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tv   News  RT  November 2, 2022 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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good afternoon, miss glenda table. most of whom were shuttle's, pursuits was in, you could live with you to those openings and you took a little of doing piecemeal. mm hm. ah, you'll headlines right now. a naughty international that's russia resumes participation in the black sea grain deal off the ukraine. it gives the necessary written guarantees that it will not use that corporate off of military purposes. india that it has no moral concerns about buying oil from russia, claiming the u. s. media is simply whipping up hysteria on the issue that has russia, becomes the country's largest oil supply. and most of the canadian online video platform rumble ends up locking. it's french uses after it rejects the bonds by power, it's just sent. so russian media outlets both go ahead for you. ah,
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who it is i with the night here at moscow at a very packed program for you tonight. as always appreciate your company with us here at asi international. so a russia has now resumed its participation in the black sea grain deal according to the russian president, in case the guarantees are not upheld. russia is ready to deliver grain supplies on its own to the poorest countries. for free. we have a little weird so we're interested, i mean, we demanded assurances from ukrainian side and guarantees that nothing like this will happen in the future. that humanitarian corridors will not be used for military purposes or turkish partners, acted as a mediator. in this situation, you visit the ministry of defense received information from the turkish side. such assurances were given by ukraine not to use these humanitarian corridors for military purposes. in this regard, i have given instructions to the ministry of defense to resume our participation in
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the work. at the same time, russia reserves the right to withdraw from these agreements. if these guarantees are violated by ukraine, even if russia withdraws from the deal will be ready to deliver the same amount of grain to the poorest countries for free matching, the total that has been delivered from the territory of ukraine. if so. meanwhile, according to the russian ministry of defense, ukraine has given the necessary safety guarantees for the continued use of the maritime corridor just a bit earlier in the programmer artist maria phenomena took us through the final details. very good news indeed today from russia's defense ministry as moscow's now back to implementation of a very important black sea grain deal. thanks to the participation in a very active role of the un and took e m. the statement says the necessary written guarantees have been obtained from the ukrainian side of the non use of the humanitarian corridors in the black sea, as well as ukrainian pores assigned for the export of agricultural products for
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military purposes earlier, president widen, were put and said that russia suspends its participation in the black sea initiative due to security concerns following and massive ukrainian drone attack on the russian navy in crimea. the ports of a sever stop on the she was address at the un security council meeting. moscow accused ukraine of via late in the agreements conditions and also keep the british troops of vein involved in southern days attacked the agreement, known as the blacks. the great initiative brokered by the un and turkey was signed earlier in july and it's involved with a participation of the ukrainian or russian side as well. and it's allowed boats with crops to freely leave the unblocked ukrainian pores and it was very important . moscow was repeatedly accused of provoking world's food crisis by starting a special mil to reparation in ukraine. but russia repeatedly denied it saying that
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western sanctions against moscow is the main reason behind global food supply chains. disruption. the idea, the main mission of this important grain deal was to help starving africa and poorest countries that were most hate to survive, but most, who had always had many questions on how it was implemented as and putting rates rated as many times. surprisingly, most of the shapes went to the you instead of africa. all right. now where russia has become the largest oil supplier to india in october, surging to an old time high of 22 percent of total crude imports. and now, new delhi has actually been judged about the morality of buying russian energy. this bio cnn host. we have 60000000 people going to the same old conflict with buying motional, but absolutely none. absolutely none. i think this is something you're creating in
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a studio. no, that's not fair. i don't have to scribble it's conversation. i've said on record, what lead now to you? i took you earlier into it. we don't feel any pressure more. these government doesn't feel the pressure. we are the 5th largest economy in the world. no, we will buy oil gas from when we can get it. well, the us has pressed the country numerous times during bilateral meetings to join the ranks of the west in anti russia sanctions. back in june, the us enjoy the energy and for your se, ask delhi to restrain its oil purchases from russia. in the meantime, india has been stressing it will buy what it needs for the economic development of the country. now it's important to understand india is on the way to becoming the 3rd largest economy in the world with its rapid economic growth. that's according to the latest from the i m. s. the country has already overtaken the u. k and is now in 5th position. india has emerged as russia is 2nd to biggest oil customer
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after china, western entities to avoid poachers is from moscow. and of course the flow continues to go eastwards. well, let's learn more now of course i live to auto check out of the joining i'd say on auto international economists from new delhi, a very good evening to you. so just 1st of all, what did your take on the reason interview of the indian ministry of economics with c and, and it seemed to get a little bit of heated that well, without going into the tanner of the interview, i would say that i think i can speak on behalf of the people in our country. we agree with the minister korea with that india right now, the largest economy in the world. and in fact, as good projects and bill, or even more value to that in the next decade, india is geared to become the 3rd largest economy in the world. and if we are to become the 3rd largest economy in the world with consumption rates going high,
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we certainly have to procure our energy requirements from wherever we can in the most efficient manner that began. so i would absolutely agree with that and to be what i want to ask you because so many western countries, and we're talking about 15 percent of the world western countries that have joined this band wagon, a sanctioning russian energy. why? why is an india in a sense, cow tower, into that pack pack mentality? you know, the whole safety in numbers idea why is an india joining western countries and sanctioning russia is energy. i think india is an independent country with a very independent foreign policy. we now occurred as a nation that can define the digits of foreign policy and we have our own belt embedded. so that is absolutely no question about now dying. you anybody do any country at all? and we will only act in our national interest,
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and that's what india has been across the government. and that's what in the stands is going to be across the government in a future. so as i said earlier in the country, which is expecting more and more people to join the middle and high income groups as we grow. and if we are to do that, be our constitution also to be a will be, you know, being available to be our own words response to be in to take a lot of the people who are still considered in the lower economy rungs of our country to the middle and higher economy. in fact, another detail that has come out is that the number of people learning more than $35000.00, group group bipolar and india. and if we are looking at that group, we are looking at becoming a bi economy. then we need to have an independent foreign policy and we need to
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procure also the resources that we can all the well federal buck country that is imperative and it is then they should be no with them from any recent blog or any block in the world. to expect india to now go, we are acting in our interest as we expect all of the other countries to act something. this is something that i'm approved and has said mr. chuck, nevada. that is something that putin has said about countries should be able to act in their own best interest. national sovereignty should be respect, but let's talk about the future here. if we can outfit, because you know, china is the next number 18. can amik king pin on the world in the world and, and america is got china and it's cross hes in, in any number of regions. whether it's these coastal patrols up and down china's coast. whether it's the enormous number of american military bases of the east and southeast flank of the east coast of china as well. china is apparently in the
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crosshairs of america. india will soon be the 3rd largest economy in the world. perhaps india might soon be in the cross hairs of what is essentially what might call the ruling hedge i'm on. well, i have to say that, you know, i'm certainly not in the business of predicting the future, but to what use is seems quite reasonable that we do expect that again, just how the will system is that india will probably get into a competition. china, what we expect as a community is that it would probably be a boxing match rather than being a street fight. so that's, that's what i hope you took an interesting analogy. first time i've heard that, but i quite like it auto pay checked out of a, the economist from your deli, joining us live here. it's what is about the 9 40 pm where you are right now. appreciate your time. have a good evening. you the, a canadian based online video platform rumble has blocks access to the french uses
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of the parish demanded the company to sent. so russian news sources such as ot he, france and sport nick like ellen musk. i won't move our goalpost for any foreign government. bramble will turn off france entirely, france isn't material to us and we will challenge the legality of this demand. so, for instance, now trying to tell outlets operating in allied countries like canada and the us, what they can and can't do on their own platforms. this decision will not have a material effect on our business, as france represents less than one percent of our users. the french people however, will lose access to a wide range of rumble content because of these government demands. but once he compared his actions to those of eli musk, who has been waging a battle against censorship on various fronts, musk said that of him march that he was asked to block russian news sources on his starlight satellite network can reply quote, we will not do so unless at gunpoint,
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sorry to be a free speech, absolutist democratic senator chris murphy is now demanding a u. s. government investigation into must own twitters financial participation from saudi arabia, which is the platform 2nd largest, interesting that no one seemed to care when the saudis originally made that investment in twitter long before must came along or that government switch murphy calls quote, repressive. have had tons of cash flowing into hollywood and american media. let's as advertisers, let's not even get into the lobbying cash spent influence actual policymakers in washington. and that cash conveniently didn't have any particular color or censorship until musk took over vowing to callback censorship. now suddenly this u. s. official is driving out the old foreign interference hammered use against him . french president emanuel michael was asked recently in an interview with french state media about russian media outlets remaining accessible in france through online platforms like rumble, for instance. and he evoked the states russian media bonnie everts. he said, quote,
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were using the informational weapon. so it sounds like michael is admitting that censorship is being used as a weapon when french and you officials block access to narratives in details that run counter to their own. sounds like the public's right to be fully informed, to make up their own minds about what's going on in the world is being shrugged off as collateral damage. and you know, i can't help. i think that this was a foreign country doing this kind of repressive censorship. they pretty much be demanding. raheem changed by now. what's great to have you with us for this program from moscow space x has launched its 1st falcon heavy rocket in 3 years. it's done so though to deliver classified military payloads for the u. s. space force. the heavy lift there is a lot musk sprain child, and mr. markets. 4th trip to space for the rocket type. earlier, ball caught had joined me here in the studio with more details to the 1st space ex
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. launch of a falcon heavy rocket and over 3 years, and it's also simultaneously, interestingly enough, the 1st classified launch, the 1st classified operation of the u. s. space force ever. and this was a branch of the military that was established under the previous administration of donald trump. so what does this operation entail? well, it's experimental us satellites carrying classified payloads on the back of you on the most rocket at the behest of the pentagon. this something that surprised a lot of people actually, especially because your mother has garnered somewhat of a negative reputation among people in the west. and especially ukranian officials recently because he suggested that maybe kia will have to give up some of its territorial claims for the sake of peace in the ukraine conflict, canada, it does seem that this big heavy launch dawn this fall can launching its almost been lost or upstaged, by other news regarding your mosque these days, right, right. i would say this event coincided very conveniently with your musket by up of
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twitter for isla must himself actually because it was just after all last week that he bought the company and the media mainly covered the fact that there were reports that he wanted to fire 3 fourths of twitter staff, this is something that he rejected later. there was also a lot of hype around the fact that he entered twitters headquarters the day before the bye up with the kitchen sink and then posted a video of that on twitter itself, saying that people should let that sink in. but also, just after you almost took control of twitter, these state media labels began to show up on relevant ukrainian accounts as well. these were state media affiliated labels previously only existed on really accounts the questions the way the western mainstream narrative, russian accounts, chinese accounts, arraignment, accounts, etc. so it really seems like all this in combination kind of drowned out the fact that mosque was doing the errands of the pentagon on the side. let's go to the hold . the starling satellite story. we know the masked, pretty much in the start of the conflict. ukraine has been supplying,
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i don't even know how many of these things absolutely. frontline and center in the conflict. they're being used by nato and other members to support ukraine. take us into the star like starling. you'd say argument because he had a disagreement with a d o. d didn't be. that's right. actually this, everything we just spoke about in connection to the star link situation is actually giving a lot of people the impression that he's trying to play both sides of this conflict . because musket was actually labeled pro russian by a lot of ukrainian officials after he said that he should perhaps give up its claim on crimea. and he also mentioned that these referendums, in these former ukrainian territories, that recently became part of russia might have signified that these territories actually want to be part of russia. but then at the same time, last month, going back to star link must said he would not shut off the star link satellite system, even if the department of defense refuse to pay for it. this is something that must wanted the department of defense to do because apparently the company was having
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trouble keeping up the infrastructure. but let's not forget this. starling system is something that the ukrainian military uses and by and large, 4th communications. and it's lead a lot of ukrainian officials to consider mosque one of the country's top donors, top supporters. so like i said, this is really leading a lot of people to feel to think that must just trying to sit on both sides of the fence here. the e u. basset to the united states has said that the block has a vested interest in the ukranian conflict, and that if president putin succeeds, the west won't be able to project its power across the world. this is an essential battle for us. if you succeed, you know, we're going to have a tremendous amount of difficulty as americans and europeans to project a power on the world for decades to come with us. i'm pretty hedge a monic statement that crossing life now straight to new york. there's caleb often good to see you, my friend, quite an admission from the ambassador,
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how his words gone down? well, if you listen to what he said, there seemed to be 2 arguments being nay. the 1st being made that russia can't be allowed to win. because if russia and china rule the world, it will be awful. and secondly, russia cannot be allowed to win because would subvert plans by the united states and the you to dominate the plan. now those are pretty blatant statements calling for ad yamani, and it's not the 1st time we've heard western officials basically allude to the same thing or make similar brandy. aust, proclamations, here's what we've heard before. this fight is not jest in ukraine's interest. it is in the global entrust to protect as a secretary pointed out the rules base international order. and that is our purpose that has been given to us the uniform military from our civilian leadership, which is to uphold the rules based international order that was established some 80
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years ago. at the conclusion of world war 2. now the united states rose to global dominance due to the post world war 2, international financial setup of the us dollar, the bretton woods agreement. and now we have us visual talking about this, these rules based global or now they never clearly state what the rules of this rule based global order are. i seems like they keep moving the goal. essentially, the only rule of the consistent is whatever washington says, go. now you can see this most blatantly recently with a situation regarding serbia, serbia maintain good relations with russia. and you have a situation where the aftermath of serbia, assigning a bilateral cooperation agreement with russia. we have e, you official, the lashing out at serbia, wasting their outrage. and they seem to of almost forgotten the vicious bombing campaign that washington waged against serbia during the 1990. and they seem to
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just not approve of the fact that serbia might want to have a good relationship with the major power like russia. the need for a decision is coming to a head in view of geopolitical developments. the relationship with serbia is complex. there is light, as well as shadows. serbia's relations with russia are certainly part of the shadows. if alexander music takes the path to europe, he will have support from the e. u as a whole and from the german government, should he choose the other path? it will have ins, doing consequences. this is how western leaders expect countries to operate with no national interest of their own simply our way or the highway. and it's important to know that we're seeing blayton admission here. that western support for the key of government is not about charity. it's not about the goodness of their arts, depending on democracy, all the rhetoric that we're hearing. in reality, they are fighting to preserve a global set up where western countries remain the center of the global economy and
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they remain the center of power in the world. meanwhile, we're seeing rising protest in europe against the economic result of these sanctions on russia and public opinion polls in the united states show that support for biden's ukraine policy is thinking lower and lower each day. i'd appreciate the report. caleb, thanks was he isn't in a move to repair revelations that were severed, i should say the relations that were cut off in 2019. this is the story of the leaders of both columbia and venezuela. believe it or not, they've actually gotten together for talks. it's been a while, it is being seen it a bit to help caracas overcome with many a calling us lead isolation. let's look at the full scope on this details now with correspondent jessica sosa, from our to spanish will not only okay, ludo up looks in the meeting to place a dinner florist palace in caracas, and lasted about 3 hours. been as to ellen,
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president nicole's madura described it as fruitful, rich and versatile, extensive marked to return to diplomatic relations between columbia and venezuela. this time, colombian president gustavo beto, visited the me, or florist palace, where he discussed various issues in a bilateral agenda between columbia and been as to a level yet because madura summarized and announced he knows important results of the meeting. that i am a former to farm bureau hamper we discussed a lot about trade relations, economic relations, as well as new steps to fully and safely open the borders between columbia. in venezuela, the issue of security and insuring proper and adequate operation of these borders was addressed. we also focused on the development of cooperation between monteros and pick women, as well as joint activities in the production fertilizers until the end of june. the meeting to leaders also discussed the possibility of strengthening corporation within the community of latin america and caribbean countries, and also considered a migration situation on the border of in israel and colombia di and the,
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the president of both states. no, to them any attempts to break off relations contradict common sense out in 1st we're, we're not talking about government, but about the people off of those countries here most, you know, in addition, colombian president, gustavo petro, my address, the need to lay solid foundations for the for restoration off relations between the states and pointed to the ongoing attempts to establish the situation in particular and latin american regional dom pick ainsley federal. this is the 1st meeting of the leaders of columbia and venezuela in the last 6 years. today we face a difficult task of normalizing relations, which should begin with the restoration of borders to date is control over the border as in the hands of the mafia. these are organizations with multinational leadership on with mom and dad duncan. meanwhile, president nicholas medea, he said that by the end of 2022, the people of both countries will receive good news. in addition, if president gustavo petro noted at venezuela and columbia had a joint action plan, which they plan to present at the you and conference on climate champs,
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on the protection of the amazon reinforce other la selva. in addition, the next meeting was scheduled in again with the aim of developing 3 relationship, ominous yes, video g. i believe that the multi lateral and multi polar approach that both present share is common to all of latin america. it will contribute to the development of our region, even if the positions taken by the states, all their structure will be different. but the countries will be able to maintain unity. oh, this is because there is the demand for development among the peoples of our region . such an approach will allow not only latin american countries, but also the whole world to move forward in the name of fraternal relations between people. so the not to states and european countries are ignoring elements of nuclear black male from kiya that is, according to russia's defense minister surrogate show, who added that kia continues to conduct quote, terrorist attacks and has been shelling civilian areas. it comes as local authorities say at least 3 civilians were killed in ukraine's latest attack on don
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. yes, city on wednesday, official stating that nato artillery was used in the strife on civilian areas, adding that a children's hospital was also hit. let's get this report now from marty's romance coursera. this is, we are on the outskirts of the city of jeanette square. the sounds of war are constant and images like these are absolutely everywhere this house was destroyed by the ukrainian rocket on tuesday. thankfully there were no injuries here right now we can still hear the sounds of fur shelling. the front line is a mere kilometer away from where we are. these people ah right now, saving the remainder of their belongings. their dream, his for this conflict to be over as soon as possible,
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so they can find the live peaceful lives. bill, bill, your bill is deal can roach if the 1st shell flew over the 2nd, flew over to the 3rd fowl. well, you can see for yourself what happened. the roof was broken, the kitchen was smashed, nothing left of the fence. you know what i'm tired of all this. my nerves can't take it off. you do something, they destroy everything every time. so why do anything? is the same for every one here. someone's house was destroyed and some one was killed. it's unbearable. feel good, you know skim than what we are. refugees. we live in hostels. we live anywhere we can talk. everyone wants to go home and see at least something we are told what's to see there. everything is destroyed, only stones are lasted, but it's our home. it belongs to you and no one knows how everything will turn out in the future. civilian casualties here in done that scant in the rest of the dentist republic continued to mount on a daily basis of the last 24 hours. at least 2 people have been killed.
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2 elderly women, 2 people were injured. but as the day progresses, that number may still grow as ukrainian nationalists continue shelling residential areas of the nest people's republic from on casa archie dun ask, no more of the finer details, a more information from a roman culture us report to be found for you at odds, he dot com, appreciate you sharing a time with us here on the russian capital. we are back soon with with
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a center water is thrown in the old hon and the snow falls about oscar. come, this comes with the last dance her, but i feel as we sprung from as ours from them to lower the do it in b c machine you get kicked away in the poly teachers kills on the edge on the brown asia. so was to let them know though for getting a little bulk them in the crucial chest middle school. mostly news, wookey bone is not good. p t d still not what you need to do with the leukemia. well, they need the width of sheet and you video picks, that will be good to go with this. when you go see, show the missed miss. they need to the middle, set them off and you can you bus 15 the can you do it is a little stuck on this. don't see this material bill, but in the stone tossed up,
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even in the so gray unit should update those little bit. just to look me. it doesn't help with them. you have yet to me. she go. she returns again. yes, please. and you'll have to learn this maritza to handle most of his emotional specially to renew the lease is up to engine. you took a little of doing piecemeal. mm. ah, wish she rockin a village is 20 kilometres from mary you boat. it was once a resort by the sea of us all with a population of about $1500.00. the pol,
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7 years, it's been called a ghost village. the as of regimen took it, obey in february 2015, 80 percent of the houses were destroyed and people had to leave the nationalist battalions and the ukrainian army mind the place for 7 years. in march this year with the beginning of the special military operation. the dpr people's militia gain control of the village, russian sap as a working there now. for the 1st time in 70 years, she wrote in a residence have a chance of returning. we have heard of what i'm with. why not? my choice is sure to get us the model. he took all too near donna no, stood up with students, so i feel terrible with each know of shift. mm hm. a piece on the order with those are so annoyed area was spoke with the supposed check. every yard.


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