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tv   News  RT  November 1, 2022 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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ah, a with rules we have pledged to guarantee security. if you create a tax, these vessels, we will be to blame, lot of merit and accuses key of, of posing a threat to the black sea weak car door law school. again, slums, you trained for using the un broker to deal to launch military attacks. also coming up on the program this hour, south africa as president lashes eyed up the u. s. embassy for causing panic about a potential terrorist attack that never occurred with warns all of a potential arms raised pushed forward by washington. about the u. s. reportedly plans to deploy 6 nucular capable of
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b. 52 bombers. history with 11 am here in the russian capital on this the 1st day of november. i hope we find you. well, my name's, you know, the russian president vladimir putin has clarifying that the country is not quitting the black sea green deal, but only suspending its participation. it came, abide because of security concerns following a ukrainian drone attack on the russian navy to the new rules. they pose a threat both to our ships, which must ensure the safety of the grain exports and to civilian vessels that are engaged in this. we have pledged to guarantee security. if you crate attacks these vessels, we will be to blame. every one is now talking about what russia is doing without thinking about what has led to this, the creation of
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a threat to this humanitarian corridor. russia also focus on the issue during a un security council meeting that using key of triggering the whole with a recent drone attack on a russian naval base and crimea. moscow further noted that the safety of shipping along the corridor cannot be guaranteed until ukraine commit not to use it for military purposes or to kill up and takes us through the main points of the heated discussion. i think you have a lot tickets on the the meeting took place and we heard from you an official describing the grain deal, the fact that it's now been did the impact that'll have on the global economy on the price of grain globally cetera. then from there we did hear from the russian representative ambassador and then the took to the floor in the security council chamber, and just laid out the facts about why reactions of ukraine using the corridor for military purposes. the recent attack has forced russia hands,
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and the deal is now suspended. this was not russia using. this is a response to action from ukraine were carried out with the support of the when this is what he said. kim's attack on the black sea fleet puts an end to the humanitarian dimension of the stumble agreements. the black sea grain initiative should not be carried out without russia's presence. we are surprised that the un did not condemn care attack on the ships of the black sea fleet. now there were some voices at the security council chamber who did speak in support of what russia said. referring to this attack as essentially an active mirrors are preventing moved from being distributed, violating agreement. now we heard from the united states and their usual ally to ignored what russia backs russia presented, and simply proceeded to demonize russia as they usually do in meetings of this type, claiming that everything russia does is somehow a conspiracy theory. every threat of evidence that russia has presented is somehow
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all fabrication not going into the details that we not acknowledging the fact that russia brings before the council, the typical actions and words of the usa and our allied before the council. however, there was a moment of optimism that we did see which was we heard un officials announcing they will be conducting an investigation of the attack on the blacks. the fleet was present. it would indeed be a grave abuse of the black sea grain initiative. if it were used in any way for military operational advantage, united nations has the sullen privilege of assisting the parties to implement this unique arrangement. and acting as a secretary it. the u. n. is ready to investigate along with member states, party to the initiative. any and all evidence, if requested quite a day at the un headquarters in manhattan. let's remember this very building that house the, the un security council. we also hosts the world food program and all kinds of
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n g o that has the views that are responsible for dealing with the situation regarding world hunger. so today, in that very building, we had the un security council of 15 member body that leads the united nation. we convened to discuss the aftermath of an attack on a humanitarian corridor and candidate for enabling food to be ex bored in gram. returning to his speech on monday, the russian president also called the sabotage of the nor stream pipeline system, a quote, terrorist attack. after russia was finally allowed to examine the sides of the explosions, a full month after the damage was done. the question is sitting the skunk of slew miss jess prom has been allowed to examine the explosion site on the north stream pipeline systems. there were 2 craters, 3 and 5 meters deep. a pipe 40 meters long was ripped out of place and bent at the
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90 degree angle and hurled 40 meters to the side in the direction of the nor trained to pipeline which was also damaged by the explosion and fragments of that pipe. bruce, this was clearly a terrorist attack. it is difficult for us to maintain control over this part of the system because it's within the territory of the special economic zone of denmark, sweden and germany. extra to achieve me. just a reminder of the background about the explosions on the nord stream pipelines occurred on september 26. they were quickly declared as sabotaged by both the west and russian and international investigation was launched. but moscow was denied participation. russia claims that the u. k. was involved in the attack and accusation london has dismissed. well, i am delighted to welcome live into the studio with us today. human rights and labor rights lawyer, don conflict, and thanks for taking the time. thanks for coming the most of the chat to us today . well, thank you, chris, have yawn. all not we'll get through some different points today,
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but just on the latter issue, why do you think it took so long for western powers to allow russia to, to access the side of the north stream pipeline damage? well, i think there's 2 reasons. i mean, i think 1st, i don't think they wanted russia to see any proof of who damage to pipeline. because i think that would implicate the united states in the u. k. but also, you know, because they wanted it destroyed, they didn't, they didn't want russia to access to, to be able to fix it. they want the north stream to destroyed. and because they don't want countries like germany, they have have the option of using it in the future. we heard their numerous times through the weeks they russian, president said, alleging that the u. k. was involved in, in some capacity as well. your thoughts on when you hear that, of course, they're not directly involved in the, in the,
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the conflict in ukraine. but for all intents and purposes, it appears as if they've got to handle things that are happening. i think more than a hand, i think we know that us and british intelligence are very much involved in helping the ukraine military serve. certainly with targeting. we know the ca, for example, has been in ukraine even before the special operations training various forces there to kill russians. and by the way, that's in the, the i was quoting people who are actually trained by the ca, they were, you know, that's what they were trained in. you know, and as i understand the situation on the ground, i mean, you know, essentially the ukrainian military was more or less destroyed in the early weeks of the special operation. and you know what, what ukraine military is now fighting with is almost all from nato. you know,
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so this really is now a conflict between russia, nato, even though you know, obviously no one wants to say that explicitly, but i think that's that. but okay. and global food, the crisis and being able to solve that very much top of the agenda for many countries. russia has suspended participation in the black sea green export. what's your thoughts on that? first of all. well, obviously i'm saddened by it. it's, you know, people are going to be hurt by that. a lot of the world, particularly the middle east and africa, depend on grain from this region for their survival at the same time. and it does appear that there were attacks against the russian fleet in the black sea by ukrainian forces. and apparently the u. k. was somehow involved as well. and obviously, you know, when that happens, it's no longer a humanitarian court or right. it's now
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a military court or so it's very regrettable. but i would say that it's that it is understandable, russia point. so for many months since the initial un broker deal was done, a lot of the grain was going to europe are countries. in other words, that didn't necessarily really need it at the expense of african in particular and asian countries to russia says that it will give grain to africa for free, and then market prices afterwards. so they are saying we want to look after the people most in need, but again, the message isn't getting through in the west. no, i mean look, this information, the censorship around this conflict in ukraine and around russian general the disinformation and censorship in the west. and particularly in the u. s, which i can speak to because i am from the united states is unprecedented. i have never seen this level of disinformation ever regarding any conflict. and that
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saying a lot, because we've been lied to a lot about many things about weapons of mass destruction in iraq about the gulf. it's all again and be a dom, et cetera, et cetera. but this is the worst i've ever seen. it. they do not want the human eyes, russia, for even the russian people they want to de, humanize them to justify continuing to send billions and billions of dollars of argument to ukraine. just one more question down on the grain exports should the u . n. condemn ukraine for taken advantage of the corridor were and explicitly say that this is affecting the world. absolutely, the un should condemn that. will de, i doubt it. because again, the un seems to be very much under the sway of western and particularly the united states government. so i doubt it. i mean, there may be some people in the u and there may be certain bodies that condemn it,
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that i just think you're not going to hear much condemnation of it from the us. ok, just some other issues to touch upon while you're here done. what do you think about western came about raising political unrest in china. it's been called a strategic distraction from the recent protest in the e u. a by food, by fuel insecurity. and would you agree with that? is there more to it? i mean, i look, i think there's unrest throughout the world, including in the united states, and i don't think unrest in china is any worse. yeah. so i, i guess i don't have much more to say, you know what, we'd like, we'd headlines a bite during the chinese communist party, the billing of the, the new leaders for, for the next 5 years about the the previous leader. yes, i getting lifted on taken up. we don't know what happened to him, whether it was a head cold or was it something were extreme. but the thought didn't stop headlines
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from splurging as to what it could have been many column inches but something like that. yeah, well in the fact that he was sitting next disease in paying indicates that they were happy for him to be there and they were saying, you know, what china claims, of course is that he, the former present president was suffering from some form of dementia. and met, you know, needed to be escorted out for that reason. he was suffering medically somehow, but yeah, i mean look, they're looking for anything they can to look for weaknesses in the russian government, in the chinese government, in the iranian government. again, because they don't want to look at their own weaknesses. they don't want to see their own economic problems, their own political problems. so they project all those problems on the rest of the world. i mean, that's what i see happened at china. how slum reported us plans to permanently station nuclear capable bombers in australia. it's one of the stories we have on
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the rundown today. how would the expansion of the us military press that affect the balance of power in the asia pacific? how big a deal is this? so i think it's very, very dangerous. i mean, what you're seeing now, of course we have to mention that now that now they're talking about putting nuclear missiles, possibly in finland. right. i mean, we're getting closer to a nuclear conflict. and by putting miss styles closer to china, closer to russia is only making the world a more dangerous place. again, we have to remember the cuban missile crisis, the united states in 1962 wouldn't tolerate for one minute. the idea of miss how's being in cube right, we almost want to nuclear war over that situation was reserved. busy negotiations very quickly, i think within 30 days or so. but we don't see or understand or empathize with the similar security concerns of russian china, the kind of reverse cuban missile crisis situation. but indeed,
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it's the rhetoric as well. you've got the u. s. accusing moscow of ramping up nuclear talk, rhetoric, and i'm putting up fear. but yet you, as you say in finland, you've got the u. s. proposing to put nuclear weapons on the very doorstep of russia. yeah, well, again, it's projecting it's projecting onto our enemies. our own misdeeds, and on top of all their bite in the, by the ministration apparently is now changed our nuclear protocol. i mean, apparently we're now open. do a 1st strike against russia against china for the 1st time in history. has that protocol change to that from being purely defensive to, to a possible 1st strike? so again, i see the west, they see the u. s. in particular, as waving the nuclear saber. much more than rushes down. i've been here a few years and i notice in this speeches by the russian leader,
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it was quite respectful in the past, but now he's very direct with his words when it comes to europe and at the us. just to give you an example. you recently said that western had gemini is a dirty, bloody, and dangerous game. what do you think he was focusing on there when he said things like that? well, i think he's referring to, you know, incident since the collapse of the soviet union. one where you did have basically unchecked us power. and what was it used for to bomb yugoslavia for 78 days to invade iraq twice to invade afghanistan and occupied for 20 years to support a terrible war in yemen that is created the worst humana charing crisis in the world to destroy libya. i mean, on and on, that is what us a gemini has meant in the world. and i think why you see most of the world meaning
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latin america, africa, most of asia supporting russia right now is because they are tired of us germany. and they want that and, and again, that point doesn't really get risen. does it in the west when, when we talk about the world, it seems from a very western point of view, there's a big world out there with their own worries room problems on their own relations and ties with russia. that's not being spoken of us. know, and again, you know, very relevant, you just saw lou da silva elected him. right hill. those types, the leaders being elected throughout latin america, i mean almost have a clean sweep. these are leaders that are also critical of us intervention of the monroe doctrine of usaa gemini. that's happening for a reason. people are tired, they've seen the results of that. the result of us, the gemini, has been war and destruction and i think the world is, are we living through the change in the global world order right now? i think we are, i think, you know, there's many birth pains to it, but yeah,
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we're seeing the birth of a multi polar world, trusting just one last day. and notice how he'd done the really elections are happening right now. last imaginations politically. but on the background to that, you've got palestinians in contested stroke, occupied territories and not allowed to stand, not even to vote that good. no say in those elections. i put it to you. why is it that not? i know we've spoken about about why is that not touched upon in the west, whereas many, many headlines about what happened in a run, the tragic death of a woman in iranian custody happen. but there's such a disparaging in the column inches given to both thing. yeah, well known chomsky used to talk about the worthy and unworthy victims that the worthy victims, meaning those are deserve inches of news coverage. are people in countries that the u. s. doesn't like right adversary,
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enemy countries. we focus on those victims. we don't focus on the victims of the u . s. and it's abilene allies like israel, we down play those victims in the u. s. for example, there's $40.00 to $50.00 women killed a year by police. right. that's not discussed in light of what happened in iran. and again, when you look at what's happening, particularly in gaza, you have one or one of, again, the worst humanitarian crisis on earth being created by israel, by its blockade of gaza bites war crimes and guys. and again, that is off limits to discuss because israel such a close ally of the united states with on your own, off limits to this program. it's such a pleasure to have you here on discussing all those topics with it's done called like human and labor rights lawyer live in direct. thank you very much. thank you. good. now china is warning of
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a potential arm is race pushed forward by washington. after it emerged out, the u. s. is planning to deploy as we spoke about up to 6 nuclear capable. b, 52 bombers in north industrially. the relevant us behaviors have increased regional tensions seriously undermined regional peace instability and may trigger and arms race in the region. the investigation bias really as a b c, television network claims washington is seeking to how is the bombers of the tindle or a base outside of darwin, the regional capital up in northern territory. it said the project will cost upwards of $100000000.00. all the work is due to be completed within 4 years. well we got a comment. busy on the deployment of the b, $52.00 bombers from the pentagon, it saves the rotational presence of us aircraft in australia is a part of the 2 nations cooperation. and the statement also highlighted the pentagon, quote, investment and commitment to australia. while the center of the director,
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excuse me, off the center for counter hedge, a monic studies thing i got tim bounder said he is of the view that people initially are concerned that a military conflict could break out between the u. s. and china. it's really a terrible development, which is scaring a lot of people who strike no matter what they political persuasion because they know that china, which is non threatening to australia and which is the straightest largest trading partner, has been for some time. it's an impossible task to step into a conflict with a power that big and for no real reason. and unfortunately, it's being done simply because of the dependence of successive governments in australia, on the, their role to player, supporting role to the us in which the u. s, as in launched itself on to this aggression against china because of extreme jealousy. it seems so. unfortunately, the pendant politics is really creating a huge dilemma. meanwhile, in a separate military development,
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japan say's its considering increasing the range of its new high speed missile to beyond a 1000 kilometers. that would put coastal areas of china on north korea within range. wherever sources within the country playing the improvements to the projectile, which is still under development, would facilitate better defenses of japan's remote island of politics and china. a 1st specialist joseph gregory mahoney, say the u. s. has long been brandishing its weapons in the asia pacific region. this has been something that we've seen sequenced again and again, starting really with the, with the obama administration, with the, with the so called headed. i think there's already an arms race. there's an arm, there's a race to rearm japan, to upgrade weapons in south korea, to sell advanced weapons to taiwan again to sell nuclear submarines to australia and station the bombers there. we know the u. s. as a new bomber class and things service. we know the major powers are working on hypersonic missiles i,
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japan has made the decision to take more responsibility for its national fence. on the one hand, many of the region will find this provocative. on the other hand, it's a historic opening for japan to start to make itself less reliant on the u. s. was for security, and this is a necessary development given the lack of trust that many have in their alliances with us. if you depend too much on the us, then you risk abandonment, or simply declines leaving you vulnerable south africa, the president has slammed the american embassy in the country for causing panic. with a warning about a potential terrorist attack that never happened, the u. s. reportedly did not consult this south african government or disclose and details are t corresponding corolla tuttle and can fill in the blanks for us. it when all hands on deck for the south african law enforcement and intelligence services, they were sell, scouring for any information. and the evidence of a potential tera tag announced by the u. s. embassy in pretoria. the u. s.
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government says that it had intel that terrorists were planning on taking large groups of people in the greater sent an area of johannesburg. this did not please officials in pretoria at all. president rahman pasa said that it was unfortunate that the u. s. government issued such an alert and sold panic among the people. but is this diplomatic route caused by the failure of intelligence to inform the president and hughes from our channels. the relations between the 2 countries will be likely negatively affected by blood for long. the eastern long established trade relationship that goes way beyond issues of security. yes, indeed to people who be anger to buy the behavior of the u. s. in this instance. but it's something that the 2 countries are most likely gonna be at work in law
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center. the city, if africa's richest square mile and has a prominent list of tenants involved retail end of the space, it regularly attracts business travelers and holiday makers to this weekend. the city hosted various events which attracted thousands and accompany show is thought to have been a possible target of the attacks. the eminent warnings were echoed by the french and german embassies, as well as the high commissions of britain, canada, in australia. but for the south african authorities, they say that by not sharing any of the information or evidence the united states is showing just how much they do not trust the south african law enforcement authorities. to investigate countries in the developing world would always be sensitive to the attitude of the super a counter puts. so this doesn't bode well for that. especially implemented which south africans are doubting the capabilities of the south african state to,
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to protect them. but it was good, but the government responded to say they were following up on the matter the you have empathy, seth. it issued the alert that are wanting to its citizens and that it has done so before in 2016, a similar situation happened. the u. s. embassy issued a terror alert saying that is lambing terrorist groups. we're planning on taking malls in johannesburg and kicked out places americans frequent. but the south african authorities, i choose the united states of causing a panic. that is a sense of responsibility about issuing such an alert, but also a sense of impunity in the way washington goes about in a sovereign state. they know that even if their information is wrong or lacking in the weight of evidence, there will be no consequence. indeed, the ease a sense in which they are developed wrote how it relates with countries of the
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global south. it has got a, an underlying tone of continued domination men power. however, i thames made more towards softer, deployed and diplomatic ways of approaching south africa rather than the forceful approach stucco soon. historically, following the corral it in 2016, there was only a dispute between us ambassador and the spokes person full south africans international relations department. and very little has changed since day. and as much as the south african intelligence community may be this made in the manner that the terror was issued, the united states is only expecting noise. and no consequence. got a letter for our tea in july. it is an overly familiar scene once more in israel for the 5th time in just 4 years,
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dozens of parties are competing in elections for the national parliament. recent poll suggests the right wing party of former prime minister benjamin netanyahu is a head possibly. thus, at restoring him to the premiership, the liberal party of the current prime minister year law. it is expected to come in . second. the bach run to the ballot though our local human rights watch dog has raised concerns over palestinians in contested territories, not being allowed to stand as candidates in the elections or even count votes, whereas is really living in those areas come. the organization also alleges that israel has reduced palestinians to a state of a part site, while the un envoy for the palestinian territories recently slammed israel for quote, settler colonialism. the palestinian authority prime minister has criticized the ongoing is really election restrictions to clamping actimmune that even campaigning has led to more bloodshed. committed against this people does have is
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an i e. lantus. how about i am the campaigning for israel's elections has led to more killing more israeli settlements and blockades against our people. we know these elections will not bring about a partnership for peace. the world must force israel to allow our palestinian people to exercise their right to vote during these elections, including in the city of jerusalem. is there any state in if you like in the 1st place, it's an apartheid ecolog nearest the state. so the violence is part of this colonial project anyway, all the time since the establishment of it was right. it was based on violence. and today, the violence is even more with the atrocities by these army on the one hand. and the settlers who are protected by this army who are also directing the international law and violating the human rights for the policy. and by all these attacks and atrocities against the palestinians in all of their life aspects,
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these are ily, thanks to them. they provide us every day with the new evidence of these violations . but if the international community are going to stop that, i think today it's, it's really very hard to say so or to even expect that because they are not going to take any action against as light unless they take action. and nothing will happen on the one hand, most of the european who do know that these are violating the international law and validity, even the european, those and the human rights close. but at the same time, they say, or they think that the relationship of their interest with america is more important than the rights of the. but as soon as which quite clear like what is a kind of what you know, hypocrisy and doubly strengthen a reminder for up to the minute developments or twitter page as you covered as we delve into a brand new not do give us a follow there. if you can apply for moscow, this is our teachers.


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