1st world war churchill. i was also a romantic figure. he warned to be a great war leader larch, as
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a largess are famous for bear. the doctor marlborough bull craig roberts, is a former assistant treasury secretary for economic policy in his writing. he analyzes the factors that led to world war to churchill had gone into the war seeking power. was avenue the true, the prime minister ship? mm. yoseph is ariana village, starlen original named joe gut, feeling the son of a shoemaker and a peasant woman. he had ruled the country since 1922 if you look objectively at the achievements of the soviet here in jeron stollins period, you would have to say that they were tremendous. social welfare benefits were provided to the soviet population of medical care education, living standards,
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new professor grove, a 3rd, ph. d. at volunteer state university in new jersey is well known for his work on soviet history and politics. he was a major political figure. certainly one of the most prominent political leaders of the 20th century. but at 1st the allies treat uncle joe as style and is referred to in the west with arrogance. the soviet leda was from a low social background and had been through prisons and exile. stalin rose from the lowest of the ranks. he in fact named himself, stalin, which means man of steel. scott bennet, the counter terrorism specialist, and former u. s. army analyst is well versed in the complex history of us soviet cooperation in the 2nd world war years. you have stolen riser,
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up and quite an effective leadership role under, under war 2. in counteracting the german advances franklin delano roosevelt. the 32nd you as president, led the country from 1933 to 1945. franklin roosevelt came from an extraordinarily wealthy family of very high elite socialite family, dating back to the 1600s. the roosevelt family. the delano family were old money that had built her fortunes in merchant ah, ship building other trades. roosevelt was a pragmatist. and when it suited american interests was prepared to cooperate with the soviet union, it was under his rule that you eso viet diplomatic relations were established in 1933. franklin delano roosevelt is recognized by many in the american
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historical and academic and political ranks as one of the greatest for term presidents in history. the only president to ever sir. 4 terms, in fact, for his work in resuscitating the united states after an economic depression that occurred after the fall of the stock market in the 19 twenty's. the big 3 is how the allied 2nd world war leaders were known. they had different personalities, were from very different backgrounds and had opposing views, each defended their own peoples and ruling classes, interests that this di, indigo. she stood the men chide, krista thank up as non east ah, in his books and on lot. so has a ph. d. in history, so really analyzes the events of world war 2 as well. i'll ask
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mildly hinder, the shift to the men chat does i enjoy has been ms. kim creek kinda ashland stopped madge dunbar in dana for she does design shaft important is off. no one hash has smiley guy. i swam no. yes he thought jordan is up. hyena chapter, ah, officially world war 2 began when german troops at tank, poland with shaping fool that 938 angeles back here, and it's partitioned by jim eyes. great britain and france are accused of betraying it for the sake of peace with nazi germany. poland and hungary took part in the partition of czechoslovakia. some in europe felt at poland,
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had enthusiastically taken part in the roguery and destruction of the czechoslovakia state. u. s. president russo czechoslovakia the united states had no desire to interfere in europe's conflict. the world was sliding into a major war, but churchill and stolen was the only european politicians who seem to know it. truth truth, preserve, well guaranteed, or drop off su 4 work. if consciously put your boss, you care for your school is contractual, like, you know, for sure of gonzales, she cheer westcott. you refer you to the daughter jim summer. washington read the article for you. is the calisha, missouri from whom shesta has dual credit. her blood dornbush flowing, general school bush. the soviet offer was in russia, didn't exist for that. a heavy price would soon be paid
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in munich, britain and germany signed a mutual non aggression pact. that was the culmination of the policy to appease hitler. ah, i have brought you peace. prime minister, england promptly tell the british people ah judge. we have sustained those other features which mot i'd wait britain and france at churchill beak realised. and he wasn't alone in the british leadership that this policy of what's called appeasement. you know encouraging hitler. ah, had been a big mistake ah, with
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ah woo to no one. no, sir, no, no, admiral, who are joker? no, no. what go more shrill than what they should end up unit 73. 1 was a unique organization in the history of the world. what they were trying to do was to simply do nothing just powerful and most debt weapons program that the world had ever known. will you know, to protect it? with it said, gives you or show good good that they're not eligible. no new son, new rochelle, he one more mom, she no longer thought is meant lenient. them all. one of our family and i got all my sale. i got your name. i go on monday. i wish to know about joy. oh, new i know you didn't or gus are more or less than
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a serious. i had to put the with this kind of them mother and all your body. build garage door hours. nice. oh boy, that's good. to go or oh, what the on this the wall? she my, and new owner. i'm all, i can send more on all said mom. good student. i don't the you your love on all of them out. thank you. bye. lou needs to come to the russian state little narrative. i've stayed on the phone and ignore santini, devastation. i'm not getting host also send me it within 55 will be fine. okay, so mine is coupon speaking when else calls about with we will van in the european union, the kremlin. yup,
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machines. the state aren't russia for date and split ortiz spoke that even our video agency, roughly all bands on youtube, with which indicative equipped with ah, it was clear to chill chill. the re drawing of european borders had begun. wall was inevitable. but as he wasn't a cabinet minister, he couldn't change anything much later. churchill, right? those were the he is of my desolate solitude. the situation in munich was also noticed in the united states. some often said that hitler must have false
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chamberlain at gunpoint, france and england have concluded a shameful peace. march 1939. the soviet union had a proposal for the western countries to form an anti fascist blog to counter hitler's intentions, dissolved and trying to rally the west, make a stand with them against fascism. they opposed munich. they oppose allowing hitler into czechoslovakia. nobody will do that. so wasn't just the 1939 when the soviet proposed and elias, but britain and france against hitler. it had been actually throughout the late last half of the 19 thirty's them. peter couldn't make russia and professor of history at the american university in washington dc. analyzed his, the balance of power that developed in pre war europe because our staff had there
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we could prevent a world porto because hitler was way and no, he was way. and he was bluffing. and assuming that the west was to the nazis negotiations between the ussr, britain and france to establish an anti fascist blog, reached an impasse because secret british german negotiations were taking place at the same time in return for guaranteeing the integrity of the british empire. britain offered hitler. freedom of action in the east for britain to survive. russia had to be sacrificed. chad, she'll have jenks if for instance, mister chamberlain, on receipt of the russian offer had replied yes, let us 3 band together and break hitler's neck. history might have gone a different way it was clear to stolen that the western powers were ignoring his proposals and could no longer be relied upon. and by 1939,
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almost all of europe had already signed agreements with hitler. 1973 germany, france, britain and italy conclude the full power packed 1934. the bill so ski hit to a pack between poland and germany is signed. 1935. the naval agreement between britain and germany is conclude, ah, 1978. britain, france and italy agree to defy czechoslovakia between germany, poland, and hungary. 1939 non aggression treaties assigned between germany, latvia and estonia. us august the 22nd 1939. moscow.
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the soviet commerce of a foreign affairs, molotov, and german foreign minister, reuben trump, signed a non aggression pact. the pack made it impossible for nazi germany to form alliances with other states. for these of it, the youngest show for him done thus. chamberlain on that day should these are fashion tissue masons or to them. he knew by baxon england on franklin that i've been present it. tuition the ingram from brian dodge fund. somebody quoted italian out on it. the united states continued its policy of appeasing imperial japan. the americans held on to the hope that japan would re focus his attention on the usaa. the soviet union did not want to be caught fighting a 2 front war war with japan and the east, and also a war with germany in the west. and they knew that the germans were going to attack
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sooner or later. also, when the british and french refused to form an alliance against germany, went to saudi in the polish government also refused. on january the 26th, 1934 in poland became the 1st european country to conclude unknown aggression treaty with germany. the pale such k, hitler packed along with germany, poland planned to attack the ussr. poland must not remain idle at this historic moment. ah, the main goal is to weaken and crush russia. but on september the 1st 1939, poland was attacked by germany. militia, europe 4 should get good you good last week. got criminal dwaa to explore the new
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prostate up of the news before. if where the marble are up, so you must be food for shipped off with florida. oh, bullock are good to cool garcia and would you be willing to move? we've gone the year while you did. it's already as the crushed polish government, pleased to england, poland ceases to exist as a state in german occupied poland, the most hideous form of terrorism prevails. more than 50000 intellectual leaders are short, 300 in one place at another. a group of drunken german offices are said to have shot 70 hostages. 130 sinks 12 or 13 year old boys, a butchered and just 3 weeks later, stone incense, his army into poland, which is lost sovereignty. england, a bronze sympathized with the introduction of soviet troops.
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it was vital for the soviet union to push the german army as far west as possible to buy time and gather forces from all corners of its colossal empire. the molotov reverend truck packed ended up being a crucial factor in a soviet and ultimately an allied victory. if i hadn't had that extra 2 or 3 kilometers to travel, they might very well have occupied moscow. likewise, it's quite possible that god, that it said leningrad goes to the german armies. we're very close to lemon grad as well. hitler had already declared that he was going to kill all the inhabitants of leningrad and destroy the city and give it to finland. the finish leader marshall mannheim was a 100 percent in favor of that. meanwhile, honoring his promise to the american people not to get involved in the war,
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roosevelt passes the neutrality act. during this period, we went as clearly shows, hostility to was the soviet union by the spring of 1940. all relations between the 2 countries are frozen. the americans remain neutral, which rose about later regretted because he understood this was a time to stop the nazis. and the said, the fascist forces lay the 10th 1940 german troops invade france. and in just a month hitler enters paris. most of the country is occupied and the french army is no moral less. so scorsese was up by the near france, a boa holden to could better now sir, 4 ounces of my chela. but in cpr, isn't that you nor your gip prestige groups? none of them in his work don't to have historical sciences. alexi is i of
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essence is the events of world war 2 years. let's course i use a bullish g more am glare mimi of linna, short wharf, poor, poor shania, bruce bustled. monsieur cross, not a mi tescos conyers nice shows so that it's do outdoor water, but the mall store was more than a producer social to regenerate. we've showed latoya dealership aah! with his appeasement policy in tatters. prime minister chamberlain is forced to attend to his resignation. on may, the 10th 1940 the day germany invades france. winston churchill becomes the new british prime minister. i have nothing to offer but blood toil tis and sweat. you replace chamberlain because as it is well known, chamberlain did not want to war with germany. churchill, it appears was at
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a very different view. he never wavered from wanting an insisting on war are pursuing the war with germany. he didn't trust the germans. he didn't trust hitler. he didn't like hitler. august, the 13th 1940 inches mess if it takes some but you cities the next night 80 petition cromwell attack the are key in riches in the us
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operation blue. last almost 8 months. many with the city suffer, catastrophic destruction. churchill, it is everywhere. a top piles of rubble left by and strikes in factories and hospitals. mm. it gave speeches. works on military plans. ah, but for his age, judging only 60 sakes, he himself would have rushed into the battle. mm. but england cannot withstand germany alone. churchill asked roosevelt for help. roosevelt had no affection for churchill. he had no trust of the british and fact saw the british has penetrating much of the united states state department intelligence agencies,
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academic institutions, all to more or less influence the united states and government and academia. to being much more in the line with the british atlanta assist agenda ah, the united states war is rule with businesses business in return for help. and in exchange, buffalo global one destroyers. the u. s. demands the right to use 8 british military bases in the atlantic. ah, we didn't receive anything from the u. s. that we didn't painful. in 1940 alone. 15 pays the united states 4 and a half $1000000.00 in cash. a huge amount of money at the time. when roosevelt danced the u. k, his ability to pay he sends
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a cruise at the cape town where 50000000 pounds of british gold reserves are stored in desperation, chance shall rise to roosevelt in the midst of war. great britain, this close to bankruptcy. roosevelt seized no benefits in britain's defeat. after which the u. s. would run the risk of facing war 2. terrible could woman liam leaves a dose, marketable dis for pretty bad. sure. what offering you are you jeff nick? natalie of congress. cher bulletproof. not a criminal lawyer still cargo sasha. got it done. and we won't display a lunch to one to 2 for don't you know, there's a base parker part up picking from our sh. however, lindley supplies are immediately entangled in financial obligations. person your bully? sports on the tours per year was our shirts there was supposed to store 100 war by sham grows them but
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a tiny bit of your local up. so you're going young. this is jim. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy even foundation, let it be an arms race. this on offense. very dramatic development only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult time to sit down and talk with a peer with for the spot. accordingly. be up to still but was then yeah, like i'm on that thing of that a little bit. the head nozzles, but if point elation phone i would at last,
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but i had on that machine with a couple a cd mother stated that my idea what i did well, that's edible up like in love with like got your got to replace the dealership or book then you get the mid z u, you the local good. no problem with government with grave on yoko run it almost a small sco assist spends its part
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in the international deal of ukrainian grain shipments following a mouth duck on russia's black sea plate by ukrainian roads. the allegedly, with us and british military support also had on the program with read a historical crossroads, were written for probably the most dangerous, unpredictable, and at the same time, most important decades since the end of world war 2, vladimir putin. this week speaks of a new europe of global change, the international form in moscow with the russian liter noting.
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